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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chromeos/dbus/power_policy_controller.h"
      7 #include "base/format_macros.h"
      8 #include "base/logging.h"
      9 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     10 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     11 #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h"
     13 namespace chromeos {
     15 namespace {
     17 // Appends a description of |field|, a field within |delays|, a
     18 // power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays object, to |str|, an
     19 // std::string, if the field is set.  |name| is a char* describing the
     20 // field.
     21 #define APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, field, name)                                 \
     22     {                                                                          \
     23       if (delays.has_##field())                                                \
     24         str += base::StringPrintf(name "=%" PRId64 " ", delays.field());       \
     25     }
     27 // Appends descriptions of all of the set delays in |delays|, a
     28 // power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays object, to |str|, an
     29 // std::string.  |prefix| should be a char* containing either "ac" or
     30 // "battery".
     31 #define APPEND_DELAYS(str, delays, prefix)                                     \
     32     {                                                                          \
     33       APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, screen_dim_ms, prefix "_screen_dim_ms");       \
     34       APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, screen_off_ms, prefix "_screen_off_ms");       \
     35       APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, screen_lock_ms, prefix "_screen_lock_ms");     \
     36       APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, idle_warning_ms, prefix "_idle_warning_ms");   \
     37       APPEND_DELAY(str, delays, idle_ms, prefix "_idle_ms");                   \
     38     }
     40 // Returns the power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action value
     41 // corresponding to |action|.
     42 power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action GetProtoAction(
     43     PowerPolicyController::Action action) {
     44   switch (action) {
     45     case PowerPolicyController::ACTION_SUSPEND:
     46       return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SUSPEND;
     47     case PowerPolicyController::ACTION_STOP_SESSION:
     48       return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_STOP_SESSION;
     49     case PowerPolicyController::ACTION_SHUT_DOWN:
     50       return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SHUT_DOWN;
     51     case PowerPolicyController::ACTION_DO_NOTHING:
     52       return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING;
     53     default:
     54       NOTREACHED() << "Unhandled action " << action;
     55       return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING;
     56   }
     57 }
     59 }  // namespace
     61 const int PowerPolicyController::kScreenLockAfterOffDelayMs = 10000;  // 10 sec.
     63 // -1 is interpreted as "unset" by powerd, resulting in powerd's default
     64 // delays being used instead.  There are no similarly-interpreted values
     65 // for the other fields, unfortunately (but the constructor-assigned values
     66 // will only reach powerd if Chrome messes up and forgets to override them
     67 // with the pref-assigned values).
     68 PowerPolicyController::PrefValues::PrefValues()
     69     : ac_screen_dim_delay_ms(-1),
     70       ac_screen_off_delay_ms(-1),
     71       ac_screen_lock_delay_ms(-1),
     72       ac_idle_warning_delay_ms(-1),
     73       ac_idle_delay_ms(-1),
     74       battery_screen_dim_delay_ms(-1),
     75       battery_screen_off_delay_ms(-1),
     76       battery_screen_lock_delay_ms(-1),
     77       battery_idle_warning_delay_ms(-1),
     78       battery_idle_delay_ms(-1),
     79       ac_idle_action(ACTION_SUSPEND),
     80       battery_idle_action(ACTION_SUSPEND),
     81       lid_closed_action(ACTION_SUSPEND),
     82       use_audio_activity(true),
     83       use_video_activity(true),
     84       allow_screen_wake_locks(true),
     85       enable_screen_lock(false),
