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      1 //===- unittest/Format/FormatTest.cpp - Formatting unit tests -------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #define DEBUG_TYPE "format-test"
     12 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
     13 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
     14 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
     15 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     17 namespace clang {
     18 namespace format {
     20 class FormatTest : public ::testing::Test {
     21 protected:
     22   std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
     23                      const FormatStyle &Style) {
     24     DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n");
     25     std::vector<tooling::Range> Ranges(1, tooling::Range(Offset, Length));
     26     tooling::Replacements Replaces = reformat(Style, Code, Ranges);
     27     ReplacementCount = Replaces.size();
     28     std::string Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces);
     29     EXPECT_NE("", Result);
     30     DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n" << Result << "\n\n");
     31     return Result;
     32   }
     34   std::string
     35   format(llvm::StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle()) {
     36     return format(Code, 0, Code.size(), Style);
     37   }
     39   std::string messUp(llvm::StringRef Code) {
     40     std::string MessedUp(Code.str());
     41     bool InComment = false;
     42     bool InPreprocessorDirective = false;
     43     bool JustReplacedNewline = false;
     44     for (unsigned i = 0, e = MessedUp.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
     45       if (MessedUp[i] == '/' && MessedUp[i + 1] == '/') {
     46         if (JustReplacedNewline)
     47           MessedUp[i - 1] = '\n';
     48         InComment = true;
     49       } else if (MessedUp[i] == '#' && (JustReplacedNewline || i == 0)) {
     50         if (i != 0)
     51           MessedUp[i - 1] = '\n';
     52         InPreprocessorDirective = true;
     53       } else if (MessedUp[i] == '\\' && MessedUp[i + 1] == '\n') {
     54         MessedUp[i] = ' ';
     55         MessedUp[i + 1] = ' ';
     56       } else if (MessedUp[i] == '\n') {
     57         if (InComment) {
     58           InComment = false;
     59         } else if (InPreprocessorDirective) {
     60           InPreprocessorDirective = false;
     61         } else {
     62           JustReplacedNewline = true;
     63           MessedUp[i] = ' ';
     64         }
     65       } else if (MessedUp[i] != ' ') {
     66         JustReplacedNewline = false;
     67       }
     68     }
     69     return MessedUp;
     70   }
     72   FormatStyle getLLVMStyleWithColumns(unsigned ColumnLimit) {
     73     FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
     74     Style.ColumnLimit = ColumnLimit;
     75     return Style;
     76   }
     78   FormatStyle getGoogleStyleWithColumns(unsigned ColumnLimit) {
     79     FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle();
     80     Style.ColumnLimit = ColumnLimit;
     81     return Style;
     82   }
     84   void verifyFormat(llvm::StringRef Code,
     85                     const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle()) {
     86     EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(messUp(Code), Style));
     87   }
     89   void verifyGoogleFormat(llvm::StringRef Code) {
     90     verifyFormat(Code, getGoogleStyle());
     91   }
     93   void verifyIndependentOfContext(llvm::StringRef text) {
     94     verifyFormat(text);
     95     verifyFormat(llvm::Twine("void f() { " + text + " }").str());
     96   }
     98   int ReplacementCount;
     99 };
    101 TEST_F(FormatTest, MessUp) {
    102   EXPECT_EQ("1 2 3", messUp("1 2 3"));
    103   EXPECT_EQ("1 2 3\n", messUp("1\n2\n3\n"));
    104   EXPECT_EQ("a\n//b\nc", messUp("a\n//b\nc"));
    105   EXPECT_EQ("a\n#b\nc", messUp("a\n#b\nc"));
    106   EXPECT_EQ("a\n#b  c  d\ne", messUp("a\n#b\\\nc\\\nd\ne"));
    107 }
    109 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    110 // Basic function tests.
    111 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    113 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotChangeCorrectlyFormatedCode) {
    114   EXPECT_EQ(";", format(";"));
    115 }
    117 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsGlobalStatementsAt0) {
    118   EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format("  int i;"));
    119   EXPECT_EQ("\nint i;", format(" \n\t \r  int i;"));
    120   EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format("    int i; int j;"));
    121   EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format("    int i;\n  int j;"));
    122 }
    124 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsUnwrappedLinesAtFirstFormat) {
    125   EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format("int\ni;"));
    126 }
    128 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedBlockStatements) {
    129   EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {\n    {}\n  }\n}", format("{{{}}}"));
    130 }
    132 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedCall) {
    133   verifyFormat("Method(f1, f2(f3));");
    134   verifyFormat("Method(f1(f2, f3()));");
    135   verifyFormat("Method(f1(f2, (f3())));");
    136 }
    138 TEST_F(FormatTest, NestedNameSpecifiers) {
    139   verifyFormat("vector< ::Type> v;");
    140   verifyFormat("::ns::SomeFunction(::ns::SomeOtherFunction())");
    141 }
    143 TEST_F(FormatTest, OnlyGeneratesNecessaryReplacements) {
    144   EXPECT_EQ("if (a) {\n"
    145             "  f();\n"
    146             "}",
    147             format("if(a){f();}"));
    148   EXPECT_EQ(4, ReplacementCount);
    149   EXPECT_EQ("if (a) {\n"
    150             "  f();\n"
    151             "}",
    152             format("if (a) {\n"
    153                    "  f();\n"
    154                    "}"));
    155   EXPECT_EQ(0, ReplacementCount);
    156 }
    158 TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesTrailingWhitespaceOfFormattedLine) {
    159   EXPECT_EQ("int a;\nint b;", format("int a; \nint b;", 0, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    160   EXPECT_EQ("int a;", format("int a;         "));
    161   EXPECT_EQ("int a;\n", format("int a;  \n   \n   \n "));
    162   EXPECT_EQ("int a;\nint b;    ",
    163             format("int a;  \nint b;    ", 0, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    164 }
    166 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCorrectRegionForLeadingWhitespace) {
    167   EXPECT_EQ("int b;\nint a;",
    168             format("int b;\n   int a;", 7, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    169   EXPECT_EQ("int b;\n   int a;",
    170             format("int b;\n   int a;", 6, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    172   EXPECT_EQ("#define A  \\\n"
    173             "  int a;   \\\n"
    174             "  int b;",
    175             format("#define A  \\\n"
    176                    "  int a;   \\\n"
    177                    "    int b;",
    178                    26, 0, getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
    179   EXPECT_EQ("#define A  \\\n"
    180             "  int a;   \\\n"
    181             "    int b;",
    182             format("#define A  \\\n"
    183                    "  int a;   \\\n"
    184                    "    int b;",
    185                    25, 0, getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
    186 }
    188 TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesWhitespaceWhenTriggeredOnEmptyLine) {
    189   EXPECT_EQ("int  a;\n\n int b;",
    190             format("int  a;\n  \n\n int b;", 7, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    191   EXPECT_EQ("int  a;\n\n int b;",
    192             format("int  a;\n  \n\n int b;", 9, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    193 }
    195 TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesEmptyLines) {
    196   EXPECT_EQ("class C {\n"
    197             "  int i;\n"
    198             "};",
    199             format("class C {\n"
    200                    " int i;\n"
    201                    "\n"
    202                    "};"));
    204   // Don't remove empty lines in more complex control statements.
    205   EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
    206             "  if (a) {\n"
    207             "    f();\n"
    208             "\n"
    209             "  } else if (b) {\n"
    210             "    f();\n"
    211             "  }\n"
    212             "}",
    213             format("void f() {\n"
    214                    "  if (a) {\n"
    215                    "    f();\n"
    216                    "\n"
    217                    "  } else if (b) {\n"
    218                    "    f();\n"
    219                    "\n"
    220                    "  }\n"
    221                    "\n"
    222                    "}"));
    224   // FIXME: This is slightly inconsistent.
    225   EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
    226             "int i;\n"
    227             "}",
    228             format("namespace {\n"
    229                    "int i;\n"
    230                    "\n"
    231                    "}"));
    232   EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
    233             "int i;\n"
    234             "\n"
    235             "} // namespace",
    236             format("namespace {\n"
    237                    "int i;\n"
    238                    "\n"
    239                    "}  // namespace"));
    240 }
    242 TEST_F(FormatTest, ReformatsMovedLines) {
    243   EXPECT_EQ(
    244       "template <typename T> T *getFETokenInfo() const {\n"
    245       "  return static_cast<T *>(FETokenInfo);\n"
    246       "}\n"
    247       "  int a; // <- Should not be formatted",
    248       format(
    249           "template<typename T>\n"
    250           "T *getFETokenInfo() const { return static_cast<T*>(FETokenInfo); }\n"
    251           "  int a; // <- Should not be formatted",
    252           9, 5, getLLVMStyle()));
    253 }
    255 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    256 // Tests for control statements.
    257 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    259 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatIfWithoutCompoundStatement) {
    260   verifyFormat("if (true)\n  f();\ng();");
    261   verifyFormat("if (a)\n  if (b)\n    if (c)\n      g();\nh();");
    262   verifyFormat("if (a)\n  if (b) {\n    f();\n  }\ng();");
    264   FormatStyle AllowsMergedIf = getLLVMStyle();
    265   AllowsMergedIf.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = true;
    266   verifyFormat("if (a)\n"
    267                "  // comment\n"
    268                "  f();",
    269                AllowsMergedIf);
    270   verifyFormat("if (a)\n"
    271                "  ;",
    272                AllowsMergedIf);
    273   verifyFormat("if (a)\n"
    274                "  if (b) return;",
    275                AllowsMergedIf);
    277   verifyFormat("if (a) // Can't merge this\n"
    278                "  f();\n",
    279                AllowsMergedIf);
    280   verifyFormat("if (a) /* still don't merge */\n"
    281                "  f();",
    282                AllowsMergedIf);
    283   verifyFormat("if (a) { // Never merge this\n"
    284                "  f();\n"
    285                "}",
    286                AllowsMergedIf);
    287   verifyFormat("if (a) { /* Never merge this */\n"
    288                "  f();\n"
    289                "}",
    290                AllowsMergedIf);
    292   EXPECT_EQ("if (a) return;", format("if(a)\nreturn;", 7, 1, AllowsMergedIf));
    293   EXPECT_EQ("if (a) return; // comment",
    294             format("if(a)\nreturn; // comment", 20, 1, AllowsMergedIf));
    296   AllowsMergedIf.ColumnLimit = 14;
    297   verifyFormat("if (a) return;", AllowsMergedIf);
    298   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaa)\n"
    299                "  return;",
    300                AllowsMergedIf);
    302   AllowsMergedIf.ColumnLimit = 13;
    303   verifyFormat("if (a)\n  return;", AllowsMergedIf);
    304 }
    306 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatLoopsWithoutCompoundStatement) {
    307   FormatStyle AllowsMergedLoops = getLLVMStyle();
    308   AllowsMergedLoops.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = true;
    309   verifyFormat("while (true) continue;", AllowsMergedLoops);
    310   verifyFormat("for (;;) continue;", AllowsMergedLoops);
    311   verifyFormat("for (int &v : vec) v *= 2;", AllowsMergedLoops);
    312   verifyFormat("while (true)\n"
    313                "  ;",
    314                AllowsMergedLoops);
    315   verifyFormat("for (;;)\n"
    316                "  ;",
    317                AllowsMergedLoops);
    318   verifyFormat("for (;;)\n"
    319                "  for (;;) continue;",
    320                AllowsMergedLoops);
    321   verifyFormat("for (;;) // Can't merge this\n"
    322                "  continue;",
    323                AllowsMergedLoops);
    324   verifyFormat("for (;;) /* still don't merge */\n"
    325                "  continue;",
    326                AllowsMergedLoops);
    327 }
    329 TEST_F(FormatTest, ParseIfElse) {
    330   verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
    331                "  if (true)\n"
    332                "    if (true)\n"
    333                "      f();\n"
    334                "    else\n"
    335                "      g();\n"
    336                "  else\n"
    337                "    h();\n"
    338                "else\n"
    339                "  i();");
    340   verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
    341                "  if (true)\n"
    342                "    if (true) {\n"
    343                "      if (true)\n"
    344                "        f();\n"
    345                "    } else {\n"
    346                "      g();\n"
    347                "    }\n"
    348                "  else\n"
    349                "    h();\n"
    350                "else {\n"
    351                "  i();\n"
    352                "}");
    353 }
    355 TEST_F(FormatTest, ElseIf) {
    356   verifyFormat("if (a) {\n} else if (b) {\n}");
    357   verifyFormat("if (a)\n"
    358                "  f();\n"
    359                "else if (b)\n"
    360                "  g();\n"
    361                "else\n"
    362                "  h();");
    363 }
    365 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsForLoop) {
    366   verifyFormat(
    367       "for (int VeryVeryLongLoopVariable = 0; VeryVeryLongLoopVariable < 10;\n"
    368       "     ++VeryVeryLongLoopVariable)\n"
    369       "  ;");
    370   verifyFormat("for (;;)\n"
    371                "  f();");
    372   verifyFormat("for (;;) {\n}");
    373   verifyFormat("for (;;) {\n"
    374                "  f();\n"
    375                "}");
    376   verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; (i < 10); ++i) {\n}");
    378   verifyFormat(
    379       "for (std::vector<UnwrappedLine>::iterator I = UnwrappedLines.begin(),\n"
    380       "                                          E = UnwrappedLines.end();\n"
    381       "     I != E; ++I) {\n}");
    383   verifyFormat(
    384       "for (MachineFun::iterator IIII = PrevIt, EEEE = F.end(); IIII != EEEE;\n"
    385       "     ++IIIII) {\n}");
    386   verifyFormat("for (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
    387                "         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;\n"
    388                "     aaaaaaaaaaa != aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; ++aaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
    389   verifyFormat("for (llvm::ArrayRef<NamedDecl *>::iterator\n"
    390                "         I = FD->getDeclsInPrototypeScope().begin(),\n"
    391                "         E = FD->getDeclsInPrototypeScope().end();\n"
    392                "     I != E; ++I) {\n}");
    394   // FIXME: Not sure whether we want extra identation in line 3 here:
    395   verifyFormat(
    396       "for (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;\n"
    397       "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !=\n"
    398       "         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
    399       "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
    400       "     ++aaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
    401   verifyFormat("for (int aaaaaaaaaaa = 1; aaaaaaaaaaa <= bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;\n"
    402                "     aaaaaaaaaaa++, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb++) {\n"
    403                "}");
    404   verifyFormat("for (some_namespace::SomeIterator iter( // force break\n"
    405                "         aaaaaaaaaa);\n"
    406                "     iter; ++iter) {\n"
    407                "}");
    409   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
    410   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
    411   verifyFormat("for (int aaaaaaaaaaa = 1;\n"
    412                "     aaaaaaaaaaa <= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
    413                "                                           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
    414                "                                           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
    415                "                                           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
    416                "     aaaaaaaaaaa++, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb++) {\n"
    417                "}",
    418                NoBinPacking);
    419   verifyFormat(
    420       "for (std::vector<UnwrappedLine>::iterator I = UnwrappedLines.begin(),\n"
    421       "                                          E = UnwrappedLines.end();\n"
    422       "     I != E;\n"
    423       "     ++I) {\n}",
    424       NoBinPacking);
    425 }
    427 TEST_F(FormatTest, RangeBasedForLoops) {
    428   verifyFormat("for (auto aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :\n"
    429                "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
    430   verifyFormat("for (auto aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :\n"
    431                "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaa)) {\n}");
    432   verifyFormat("for (const aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &aaaaaaaaa :\n"
    433                "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
    434 }
    436 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWhileLoop) {
    437   verifyFormat("while (true) {\n}");
    438   verifyFormat("while (true)\n"
    439                "  f();");
    440   verifyFormat("while () {\n}");
    441   verifyFormat("while () {\n"
    442                "  f();\n"
    443                "}");
    444 }
    446 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsDoWhile) {
    447   verifyFormat("do {\n"
    448                "  do_something();\n"
    449                "} while (something());");
    450   verifyFormat("do\n"
    451                "  do_something();\n"
    452                "while (something());");
    453 }
    455 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSwitchStatement) {
    456   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    457                "case 1:\n"
    458                "  f();\n"
    459                "  break;\n"
    460                "case kFoo:\n"
    461                "case ns::kBar:\n"
    462                "case kBaz:\n"
    463                "  break;\n"
    464                "default:\n"
    465                "  g();\n"
    466                "  break;\n"
    467                "}");
    468   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    469                "case 1: {\n"
    470                "  f();\n"
    471                "  break;\n"
    472                "}\n"
    473                "}");
    474   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    475                "case 1: {\n"
    476                "  f();\n"
    477                "  {\n"
    478                "    g();\n"
    479                "    h();\n"
    480                "  }\n"
    481                "  break;\n"
    482                "}\n"
    483                "}");
    484   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    485                "case 1: {\n"
    486                "  f();\n"
    487                "  if (foo) {\n"
    488                "    g();\n"
    489                "    h();\n"
    490                "  }\n"
    491                "  break;\n"
    492                "}\n"
    493                "}");
    494   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    495                "case 1: {\n"
    496                "  f();\n"
    497                "  g();\n"
    498                "} break;\n"
    499                "}");
    500   verifyFormat("switch (test)\n"
    501                "  ;");
    502   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    503                "default: {\n"
    504                "  // Do nothing.\n"
    505                "}\n"
    506                "}");
    507   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    508                "// comment\n"
    509                "// if 1, do f()\n"
    510                "case 1:\n"
    511                "  f();\n"
