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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "thread_pool.h"
     19 #include "base/casts.h"
     20 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     21 #include "runtime.h"
     22 #include "thread.h"
     24 namespace art {
     26 static constexpr bool kMeasureWaitTime = false;
     28 ThreadPoolWorker::ThreadPoolWorker(ThreadPool* thread_pool, const std::string& name,
     29                                    size_t stack_size)
     30     : thread_pool_(thread_pool),
     31       name_(name),
     32       stack_size_(stack_size) {
     33   const char* reason = "new thread pool worker thread";
     34   pthread_attr_t attr;
     35   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_attr_init, (&attr), reason);
     36   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_attr_setstacksize, (&attr, stack_size), reason);
     37   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_create, (&pthread_, &attr, &Callback, this), reason);
     38   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_attr_destroy, (&attr), reason);
     39 }
     41 ThreadPoolWorker::~ThreadPoolWorker() {
     42   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_join, (pthread_, NULL), "thread pool worker shutdown");
     43 }
     45 void ThreadPoolWorker::Run() {
     46   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
     47   Task* task = NULL;
     48   thread_pool_->creation_barier_.Wait(self);
     49   while ((task = thread_pool_->GetTask(self)) != NULL) {
     50     task->Run(self);
     51     task->Finalize();
     52   }
     53 }
     55 void* ThreadPoolWorker::Callback(void* arg) {
     56   ThreadPoolWorker* worker = reinterpret_cast<ThreadPoolWorker*>(arg);
     57   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
     58   CHECK(runtime->AttachCurrentThread(worker->name_.c_str(), true, NULL, false));
     59   // Do work until its time to shut down.
     60   worker->Run();
     61   runtime->DetachCurrentThread();
     62   return NULL;
     63 }
     65 void ThreadPool::AddTask(Thread* self, Task* task) {
     66   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
     67   tasks_.push_back(task);
     68   // If we have any waiters, signal one.
     69   if (started_ && waiting_count_ != 0) {
     70     task_queue_condition_.Signal(self);
     71   }
     72 }
     74 ThreadPool::ThreadPool(size_t num_threads)
     75   : task_queue_lock_("task queue lock"),
     76     task_queue_condition_("task queue condition", task_queue_lock_),
     77     completion_condition_("task completion condition", task_queue_lock_),
     78     started_(false),
     79     shutting_down_(false),
     80     waiting_count_(0),
     81     start_time_(0),
     82     total_wait_time_(0),
     83     // Add one since the caller of constructor waits on the barrier too.
     84     creation_barier_(num_threads + 1),
     85     max_active_workers_(num_threads) {
     86   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
     87   while (GetThreadCount() < num_threads) {
     88     const std::string name = StringPrintf("Thread pool worker %zu", GetThreadCount());
     89     threads_.push_back(new ThreadPoolWorker(this, name, ThreadPoolWorker::kDefaultStackSize));
     90   }
     91   // Wait for all of the threads to attach.
     92   creation_barier_.Wait(self);
     93 }
     95 void ThreadPool::SetMaxActiveWorkers(size_t threads) {
     96   MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), task_queue_lock_);
     97   CHECK_LE(threads, GetThreadCount());
     98   max_active_workers_ = threads;
     99 }
    101 ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() {
    102   {
    103     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    104     MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    105     // Tell any remaining workers to shut down.
    106     shutting_down_ = true;
    107     // Broadcast to everyone waiting.
    108     task_queue_condition_.Broadcast(self);
    109     completion_condition_.Broadcast(self);
    110   }
    111   // Wait for the threads to finish.
    112   STLDeleteElements(&threads_);
    113 }
    115 void ThreadPool::StartWorkers(Thread* self) {
    116   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    117   started_ = true;
    118   task_queue_condition_.Broadcast(self);
    119   start_time_ = NanoTime();
    120   total_wait_time_ = 0;
    121 }
    123 void ThreadPool::StopWorkers(Thread* self) {
    124   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    125   started_ = false;
    126 }
    128 Task* ThreadPool::GetTask(Thread* self) {
    129   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    130   while (!IsShuttingDown()) {
    131     const size_t thread_count = GetThreadCount();
    132     // Ensure that we don't use more threads than the maximum active workers.
    133     const size_t active_threads = thread_count - waiting_count_;
    134     // <= since self is considered an active worker.
    135     if (active_threads <= max_active_workers_) {
    136       Task* task = TryGetTaskLocked(self);
    137       if (task != NULL) {
    138         return task;
    139       }
    140     }
    142     ++waiting_count_;
    143     if (waiting_count_ == GetThreadCount() && tasks_.empty()) {
    144       // We may be done, lets broadcast to the completion condition.
    145       completion_condition_.Broadcast(self);
    146     }
    147     const uint64_t wait_start = kMeasureWaitTime ? NanoTime() : 0;
    148     task_queue_condition_.Wait(self);
    149     if (kMeasureWaitTime) {
    150       const uint64_t wait_end = NanoTime();
    151       total_wait_time_ += wait_end - std::max(wait_start, start_time_);
    152     }
    153     --waiting_count_;
    154   }
    156   // We are shutting down, return NULL to tell the worker thread to stop looping.
