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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_
      6 #define UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_
      8 #include <map>
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <vector>
     12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     13 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     15 #include "base/observer_list.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     17 #include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
     18 #include "ui/aura/client/window_types.h"
     19 #include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
     20 #include "ui/base/events/event_constants.h"
     21 #include "ui/base/events/event_target.h"
     22 #include "ui/base/gestures/gesture_types.h"
     23 #include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h"
     24 #include "ui/compositor/layer_delegate.h"
     25 #include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h"
     26 #include "ui/compositor/layer_type.h"
     27 #include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
     28 #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
     29 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
     31 namespace gfx {
     32 class Display;
     33 class Transform;
     34 }
     36 namespace ui {
     37 class EventHandler;
     38 class Layer;
     39 class Texture;
     40 }
     42 namespace aura {
     44 class LayoutManager;
     45 class RootWindow;
     46 class WindowDelegate;
     47 class WindowObserver;
     49 // Defined in window_property.h (which we do not include)
     50 template<typename T>
     51 struct WindowProperty;
     53 namespace test {
     54 class WindowTestApi;
     55 }
     57 // Aura window implementation. Interesting events are sent to the
     58 // WindowDelegate.
     59 // TODO(beng): resolve ownership.
     60 class AURA_EXPORT Window : public ui::LayerDelegate,
     61                            public ui::LayerOwner,
     62                            public ui::EventTarget,
     63                            public ui::GestureConsumer {
     64  public:
     65   typedef std::vector<Window*> Windows;
     67   explicit Window(WindowDelegate* delegate);
     68   virtual ~Window();
     70   // Initializes the window. This creates the window's layer.
     71   void Init(ui::LayerType layer_type);
     73   // Creates a new layer for the window. Erases the layer-owned bounds, so the
     74   // caller may wish to set new bounds and other state on the window/layer.
     75   // Returns the old layer, which can be used for animations. Caller owns the
     76   // memory for the returned layer and must delete it when animation completes.
     77   // Returns NULL and does not recreate layer if window does not own its layer.
     78   ui::Layer* RecreateLayer() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
     80   void set_owned_by_parent(bool owned_by_parent) {
     81     owned_by_parent_ = owned_by_parent;
     82   }
     84   // A type is used to identify a class of Windows and customize behavior such
     85   // as event handling and parenting.  This field should only be consumed by the
     86   // shell -- Aura itself shouldn't contain type-specific logic.
     87   client::WindowType type() const { return type_; }
     88   void SetType(client::WindowType type);
     90   int id() const { return id_; }
     91   void set_id(int id) { id_ = id; }
     93   const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
     94   void SetName(const std::string& name);
     96   const base::string16 title() const { return title_; }
     97   void set_title(const base::string16& title) { title_ = title; }
     99   bool transparent() const { return transparent_; }
    100   void SetTransparent(bool transparent);
    102   WindowDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
    104   const gfx::Rect& bounds() const;
    106   Window* parent() { return parent_; }
    107   const Window* parent() const { return parent_; }
    109   // Returns the RootWindow that contains this Window or NULL if the Window is
    110   // not contained by a RootWindow.
    111   virtual RootWindow* GetRootWindow();
    112   virtual const RootWindow* GetRootWindow() const;
    114   // The Window does not own this object.
    115   void set_user_data(void* user_data) { user_data_ = user_data; }
    116   void* user_data() const { return user_data_; }
    118   // Changes the visibility of the window.
    119   void Show();
    120   void Hide();
    121   // Returns true if this window and all its ancestors are visible.
    122   bool IsVisible() const;
    123   // Returns the visibility requested by this window. IsVisible() takes into
    124   // account the visibility of the layer and ancestors, where as this tracks
    125   // whether Show() without a Hide() has been invoked.
    126   bool TargetVisibility() const { return visible_; }
    128   // Returns the window's bounds in root window's coordinates.
    129   gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() const;
    131   // Returns the window's bounds in screen coordinates.
    132   // How the root window's coordinates is mapped to screen's coordinates
    133   // is platform dependent and defined in the implementation of the
    134   // |aura::client::ScreenPositionClient| interface.
    135   gfx::Rect GetBoundsInScreen() const;
    137   virtual void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
    139   // Assigns a LayoutManager to size and place child windows.
    140   // The Window takes ownership of the LayoutManager.
    141   void SetLayoutManager(LayoutManager* layout_manager);
    142   LayoutManager* layout_manager() { return layout_manager_.get(); }
    144   // Changes the bounds of the window. If present, the window's parent's
    145   // LayoutManager may adjust the bounds.
    146   void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);
    148   // Changes the bounds of the window in the screen coordintates.
    149   // If present, the window's parent's LayoutManager may adjust the bounds.
