
Using the API, you can prompt the user for permission to access the media galleries. The permission dialog will contain common media locations for the platform and will allow the user to add additional locations. From those locations, only media files will be present in the file system objects.


The media galleries API has two axes of permission parameters; the locations that can be accessed, and the types of access (read-only, copy-to, etc).

On the location axis, specifying no location-type permission parameters means that no media galleries are accessible until the user grants permission to specific media galleries at runtime using the media gallery configuration dialog. This dialog can be programmatically triggered. Alternatively, specifying the "allAutoDetected" permission parameter grants access to all auto-detected media galleries on the user's computer. However, this permission displays an install time prompt indicating that the app will have access to all of the user's media files.

On the access type axis, the "read" permission parameter grants the app the right to read files. This permission does not trigger an install time permission prompt because the user must still grant access to particular galleries, either with the "allAutoDetected" permission parameter or at runtime by using the media gallery management dialog. For example:

  "name": "My app",
  "permissions": [
    { "mediaGalleries": ["read", "allAutoDetected"] }

The above permission will trigger an install time permission prompt and let the app read from all auto-detected media galleries on the user's computer. The user may add or remove galleries using the media gallery management dialog, after which the app will be able to read all the media files from galleries that the user has selected.

Another possible access type is "copyTo". Specifying only "copyTo" on the access type axis will permit using accessible media galleries as a destination for copyTo() operations. "copyTo" and "read" can both be specified to obtain both types of permissions to accessible media galleries.