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      1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Parts Copyright 2005-2009, the Dojo Foundation. Used under the terms of the
      6 // "New" BSD License:
      7 //
      8 //  http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.3.2/dojo-release-1.3.2/dojo/LICENSE
      9 //
     11 /**
     12  * @fileoverview CFInstance.js provides a set of utilities for managing
     13  * ChromeFrame plugins, including creation, RPC services, and a singleton to
     14  * use for communicating from ChromeFrame hosted content to an external
     15  * CFInstance wrapper. CFInstance.js is stand-alone, designed to be served from
     16  * a CDN, and built to not create side-effects for other hosted content.
     17  * @author slightlyoff (a] google.com (Alex Russell)
     18  */
     20 (function(scope) {
     21   // TODO:
     22   //   * figure out if there's any way to install w/o a browser restart, and if
     23   //     so, where and how
     24   //   * slim down Deferred and RPC scripts
     25   //   * determine what debugging APIs should be exposed and how they should be
     26   //     surfaced. What about content authoring in Chrome instances? Stubbing
     27   //     the other side of RPC's?
     29   // bail if we'd be over-writing an existing CFInstance object
     30   if (scope['CFInstance']) {
     31     return;
     32   }
     34   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     35   // Utiliity and Cross-Browser Functions
     36   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     38   // a monotonically incrementing counter
     39   var _counter = 0;
     41   var undefStr = 'undefined';
     43   //
     44   // Browser detection: ua.isIE, ua.isSafari, ua.isOpera, etc.
     45   //
     47   /**
     48    * An object for User Agent detection
     49    * @type {!Object}
     50    * @protected
     51    */
     52   var ua = {};
     53   var n = navigator;
     54   var dua = String(n.userAgent);
     55   var dav = String(n.appVersion);
     56   var tv = parseFloat(dav);
     57   var duaParse = function(s){
     58     var c = 0;
     59     try {
     60       return parseFloat(
     61         dua.split(s)[1].replace(/\./g, function() {
     62           c++;
     63           return (c > 1) ? '' : '.';
     64         } )
     65       );
     66     } catch(e) {
     67       // squelch to intentionally return undefined
     68     }
     69   };
     70   /** @type {number} */
     71   ua.isOpera = dua.indexOf('Opera') >= 0 ? tv: undefined;
     72   /** @type {number} */
     73   ua.isWebKit = duaParse('WebKit/');
     74   /** @type {number} */
     75   ua.isChrome = duaParse('Chrome/');
     76   /** @type {number} */
     77   ua.isKhtml = dav.indexOf('KHTML') >= 0 ? tv : undefined;
     79   var index = Math.max(dav.indexOf('WebKit'), dav.indexOf('Safari'), 0);
     81   if (index && !ua.isChrome) {
     82     /** @type {number} */
     83     ua.isSafari = parseFloat(dav.split('Version/')[1]);
     84     if(!ua.isSafari || parseFloat(dav.substr(index + 7)) <= 419.3){
     85       ua.isSafari = 2;
     86     }
     87   }
     89   if (dua.indexOf('Gecko') >= 0 && !ua.isKhtml) {
     90     /** @type {number} */
     91     ua.isGecko = duaParse(' rv:');
     92   }
     94   if (ua.isGecko) {
     95     /** @type {number} */
     96     ua.isFF = parseFloat(dua.split('Firefox/')[1]) || undefined;
     97   }
     99   if (document.all && !ua.isOpera) {
    100     /** @type {number} */
    101     ua.isIE = parseFloat(dav.split('MSIE ')[1]) || undefined;
    102   }
    105   /**
    106    * Log out varargs to a browser-provided console object (if available). Else
    107    * a no-op.
    108    * @param {*} var_args Optional Things to log.
    109    * @protected
    110    **/
    111   var log = function() {
    112     if (window['console']) {
    113       try {
    114         if (ua.isSafari || ua.isChrome) {
    115           throw Error();
    116         }
    117         console.log.apply(console, arguments);
    118       } catch(e) { 
    119         try {
    120           console.log(toArray(arguments).join(' '));
    121         } catch(e2) {
    122           // squelch
    123         }
    124       }
    125     }
    126   };
    128   //
    129   // Language utility methods
    130   //
    132   /**
    133    * Determine if the passed item is a String
    134    * @param {*} item Item to test.
    135    * @protected
    136    **/
    137   var isString = function(item) {
    138     return typeof item == 'string';
    139   };
    141   /** 
    142    * Determine if the passed item is a Function object
    143    * @param {*} item Item to test.
    144    * @protected
    145    **/
    146   var isFunction = function(item) {
    147     return (
    148       item && (
    149         typeof item == 'function' || item instanceof Function
    150       )
    151     );
    152   };
    154   /** 
    155    * Determine if the passed item is an array.
    156    * @param {*} item Item to test.
    157    * @protected
    158    **/
    159   var isArray = function(item){
    160     return (
    161       item && (
    162         item instanceof Array || (
    163           typeof item == 'object' && 
    164           typeof item.length != undefStr
    165         )
    166       )
    167     );
    168   };
    170   /**
    171    * A toArray version which takes advantage of builtins
    172    * @param {*} obj The array-like object to convert to a real array.
    173    * @param {number} opt_offset An index to being copying from in the source.
    174    * @param {Array} opt_startWith An array to extend with elements of obj in
    175    *    lieu of creating a new array to return.
    176    * @private
    177    **/
    178   var _efficientToArray = function(obj, opt_offset, opt_startWith){
    179     return (opt_startWith || []).concat(
    180                               Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, opt_offset || 0 )
    181                              );
    182   };
    184   /**
    185    * A version of toArray that iterates in lieu of using array generics.
    186    * @param {*} obj The array-like object to convert to a real array.
    187    * @param {number} opt_offset An index to being copying from in the source.
    188    * @param {Array} opt_startWith An array to extend with elements of obj in
    189    * @private
    190    **/
    191   var _slowToArray = function(obj, opt_offset, opt_startWith){
    192     var arr = opt_startWith || []; 
    193     for(var x = opt_offset || 0; x < obj.length; x++){ 
    194       arr.push(obj[x]); 
    195     } 
    196     return arr;
    197   };
    199   /** 
    200    * Converts an array-like object (e.g., an "arguments" object) to a real
    201    * Array.
    202    * @param {*} obj The array-like object to convert to a real array.
    203    * @param {number} opt_offset An index to being copying from in the source.
    204    * @param {Array} opt_startWith An array to extend with elements of obj in
    205    * @protected
    206    */
    207   var toArray = ua.isIE ?  
