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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <set>
      9 #include <string>
     11 #include "base/logging.h"
     12 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     13 #include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
     14 #include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data.h"
     15 #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_item_view.h"
     17 using ui::OSExchangeData;
     19 namespace gfx {
     20 class Font;
     21 }
     23 namespace ui {
     24 class Accelerator;
     25 }
     27 namespace views {
     29 class MenuButton;
     31 // MenuDelegate --------------------------------------------------------------
     33 // Delegate for a menu. This class is used as part of MenuItemView, see it
     34 // for details.
     35 // TODO(sky): merge this with ui::MenuModel.
     36 class VIEWS_EXPORT MenuDelegate {
     37  public:
     38   // Used during drag and drop to indicate where the drop indicator should
     39   // be rendered.
     40   enum DropPosition {
     41     DROP_UNKNOWN = -1,
     43     // Indicates a drop is not allowed here.
     44     DROP_NONE,
     46     // Indicates the drop should occur before the item.
     47     DROP_BEFORE,
     49     // Indicates the drop should occur after the item.
     50     DROP_AFTER,
     52     // Indicates the drop should occur on the item.
     53     DROP_ON
     54   };
     56   virtual ~MenuDelegate();
     58   // Whether or not an item should be shown as checked. This is invoked for
     59   // radio buttons and check buttons.
     60   virtual bool IsItemChecked(int id) const;
     62   // The string shown for the menu item. This is only invoked when an item is
     63   // added with an empty label.
     64   virtual string16 GetLabel(int id) const;
     66   // The font for the menu item label.
     67   virtual const gfx::Font* GetLabelFont(int id) const;
     69   // Override the text color of a given menu item dependent on the
     70   // |command_id| and its |is_hovered| state. Returns true if it chooses to
     71   // override the color.
     72   virtual bool GetForegroundColor(int command_id,
     73                                   bool is_hovered,
     74                                   SkColor* override_color) const;
     76   // Override the background color of a given menu item dependent on the
     77   // |command_id| and its |is_hovered| state. Returns true if it chooses to
     78   // override the color.
     79   virtual bool GetBackgroundColor(int command_id,
     80                                   bool is_hovered,
     81                                   SkColor* override_color) const;
     83   // The tooltip shown for the menu item. This is invoked when the user
     84   // hovers over the item, and no tooltip text has been set for that item.
     85   virtual string16 GetTooltipText(int id, const gfx::Point& screen_loc) const;
     87   // If there is an accelerator for the menu item with id |id| it is set in
     88   // |accelerator| and true is returned.
     89   virtual bool GetAccelerator(int id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator);
     91   // Shows the context menu with the specified id. This is invoked when the
     92   // user does the appropriate gesture to show a context menu. The id
     93   // identifies the id of the menu to show the context menu for.
     94   // is_mouse_gesture is true if this is the result of a mouse gesture.
     95   // If this is not the result of a mouse gesture |p| is the recommended
     96   // location to display the content menu at. In either case, |p| is in
     97   // screen coordinates.
     98   // Returns true if a context menu was displayed, otherwise false
     99   virtual bool ShowContextMenu(MenuItemView* source,
    100                                int id,
    101                                const gfx::Point& p,
    102                                ui::MenuSourceType source_type);
    104   // Controller
    105   virtual bool SupportsCommand(int id) const;
    106   virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(int id) const;
    107   virtual bool GetContextualLabel(int id, string16* out) const;
    108   virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id) {
    109   }
    111   // If nested menus are showing (nested menus occur when a menu shows a context
    112   // menu) this is invoked to determine if all the menus should be closed when
    113   // the user selects the menu with the command |id|. This returns true to
    114   // indicate that all menus should be closed. Return false if only the
    115   // context menu should be closed.
    116   virtual bool ShouldCloseAllMenusOnExecute(int id);
    118   // Executes the specified command. mouse_event_flags give the flags of the
    119   // mouse event that triggered this to be invoked (ui::MouseEvent
    120   // flags). mouse_event_flags is 0 if this is triggered by a user gesture
    121   // other than a mouse event.
    122   virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id, int mouse_event_flags);
    124   // Returns true if ExecuteCommand() should be invoked while leaving the
    125   // menu open. Default implementation returns true.
