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26  'debugger': '\n``pdb`` --- The Python Debugger\n*******************************\n\nThe module ``pdb`` defines an interactive source code debugger for\nPython programs.  It supports setting (conditional) breakpoints and\nsingle stepping at the source line level, inspection of stack frames,\nsource code listing, and evaluation of arbitrary Python code in the\ncontext of any stack frame.  It also supports post-mortem debugging\nand can be called under program control.\n\nThe debugger is extensible --- it is actually defined as the class\n``Pdb``. This is currently undocumented but easily understood by\nreading the source.  The extension interface uses the modules ``bdb``\nand ``cmd``.\n\nThe debugger\'s prompt is ``(Pdb)``. Typical usage to run a program\nunder control of the debugger is:\n\n   >>> import pdb\n   >>> import mymodule\n   >>> pdb.run(\'mymodule.test()\')\n   > <string>(0)?()\n   (Pdb) continue\n   > <string>(1)?()\n   (Pdb) continue\n   NameError: \'spam\'\n   > <string>(1)?()\n   (Pdb)\n\n``pdb.py`` can also be invoked as a script to debug other scripts.\nFor example:\n\n   python -m pdb myscript.py\n\nWhen invoked as a script, pdb will automatically enter post-mortem\ndebugging if the program being debugged exits abnormally. After post-\nmortem debugging (or after normal exit of the program), pdb will\nrestart the program. Automatic restarting preserves pdb\'s state (such\nas breakpoints) and in most cases is more useful than quitting the\ndebugger upon program\'s exit.\n\nNew in version 2.4: Restarting post-mortem behavior added.\n\nThe typical usage to break into the debugger from a running program is\nto insert\n\n   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n\nat the location you want to break into the debugger.  You can then\nstep through the code following this statement, and continue running\nwithout the debugger using the ``c`` command.\n\nThe typical usage to inspect a crashed program is:\n\n   >>> import pdb\n   >>> import mymodule\n   >>> mymodule.test()\n   Traceback (most recent call last):\n     File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?\n     File "./mymodule.py", line 4, in test\n       test2()\n     File "./mymodule.py", line 3, in test2\n       print spam\n   NameError: spam\n   >>> pdb.pm()\n   > ./mymodule.py(3)test2()\n   -> print spam\n   (Pdb)\n\nThe module defines the following functions; each enters the debugger\nin a slightly different way:\n\npdb.run(statement[, globals[, locals]])\n\n   Execute the *statement* (given as a string) under debugger control.\n   The debugger prompt appears before any code is executed; you can\n   set breakpoints and type ``continue``, or you can step through the\n   statement using ``step`` or ``next`` (all these commands are\n   explained below).  The optional *globals* and *locals* arguments\n   specify the environment in which the code is executed; by default\n   the dictionary of the module ``__main__`` is used.  (See the\n   explanation of the ``exec`` statement or the ``eval()`` built-in\n   function.)\n\npdb.runeval(expression[, globals[, locals]])\n\n   Evaluate the *expression* (given as a string) under debugger\n   control.  When ``runeval()`` returns, it returns the value of the\n   expression.  Otherwise this function is similar to ``run()``.\n\npdb.runcall(function[, argument, ...])\n\n   Call the *function* (a function or method object, not a string)\n   with the given arguments.  When ``runcall()`` returns, it returns\n   whatever the function call returned.  The debugger prompt appears\n   as soon as the function is entered.\n\npdb.set_trace()\n\n   Enter the debugger at the calling stack frame.  This is useful to\n   hard-code a breakpoint at a given point in a program, even if the\n   code is not otherwise being debugged (e.g. when an assertion\n   fails).\n\npdb.post_mortem([traceback])\n\n   Enter post-mortem debugging of the given *traceback* object.  If no\n   *traceback* is given, it uses the one of the exception that is\n   currently being handled (an exception must be being handled if the\n   default is to be used).\n\npdb.pm()\n\n   Enter post-mortem debugging of the traceback found in\n   ``sys.last_traceback``.\n\nThe ``run*`` functions and ``set_trace()`` are aliases for\ninstantiating the ``Pdb`` class and calling the method of the same\nname.  If you want to access further features, you have to do this\nyourself:\n\nclass class pdb.Pdb(completekey=\'tab\', stdin=None, stdout=None, skip=None)\n\n   ``Pdb`` is the debugger class.\n\n   The *completekey*, *stdin* and *stdout* arguments are passed to the\n   underlying ``cmd.Cmd`` class; see the description there.\n\n   The *skip* argument, if given, must be an iterable of glob-style\n   module name patterns.  The debugger will not step into frames that\n   originate in a module that matches one of these patterns. [1]\n\n   Example call to enable tracing with *skip*:\n\n      import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=[\'django.*\']).set_trace()\n\n   New in version 2.7: The *skip* argument.\n\n   run(statement[, globals[, locals]])\n   runeval(expression[, globals[, locals]])\n   runcall(function[, argument, ...])\n   set_trace()\n\n      See the documentation for the functions explained above.\n',
