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      1 /* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3  * found in the LICENSE file.
      4  */
      6 /* From pp_completion_callback.idl modified Thu May  9 14:59:57 2013. */
     11 #include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h"
     12 #include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
     14 /**
     15  * @file
     16  * This file defines the API to create and run a callback.
     17  */
     20 /**
     21  * @addtogroup Typedefs
     22  * @{
     23  */
     24 /**
     25  * This typedef defines the signature that you implement to receive callbacks
     26  * on asynchronous completion of an operation.
     27  *
     28  * @param[in] user_data A pointer to user data passed to a callback function.
     29  * @param[in] result If result is 0 (PP_OK), the operation succeeded.  Negative
     30  * values (other than -1 or PP_OK_COMPLETE) indicate error and are specified
     31  * in pp_errors.h. Positive values for result usually indicate success and have
     32  * some operation-dependent meaning (such as bytes read).
     33  */
     34 typedef void (*PP_CompletionCallback_Func)(void* user_data, int32_t result);
     35 /**
     36  * @}
     37  */
     39 /**
     40  * @addtogroup Enums
     41  * @{
     42  */
     43 /**
     44  * This enumeration contains flags used to control how non-NULL callbacks are
     45  * scheduled by asynchronous methods.
     46  */
     47 typedef enum {
     48   /**
     49    * By default any non-NULL callback will always invoked asynchronously,
     50    * on success or error, even if the operation could complete synchronously
     51    * without blocking.
     52    *
     53    * The method taking such callback will always return PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING.
     54    * The callback will be invoked on the same thread on which the method was
     55    * invoked.
     56    *
     57    * NOTE: If the method taking the callback is invoked on a background
     58    * thread that has no valid PPB_MessageLoop resource attached, the system has
     59    * no way to run the callback on the correct thread. In this case, a log
     60    * message will be emitted and the plugin will be made to crash.
     61    */
     63   /**
     64    * This flag allows any method taking such callback to complete synchronously
     65    * and not call the callback if the operation would not block. This is useful
     66    * when performance is an issue, and the operation bandwidth should not be
     67    * limited to the processing speed of the message loop.
     68    *
     69    * On synchronous method completion, the completion result will be returned
     70    * by the method itself. Otherwise, the method will return
     71    * PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING, and the callback will be invoked asynchronously on
     72    * the same thread on which the method was invoked. If there is no valid
     73    * PPB_MessageLoop attached to that thread, and the callback would normally
     74    * run asynchronously, the invoked method will return
     76    */
     78 } PP_CompletionCallback_Flag;
     79 PP_COMPILE_ASSERT_SIZE_IN_BYTES(PP_CompletionCallback_Flag, 4);
     80 /**
     81  * @}
     82  */
     84 /**
     85  * @addtogroup Structs
     86  * @{
     87  */
     88 /**
     89  * <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> is a common mechanism for supporting
     90  * potentially asynchronous calls in browser interfaces. Any method that takes a
     91  * <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> can be used in one of three different
     92  * ways:
     93  *   - Required: The callback will always be invoked asynchronously on the
     94  *               thread where the associated PPB method was invoked. The method
     95  *               will always return PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING when a required
     96  *               callback, and the callback will be invoked later (barring
     97  *               system or thread shutdown; see PPB_MessageLoop for details).
     98  *               Required callbacks are the default.
     99  *               <br /><br />
    100  *               NOTE: If you use a required callback on a background thread,
    101  *               you must have created and attached a PPB_MessageLoop.
    102  *               Otherwise, the system can not run your callback on that thread,
    103  *               and will instead emit a log message and crash your plugin to
    104  *               make the problem more obvious.
    105  *
    106  *   - Optional: The callback may be invoked asynchronously, or the PPB method
    107  *               may complete synchronously if it can do so without blocking.
    108  *               If the method will complete asynchronously, it will return
    109  *               PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING. Otherwise, it will complete
    110  *               synchronously and return an appropriate code (see below for
    111  *               more information on the return code). Optional callbacks are
    112  *               generally more difficult to use correctly than Required
    113  *               callbacks, but can provide better performance for some APIs
    114  *               (especially APIs with buffered reads, such as PPB_URLLoader or
    115  *               PPB_FileIO).
    116  *               <br /><br />
    117  *               NOTE: If you use an optional callback on a background thread,
    118  *               and you have not created and attached a PPB_MessageLoop, then
    119  *               the method you invoke will fail without running and return
    120  *               PP_ERROR_NO_MESSAGE_LOOP.
    121  *
    122  *   - Blocking: In this case, the callback's function pointer is NULL, and the
    123  *               invoked method must complete synchronously. The method will
    124  *               run to completion and return an appropriate code when finished
    125  *               (see below for more information). Blocking completion
    126  *               callbacks are only supported on background threads.
    127  *               <br /><br />
    128  *               <code>PP_BlockUntilComplete()</code> provides a convenient way
    129  *               to specify blocking behavior. Refer to
    130  *               <code>PP_BlockUntilComplete</code> for more information.
