/external/chromium_org/third_party/angle_dx11/src/libGLESv2/renderer/ |
ImageSSE2.cpp | 40 __m128i sourceData = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&source[x])); 42 __m128i gaComponents = _mm_andnot_si128(brMask, sourceData); 44 __m128i brComponents = _mm_and_si128(sourceData, brMask); 81 __m128i sourceData = _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&source[x])); 83 sourceData = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(zeroWide, sourceData); 85 __m128i lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(zeroWide, sourceData); 86 __m128i hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(zeroWide, sourceData);
generatemip.h | 150 const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourcePitch, 160 const T *src = (const T*)sourceData; 174 const T *src0 = (const T*)(sourceData + y * 2 * sourcePitch); 175 const T *src1 = (const T*)(sourceData + y * 2 * sourcePitch + sourcePitch); 185 const T *src0 = (const T*)(sourceData + y * 2 * sourcePitch); 186 const T *src1 = (const T*)(sourceData + y * 2 * sourcePitch + sourcePitch);
Image11.cpp | 56 const unsigned char *sourceData = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(srcMapped.pData); 59 if (sourceData && destData) 65 GenerateMip<R8G8B8A8>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 68 GenerateMip<A8>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 71 GenerateMip<R8>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 74 GenerateMip<A32B32G32R32F>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 77 GenerateMip<R32G32B32F>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 80 GenerateMip<A16B16G16R16F>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 83 GenerateMip<R8G8>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch); 86 GenerateMip<R16F>(src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), sourceData, srcMapped.RowPitch, destData, destMapped.RowPitch) [all...] |
Image9.cpp | 65 const unsigned char *sourceData = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(sourceLocked.pBits); 68 if (sourceData && destData) 73 GenerateMip<L8>(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height, sourceData, sourceLocked.Pitch, destData, destLocked.Pitch); 76 GenerateMip<A8L8>(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height, sourceData, sourceLocked.Pitch, destData, destLocked.Pitch); 80 GenerateMip<A8R8G8B8>(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height, sourceData, sourceLocked.Pitch, destData, destLocked.Pitch); 83 GenerateMip<A16B16G16R16F>(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height, sourceData, sourceLocked.Pitch, destData, destLocked.Pitch); 86 GenerateMip<A32B32G32R32F>(sourceDesc.Width, sourceDesc.Height, sourceData, sourceLocked.Pitch, destData, destLocked.Pitch);
/frameworks/base/tools/aapt/tests/ |
CrunchCache_test.cpp | 33 KeyedVector<String8, time_t> sourceData; 35 sourceData.add(String8("res/drawable/hello.png"),3); 37 sourceData.add(String8("res/drawable/world.png"),5); 39 sourceData.add(String8("res/drawable-cool/hello.png"),3); 49 data.add(source,sourceData);
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.gldebugger/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/gltrace/state/transforms/ |
TexImageTransform.java | 279 private byte[] addAlphaChannel(byte[] sourceData, int width, int height) { 280 assert sourceData.length == 3 * width * height; // should have R, G & B channels 284 for (int src = 0, dst = 0; src < sourceData.length; src += 3, dst += 4) { 285 data[dst + 0] = sourceData[src + 0]; // copy R byte 286 data[dst + 1] = sourceData[src + 1]; // copy G byte 287 data[dst + 2] = sourceData[src + 2]; // copy B byte 294 private byte[] addRGBChannels(byte[] sourceData, int width, int height) { 295 assert sourceData.length == width * height; // should have a single alpha channel 299 for (int src = 0, dst = 0; src < sourceData.length; src++, dst += 4) { 301 data[dst + 3] = sourceData[src]; // copy over alph [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/renderscript/src/android/renderscript/cts/ |
Matrix2fTest.java | 200 float[] sourceData = { 205 rotated[0] = rotate[0] * sourceData[0] + rotate[1] * sourceData[2]; 206 rotated[1] = rotate[0] * sourceData[1] + rotate[1] * sourceData[3]; 207 rotated[2] = rotate[2] * sourceData[0] + rotate[3] * sourceData[2]; 208 rotated[3] = rotate[2] * sourceData[1] + rotate[3] * sourceData[3]; 209 m = new Matrix2f(sourceData); [all...] |
/libcore/support/src/test/java/tests/security/ |
MessageDigestTest.java | 34 private InputStream sourceData; 43 this.sourceData = getSourceData(); 64 sourceData.close(); 65 sourceData = null; 107 while ((read = sourceData.read(buf)) != -1) { 110 sourceData.close(); 130 while ((val = sourceData.read()) != -1) { 133 sourceData.close();
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/tools/jme3tools/optimize/ |
