This is a tutorial/unittest for gdb's reverse debugging feature. It is a new feature that allows users to take a snapshot of the machine state, continue until a later stage of the program, then return to the previously recorded state and execute again. An ideal usage case is to help track down the reason why a memory location is clobbered. In the sample below, the "clobber" function trashes a neighboring variable "p" on the stack next to the "values" variable, and the program will crash at line 42 when "p" is being dereferenced. 18 #include 19 #include 20 21 #define ARRAY_LENGTH 10 22 23 int flag; 24 25 void clobber(int *array, int size) { 26 /* Make sure it clobbers something. */ 27 array[-1] = 0x123; 28 array[size] = 0x123; 29 } 30 31 int main(void) { 32 int values[ARRAY_LENGTH]; 33 int *p = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); 34 *p = 10; 35 36 while (!flag) { 37 sleep(1); 38 } 39 40 /* Set a breakpint here: "b main.c:41" */ 41 clobber(values, ARRAY_LENGTH); 42 printf("*p = %d\n", *p); 43 free(p); 44 45 return 0; 46 } The test program can be built/installed on the device by doing: > mmm development/tutorials/ReverseDebug > adb sync > adb shell reverse_debug In another window the following command can be used to attach to the running program: > gdbclient reverse_debug :5039 reverse_debug [1] 12802 Attached; pid = 1842 Listening on port 5039 GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6 Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=arm-linux-android". For bug reporting instructions, please see: ... Reading symbols from /usr/local/google/work/master/out/target/product/manta/symbols/system/bin/reverse_debug...done. Remote debugging from host nanosleep () at bionic/libc/arch-arm/syscalls/nanosleep.S:10 10 mov r7, ip ==== Now set a breakpoint on line 41 and set flag to 1 so that the program can continue. (gdb) b main.c:41 Breakpoint 1 at 0xb6f174a8: file development/tutorials/ReverseDebug/main.c, line 41. (gdb) p flag=1 $1 = 1 (gdb) c Continuing. ==== Now try the new "record" command to take a snapshot of the machine state. Breakpoint 1, main () at development/tutorials/ReverseDebug/main.c:41 41 clobber(values, ARRAY_LENGTH); (gdb) record (gdb) c Continuing. ==== Now the program crashes as expected as "p" has been clobbered. The "reverse-continue" command will bring the program back to line 41 and let you replay each instruction from there. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xb6f174bc in main () at development/tutorials/ReverseDebug/main.c:42 42 printf("*p = %d\n", *p); (gdb) reverse-continue Continuing. No more reverse-execution history. main () at development/tutorials/ReverseDebug/main.c:41 41 clobber(values, ARRAY_LENGTH); ==== Now let's add a watch point at "&p" to hopefully catch the clobber on the spot: (gdb) watch *(&p) Hardware watchpoint 2: *(&p) (gdb) c Continuing. Hardware watchpoint 2: *(&p) ==== And here it is: Old value = (int *) 0xb728c020 New value = (int *) 0x123 0xb6f17440 in clobber (array=0xbebcaab0, size=10) at development/tutorials/ReverseDebug/main.c:28 28 array[size] = 0x123; =============================== That said, reverse debugging on ARM is still in the infant stage. Currently (as of gdb 7.6) it only recognizes ARM instructions and will punt on all Thumb(2) instructions. To give it a try you will need to recompile your program in ARM mode. To do that you have to add the ".arm" suffix to the desired file in LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= main.c.arm