    150   void SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds_in_screen_coords,
    151                          const gfx::Display& dst_display);
    153   // Returns the target bounds of the window. If the window's layer is
    154   // not animating, it simply returns the current bounds.
    155   gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const;
    157   // Marks the a portion of window as needing to be painted.
    158   void SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect);
    160   // Places this window per |root_window|'s stacking client. The final location
    161   // may be a RootWindow other than the one passed in. |root_window| may not be
    162   // NULL. |bounds_in_screen| may be empty; it is more optional context that
    163   // may, but isn't necessarily used.
    164   void SetDefaultParentByRootWindow(RootWindow* root_window,
    165                                     const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);
    167   // Stacks the specified child of this Window at the front of the z-order.
    168   void StackChildAtTop(Window* child);
    170   // Stacks |child| above |target|.  Does nothing if |child| is already above
    171   // |target|.  Does not stack on top of windows with NULL layer delegates,
    172   // see WindowTest.StackingMadrigal for details.
    173   void StackChildAbove(Window* child, Window* target);
    175   // Stacks the specified child of this window at the bottom of the z-order.
    176   void StackChildAtBottom(Window* child);
    178   // Stacks |child| below |target|. Does nothing if |child| is already below
    179   // |target|.
    180   void StackChildBelow(Window* child, Window* target);
    182   // Tree operations.
    183   void AddChild(Window* child);
    184   void RemoveChild(Window* child);
    186   const Windows& children() const { return children_; }
    188   // Returns true if this Window contains |other| somewhere in its children.
    189   bool Contains(const Window* other) const;
    191   // Adds or removes |child| as a transient child of this window. Transient
    192   // children get the following behavior:
    193   // . The transient parent destroys any transient children when it is
    194   //   destroyed. This means a transient child is destroyed if either its parent
    195   //   or transient parent is destroyed.
    196   // . If a transient child and its transient parent share the same parent, then
    197   //   transient children are always ordered above the transient parent.
    198   // Transient windows are typically used for popups and menus.
    199   void AddTransientChild(Window* child);
    200   void RemoveTransientChild(Window* child);
    202   const Windows& transient_children() const { return transient_children_; }
    204   Window* transient_parent() { return transient_parent_; }
    205   const Window* transient_parent() const { return transient_parent_; }
    207   // Retrieves the first-level child with the specified id, or NULL if no first-
    208   // level child is found matching |id|.
    209   Window* GetChildById(int id);
    210   const Window* GetChildById(int id) const;
    212   // Converts |point| from |source|'s coordinates to |target|'s. If |source| is
    213   // NULL, the function returns without modifying |point|. |target| cannot be
    214   // NULL.
    215   static void ConvertPointToTarget(const Window* source,
    216                                    const Window* target,
    217                                    gfx::Point* point);
    219   // Moves the cursor to the specified location relative to the window.
    220   virtual void MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& point_in_window);
    222   // Returns the cursor for the specified point, in window coordinates.
    223   gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor(const gfx::Point& point) const;
    225   // Sets an 'event filter' for the window. An 'event filter' for a Window is
    226   // a pre-target event handler, where the window owns the handler. A window
    227   // can have only one such event filter. Setting a new filter removes and
    228   // destroys any previously installed filter.
    229   void SetEventFilter(ui::EventHandler* event_filter);
    231   // Add/remove observer.
    232   void AddObserver(WindowObserver* observer);
    233   void RemoveObserver(WindowObserver* observer);
    234   bool HasObserver(WindowObserver* observer);
    236   void set_ignore_events(bool ignore_events) { ignore_events_ = ignore_events; }
    238   // Sets the window to grab hits for mouse and touch to an area extending
    239   // -|mouse_insets| and -|touch_insets| pixels outside its bounds. This can be
    240   // used to create an invisible non-client area, for example if your windows
    241   // have no visible frames but still need to have resize edges.
    242   void SetHitTestBoundsOverrideOuter(const gfx::Insets& mouse_insets,
    243                                      const gfx::Insets& touch_insets) {
    244     hit_test_bounds_override_outer_mouse_ = mouse_insets;
    245     hit_test_bounds_override_outer_touch_ = touch_insets;
    246   }
    248   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_outer_touch() const {
    249     return hit_test_bounds_override_outer_touch_;
    250   }
    252   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_outer_mouse() const {
    253     return hit_test_bounds_override_outer_mouse_;
    254   }
    256   // Sets the window to grab hits for an area extending |insets| pixels inside
    257   // its bounds (even if that inner region overlaps a child window). This can be
    258   // used to create an invisible non-client area that overlaps the client area.
    259   void set_hit_test_bounds_override_inner(const gfx::Insets& insets) {
    260     hit_test_bounds_override_inner_ = insets;
    261   }
    262   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_inner() const {
    263     return hit_test_bounds_override_inner_;
    264   }
    266   // Returns true if the |point_in_root| in root window's coordinate falls
    267   // within this window's bounds. Returns false if the window is detached
    268   // from root window.
