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      1 //===- lib/MC/MCObjectDisassembler.cpp ------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "llvm/MC/MCObjectDisassembler.h"
     11 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
     12 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
     13 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
     14 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     16 #include "llvm/MC/MCAtom.h"
     17 #include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler.h"
     18 #include "llvm/MC/MCFunction.h"
     19 #include "llvm/MC/MCInstrAnalysis.h"
     20 #include "llvm/MC/MCModule.h"
     21 #include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryObject.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/StringRefMemoryObject.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     25 #include <map>
     26 #include <set>
     28 using namespace llvm;
     29 using namespace object;
     31 MCObjectDisassembler::MCObjectDisassembler(const ObjectFile &Obj,
     32                                            const MCDisassembler &Dis,
     33                                            const MCInstrAnalysis &MIA)
     34   : Obj(Obj), Dis(Dis), MIA(MIA) {}
     36 MCModule *MCObjectDisassembler::buildModule(bool withCFG) {
     37   MCModule *Module = new MCModule;
     38   buildSectionAtoms(Module);
     39   if (withCFG)
     40     buildCFG(Module);
     41   return Module;
     42 }
     44 void MCObjectDisassembler::buildSectionAtoms(MCModule *Module) {
     45   error_code ec;
     46   for (section_iterator SI = Obj.begin_sections(),
     47                         SE = Obj.end_sections();
     48                         SI != SE;
     49                         SI.increment(ec)) {
     50     if (ec) break;
     52     bool isText; SI->isText(isText);
     53     bool isData; SI->isData(isData);
     54     if (!isData && !isText)
     55       continue;
     57     uint64_t StartAddr; SI->getAddress(StartAddr);
     58     uint64_t SecSize; SI->getSize(SecSize);
     59     if (StartAddr == UnknownAddressOrSize || SecSize == UnknownAddressOrSize)
     60       continue;
     62     StringRef Contents; SI->getContents(Contents);
     63     StringRefMemoryObject memoryObject(Contents);
     65     // We don't care about things like non-file-backed sections yet.
     66     if (Contents.size() != SecSize || !SecSize)
     67       continue;
     68     uint64_t EndAddr = StartAddr + SecSize - 1;
     70     StringRef SecName; SI->getName(SecName);
     72     if (isText) {
     73       MCTextAtom *Text = Module->createTextAtom(StartAddr, EndAddr);
     74       Text->setName(SecName);
     75       uint64_t InstSize;
     76       for (uint64_t Index = 0; Index < SecSize; Index += InstSize) {
     77         MCInst Inst;
     78         if (Dis.getInstruction(Inst, InstSize, memoryObject, Index,
     79                                nulls(), nulls()))
     80           Text->addInst(Inst, InstSize);
     81         else
     82           // We don't care about splitting mixed atoms either.
     83           llvm_unreachable("Couldn't disassemble instruction in atom.");
     84       }
     86     } else {
     87       MCDataAtom *Data = Module->createDataAtom(StartAddr, EndAddr);
     88       Data->setName(SecName);
     89       for (uint64_t Index = 0; Index < SecSize; ++Index)
     90         Data->addData(Contents[Index]);
     91     }
     92   }
     93 }
     95 namespace {
     96   struct BBInfo;
     97   typedef std::set<BBInfo*> BBInfoSetTy;
     99   struct BBInfo {
    100     MCTextAtom *Atom;
    101     MCBasicBlock *BB;
    102     BBInfoSetTy Succs;
    103     BBInfoSetTy Preds;
    105     void addSucc(BBInfo &Succ) {
    106       Succs.insert(&Succ);
    107       Succ.Preds.insert(this);
    108     }
    109   };
    110 }
    112 void MCObjectDisassembler::buildCFG(MCModule *Module) {
    113   typedef std::map<uint64_t, BBInfo> BBInfoByAddrTy;
    114   BBInfoByAddrTy BBInfos;
    115   typedef std::set<uint64_t> AddressSetTy;
    116   AddressSetTy Splits;
    117   AddressSetTy Calls;
    119   assert(Module->func_begin() == Module->func_end()
    120          && "Module already has a CFG!");
    122   // First, determine the basic block boundaries and call targets.