    512                "}");
    513   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    514                "case 1:\n"
    515                "  // Do amazing stuff\n"
    516                "  {\n"
    517                "    f();\n"
    518                "    g();\n"
    519                "  }\n"
    520                "  break;\n"
    521                "}");
    522   verifyFormat("#define A          \\\n"
    523                "  switch (x) {     \\\n"
    524                "  case a:          \\\n"
    525                "    foo = b;       \\\n"
    526                "  }", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
    528   verifyGoogleFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    529                      "  case 1:\n"
    530                      "    f();\n"
    531                      "    break;\n"
    532                      "  case kFoo:\n"
    533                      "  case ns::kBar:\n"
    534                      "  case kBaz:\n"
    535                      "    break;\n"
    536                      "  default:\n"
    537                      "    g();\n"
    538                      "    break;\n"
    539                      "}");
    540   verifyGoogleFormat("switch (x) {\n"
    541                      "  case 1: {\n"
    542                      "    f();\n"
    543                      "    break;\n"
    544                      "  }\n"
    545                      "}");
    546   verifyGoogleFormat("switch (test)\n"
    547                      "  ;");
    549   verifyGoogleFormat("#define OPERATION_CASE(name) \\\n"
    550                      "  case OP_name:              \\\n"
    551                      "    return operations::Operation##name\n");
    552   verifyGoogleFormat("Operation codeToOperation(OperationCode OpCode) {\n"
    553                      "  // Get the correction operation class.\n"
    554                      "  switch (OpCode) {\n"
    555                      "    CASE(Add);\n"
    556                      "    CASE(Subtract);\n"
    557                      "    default:\n"
    558                      "      return operations::Unknown;\n"
    559                      "  }\n"
    560                      "#undef OPERATION_CASE\n"
    561                      "}");
    562 }
    564 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLabels) {
    565   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
    566                "  some_code();\n"
    567                "test_label:\n"
    568                "  some_other_code();\n"
    569                "  {\n"
    570                "    some_more_code();\n"
    571                "  another_label:\n"
    572                "    some_more_code();\n"
    573                "  }\n"
    574                "}");
    575   verifyFormat("some_code();\n"
    576                "test_label:\n"
    577                "some_other_code();");
    578 }
    580 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    581 // Tests for comments.
    582 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    584 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsSingleLineComments) {
    585   verifyFormat("//* */");
    586   verifyFormat("// line 1\n"
    587                "// line 2\n"
    588                "void f() {}\n");
    590   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
    591                "  // Doesn't do anything\n"
    592                "}");
    593   verifyFormat("SomeObject\n"
    594                "    // Calling someFunction on SomeObject\n"
    595                "    .someFunction();");
    596   verifyFormat("void f(int i,  // some comment (probably for i)\n"
    597                "       int j,  // some comment (probably for j)\n"
    598                "       int k); // some comment (probably for k)");
    599   verifyFormat("void f(int i,\n"
    600                "       // some comment (probably for j)\n"
    601                "       int j,\n"
    602                "       // some comment (probably for k)\n"
    603                "       int k);");
    605   verifyFormat("int i    // This is a fancy variable\n"
    606                "    = 5; // with nicely aligned comment.");
    608   verifyFormat("// Leading comment.\n"
    609                "int a; // Trailing comment.");
    610   verifyFormat("int a; // Trailing comment\n"
    611                "       // on 2\n"
    612                "       // or 3 lines.\n"
    613                "int b;");
    614   verifyFormat("int a; // Trailing comment\n"
    615                "\n"
    616                "// Leading comment.\n"
    617                "int b;");
    618   verifyFormat("int a;    // Comment.\n"
    619                "          // More details.\n"
    620                "int bbbb; // Another comment.");
    621   verifyFormat(
    622       "int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; // comment\n"
    623       "int bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;   // comment\n"
    624       "int cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;       // comment\n"
    625       "int ddd;                     // looooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n"
    626       "int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; // comment\n"
    627       "int bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;   // comment\n"
    628       "int ccccccccccccccccccc;     // comment");
    630   verifyFormat("#include \"a\"     // comment\n"
    631                "#include \"a/b/c\" // comment");
    632   verifyFormat("#include <a>     // comment\n"
    633                "#include <a/b/c> // comment");
    634   EXPECT_EQ("#include \\\n"
    635             "  \"a\"            // comment\n"
    636             "#include \"a/b/c\" // comment",
    637             format("#include \\\n"
    638                    "  \"a\" // comment\n"
    639                    "#include \"a/b/c\" // comment"));
    641   verifyFormat("enum E {\n"
    642                "  // comment\n"
    643                "  VAL_A, // comment\n"
    644                "  VAL_B\n"
    645                "};");
    647   verifyFormat(
    648       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
    649       "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb; // Trailing comment");
    650   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
    651                "    // Comment inside a statement.\n"
    652                "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;");
    653   verifyFormat(
    654       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaa = // comment\n"
    655       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
    656       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
    658   verifyFormat("int aaaa; // aaaaa\n"
    659                "int aa;   // aaaaaaa",
    660                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
    662   EXPECT_EQ("void f() { // This does something ..\n"
    663             "}\n"
    664             "int a; // This is unrelated",
    665             format("void f()    {     // This does something ..\n"
    666                    "  }\n"
    667                    "int   a;     // This is unrelated"));
    668   EXPECT_EQ("class C {\n"
    669             "  void f() { // This does something ..\n"
    670             "  }          // awesome..\n"
    671             "\n"
    672             "  int a; // This is unrelated\n"
    673             "};",
    674             format("class C{void f()    { // This does something ..\n"
    675                    "      } // awesome..\n"
    676                    " \n"
    677                    "int a;    // This is unrelated\n"
    678                    "};"));
    680   EXPECT_EQ("int i; // single line trailing comment",
    681             format("int i;\\\n// single line trailing comment"));
    683   verifyGoogleFormat("int a;  // Trailing comment.");
    685   verifyFormat("someFunction(anotherFunction( // Force break.\n"
    686                "    parameter));");
    688   verifyGoogleFormat("#endif  // HEADER_GUARD");
    690   verifyFormat("const char *test[] = {\n"
    691                "  // A\n"
    692                "  \"aaaa\",\n"
    693                "  // B\n"
    694                "  \"aaaaa\",\n"
    695                "};");
    696   verifyGoogleFormat(
    697       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
    698       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);  // 81_cols_with_this_comment");
    699   EXPECT_EQ("D(a, {\n"
    700             "  // test\n"
    701             "  int a;\n"
    702             "});",
    703             format("D(a, {\n"
    704                    "// test\n"
    705                    "int a;\n"
    706                    "});"));
    708   EXPECT_EQ("lineWith(); // comment\n"
    709             "// at start\n"
    710             "otherLine();",
    711             format("lineWith();   // comment\n"
    712                    "// at start\n"
    713                    "otherLine();"));
    714   EXPECT_EQ("lineWith(); // comment\n"
    715             "            // at start\n"
    716             "otherLine();",
    717             format("lineWith();   // comment\n"
    718                    " // at start\n"
    719                    "otherLine();"));
    721   EXPECT_EQ("lineWith(); // comment\n"
    722             "// at start\n"
    723             "otherLine(); // comment",
    724             format("lineWith();   // comment\n"
    725                    "// at start\n"
    726                    "otherLine();   // comment"));
    727   EXPECT_EQ("lineWith();\n"
    728             "// at start\n"
    729             "otherLine(); // comment",
    730             format("lineWith();\n"
    731                    " // at start\n"
    732                    "otherLine();   // comment"));
    733   EXPECT_EQ("// first\n"
    734             "// at start\n"
    735             "otherLine(); // comment",
    736             format("// first\n"
    737                    " // at start\n"
    738                    "otherLine();   // comment"));
    739   EXPECT_EQ("f();\n"
    740             "// first\n"
    741             "// at start\n"
    742             "otherLine(); // comment",
    743             format("f();\n"
    744                    "// first\n"
    745                    " // at start\n"
    746                    "otherLine();   // comment"));
    747 }
    749 TEST_F(FormatTest, CanFormatCommentsLocally) {
    750   EXPECT_EQ("int a;    // comment\n"
    751             "int    b; // comment",
    752             format("int   a; // comment\n"
    753                    "int    b; // comment",
    754                    0, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    755   EXPECT_EQ("int   a; // comment\n"
    756             "         // line 2\n"
    757             "int b;",
    758             format("int   a; // comment\n"
    759                    "            // line 2\n"
    760                    "int b;",
    761                    28, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    762   EXPECT_EQ("int aaaaaa; // comment\n"
    763             "int b;\n"
    764             "int c; // unrelated comment",
    765             format("int aaaaaa; // comment\n"
    766                    "int b;\n"
    767                    "int   c; // unrelated comment",
    768                    31, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
    769 }
    771 TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesTrailingWhitespaceOfComments) {
    772   EXPECT_EQ("// comment", format("// comment  "));
    773   EXPECT_EQ("int aaaaaaa, bbbbbbb; // comment",
    774             format("int aaaaaaa, bbbbbbb; // comment                   ",
    775                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(33)));
    776 }
    778 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsBlockComments) {
    779   verifyFormat("f(/*noSpaceAfterParameterNamingComment=*/true);");
    780   EXPECT_EQ(
    781       "f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, /* Trailing comment for aa... */\n"
    782       "  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);",
    783       format("f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,   \\\n/* Trailing comment for aa... */\n"
    784              "  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);"));
    785   EXPECT_EQ(
    786       "f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
    787       "  /* Leading comment for bb... */ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);",
    788       format("f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    ,   \n"
    789              "/* Leading comment for bb... */   bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);"));
    790   EXPECT_EQ(
    791       "void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
    792       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
    793       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) { /*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*/\n"
    794       "}",
    795       format("void      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
    796              "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  ,\n"
    797              "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {   /*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*/\n"
    798              "}"));
    800   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
    801   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
    802   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaa(/* parameter 1 */ aaaaaa,\n"
    803                "         /* parameter 2 */ aaaaaa,\n"
    804                "         /* parameter 3 */ aaaaaa,\n"
    805                "         /* parameter 4 */ aaaaaa);",
    806                NoBinPacking);
    807 }
    809 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsBlockComments) {
    810   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
    811             " * Really multi-line\n"
    812             " * comment.\n"
    813             " */\n"
    814             "void f() {}",
    815             format("  /*\n"
    816                    "   * Really multi-line\n"
    817                    "   * comment.\n"
    818                    "   */\n"
    819                    "  void f() {}"));
    820   EXPECT_EQ("class C {\n"
    821             "  /*\n"
    822             "   * Another multi-line\n"
    823             "   * comment.\n"
    824             "   */\n"
    825             "  void f() {}\n"
    826             "};",
    827             format("class C {\n"
    828                    "/*\n"
    829                    " * Another multi-line\n"
    830                    " * comment.\n"
    831                    " */\n"
    832                    "void f() {}\n"
    833                    "};"));
    834   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
    835             "  1. This is a comment with non-trivial formatting.\n"
    836             "     1.1. We have to indent/outdent all lines equally\n"
    837             "         1.1.1. to keep the formatting.\n"
    838             " */",
    839             format("  /*\n"
    840                    "    1. This is a comment with non-trivial formatting.\n"
    841                    "       1.1. We have to indent/outdent all lines equally\n"
    842                    "           1.1.1. to keep the formatting.\n"
    843                    "   */"));
    844   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
    845             "Don't try to outdent if there's not enough indentation.\n"
    846             "*/",
    847             format("  /*\n"
    848                    " Don't try to outdent if there's not enough indentation.\n"
    849                    " */"));
    851   EXPECT_EQ("int i; /* Comment with empty...\n"
    852             "        *\n"
    853             "        * line. */",
    854             format("int i; /* Comment with empty...\n"
    855                    "        *\n"
    856                    "        * line. */"));
    857 }
    859 TEST_F(FormatTest, CorrectlyHandlesLengthOfBlockComments) {
    860   EXPECT_EQ("double *x; /* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    861             "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa */",
    862             format("double *x; /* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    863                    "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa */"));
    864   EXPECT_EQ(
    865       "void ffffffffffff(\n"
    866       "    int aaaaaaaa, int bbbbbbbb,\n"
    867       "    int cccccccccccc) { /*\n"
    868       "                           aaaaaaaaaa\n"
    869       "                           aaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    870       "                           bbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
    871       "                           bbbbbbbbbb\n"
    872       "                         */\n"
    873       "}",
    874       format("void ffffffffffff(int aaaaaaaa, int bbbbbbbb, int cccccccccccc)\n"
    875              "{ /*\n"
    876              "     aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    877              "     bbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb\n"
    878              "   */\n"
    879              "}",
    880              getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    881 }
    883 TEST_F(FormatTest, DontBreakNonTrailingBlockComments) {
    884   EXPECT_EQ("void\n"
    885             "ffffffffff(int aaaaa /* test */);",
    886             format("void ffffffffff(int aaaaa /* test */);",
    887                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(35)));
    888 }
    890 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsLongCxxComments) {
    891   EXPECT_EQ("// A comment that\n"
    892             "// doesn't fit on\n"
    893             "// one line",
    894             format("// A comment that doesn't fit on one line",
    895                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
    896   EXPECT_EQ("// a b c d\n"
    897             "// e f  g\n"
    898             "// h i j k",
    899             format("// a b c d e f  g h i j k",
    900                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
    901   EXPECT_EQ("// a b c d\n"
    902             "// e f  g\n"
    903             "// h i j k",
    904             format("\\\n// a b c d e f  g h i j k",
    905                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
    906   EXPECT_EQ("if (true) // A comment that\n"
    907             "          // doesn't fit on\n"
    908             "          // one line",
    909             format("if (true) // A comment that doesn't fit on one line   ",
    910                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30)));
    911   EXPECT_EQ("//    Don't_touch_leading_whitespace",
    912             format("//    Don't_touch_leading_whitespace",
    913                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
    914   EXPECT_EQ("// Add leading\n"
    915             "// whitespace",
    916             format("//Add leading whitespace", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
    917   EXPECT_EQ("// whitespace", format("//whitespace", getLLVMStyle()));
    918   EXPECT_EQ("// Even if it makes the line exceed the column\n"
    919             "// limit",
    920             format("//Even if it makes the line exceed the column limit",
    921                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(51)));
    922   EXPECT_EQ("//--But not here", format("//--But not here", getLLVMStyle()));
    923   EXPECT_EQ("// A comment before\n"
    924             "// a macro\n"
    925             "// definition\n"
    926             "#define a b",
    927             format("// A comment before a macro definition\n"
    928                    "#define a b",
    929                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
    930   EXPECT_EQ("void ffffff(int aaaaaaaaa,  // wwww\n"
    931             "            int a, int bbb, // xxxxxxx\n"
    932             "                            // yyyyyyyyy\n"
    933             "            int c, int d, int e) {}",
    934             format("void ffffff(\n"
    935                    "    int aaaaaaaaa, // wwww\n"
    936                    "    int a,\n"
    937                    "    int bbb, // xxxxxxx yyyyyyyyy\n"
    938                    "    int c, int d, int e) {}",
    939                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    940   EXPECT_EQ("//\t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
    941             format("//\t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
    942                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
    943 }
    945 TEST_F(FormatTest, DontSplitLineCommentsWithEscapedNewlines) {
    946   EXPECT_EQ("// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
    947             "// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
    948             "// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
    949             format("// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
    950                    "// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
    951                    "// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"));
    955             format("int a; // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\\\n"
    956                    "       // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\\\n"