    157   return NULL;
    158 }
    160 Task* ThreadPool::TryGetTask(Thread* self) {
    161   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    162   return TryGetTaskLocked(self);
    163 }
    165 Task* ThreadPool::TryGetTaskLocked(Thread* self) {
    166   if (started_ && !tasks_.empty()) {
    167     Task* task = tasks_.front();
    168     tasks_.pop_front();
    169     return task;
    170   }
    171   return NULL;
    172 }
    174 void ThreadPool::Wait(Thread* self, bool do_work, bool may_hold_locks) {
    175   if (do_work) {
    176     Task* task = NULL;
    177     while ((task = TryGetTask(self)) != NULL) {
    178       task->Run(self);
    179       task->Finalize();
    180     }
    181   }
    182   // Wait until each thread is waiting and the task list is empty.
    183   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    184   while (!shutting_down_ && (waiting_count_ != GetThreadCount() || !tasks_.empty())) {
    185     if (!may_hold_locks) {
    186       completion_condition_.Wait(self);
    187     } else {
    188       completion_condition_.WaitHoldingLocks(self);
    189     }
    190   }
    191 }
    193 size_t ThreadPool::GetTaskCount(Thread* self) {
    194   MutexLock mu(self, task_queue_lock_);
    195   return tasks_.size();
    196 }
    198 WorkStealingWorker::WorkStealingWorker(ThreadPool* thread_pool, const std::string& name,
    199                                        size_t stack_size)
    200     : ThreadPoolWorker(thread_pool, name, stack_size), task_(NULL) {}
    202 void WorkStealingWorker::Run() {
    203   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    204   Task* task = NULL;
    205   WorkStealingThreadPool* thread_pool = down_cast<WorkStealingThreadPool*>(thread_pool_);
    206   while ((task = thread_pool_->GetTask(self)) != NULL) {
    207     WorkStealingTask* stealing_task = down_cast<WorkStealingTask*>(task);
    209     {
    210       CHECK(task_ == NULL);
    211       MutexLock mu(self, thread_pool->work_steal_lock_);
    212       // Register that we are running the task
    213       ++stealing_task->ref_count_;
    214       task_ = stealing_task;
    215     }
    216     stealing_task->Run(self);
    217     // Mark ourselves as not running a task so that nobody tries to steal from us.
    218     // There is a race condition that someone starts stealing from us at this point. This is okay
    219     // due to the reference counting.
    220     task_ = NULL;
    222     bool finalize;
    224     // Steal work from tasks until there is none left to steal. Note: There is a race, but
    225     // all that happens when the race occurs is that we steal some work instead of processing a
    226     // task from the queue.
    227     while (thread_pool->GetTaskCount(self) == 0) {
    228       WorkStealingTask* steal_from_task  = NULL;
    230       {
    231         MutexLock mu(self, thread_pool->work_steal_lock_);
    232         // Try finding a task to steal from.
    233         steal_from_task = thread_pool->FindTaskToStealFrom(self);
    234         if (steal_from_task != NULL) {
    235           CHECK_NE(stealing_task, steal_from_task)
    236               << "Attempting to steal from completed self task";
    237           steal_from_task->ref_count_++;
    238         } else {
    239           break;
    240         }
    241       }
    243       if (steal_from_task != NULL) {
    244         // Task which completed earlier is going to steal some work.
    245         stealing_task->StealFrom(self, steal_from_task);
    247         {
    248           // We are done stealing from the task, lets decrement its reference count.
    249           MutexLock mu(self, thread_pool->work_steal_lock_);
    250           finalize = !--steal_from_task->ref_count_;
    251         }
    253         if (finalize) {
    254           steal_from_task->Finalize();
    255         }
    256       }
    257     }
    259     {
    260       MutexLock mu(self, thread_pool->work_steal_lock_);
    261       // If nobody is still referencing task_ we can finalize it.
    262       finalize = !--stealing_task->ref_count_;
    263     }
    265     if (finalize) {
    266       stealing_task->Finalize();
    267     }
    268   }
    269 }
    271 WorkStealingWorker::~WorkStealingWorker() {}
    273 WorkStealingThreadPool::WorkStealingThreadPool(size_t num_threads)
    274     : ThreadPool(0),
    275       work_steal_lock_("work stealing lock"),
    276       steal_index_(0) {
    277   while (GetThreadCount() < num_threads) {
    278     const std::string name = StringPrintf("Work stealing worker %zu", GetThreadCount());
    279     threads_.push_back(new WorkStealingWorker(this, name, ThreadPoolWorker::kDefaultStackSize));
    280   }
    281 }
    283 WorkStealingTask* WorkStealingThreadPool::FindTaskToStealFrom(Thread* self) {
    284   const size_t thread_count = GetThreadCount();
    285   for (size_t i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
    286     // TODO: Use CAS instead of lock.
    287     ++steal_index_;
    288     if (steal_index_ >= thread_count) {
    289       steal_index_-= thread_count;
    290     }
    292     WorkStealingWorker* worker = down_cast<WorkStealingWorker*>(threads_[steal_index_]);
    293     WorkStealingTask* task = worker->task_;
    294     if (task) {
    295       // Not null, we can probably steal from this worker.
    296       return task;
    297     }
    298   }
    299   // Couldn't find something to steal.
    300   return NULL;
    301 }
    303 WorkStealingThreadPool::~WorkStealingThreadPool() {}
    305 }  // namespace art