36 calling{:f}; {:f}\'\n \'3.140000; -3.140000\'\n\nReplacing ``%x`` and ``%o`` and converting the value to different\nbases:\n\n >>> # format also supports binary numbers\n >>> "int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}".format(42)\n \'int: 42; hex: 2a; oct: 52; bin: 101010\'\n >>> # with 0x, 0o, or 0b as prefix:\n >>> "int: {0:d}; hex: {0:#x}; oct: {0:#o}; bin: {0:#b}".format(42)\n \'int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 0o52; bin: 0b101010\'\n\nUsing the comma as a thousands separator:\n\n >>> \'{:,}\'.format(1234567890)\n \'1,234,567,890\'\n\nExpressing a percentage:\n\n >>> points = 19.5\n >>> total = 22\n >>> \'Correct answers: {:.2%}\'.format(points/total)\n \'Correct answers: 88.64%\'\n\nUsing type-specific formatting:\n\n >>> import datetime\n >>> d = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 4, 12, 15, 58)\n >>> \'{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\'.format(d)\n \'2010-07-04 12:15:58\'\n\nNesting arguments and more complex examples:\n\n >>> for align, text in zip(\'<^>\', [\'left\', \'center\', \'right\']):\n ... \'{0:{fill}{align}16}\'.format(text, fill=align, align=align)\n ...\n \'left<<<<<<<<<<<<\'\n \'^^^^^center^^^^^\'\n \'>>>>>>>>>>>right\'\n >>>\n >>> octets = [192, 168, 0, 1]\n >>> \'{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}\'.format(*octets)\n \'C0A80001\'\n >>> int(_, 16)\n 3232235521\n >>>\n >>> width = 5\n >>> for num in range(5,12):\n ... for base in \'dXob\':\n ... print \'{0:{width}{base}}\'.format(num, base=base, width=width),\n ... print\n ...\n 5 5 5 101\n 6 6 6 110\n 7 7 7 111\n 8 8 10 1000\n 9 9 11 1001\n 10 A 12 1010\n 11 B 13 1011\n',
43 calling each object in the list with\na single argument of the path, returning a finder or raises\n``ImportError``. If a finder is returned then it is cached in\n``sys.path_importer_cache`` and then used for that path entry. If no\nfinder can be found but the path exists then a value of ``None`` is\nstored in ``sys.path_importer_cache`` to signify that an implicit,\nfile-based finder that handles modules stored as individual files\nshould be used for that path. If the path does not exist then a finder\nwhich always returns ``None`` is placed in the cache for the path.\n\nIf no finder can find the module then ``ImportError`` is raised.\nOtherwise some finder returned a loader whose ``load_module()`` method\nis called with the name of the module to load (see **PEP 302** for the\noriginal definition of loaders). A loader has several responsibilities\nto perform on a module it loads. First, if the module already exists\nin ``sys.modules`` (a possibility if the loader is called outside of\nthe import machinery) then it is to use that module for initialization\nand not a new module. But if the module does not exist in\n``sys.modules`` then it is to be added to that dict before\ninitialization begins. If an error occurs during loading of the module\nand it was added to ``sys.modules`` it is to be removed from the dict.\nIf an error occurs but the module was already in ``sys.modules`` it is\nleft in the dict.\n\nThe loader must set several attributes on the module. ``__name__`` is\nto be set to the name of the module. ``__file__`` is to be the "path"\nto the file unless the module is built-in (and thus listed in\n``sys.builtin_module_names``) in which case the attribute is not set.\nIf what is being imported is a package then ``__path__`` is to be set\nto a list of paths to be searched when looking for modules and\npackages contained within the package being imported. ``__package__``\nis optional but should be set to the name of package that contains the\nmodule or package (the empty string is used for module not contained\nin a package). ``__loader__`` is also optional but should be set to\nthe loader object that is loading the module.\n\nIf an error occurs during loading then the loader raises\n``ImportError`` if some other exception is not already being\npropagated. Otherwise the loader returns the module that was loaded\nand initialized.\n\nWhen step (1) finishes without raising an exception, step (2) can\nbegin.\n\nThe first form of ``import`` statement binds the module name in the\nlocal namespace to the module object, and then goes on to import the\nnext identifier, if any. If the module name is followed by ``as``,\nthe name following ``as`` is used as the local name for the module.\n\nThe ``from`` form does not bind the module name: it goes through the\nlist of identifiers, looks each one of them up in the module found in\nstep (1), and binds the name in the local namespace to the object thus\nfound. As with the first form of ``import``, an alternate local name\ncan be supplied by specifying "``as`` localname". If a name is not\nfound, ``ImportError`` is raised. If the list of identifiers is\nreplaced by a star (``\'*\'``), all public names defined in the module\nare bound in the local namespace of the ``import`` statement..