TextureAtlas.java | 281 ByteBuffer sourceData = source.getData(0); 290 image[i] = sourceData.get(j); //a 291 image[i + 1] = sourceData.get(j + 1); //b 292 image[i + 2] = sourceData.get(j + 2); //g 293 image[i + 3] = sourceData.get(j + 3); //r 297 image[i + 1] = sourceData.get(j); //b 298 image[i + 2] = sourceData.get(j + 1); //g 299 image[i + 3] = sourceData.get(j + 2); //r 303 image[i + 1] = sourceData.get(j + 2); //b 304 image[i + 2] = sourceData.get(j + 1); // [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/inspector/ |
InspectorStyleSheet.cpp | 118 void ParsedStyleSheet::setSourceData(PassOwnPtr<RuleSourceDataList> sourceData) 120 if (!sourceData) { 127 // FIXME: This is a temporary solution to retain the original flat sourceData structure 129 // Normally, we should just assign m_sourceData = sourceData; 130 flattenSourceData(sourceData.get()); 415 RuleSourceDataList sourceData; 419 StyleSheetHandler handler(commentText, m_document, m_styleSheetContents, &sourceData); 422 Vector<CSSPropertySourceData>& commentPropertyData = sourceData.first()->styleSourceData->propertyData; 521 RefPtr<CSSRuleSourceData> sourceData = extractSourceData(); 522 if (sourceData) [all...] |
InspectorStyleSheet.h | 103 explicit InspectorStyleProperty(CSSPropertySourceData sourceData) 104 : sourceData(sourceData) 109 InspectorStyleProperty(CSSPropertySourceData sourceData, bool hasSource) 110 : sourceData(sourceData) 117 unsigned start = sourceData.range.start; 118 unsigned end = sourceData.range.end; 126 CSSPropertySourceData sourceData;
InspectorStyleTextEditor.cpp | 49 propertyStart = property.sourceData.range.start; 121 ASSERT(disabledProperty.sourceData.disabled); 127 ASSERT(!m_allProperties->at(index).sourceData.disabled); 131 property.sourceData.disabled = true; 138 const SourceRange& range = property.sourceData.range;
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/platform/audio/ |
AudioFIFO.cpp | 63 const float* sourceData = m_fifoAudioBus->channel(channelIndex)->data(); 73 memcpy(destinationData, sourceData + m_readIndex, part1Length * sizeof(*sourceData)); 76 memcpy(destinationData + part1Length, sourceData, part2Length * sizeof(*sourceData));
AudioArray.h | 133 void copyToRange(const T* sourceData, unsigned start, unsigned end) 142 memcpy(this->data() + start, sourceData, sizeof(T) * (end - start));
DynamicsCompressor.cpp | 182 const float* sourceData = m_sourceChannels[i]; 186 preFilters[0].process(sourceData, destinationData, framesToProcess);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/platform/audio/chromium/ |
AudioDestinationChromium.cpp | 138 void AudioDestinationChromium::render(const WebKit::WebVector<float*>& sourceData, const WebKit::WebVector<float*>& audioData, size_t numberOfFrames) 153 if (sourceData.size() >= 2) { 156 wrapperBus->setChannelMemory(0, sourceData[0], numberOfFrames); 157 wrapperBus->setChannelMemory(1, sourceData[1], numberOfFrames);
AudioDestinationChromium.h | 58 virtual void render(const WebKit::WebVector<float*>& sourceData, const WebKit::WebVector<float*>& audioData, size_t numberOfFrames);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/public/platform/ |
WebAudioDevice.h | 42 virtual void render(const WebVector<float*>& sourceData, const WebVector<float*>& destinationData, size_t numberOfFrames) { };
/development/samples/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/core/ |
VoicemailProviderHelpers.java | 160 public Voicemail findVoicemailBySourceData(String sourceData) { 164 DbQueryUtils.getEqualityClause(Voicemails.SOURCE_DATA, sourceData), 167 logger.w("Expected 1 voicemail matching sourceData " + sourceData + ", got " +
VoicemailImpl.java | 132 public Builder setSourceData(String sourceData) { 133 mBuilderSourceData = sourceData;
/external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/src/core/ |
SkConvolver.cpp | 333 void BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData, 408 src[i] = &sourceData[(nextXRow + i) * sourceByteRowStride]; 419 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride], 424 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride], 428 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride],
SkConvolver.h | 193 SK_API void BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData,
/external/skia/src/core/ |
SkConvolver.cpp | 333 void BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData, 408 src[i] = &sourceData[(nextXRow + i) * sourceByteRowStride]; 419 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride], 424 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride], 428 &sourceData[nextXRow * sourceByteRowStride],
SkConvolver.h | 193 SK_API void BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData,
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/ntp/ |
most_visited.js | 93 var sourceData = this.data[sourceIndex]; 94 addPinnedUrl(sourceData, destinationIndex); 95 sourceData.pinned = true; 103 this.data[destinationIndex] = sourceData;