/external/chromium_org/v8/test/webkit/ |
dfg-dead-min-two-args.js | 51 shouldBe("ok", "" + i); 52 shouldBe("result", "100"); 67 shouldBe("ok", "" + i); 68 shouldBe("result", "100");
do-while-semicolon.js | 64 shouldBe("ueuf1", "uf1"); 65 shouldBe("ueuf2", "uf2"); 66 shouldBe("ueuf3", "uf3"); 67 shouldBe("ueuf4", "uf4");
const-without-initializer.js | 30 shouldBe('f', 'undefined'); 34 shouldBe('f', 'undefined');
string-slice-abnormal-values.js | 28 shouldBe('"abc".slice(0)', '"abc"'); 29 shouldBe('"abc".slice(0, Infinity)', '"abc"');
dfg-get-by-val-clobber.js | 39 shouldBe("doAccesses(array1, array2, i % 4, (i + 1) % 4, i)", "" + ((i % 4) + 1)); 40 shouldBe("array2[" + ((i + 1) % 4) + "]", "" + i); 47 shouldBe("doAccesses(array1, array1, i % 4, 0, i)", "" + ((i % 4) == 0 ? i : (i % 4) + 1));
dfg-weak-js-constant-silent-fill.js | 44 shouldBe("o1.f", "42"); 45 shouldBe("o2.f", "false"); 46 shouldBe("o3.f", "false");
regexp-in-and-foreach-handling.js | 68 shouldBe('testRegExpMatchesArray(' + i + ')', tests[i][2]); 69 shouldBe('testInOperator(' + i + ')', tests[i][2]); 70 shouldBe('testForEachFunction(' + i + ')', tests[i][2]);
tostring-exception-in-property-access.js | 34 shouldBe('target[""]', "'Did not assign to property when setter subscript threw'"); 42 shouldBe('target[""]', "'Did not delete property when subscript threw'"); 56 shouldBe('localTest', "'Did not assign to result when subscript threw.'");
char-at.js | 119 shouldBe('"' + item[0] + '".charAt()', result[0]); 123 shouldBe('"' + item[0] + '".charCodeAt()', result[1]); 125 shouldBe('"' + item[0] + '".charAt(' + item[1] + ')', result[0]); 129 shouldBe('"' + item[0] + '".charCodeAt(' + item[1] + ')', result[1]);
dictionary-no-cache.js | 100 shouldBe("getTestProperty(test4)", '"on prototype"'); 102 shouldBe("getTestProperty(test4)", '"on self"'); 110 shouldBe("getTestProperty(test5)", '"on prototype\'s prototype"'); 112 shouldBe("getTestProperty(test5)", '"on self"');
array-reset-large-index.js | 34 shouldBe('array[10001]', '5'); 35 shouldBe('array[10002]', '"b"');
array-sort-numericCompare.js | 38 shouldBe("[3,1,5,2,4].sort(doSort)", "[1,2,3,4,5]"); 39 shouldBe("[3,1,5,2,4].sort(dontSort)", "[3,1,5,2,4]");
codegen-assign-nontemporary-as-rexp.js | 41 shouldBe("assign_as_rexp_1()", "'PASS'"); 56 shouldBe("assign_as_rexp_2()", "'PASS'");
/external/chromium_org/v8/test/webkit/fast/js/ |
deep-recursion-test.js | 41 shouldBe("msg", "'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.'"); 48 shouldBe("msg", "'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.'"); 65 shouldBe("msg", "'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.'"); 77 shouldBe("msg", "'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.'");
string-capitalization.js | 30 shouldBe('String("A?").toLowerCase()', '"a?"'); 31 shouldBe('String("a?").toUpperCase()', '"A?"'); 32 shouldBe('String("?????? ??????").toLowerCase()', '"?????? ??????"'); 33 shouldBe('String("ß").toUpperCase()', '"SS"'); 34 shouldBe('String("?").toUpperCase()', '"?N"'); 35 shouldBe('String("?").toUpperCase()', '"J?"'); 36 shouldBe('String("?").toUpperCase()', '"FFI"'); 37 shouldBe('String("FFI").toLowerCase()', '"ffi"'); 38 shouldBe('String("?").toLowerCase()', '"?"');
basic-strict-mode.js | 56 shouldBe("testThis.call(null)", "null"); 57 shouldBe("testThis.call(1)", "1"); 58 shouldBe("testThis.call(true)", "true"); 59 shouldBe("testThis.call(false)", "false"); 60 shouldBe("testThis.call(undefined)", "undefined"); 63 shouldBe("testThis.call('a string')", "'a string'"); 64 shouldBe("testThisDotAccess.call('a string')", "'a string'.length"); 70 shouldBe("testThisBracketAccess.call('a string', 'length')", "'a string'.length"); 80 shouldBe("testGlobalAccess()", "undefined"); 81 shouldBe("testThis.call()", "undefined") [all...] |
native-error-prototype.js | 28 shouldBe("({}).toString.call(Error.prototype)", '"[object Error]"'); 29 shouldBe("({}).toString.call(RangeError.prototype)", '"[object Error]"'); 33 shouldBe("err.toString()", '"message"');
/external/chromium_org/v8/test/webkit/fast/js/kde/ |
Prototype.js | 37 shouldBe("s.area()", "9"); 53 shouldBe("b.name", "'a book'"); 54 shouldBe("b.author", "'Fred'"); // outpus "Fred" 58 shouldBe("delete Boolean.prototype", "false")
scope.js | 32 shouldBe("f(2)", "22"); 40 shouldBe("OBJECT.toString()", "'hello'"); 45 shouldBe("s", "'hello'"); 58 shouldBe("g", "'foo'"); //Before the eval, g was in outer scope, but not after
evil-n.js | 25 shouldBe("(new Error()).message", "''"); 28 shouldBe("''.split(/.*/).length", "0")
/external/chromium_org/content/test/data/indexeddb/ |
transaction_get_test.js | 12 shouldBe('exc.code', 'DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR'); 19 shouldBe("event.target.result", "undefined");
migration_test.js | 16 shouldBe("db.objectStoreNames.length", "1");
/external/skia/tests/ |
ClipCubicTest.cpp | 81 SkPoint clipped[4], shouldbe[4]; local 92 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 10, 4, 12, shouldbe), tol)); 100 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 10, 4, 12, shouldbe), tol)); 108 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 10, 4, 12, shouldbe), tol)); 126 shouldbe), tol)); 138 shouldbe), tol)); 150 shouldbe), tol)); 162 shouldbe), tol));
/external/chromium_org/v8/test/webkit/fast/regex/ |
lastIndex.js | 51 shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:true}); re.lastIndex = 42; re.lastIndex", '42'); 52 shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}); re.lastIndex = 42; re.lastIndex", '0'); 55 shouldBe("var re = Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {value:42}); re.lastIndex", '42'); 65 shouldBe("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('')", 'null'); 66 shouldBe("Object.defineProperty(/x/, 'lastIndex', {writable:false}).exec('x')", '["x"]');
/external/chromium_org/v8/test/webkit/resources/ |
standalone-pre.js | 97 function shouldBe(_a, _b) 100 debug("WARN: shouldBe() expects string arguments"); 120 function shouldBeTrue(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "true"); } 121 function shouldBeFalse(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "false"); } 122 function shouldBeNaN(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "NaN"); } 123 function shouldBeNull(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "null"); } 130 shouldBe(a, unevaledString);