    208     function(obj){
    209       return (
    210         obj.item ? _slowToArray : _efficientToArray
    211       ).apply(this, arguments);
    212     } :
    213     _efficientToArray;
    215   var _getParts = function(arr, obj, cb){
    216     return [ 
    217       isString(arr) ? arr.split('') : arr, 
    218       obj || window,
    219       isString(cb) ? new Function('item', 'index', 'array', cb) : cb
    220     ];
    221   };
    223   /** 
    224    * like JS1.6 Array.forEach()
    225    * @param {Array} arr the array to iterate
    226    * @param {function(Object, number, Array)} callback the method to invoke for
    227    *     each item in the array
    228    * @param {function?} thisObject Optional a scope to use with callback
    229    * @return {array} the original arr
    230    * @protected
    231    */
    232   var forEach = function(arr, callback, thisObject) {
    233     if(!arr || !arr.length){ 
    234       return arr;
    235     }
    236     var parts = _getParts(arr, thisObject, callback); 
    237     // parts has a structure of:
    238     //  [
    239     //    array,
    240     //    scope,
    241     //    function
    242     //  ]
    243     arr = parts[0];
    244     for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) { 
    245       parts[2].call( parts[1], arr[i], i, arr );
    246     }
    247     return arr;
    248   };
    250   /** 
    251    * returns a new function bound to scope with a variable number of positional
    252    * params pre-filled
    253    * @private
    254    */
    255   var _hitchArgs = function(scope, method /*,...*/) {
    256     var pre = toArray(arguments, 2);
    257     var named = isString(method);
    258     return function() {
    259       var args = toArray(arguments);
    260       var f = named ? (scope || window)[method] : method;
    261       return f && f.apply(scope || this, pre.concat(args));
    262     }
    263   };
    265   /** 
    266    * Like goog.bind(). Hitches the method (named or provided as a function
    267    * object) to scope, optionally partially applying positional arguments. 
    268    * @param {Object} scope the object to hitch the method to
    269    * @param {string|function} method the method to be bound
    270    * @return {function} The bound method
    271    * @protected
    272    */
    273   var hitch = function(scope, method){
    274     if (arguments.length > 2) {
    275       return _hitchArgs.apply(window, arguments);  // Function
    276     }
    278     if (!method) {
    279       method = scope;
    280       scope = null;
    281     }
    283     if (isString(method)) {
    284       scope = scope || window;
    285       if (!scope[method]) {
    286         throw(
    287           ['scope["', method, '"] is null (scope="', scope, '")'].join('')
    288         );
    289       }
    290       return function() {
    291         return scope[method].apply(scope, arguments || []);
    292       };
    293     }
    295     return !scope ?
    296         method :
    297         function() {
    298           return method.apply(scope, arguments || []);
    299         };
    300   };
    302   /** 
    303    * A version of addEventListener that works on IE too. *sigh*.
    304    * @param {!Object} obj The object to attach to
    305    * @param {!String} type Name of the event to attach to
    306    * @param {!Function} handler The function to connect
    307    * @protected
    308    */
    309   var listen = function(obj, type, handler) {
    310     if (obj['attachEvent']) {
    311       obj.attachEvent('on' + type, handler);
    312     } else {
    313       obj.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
    314     }
    315   };
    317   /** 
    318    * Adds "listen" and "_dispatch" methods to the passed object, taking
    319    * advantage of native event hanlding if it's available.
    320    * @param {Object} instance The object to install the event system on
    321    * @protected
    322    */
    323   var installEvtSys = function(instance) {
    324     var eventsMap = {};
    326     var isNative = (
    327       (typeof instance.addEventListener != undefStr) && 
    328       ((instance['tagName'] || '').toLowerCase()  != 'iframe')
    329     );
    331     instance.listen = function(type, func) {
    332       var t = eventsMap[type];
    333       if (!t) {
    334         t = eventsMap[type] = [];
    335         if (isNative) {
    336           listen(instance, type, hitch(instance, "_dispatch", type));
    337         }
    338       }
    339       t.push(func);
    340       return t;
    341     };
    343     instance._dispatch = function(type, evt) {
    344       var stopped = false;
    345       var stopper = function() {
    346         stopped = true;
    347       };
    349       forEach(eventsMap[type], function(f) {
    350         if (!stopped) {
    351           f(evt, stopper);
    352         }
    353       });
    354     };
    356     return instance;
    357   };
    359   /** 
    360    * Deserialize the passed JSON string
    361    * @param {!String} json A string to be deserialized
    362    * @return {Object}
    363    * @protected
    364    */
    365   var fromJson = window['JSON'] ? function(json) {
    366     return JSON.parse(json);
    367   } :
    368   function(json) {
    369     return eval('(' + (json || undefStr) + ')');
    370   };
    372   /** 
    373    * String escaping for use in JSON serialization
    374    * @param {string} str The string to escape
    375    * @return {string} 
    376    * @private
    377    */
    378   var _escapeString = function(str) {
    379     return ('"' + str.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"').
    380              replace(/[\f]/g, '\\f').
    381              replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b').
    382              replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n').
    383              replace(/[\t]/g, '\\t').
    384              replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r').
    385              replace(/[\x0B]/g, '\\u000b'); // '\v' is not supported in JScript;
    386   };
    388   /** 
    389    * JSON serialization for arbitrary objects. Circular references or strong
    390    * typing information are not handled.
    391    * @param {Object} it Any valid JavaScript object or type
    392    * @return {string} the serialized representation of the passed object
    393    * @protected
    394    */
    395   var toJson = window['JSON'] ? function(it) {
    396     return JSON.stringify(it);
    397   } :
    398   function(it) {
    400     if (it === undefined) {
    401       return undefStr;
    402     }
    404     var objtype = typeof it;
    405     if (objtype == 'number' || objtype == 'boolean') {
    406       return it + '';
    407     }
    409     if (it === null) {
    410       return 'null';
    411     }
    413     if (isString(it)) { 
    414       return _escapeString(it); 
    415     }
    417     // recurse
    418     var recurse = arguments.callee;
    420     if(it.nodeType && it.cloneNode){ // isNode
    421       // we can't seriailize DOM nodes as regular objects because they have
    422       // cycles DOM nodes could be serialized with something like outerHTML,
    423       // but that can be provided by users in the form of .json or .__json__
    424       // function.
