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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #ifndef _VM_ENC_WRAPPER_H_
     18 #define _VM_ENC_WRAPPER_H_
     20 #include "enc_defs_ext.h"
     22 extern bool dump_x86_inst;
     23 typedef enum PhysicalReg {
     24   PhysicalReg_EAX = 0, PhysicalReg_EBX, PhysicalReg_ECX, PhysicalReg_EDX,
     25   PhysicalReg_EDI, PhysicalReg_ESI, PhysicalReg_ESP, PhysicalReg_EBP,
     26   PhysicalReg_XMM0, PhysicalReg_XMM1, PhysicalReg_XMM2, PhysicalReg_XMM3,
     27   PhysicalReg_XMM4, PhysicalReg_XMM5, PhysicalReg_XMM6, PhysicalReg_XMM7,
     28   PhysicalReg_ST0,  PhysicalReg_ST1, PhysicalReg_ST2,  PhysicalReg_ST3,
     29   PhysicalReg_ST4, PhysicalReg_ST5, PhysicalReg_ST6, PhysicalReg_ST7,
     30   PhysicalReg_Null,
     31   //used as scratch logical register in NCG O1
     32   //should not overlap with regular logical register, start from 100
     33   PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_1 = 100, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_2, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_3, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_4,
     34   PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_5, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_6, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_7, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_8,
     35   PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_9, PhysicalReg_SCRATCH_10,
     36   PhysicalReg_GLUE_DVMDEX = 900,
     37   PhysicalReg_GLUE = 901
     38 } PhysicalReg;
     40 typedef enum Reg_No {
     41 #ifdef _EM64T_
     42     rax_reg = 0,rbx_reg,    rcx_reg,    rdx_reg,
     43     rdi_reg,    rsi_reg,    rsp_reg,    rbp_reg,
     44     r8_reg,     r9_reg,     r10_reg,    r11_reg,
     45     r12_reg,    r13_reg,    r14_reg,    r15_reg,
     46     xmm0_reg,   xmm1_reg,   xmm2_reg,   xmm3_reg,
     47     xmm4_reg,   xmm5_reg,   xmm6_reg,   xmm7_reg,
     48     xmm8_reg,   xmm9_reg,   xmm10_reg,  xmm11_reg,
     49     xmm12_reg,  xmm13_reg,  xmm14_reg,  xmm15_reg,
     51 #else   // !defined(_EM64T_)
     53     eax_reg = 0,ebx_reg,    ecx_reg,    edx_reg,
     54     edi_reg,    esi_reg,    esp_reg,    ebp_reg,
     55     xmm0_reg,   xmm1_reg,   xmm2_reg,   xmm3_reg,
     56     xmm4_reg,   xmm5_reg,   xmm6_reg,   xmm7_reg,
     57     fs_reg,
     58 #endif
     59     /** @brief Total number of registers.*/
     60     n_reg
     61 } Reg_No;
     62 //
     63 // instruction operand sizes: 8,16,32,64 bits
     64 //
     65 typedef enum Opnd_Size {
     66     size_8 = 0,
     67     size_16,
     68     size_32,
     69     size_64,
     70     n_size,
     71 #ifdef _EM64T_
     72     size_platf = size_64
     73 #else
     74     size_platf = size_32
     75 #endif
     76 } Opnd_Size;
     78 //
     79 // opcodes for alu instructions
     80 //
     81 typedef enum ALU_Opcode {
     82     add_opc = 0,or_opc,     adc_opc,    sbb_opc,
     83     and_opc,    sub_opc,    xor_opc,    cmp_opc,
     84     mul_opc,    imul_opc,   div_opc,    idiv_opc,
     85     sll_opc,    srl_opc,    sra_opc, //shift right arithmetic
     86     shl_opc,    shr_opc,
     87     sal_opc,    sar_opc,
     88     neg_opc,    not_opc,    andn_opc,
     89     n_alu
     90 } ALU_Opcode;
     92 typedef enum ConditionCode {
     93     Condition_O     = 0,
     94     Condition_NO    = 1,
     95     Condition_B     = 2,
     96     Condition_NAE   = Condition_B,
     97     Condition_C     = Condition_B,
     98     Condition_NB    = 3,
     99     Condition_AE    = Condition_NB,
    100     Condition_NC    = Condition_NB,
    101     Condition_Z     = 4,
    102     Condition_E     = Condition_Z,
    103     Condition_NZ    = 5,
    104     Condition_NE    = Condition_NZ,
    105     Condition_BE    = 6,
    106     Condition_NA    = Condition_BE,
    107     Condition_NBE   = 7,
    108     Condition_A     = Condition_NBE,
    110     Condition_S     = 8,
    111     Condition_NS    = 9,
    112     Condition_P     = 10,
    113     Condition_PE    = Condition_P,
    114     Condition_NP    = 11,
    115     Condition_PO    = Condition_NP,
    116     Condition_L     = 12,
    117     Condition_NGE   = Condition_L,
    118     Condition_NL    = 13,
    119     Condition_GE    = Condition_NL,
    120     Condition_LE    = 14,
    121     Condition_NG    = Condition_LE,
    122     Condition_NLE   = 15,
    123     Condition_G     = Condition_NLE,
    124     Condition_Count = 16
    125 } ConditionCode;
    127 //
    128 // prefix code
    129 //
    130 typedef enum InstrPrefix {
    131     no_prefix,
    132     lock_prefix                     = 0xF0,
    133     hint_branch_taken_prefix        = 0x2E,
    134     hint_branch_not_taken_prefix    = 0x3E,
    135     prefix_repne                    = 0xF2,
    136     prefix_repnz                    = prefix_repne,
    137     prefix_repe                     = 0xF3,
    138     prefix_repz                     = prefix_repe,
    139     prefix_rep                      = 0xF3,
    140     prefix_cs                       = 0x2E,
    141     prefix_ss                       = 0x36,
    142     prefix_ds                       = 0x3E,
    143     prefix_es                       = 0x26,
    144     prefix_fs                       = 0x64,
    145     prefix_gs                       = 0x65
    146 } InstrPrefix;
    148 //last 2 bits: decide xmm, gp, fs
    149 //virtual, scratch, temp, hard match with ncg_o1_data.h
    150 typedef enum LowOpndRegType {
    151   LowOpndRegType_gp = 0,
    152   LowOpndRegType_fs = 1,
    153   LowOpndRegType_xmm = 2,
    154   LowOpndRegType_fs_s = 3,
    155   LowOpndRegType_ss = 4,
    156   LowOpndRegType_scratch = 8, //used by NCG O1
    157   LowOpndRegType_temp = 16,
    158   LowOpndRegType_hard = 32,   //NCG O1
    159   LowOpndRegType_virtual = 64, //used by NCG O1
    160   LowOpndRegType_glue = 128
    161 } LowOpndRegType;
    163 //if inline, separte enc_wrapper.cpp into two files, one of them is .inl
    164 //           enc_wrapper.cpp needs to handle both cases
    165 #ifdef ENCODER_INLINE
    166     #define ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT inline
    167     #include "enc_wrapper.inl"
    168 #else