\n\nThe *public names* defined by a module are determined by checking the\nmodule\'s namespace for a variable named ``__all__``; if defined, it\nmust be a sequence of strings which are names defined or imported by\nthat module. The names given in ``__all__`` are all considered public\nand are required to exist. If ``__all__`` is not defined, the set of\npublic names includes all names found in the module\'s namespace which\ndo not begin with an underscore character (``\'_\'``). ``__all__``\nshould contain the entire public API. It is intended to avoid\naccidentally exporting items that are not part of the API (such as\nlibrary modules which were imported and used within the module).\n\nThe ``from`` form with ``*`` may only occur in a module scope. If the\nwild card form of import --- ``import *`` --- is used in a function\nand the function contains or is a nested block with free variables,\nthe compiler will raise a ``SyntaxError``.\n\nWhen specifying what module to import you do not have to specify the\nabsolute name of the module. When a module or package is contained\nwithin another package it is possible to make a relative import within\nthe same top package without having to mention the package name. By\nusing leading dots in the specified module or package after ``from``\nyou can specify how high to traverse up the current package hierarchy\nwithout specifying exact names. One leading dot means the current\npackage where the module making the import exists. Two dots means up\none package level. Three dots is up two levels, etc. So if you execute\n``from . import mod`` from a module in the ``pkg`` package then you\nwill end up importing ``pkg.mod``. If you execute ``from ..subpkg2\nimport mod`` from within ``pkg.subpkg1`` you will import\n``pkg.subpkg2.mod``. The specification for relative imports is\ncontained within **PEP 328**.\n\n``importlib.import_module()`` is provided to support applications that\ndetermine which modules need to be loaded dynamically.\n\n\nFuture statements\n=================\n\nA *future statement* is a directive to the compiler that a particular\nmodule should be compiled using syntax or semantics that will be\navailable in a specified future release of Python. The future\nstatement is intended to ease migration to future versions of Python\nthat introduce incompatible changes to the language. It allows use of\nthe new features on a per-module basis before the release in which the\nfeature becomes standard.\n\n future_statement ::= "from" "__future__" "import" feature ["as" name]\n ("," feature ["as" name])*\n | "from" "__future__" "import" "(" feature ["as" name]\n ("," feature ["as" name])* [","] ")"\n feature ::= identifier\n name ::= identifier\n\nA future statement must appear near the top of the module. The only\nlines that can appear before a future statement are:\n\n* the module docstring (if any),\n\n* comments,\n\n* blank lines, and\n\n* other future statements.\n\nThe features recognized by Python 2.6 are ``unicode_literals``,\n``print_function``, ``absolute_import``, ``division``, ``generators``,\n``nested_scopes`` and ``with_statement``. ``generators``,\n``with_statement``, ``nested_scopes`` are redundant in Python version\n2.6 and above because they are always enabled.\n\nA future statement is recognized and treated specially at compile\ntime: Changes to the semantics of core constructs are often\nimplemented by generating different code. It may even be the case\nthat a new feature introduces new incompatible syntax (such as a new\nreserved word), in which case the compiler may need to parse the\nmodule differently. Such decisions cannot be pushed off until\nruntime.\n\nFor any given release, the compiler knows which feature names have\nbeen defined, and raises a compile-time error if a future statement\ncontains a feature not known to it.\n\nThe direct runtime semantics are the same as for any import statement:\nthere is a standard module ``__future__``, described later, and it\nwill be imported in the usual way at the time the future statement is\nexecuted.\n\nThe interesting runtime semantics depend on the specific feature\nenabled by the future statement.\n\nNote that there is nothing special about the statement:\n\n import __future__ [as name]\n\nThat is not a future statement; it\'s an ordinary import statement with\nno special semantics or syntax restrictions.\n\nCode compiled by an ``exec`` statement or calls to the built-in\nfunctions ``compile()`` and ``execfile()`` that occur in a module\n``M`` containing a future statement will, by default, use the new\nsyntax or semantics associated with the future statement. This can,\nstarting with Python 2.2 be controlled by optional arguments to\n``compile()`` --- see the documentation of that function for details.\n\nA future statement typed at an interactive interpreter prompt will\ntake effect for the rest of the interpreter session. If an\ninterpreter is started with the *-i* option, is passed a script name\nto execute, and the script includes a future statement, it will be in\neffect in the interactive session started after the script is\nexecuted.\n\nSee also:\n\n **PEP 236** - Back to the __future__\n The original proposal for the __future__ mechanism.\n',