    425       throw new Error('Cannot serialize DOM nodes');
    426     }
    428     // array
    429     if (isArray(it)) {
    430       var res = [];
    431       forEach(it, function(obj) {
    432         var val = recurse(obj);
    433         if (typeof val != 'string') {
    434           val = undefStr;
    435         }
    436         res.push(val);
    437       });
    438       return '[' + res.join(',') + ']';
    439     }
    441     if (objtype == 'function') {
    442       return null;
    443     }
    445     // generic object code path
    446     var output = [];
    447     for (var key in it) {
    448       var keyStr, val;
    449       if (typeof key == 'number') {
    450         keyStr = '"' + key + '"';
    451       } else if(typeof key == 'string') {
    452         keyStr = _escapeString(key);
    453       } else {
    454         // skip non-string or number keys
    455         continue;
    456       }
    457       val = recurse(it[key]);
    458       if (typeof val != 'string') {
    459         // skip non-serializable values
    460         continue;
    461       }
    462       // TODO(slightlyoff): use += on Moz since it's faster there
    463       output.push(keyStr + ':' + val);
    464     }
    465     return '{' + output.join(',') + '}'; // String
    466   };
    468   // code to register with the earliest safe onload-style handler
    470   var _loadedListenerList = [];
    471   var _loadedFired = false;
    473   /** 
    474    * a default handler for document onload. When called (the first time),
    475    * iterates over the list of registered listeners, calling them in turn.
    476    * @private
    477    */
    478   var documentLoaded = function() {
    479     if (!_loadedFired) {
    480       _loadedFired = true;
    481       forEach(_loadedListenerList, 'item();');
    482     }
    483   };
    485   if (document.addEventListener) {
    486     // NOTE: 
    487     //    due to a threading issue in Firefox 2.0, we can't enable
    488     //    DOMContentLoaded on that platform. For more information, see:
    489     //    http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/1704
    490     if (ua.isWebKit > 525 || ua.isOpera || ua.isFF >= 3) {
    491       listen(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', documentLoaded);
    492     }
    493     //  mainly for Opera 8.5, won't be fired if DOMContentLoaded fired already.
    494     //  also used for FF < 3.0 due to nasty DOM race condition
    495     listen(window, 'load', documentLoaded);
    496   } else {
    497       // crazy hack for IE that relies on the "deferred" behavior of script
    498       // tags
    499       document.write(
    500         '<scr' + 'ipt defer src="//:" '
    501         + 'onreadystatechange="if(this.readyState==\'complete\')'
    502         +    '{ CFInstance._documentLoaded();}">'
    503         + '</scr' + 'ipt>'
    504       );
    505   }
    507   // TODO(slightlyoff): known KHTML init issues are ignored for now
    509   //
    510   // DOM utility methods
    511   //
    513   /** 
    514    * returns an item based on DOM ID. Optionally a doucment may be provided to
    515    * specify the scope to search in. If a node is passed, it's returned as-is.
    516    * @param {string|Node} id The ID of the node to be located or a node
    517    * @param {Node} doc Optional A document to search for id.
    518    * @return {Node} 
    519    * @protected
    520    */
    521   var byId = (ua.isIE || ua.isOpera) ?
    522     function(id, doc) {
    523       if (isString(id)) {
    524         doc = doc || document;
    525         var te = doc.getElementById(id);
    526         // attributes.id.value is better than just id in case the 
    527         // user has a name=id inside a form
    528         if (te && te.attributes.id.value == id) {
    529           return te;
    530         } else {
    531           var elements = doc.all[id];
    532           if (!elements || !elements.length) {
    533             return elements;
    534           }
    535           // if more than 1, choose first with the correct id
    536           var i=0;
    537           while (te = elements[i++]) {
    538             if (te.attributes.id.value == id) {
    539               return te;
    540             }
    541           }
    542         }
    543       } else {
    544         return id; // DomNode
    545       }
    546     } : 
    547     function(id, doc) {
    548       return isString(id) ? (doc || document).getElementById(id) : id;
    549     };
    552   /**
    553    * returns a unique DOM id which can be used to locate the node via byId().
    554    * If the node already has an ID, it's used. If not, one is generated. Like
    555    * IE's uniqueID property.
    556    * @param {Node} node The element to create or fetch a unique ID for
    557    * @return {String}
    558    * @protected
    559    */
    560   var getUid = function(node) {
    561     var u = 'cfUnique' + (_counter++);
    562     return (!node) ? u : ( node.id || node.uniqueID || (node.id = u) );
    563   };
    565   //
    566   // the Deferred class, borrowed from Twisted Python and Dojo
    567   //
    569   /** 
    570    * A class that models a single response (past or future) to a question.
    571    * Multiple callbacks and error handlers may be added. If the response was
    572    * added in the past, adding callbacks has the effect of calling them
    573    * immediately. In this way, Deferreds simplify thinking about synchronous
    574    * vs. asynchronous programming in languages which don't have continuations
    575    * or generators which might otherwise provide syntax for deferring
    576    * operations. 
    577    * @param {function} canceller Optional A function to be called when the
    578    *     Deferred is canceled.
    579    * @param {number} timeout Optional How long to wait (in ms) before errback
    580    *     is called with a timeout error. If no timeout is passed, the default
    581    *     is 1hr. Passing -1 will disable any timeout.
    582    * @constructor
    583    * @public
    584    */
    585   Deferred = function(/*Function?*/ canceller, timeout){
    586     //  example:
    587     //    var deferred = new Deferred();
    588     //    setTimeout(function(){ deferred.callback({success: true}); }, 1000);
    589     //    return deferred;
    590     this.chain = [];
    591     this.id = _counter++;
    592     this.fired = -1;
    593     this.paused = 0;
    594     this.results = [ null, null ];
    595     this.canceller = canceller;
    596     // FIXME(slightlyoff): is it really smart to be creating this many timers?
    597     if (typeof timeout == 'number') {
    598       if (timeout <= 0) {
    599         timeout = 216000;  // give it an hour
    600       }
    601     }
    602     this._timer = setTimeout(
    603                     hitch(this, 'errback', new Error('timeout')), 
    604                     (timeout || 10000)
    605                   );
    606     this.silentlyCancelled = false;
    607   };
    609   /**
    610    * Cancels a Deferred that has not yet received a value, or is waiting on
    611    * another Deferred as its value. If a canceller is defined, the canceller
    612    * is called. If the canceller did not return an error, or there was no
    613    * canceller, then the errback chain is started.
    614    * @public
    615    */
    616   Deferred.prototype.cancel = function() {
    617     var err;
    618     if (this.fired == -1) {
    619       if (this.canceller) {
    620         err = this.canceller(this);
    621       } else {
    622         this.silentlyCancelled = true;
    623       }
    624       if (this.fired == -1) {
    625         if ( !(err instanceof Error) ) {
    626           var res = err;
    627           var msg = 'Deferred Cancelled';
    628           if (err && err.toString) {
    629             msg += ': ' + err.toString();
    630           }
    631           err = new Error(msg);
    632           err.dType = 'cancel';
    633           err.cancelResult = res;
    634         }
    635         this.errback(err);
    636       }
    637     } else if (
    638       (this.fired == 0) &&
    639       (this.results[0] instanceof Deferred)
    640     ) {
    641       this.results[0].cancel();
    642     }
    643   };
    646   /**
    647    * internal function for providing a result. If res is an instance of Error,
    648    * we treat it like such and start the error chain.
