Method name is myMethod Declaring class is Target Arg 0: int Exc 0: java.lang.NullPointerException Exc 1: Return type is int Access flags are 0x1 Method name is myMethod Declaring class is SuperTarget Arg 0: float Return type is int Access flags are 0x1 Method name is myNoargMethod Declaring class is Target Return type is void Access flags are 0x9 Method name is myMethod Declaring class is Target Arg 0: [Ljava.lang.String; Arg 1: float Arg 2: char Return type is int Access flags are 0x1 SuperTarget constructor ()V Target constructor ()V Before, float is 3.1415925 myMethod: hi there 3.1415925 Q ! Result of invoke: 7 Calling no-arg void-return method myNoargMethod ()V throwingMethod Invoke got expected exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException java.lang.NullPointerException: gratuitous throw! Field name is string1 Declaring class is Target Field type is java.lang.String Access flags are 0x1 string1 value is 'hey' ::: hey:yo:there string1 value is now 'a new string' ::: a new string:yo:there got expected illegal obj store exc got the other expected access exc got expected arg exc pubLong initial value is 1122334455667788 pubLong new value is 9988776655443322 Field name is superInt Declaring class is SuperTarget Field type is int Access flags are 0x1 superInt value is 1010101 superInt boxed is 1010101 superInt value is now 20202 superInt value (from short) is now 30303 superInt value is now 40404 got expected long->int failure got expected long->int failure got expected string->int failure got expected int->short failure Field name is superClassInt Declaring class is SuperTarget Field type is int Access flags are 0x9 superClassInt value is 1010102 Field name is staticDouble Declaring class is Target Field type is double Access flags are 0x9 staticDoubleVal value is 3.3 got expected double->long failure as expected: aPrivateInt not found Field name is constantString Declaring class is Target Field type is java.lang.String Access flags are 0x19 Constant test value is a constant string Field name is cantTouchThis Declaring class is Target Field type is int Access flags are 0x11 cantTouchThis is 77 got expected set-final failure cantTouchThis is now 77 cantTouchThis is now 88 cons modifiers=1 SuperTarget constructor ()V Target constructor (IF)V : ii=7 ff=3.3333 myMethod (I)I arg=17 anInt=7 ReflectTest done! public method checkType invoking null checkType got expected exception got methods NoisyInitUser is initializing NoisyInit is initializing generic field: java.util.List generic method fancyMethod params='[1] java.util.ArrayList' ret='java.util.Map' generic ctor Main params='[1] java.util.ArrayList'