50 'numeric-types': '\nEmulating numeric types\n***********************\n\nThe following methods can be defined to emulate numeric objects.\nMethods corresponding to operations that are not supported by the\nparticular kind of number implemented (e.g., bitwise operations for\nnon-integral numbers) should be left undefined.\n\nobject.__add__(self, other)\nobject.__sub__(self, other)\nobject.__mul__(self, other)\nobject.__floordiv__(self, other)\nobject.__mod__(self, other)\nobject.__divmod__(self, other)\nobject.__pow__(self, other[, modulo])\nobject.__lshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rshift__(self, other)\nobject.__and__(self, other)\nobject.__xor__(self, other)\nobject.__or__(self, other)\n\n These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic\n operations (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``//``, ``%``, ``divmod()``,\n ``pow()``, ``**``, ``<<``, ``>>``, ``&``, ``^``, ``|``). For\n instance, to evaluate the expression ``x + y``, where *x* is an\n instance of a class that has an ``__add__()`` method,\n ``x.__add__(y)`` is called. The ``__divmod__()`` method should be\n the equivalent to using ``__floordiv__()`` and ``__mod__()``; it\n should not be related to ``__truediv__()`` (described below). Note\n that ``__pow__()`` should be defined to accept an optional third\n argument if the ternary version of the built-in ``pow()`` function\n is to be supported.\n\n If one of those methods does not support the operation with the\n supplied arguments, it should return ``NotImplemented``.\n\nobject.__div__(self, other)\nobject.__truediv__(self, other)\n\n The division operator (``/``) is implemented by these methods. The\n ``__truediv__()`` method is used when ``__future__.division`` is in\n effect, otherwise ``__div__()`` is used. If only one of these two\n methods is defined, the object will not support division in the\n alternate context; ``TypeError`` will be raised instead.\n\nobject.__radd__(self, other)\nobject.__rsub__(self, other)\nobject.__rmul__(self, other)\nobject.__rdiv__(self, other)\nobject.__rtruediv__(self, other)\nobject.__rfloordiv__(self, other)\nobject.__rmod__(self, other)\nobject.__rdivmod__(self, other)\nobject.__rpow__(self, other)\nobject.__rlshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rrshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rand__(self, other)\nobject.__rxor__(self, other)\nobject.__ror__(self, other)\n\n These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic\n operations (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``%``, ``divmod()``,\n ``pow()``, ``**``, ``<<``, ``>>``, ``&``, ``^``, ``|``) with\n reflected (swapped) operands. These functions are only called if\n the left operand does not support the corresponding operation and\n the operands are of different types. [2] For instance, to evaluate\n the expression ``x - y``, where *y* is an instance of a class that\n has an ``__rsub__()`` method, ``y.__rsub__(x)`` is called if\n ``x.__sub__(y)`` returns *NotImplemented*.\n\n Note that ternary ``pow()`` will not try calling
55 'raise': '\nThe ``raise`` statement\n***********************\n\n raise_stmt ::= "raise" [expression ["," expression ["," expression]]]\n\nIf no expressions are present, ``raise`` re-raises the last exception\nthat was active in the current scope. If no exception is active in\nthe current scope, a ``TypeError`` exception is raised indicating that\nthis is an error (if running under IDLE, a ``Queue.Empty`` exception\nis raised instead).\n\nOtherwise, ``raise`` evaluates the expressions to get three objects,\nusing ``None`` as the value of omitted expressions. The first two\nobjects are used to determine the *type* and *value* of the exception.\n\nIf the first object is an instance, the type of the exception is the\nclass of the instance, the instance itself is the value, and the\nsecond object must be ``None``.\n\nIf the first object is a class, it becomes the type of the exception.\nThe second object is used to determine the exception value: If it is\nan instance of the class, the instance becomes the exception value. If\nthe second object is a tuple, it is used as the argument list for the\nclass constructor; if it is ``None``, an empty argument list is used,\nand any other object is treated as a single argument to the\nconstructor. The instance so created by calling the constructor is\nused as the exception value.\n\nIf a third object is present and not ``None``, it must be a traceback\nobject (see section *The standard type hierarchy*), and it is\nsubstituted instead of the current location as the place where the\nexception occurred. If the third object is present and not a\ntraceback object or ``None``, a ``TypeError`` exception is raised.\nThe three-expression form of ``raise`` is useful to re-raise an\nexception transparently in an except clause, but ``raise`` with no\nexpressions should be preferred if the exception to be re-raised was\nthe most recently active exception in the current scope.\n\nAdditional information on exceptions can be found in section\n*Exceptions*, and information about handling exceptions is in section\n*The try statement*.\n',