    269   bool ContainsPointInRoot(const gfx::Point& point_in_root) const;
    271   // Returns true if relative-to-this-Window's-origin |local_point| falls
    272   // within this Window's bounds.
    273   bool ContainsPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point) const;
    275   // Returns true if the mouse pointer at relative-to-this-Window's-origin
    276   // |local_point| can trigger an event for this Window.
    277   // TODO(beng): A Window can supply a hit-test mask to cause some portions of
    278   // itself to not trigger events, causing the events to fall through to the
    279   // Window behind.
    280   bool HitTest(const gfx::Point& local_point);
    282   // Returns the Window that most closely encloses |local_point| for the
    283   // purposes of event targeting.
    284   Window* GetEventHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point);
    286   // Returns the topmost Window with a delegate containing |local_point|.
    287   Window* GetTopWindowContainingPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point);
    289   // Returns this window's toplevel window (the highest-up-the-tree anscestor
    290   // that has a delegate set).  The toplevel window may be |this|.
    291   Window* GetToplevelWindow();
    293   // Claims or relinquishes the claim to focus.
    294   void Focus();
    295   void Blur();
    297   // Returns true if the Window is currently the focused window.
    298   bool HasFocus() const;
    300   // Returns true if the Window can be focused.
    301   virtual bool CanFocus() const;
    303   // Returns true if the Window can receive events.
    304   virtual bool CanReceiveEvents() const;
    306   // Does a capture on the window. This does nothing if the window isn't showing
    307   // (VISIBILITY_SHOWN) or isn't contained in a valid window hierarchy.
    308   void SetCapture();
    310   // Releases a capture.
    311   void ReleaseCapture();
    313   // Returns true if this window has capture.
    314   bool HasCapture();
    316   // Suppresses painting window content by disgarding damaged rect and ignoring
    317   // new paint requests.
    318   void SuppressPaint();
    320   // Sets the |value| of the given window |property|. Setting to the default
    321   // value (e.g., NULL) removes the property. The caller is responsible for the
    322   // lifetime of any object set as a property on the Window.
    323   template<typename T>
    324   void SetProperty(const WindowProperty<T>* property, T value);
    326   // Returns the value of the given window |property|.  Returns the
    327   // property-specific default value if the property was not previously set.
    328   template<typename T>
    329   T GetProperty(const WindowProperty<T>* property) const;
    331   // Sets the |property| to its default value. Useful for avoiding a cast when
    332   // setting to NULL.
    333   template<typename T>
    334   void ClearProperty(const WindowProperty<T>* property);
    336   // NativeWidget::[GS]etNativeWindowProperty use strings as keys, and this is
    337   // difficult to change while retaining compatibility with other platforms.
    338   // TODO(benrg): Find a better solution.
    339   void SetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key, void* value);
    340   void* GetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key) const;
    342   // Type of a function to delete a property that this window owns.
    343   typedef void (*PropertyDeallocator)(int64 value);
    345   // Overridden from ui::LayerDelegate:
    346   virtual void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) OVERRIDE;
    348 #ifndef NDEBUG
    349   // These methods are useful when debugging.
    350   std::string GetDebugInfo() const;
    351   void PrintWindowHierarchy(int depth) const;
    352 #endif
    354  private:
    355   friend class test::WindowTestApi;
    356   friend class LayoutManager;
    358   // Used when stacking windows.
    359   enum StackDirection {
    360     STACK_ABOVE,
    361     STACK_BELOW
    362   };
    364   // Called by the public {Set,Get,Clear}Property functions.
    365   int64 SetPropertyInternal(const void* key,
    366                             const char* name,
    367                             PropertyDeallocator deallocator,
    368                             int64 value,
    369                             int64 default_value);
    370   int64 GetPropertyInternal(const void* key, int64 default_value) const;
    372   // Changes the bounds of the window without condition.
    373   void SetBoundsInternal(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);
    375   // Updates the visible state of the layer, but does not make visible-state
    376   // specific changes. Called from Show()/Hide().
    377   void SetVisible(bool visible);
    379   // Schedules a paint for the Window's entire bounds.
    380   void SchedulePaint();
    382   // Gets a Window (either this one or a subwindow) containing |local_point|.
    383   // If |return_tightest| is true, returns the tightest-containing (i.e.
    384   // furthest down the hierarchy) Window containing the point; otherwise,
    385   // returns the loosest.  If |for_event_handling| is true, then hit-test masks
    386   // are honored; otherwise, only bounds checks are performed.