     86       presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor(1.0),
     87       user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor(1.0) {}
     89 // static
     90 std::string PowerPolicyController::GetPolicyDebugString(
     91     const power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy& policy) {
     92   std::string str;
     93   if (policy.has_ac_delays())
     94     APPEND_DELAYS(str, policy.ac_delays(), "ac");
     95   if (policy.has_battery_delays())
     96     APPEND_DELAYS(str, policy.battery_delays(), "battery");
     97   if (policy.has_ac_idle_action())
     98     str += base::StringPrintf("ac_idle=%d ", policy.ac_idle_action());
     99   if (policy.has_battery_idle_action())
    100     str += base::StringPrintf("battery_idle=%d ", policy.battery_idle_action());
    101   if (policy.has_lid_closed_action())
    102     str += base::StringPrintf("lid_closed=%d ", policy.lid_closed_action());
    103   if (policy.has_use_audio_activity())
    104     str += base::StringPrintf("use_audio=%d ", policy.use_audio_activity());
    105   if (policy.has_use_video_activity())
    106     str += base::StringPrintf("use_video=%d ", policy.use_audio_activity());
    107   if (policy.has_presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor()) {
    108     str += base::StringPrintf("presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor=%f ",
    109         policy.presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor());
    110   }
    111   if (policy.has_user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor()) {
    112     str += base::StringPrintf("user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor=%f ",
    113         policy.user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor());
    114   }
    115   if (policy.has_reason())
    116     str += base::StringPrintf("reason=\"%s\" ", policy.reason().c_str());
    117   TrimWhitespace(str, TRIM_TRAILING, &str);
    118   return str;
    119 }
    121 PowerPolicyController::PowerPolicyController(DBusThreadManager* manager,
    122                                              PowerManagerClient* client)
    123     : manager_(manager),
    124       client_(client),
    125       prefs_were_set_(false),
    126       honor_screen_wake_locks_(true),
    127       next_wake_lock_id_(1) {
    128   manager_->AddObserver(this);
    129   client_->AddObserver(this);
    130   SendCurrentPolicy();
    131 }
    133 PowerPolicyController::~PowerPolicyController() {
    134   // The power manager's policy is reset before this point, in
    135   // OnDBusThreadManagerDestroying().  At the time that
    136   // PowerPolicyController is destroyed, PowerManagerClient's D-Bus proxy
    137   // to the power manager is already gone.
    138   client_->RemoveObserver(this);
    139   client_ = NULL;
    140   manager_->RemoveObserver(this);
    141   manager_ = NULL;
    142 }
    144 void PowerPolicyController::ApplyPrefs(const PrefValues& values) {
    145   prefs_policy_.Clear();
    147   power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays* delays =
    148       prefs_policy_.mutable_ac_delays();
    149   delays->set_screen_dim_ms(values.ac_screen_dim_delay_ms);
    150   delays->set_screen_off_ms(values.ac_screen_off_delay_ms);
    151   delays->set_screen_lock_ms(values.ac_screen_lock_delay_ms);
    152   delays->set_idle_warning_ms(values.ac_idle_warning_delay_ms);
    153   delays->set_idle_ms(values.ac_idle_delay_ms);
    155   // If screen-locking is enabled, ensure that the screen is locked soon
    156   // after it's turned off due to user inactivity.
    157   int64 lock_ms = delays->screen_off_ms() + kScreenLockAfterOffDelayMs;
    158   if (values.enable_screen_lock && delays->screen_off_ms() > 0 &&
    159       (delays->screen_lock_ms() <= 0 || lock_ms < delays->screen_lock_ms()) &&
    160       lock_ms < delays->idle_ms()) {
    161     delays->set_screen_lock_ms(lock_ms);
    162   }
    164   delays = prefs_policy_.mutable_battery_delays();
    165   delays->set_screen_dim_ms(values.battery_screen_dim_delay_ms);
    166   delays->set_screen_off_ms(values.battery_screen_off_delay_ms);
    167   delays->set_screen_lock_ms(values.battery_screen_lock_delay_ms);
    168   delays->set_idle_warning_ms(values.battery_idle_warning_delay_ms);
    169   delays->set_idle_ms(values.battery_idle_delay_ms);
    171   lock_ms = delays->screen_off_ms() + kScreenLockAfterOffDelayMs;
    172   if (values.enable_screen_lock && delays->screen_off_ms() > 0 &&