    131  *
    132  * When the callback is run asynchronously, the result parameter passed to
    133  * <code>func</code> is an int32_t that, if negative indicates an error code
    134  * whose meaning is specific to the calling method (refer to
    135  * <code>pp_error.h</code> for further information). A positive or 0 value is a
    136  * return result indicating success whose meaning depends on the calling method
    137  * (e.g. number of bytes read).
    138  */
    139 struct PP_CompletionCallback {
    140   /**
    141    * This value is a callback function that will be called, or NULL if this is
    142    * a blocking completion callback.
    143    */
    144   PP_CompletionCallback_Func func;
    145   /**
    146    * This value is a pointer to user data passed to a callback function.
    147    */
    148   void* user_data;
    149   /**
    150    * Flags used to control how non-NULL callbacks are scheduled by
    151    * asynchronous methods.
    152    */
    153   int32_t flags;
    154 };
    155 /**
    156  * @}
    157  */
    159 #include <stdlib.h>
    161 /**
    162  * @addtogroup Functions
    163  * @{
    164  */
    165 /**
    166  * PP_MakeCompletionCallback() is used to create a
    167  * <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code>.
    168  *
    169  * <strong>Example, creating a Required callback:</strong>
    170  *
    171  * @code
    172  * struct PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(Foo, NULL);
    173  * @endcode
    174  *
    175  * <strong>Example, creating an Optional callback:</strong>
    176  *
    177  * @code
    178  * struct PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(Foo, NULL);
    179  * cc.flags = cc.flags | PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_OPTIONAL;
    180  * @endcode
    181  *
    182  * @param[in] func A <code>PP_CompletionCallback_Func</code> that will be
    183  * called.
    184  * @param[in] user_data A pointer to user data passed to your callback
    185  * function. This is optional and is typically used to help track state
    186  * when you may have multiple callbacks pending.
    187  *
    188  * @return A <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> structure.
    189  */
    190 PP_INLINE struct PP_CompletionCallback PP_MakeCompletionCallback(
    191     PP_CompletionCallback_Func func,
    192     void* user_data) {
    193   struct PP_CompletionCallback cc;
    194   cc.func = func;
    195   cc.user_data = user_data;
    197   return cc;
    198 }
    200 /**
    201  * PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback() is used to create a PP_CompletionCallback
    203  *
    204  * @param[in] func A PP_CompletionCallback_Func to be called on completion.
    205  * @param[in] user_data A pointer to user data passed to be passed to the
    206  * callback function. This is optional and is typically used to help track state
    207  * in case of multiple pending callbacks.
    208  *
    209  * @return A PP_CompletionCallback structure.
    210  */
    211 PP_INLINE struct PP_CompletionCallback PP_MakeOptionalCompletionCallback(
    212     PP_CompletionCallback_Func func,
    213     void* user_data) {
    214   struct PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(func, user_data);
    215   cc.flags = cc.flags | PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_OPTIONAL;
    216   return cc;
    217 }
    218 /**
    219  * @}
    220  */
    222 /**
    223  * @addtogroup Functions
    224  * @{
    225  */
    227 /**
    228  * PP_RunCompletionCallback() is used to run a callback. It invokes
    229  * the callback function passing it user data specified on creation and
    230  * completion |result|.
    231  *
    232  * @param[in] cc A pointer to a <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> that will be
    233  * run.
    234  * @param[in] result The result of the operation. Non-positive values correspond
    235  * to the error codes from pp_errors.h (excluding PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING).
    236  * Positive values indicate additional information such as bytes read.
    237  */
    238 PP_INLINE void PP_RunCompletionCallback(struct PP_CompletionCallback* cc,
    239                                         int32_t result) {
    240   cc->func(cc->user_data, result);
    241 }
    243 /**
    244  * @}
    245  */
    247 /**
    248  * @addtogroup Functions
    249  * @{
    250  */
    252  /**
    253  * PP_BlockUntilComplete() is used in place of an actual completion callback
    254  * to request blocking behavior. If specified, the calling thread will block
    255  * until the function completes. Blocking completion callbacks are only allowed
    256  * from background threads.
    257  *
    258  * @return A <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> structure.
    259  */
    260 PP_INLINE struct PP_CompletionCallback PP_BlockUntilComplete(void) {
    261   return PP_MakeCompletionCallback(NULL, NULL);
    262 }
    264 /**
    265  * PP_RunAndClearCompletionCallback() runs a callback and clears the reference
    266  * to that callback.
    267  *
    268  * This function is used when the null-ness of a completion callback is used as
    269  * a signal for whether a completion callback has been registered. In this
    270  * case, after the execution of the callback, it should be cleared. However,
    271  * this introduces a conflict if the completion callback wants to schedule more
    272  * work that involves the same completion callback again (for example, when
    273  * reading data from an URLLoader, one would typically queue up another read
    274  * callback). As a result, this function clears the pointer
    275  * before the provided callback is executed.
    276  */
    277 PP_INLINE void PP_RunAndClearCompletionCallback(
    278     struct PP_CompletionCallback* cc,
    279     int32_t res) {
    280   struct PP_CompletionCallback temp = *cc;
    281   *cc = PP_BlockUntilComplete();
    282   PP_RunCompletionCallback(&temp, res);
    283 }
    284 /**
    285  * @}
    286  */
    288 #endif  /* PPAPI_C_PP_COMPLETION_CALLBACK_H_ */