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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "remoting/protocol/negotiating_client_authenticator.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <sstream>
     10 #include "base/bind.h"
     11 #include "base/callback.h"
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     14 #include "remoting/protocol/channel_authenticator.h"
     15 #include "remoting/protocol/pairing_client_authenticator.h"
     16 #include "remoting/protocol/v2_authenticator.h"
     17 #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlelement.h"
     19 namespace remoting {
     20 namespace protocol {
     22 NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::NegotiatingClientAuthenticator(
     23     const std::string& client_pairing_id,
     24     const std::string& shared_secret,
     25     const std::string& authentication_tag,
     26     const FetchSecretCallback& fetch_secret_callback,
     27     scoped_ptr<ThirdPartyClientAuthenticator::TokenFetcher> token_fetcher,
     28     const std::vector<AuthenticationMethod>& methods)
     29     : NegotiatingAuthenticatorBase(MESSAGE_READY),
     30       client_pairing_id_(client_pairing_id),
     31       shared_secret_(shared_secret),
     32       authentication_tag_(authentication_tag),
     33       fetch_secret_callback_(fetch_secret_callback),
     34       token_fetcher_(token_fetcher.Pass()),
     35       method_set_by_host_(false),
     36       weak_factory_(this) {
     37   DCHECK(!methods.empty());
     38   for (std::vector<AuthenticationMethod>::const_iterator it = methods.begin();
     39        it != methods.end(); ++it) {
     40     AddMethod(*it);
     41   }
     42 }
     44 NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::~NegotiatingClientAuthenticator() {
     45 }
     47 void NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::ProcessMessage(
     48     const buzz::XmlElement* message,
     49     const base::Closure& resume_callback) {
     50   DCHECK_EQ(state(), WAITING_MESSAGE);
     52   std::string method_attr = message->Attr(kMethodAttributeQName);
     53   AuthenticationMethod method = AuthenticationMethod::FromString(method_attr);
     55   // The host picked a method different from the one the client had selected.
     56   if (method != current_method_) {
     57     // The host must pick a method that is valid and supported by the client,
     58     // and it must not change methods after it has picked one.
     59     if (method_set_by_host_ || !method.is_valid() ||
     60         std::find(methods_.begin(), methods_.end(), method) == methods_.end()) {
     61       state_ = REJECTED;
     62       rejection_reason_ = PROTOCOL_ERROR;
     63       resume_callback.Run();
     64       return;
     65     }
     67     current_method_ = method;
     68     method_set_by_host_ = true;
     69     state_ = PROCESSING_MESSAGE;
     71     // Copy the message since the authenticator may process it asynchronously.
     72     base::Closure callback = base::Bind(
     73         &NegotiatingAuthenticatorBase::ProcessMessageInternal,
     74         base::Unretained(this), base::Owned(new buzz::XmlElement(*message)),
     75         resume_callback);
     76     CreateAuthenticatorForCurrentMethod(WAITING_MESSAGE, callback);
     77     return;
     78   }
     79   ProcessMessageInternal(message, resume_callback);
     80 }
     82 scoped_ptr<buzz::XmlElement> NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::GetNextMessage() {
     83   DCHECK_EQ(state(), MESSAGE_READY);
     85   // This is the first message to the host, send a list of supported methods.
     86   if (!current_method_.is_valid()) {
     87     // If no authentication method has been chosen, see if we can optimistically
     88     // choose one.
     89     scoped_ptr<buzz::XmlElement> result;
     90     CreatePreferredAuthenticator();
     91     if (current_authenticator_) {
     92       DCHECK(current_authenticator_->state() == MESSAGE_READY);
     93       result = GetNextMessageInternal();
     94     } else {
     95       result = CreateEmptyAuthenticatorMessage();
     96     }
     98     // Include a list of supported methods.
     99     std::stringstream supported_methods(std::stringstream::out);
    100     for (std::vector<AuthenticationMethod>::iterator it = methods_.begin();
    101          it != methods_.end(); ++it) {
    102       if (it != methods_.begin())
    103         supported_methods << kSupportedMethodsSeparator;
    104       supported_methods << it->ToString();
    105     }
    106     result->AddAttr(kSupportedMethodsAttributeQName, supported_methods.str());
    107     state_ = WAITING_MESSAGE;
    108     return result.Pass();
    109   }
    110   return GetNextMessageInternal();
    111 }
    113 void NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::CreateAuthenticatorForCurrentMethod(
    114     Authenticator::State preferred_initial_state,
    115     const base::Closure& resume_callback) {
    116   DCHECK(current_method_.is_valid());
    117   if (current_method_.type() == AuthenticationMethod::THIRD_PARTY) {
    118     // |ThirdPartyClientAuthenticator| takes ownership of |token_fetcher_|.
    119     // The authentication method negotiation logic should guarantee that only
    120     // one |ThirdPartyClientAuthenticator| will need to be created per session.
    121     DCHECK(token_fetcher_);
    122     current_authenticator_.reset(new ThirdPartyClientAuthenticator(
    123         token_fetcher_.Pass()));
    124     resume_callback.Run();
    125   } else {
    126     DCHECK(current_method_.type() == AuthenticationMethod::SPAKE2 ||
    127            current_method_.type() == AuthenticationMethod::SPAKE2_PAIR);
    128     bool pairing_supported =
    129         (current_method_.type() == AuthenticationMethod::SPAKE2_PAIR);
    130     SecretFetchedCallback callback = base::Bind(
    131         &NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::CreateV2AuthenticatorWithSecret,
    132         weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), preferred_initial_state, resume_callback);
    133     fetch_secret_callback_.Run(pairing_supported, callback);
    134   }
    135 }
    137 void NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::CreatePreferredAuthenticator() {
    138   if (!client_pairing_id_.empty() && !shared_secret_.empty() &&
    139       std::find(methods_.begin(), methods_.end(),
    140                 AuthenticationMethod::Spake2Pair()) != methods_.end()) {
    141     // If the client specified a pairing id and shared secret, then create a
    142     // PairingAuthenticator.
    143     current_authenticator_.reset(new PairingClientAuthenticator(
    144         client_pairing_id_, shared_secret_, fetch_secret_callback_,
    145         authentication_tag_));
    146     current_method_ = AuthenticationMethod::Spake2Pair();
    147   }
    148 }
    150 void NegotiatingClientAuthenticator::CreateV2AuthenticatorWithSecret(
    151     Authenticator::State initial_state,
    152     const base::Closure& resume_callback,
    153     const std::string& shared_secret) {
    154   current_authenticator_ = V2Authenticator::CreateForClient(
    155       AuthenticationMethod::ApplyHashFunction(
    156           current_method_.hash_function(), authentication_tag_, shared_secret),
    157       initial_state);
    158   resume_callback.Run();
    159 }
    161 }  // namespace protocol
    162 }  // namespace remoting