61 calling the method\n(which may still result in a negative index); this is the customary\nhandling of negative indexes by the built-in sequence types, and the\n``__*item__()`` methods are expected to do this as well. However,\nsince they should already be doing that, negative indexes cannot be\npassed in; they must be constrained to the bounds of the sequence\nbefore being passed to the ``__*item__()`` methods. Calling ``max(0,\ni)`` conveniently returns the proper value.\n\n\nEmulating numeric types\n=======================\n\nThe following methods can be defined to emulate numeric objects.\nMethods corresponding to operations that are not supported by the\nparticular kind of number implemented (e.g., bitwise operations for\nnon-integral numbers) should be left undefined.\n\nobject.__add__(self, other)\nobject.__sub__(self, other)\nobject.__mul__(self, other)\nobject.__floordiv__(self, other)\nobject.__mod__(self, other)\nobject.__divmod__(self, other)\nobject.__pow__(self, other[, modulo])\nobject.__lshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rshift__(self, other)\nobject.__and__(self, other)\nobject.__xor__(self, other)\nobject.__or__(self, other)\n\n These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic\n operations (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``//``, ``%``, ``divmod()``,\n ``pow()``, ``**``, ``<<``, ``>>``, ``&``, ``^``, ``|``). For\n instance, to evaluate the expression ``x + y``, where *x* is an\n instance of a class that has an ``__add__()`` method,\n ``x.__add__(y)`` is called. The ``__divmod__()`` method should be\n the equivalent to using ``__floordiv__()`` and ``__mod__()``; it\n should not be related to ``__truediv__()`` (described below). Note\n that ``__pow__()`` should be defined to accept an optional third\n argument if the ternary version of the built-in ``pow()`` function\n is to be supported.\n\n If one of those methods does not support the operation with the\n supplied arguments, it should return ``NotImplemented``.\n\nobject.__div__(self, other)\nobject.__truediv__(self, other)\n\n The division operator (``/``) is implemented by these methods. The\n ``__truediv__()`` method is used when ``__future__.division`` is in\n effect, otherwise ``__div__()`` is used. If only one of these two\n methods is defined, the object will not support division in the\n alternate context; ``TypeError`` will be raised instead.\n\nobject.__radd__(self, other)\nobject.__rsub__(self, other)\nobject.__rmul__(self, other)\nobject.__rdiv__(self, other)\nobject.__rtruediv__(self, other)\nobject.__rfloordiv__(self, other)\nobject.__rmod__(self, other)\nobject.__rdivmod__(self, other)\nobject.__rpow__(self, other)\nobject.__rlshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rrshift__(self, other)\nobject.__rand__(self, other)\nobject.__rxor__(self, other)\nobject.__ror__(self, other)\n\n These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic\n operations (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``%``, ``divmod()``,\n ``pow()``, ``**``, ``<<``, ``>>``, ``&``, ``^``, ``|``) with\n reflected (swapped) operands. These functions are only called if\n the left operand does not support the corresponding operation and\n the operands are of different types. [2] For instance, to evaluate\n the expression ``x - y``, where *y* is an instance of a class that\n has an ``__rsub__()`` method, ``y.__rsub__(x)`` is called if\n ``x.__sub__(y)`` returns *NotImplemented*.\n\n Note that ternary ``pow()`` will not try calling
67 ost of the attributes labelled "Writable" check the type of the\n assigned value.\n\n Changed in version 2.4: ``func_name`` is now writable.\n\n Function objects also support getting and setting arbitrary\n attributes, which can be used, for example, to attach metadata\n to functions. Regular attribute dot-notation is used to get and\n set such attributes. *Note that the current implementation only\n supports function attributes on user-defined functions. Function\n attributes on built-in functions may be supported in the\n future.*\n\n Additional information about a function\'s definition can be\n retrieved from its code object; see the description of internal\n types below.\n\n User-defined methods\n A user-defined method object combines a class, a class instance\n (or ``None``) and any callable object (normally a user-defined\n function).\n\n Special read-only attributes: ``im_self`` is the class instance\n object, ``im_func`` is the function object; ``im_class`` is the\n class of ``im_self`` for bound methods or the class that asked\n for the method for unbound methods; ``__doc__`` is the method\'s\n documentation (same as ``im_func.__doc__``); ``__name__`` is the\n method name (same as ``im_func.__name__``); ``__module__`` is\n the name of the module the method was defined in, or ``None`` if\n unavailable.\n\n Changed in version 2.2: ``im_self`` used to refer to the class\n that defined the method.\n\n Changed in version 2.6: For Python 3 forward-compatibility,\n ``im_func`` is also available as ``__func__``, and ``im_self``\n as ``__self__``.\n\n Methods also support accessing (but not setting) the arbitrary\n function attributes on the underlying function object.\n\n User-defined method objects may be created when getting an\n attribute of a class (perhaps via an instance of that class), if\n that attribute is a user-defined function object, an unbound\n user-defined method object, or a class method object. When the\n attribute is a user-defined method object, a new method object\n is only created if the class from which it is being retrieved is\n the same as, or a derived class of, the class stored in the\n original method object; otherwise, the original method object is\n used as it is.