Lines Matching refs:CYCLES
14 event:0x0 counters:0,1,2,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:CYCLES : 0-0 Cycles
21 event:0x3 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:REDIRECT_STALLS : 3-0 Stall cycles due to register indirect jumps (including non-predicted JR $31), ERET/WAIT instructions, and IFU determined exception
25 event:0x7 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ICACHE_MISS_STALLS : 7-0 Instruction cache miss stall cycles
26 event:0x8 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:UNCACHED_IFETCH_STALLS : 8-0 Uncached instruction fetch stall cycles
29 event:0xb counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:IFU_IDU_MISS_PRED_UPSTREAM_CYCLES : 11-0 Cycles IFU-IDU gate is closed (to prevent upstream from getting ahead) due to mispredicted branch
30 event:0xc counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:IFU_IDU_CLOGED_DOWNSTREAM_CYCLES : 12-0 Cycles IFU-IDU gate is closed (waiting for downstream to unclog) due to MTC0/MFC0 sequence in pipe, EHB, or blocked DD, DR, or DS
31 event:0xd counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:DDQ0_FULL_DR_STALLS : 13-0 DR stage stall cycles due to DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) full
32 event:0xe counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ALCB_FULL_DR_STALLS : 14-0 DR stage stall cycles due to ALCB (ALU completion buffers) full
33 event:0xf counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:CLDQ_FULL_DR_STALLS : 15-0 DR stage stall cycles due to CLDQ (data comming back from FPU) full
34 event:0x10 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ALU_EMPTY_CYCLES : 16-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) empty cycles
35 event:0x11 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ALU_OPERANDS_NOT_READY_CYCLES : 17-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions but operands not ready
36 event:0x12 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ALU_NO_ISSUES_CYCLES : 18-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions due to operand(s) not available, MDU busy, or CorExt resource busy
38 event:0x14 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:SINGLE_ISSUE_CYCLES : 20-0 Either DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) or DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) valid instruction issue cycles
39 event:0x15 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:OOO_ALU_ISSUE_CYCLES : 21-0 Out-of-order ALU issue cycles (issued instruction is not the oldest in the pool)
45 event:0x1b counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:LOAD_STORE_BLOCKED_CYCLES : 27-0 Load/store graduation blocked cycles due to CP1/2 store data not ready, SYNC/SYNCI/SC/CACHEOP at the head, or FSB/LDQ/WBB/ITU FIFO full
48 event:0x1e counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:FSB_FULL_STALLS : 30-0 Pipe stall cycles due to FSB full
49 event:0x1f counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:LDQ_FULL_STALLS : 31-0 Pipe stall cycles due to LDQ full
50 event:0x20 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:WBB_FULL_STALLS : 32-0 Pipe stall cycles due to WBB full
69 event:0x35 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:NO_INSN_CYCLES : 53-0 No instructions graduated cycles
70 event:0x36 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:ONE_INSN_CYCLES : 54-0 One instruction graduated cycles
71 event:0x37 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:GFIFO_BLOCKED_CYCLES : 55-0 GFIFO blocked cycles
72 event:0x38 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:MISPREDICTION_STALLS : 56-0 Cycles from the time of a pipe kill due to mispredict until the first new instruction graduates
73 event:0x39 counters:0,2 um:zero minimum:500 name:MISPREDICTED_BRANCH_INSNS_CYCLES : 57-0 Mispredicted branch instruction graduation cycles without the delay slot
105 event:0x40b counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:IFU_IDU_NO_FETCH_CYCLES : 11-1 Cycles IFU-IDU gate open but no instructions fetched by IFU
107 event:0x40d counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:DDQ1_FULL_DR_STALLS : 13-1 DR stage stall cycles due to DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) full
108 event:0x40e counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:AGCB_FULL_DR_STALLS : 14-1 DR stage stall cycles due to AGCB (AGEN completion buffers) full
109 event:0x40f counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:IODQ_FULL_DR_STALLS : 15-1 DR stage stall cycles due to IODQ (data comming back from IO) full
110 event:0x410 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:AGEN_EMPTY_CYCLES : 16-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) empty cycles
111 event:0x411 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:AGEN_OPERANDS_NOT_READY_CYCLES : 17-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions but operands not ready
112 event:0x412 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:AGEN_NO_ISSUES_CYCLES : 18-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions due to operand(s) not available, non-issued stores blocking ready to issue loads, or non-issued CACHEOPs blocking ready to issue loads
114 event:0x414 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:DUAL_ISSUE_CYCLES : 20-1 Both DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) and DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) valid instruction issue cycles
115 event:0x415 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:OOO_AGEN_ISSUE_CYCLES : 21-1 Out-of-order AGEN issue cycles (issued instruction is not the oldest in the pool)
123 event:0x41d counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:L2_CACHE_MISS_CYCLES : 29-1 Cycles a L2 miss is outstanding, but not necessarily stalling the pipeline
144 event:0x436 counters:1,3 um:zero minimum:500 name:TWO_INSNS_CYCLES : 54-1 Two instructions graduated cycles