    957                    "       // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    958                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(50)));
    959   // FIXME: One day we might want to implement adjustment of leading whitespace
    960   // of the consecutive lines in this kind of comment:
    961   EXPECT_EQ("int\n"
    965             format("int a; // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\\\n"
    966                    "       // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\\\n"
    967                    "       // AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    968                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(49)));
    969 }
    971 TEST_F(FormatTest, PriorityOfCommentBreaking) {
    972   EXPECT_EQ("if (xxx == yyy && // aaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    973             "                  // bbbbbbbbb\n"
    974             "    zzz)\n"
    975             "  q();",
    976             format("if (xxx == yyy && // aaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb\n"
    977                    "    zzz) q();",
    978                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    979   EXPECT_EQ("if (xxxxxxxxxx ==\n"
    980             "        yyy && // aaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccc\n"
    981             "    zzz)\n"
    982             "  q();",
    983             format("if (xxxxxxxxxx == yyy && // aaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccc\n"
    984                    "    zzz) q();",
    985                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    986   EXPECT_EQ("if (xxxxxxxxxx &&\n"
    987             "        yyy || // aaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccc\n"
    988             "    zzz)\n"
    989             "  q();",
    990             format("if (xxxxxxxxxx && yyy || // aaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccc\n"
    991                    "    zzz) q();",
    992                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    993   EXPECT_EQ("fffffffff(&xxx, // aaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
    994             "                // bbbbbbbbbbb\n"
    995             "          zzz);",
    996             format("fffffffff(&xxx, // aaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbb\n"
    997                    " zzz);",
    998                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
    999 }
   1001 TEST_F(FormatTest, MultiLineCommentsInDefines) {
   1002   EXPECT_EQ("#define A(x) /* \\\n"
   1003             "  a comment     \\\n"
   1004             "  inside */     \\\n"
   1005             "  f();",
   1006             format("#define A(x) /* \\\n"
   1007                    "  a comment     \\\n"
   1008                    "  inside */     \\\n"
   1009                    "  f();",
   1010                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(17)));
   1011   EXPECT_EQ("#define A(      \\\n"
   1012             "    x) /*       \\\n"
   1013             "  a comment     \\\n"
   1014             "  inside */     \\\n"
   1015             "  f();",
   1016             format("#define A(      \\\n"
   1017                    "    x) /*       \\\n"
   1018                    "  a comment     \\\n"
   1019                    "  inside */     \\\n"
   1020                    "  f();",
   1021                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(17)));
   1022 }
   1024 TEST_F(FormatTest, ParsesCommentsAdjacentToPPDirectives) {
   1025   EXPECT_EQ("namespace {}\n// Test\n#define A",
   1026             format("namespace {}\n   // Test\n#define A"));
   1027   EXPECT_EQ("namespace {}\n/* Test */\n#define A",
   1028             format("namespace {}\n   /* Test */\n#define A"));
   1029   EXPECT_EQ("namespace {}\n/* Test */ #define A",
   1030             format("namespace {}\n   /* Test */    #define A"));
   1031 }
   1033 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsLongLinesInComments) {
   1034   EXPECT_EQ("/* This is a long\n"
   1035             " * comment that\n"
   1036             " * doesn't\n"
   1037             " * fit on one line.\n"
   1038             " */",
   1039             format("/* "
   1040                    "This is a long                                         "
   1041                    "comment that "
   1042                    "doesn't                                    "
   1043                    "fit on one line.  */",
   1044                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1045   EXPECT_EQ("/* a b c d\n"
   1046             " * e f  g\n"
   1047             " * h i j k\n"
   1048             " */",
   1049             format("/* a b c d e f  g h i j k */",
   1050                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   1051   EXPECT_EQ("/* a b c d\n"
   1052             " * e f  g\n"
   1053             " * h i j k\n"
   1054             " */",
   1055             format("\\\n/* a b c d e f  g h i j k */",
   1056                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   1057   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1058             "This is a long\n"
   1059             "comment that doesn't\n"
   1060             "fit on one line.\n"
   1061             "*/",
   1062             format("/*\n"
   1063                    "This is a long                                         "
   1064                    "comment that doesn't                                    "
   1065                    "fit on one line.                                      \n"
   1066                    "*/", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1067   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1068             " * This is a long\n"
   1069             " * comment that\n"
   1070             " * doesn't fit on\n"
   1071             " * one line.\n"
   1072             " */",
   1073             format("/*      \n"
   1074                    " * This is a long "
   1075                    "   comment that     "
   1076                    "   doesn't fit on   "
   1077                    "   one line.                                            \n"
   1078                    " */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1079   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1080             " * This_is_a_comment_with_words_that_dont_fit_on_one_line\n"
   1081             " * so_it_should_be_broken\n"
   1082             " * wherever_a_space_occurs\n"
   1083             " */",
   1084             format("/*\n"
   1085                    " * This_is_a_comment_with_words_that_dont_fit_on_one_line "
   1086                    "   so_it_should_be_broken "
   1087                    "   wherever_a_space_occurs                             \n"
   1088                    " */",
   1089                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1090   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1091             " *    This_comment_can_not_be_broken_into_lines\n"
   1092             " */",
   1093             format("/*\n"
   1094                    " *    This_comment_can_not_be_broken_into_lines\n"
   1095                    " */",
   1096                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1097   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   1098             "  /*\n"
   1099             "  This is another\n"
   1100             "  long comment that\n"
   1101             "  doesn't fit on one\n"
   1102             "  line    1234567890\n"
   1103             "  */\n"
   1104             "}",
   1105             format("{\n"
   1106                    "/*\n"
   1107                    "This is another     "
   1108                    "  long comment that "
   1109                    "  doesn't fit on one"
   1110                    "  line    1234567890\n"
   1111                    "*/\n"
   1112                    "}", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1113   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   1114             "  /*\n"
   1115             "   * This        i s\n"
   1116             "   * another comment\n"
   1117             "   * t hat  doesn' t\n"
   1118             "   * fit on one l i\n"
   1119             "   * n e\n"
   1120             "   */\n"
   1121             "}",
   1122             format("{\n"
   1123                    "/*\n"
   1124                    " * This        i s"
   1125                    "   another comment"
   1126                    "   t hat  doesn' t"
   1127                    "   fit on one l i"
   1128                    "   n e\n"
   1129                    " */\n"
   1130                    "}", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1131   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1132             " * This is a long\n"
   1133             " * comment that\n"
   1134             " * doesn't fit on\n"
   1135             " * one line\n"
   1136             " */",
   1137             format("   /*\n"
   1138                    "    * This is a long comment that doesn't fit on one line\n"
   1139                    "    */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1140   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   1141             "  if (something) /* This is a\n"
   1142             "                    long\n"
   1143             "                    comment */\n"
   1144             "    ;\n"
   1145             "}",
   1146             format("{\n"
   1147                    "  if (something) /* This is a long comment */\n"
   1148                    "    ;\n"
   1149                    "}",
   1150                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30)));
   1152   EXPECT_EQ("/* A comment before\n"
   1153             " * a macro\n"
   1154             " * definition */\n"
   1155             "#define a b",
   1156             format("/* A comment before a macro definition */\n"
   1157                    "#define a b",
   1158                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1160   EXPECT_EQ("/* some comment\n"
   1161             "     *   a comment\n"
   1162             "* that we break\n"
   1163             " * another comment\n"
   1164             "* we have to break\n"
   1165             "* a left comment\n"
   1166             " */",
   1167             format("  /* some comment\n"
   1168                    "       *   a comment that we break\n"
   1169                    "   * another comment we have to break\n"
   1170                    "* a left comment\n"
   1171                    "   */",
   1172                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1174   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   1175             "\n"
   1176             "\n"
   1177             "    */\n",
   1178             format("  /*       \n"
   1179                    "      \n"
   1180                    "               \n"
   1181                    "      */\n"));
   1182 }
   1184 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsLongLinesInCommentsInPreprocessor) {
   1185   EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
   1186             "  /*               \\\n"
   1187             "   Test            \\\n"
   1188             "   Macro comment   \\\n"
   1189             "   with a long     \\\n"
   1190             "   line            \\\n"
   1191             "   */              \\\n"
   1192             "  A + B",
   1193             format("#define X \\\n"
   1194                    "  /*\n"
   1195                    "   Test\n"
   1196                    "   Macro comment with a long  line\n"
   1197                    "   */ \\\n"
   1198                    "  A + B",
   1199                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1200   EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
   1201             "  /* Macro comment \\\n"
   1202             "     with a long   \\\n"
   1203             "     line */       \\\n"
   1204             "  A + B",
   1205             format("#define X \\\n"
   1206                    "  /* Macro comment with a long\n"
   1207                    "     line */ \\\n"
   1208                    "  A + B",
   1209                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1210   EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
   1211             "  /* Macro comment \\\n"
   1212             "   * with a long   \\\n"
   1213             "   * line */       \\\n"
   1214             "  A + B",
   1215             format("#define X \\\n"
   1216                    "  /* Macro comment with a long  line */ \\\n"
   1217                    "  A + B",
   1218                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   1219 }
   1221 TEST_F(FormatTest, CommentsInStaticInitializers) {
   1222   EXPECT_EQ(
   1223       "static SomeType type = { aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, /* comment */\n"
   1224       "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /* comment */,\n"
   1225       "                         /* comment */ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   1226       "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, // comment\n"
   1227       "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa };",
   1228       format("static SomeType type = { aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  ,  /* comment */\n"
   1229              "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   /* comment */ ,\n"
   1230              "                     /* comment */   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,\n"
   1231              "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,   // comment\n"
   1232              "                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa };"));
   1233   verifyFormat("static SomeType type = { aaaaaaaaaaa, // comment for aa...\n"
   1234                "                         bbbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccc };");
   1235   verifyFormat("static SomeType type = { aaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   1236                "                         // comment for bb....\n"
   1237                "                         bbbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccc };");
   1238   verifyGoogleFormat(
   1239       "static SomeType type = {aaaaaaaaaaa,  // comment for aa...\n"
   1240       "                        bbbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccc};");
   1241   verifyGoogleFormat("static SomeType type = {aaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   1242                      "                        // comment for bb....\n"
   1243                      "                        bbbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccc};");
   1245   verifyFormat("S s = { { a, b, c },   // Group #1\n"
   1246                "        { d, e, f },   // Group #2\n"
   1247                "        { g, h, i } }; // Group #3");
   1248   verifyFormat("S s = { { // Group #1\n"
   1249                "          a, b, c },\n"
   1250                "        { // Group #2\n"
   1251                "          d, e, f },\n"
   1252                "        { // Group #3\n"
   1253                "          g, h, i } };");
   1255   EXPECT_EQ("S s = {\n"
   1256             "  // Some comment\n"
   1257             "  a,\n"
   1258             "\n"
   1259             "  // Comment after empty line\n"
   1260             "  b\n"
   1261             "}",
   1262             format("S s =    {\n"
   1263                    "      // Some comment\n"
   1264                    "  a,\n"
   1265                    "  \n"
   1266                    "     // Comment after empty line\n"
   1267                    "      b\n"
   1268                    "}"));
   1269   EXPECT_EQ("S s = {\n"
   1270             "  /* Some comment */\n"
   1271             "  a,\n"
   1272             "\n"
   1273             "  /* Comment after empty line */\n"
   1274             "  b\n"
   1275             "}",
   1276             format("S s =    {\n"
   1277                    "      /* Some comment */\n"
   1278                    "  a,\n"
   1279                    "  \n"
   1280                    "     /* Comment after empty line */\n"
   1281                    "      b\n"
   1282                    "}"));
   1283   verifyFormat("const uint8_t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[0] = {\n"
   1284                "  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // comment\n"
   1285                "  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // comment\n"
   1286                "  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00              // comment\n"
   1287                "};");
   1288 }
   1290 TEST_F(FormatTest, IgnoresIf0Contents) {
   1291   EXPECT_EQ("#if 0\n"
   1292             "}{)(&*(^%%#%@! fsadj f;ldjs ,:;| <<<>>>][)(][\n"
   1293             "#endif\n"
   1294             "void f() {}",
   1295             format("#if 0\n"
   1296                    "}{)(&*(^%%#%@! fsadj f;ldjs ,:;| <<<>>>][)(][\n"
   1297                    "#endif\n"
   1298                    "void f(  ) {  }"));
   1299   EXPECT_EQ("#if false\n"
   1300             "void f(  ) {  }\n"
   1301             "#endif\n"
   1302             "void g() {}\n",
   1303             format("#if false\n"
   1304                    "void f(  ) {  }\n"
   1305                    "#endif\n"
   1306                    "void g(  ) {  }\n"));
   1307   EXPECT_EQ("enum E {\n"
   1308             "  One,\n"
   1309             "  Two,\n"
   1310             "#if 0\n"
   1311             "Three,\n"
   1312             "      Four,\n"
   1313             "#endif\n"
   1314             "  Five\n"
   1315             "};",
   1316             format("enum E {\n"
   1317                    "  One,Two,\n"
   1318                    "#if 0\n"
   1319                    "Three,\n"
   1320                    "      Four,\n"
   1321                    "#endif\n"
   1322                    "  Five};"));
   1323   EXPECT_EQ("enum F {\n"
   1324             "  One,\n"
   1325             "#if 1\n"
   1326             "  Two,\n"
   1327             "#if 0\n"
   1328             "Three,\n"
   1329             "      Four,\n"
   1330             "#endif\n"
   1331             "  Five\n"
   1332             "#endif\n"
   1333             "};",
   1334             format("enum F {\n"
   1335                    "One,\n"
   1336                    "#if 1\n"
   1337                    "Two,\n"
   1338                    "#if 0\n"
   1339                    "Three,\n"
   1340                    "      Four,\n"
   1341                    "#endif\n"
   1342                    "Five\n"
   1343                    "#endif\n"
   1344                    "};"));
   1345   EXPECT_EQ("enum G {\n"
   1346             "  One,\n"
   1347             "#if 0\n"
   1348             "Two,\n"
   1349             "#else\n"
   1350             "  Three,\n"
   1351             "#endif\n"
   1352             "  Four\n"
   1353             "};",
   1354             format("enum G {\n"
   1355                    "One,\n"
   1356                    "#if 0\n"
   1357                    "Two,\n"
   1358                    "#else\n"
   1359                    "Three,\n"
   1360                    "#endif\n"
   1361                    "Four\n"
   1362                    "};"));
   1363   EXPECT_EQ("enum H {\n"
   1364             "  One,\n"
   1365             "#if 0\n"
   1366             "#ifdef Q\n"
   1367             "Two,\n"
   1368             "#else\n"
   1369             "Three,\n"
   1370             "#endif\n"
   1371             "#endif\n"
   1372             "  Four\n"
   1373             "};",
   1374             format("enum H {\n"
   1375                    "One,\n"
   1376                    "#if 0\n"
   1377                    "#ifdef Q\n"
   1378                    "Two,\n"
   1379                    "#else\n"
   1380                    "Three,\n"
   1381                    "#endif\n"
   1382                    "#endif\n"
   1383                    "Four\n"
   1384                    "};"));
   1385   EXPECT_EQ("enum I {\n"
   1386             "  One,\n"
   1387             "#if /* test */ 0 || 1\n"
   1388             "Two,\n"
   1389             "Three,\n"
   1390             "#endif\n"
   1391             "  Four\n"
   1392             "};",
   1393             format("enum I {\n"
   1394                    "One,\n"
   1395                    "#if /* test */ 0 || 1\n"
   1396                    "Two,\n"
   1397                    "Three,\n"
   1398                    "#endif\n"
   1399                    "Four\n"
   1400                    "};"));
   1401   EXPECT_EQ("enum J {\n"
   1402             "  One,\n"
   1403             "#if 0\n"
   1404             "#if 0\n"
   1405             "Two,\n"
   1406             "#else\n"
   1407             "Three,\n"
   1408             "#endif\n"
   1409             "Four,\n"
   1410             "#endif\n"
   1411             "  Five\n"
   1412             "};",
   1413             format("enum J {\n"
   1414                    "One,\n"
   1415                    "#if 0\n"
   1416                    "#if 0\n"
   1417                    "Two,\n"
   1418                    "#else\n"
   1419                    "Three,\n"
   1420                    "#endif\n"
   1421                    "Four,\n"
   1422                    "#endif\n"
   1423                    "Five\n"
   1424                    "};"));
   1426 }
   1428 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   1429 // Tests for classes, namespaces, etc.