    123   for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
    124                                AE = Module->atom_end();
    125        AI != AE; ++AI) {
    126     MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    127     if (!TA) continue;
    128     Calls.insert(TA->getBeginAddr());
    129     BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()].Atom = TA;
    130     for (MCTextAtom::const_iterator II = TA->begin(), IE = TA->end();
    131          II != IE; ++II) {
    132       if (MIA.isTerminator(II->Inst))
    133         Splits.insert(II->Address + II->Size);
    134       uint64_t Target;
    135       if (MIA.evaluateBranch(II->Inst, II->Address, II->Size, Target)) {
    136         if (MIA.isCall(II->Inst))
    137           Calls.insert(Target);
    138         Splits.insert(Target);
    139       }
    140     }
    141   }
    143   // Split text atoms into basic block atoms.
    144   for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator SI = Splits.begin(), SE = Splits.end();
    145        SI != SE; ++SI) {
    146     MCAtom *A = Module->findAtomContaining(*SI);
    147     if (!A) continue;
    148     MCTextAtom *TA = cast<MCTextAtom>(A);
    149     if (TA->getBeginAddr() == *SI)
    150       continue;
    151     MCTextAtom *NewAtom = TA->split(*SI);
    152     BBInfos[NewAtom->getBeginAddr()].Atom = NewAtom;
    153     StringRef BBName = TA->getName();
    154     BBName = BBName.substr(0, BBName.find_last_of(':'));
    155     NewAtom->setName((BBName + ":" + utohexstr(*SI)).str());
    156   }
    158   // Compute succs/preds.
    159   for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
    160                                AE = Module->atom_end();
    161                                AI != AE; ++AI) {
    162     MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    163     if (!TA) continue;
    164     BBInfo &CurBB = BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()];
    165     const MCDecodedInst &LI = TA->back();
    166     if (MIA.isBranch(LI.Inst)) {
    167       uint64_t Target;
    168       if (MIA.evaluateBranch(LI.Inst, LI.Address, LI.Size, Target))
    169         CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[Target]);
    170       if (MIA.isConditionalBranch(LI.Inst))
    171         CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);
    172     } else if (!MIA.isTerminator(LI.Inst))
    173       CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);
    174   }
    177   // Create functions and basic blocks.
    178   for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator CI = Calls.begin(), CE = Calls.end();
    179        CI != CE; ++CI) {
    180     BBInfo &BBI = BBInfos[*CI];
    181     if (!BBI.Atom) continue;
    183     MCFunction &MCFN = *Module->createFunction(BBI.Atom->getName());
    185     // Create MCBBs.
    186     SmallSetVector<BBInfo*, 16> Worklist;
    187     Worklist.insert(&BBI);
    188     for (size_t WI = 0; WI < Worklist.size(); ++WI) {
    189       BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[WI];
    190       if (!BBI->Atom)
    191         continue;
    192       BBI->BB = &MCFN.createBlock(*BBI->Atom);
    193       // Add all predecessors and successors to the worklist.
    194       for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
    195                                  SI != SE; ++SI)
    196         Worklist.insert(*SI);
    197       for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
    198                                  PI != PE; ++PI)
    199         Worklist.insert(*PI);
    200     }
    202     // Set preds/succs.
    203     for (size_t WI = 0; WI < Worklist.size(); ++WI) {
    204       BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[WI];
    205       MCBasicBlock *MCBB = BBI->BB;
    206       if (!MCBB)
    207         continue;
    208       for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
    209                                  SI != SE; ++SI)
    210         MCBB->addSuccessor((*SI)->BB);
    211       for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
    212                                  PI != PE; ++PI)
    213         MCBB->addPredecessor((*PI)->BB);
    214     }
    215   }
    216 }