    173       (delays->screen_lock_ms() <= 0 || lock_ms < delays->screen_lock_ms()) &&
    174       lock_ms < delays->idle_ms()) {
    175     delays->set_screen_lock_ms(lock_ms);
    176   }
    178   prefs_policy_.set_ac_idle_action(GetProtoAction(values.ac_idle_action));
    179   prefs_policy_.set_battery_idle_action(
    180       GetProtoAction(values.battery_idle_action));
    181   prefs_policy_.set_lid_closed_action(GetProtoAction(values.lid_closed_action));
    182   prefs_policy_.set_use_audio_activity(values.use_audio_activity);
    183   prefs_policy_.set_use_video_activity(values.use_video_activity);
    184   prefs_policy_.set_presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor(
    185       values.presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor);
    186   prefs_policy_.set_user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor(
    187       values.user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor);
    189   honor_screen_wake_locks_ = values.allow_screen_wake_locks;
    191   prefs_were_set_ = true;
    192   SendCurrentPolicy();
    193 }
    195 void PowerPolicyController::ClearPrefs() {
    196   prefs_policy_.Clear();
    197   honor_screen_wake_locks_ = true;
    198   prefs_were_set_ = false;
    199   SendCurrentPolicy();
    200 }
    202 int PowerPolicyController::AddScreenWakeLock(const std::string& reason) {
    203   int id = next_wake_lock_id_++;
    204   screen_wake_locks_[id] = reason;
    205   SendCurrentPolicy();
    206   return id;
    207 }
    209 int PowerPolicyController::AddSystemWakeLock(const std::string& reason) {
    210   int id = next_wake_lock_id_++;
    211   system_wake_locks_[id] = reason;
    212   SendCurrentPolicy();
    213   return id;
    214 }
    216 void PowerPolicyController::RemoveWakeLock(int id) {
    217   if (!screen_wake_locks_.erase(id) && !system_wake_locks_.erase(id))
    218     LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring request to remove nonexistent wake lock " << id;
    219   else
    220     SendCurrentPolicy();
    221 }
    223 void PowerPolicyController::OnDBusThreadManagerDestroying(
    224     DBusThreadManager* manager) {
    225   DCHECK_EQ(manager, manager_);
    226   SendEmptyPolicy();
    227 }
    229 void PowerPolicyController::PowerManagerRestarted() {
    230   SendCurrentPolicy();
    231 }
    233 void PowerPolicyController::SendCurrentPolicy() {
    234   std::string reason;
    236   power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy policy = prefs_policy_;
    237   if (prefs_were_set_)
    238     reason = "Prefs";
    240   if (honor_screen_wake_locks_ && !screen_wake_locks_.empty()) {
    241     policy.mutable_ac_delays()->set_screen_dim_ms(0);
    242     policy.mutable_ac_delays()->set_screen_off_ms(0);
    243     policy.mutable_ac_delays()->set_screen_lock_ms(0);
    244     policy.mutable_battery_delays()->set_screen_dim_ms(0);
    245     policy.mutable_battery_delays()->set_screen_off_ms(0);
    246     policy.mutable_battery_delays()->set_screen_lock_ms(0);
    247   }
    249   if (!screen_wake_locks_.empty() || !system_wake_locks_.empty()) {
    250     if (!policy.has_ac_idle_action() || policy.ac_idle_action() ==
    251         power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SUSPEND) {
    252       policy.set_ac_idle_action(
    253           power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING);
    254     }
    255     if (!policy.has_battery_idle_action() || policy.battery_idle_action() ==
    256         power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SUSPEND) {
    257       policy.set_battery_idle_action(
    258           power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING);
    259     }
    260   }
    262   for (WakeLockMap::const_iterator it = screen_wake_locks_.begin();
    263        it != screen_wake_locks_.end(); ++it) {
    264     reason += (reason.empty() ? "" : ", ") + it->second;
    265   }
    266   for (WakeLockMap::const_iterator it = system_wake_locks_.begin();
    267        it != system_wake_locks_.end(); ++it) {
    268     reason += (reason.empty() ? "" : ", ") + it->second;
    269   }
    271   if (!reason.empty())
    272     policy.set_reason(reason);
    273   client_->SetPolicy(policy);
    274 }
    276 void PowerPolicyController::SendEmptyPolicy() {
    277   client_->SetPolicy(power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy());
    278 }
    280 }  // namespace chromeos