    649    * @param {Object|Error} res the result
    650    * @private
    651    */
    652   Deferred.prototype._resback = function(res) {
    653     if (this._timer) {
    654       clearTimeout(this._timer);
    655     }
    656     this.fired = res instanceof Error ? 1 : 0;
    657     this.results[this.fired] = res;
    658     this._fire();
    659   };
    661   /**
    662    * determine if the deferred has already been resolved
    663    * @return {boolean}
    664    * @private
    665    */
    666   Deferred.prototype._check = function() {
    667     if (this.fired != -1) {
    668       if (!this.silentlyCancelled) {
    669         return 0;
    670       }
    671       this.silentlyCancelled = 0;
    672       return 1;
    673     }
    674     return 0;
    675   };
    677   /**
    678    * Begin the callback sequence with a non-error value.
    679    * @param {Object|Error} res the result
    680    * @public
    681    */
    682   Deferred.prototype.callback = function(res) {
    683     this._check();
    684     this._resback(res);
    685   };
    687   /**
    688    * Begin the callback sequence with an error result.
    689    * @param {Error|string} res the result. If not an Error, it's treated as the
    690    *     message for a new Error.
    691    * @public
    692    */
    693   Deferred.prototype.errback = function(res) {
    694     this._check();
    695     if ( !(res instanceof Error) ) {
    696       res = new Error(res);
    697     }
    698     this._resback(res);
    699   };
    701   /** 
    702    * Add a single function as the handler for both callback and errback,
    703    * allowing you to specify a scope (unlike addCallbacks).
    704    * @param {function|Object} cb A function. If cbfn is passed, the value of cb
    705    *     is treated as a scope
    706    * @param {function|string} cbfn Optional A function or name of a function in
    707    *     the scope cb.
    708    * @return {Deferred} this
    709    * @public
    710    */
    711   Deferred.prototype.addBoth = function(cb, cbfn) {
    712     var enclosed = hitch.apply(window, arguments);
    713     return this.addCallbacks(enclosed, enclosed);
    714   };
    716   /** 
    717    * Add a single callback to the end of the callback sequence. Add a function
    718    * as the handler for successful resolution of the Deferred. May be called
    719    * multiple times to register many handlers. Note that return values are
    720    * chained if provided, so it's best for callback handlers not to return
    721    * anything.
    722    * @param {function|Object} cb A function. If cbfn is passed, the value of cb
    723    *     is treated as a scope
    724    * @param {function|string} cbfn Optional A function or name of a function in
    725    *     the scope cb.
    726    * @return {Deferred} this
    727    * @public
    728    */
    729   Deferred.prototype.addCallback = function(cb, cbfn /*...*/) {
    730     return this.addCallbacks(hitch.apply(window, arguments));
    731   };
    734   /** 
    735    * Add a function as the handler for errors in the Deferred. May be called
    736    * multiple times to add multiple error handlers.
    737    * @param {function|Object} cb A function. If cbfn is passed, the value of cb
    738    *     is treated as a scope
    739    * @param {function|string} cbfn Optional A function or name of a function in
    740    *     the scope cb.
    741    * @return {Deferred} this
    742    * @public
    743    */
    744   Deferred.prototype.addErrback = function(cb, cbfn) {
    745     return this.addCallbacks(null, hitch.apply(window, arguments));
    746   };
    748   /** 
    749    * Add a functions as handlers for callback and errback in a single shot.
    750    * @param {function} callback A function
    751    * @param {function} errback A function 
    752    * @return {Deferred} this
    753    * @public
    754    */
    755   Deferred.prototype.addCallbacks = function(callback, errback) {
    756     this.chain.push([callback, errback]);
    757     if (this.fired >= 0) {
    758       this._fire();
    759     }
    760     return this;
    761   };
    763   /** 
    764    * when this Deferred is satisfied, pass it on to def, allowing it to run.
    765    * @param {Deferred} def A deferred to add to the end of this Deferred in a chain
    766    * @return {Deferred} this
    767    * @public
    768    */
    769   Deferred.prototype.chain = function(def) {
    770     this.addCallbacks(def.callback, def.errback);
    771     return this;
    772   };
    774   /** 
    775    * Used internally to exhaust the callback sequence when a result is
    776    * available.
    777    * @private
    778    */
    779   Deferred.prototype._fire = function() {
    780     var chain = this.chain;
    781     var fired = this.fired;
    782     var res = this.results[fired];
    783     var cb = null;
    784     while ((chain.length) && (!this.paused)) {
    785       var f = chain.shift()[fired];
    786       if (!f) {
    787         continue;
    788       }
    789       var func = hitch(this, function() {
    790         var ret = f(res);
    791         //If no response, then use previous response.
    792         if (typeof ret != undefStr) {
    793           res = ret;
    794         }
    795         fired = res instanceof Error ? 1 : 0;
    796         if (res instanceof Deferred) {
    797           cb = function(res) {
    798             this._resback(res);
    799             // inlined from _pause()
    800             this.paused--;
    801             if ( (this.paused == 0) && (this.fired >= 0)) {
    802               this._fire();
    803             }
    804           }
    805           // inlined from _unpause
    806           this.paused++;
    807         }
    808       });
    810       try {
    811         func.call(this);
    812       } catch(err) {
    813         fired = 1;
    814         res = err;
    815       }
    816     }
    818     this.fired = fired;
    819     this.results[fired] = res;
    820     if (cb && this.paused ) {
    821       // this is for "tail recursion" in case the dependent
    822       // deferred is already fired
    823       res.addBoth(cb);
    824     }
    825   };
    827   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    828   // Plugin Initialization Class and Helper Functions
    829   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    831   var returnFalse = function() {
    832     return false;
    833   };
    835   var cachedHasVideo;
    836   var cachedHasAudio;
    838   var contentTests = {
    839     canvas: function() {
    840       return !!(
    841         ua.isChrome || ua.isSafari >= 3 || ua.isFF >= 3 || ua.isOpera >= 9.2
    842       );
    843     },
    845     svg: function() {
    846       return !!(ua.isChrome || ua.isSafari || ua.isFF || ua.isOpera);
    847     },
    849     postMessage: function() {
    850       return (
    851         !!window['postMessage'] ||
    852         ua.isChrome ||
    853         ua.isIE >= 8 || 
    854         ua.isSafari >= 3 || 
    855         ua.isFF >= 3 || 
    856         ua.isOpera >= 9.2
    857       );
    858     },
    860     // the spec isn't settled and nothing currently supports it
    861     websocket: returnFalse,
    863     'css-anim': function() {
    864       // pretty much limited to WebKit's special transition and animation
    865       // properties. Need to figure out a better way to triangulate this as
    866       // FF3.x adds more of these properties in parallel.