   1430 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   1432 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakSemiAfterClassDecl) {
   1433   verifyFormat("class A {};");
   1434 }
   1436 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsAccessSpecifiers) {
   1437   verifyFormat("class A {\n"
   1438                "public:\n"
   1439                "public: // comment\n"
   1440                "protected:\n"
   1441                "private:\n"
   1442                "  void f() {}\n"
   1443                "};");
   1444   verifyGoogleFormat("class A {\n"
   1445                      " public:\n"
   1446                      " protected:\n"
   1447                      " private:\n"
   1448                      "  void f() {}\n"
   1449                      "};");
   1450 }
   1452 TEST_F(FormatTest, SeparatesLogicalBlocks) {
   1453   EXPECT_EQ("class A {\n"
   1454             "public:\n"
   1455             "  void f();\n"
   1456             "\n"
   1457             "private:\n"
   1458             "  void g() {}\n"
   1459             "  // test\n"
   1460             "protected:\n"
   1461             "  int h;\n"
   1462             "};",
   1463             format("class A {\n"
   1464                    "public:\n"
   1465                    "void f();\n"
   1466                    "private:\n"
   1467                    "void g() {}\n"
   1468                    "// test\n"
   1469                    "protected:\n"
   1470                    "int h;\n"
   1471                    "};"));
   1472 }
   1474 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsClasses) {
   1475   verifyFormat("class A : public B {};");
   1476   verifyFormat("class A : public ::B {};");
   1478   verifyFormat(
   1480       "                             public CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC {};");
   1482                "    : public BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB,\n"
   1483                "      public CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC {};");
   1484   verifyFormat(
   1485       "class A : public B, public C, public D, public E, public F {};");
   1486   verifyFormat("class AAAAAAAAAAAA : public B,\n"
   1487                "                     public C,\n"
   1488                "                     public D,\n"
   1489                "                     public E,\n"
   1490                "                     public F,\n"
   1491                "                     public G {};");
   1493   verifyFormat("class\n"
   1494                "    ReallyReallyLongClassName {\n};",
   1495                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(32));
   1496 }
   1498 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsVariableDeclarationsAfterStructOrClass) {
   1499   verifyFormat("class A {\n} a, b;");
   1500   verifyFormat("struct A {\n} a, b;");
   1501   verifyFormat("union A {\n} a;");
   1502 }
   1504 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsEnum) {
   1505   verifyFormat("enum {\n"
   1506                "  Zero,\n"
   1507                "  One = 1,\n"
   1508                "  Two = One + 1,\n"
   1509                "  Three = (One + Two),\n"
   1510                "  Four = (Zero && (One ^ Two)) | (One << Two),\n"
   1511                "  Five = (One, Two, Three, Four, 5)\n"
   1512                "};");
   1513   verifyFormat("enum Enum {};");
   1514   verifyFormat("enum {};");
   1515   verifyFormat("enum X E {\n} d;");
   1516   verifyFormat("enum __attribute__((...)) E {\n} d;");
   1517   verifyFormat("enum __declspec__((...)) E {\n} d;");
   1518   verifyFormat("enum X f() {\n  a();\n  return 42;\n}");
   1519 }
   1521 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBitfields) {
   1522   verifyFormat("struct Bitfields {\n"
   1523                "  unsigned sClass : 8;\n"
   1524                "  unsigned ValueKind : 2;\n"
   1525                "};");
   1526 }
   1528 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNamespaces) {
   1529   verifyFormat("namespace some_namespace {\n"
   1530                "class A {};\n"
   1531                "void f() { f(); }\n"
   1532                "}");
   1533   verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
   1534                "class A {};\n"
   1535                "void f() { f(); }\n"
   1536                "}");
   1537   verifyFormat("inline namespace X {\n"
   1538                "class A {};\n"
   1539                "void f() { f(); }\n"
   1540                "}");
   1541   verifyFormat("using namespace some_namespace;\n"
   1542                "class A {};\n"
   1543                "void f() { f(); }");
   1545   // This code is more common than we thought; if we
   1546   // layout this correctly the semicolon will go into
   1547   // its own line, which is undesireable.
   1548   verifyFormat("namespace {};");
   1549   verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
   1550                "class A {};\n"
   1551                "};");
   1553   verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
   1554                "int SomeVariable = 0; // comment\n"
   1555                "} // namespace");
   1556   EXPECT_EQ("#ifndef HEADER_GUARD\n"
   1557             "#define HEADER_GUARD\n"
   1558             "namespace my_namespace {\n"
   1559             "int i;\n"
   1560             "} // my_namespace\n"
   1561             "#endif // HEADER_GUARD",
   1562             format("#ifndef HEADER_GUARD\n"
   1563                    " #define HEADER_GUARD\n"
   1564                    "   namespace my_namespace {\n"
   1565                    "int i;\n"
   1566                    "}    // my_namespace\n"
   1567                    "#endif    // HEADER_GUARD"));
   1569   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   1570   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All;
   1571   EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
   1572             "  int i;\n"
   1573             "  namespace in {\n"
   1574             "    int i;\n"
   1575             "  } // namespace\n"
   1576             "} // namespace",
   1577             format("namespace out {\n"
   1578                    "int i;\n"
   1579                    "namespace in {\n"
   1580                    "int i;\n"
   1581                    "} // namespace\n"
   1582                    "} // namespace",
   1583                    Style));
   1585   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_Inner;
   1586   EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
   1587             "int i;\n"
   1588             "namespace in {\n"
   1589             "  int i;\n"
   1590             "} // namespace\n"
   1591             "} // namespace",
   1592             format("namespace out {\n"
   1593                    "int i;\n"
   1594                    "namespace in {\n"
   1595                    "int i;\n"
   1596                    "} // namespace\n"
   1597                    "} // namespace",
   1598                    Style));
   1599 }
   1601 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsExternC) { verifyFormat("extern \"C\" {\nint a;"); }
   1603 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsInlineASM) {
   1604   verifyFormat("asm(\"xyz\" : \"=a\"(a), \"=d\"(b) : \"a\"(data));");
   1605   verifyFormat(
   1606       "asm(\"movq\\t%%rbx, %%rsi\\n\\t\"\n"
   1607       "    \"cpuid\\n\\t\"\n"
   1608       "    \"xchgq\\t%%rbx, %%rsi\\n\\t\"\n"
   1609       "    : \"=a\"(*rEAX), \"=S\"(*rEBX), \"=c\"(*rECX), \"=d\"(*rEDX)\n"
   1610       "    : \"a\"(value));");
   1611 }
   1613 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatTryCatch) {
   1614   // FIXME: Handle try-catch explicitly in the UnwrappedLineParser, then we'll
   1615   // also not create single-line-blocks.
   1616   verifyFormat("try {\n"
   1617                "  throw a * b;\n"
   1618                "}\n"
   1619                "catch (int a) {\n"
   1620                "  // Do nothing.\n"
   1621                "}\n"
   1622                "catch (...) {\n"
   1623                "  exit(42);\n"
   1624                "}");
   1626   // Function-level try statements.
   1627   verifyFormat("int f() try { return 4; }\n"
   1628                "catch (...) {\n"
   1629                "  return 5;\n"
   1630                "}");
   1631   verifyFormat("class A {\n"
   1632                "  int a;\n"
   1633                "  A() try : a(0) {}\n"
   1634                "  catch (...) {\n"
   1635                "    throw;\n"
   1636                "  }\n"
   1637                "};\n");
   1638 }
   1640 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCTryCatch) {
   1641   verifyFormat("@try {\n"
   1642                "  f();\n"
   1643                "}\n"
   1644                "@catch (NSException e) {\n"
   1645                "  @throw;\n"
   1646                "}\n"
   1647                "@finally {\n"
   1648                "  exit(42);\n"
   1649                "}");
   1650 }
   1652 TEST_F(FormatTest, StaticInitializers) {
   1653   verifyFormat("static SomeClass SC = { 1, 'a' };");
   1655   verifyFormat(
   1656       "static SomeClass WithALoooooooooooooooooooongName = {\n"
   1657       "  100000000, \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
   1658       "};");
   1660   verifyFormat(
   1661       "static SomeClass = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j,\n"
   1662       "                     looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongname,\n"
   1663       "                     looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong };");
   1664   // Allow bin-packing in static initializers as this would often lead to
   1665   // terrible results, e.g.:
   1666   verifyGoogleFormat(
   1667       "static SomeClass = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j,\n"
   1668       "                    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongname,\n"
   1669       "                    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong};");
   1670   // Here, everything other than the "}" would fit on a line.
   1671   verifyFormat("static int LooooooooooooooooooooooooongVariable[1] = {\n"
   1672                "  100000000000000000000000\n"
   1673                "};");
   1674   EXPECT_EQ("S s = { a, b };", format("S s = {\n"
   1675                                       "  a,\n"
   1676                                       "\n"
   1677                                       "  b\n"
   1678                                       "};"));
   1680   // FIXME: This would fit into the column limit if we'd fit "{ {" on the first
   1681   // line. However, the formatting looks a bit off and this probably doesn't
   1682   // happen often in practice.