    169     #define ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT
    170 #endif
    172 #ifdef __cplusplus
    173 extern "C"
    174 {
    175 #endif
    176 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_imm(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    177                   int imm, char* stream);
    178 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT unsigned encoder_get_inst_size(char * stream);
    179 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_update_imm(int imm, char * stream);
    180 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_mem(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    181                int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, char* stream);
    182 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    183                int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    184 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_reg_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    185                    int reg, bool isPhysical,
    186                    int reg2, bool isPhysical2, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    187 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_mem_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    188                    int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical,
    189                    int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    190 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_mem_scale_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    191                          int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, int index_reg, bool isIndexPhysical, int scale,
    192                          int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    193 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_reg_mem_scale(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    194                          int reg, bool isPhysical,
    195                          int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, int index_reg, bool isIndexPhysical, int scale,
    196                          LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    197 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char * encoder_mem_disp_scale_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    198                          int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, int disp, int index_reg, bool isIndexPhysical, int scale,
    199                          int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char * stream);
    200 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char * encoder_movzs_mem_disp_scale_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    201                          int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, int disp, int index_reg, bool isIndexPhysical, int scale,
    202                          int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char * stream);
    203 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_reg_mem_disp_scale(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    204                          int reg, bool isPhysical,
    205                          int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, int disp, int index_reg, bool isIndexPhysical, int scale,
    206                          LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    207 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_reg_mem(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    208                    int reg, bool isPhysical,
    209                    int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    210 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_imm_reg(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    211                    int imm, int reg, bool isPhysical, LowOpndRegType type, char* stream);
    212 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char * encoder_update_imm_rm(int imm, char * stream);
    213 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_imm_mem(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    214                    int imm,
    215                    int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, char* stream);
    216 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_fp_mem(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size, int reg,
    217                   int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical, char* stream);
    218 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_mem_fp(Mnemonic m, OpndSize size,
    219                   int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical,
    220                   int reg, char* stream);
    221 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_return(char* stream);
    222 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_compare_fp_stack(bool pop, int reg, bool isDouble, char* stream);
    223 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_movez_mem_to_reg(OpndSize size,
    224                       int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical,
    225                       int reg, bool isPhysical, char* stream);
    226 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* encoder_moves_mem_to_reg(OpndSize size,
    227                       int disp, int base_reg, bool isBasePhysical,
    228                       int reg, bool isPhysical, char* stream);
    229 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char * encoder_movez_reg_to_reg(OpndSize size,
    230                       int reg, bool isPhysical, int reg2,
    231                       bool isPhysical2, LowOpndRegType type, char * stream);
    232 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char * encoder_moves_reg_to_reg(OpndSize size,
    233                       int reg, bool isPhysical, int reg2,
    234                       bool isPhysical2, LowOpndRegType type, char * stream);
    235 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT int decodeThenPrint(char* stream_start);
    236 ENCODER_DECLARE_EXPORT char* decoder_disassemble_instr(char* stream, char* strbuf, unsigned int len);
    237 #ifdef __cplusplus
    238 }
    239 #endif
    240 #endif // _VM_ENC_WRAPPER_H_