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101 kFBCvTwinExceptionErr   =   -30500  #no telling what it was
175 kFNSNameNotFoundErr = -29589 #The name with the requested paramters was not found
176 kFNSBadFlattenedSizeErr = -29587 #flattened size didn't match input or was too small
183 kFNSInvalidReferenceErr = -29580 #ref. was NULL or otherwise bad
314 pictureDataErr = -11005 #the picture data was invalid
315 colorsRequestedErr = -11004 #the number of colors requested was illegal
317 pictInfoVerbErr = -11002 #the passed verb was invalid
342 telNoCallbackRef = -10064 #no call back reference was specified, but is required
361 telConfRej = -10043 #conference request was rejected
362 telConfErr = -10042 #conference was not prepared
363 telConfNoLimit = -10041 #no limit was specified but required
413 kAttemptDupCardEntryErr = -9106 #The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry
511 kATSULowLevelErr = -8804 #Used when an error was encountered within the low level ATS
513 kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr = -8802 #Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw
515 kATSUInvalidCacheErr = -8800 #Used when an attempt was made to read in style data
516 kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr = -8799 #Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that
517 kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr = -8798 #Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a
518 kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr = -8797 #Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with
519 kATSUInvalidFontErr = -8796 #Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID.
523 kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr = -8792 #An attempt was made to extract information
524 kATSUInvalidStyleErr = -8791 #An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which
525 kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr = -8790 #An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayout
612 kUSBNotHandled = -6987 #Notification was not handled (same as NotFound)
697 gestaltUndefSelectorErr = -5551 #undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
740 afpSameNodeErr = -5063 #An Attempt was made to connect to a file server running on the same machine
768 afpCallNotSupported = -5024 #Unsupported AFP call was made
772 afpRangeNotLocked = -5020 #Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user
773 afpParmErr = -5019 #A specified parameter was out of allowable range
787 afpCantMove = -5005 #Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified
819 cmInvalidDstMap = -4211 #Destination pix/bit map was invalid
820 cmInvalidSrcMap = -4210 #Source pix/bit map was invalid
913 kEWOULDBLOCKErr = -3234 #Call would block, so was aborted
932 kOTCanceledErr = -3180 #XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED) The command was cancelled
942 kOTBadNameErr = -3170 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME) A bad endpoint name was supplied
947 kOTBadFlagErr = -3165 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG) A Bad flag value was supplied
953 kOTBadDataErr = -3159 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA) An illegal amount of data was specified
958 kOTNoAddressErr = -3154 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR) No address was specified
961 kOTBadOptionErr = -3151 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT) A Bad option was specified
962 kOTBadAddressErr = -3150 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR) A Bad address was specified
986 cfragClosureIDErr = -2829 #The closure ID was not valid.
987 cfragContainerIDErr = -2828 #The fragment container ID was not valid.
988 cfragNoRegistrationErr = -2827 #The registration name was not found.
989 cfragNotClosureErr = -2826 #The closure ID was actually a connection ID.
990 cfragFileSizeErr = -2825 #A file was too large to be mapped.
995 cfragFragmentCorruptErr = -2820 #A fragment's container was corrupt (known format).
1001 cfragImportTooNewErr = -2814 #An import library was too new for a client.
1002 cfragImportTooOldErr = -2813 #An import library was too old for a client.
1007 cfragNoPositionErr = -2808 #The registration insertion point was not found.
1010 cfragDupRegistrationErr = -2805 #The registration name was already in use.
1011 cfragNoLibraryErr = -2804 #The named library was not found.
1012 cfragNoSectionErr = -2803 #The specified section was not found.
1013 cfragNoSymbolErr = -2802 #The specified symbol was not found.
1014 cfragConnectionIDErr = -2801 #The connection ID was not valid.
1028 OSASyntaxTypeError = -2741 #Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")
1047 nrTransactionAborted = -2556 #transaction was aborted
1048 nrExitedIteratorScope = -2555 #outer scope of iterator was exited
1278 dragNotAcceptedErr = -1857 #drag was
1327 errAEParamMissed = -1715 #a required parameter was not accessed
1333 errAEReplyNotValid = -1709 #AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter
1334 errAEEventNotHandled = -1708 #the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler
1349 errFSBadItemCount = -1418 #maximumItems was zero
1353 errFSMissingName = -1411 #A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero
1357 errFSMissingCatInfo = -1406 #A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL
1359 errFSBadForkRef = -1404 #A ForkRefNum parameter was bad
1360 errFSBadBuffer = -1403 #A buffer parameter was bad
1378 errAborted = -1279 #control call was aborted
1384 errOpenDenied = -1273 #open connection request was denied
1429 sessClosedErr = -917 #session was closed
1430 portClosedErr = -916 #port was closed
1449 hmCloseViewActive = -863 #Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active
1450 hmNoBalloonUp = -862 #Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made
1453 hmWrongVersion = -858 #Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version
1457 hmBalloonAborted = -853 #Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect
1458 hmHelpDisabled = -850 #Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignored
1476 icConfigNotFoundErr = -674 #no internet configuration was found
1480 icTruncatedErr = -670 #more data was present than was returned
1515 driverHardwareGoneErr = -503 #disk driver's hardware was disconnected
1550 smOffsetErr = -348 #Offset was too big (temporary error
1551 smByteLanesErr = -347 #NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.
1552 smBadsPtrErr = -346 #Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer
1570 smBadBoardId = -319 #BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.
1573 smInitStatVErr = -316 #The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
1580 smBLFieldBad = -309 #ByteLanes field was bad.
1633 badFileFormat = -208 #was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt
1692 memAdrErr = -110 #address was odd; or out of range
1693 nilHandleErr = -109 #Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other
1735 fsRnErr = -59 #file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.
1741 volOffLinErr = -53 #volume not on line error (was Ejected)