\n\n When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving a\n user-defined function object from a class, its ``im_self``\n attribute is ``None`` and the method object is said to be\n unbound. When one is created by retrieving a user-defined\n function object from a class via one of its instances, its\n ``im_self`` attribute is the instance, and the method object is\n said to be bound. In either case, the new method\'s ``im_class``\n attribute is the class from which the retrieval takes place, and\n its ``im_func`` attribute is the original function object.\n\n When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving\n another method object from a class or instance, the behaviour is\n the same as for a function object, except that the ``im_func``\n attribute of the new instance is not the original method object\n but its ``im_func`` attribute.\n\n When a user-defined method object is created by retrieving a\n class method object from a class or instance, its ``im_self``\n attribute is the class itself, and its ``im_func`` attribute is\n the function object underlying the class method.\n\n When an unbound user-defined method object is called, the\n underlying function (``im_func``) is called, with the\n restriction that the first argument must be an instance of the\n proper class (``im_class``) or of a derived class thereof.\n\n When a bound user-defined method object is called, the\n underlying function (``im_func``) is called, inserting the class\n instance (``im_self``) in front of the argument list. For\n instance, when ``C`` is a class which contains a definition for\n a function ``f()``, and ``x`` is an instance of ``C``, calling\n ``x.f(1)`` is equivalent to calling ``C.f(x, 1)``.\n\n When a user-defined method object is derived from a class method\n object, the "class instance" stored in ``im_self`` will actually\n be the class itself, so that calling either ``x.f(1)`` or\n ``C.f(1)`` is equivalent to calling ``f(C,1)`` where ``f`` is\n the underlying function.\n\n Note that the transformation from function object to (unbound or\n bound) method object happens each time the attribute is\n retrieved from the class or instance. In some cases, a fruitful\n optimization is to assign the attribute to a local variable and\n call that local variable. Also notice that this transformation\n only happens for user-defined functions; other callable objects\n (and all non-callable objects) are retrieved without\n transformation. It is also important to note that user-defined\n functions which are attributes of a class instance are not\n converted to bound methods; this *only* happens when the\n function is an attribute of the class.\n\n Generator functions\n A function or method which uses the ``yield`` statement (see\n section *The yield statement*) is called a *generator function*.\n Such a function, when called, always returns an iterator object\n which can be used to execute the body of the function: calling\n the iterator\'s ``next()`` method will cause the function to\n execute until it provides a value using the ``yield`` statement.\n When the function executes a ``return`` statement or falls off\n the end, a ``StopIteration`` exception is raised and the\n iterator will have reached the end of the set of values to be\n returned.\n\n Built-in functions\n A built-in function object is a wrapper around a C function.\n Examples of built-in functions are ``len()`` and ``math.sin()``\n (``math`` is a standard built-in module). The number and type of\n the arguments are determined by the C function. Special read-\n only attributes: ``__doc__`` is the function\'s documentation\n string, or ``None`` if unavailable; ``__name__`` is the\n function\'s name; ``__self__`` is set to ``None`` (but see the\n next item); ``__module__`` is the name of the module the\n function was defined in or ``None`` if unavailable.\n\n Built-in methods\n This is really a different disguise of a built-in function, this\n time containing an object passed to the C function as an\n implicit extra argument. An example of a built-in method is\n ``alist.append()``, assuming *alist* is a list object. In this\n case, the special read-only attribute ``__self__`` is set to the\n object denoted by *alist*.\n\n Class Types\n Class types, or "new-style classes," are callable. These\n objects normally act as factories for new instances of\n themselves, but variations are possible for class types that\n override ``__new__()``. The arguments of the call are passed to\n ``__new__()`` and, in the typical case, to ``__init__()`` to\n initialize the new instance.\n\n Classic Classes\n Class objects are described below. When a class object is\n called, a new class instance (also described below) is created\n and returned. This implies a call to the class\'s ``__init__()``\n method if it has one. Any arguments are passed on to the\n ``__init__()`` method. If there is no ``__init__()`` method,\n the class must be called without arguments.\n\n Class instances\n Class instances are described below. Class instances are\n callable only when the class has a ``__call__()`` method;\n ``x(arguments)`` is a shorthand for ``x.