    126   virtual bool ShouldExecuteCommandWithoutClosingMenu(int id,
    127                                                       const ui::Event& e);
    129   // Returns true if the specified event is one the user can use to trigger, or
    130   // accept, the item. Defaults to left or right mouse buttons or tap.
    131   virtual bool IsTriggerableEvent(MenuItemView* view, const ui::Event& e);
    133   // Invoked to determine if drops can be accepted for a submenu. This is
    134   // ONLY invoked for menus that have submenus and indicates whether or not
    135   // a drop can occur on any of the child items of the item. For example,
    136   // consider the following menu structure:
    137   //
    138   // A
    139   //   B
    140   //   C
    141   //
    142   // Where A has a submenu with children B and C. This is ONLY invoked for
    143   // A, not B and C.
    144   //
    146   // To restrict which children can be dropped on override GetDropOperation.
    147   virtual bool CanDrop(MenuItemView* menu, const OSExchangeData& data);
    149   // See view for a description of this method.
    150   virtual bool GetDropFormats(
    151       MenuItemView* menu,
    152       int* formats,
    153       std::set<OSExchangeData::CustomFormat>* custom_formats);
    155   // See view for a description of this method.
    156   virtual bool AreDropTypesRequired(MenuItemView* menu);
    158   // Returns the drop operation for the specified target menu item. This is
    159   // only invoked if CanDrop returned true for the parent menu. position
    160   // is set based on the location of the mouse, reset to specify a different
    161   // position.
    162   //
    163   // If a drop should not be allowed, returned ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE.
    164   virtual int GetDropOperation(MenuItemView* item,
    165                                const ui::DropTargetEvent& event,
    166                                DropPosition* position);
    168   // Invoked to perform the drop operation. This is ONLY invoked if CanDrop()
    169   // returned true for the parent menu item, and GetDropOperation() returned an
    170   // operation other than ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE.
    171   //
    172   // |menu| is the menu the drop occurred on.
    173   virtual int OnPerformDrop(MenuItemView* menu,
    174                             DropPosition position,
    175                             const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
    177   // Invoked to determine if it is possible for the user to drag the specified
    178   // menu item.
    179   virtual bool CanDrag(MenuItemView* menu);
    181   // Invoked to write the data for a drag operation to data. sender is the
    182   // MenuItemView being dragged.
    183   virtual void WriteDragData(MenuItemView* sender, OSExchangeData* data);
    185   // Invoked to determine the drag operations for a drag session of sender.
    186   // See DragDropTypes for possible values.
    187   virtual int GetDragOperations(MenuItemView* sender);
    189   // Notification the menu has closed. This is only sent when running the
    190   // menu for a drop.
    191   virtual void DropMenuClosed(MenuItemView* menu) {
    192   }
    194   // Notification that the user has highlighted the specified item.
    195   virtual void SelectionChanged(MenuItemView* menu) {
    196   }
    198   // If the user drags the mouse outside the bounds of the menu the delegate
    199   // is queried for a sibling menu to show. If this returns non-null the
    200   // current menu is hidden, and the menu returned from this method is shown.
    201   //
    202   // The delegate owns the returned menu, not the controller.
    203   virtual MenuItemView* GetSiblingMenu(MenuItemView* menu,
    204                                        const gfx::Point& screen_point,
    205                                        MenuItemView::AnchorPosition* anchor,
    206                                        bool* has_mnemonics,
    207                                        MenuButton** button);
    209   // Returns the max width menus can grow to be.
    210   virtual int GetMaxWidthForMenu(MenuItemView* menu);
    212   // Invoked prior to a menu being shown.
    213   virtual void WillShowMenu(MenuItemView* menu);
    215   // Invoked prior to a menu being hidden.
    216   virtual void WillHideMenu(MenuItemView* menu);
    218   // Returns additional horizontal spacing for the icon of the given item.
    219   // The |command_id| specifies the item of interest, the |icon_size| tells the
    220   // function the size of the icon and it will then return |left_margin|
    221   // and |right_margin| accordingly. Note: Negative values can be returned.
    222   virtual void GetHorizontalIconMargins(int command_id,
    223                                         int icon_size,
    224                                         int* left_margin,
    225                                         int* right_margin) const;
    226   // Returns true if the labels should reserve additional spacing for e.g.
    227   // submenu indicators at the end of the line.
    228   virtual bool ShouldReserveSpaceForSubmenuIndicator() const;
    229 };
    231 }  // namespace views