   1683   verifyFormat("static int Variable[1] = {\n"
   1684                "  { 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 }\n"
   1685                "};",
   1686                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40));
   1687 }
   1689 TEST_F(FormatTest, DesignatedInitializers) {
   1690   verifyFormat("const struct A a = { .a = 1, .b = 2 };");
   1691   verifyFormat("const struct A a = { .aaaaaaaaaa = 1,\n"
   1692                "                     .bbbbbbbbbb = 2,\n"
   1693                "                     .cccccccccc = 3,\n"
   1694                "                     .dddddddddd = 4,\n"
   1695                "                     .eeeeeeeeee = 5 };");
   1696   verifyFormat("const struct Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = {\n"
   1697                "  .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = 1,\n"
   1698                "  .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb = 2,\n"
   1699                "  .ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc = 3,\n"
   1700                "  .ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd = 4,\n"
   1701                "  .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee = 5\n"
   1702                "};");
   1704   verifyGoogleFormat("const struct A a = {.a = 1, .b = 2};");
   1705 }
   1707 TEST_F(FormatTest, NestedStaticInitializers) {
   1708   verifyFormat("static A x = { { {} } };\n");
   1709   verifyFormat("static A x = { { { init1, init2, init3, init4 },\n"
   1710                "                 { init1, init2, init3, init4 } } };");
   1712   verifyFormat("somes Status::global_reps[3] = {\n"
   1713                "  { kGlobalRef, OK_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL },\n"
   1714                "  { kGlobalRef, CANCELLED_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL },\n"
   1715                "  { kGlobalRef, UNKNOWN_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL }\n"
   1716                "};");
   1717   verifyGoogleFormat("SomeType Status::global_reps[3] = {\n"
   1718                      "    {kGlobalRef, OK_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"
   1719                      "    {kGlobalRef, CANCELLED_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"
   1720                      "    {kGlobalRef, UNKNOWN_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL}};");
   1721   verifyFormat(
   1722       "CGRect cg_rect = { { rect.fLeft, rect.fTop },\n"
   1723       "                   { rect.fRight - rect.fLeft, rect.fBottom - rect.fTop"
   1724       " } };");
   1726   verifyFormat(
   1727       "SomeArrayOfSomeType a = { { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 },\n"
   1728       "                            { 111111111111111111111111111111,\n"
   1729       "                              222222222222222222222222222222,\n"
   1730       "                              333333333333333333333333333333 },\n"
   1731       "                            { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 } } };");
   1732   verifyFormat(
   1733       "SomeArrayOfSomeType a = { { { 1, 2, 3 } }, { { 1, 2, 3 } },\n"
   1734       "                          { { 111111111111111111111111111111,\n"
   1735       "                              222222222222222222222222222222,\n"
   1736       "                              333333333333333333333333333333 } },\n"
   1737       "                          { { 1, 2, 3 } }, { { 1, 2, 3 } } };");
   1738   verifyGoogleFormat(
   1739       "SomeArrayOfSomeType a = {\n"
   1740       "    {{1, 2, 3}}, {{1, 2, 3}},\n"
   1741       "    {{111111111111111111111111111111, 222222222222222222222222222222,\n"
   1742       "      333333333333333333333333333333}},\n"
   1743       "    {{1, 2, 3}}, {{1, 2, 3}}};");
   1745   // FIXME: We might at some point want to handle this similar to parameter
   1746   // lists, where we have an option to put each on a single line.
   1747   verifyFormat(
   1748       "struct {\n"
   1749       "  unsigned bit;\n"
   1750       "  const char *const name;\n"
   1751       "} kBitsToOs[] = { { kOsMac, \"Mac\" }, { kOsWin, \"Windows\" },\n"
   1752       "                  { kOsLinux, \"Linux\" }, { kOsCrOS, \"Chrome OS\" } };");
   1753 }
   1755 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSmallMacroDefinitionsInSingleLine) {
   1756   verifyFormat("#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
   1757                "                      \\\n"
   1758                "    aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)");
   1759 }
   1761 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakPureVirtualFunctionDefinition) {
   1762   verifyFormat(
   1763       "virtual void write(ELFWriter *writerrr,\n"
   1764       "                   OwningPtr<FileOutputBuffer> &buffer) = 0;");
   1765 }
   1767 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutUnknownPPDirective) {
   1768   EXPECT_EQ("#123 \"A string literal\"",
   1769             format("   #     123    \"A string literal\""));
   1770   EXPECT_EQ("#;", format("#;"));
   1771   verifyFormat("#\n;\n;\n;");
   1772 }
   1774 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnescapedEndOfLineEndsPPDirective) {
   1775   EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"\n",
   1776             format("#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\"\n"));
   1777   EXPECT_EQ("#define A B\n", format("#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B\n",
   1778                                     getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   1779 }
   1781 TEST_F(FormatTest, EndOfFileEndsPPDirective) {
   1782   EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"",
   1783             format("#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\""));
   1784   EXPECT_EQ("#define A B", format("#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B"));
   1785 }
   1787 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentsPPDirectiveInReducedSpace) {
   1788   verifyFormat("#define A(BB)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13));
   1789   verifyFormat("#define A( \\\n    BB)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
   1790   verifyFormat("#define A( \\\n    A, B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
   1791   // FIXME: We never break before the macro name.
   1792   verifyFormat("#define AA(\\\n    B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
   1794   verifyFormat("#define A A\n#define A A");
   1795   verifyFormat("#define A(X) A\n#define A A");
   1797   verifyFormat("#define Something Other", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(23));
   1798   verifyFormat("#define Something    \\\n  Other", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   1799 }
   1801 TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlePreprocessorDirectiveContext) {
   1802   EXPECT_EQ("// somecomment\n"
   1803             "#include \"a.h\"\n"
   1804             "#define A(  \\\n"
   1805             "    A, B)\n"
   1806             "#include \"b.h\"\n"
   1807             "// somecomment\n",
   1808             format("  // somecomment\n"
   1809                    "  #include \"a.h\"\n"
   1810                    "#define A(A,\\\n"
   1811                    "    B)\n"
   1812                    "    #include \"b.h\"\n"
   1813                    " // somecomment\n",
   1814                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
   1815 }
   1817 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutSingleHash) { EXPECT_EQ("#\na;", format("#\na;")); }
   1819 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCodeInMacroDefinitions) {
   1820   EXPECT_EQ("#define A    \\\n"
   1821             "  c;         \\\n"
   1822             "  e;\n"
   1823             "f;",
   1824             format("#define A c; e;\n"
   1825                    "f;",
   1826                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(14)));
   1827 }
   1829 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutRemainingTokens) { EXPECT_EQ("{}", format("{}")); }
   1831 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlwaysFormatsEntireMacroDefinitions) {
   1832   EXPECT_EQ("int  i;\n"
   1833             "#define A \\\n"
   1834             "  int i;  \\\n"
   1835             "  int j\n"
   1836             "int  k;",
   1837             format("int  i;\n"
   1838                    "#define A  \\\n"
   1839                    " int   i    ;  \\\n"
   1840                    " int   j\n"
   1841                    "int  k;",
   1842                    8, 0, getGoogleStyle())); // 8: position of "#define".
   1843   EXPECT_EQ("int  i;\n"
   1844             "#define A \\\n"
   1845             "  int i;  \\\n"
   1846             "  int j\n"
   1847             "int  k;",
   1848             format("int  i;\n"
   1849                    "#define A  \\\n"
   1850                    " int   i    ;  \\\n"
   1851                    " int   j\n"
   1852                    "int  k;",
   1853                    45, 0, getGoogleStyle())); // 45: position of "j".
   1854 }
   1856 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionInsideStatement) {
   1857   EXPECT_EQ("int x,\n"
   1858             "#define A\n"
   1859             "    y;",
   1860             format("int x,\n#define A\ny;"));
   1861 }
   1863 TEST_F(FormatTest, HashInMacroDefinition) {
   1864   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n  b #c;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
   1865   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   1866                "  {       \\\n"
   1867                "    f(#c);\\\n"
   1868                "  }",
   1869                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
   1871   verifyFormat("#define A(X)         \\\n"
   1872                "  void function##X()",
   1873                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   1875   verifyFormat("#define A(a, b, c)   \\\n"
   1876                "  void a##b##c()",
   1877                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   1879   verifyFormat("#define A void # ## #", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   1880 }
   1882 TEST_F(FormatTest, RespectWhitespaceInMacroDefinitions) {
   1883   verifyFormat("#define A (1)");
   1884 }
   1886 TEST_F(FormatTest, EmptyLinesInMacroDefinitions) {
   1887   EXPECT_EQ("#define A b;", format("#define A \\\n"
   1888                                    "          \\\n"
   1889                                    "  b;",
   1890                                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   1891   EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
   1892             "          \\\n"
   1893             "  a;      \\\n"
   1894             "  b;",
   1895             format("#define A \\\n"
   1896                    "          \\\n"
   1897                    "  a;      \\\n"
   1898                    "  b;",
   1899                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   1900   EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
   1901             "  a;      \\\n"
   1902             "          \\\n"
   1903             "  b;",
   1904             format("#define A \\\n"
   1905                    "  a;      \\\n"
   1906                    "          \\\n"
   1907                    "  b;",
   1908                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   1909 }
   1911 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionsWithIncompleteCode) {
   1912   verifyFormat("#define A :");
   1913   verifyFormat("#define SOMECASES  \\\n"
   1914                "  case 1:          \\\n"
   1915                "  case 2\n",
   1916                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   1917   verifyFormat("#define A template <typename T>");
   1918   verifyFormat("#define STR(x) #x\n"
   1919                "f(STR(this_is_a_string_literal{));");
   1920 }
   1922 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacrosWithoutTrailingSemicolon) {
   1923   verifyFormat("SOME_TYPE_NAME abc;"); // Gated on the newline.
   1924   EXPECT_EQ("class A : public QObject {\n"
   1925             "  Q_OBJECT\n"
   1926             "\n"
   1927             "  A() {}\n"
   1928             "};",
   1929             format("class A  :  public QObject {\n"
   1930                    "     Q_OBJECT\n"
   1931                    "\n"
   1932                    "  A() {\n}\n"
   1933                    "}  ;"));
   1934   EXPECT_EQ("SOME_MACRO\n"
   1935             "namespace {\n"
   1936             "void f();\n"
   1937             "}",
   1938             format("SOME_MACRO\n"
   1939                    "  namespace    {\n"
   1940                    "void   f(  );\n"
   1941                    "}"));
   1942   // Only if the identifier contains at least 5 characters.
   1943   EXPECT_EQ("HTTP f();",
   1944             format("HTTP\nf();"));
   1945   EXPECT_EQ("MACRO\nf();",
   1946             format("MACRO\nf();"));
   1947   // Only if everything is upper case.
   1948   EXPECT_EQ("class A : public QObject {\n"
   1949             "  Q_Object A() {}\n"
   1950             "};",
   1951             format("class A  :  public QObject {\n"
   1952                    "     Q_Object\n"
   1953                    "\n"
   1954                    "  A() {\n}\n"
   1955                    "}  ;"));
   1956 }
   1958 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroCallsWithoutTrailingSemicolon) {
   1959   EXPECT_EQ("INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
   1960             "INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
   1961             "INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
   1962             "class X {};\n"
   1963             "INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
   1964             "int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }",
   1965             format("  INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
   1966                    "  INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
   1967                    "  INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
   1968                    "  class X {};\n"
   1969                    "  INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
   1970                    "  int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }"));
   1971   // FIXME: We could probably treat IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP/IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP as
   1972   // braces, so that inner block is indented one level more.
   1973   EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
   1974             "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
   1975             "  IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
   1976             "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
   1977             "}",
   1978             format("int q() {\n"
   1979                    "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
   1980                    "    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
   1981                    "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
   1982                    "}"));
   1983   EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
   1984             "  f(x);\n"
   1985             "  f(x) {}\n"
   1986             "  f(x)->g();\n"
   1987             "  f(x)->*g();\n"
   1988             "  f(x).g();\n"
   1989             "  f(x) = x;\n"
   1990             "  f(x) += x;\n"
   1991             "  f(x) -= x;\n"
   1992             "  f(x) *= x;\n"
   1993             "  f(x) /= x;\n"
   1994             "  f(x) %= x;\n"
   1995             "  f(x) &= x;\n"
   1996             "  f(x) |= x;\n"
   1997             "  f(x) ^= x;\n"
   1998             "  f(x) >>= x;\n"
   1999             "  f(x) <<= x;\n"
   2000             "  f(x)[y].z();\n"
   2001             "  LOG(INFO) << x;\n"
   2002             "  ifstream(x) >> x;\n"
   2003             "}\n",
   2004             format("int q() {\n"
   2005                    "  f(x)\n;\n"
   2006                    "  f(x)\n {}\n"
   2007                    "  f(x)\n->g();\n"
   2008                    "  f(x)\n->*g();\n"
   2009                    "  f(x)\n.g();\n"
   2010                    "  f(x)\n = x;\n"
   2011                    "  f(x)\n += x;\n"
   2012                    "  f(x)\n -= x;\n"
   2013                    "  f(x)\n *= x;\n"
   2014                    "  f(x)\n /= x;\n"
   2015                    "  f(x)\n %= x;\n"
   2016                    "  f(x)\n &= x;\n"
   2017                    "  f(x)\n |= x;\n"
   2018                    "  f(x)\n ^= x;\n"
   2019                    "  f(x)\n >>= x;\n"
   2020                    "  f(x)\n <<= x;\n"
   2021                    "  f(x)\n[y].z();\n"
   2022                    "  LOG(INFO)\n << x;\n"
   2023                    "  ifstream(x)\n >> x;\n"
   2024                    "}\n"));
   2025   EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
   2026             "  f(x)\n"
   2027             "  if (1) {\n"
   2028             "  }\n"
   2029             "  f(x)\n"
   2030             "  while (1) {\n"
   2031             "  }\n"
   2032             "  f(x)\n"
   2033             "  g(x);\n"
   2034             "  f(x)\n"
   2035             "  try {\n"
   2036             "    q();\n"
   2037             "  }\n"
   2038             "  catch (...) {\n"
   2039             "  }\n"
   2040             "}\n",
   2041             format("int q() {\n"
   2042                    "f(x)\n"
   2043                    "if (1) {}\n"
   2044                    "f(x)\n"
   2045                    "while (1) {}\n"
   2046                    "f(x)\n"
   2047                    "g(x);\n"
   2048                    "f(x)\n"
   2049                    "try { q(); } catch (...) {}\n"
   2050                    "}\n"));
   2051   EXPECT_EQ("class A {\n"
   2052             "  A() : t(0) {}\n"
   2053             "  A(X x)\n" // FIXME: function-level try blocks are broken.
   2054             "  try : t(0) {\n"
   2055             "  }\n"
   2056             "  catch (...) {\n"
   2057             "  }\n"
   2058             "};",
   2059             format("class A {\n"
   2060                    "  A()\n : t(0) {}\n"
   2061                    "  A(X x)\n"
   2062                    "  try : t(0) {} catch (...) {}\n"
   2063                    "};"));
   2064 }
   2066 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutMacroDefinitionsStatementsSpanningBlocks) {
   2067   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   2068                "  f({     \\\n"
   2069                "    g();  \\\n"
   2070                "  });", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
   2071 }
   2073 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectivesAtZero) {
   2074   EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {\n#define A\n  }\n}", format("{{\n#define A\n}}"));
   2075 }
   2077 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatHashIfNotAtStartOfLine) {
   2078   verifyFormat("{\n  { a #c; }\n}");
   2079 }
   2081 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatUnbalancedStructuralElements) {
   2082   EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n  {       \\\n    {\nint i;",
   2083             format("#define A { {\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   2084   EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n  }       \\\n  }\nint i;",
   2085             format("#define A } }\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   2086 }
   2088 TEST_F(FormatTest, EscapedNewlineAtStartOfToken) {
   2089   EXPECT_EQ(
   2090       "#define A \\\n  int i;  \\\n  int j;",
   2091       format("#define A \\\nint i;\\\n  int j;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   2092   EXPECT_EQ("template <class T> f();", format("\\\ntemplate <class T> f();"));
   2093 }
   2095 TEST_F(FormatTest, NoEscapedNewlineHandlingInBlockComments) {
   2096   EXPECT_EQ("/* \\  \\  \\\n*/", format("\\\n/* \\  \\  \\\n*/"));
   2097 }
   2099 TEST_F(FormatTest, CalculateSpaceOnConsecutiveLinesInMacro) {
   2100   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   2101                "  int v(  \\\n"
   2102                "      a); \\\n"
   2103                "  int i;",
   2104                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
   2105 }
   2107 TEST_F(FormatTest, MixingPreprocessorDirectivesAndNormalCode) {
   2108   EXPECT_EQ(
   2109       "#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
   2110       "                      \\\n"
   2111       "    aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
   2112       "\n"
   2113       "AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
   2114       "    aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);\n",
   2115       format("  #define   ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
   2116              "\\\n"
   2117              "aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
   2118              "  \n"
   2119              "   AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
   2120              "  aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);\n"));
   2121 }
   2123 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutStatementsAroundPreprocessorDirectives) {
   2124   EXPECT_EQ("int\n"
   2125             "#define A\n"
   2126             "    a;",
   2127             format("int\n#define A\na;", getGoogleStyle()));
   2128   verifyFormat("functionCallTo(\n"
   2129                "    someOtherFunction(\n"
   2130                "        withSomeParameters, whichInSequence,\n"
   2131                "        areLongerThanALine(andAnotherCall,\n"
   2132                "#define A B\n"
   2133                "                           withMoreParamters,\n"
   2134                "                           whichStronglyInfluenceTheLayout),\n"
   2135                "        andMoreParameters),\n"
   2136                "    trailing);",
   2137                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(69));
   2138 }
   2140 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideParens) {
   2141   EXPECT_EQ("functionCall({\n"
   2142             "  int i;\n"
   2143             "});",
   2144             format(" functionCall ( {int i;} );"));
   2146   // FIXME: This is bad, find a better and more generic solution.