__call__(arguments)``.\n\nModules\n Modules are imported by the ``import`` statement (see section *The\n import statement*). A module object has a namespace implemented by\n a dictionary object (this is the dictionary referenced by the\n func_globals attribute of functions defined in the module).\n Attribute references are translated to lookups in this dictionary,\n e.g., ``m.x`` is equivalent to ``m.__dict__["x"]``. A module object\n does not contain the code object used to initialize the module\n (since it isn\'t needed once the initialization is done).\n\n Attribute assignment updates the module\'s namespace dictionary,\n e.g., ``m.x = 1`` is equivalent to ``m.__dict__["x"] = 1``.\n\n Special read-only attribute: ``__dict__`` is the module\'s namespace\n as a dictionary object.\n\n **CPython implementation detail:** Because of the way CPython\n clears module dictionaries, the module dictionary will be cleared\n when the module falls out of scope even if the dictionary still has\n live references. To avoid this, copy the dictionary or keep the\n module around while using its dictionary directly.\n\n Predefined (writable) attributes: ``__name__`` is the module\'s\n name; ``__doc__`` is the module\'s documentation string, or ``None``\n if unavailable; ``__file__`` is the pathname of the file from which\n the module was loaded, if it was loaded from a file. The\n ``__file__`` attribute is not present for C modules that are\n statically linked into the interpreter; for extension modules\n loaded dynamically from a shared library, it is the pathname of the\n shared library file.\n\nClasses\n Both class types (new-style classes) and class objects (old-\n style/classic classes) are typically created by class definitions\n (see section *Class definitions*). A class has a namespace\n implemented by a dictionary object. Class attribute references are\n translated to lookups in this dictionary, e.g., ``C.x`` is\n translated to ``C.__dict__["x"]`` (although for new-style classes\n in particular there are a number of hooks which allow for other\n means of locating attributes). When the attribute name is not found\n there, the attribute search continues in the base classes. For\n old-style classes, the search is depth-first, left-to-right in the\n order of occurrence in the base class list. New-style classes use\n the more complex C3 method resolution order which behaves correctly\n even in the presence of \'diamond\' inheritance structures where\n there are multiple inheritance paths leading back to a common\n ancestor. Additional details on the C3 MRO used by new-style\n classes can be found in the documentation accompanying the 2.3\n release at http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/.\n\n When a class attribute reference (for class ``C``, say) would yield\n a user-defined function object or an unbound user-defined method\n object whose associated class is either ``C`` or one of its base\n classes, it is transformed into an unbound user-defined method\n object whose ``im_class`` attribute is ``C``. When it would yield a\n class method object, it is transformed into a bound user-defined\n method object whose ``im_self`` attribute is ``C``. When it would\n yield a static method object, it is transformed into the object\n wrapped by the static method object. See section *Implementing\n Descriptors* for another way in which attributes retrieved from a\n class may differ from those actually contained in its ``__dict__``\n (note that only new-style classes support descriptors).\n\n Class attribute assignments update the class\'s dictionary, never\n the dictionary of a base class.\n\n A class object can be called (see above) to yield a class instance\n (see below).\n\n Special attributes: ``__name__`` is the class name; ``__module__``\n is the module name in which the class was defined; ``__dict__`` is\n the dictionary containing the class\'s namespace; ``__bases__`` is a\n tuple (possibly empty or a singleton) containing the base classes,\n in the order of their occurrence in the base class list;\n ``__doc__`` is the class\'s documentation string, or None if\n undefined.\n\nClass instances\n A class instance is created by calling
69 calling ``popitem()`` raises a ``KeyError``.\n\n setdefault(key[, default])\n\n If *key* is in the dictionary, return its value. If not, insert\n *key* with a value of *default* and return *default*. *default*\n defaults to ``None``.\n\n update([other])\n\n Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from *other*,\n overwriting existing keys. Return ``None``.\n\n ``update()`` accepts either another dictionary object or an\n iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of\n length two). If keyword arguments are specified, the dictionary\n is then updated with those key/value pairs: ``d.update(red=1,\n blue=2)``.\n\n Changed in version 2.4: Allowed the argument to be an iterable\n of key/value pairs and allowed keyword arguments.\n\n values()\n\n Return a copy of the dictionary\'s list of values. See the note\n for ``dict.items()``.