    867       return ua.isWebKit > 500;
    868     },
    870     // "working" video/audio tag? 
    871     video: function() {
    872       if (typeof cachedHasVideo != undefStr) {
    873         return cachedHasVideo;
    874       }
    876       // We haven't figured it out yet, so probe the <video> tag and cache the
    877       // result.
    878       var video = document.createElement('video');
    879       return cachedHasVideo = (typeof video['play'] != undefStr);
    880     },
    882     audio: function() {
    883       if (typeof cachedHasAudio != undefStr) {
    884         return cachedHasAudio;
    885       }
    887       var audio = document.createElement('audio');
    888       return cachedHasAudio = (typeof audio['play'] != undefStr);
    889     },
    891     'video-theora': function() {
    892       return contentTests.video() && (ua.isChrome || ua.isFF > 3); 
    893     },
    895     'video-h264': function() {
    896       return contentTests.video() && (ua.isChrome || ua.isSafari >= 4); 
    897     },
    899     'audio-vorbis': function() {
    900       return contentTests.audio() && (ua.isChrome || ua.isFF > 3); 
    901     },
    903     'audio-mp3': function() {
    904       return contentTests.audio() && (ua.isChrome || ua.isSafari >= 4); 
    905     },
    907     // can we implement RPC over available primitives?
    908     rpc: function() {
    909       // on IE we need the src to be on the same domain or we need postMessage
    910       // to work. Since we can't count on the src being same-domain, we look
    911       // for things that have postMessage. We may re-visit this later and add
    912       // same-domain checking and cross-window-call-as-postMessage-replacement
    913       // code.
    915       // use "!!" to avoid null-is-an-object weirdness
    916       return !!window['postMessage'];
    917     },
    919     sql: function() {
    920       // HTML 5 databases
    921       return !!window['openDatabase'];
    922     },
    924     storage: function(){
    925       // DOM storage
    927       // IE8, Safari, etc. support "localStorage", FF supported "globalStorage"
    928       return !!window['globalStorage'] || !!window['localStorage'];
    929     }
    930   };
    932   // isIE, isFF, isWebKit, etc.
    933   forEach([
    934       'isOpera', 'isWebKit', 'isChrome', 'isKhtml', 'isSafari', 
    935       'isGecko', 'isFF', 'isIE'
    936     ], 
    937     function(name) {
    938       contentTests[name] = function() {
    939         return !!ua[name];
    940       };
    941     }
    942   );
    944   /** 
    945    * Checks the list of requirements to determine if the current host browser
    946    * meets them natively. Primarialy relies on the contentTests array.
    947    * @param {Array} reqs A list of tests, either names of test functions in
    948    *     contentTests or functions to execute.
    949    * @return {boolean} 
    950    * @private
    951    */
    952   var testRequirements = function(reqs) {
    953     // never use CF on Chrome or Safari
    954     if (ua.isChrome || ua.isSafari) {
    955       return true;
    956     }
    958     var allMatch = true;
    959     if (!reqs) {
    960       return false;
    961     }
    962     forEach(reqs, function(i) {
    963       var matches = false;
    964       if (isFunction(i)) {
    965         // support custom test functions
    966         matches = i();
    967       } else {
    968         // else it's a lookup by name
    969         matches = (!!contentTests[i] && contentTests[i]());
    970       }
    971       allMatch = allMatch && matches;
    972     });
    973     return allMatch;
    974   };
    976   var cachedAvailable;
    978   /** 
    979    * Checks to find out if ChromeFrame is available as a plugin
    980    * @return {Boolean} 
    981    * @private
    982    */
    983   var isCfAvailable = function() {
    984     if (typeof cachedAvailable != undefStr) {
    985       return cachedAvailable;
    986     }
    988     cachedAvailable = false;
    989     var p = n.plugins;
    990     if (typeof window['ActiveXObject'] != undefStr) {
    991       try {
    992         var i = new ActiveXObject('ChromeTab.ChromeFrame');
    993         if (i) {
    994           cachedAvailable = true;
    995         }
    996       } catch(e) {
    997         log('ChromeFrame not available, error:', e.message);
    998         // squelch
    999       }
   1000     } else {
   1001       for (var x = 0; x < p.length; x++) {
   1002         if (p[x].name.indexOf('Google Chrome Frame') == 0) {
   1003           cachedAvailable = true;
   1004           break;
   1005         }
   1006       }
   1007     }
   1008     return cachedAvailable;
   1009   };
   1011   /** 
   1012    * Creates a <param> element with the specified name and value. If a parent
   1013    * is provided, the <param> element is appended to it.
   1014    * @param {string} name The name of the param
   1015    * @param {string} value The value
   1016    * @param {Node} parent Optional parent element
   1017    * @return {Boolean} 
   1018    * @private
   1019    */
   1020   var param = function(name, value, parent) {
   1021     var p = document.createElement('param');
   1022     p.setAttribute('name', name);
   1023     p.setAttribute('value', value);
   1024     if (parent) {
   1025       parent.appendChild(p);
   1026     }
   1027     return p;
   1028   };
   1030   /** @type {boolean} */
   1031   var cfStyleTagInjected = false;
   1033   /** 
   1034    * Creates a style sheet in the document which provides default styling for
   1035    * ChromeFrame instances. Successive calls should have no additive effect.
   1036    * @private
   1037    */
   1038   var injectCFStyleTag = function() {
   1039     if (cfStyleTagInjected) {
   1040       // once and only once
   1041       return;
   1042     }
   1043     try {
   1044       var rule = ['.chromeFrameDefaultStyle {',
   1045                     'width: 400px;',
   1046                     'height: 300px;',
   1047                     'padding: 0;',
   1048                     'margin: 0;',
   1049                   '}'].join('');
   1050       var ss = document.createElement('style');
   1051       ss.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
   1052       if (ss.styleSheet) {
   1053         ss.styleSheet.cssText = rule;
   1054       } else {
   1055         ss.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rule));
   1056       }
   1057       var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
   1058       if (h.firstChild) {
   1059         h.insertBefore(ss, h.firstChild);
   1060       } else {
   1061         h.appendChild(ss);
   1062       }
   1063       cfStyleTagInjected = true;
   1064     } catch (e) {
   1065       // squelch
   1067       // FIXME(slightlyoff): log? retry?