    387   Window* GetWindowForPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point,
    388                             bool return_tightest,
    389                             bool for_event_handling);
    391   // Implementation of RemoveChild(). If |child| is being removed as the result
    392   // of an add, |new_parent| is the new parent |child| is going to be parented
    393   // to.
    394   void RemoveChildImpl(Window* child, Window* new_parent);
    396   // Called when this window's parent has changed.
    397   void OnParentChanged();
    399   // Determines the real location for stacking |child| and invokes
    400   // StackChildRelativeToImpl().
    401   void StackChildRelativeTo(Window* child,
    402                             Window* target,
    403                             StackDirection direction);
    405   // Implementation of StackChildRelativeTo().
    406   void StackChildRelativeToImpl(Window* child,
    407                                 Window* target,
    408                                 StackDirection direction);
    410   // Called when this window's stacking order among its siblings is changed.
    411   void OnStackingChanged();
    413   // Notifies observers registered with this Window (and its subtree) when the
    414   // Window has been added or is about to be removed from a RootWindow.
    415   void NotifyRemovingFromRootWindow();
    416   void NotifyAddedToRootWindow();
    418   // Methods implementing hierarchy change notifications. See WindowObserver for
    419   // more details.
    420   void NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(
    421       const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params);
    422   // Notifies this window and its child hierarchy.
    423   void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeDown(
    424       const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params);
    425   // Notifies this window and its parent hierarchy.
    426   void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeUp(
    427       const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params);
    428   // Notifies this window's observers.
    429   void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeAtReceiver(
    430       const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params);
    432   // Methods implementing visibility change notifications. See WindowObserver
    433   // for more details.
    434   void NotifyWindowVisibilityChanged(aura::Window* target, bool visible);
    435   // Notifies this window's observers. Returns false if |this| was deleted
    436   // during the call (by an observer), otherwise true.
    437   bool NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedAtReceiver(aura::Window* target,
    438                                                bool visible);
    439   // Notifies this window and its child hierarchy. Returns false if
    440   // |this| was deleted during the call (by an observer), otherwise
    441   // true.
    442   bool NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedDown(aura::Window* target, bool visible);
    443   // Notifies this window and its parent hierarchy.
    444   void NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedUp(aura::Window* target, bool visible);
    446   // Invoked from the closure returned by PrepareForLayerBoundsChange() after
    447   // the bounds of the layer has changed. |old_bounds| is the previous bounds of
    448   // the layer, and |contained_mouse| is true if the mouse was previously within
    449   // the window's bounds.
    450   void OnLayerBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& old_bounds, bool contained_mouse);
    452   // Overridden from ui::LayerDelegate:
    453   virtual void OnPaintLayer(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
    454   virtual base::Closure PrepareForLayerBoundsChange() OVERRIDE;
    456   // Overridden from ui::EventTarget:
    457   virtual bool CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) OVERRIDE;
    458   virtual EventTarget* GetParentTarget() OVERRIDE;
    460   // Updates the layer name with a name based on the window's name and id.
    461   void UpdateLayerName(const std::string& name);
    463   // Returns true if the mouse is currently within our bounds.
    464   bool ContainsMouse();
    466   client::WindowType type_;
    468   // True if the Window is owned by its parent - i.e. it will be deleted by its
    469   // parent during its parents destruction. True is the default.
    470   bool owned_by_parent_;
    472   WindowDelegate* delegate_;
    474   // The Window's parent.
    475   Window* parent_;
    477   // Child windows. Topmost is last.
    478   Windows children_;
    480   // Transient windows.
    481   Windows transient_children_;
    483   Window* transient_parent_;
    485   // The visibility state of the window as set by Show()/Hide(). This may differ
    486   // from the visibility of the underlying layer, which may remain visible after
    487   // the window is hidden (e.g. to animate its disappearance).
    488   bool visible_;
    490   int id_;
    491   std::string name_;
    493   base::string16 title_;
    495   // Whether layer is initialized as non-opaque.
    496   bool transparent_;
    498   scoped_ptr<ui::EventHandler> event_filter_;
    499   scoped_ptr<LayoutManager> layout_manager_;
    501   void* user_data_;
    503   // Makes the window pass all events through to any windows behind it.
    504   bool ignore_events_;
    506   // See set_hit_test_outer_override().
    507   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_outer_mouse_;
    508   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_outer_touch_;
    509   gfx::Insets hit_test_bounds_override_inner_;
    511   ObserverList<WindowObserver> observers_;
    513   // Value struct to keep the name and deallocator for this property.
    514   // Key cannot be used for this purpose because it can be char* or
    515   // WindowProperty<>.
    516   struct Value {
    517     const char* name;
    518     int64 value;
    519     PropertyDeallocator deallocator;
    520   };
    522   std::map<const void*, Value> prop_map_;
    525 };
    527 }  // namespace aura
    529 #endif  // UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_