   2147   EXPECT_EQ("functionCall({\n"
   2148             "  int i;\n"
   2149             "},\n"
   2150             "             aaaa, bbbb, cccc);",
   2151             format(" functionCall ( {int i;},  aaaa,   bbbb, cccc);"));
   2152   verifyFormat(
   2153       "Aaa({\n"
   2154       "  int i;\n"
   2155       "},\n"
   2156       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   2157       "                                     ccccccccccccccccc));");
   2158 }
   2160 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideStatement) {
   2161   EXPECT_EQ("SOME_MACRO { int i; }\n"
   2162             "int i;",
   2163             format("  SOME_MACRO  {int i;}  int i;"));
   2164 }
   2166 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutNestedBlocks) {
   2167   verifyFormat("void AddOsStrings(unsigned bitmask) {\n"
   2168                "  struct s {\n"
   2169                "    int i;\n"
   2170                "  };\n"
   2171                "  s kBitsToOs[] = { { 10 } };\n"
   2172                "  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n"
   2173                "    return;\n"
   2174                "}");
   2175 }
   2177 TEST_F(FormatTest, PutEmptyBlocksIntoOneLine) {
   2178   EXPECT_EQ("{}", format("{}"));
   2179   verifyFormat("enum E {};");
   2180   verifyFormat("enum E {}");
   2181 }
   2183 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   2184 // Line break tests.
   2185 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   2187 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAwesomeMethodCall) {
   2188   verifyFormat(
   2189       "SomeLongMethodName(SomeReallyLongMethod(CallOtherReallyLongMethod(\n"
   2190       "                       parameter, parameter, parameter)),\n"
   2191       "                   SecondLongCall(parameter));");
   2192 }
   2194 TEST_F(FormatTest, PreventConfusingIndents) {
   2195   verifyFormat(
   2196       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2197       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2198       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2199       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2200   verifyFormat(
   2201       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2202       "    [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2203       "         [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]\n"
   2204       "         [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]];");
   2205   verifyFormat(
   2206       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<\n"
   2207       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<\n"
   2208       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>,\n"
   2209       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>;");
   2210   verifyFormat("int a = bbbb && ccc && fffff(\n"
   2211                "#define A Just forcing a new line\n"
   2212                "                           ddd);");
   2213 }
   2215 TEST_F(FormatTest, LineBreakingInBinaryExpressions) {
   2216   verifyFormat(
   2217       "bool aaaaaaa =\n"
   2218       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaa).aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() ||\n"
   2219       "    bbbbbbbb();");
   2220   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   2221                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa != bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb &&\n"
   2222                "    ccccccccc == ddddddddddd;");
   2224   verifyFormat("aaaaaa = aaaaaaa(aaaaaaa, // break\n"
   2225                "                 aaaaaa) &&\n"
   2226                "         bbbbbb && cccccc;");
   2227   verifyFormat("aaaaaa = aaaaaaa(aaaaaaa, // break\n"
   2228                "                 aaaaaa) >>\n"
   2229                "         bbbbbb;");
   2230   verifyFormat("Whitespaces.addUntouchableComment(\n"
   2231                "    SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(\n"
   2232                "        TheLine.Last->FormatTok.Tok.getLocation()) -\n"
   2233                "    1);");
   2235   verifyFormat("if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2236                "     bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) && // aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2237                "    cccccc) {\n}");
   2239   // If the LHS of a comparison is not a binary expression itself, the
   2240   // additional linebreak confuses many people.
   2241   verifyFormat(
   2242       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2243       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) > 5) {\n"
   2244       "}");
   2245   verifyFormat(
   2246       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2247       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) == 5) {\n"
   2248       "}");
   2249   // Even explicit parentheses stress the precedence enough to make the
   2250   // additional break unnecessary.
   2251   verifyFormat(
   2252       "if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2253       "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) == 5) {\n"
   2254       "}");
   2255   // This cases is borderline, but with the indentation it is still readable.
   2256   verifyFormat(
   2257       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2258       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) > aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2259       "                               aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n"
   2260       "}",
   2261       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(75));
   2263   // If the LHS is a binary expression, we should still use the additional break
   2264   // as otherwise the formatting hides the operator precedence.
   2265   verifyFormat(
   2266       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2267       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==\n"
   2268       "    5) {\n"
   2269       "}");
   2271   FormatStyle OnePerLine = getLLVMStyle();
   2272   OnePerLine.BinPackParameters = false;
   2273   verifyFormat(
   2274       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2275       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2276       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}",
   2277       OnePerLine);
   2278 }
   2280 TEST_F(FormatTest, ExpressionIndentation) {
   2281   verifyFormat("bool value = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2282                "                     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2283                "                     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==\n"
   2284                "                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *\n"
   2285                "                         bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb +\n"
   2286                "                     bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb &&\n"
   2287                "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *\n"
   2288                "                     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >\n"
   2289                "                 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;");
   2290   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *\n"
   2291                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2292                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==\n"
   2293                "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}");
   2294   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2295                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *\n"
   2296                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==\n"
   2297                "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}");
   2298   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==\n"
   2299                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *\n"
   2300                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2301                "        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}");
   2302   verifyFormat("if () {\n"
   2303                "} else if (aaaaa && bbbbb > // break\n"
   2304                "                        ccccc) {\n"
   2305                "}");
   2307   // Presence of a trailing comment used to change indentation of b.
   2308   verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2309                "       b;\n"
   2310                "return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2311                "       b; //",
   2312                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30));
   2313 }
   2315 TEST_F(FormatTest, ExpressionIndentationBreakingBeforeOperators) {
   2316   // Not sure what the best system is here. Like this, the LHS can be found
   2317   // immediately above an operator (everything with the same or a higher
   2318   // indent). The RHS is aligned right of the operator and so compasses
   2319   // everything until something with the same indent as the operator is found.
   2320   // FIXME: Is this a good system?
   2321   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   2322   Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = true;
   2323   verifyFormat(
   2324       "bool value = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2325       "             + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2326       "             + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2327       "             == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2328       "                * bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   2329       "                + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   2330       "             && aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2331       "                * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2332       "                > ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;",
   2333       Style);
   2334   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2335                "    * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2336                "    + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2337                "    == bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}",
   2338                Style);
   2339   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2340                "    + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2341                "      * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2342                "    == bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}",
   2343                Style);
   2344   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2345                "    == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2346                "       * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2347                "       + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}",
   2348                Style);
   2349   verifyFormat("if () {\n"
   2350                "} else if (aaaaa && bbbbb // break\n"
   2351                "                    > ccccc) {\n"
   2352                "}",
   2353                Style);
   2354 }
   2356 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConstructorInitializers) {
   2357   verifyFormat("Constructor() : Initializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}");
   2358   verifyFormat("Constructor() : Inttializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}",
   2359                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(45));
   2360   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2361                "    : Inttializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}",
   2362                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(44));
   2363   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2364                "    : Inttializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}",
   2365                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(43));
   2367   verifyFormat(
   2368       "SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
   2369       "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2371   verifyFormat(
   2372       "SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
   2373       "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa), aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2374       "      aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2375   verifyFormat(
   2376       "SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
   2377       "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2378       "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2380   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2381                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2382                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2383                "                               aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2384                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() {}");
   2386   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2387                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2388                "          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2390   verifyFormat("Constructor(int Parameter = 0)\n"
   2391                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2392                "      aaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2394   // Here a line could be saved by splitting the second initializer onto two
   2395   // lines, but that is not desireable.
   2396   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2397                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2398                "      aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2399                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2401   FormatStyle OnePerLine = getLLVMStyle();
   2402   OnePerLine.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = true;
   2403   verifyFormat("SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
   2404                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2405                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2406                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}",
   2407                OnePerLine);
   2408   verifyFormat("SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
   2409                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa), // Some comment\n"
   2410                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2411                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}",
   2412                OnePerLine);
   2413   verifyFormat("MyClass::MyClass(int var)\n"
   2414                "    : some_var_(var),            // 4 space indent\n"
   2415                "      some_other_var_(var + 1) { // lined up\n"
   2416                "}",
   2417                OnePerLine);
   2418   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2419                "    : aaaaa(aaaaaa),\n"
   2420                "      aaaaa(aaaaaa),\n"
   2421                "      aaaaa(aaaaaa),\n"
   2422                "      aaaaa(aaaaaa),\n"
   2423                "      aaaaa(aaaaaa) {}",
   2424                OnePerLine);
   2425   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   2426                "    : aaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2427                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}",
   2428                OnePerLine);
   2429 }
   2431 TEST_F(FormatTest, MemoizationTests) {
   2432   // This breaks if the memoization lookup does not take \c Indent and
   2433   // \c LastSpace into account.
   2434   verifyFormat(
   2435       "extern CFRunLoopTimerRef\n"
   2436       "CFRunLoopTimerCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocato, CFAbsoluteTime fireDate,\n"
   2437       "                     CFTimeInterval interval, CFOptionFlags flags,\n"
   2438       "                     CFIndex order, CFRunLoopTimerCallBack callout,\n"
   2439       "                     CFRunLoopTimerContext *context) {}");
   2441   // Deep nesting somewhat works around our memoization.
   2442   verifyFormat(
   2443       "aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(\n"
   2444       "    aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(\n"
   2445       "        aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(\n"
   2446       "            aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaa(\n"
   2447       "                aaaaa())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))));",
   2448       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(65));
   2449   verifyFormat(
   2450       "aaaaa(\n"
   2451       "    aaaaa,\n"
   2452       "    aaaaa(\n"
   2453       "        aaaaa,\n"
   2454       "        aaaaa(\n"
   2455       "            aaaaa,\n"
   2456       "            aaaaa(\n"
   2457       "                aaaaa,\n"
   2458       "                aaaaa(\n"
   2459       "                    aaaaa,\n"
   2460       "                    aaaaa(\n"
   2461       "                        aaaaa,\n"
   2462       "                        aaaaa(\n"
   2463       "                            aaaaa,\n"
   2464       "                            aaaaa(\n"
   2465       "                                aaaaa,\n"
   2466       "                                aaaaa(\n"
   2467       "                                    aaaaa,\n"
   2468       "                                    aaaaa(\n"
   2469       "                                        aaaaa,\n"
   2470       "                                        aaaaa(\n"
   2471       "                                            aaaaa,\n"
   2472       "                                            aaaaa(\n"
   2473       "                                                aaaaa,\n"
   2474       "                                                aaaaa))))))))))));",
   2475       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(65));
   2476   verifyFormat(
   2477       "a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(), a), a), a), a),\n"
   2478       "                                  a),\n"
   2479       "                                a),\n"
   2480       "                              a),\n"
   2481       "                            a),\n"
   2482       "                          a),\n"
   2483       "                        a),\n"
   2484       "                      a),\n"
   2485       "                    a),\n"
   2486       "                  a),\n"
   2487       "                a),\n"
   2488       "              a),\n"
   2489       "            a),\n"
   2490       "          a),\n"
   2491       "        a),\n"
   2492       "      a),\n"
   2493       "    a),\n"
   2494       "  a)",
   2495       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(65));
   2497   // This test takes VERY long when memoization is broken.
   2498   FormatStyle OnePerLine = getLLVMStyle();
   2499   OnePerLine.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = true;
   2500   OnePerLine.BinPackParameters = false;
   2501   std::string input = "Constructor()\n"
   2502                       "    : aaaa(a,\n";
   2503   for (unsigned i = 0, e = 80; i != e; ++i) {
   2504     input += "           a,\n";
   2505   }
   2506   input += "           a) {}";
   2507   verifyFormat(input, OnePerLine);
   2508 }
   2510 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksAsHighAsPossible) {
   2511   verifyFormat(
   2512       "void f() {\n"
   2513       "  if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa && aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
   2514       "      (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb))\n"
   2515       "    f();\n"
   2516       "}");
   2517   verifyFormat("if (Intervals[i].getRange().getFirst() <\n"
   2518                "    Intervals[i - 1].getRange().getLast()) {\n}");
   2519 }
   2521 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksFunctionDeclarations) {
   2522   // Principially, we break function declarations in a certain order:
   2523   // 1) break amongst arguments.
   2524   verifyFormat("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccccccc,\n"
   2525                "                              Cccccccccccccc cccccccccccccc);");
   2527   // 2) break after return type.
   2528   verifyFormat(
   2529       "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2530       "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccccccccccccccccccc);",
   2531       getGoogleStyle());
   2533   // 3) break after (.
   2534   verifyFormat(
   2535       "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(\n"
   2536       "    Cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc);",
   2537       getGoogleStyle());
   2539   // 4) break before after nested name specifiers.
   2540   verifyFormat(
   2541       "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2542       "    SomeClasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss::\n"
   2543       "        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc);",
   2544       getGoogleStyle());
   2546   // However, there are exceptions, if a sufficient amount of lines can be
   2547   // saved.
   2548   // FIXME: The precise cut-offs wrt. the number of saved lines might need some
   2549   // more adjusting.
   2550   verifyFormat("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2551                "                                  Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2552                "                                  Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2553                "                                  Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2554                "                                  Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc);");
   2555   verifyFormat(
   2556       "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2557       "    bbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2558       "                Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2559       "                Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc);",
   2560       getGoogleStyle());
   2561   verifyFormat(
   2562       "Aaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2563       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2564       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2565       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2566       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2567       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2568       "                                          Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc);");
   2569   verifyFormat("Aaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(\n"
   2570                "    Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2571                "    Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2572                "    Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc,\n"
   2573                "    Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc, Cccccccccccccc cccccccccc);");
   2575   // Break after multi-line parameters.