   1068     }
   1069   };
   1071   /** 
   1072    * Plucks properties from the passed arguments and sets them on the passed
   1073    * DOM node
   1074    * @param {Node} node The node to set properties on
   1075    * @param {Object} args A map of user-specified properties to set
   1076    * @private
   1077    */
   1078   var setProperties = function(node, args) {
   1079     injectCFStyleTag();
   1081     var srcNode = byId(args['node']);
   1083     node.id = args['id'] || (srcNode ? srcNode['id'] || getUid(srcNode) : '');
   1085     // TODO(slightlyoff): Opera compat? need to test there
   1086     var cssText = args['cssText'] || '';
   1087     node.style.cssText = ' ' + cssText;
   1089     var classText = args['className'] || '';
   1090     node.className = 'chromeFrameDefaultStyle ' + classText;
   1092     // default if the browser doesn't so we don't show sad-tab
   1093     var src = args['src'] || 'about:blank';
   1095     if (ua.isIE || ua.isOpera) {
   1096       node.src = src;
   1097     } else {
   1098       // crazyness regarding when things are set in NPAPI
   1099       node.setAttribute('src', src);
   1100     }
   1102     if (srcNode) {
   1103       srcNode.parentNode.replaceChild(node, srcNode);
   1104     }
   1105   };
   1107   /** 
   1108    * Creates a plugin instance, taking named parameters from the passed args.
   1109    * @param {Object} args A bag of configuration properties, including values
   1110    *    like 'node', 'cssText', 'className', 'id', 'src', etc.
   1111    * @return {Node} 
   1112    * @private
   1113    */
   1114   var makeCFPlugin = function(args) {
   1115     var el; // the element
   1116     if (!ua.isIE) {
   1117       el = document.createElement('object');
   1118       el.setAttribute("type", "application/chromeframe");
   1119     } else {
   1120       var dummy = document.createElement('span');
   1121       dummy.innerHTML = [
   1122         '<object codeBase="//www.google.com"',
   1123           "type='application/chromeframe'",
   1124           'classid="CLSID:E0A900DF-9611-4446-86BD-4B1D47E7DB2A"></object>'
   1125       ].join(' ');
   1126       el = dummy.firstChild;
   1127     }
   1128     setProperties(el, args);
   1129     return el;
   1130   };
   1132   /** 
   1133    * Creates an iframe in lieu of a ChromeFrame plugin, taking named parameters
   1134    * from the passed args.
   1135    * @param {Object} args A bag of configuration properties, including values
   1136    *    like 'node', 'cssText', 'className', 'id', 'src', etc.
   1137    * @return {Node} 
   1138    * @private
   1139    */
   1140   var makeCFIframe = function(args) {
   1141     var el = document.createElement('iframe');
   1142     setProperties(el, args);
   1143     // FIXME(slightlyoff):
   1144     //    This is where we'll need to slot in "don't fire load events for
   1145     //    fallback URL" logic.
   1146     listen(el, 'load', hitch(el, '_dispatch', 'load'));
   1147     return el;
   1148   };
   1151   var msgPrefix = 'CFInstance.rpc:';
   1153   /** 
   1154    * A class that provides the ability for widget-mode hosted content to more
   1155    * easily call hosting-page exposed APIs (and vice versa). It builds upon the
   1156    * message-passing nature of ChromeFrame to route messages to the other
   1157    * side's RPC host and coordinate events such as 'RPC readyness', buffering
   1158    * calls until both sides indicate they are ready to participate.
   1159    * @constructor
   1160    * @public
   1161    */
   1162   var RPC = function(instance) {
   1163     this.initDeferred = new Deferred();
   1165     this.instance = instance;
   1167     instance.listen('message', hitch(this, '_handleMessage'));
   1169     this._localExposed = {};
   1170     this._doWithAckCallbacks = {};
   1172     this._open = false;
   1173     this._msgBacklog = [];
   1175     this._initialized = false;
   1176     this._exposeMsgBacklog = [];
   1178     this._exposed = false;
   1179     this._callRemoteMsgBacklog = [];
   1181     this._inFlight = {};
   1183     var sendLoadMsg = hitch(this, function(evt) {
   1184       this.doWithAck('load').addCallback(this, function() {
   1185         this._open = true;
   1186         this._postMessageBacklog();
   1187       });
   1188     });
   1190     if (instance['tagName']) {
   1191       instance.listen('load', sendLoadMsg);
   1192     } else {
   1193       sendLoadMsg();
   1194     }
   1195   };
   1197   RPC.prototype._postMessageBacklog = function() {
   1198     if (this._open) {
   1199       // forEach(this._msgBacklog, this._postMessage, this);
   1200       // this._msgBacklog = [];
   1201       while (this._msgBacklog.length) {
   1202         var msg = this._msgBacklog.shift();
   1203         this._postMessage(msg);
   1204       }
   1205     }
   1206   };
   1208   RPC.prototype._postMessage = function(msg, force) {
   1209     if (!force && !this._open) {
   1210       this._msgBacklog.push(msg);
   1211     } else {
   1212       // FIXME(slightlyoff): need to check domains list here!
   1213       this.instance.postMessage(msgPrefix + msg, '*');
   1214     }
   1215   };
   1217   RPC.prototype._doWithAck = function(what) {
   1218     this._postMessage('doWithAckCallback:' + what, what == 'load');
   1219   };
   1221   RPC.prototype.doWithAck = function(what) {
   1222     var d = new Deferred();
   1223     this._doWithAckCallbacks[what] = d;
   1224     this._postMessage('doWithAck:' + what, what == 'load');
   1225     return d;
   1226   };
   1228   RPC.prototype._handleMessage = function(evt, stopper) {
   1229     var d = String(evt.data);
   1231     if (d.indexOf(msgPrefix) != 0) {
   1232       // not for us, allow the event dispatch to continue...
   1233       return;
   1234     }
   1236     // ...else we're the end of the line for this event
   1237     stopper();
   1239     // see if we know what type of message it is
   1240     d = d.substr(msgPrefix.length);
   1242     var cIndex = d.indexOf(':');
   1244     var type = d.substr(0, cIndex);
   1246     if (type == 'doWithAck') {
   1247       this._doWithAck(d.substr(cIndex + 1));
   1248       return;
   1249     }
   1251     var msgBody = d.substr(cIndex + 1);
   1253     if (type == 'doWithAckCallback') {
   1254       this._doWithAckCallbacks[msgBody].callback(1);
   1255       return;
   1256     }
   1258     if (type == 'init') {
   1259       return;
   1260     }
   1262     // All the other stuff we can do uses a JSON payload.
