/prebuilts/ndk/8/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/mips/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/8/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/x86/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi-v7a/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/mips/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/x86/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/armeabi/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/armeabi-v7a/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/mips/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/x86/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 108 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/armeabi/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/armeabi-v7a/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/mips/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/ndk/9/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/x86/include/bits/ |
stdc++.h | 107 #include <ratio>
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_difflib.py | 11 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.995, places=3) 16 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.995, places=3) 24 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.994, places=3) 40 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0, places=3) 44 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.9975, places=3) 51 self.assertEqual(s.ratio(), 1)
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_difflib.py | 11 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.995, places=3) 16 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.995, places=3) 24 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.994, places=3) 40 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0, places=3) 44 self.assertAlmostEqual(sm.ratio(), 0.9975, places=3) 51 self.assertEqual(s.ratio(), 1)
/external/eigen/unsupported/Eigen/src/NonLinearOptimization/ |
HybridNonLinearSolver.h | 108 Scalar ratio; member in class:Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolver 264 /* compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reduction. */ 265 ratio = 0.; 267 ratio = actred / prered; 270 if (ratio < Scalar(.1)) { 277 if (ratio >= Scalar(.5) || ncsuc > 1) 279 if (internal::abs(ratio - 1.) <= Scalar(.1)) { 285 if (ratio >= Scalar(1e-4)) { 326 if (ratio >= Scalar(1e-4)) 504 /* compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reduction. * [all...] |
LevenbergMarquardt.h | 120 Scalar ratio; member in class:Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt 295 /* compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted */ 297 ratio = 0.; 299 ratio = actred / prered; 302 if (ratio <= Scalar(.25)) { 312 } else if (!(par != 0. && ratio < Scalar(.75))) { 318 if (ratio >= Scalar(1e-4)) { 329 if (internal::abs(actred) <= parameters.ftol && prered <= parameters.ftol && Scalar(.5) * ratio <= 1. && delta <= parameters.xtol * xnorm) 331 if (internal::abs(actred) <= parameters.ftol && prered <= parameters.ftol && Scalar(.5) * ratio <= 1.) 339 if (internal::abs(actred) <= NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon() && prered <= NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon() && Scalar(.5) * ratio <= 1. [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/cc/layers/ |
scrollbar_layer_impl.cc | 207 void ScrollbarLayerImpl::SetVisibleToTotalLengthRatio(float ratio) { 208 if (visible_to_total_length_ratio_ == ratio) 210 visible_to_total_length_ratio_ = ratio; 247 // have to compute it. The ratio of the thumb's length to the track's length 303 float ratio = clamped_current_pos / maximum_; local 305 int thumb_offset = static_cast<int>(ratio * max_offset) + track_start_;
/cts/suite/cts/deviceTests/opengl/jni/primitive/fullpipeline/ |
FullPipelineRenderer.cpp | 133 // while the width will vary as per aspect ratio. 134 float ratio = (float) mWidth / mHeight; local 135 float left = -ratio; 136 float right = ratio;
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/os/ |
RotationVectorDemo.java | 143 float ratio = (float) width / height; local 146 gl.glFrustumf(-ratio, ratio, -1, 1, 1, 10);
/packages/apps/Camera/src/com/android/camera/ui/ |
RotateImageView.java | 130 float ratio = Math.min((float) width / w, (float) height / h); local 131 canvas.scale(ratio, ratio, width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f);
/packages/apps/Camera2/src/com/android/camera/ui/ |
RotateImageView.java | 130 float ratio = Math.min((float) width / w, (float) height / h); local 131 canvas.scale(ratio, ratio, width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f);
/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/ui/ |
RotateImageView.java | 128 float ratio = Math.min((float) width / w, (float) height / h); local 129 canvas.scale(ratio, ratio, width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f);
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/graphics/ |
FrameBufferObjectActivity.java | 100 float ratio = (float) width / height; local 103 gl.glFrustumf(-ratio, ratio, -1, 1, 3, 7); 138 float ratio = (float) width / height; local 141 gl.glFrustumf(-ratio, ratio, -1, 1, 1, 10);