   2576   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2577                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2578                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2579                "    bbbb bbbb);");
   2581   // Treat overloaded operators like other functions.
   2582   verifyFormat("SomeLoooooooooooooooooooooooooogType\n"
   2583                "operator>(const SomeLoooooooooooooooooooooooooogType &other);");
   2584   verifyGoogleFormat(
   2585       "SomeLoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogType operator<<(\n"
   2586       "    const SomeLooooooooogType &a, const SomeLooooooooogType &b);");
   2587 }
   2589 TEST_F(FormatTest, TrailingReturnType) {
   2590   verifyFormat("auto foo() -> int;\n");
   2591   verifyFormat("struct S {\n"
   2592                "  auto bar() const -> int;\n"
   2593                "};");
   2594   verifyFormat("template <size_t Order, typename T>\n"
   2595                "auto load_img(const std::string &filename)\n"
   2596                "    -> alias::tensor<Order, T, mem::tag::cpu> {}");
   2598   // Not trailing return types.
   2599   verifyFormat("void f() { auto a = b->c(); }");
   2600 }
   2602 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksFunctionDeclarationsWithTrailingTokens) {
   2603   // Avoid breaking before trailing 'const'.
   2604   verifyFormat("void someLongFunction(\n"
   2605                "    int someLongParameter) const {}",
   2606                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(46));
   2607   FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle();
   2608   Style.ColumnLimit = 47;
   2609   verifyFormat("void\n"
   2610                "someLongFunction(int someLongParameter) const {\n}",
   2611                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(47));
   2612   verifyFormat("void someLongFunction(\n"
   2613                "    int someLongParameter) const {}",
   2614                Style);
   2615   verifyFormat("LoooooongReturnType\n"
   2616                "someLoooooooongFunction() const {}",
   2617                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(47));
   2618   verifyFormat("LoooooongReturnType someLoooooooongFunction()\n"
   2619                "    const {}",
   2620                Style);
   2622   // Avoid breaking before other trailing annotations, if they are not
   2623   // function-like.
   2624   verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2625                "                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) OVERRIDE;");
   2627   // Breaking before function-like trailing annotations is fine to keep them
   2628   // close to their arguments.
   2629   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaa(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2630                "    LOCKS_EXCLUDED(aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2631   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaa(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) const\n"
   2632                "    LOCKS_EXCLUDED(aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2633   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaa(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) const\n"
   2634                "    LOCKS_EXCLUDED(aaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2636   verifyFormat(
   2637       "void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()\n"
   2638       "    __attribute__((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2639       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   2640   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2641                "    __attribute__((unused));");
   2642   verifyFormat(
   2643       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2644       "    GUARDED_BY(aaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2645       getGoogleStyle());
   2646   verifyFormat(
   2647       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2648       "    GUARDED_BY(aaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2649       getGoogleStyle());
   2650 }
   2652 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksDesireably) {
   2653   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
   2654                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
   2655                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)) {\n}");
   2656   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2657                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)) {\n"
   2658                "}");
   2660   verifyFormat(
   2661       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2662       "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
   2664   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2665                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2666                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   2668   verifyFormat(
   2669       "aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2670       "                            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)),\n"
   2671       "         aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2672       "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)));");
   2674   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2675                "    (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2677   verifyFormat(
   2678       "void f() {\n"
   2679       "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&\n"
   2680       "                                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
   2681       "}");
   2682   verifyFormat(
   2683       "aaaaaa(new Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2684       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   2685   verifyFormat(
   2686       "aaaaaa(aaa, new Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2687       "                aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   2688   verifyFormat(
   2689       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2690       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2691       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2693   // This test case breaks on an incorrect memoization, i.e. an optimization not
   2694   // taking into account the StopAt value.
   2695   verifyFormat(
   2696       "return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2697       "       aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaa) || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2698       "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2699       "       (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2701   verifyFormat("{\n  {\n    {\n"
   2702                "      Annotation.SpaceRequiredBefore =\n"
   2703                "          Line.Tokens[i - 1].Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren) &&\n"
   2704                "          Line.Tokens[i - 1].Tok.isNot(tok::l_square);\n"
   2705                "    }\n  }\n}");
   2707   // Break on an outer level if there was a break on an inner level.
   2708   EXPECT_EQ("f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
   2709             "      b, c),\n"
   2710             "    d, e),\n"
   2711             "  x, y);",
   2712             format("f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
   2713                    "    b, c), d, e), x, y);"));
   2715   // Prefer breaking similar line breaks.
   2716   verifyFormat(
   2717       "const int kTrackingOptions = NSTrackingMouseMoved |\n"
   2718       "                             NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited |\n"
   2719       "                             NSTrackingActiveAlways;");
   2720 }
   2722 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsOneParameterPerLineIfNecessary) {
   2723   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getGoogleStyle();
   2724   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
   2725   verifyFormat("f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2726                "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2727                "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2728                NoBinPacking);
   2729   verifyFormat("aaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2730                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2731                "        aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));",
   2732                NoBinPacking);
   2733   verifyFormat(
   2734       "aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2735       "         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2736       "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)),\n"
   2737       "         aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2738       "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)));",
   2739       NoBinPacking);
   2740   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2741                "    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();",
   2742                NoBinPacking);
   2743   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2744                "    aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2745                NoBinPacking);
   2747   verifyFormat(
   2748       "aaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2749       "             aaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2750       "             aaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2751       NoBinPacking);
   2752   verifyFormat(
   2753       "somefunction(someotherFunction(ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd,\n"
   2754       "                               ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd),\n"
   2755       "             test);",
   2756       NoBinPacking);
   2758   verifyFormat("std::vector<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2759                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2760                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
   2761                NoBinPacking);
   2762   verifyFormat("a(\"a\"\n"
   2763                "  \"a\",\n"
   2764                "  a);");
   2766   NoBinPacking.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = false;
   2767   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2768                "                aaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2769                "                aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   2770                NoBinPacking);
   2771   verifyFormat(
   2772       "void f() {\n"
   2773       "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2774       "      .aaaaaaa();\n"
   2775       "}",
   2776       NoBinPacking);
   2777   verifyFormat(
   2778       "template <class SomeType, class SomeOtherType>\n"
   2779       "SomeType SomeFunction(SomeType Type, SomeOtherType OtherType) {}",
   2780       NoBinPacking);
   2781 }
   2783 TEST_F(FormatTest, AdaptiveOnePerLineFormatting) {
   2784   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15);
   2785   Style.ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking = true;
   2786   EXPECT_EQ("aaa(aaaa,\n"
   2787             "    aaaa,\n"
   2788             "    aaaa);\n"
   2789             "aaa(aaaa,\n"
   2790             "    aaaa,\n"
   2791             "    aaaa);",
   2792             format("aaa(aaaa,\n" // one-per-line
   2793                    "  aaaa,\n"
   2794                    "    aaaa  );\n"
   2795                    "aaa(aaaa,  aaaa,  aaaa);", // inconclusive
   2796                    Style));
   2797   EXPECT_EQ("aaa(aaaa, aaaa,\n"
   2798             "    aaaa);\n"
   2799             "aaa(aaaa, aaaa,\n"
   2800             "    aaaa);",
   2801             format("aaa(aaaa,  aaaa,\n" // bin-packed
   2802                    "    aaaa  );\n"
   2803                    "aaa(aaaa,  aaaa,  aaaa);", // inconclusive
   2804                    Style));
   2805 }
   2807 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBuilderPattern) {
   2808   verifyFormat(
   2809       "return llvm::StringSwitch<Reference::Kind>(name)\n"
   2810       "    .StartsWith(\".eh_frame_hdr\", ORDER_EH_FRAMEHDR)\n"
   2811       "    .StartsWith(\".eh_frame\", ORDER_EH_FRAME).StartsWith(\".init\", ORDER_INIT)\n"
   2812       "    .StartsWith(\".fini\", ORDER_FINI).StartsWith(\".hash\", ORDER_HASH)\n"
   2813       "    .Default(ORDER_TEXT);\n");
   2815   verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa->aaaaa().aaaaaaaaaaaaa().aaaaaa() <\n"
   2816                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa->aaaaa().aaaaaaaaaaaaa().aaaaaa();");
   2817   verifyFormat(
   2818       "aaaaaaa->aaaaaaa->aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2819       "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2820       "    ->aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2821   verifyFormat(
   2822       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()->aaaaaa(bbbbb)->aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa( // break\n"
   2823       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2824   verifyFormat(
   2825       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *aaaaaaaaa = aaaaaa->aaaaaaaaaaaa()\n"
   2826       "    ->aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2827       "          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2828       "    ->aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   2829 }
   2831 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksAccordingToOperatorPrecedence) {
   2832   verifyFormat(
   2833       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2834       "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb && ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {\n}");
   2835   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ||\n"
   2836                "    ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {\n}");
   2837   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ||\n"
   2838                "    ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {\n}");
   2839   verifyFormat(
   2840       "if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) &&\n"
   2841       "    ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {\n}");
   2842   verifyFormat("return aaaa & AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ||\n"
   2843                "       bbbb & BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ||\n"
   2844                "       cccc & CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ||\n"
   2845                "       dddd & DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD;");
   2846   verifyFormat("if ((aaaaaaaaaa != aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   2847                "     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() >= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) &&\n"
   2848                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa != aa) {\n}");
   2849 }
   2851 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksAfterAssignments) {
   2852   verifyFormat(
   2853       "unsigned Cost =\n"
   2854       "    TTI.getMemoryOpCost(I->getOpcode(), VectorTy, SI->getAlignment(),\n"
   2855       "                        SI->getPointerAddressSpaceee());\n");
   2856   verifyFormat(
   2857       "CharSourceRange LineRange = CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(\n"
   2858       "    Line.Tokens.front().Tok.getLo(), Line.Tokens.back().Tok.getLoc());");
   2860   verifyFormat(
   2861       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(0)\n"
   2862       "    .aaaa().aaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2863   verifyFormat("unsigned OriginalStartColumn =\n"
   2864                "    SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(\n"
   2865                "        Current.FormatTok.getStartOfNonWhitespace()) -\n"
   2866                "    1;");
   2867 }
   2869 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsAfterAssignments) {
   2870   verifyFormat(
   2871       "int Result = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2872       "             aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2873   verifyFormat(
   2874       "Result += aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2875       "          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2876   verifyFormat(
   2877       "Result >>= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2878       "           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2879   verifyFormat(
   2880       "int Result = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2881       "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2882   verifyFormat(
   2883       "double LooooooooooooooooooooooooongResult = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2884       "                                            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2885       "                                            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2886 }
   2888 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsAfterReturn) {
   2889   verifyFormat(
   2890       "return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2891       "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2892   verifyFormat(
   2893       "return (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   2894       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2895   verifyFormat(
   2896       "return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >=\n"
   2897       "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   2898   verifyFormat(
   2899       "return (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >=\n"
   2900       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa());");
   2901   verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2902                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2903   verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2904                "           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) &&\n"
   2905                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2906 }
   2908 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressions) {
   2909   verifyFormat(
   2910       "aaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2911       "                               ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2912       "                               : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2913   verifyFormat(
   2914       "aaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2915       "                                   : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2916   verifyFormat(
   2917       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaa(aaaaaa)\n"
   2918       "                                                    : aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2919   verifyFormat(
   2920       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2921       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2922       "                                    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2923       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2924   verifyFormat(
   2925       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2926       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2927       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2928   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2929                "    ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2930                "          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2931                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2932                "          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2933   verifyFormat("aaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2934                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2935                "           ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2936                "                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   2937                "           : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2938                "                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2939                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2940   verifyFormat("aaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   2941                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2942                "           ?: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   2943                "                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   2944                "       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   2945   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2946                "    ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2947                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2948   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa =\n"
   2949                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2950                "        ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2951                "        : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2952   verifyFormat(
   2953       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2954       "    ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2955       "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   2956   verifyFormat("f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa == // force break\n"
   2957                "          aaaaaaaaa\n"
   2958                "      ? b\n"
   2959                "      : c);");
   2960   verifyFormat(
   2961       "unsigned Indent =\n"
   2962       "    format(TheLine.First, IndentForLevel[TheLine.Level] >= 0\n"
   2963       "                              ? IndentForLevel[TheLine.Level]\n"
   2964       "                              : TheLine * 2,\n"
   2965       "           TheLine.InPPDirective, PreviousEndOfLineColumn);",
   2966       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(70));
   2967   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa //\n"
   2968                "                  ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2969                "                  : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb //\n"
   2970                "                        ? ccccccccccccccc\n"
   2971                "                        : ddddddddddddddd;");
   2972   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa //\n"
   2973                "                  ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2974                "                  : (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb //\n"
   2975                "                         ? ccccccccccccccc\n"
   2976                "                         : ddddddddddddddd);");
   2978   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
   2979   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
   2980   verifyFormat(
   2981       "void f() {\n"
   2982       "  g(aaa,\n"
   2983       "    aaaaaaaaaa == aaaaaaaaaa ? aaaa : aaaaa,\n"
   2984       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2985       "        ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2986       "        : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
   2987       "}",
   2988       NoBinPacking);
   2989   verifyFormat(
   2990       "void f() {\n"
   2991       "  g(aaa,\n"
   2992       "    aaaaaaaaaa == aaaaaaaaaa ? aaaa : aaaaa,\n"
   2993       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   2994       "        ?: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
   2995       "}",
   2996       NoBinPacking);
   2997 }
   2999 TEST_F(FormatTest, DeclarationsOfMultipleVariables) {
   3000   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = aaaaaa->aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(),\n"
   3001                "     aaaaaaaaaaa = aaaaaa->aaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3002   verifyFormat("bool a = true, b = false;");
   3004   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3005                "         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
   3006                "     bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb =\n"
   3007                "         bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);");
   3008   verifyFormat(
   3009       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3010       "         bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb && cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc,\n"
   3011       "     d = e && f;");
   3012   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaa a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   3013                "          c = cccccccccccccccccccc, d = dddddddddddddddddddd;");
   3014   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaa *a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, *b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   3015                "          *c = ccccccccccccccccccc, *d = ddddddddddddddddddd;");
   3016   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaa ***a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ***b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   3017                "          ***c = ccccccccccccccccccc, ***d = ddddddddddddddd;");
   3018   // FIXME: If multiple variables are defined, the "*" needs to move to the new
   3019   // line. Also fix indent for breaking after the type, this looks bad.
   3020   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*\n"
   3021                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3022                "    *b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;",
   3023                getGoogleStyle());
   3025   // Not ideal, but pointer-with-type does not allow much here.