   1263     var obj = fromJson(msgBody);
   1265     if (type == 'callRemote') {
   1267       if (obj.method && obj.params && obj.id) {
   1269         var ret = {
   1270           success: 0,
   1271           returnId: obj.id
   1272         };
   1274         try {
   1275           // Undefined isn't valid JSON, so use null as default value.
   1276           ret.value = this._localExposed[ obj.method ](evt, obj) || null;
   1277           ret.success = 1;
   1278         } catch(e) {
   1279           ret.error = e.message;
   1280         }
   1282         this._postMessage('callReturn:' + toJson(ret));
   1283       }
   1284     }
   1286     if (type == 'callReturn') {
   1287       // see if we're waiting on an outstanding RPC call, which
   1288       // would be identified by returnId.
   1289       var rid = obj['returnId'];
   1290       if (!rid) {
   1291         // throw an error?
   1292         return;
   1293       }
   1294       var callWrap = this._inFlight[rid];
   1295       if (!callWrap) {
   1296         return;
   1297       }
   1299       if (obj.success) {
   1300         callWrap.d.callback(obj['value'] || 1);
   1301       } else {
   1302         callWrap.d.errback(new Error(obj['error'] || 'unspecified RPC error'));
   1303       }
   1304       delete this._inFlight[rid];
   1305     }
   1307   };
   1309   /** 
   1310    * Makes a method visible to be called 
   1311    * @param {string} name The name to expose the method at. 
   1312    * @param {Function|string} method The function (or name of the function) to
   1313    *     expose. If a name is provided, it's looked up from the passed scope.
   1314    *     If no scope is provided, the global scope is queried for a function
   1315    *     with that name.
   1316    * @param {Object} scope Optional A scope to bind the passed method to. If
   1317    *     the method parameter is specified by a string, the method is both
   1318    *     located on the passed scope and bound to it.
   1319    * @param {Array} domains Optional A list of domains in
   1320    *     'http://example.com:8080' format which may call the given method.
   1321    *     Currently un-implemented.
   1322    * @public
   1323    */
   1324   RPC.prototype.expose = function(name, method, scope, domains) {
   1325     scope = scope || window;
   1326     method = isString(method) ? scope[method] : method;
   1328     // local call proxy that the other side will hit when calling our method
   1329     this._localExposed[name] = function(evt, obj) {
   1330       return method.apply(scope, obj.params);
   1331     };
   1333     if (!this._initialized) {
   1334       this._exposeMsgBacklog.push(arguments);
   1335       return;
   1336     }
   1338     var a = [name, method, scope, domains];
   1339     this._sendExpose.apply(this, a);
   1340   };
   1342   RPC.prototype._sendExpose = function(name) {
   1343     // now tell the other side that we're advertising this method
   1344     this._postMessage('expose:' + toJson({ name: name }));
   1345   };
   1348   /** 
   1349    * Calls a remote method asynchronously and returns a Deferred object
   1350    * representing the response.
   1351    * @param {string} method Name of the method to call. Should be the same name
   1352    *     which the other side has expose()'d.
   1353    * @param {Array} params Optional A list of arguments to pass to the called
   1354    *     method.  All elements in the list must be cleanly serializable to
   1355    *     JSON.
   1356    * @param {CFInstance.Deferred} deferred Optional A Deferred to use for
   1357    *     reporting the response of the call. If no deferred is passed, a new
   1358    *     Deferred is created and returned.
   1359    * @return {CFInstance.Deferred} 
   1360    * @public
   1361    */
   1362   RPC.prototype.callRemote = function(method, params, timeout, deferred) {
   1363     var d = deferred || new Deferred(null, timeout || -1);
   1365     if (!this._exposed) {
   1366       var args = toArray(arguments);
   1367       args.length = 3;
   1368       args.push(d);
   1369       this._callRemoteMsgBacklog.push(args);
   1370       return d;
   1371     }
   1374     if (!method) {
   1375       d.errback('no method provided!');
   1376       return d;
   1377     }
   1379     var id = msgPrefix + (_counter++);
   1381     // JSON-ify the whole bundle
   1382     var callWrapper = {
   1383       method: String(method), 
   1384       params: params || [],
   1385       id: id
   1386     };
   1387     var callJson = toJson(callWrapper);
   1388     callWrapper.d = d;
   1389     this._inFlight[id] = callWrapper;
   1390     this._postMessage('callRemote:' + callJson);
   1391     return d;
   1392   };
   1395   /** 
   1396    * Tells the other side of the connection that we're ready to start receiving
   1397    * calls. Returns a Deferred that is called back when both sides have
   1398    * initialized and any backlogged messages have been sent. RPC users should
   1399    * generally work to make sure that they call expose() on all of the methods
   1400    * they'd like to make available to the other side *before* calling init()
   1401    * @return {CFInstance.Deferred} 
   1402    * @public
   1403    */
   1404   RPC.prototype.init = function() {
   1405     var d = this.initDeferred;
   1406     this.doWithAck('init').addCallback(this, function() {
   1407       // once the init floodgates are open, send our backlogs one at a time,
   1408       // with a little lag in the middle to prevent ordering problems
   1410       this._initialized = true;
   1411       while (this._exposeMsgBacklog.length) {
   1412         this.expose.apply(this, this._exposeMsgBacklog.shift());
   1413       }
   1415       setTimeout(hitch(this, function(){
   1417         this._exposed = true;
   1418         while (this._callRemoteMsgBacklog.length) {
   1419           this.callRemote.apply(this, this._callRemoteMsgBacklog.shift());
   1420         }
   1422         d.callback(1);
   1424       }), 30);
   1426     });
   1427     return d;
   1428   };
   1430   // CFInstance design notes:
   1431   //  
   1432   //    The CFInstance constructor is only ever used in host environments. In
   1433   //    content pages (things hosted by a ChromeFrame instance), CFInstance
   1434   //    acts as a singleton which provides services like RPC for communicating
   1435   //    with it's mirror-image object in the hosting environment.  We want the
   1436   //    same methods and properties to be available on *instances* of
   1437   //    CFInstance objects in the host env as on the singleton in the hosted
   1438   //    content, despite divergent implementation. 
   1439   //
   1440   //    Further complicating things, CFInstance may specialize behavior
   1441   //    internally based on whether or not it is communicationg with a fallback
   1442   //    iframe or a 'real' ChromeFrame instance.