\n\n viewitems()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s items (``(key, value)``\n pairs). See below for documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n viewkeys()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s keys. See below for\n documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n viewvalues()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s values. See below for\n documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n\nDictionary view objects\n=======================\n\nThe objects returned by ``dict.viewkeys()``, ``dict.viewvalues()`` and\n``dict.viewitems()`` are *view objects*. They provide a dynamic view\non the dictionary\'s entries, which means that when the dictionary\nchanges, the view reflects these changes.\n\nDictionary views can be iterated over to yield their respective data,\nand support membership tests:\n\nlen(dictview)\n\n Return the number of entries in the dictionary.\n\niter(dictview)\n\n Return an iterator over the keys, values or items (represented as\n tuples of ``(key, value)``) in the dictionary.\n\n Keys and values are iterated over in an arbitrary order which is\n non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on\n the dictionary\'s history of insertions and deletions. If keys,\n values and items views are iterated over with no intervening\n modifications to the dictionary, the order of items will directly\n correspond. This allows the creation of ``(value, key)`` pairs\n using ``zip()``: ``pairs = zip(d.values(), d.keys())``. Another\n way to create the same list is ``pairs = [(v, k) for (k, v) in\n d.items()]``.\n\n Iterating views while adding or deleting entries in the dictionary\n may raise a ``RuntimeError`` or fail to iterate over all entries.\n\nx in dictview\n\n Return ``True`` if *x* is in the underlying dictionary\'s keys,\n values or items (in the latter case, *x* should be a ``(key,\n value)`` tuple).\n\nKeys views are set-like since their entries are unique and hashable.\nIf all values are hashable, so that (key, value) pairs are unique and\nhashable, then the items view is also set-like. (Values views are not\ntreated as set-like since the entries are generally not unique.) Then\nthese set operations are available ("other" refers either to another\nview or a set):\n\ndictview & other\n\n Return the intersection of the dictview and the other object as a\n new set.\n\ndictview | other\n\n Return the union of the dictview and the other object as a new set.\n\ndictview - other\n\n Return the difference between the dictview and the other object\n (all elements in *dictview* that aren\'t in *other*) as a new set.\n\ndictview ^ other\n\n Return the symmetric difference (all elements either in *dictview*\n or *other*, but not in both) of the dictview and the other object\n as a new set.\n\nAn example of dictionary view usage:\n\n >>> dishes = {\'eggs\': 2, \'sausage\': 1, \'bacon\': 1, \'spam\': 500}\n >>> keys = dishes.viewkeys()\n >>> values = dishes.viewvalues()\n\n >>> # iteration\n >>> n = 0\n >>> for val in values:\n ... n += val\n >>> print(n)\n 504\n\n >>> # keys and values are iterated over in the same order\n >>> list(keys)\n [\'eggs\', \'bacon\', \'sausage\', \'spam\']\n >>> list(values)\n [2, 1, 1, 500]\n\n >>> # view objects are dynamic and reflect dict changes\n >>> del dishes[\'eggs\']\n >>> del dishes[\'sausage\']\n >>> list(keys)\n [\'spam\', \'bacon\']\n\n >>> # set operations\n >>> keys & {\'eggs\', \'bacon\', \'salad\'}\n {\'bacon\'}\n',
72 'typesseq': '\nSequence Types --- ``str``, ``unicode``, ``list``, ``tuple``, ``bytearray``, ``buffer``, ``xrange``\n***************************************************************************************************\n\nThere are seven sequence types: strings, Unicode strings, lists,\ntuples, bytearrays, buffers, and xrange objects.\n\nFor other containers see the built in ``dict`` and ``set`` classes,\nand the ``collections`` module.\n\nString literals are written in single or double quotes: ``\'xyzzy\'``,\n``"frobozz"``. See *String literals* for more about string literals.\nUnicode strings are much like strings, but are specified in the syntax\nusing a preceding ``\'u\'`` character: ``u\'abc\'``, ``u"def"``. In\naddition to the functionality described here, there are also string-\nspecific methods described in the *String Methods* section. Lists are\nconstructed with square brackets, separating items with commas: ``[a,\nb, c]``. Tuples are constructed by the comma operator (not within\nsquare brackets), with or without enclosing parentheses, but an empty\ntuple must have the enclosing parentheses, such as ``a, b, c`` or\n``()``. A single item tuple must have a trailing comma, such as\n``(d,)``.\n\nBytearray objects are created with the built-in function\n``bytearray()``.\n\nBuffer objects are not directly supported by Python syntax, but can be\ncreated by calling
77 'yield': '\nThe ``yield`` statement\n***********************\n\n yield_stmt ::= yield_expression\n\nThe ``yield`` statement is only used when defining a generator\nfunction, and is only used in the body of the generator function.\nUsing a ``yield`` statement in a function definition is sufficient to\ncause that definition to create a generator function instead of a\nnormal function.\n\nWhen a generator function is called, it returns an iterator known as a\ngenerator iterator, or more commonly, a generator. The body of the\ngenerator function is executed by calling