   1444   var CFInstance; // forward declaration
   1445   var h = window['externalHost'];
   1446   var inIframe = (window.parent != window);
   1448   if (inIframe) {
   1449     h = window.parent;
   1450   }
   1452   var normalizeTarget = function(targetOrigin) {
   1453     var l = window.location;
   1454     if (!targetOrigin) {
   1455       if (l.protocol != 'file:') {
   1456         targetOrigin = l.protocol + '//' + l.host + "/";
   1457       } else {
   1458         // TODO(slightlyoff):
   1459         //    is this secure enough? Is there another way to get messages
   1460         //    flowing reliably across file-hosted documents?
   1461         targetOrigin = '*';
   1462       }
   1463     }
   1464     return targetOrigin;
   1465   };
   1467   var postMessageToDest = function(dest, msg, targetOrigin) {
   1468     return dest.postMessage(msg, normalizeTarget(targetOrigin));
   1469   };
   1471   if (h) {
   1472     //
   1473     // We're loaded inside a ChromeFrame widget (or something that should look
   1474     // like we were).
   1475     //
   1477     CFInstance = {};
   1479     installEvtSys(CFInstance);
   1481     // FIXME(slightlyoff):
   1482     //    passing a target origin to externalHost's postMessage seems b0rked
   1483     //    right now, so pass null instead. Will re-enable hitch()'d variant
   1484     //    once that's fixed.
   1486     // CFInstance.postMessage = hitch(null, postMessageToDest, h);
   1488     CFInstance.postMessage = function(msg, targetOrigin) {
   1489       return h.postMessage(msg, 
   1490                            (inIframe ? normalizeTarget(targetOrigin) : null) );
   1491     };
   1493     // Attach to the externalHost's onmessage to proxy it in to CFInstance's
   1494     // onmessage.
   1495     var dispatchMsg = function(evt) {
   1496       try {
   1497         CFInstance._dispatch('message', evt);
   1498       } catch(e) {
   1499         log(e);
   1500         // squelch
   1501       }
   1502     };
   1503     if (inIframe) {
   1504       listen(window, 'message', dispatchMsg);
   1505     } else {
   1506       h.onmessage = dispatchMsg;
   1507     }
   1509     CFInstance.rpc = new RPC(CFInstance);
   1511     _loadedListenerList.push(function(evt) {
   1512       CFInstance._dispatch('load', evt);
   1513     });
   1515   } else {
   1516     //
   1517     // We're the host document.
   1518     //
   1520     var installProperties = function(instance, args) {
   1521       var s = instance.supportedEvents = ['load', 'message'];
   1522       instance._msgPrefix = 'CFMessage:';
   1524       installEvtSys(instance);
   1526       instance.log = log;
   1528       // set up an RPC instance
   1529       instance.rpc = new RPC(instance);
   1531       forEach(s, function(evt) {
   1532         var l = args['on' + evt];
   1533         if (l) {
   1534           instance.listen(evt, l);
   1535         }
   1536       });
   1538       var contentWindow = instance.contentWindow;
   1540       // if it doesn't have a postMessage, route to/from the iframe's built-in
   1541       if (typeof instance['postMessage'] == undefStr && !!contentWindow) {
   1543         instance.postMessage = hitch(null, postMessageToDest, contentWindow);
   1545         listen(window, 'message', function(evt) {
   1546           if (evt.source == contentWindow) {
   1547             instance._dispatch('message', evt);
   1548           }
   1549         });
   1550       }
   1552       return instance;
   1553     };
   1555     /** 
   1556      * A class whose instances correspond to ChromeFrame instances. Passing an
   1557      * arguments object to CFInstance helps parameterize the instance. 
   1558      * @constructor
   1559      * @public
   1560      */
   1561     CFInstance = function(args) {
   1562       args = args || {};
   1563       var instance;
   1564       var success = false;
   1566       // If we've been passed a CFInstance object as our source node, just
   1567       // re-use it.
   1568       if (args['node']) {
   1569         var n = byId(args['node']);
   1570         // Look for CF-specific properties.
   1571         if (n && n.tagName == 'OBJECT' && n.success && n.rpc) {
   1572           // Navigate, set styles, etc.
   1573           setProperties(n, args);
   1574           return n;
   1575         }
   1576       }
   1578       var force = !!args['forcePlugin'];
   1580       if (!force && testRequirements(args['requirements'])) {
   1581         instance = makeCFIframe(args);
   1582         success = true;
   1583       } else if (isCfAvailable()) {
   1584         instance = makeCFPlugin(args);
   1585         success = true;
   1586       } else {
   1587         // else create an iframe but load the failure content and
   1588         // not the 'normal' content
   1590         // grab the fallback URL, and if none, use the 'click here
   1591         // to install ChromeFrame' URL. Note that we only support
   1592         // polling for install success if we're using the default
   1593         // URL
   1595         var fallback = '//www.google.com/chromeframe';
   1597         args.src = args['fallback'] || fallback;
   1598         instance = makeCFIframe(args);
   1600         if (args.src == fallback) {
   1601           // begin polling for install success.
   1603           // TODO(slightlyoff): need to prevent firing of onload hooks!
   1604           // TODO(slightlyoff): implement polling
   1605           // TODO(slightlyoff): replacement callback?
   1606           // TODO(slightlyoff): add flag to disable this behavior
   1607         }
   1608       }
   1609       instance.success = success;
   1611       installProperties(instance, args);
   1613       return instance;
   1614     };
   1616     // compatibility shims for development-time. These mirror the methods that
   1617     // are created on the CFInstance singleton if we detect that we're running
   1618     // inside of CF.
   1619     if (!CFInstance['postMessage']) {
   1620       CFInstance.postMessage = function() {
   1621         var args = toArray(arguments);
   1622         args.unshift('CFInstance.postMessage:');
   1623         log.apply(null, args);
   1624       };
   1625       CFInstance.listen = function() {
   1626         // this space intentionally left blank
   1627       };
   1628     }
   1629   }
   1631   // expose some properties
   1632   CFInstance.ua = ua;
   1633   CFInstance._documentLoaded = documentLoaded;
   1634   CFInstance.contentTests = contentTests;
   1635   CFInstance.isAvailable = function(requirements) {
   1636     var hasCf = isCfAvailable();
   1637     return requirements ? (hasCf || testRequirements(requirements)) : hasCf;
   1639   };
   1640   CFInstance.Deferred = Deferred;
   1641   CFInstance.toJson = toJson;
   1642   CFInstance.fromJson = fromJson;
   1643   CFInstance.log = log;
   1645   // expose CFInstance to the external scope. We've already checked to make
   1646   // sure we're not going to blow existing objects away.
   1647   scope.CFInstance = CFInstance;
   1649 })( this['ChromeFrameScope'] || this );
   1651 // vim: shiftwidth=2:et:ai:tabstop=2