   3026   verifyGoogleFormat(
   3027       "aaaaaaaaa* a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, *b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   3028       "           *b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, *d = ddddddddddddddddddd;");
   3029 }
   3031 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConditionalExpressionsInBrackets) {
   3032   verifyFormat("arr[foo ? bar : baz];");
   3033   verifyFormat("f()[foo ? bar : baz];");
   3034   verifyFormat("(a + b)[foo ? bar : baz];");
   3035   verifyFormat("arr[foo ? (4 > 5 ? 4 : 5) : 5 < 5 ? 5 : 7];");
   3036 }
   3038 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsStringLiterals) {
   3039   verifyFormat("loooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction(\"short literal \"\n"
   3040                "                                      \"short literal\");");
   3041   verifyFormat(
   3042       "looooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction(\n"
   3043       "    \"short literal\"\n"
   3044       "    \"looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong literal\");");
   3045   verifyFormat("someFunction(\"Always break between multi-line\"\n"
   3046                "             \" string literals\",\n"
   3047                "             and, other, parameters);");
   3048   EXPECT_EQ("fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
   3049             "      \"5678\";",
   3050             format("fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
   3051                    "      \"5678\";",
   3052                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(28)));
   3053   EXPECT_EQ(
   3054       "aaaaaa = \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
   3055       "         \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
   3056       "         \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
   3057       format("aaaaaa ="
   3058              "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
   3059              "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" "
   3060              "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
   3061   verifyFormat("a = a + \"a\"\n"
   3062                "        \"a\"\n"
   3063                "        \"a\";");
   3064   verifyFormat("f(\"a\", \"b\"\n"
   3065                "       \"c\");");
   3067   verifyFormat(
   3068       "#define LL_FORMAT \"ll\"\n"
   3069       "printf(\"aaaaa: %d, bbbbbb: %\" LL_FORMAT \"d, cccccccc: %\" LL_FORMAT\n"
   3070       "       \"d, ddddddddd: %\" LL_FORMAT \"d\");");
   3072   verifyFormat("#define A(X)          \\\n"
   3073                "  \"aaaaa\" #X \"bbbbbb\" \\\n"
   3074                "  \"ccccc\"",
   3075                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(23));
   3076   verifyFormat("#define A \"def\"\n"
   3077                "f(\"abc\" A \"ghi\"\n"
   3078                "  \"jkl\");");
   3079 }
   3081 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings) {
   3082   FormatStyle NoBreak = getLLVMStyle();
   3083   NoBreak.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = false;
   3084   FormatStyle Break = getLLVMStyle();
   3085   Break.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = true;
   3086   verifyFormat("aaaa = \"bbbb\"\n"
   3087                "       \"cccc\";",
   3088                NoBreak);
   3089   verifyFormat("aaaa =\n"
   3090                "    \"bbbb\"\n"
   3091                "    \"cccc\";",
   3092                Break);
   3093   verifyFormat("aaaa(\"bbbb\"\n"
   3094                "     \"cccc\");",
   3095                NoBreak);
   3096   verifyFormat("aaaa(\n"
   3097                "    \"bbbb\"\n"
   3098                "    \"cccc\");",
   3099                Break);
   3100   verifyFormat("aaaa(qqq, \"bbbb\"\n"
   3101                "          \"cccc\");",
   3102                NoBreak);
   3103   verifyFormat("aaaa(qqq,\n"
   3104                "     \"bbbb\"\n"
   3105                "     \"cccc\");",
   3106                Break);
   3108   // Don't break if there is no column gain.
   3109   verifyFormat("f(\"aaaa\"\n"
   3110                "  \"bbbb\");",
   3111                Break);
   3113   // Treat literals with escaped newlines like multi-line string literals.
   3114   EXPECT_EQ("x = \"a\\\n"
   3115             "b\\\n"
   3116             "c\";",
   3117             format("x = \"a\\\n"
   3118                    "b\\\n"
   3119                    "c\";",
   3120                    NoBreak));
   3121   EXPECT_EQ("x =\n"
   3122             "    \"a\\\n"
   3123             "b\\\n"
   3124             "c\";",
   3125             format("x = \"a\\\n"
   3126                    "b\\\n"
   3127                    "c\";",
   3128                    Break));
   3129 }
   3131 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsPipes) {
   3132   verifyFormat(
   3133       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3134       "    << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3135       "    << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3136   verifyFormat(
   3137       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3138       "                     << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3139   verifyFormat(
   3140       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3141       "                                 << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3142   verifyFormat(
   3143       "llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
   3144       "                \"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\"\n"
   3145       "             << \"ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\";");
   3146   verifyFormat(
   3147       "aaaaaaaa << (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3148       "                                 << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   3149       "         << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3151   verifyFormat("return out << \"somepacket = {\\n\"\n"
   3152                "           << \"  aaaaaa = \" << pkt.aaaaaa << \"\\n\"\n"
   3153                "           << \"  bbbb = \" << pkt.bbbb << \"\\n\"\n"
   3154                "           << \"  cccccc = \" << pkt.cccccc << \"\\n\"\n"
   3155                "           << \"  ddd = [\" << pkt.ddd << \"]\\n\"\n"
   3156                "           << \"}\";");
   3158   verifyFormat("llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3159                "             << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3160                "             << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3161   verifyFormat(
   3162       "llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3163       "             << \"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb = \" << bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   3164       "             << \"ccccccccccccccccc = \" << ccccccccccccccccc\n"
   3165       "             << \"ddddddddddddddddd = \" << ddddddddddddddddd\n"
   3166       "             << \"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee = \" << eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;");
   3167   verifyFormat("llvm::outs() << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << \"=\"\n"
   3168                "             << bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;");
   3169   verifyFormat(
   3170       "void f() {\n"
   3171       "  llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \"\n"
   3172       "               << aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n"
   3173       "}");
   3175   // Breaking before the first "<<" is generally not desirable.
   3176   verifyFormat(
   3177       "llvm::errs()\n"
   3178       "    << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3179       "    << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3180       "    << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3181       "    << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
   3182       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(70));
   3183   verifyFormat("llvm::errs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \"\n"
   3184                "             << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3185                "             << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \"\n"
   3186                "             << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3187                "             << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: \"\n"
   3188                "             << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
   3189                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(70));
   3191   // But sometimes, breaking before the first "<<" is necessary.
   3192   verifyFormat("Diag(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbb)\n"
   3193                "    << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3194                "    << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3196   verifyFormat(
   3197       "llvm::errs() << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3198       "                    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3199 }
   3201 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsEquals) {
   3202   verifyFormat(
   3203       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3204       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   3205   verifyFormat(
   3206       "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3207       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
   3208   verifyFormat(
   3209       "if (a) {\n"
   3210       "  f();\n"
   3211       "} else if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3212       "               aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n"
   3213       "}");
   3215   verifyFormat("if (int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3216                "        100000000 + 10000000) {\n}");
   3217 }
   3219 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsAtFunctionCallsIfNecessary) {
   3220   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongObject\n"
   3221                "    .looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction();");
   3223   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongObject\n"
   3224                "    ->looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction();");
   3226   verifyFormat(
   3227       "LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongObject->shortFunction(Parameter1,\n"
   3228       "                                                          Parameter2);");
   3230   verifyFormat(
   3231       "ShortObject->shortFunction(\n"
   3232       "    LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongParameter1,\n"
   3233       "    LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongParameter2);");
   3235   verifyFormat("loooooooooooooongFunction(\n"
   3236                "    LoooooooooooooongObject->looooooooooooooooongFunction());");
   3238   verifyFormat(
   3239       "function(LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongObject\n"
   3240       "             ->loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction());");
   3242   verifyFormat("EXPECT_CALL(SomeObject, SomeFunction(Parameter))\n"
   3243                "    .WillRepeatedly(Return(SomeValue));");
   3244   verifyFormat("SomeMap[std::pair(aaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb)]\n"
   3245                "    .insert(ccccccccccccccccccccccc);");
   3246   verifyFormat("aaaaa(aaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3247                "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa).aaaaa(aaaaa),\n"
   3248                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3249   verifyFormat(
   3250       "aaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3251       "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   3252       "    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3253       "                        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3254       "                        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   3255   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3256                "        .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3257                "        .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3258                "        .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()) {\n"
   3259                "}");
   3261   // Here, it is not necessary to wrap at "." or "->".
   3262   verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
   3263                "    aaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n}");
   3264   verifyFormat(
   3265       "aaaaaaaaaaa->aaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3266       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3267       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa->aaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));\n");
   3269   verifyFormat(
   3270       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3271       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa().aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa());");
   3272   verifyFormat("a->aaaaaa()->aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaa()->aaaaaa()->aaaaa() *\n"
   3273                "                         aaaaaaaaa()->aaaaaa()->aaaaa());");
   3274   verifyFormat("a->aaaaaa()->aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaa()->aaaaaa()->aaaaa() ||\n"
   3275                "                         aaaaaaaaa()->aaaaaa()->aaaaa());");
   3277   // FIXME: Should we break before .a()?
   3278   verifyFormat("aaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3279                "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa).a();");
   3281   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
   3282   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
   3283   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   3284                "    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   3285                "    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3286                "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3287                "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   3288                NoBinPacking);
   3290   // If there is a subsequent call, change to hanging indentation.
   3291   verifyFormat(
   3292       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3293       "                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))\n"
   3294       "    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3295   verifyFormat(
   3296       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3297       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   3298 }
   3300 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateDeclarations) {
   3301   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
   3302                "virtual void loooooooooooongFunction(int Param1, int Param2);");
   3303   verifyFormat(
   3304       "template <typename T>\n"
   3305       "using comment_to_xml_conversion = comment_to_xml_conversion<T, int>;");
   3306   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
   3307                "void f(int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram1,\n"
   3308                "       int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram2);");
   3309   verifyFormat(
   3310       "template <typename T>\n"
   3311       "void looooooooooooooooooooongFunction(int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram1,\n"
   3312       "                                      int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram2);");
   3313   verifyFormat(
   3314       "template <typename T>\n"
   3315       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3316       "                    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<T>::aaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3317       "                    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3318   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
   3319                "void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3320                "    int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3321   verifyFormat(
   3322       "template <typename T1, typename T2 = char, typename T3 = char,\n"
   3323       "          typename T4 = char>\n"
   3324       "void f();");
   3325   verifyFormat(
   3326       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>(\n"
   3327       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3329   verifyFormat("a<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>(\n"
   3330                "    a(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
   3332   verifyFormat("template <typename T> class C {};");
   3333   verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f();");
   3334   verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {}");
   3336   FormatStyle AlwaysBreak = getLLVMStyle();
   3337   AlwaysBreak.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations = true;
   3338   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\nclass C {};", AlwaysBreak);
   3339   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\nvoid f();", AlwaysBreak);
   3340   verifyFormat("template <typename T>\nvoid f() {}", AlwaysBreak);
   3341   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3342                "                         bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb>(\n"
   3343                "    ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc);");
   3344   verifyFormat(
   3345       "aaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3346       "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3347       "              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa> *aaaa =\n"
   3348       "    new aaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3349       "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3350       "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>(\n"
   3351       "        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);",
   3352       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(72));
   3353 }
   3355 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsAtNestedNameSpecifiers) {
   3356   verifyFormat(
   3357       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3358       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3359   verifyFormat(
   3360       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3361       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3362       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa());");
   3364   // FIXME: Should we have the extra indent after the second break?
   3365   verifyFormat(
   3366       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3367       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3368       "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3370   verifyFormat(
   3371       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb::\n"
   3372       "                    cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc());");
   3374   // Breaking at nested name specifiers is generally not desirable.
   3375   verifyFormat(
   3376       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3377       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3379   verifyFormat(
   3380       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3381       "                                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3382       "                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   3383       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(74));
   3385   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::\n"
   3386                "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3387                "        .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   3388 }
   3390 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsTemplateParameters) {
   3391   verifyFormat("A<int> a;");
   3392   verifyFormat("A<A<A<int> > > a;");
   3393   verifyFormat("A<A<A<int, 2>, 3>, 4> a;");
   3394   verifyFormat("bool x = a < 1 || 2 > a;");
   3395   verifyFormat("bool x = 5 < f<int>();");
   3396   verifyFormat("bool x = f<int>() > 5;");
   3397   verifyFormat("bool x = 5 < a<int>::x;");
   3398   verifyFormat("bool x = a < 4 ? a > 2 : false;");
   3399   verifyFormat("bool x = f() ? a < 2 : a > 2;");
   3401   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<int>> a;");
   3402   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<int>>> a;");
   3403   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<A<int>>>> a;");
   3404   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<int> > a;");
   3405   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<int> > > a;");
   3406   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<A<int> > > > a;");
   3407   EXPECT_EQ("A<A<A<A>>> a;", format("A<A<A<A> >> a;", getGoogleStyle()));
   3408   EXPECT_EQ("A<A<A<A>>> a;", format("A<A<A<A>> > a;", getGoogleStyle()));
   3410   verifyFormat("test >> a >> b;");
   3411   verifyFormat("test << a >> b;");
   3413   verifyFormat("f<int>();");
   3414   verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {}");
   3416   // Not template parameters.
   3417   verifyFormat("return a < b && c > d;");
   3418   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3419                "  while (a < b && c > d) {\n"
   3420                "  }\n"
   3421                "}");
   3422   verifyFormat("template <typename... Types>\n"
   3423                "typename enable_if<0 < sizeof...(Types)>::type Foo() {}");
   3424 }
   3426 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsBinaryOperators) {
   3427   verifyFormat("COMPARE(a, ==, b);");
   3428 }
   3430 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsPointersToMembers) {
   3431   verifyFormat("int A::*x;");
   3432   verifyFormat("int (S::*func)(void *);");
   3433   verifyFormat("void f() { int (S::*func)(void *); }");
   3434   verifyFormat("typedef bool *(Class::*Member)() const;");
   3435   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3436                "  (a->*f)();\n"
   3437                "  a->*x;\n"
   3438                "  (a.*f)();\n"
   3439                "  ((*a).*f)();\n"
   3440                "  a.*x;\n"
   3441                "}");
   3442   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3443                "  (a->*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)(\n"
   3444                "      aaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);\n"
   3445                "}");
   3446   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   3447   Style.PointerBindsToType = true;
   3448   verifyFormat("typedef bool* (Class::*Member)() const;", Style);
   3449 }
   3451 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUnaryOperators) {
   3452   verifyFormat("int a = -2;");
   3453   verifyFormat("f(-1, -2, -3);");
   3454   verifyFormat("a[-1] = 5;");
   3455   verifyFormat("int a = 5 + -2;");
   3456   verifyFormat("if (i == -1) {\n}");
   3457   verifyFormat("if (i != -1) {\n}");
   3458   verifyFormat("if (i > -1) {\n}");
   3459   verifyFormat("if (i < -1) {\n}");
   3460   verifyFormat("++(a->f());");
   3461   verifyFormat("--(a->f());");
   3462   verifyFormat("(a->f())++;");
   3463   verifyFormat("a[42]++;");
   3464   verifyFormat("if (!(a->f())) {\n}");
   3466   verifyFormat("a-- > b;");
   3467   verifyFormat("b ? -a : c;");
   3468   verifyFormat("n * sizeof char16;");
   3469   verifyFormat("n * alignof char16;", getGoogleStyle());
   3470   verifyFormat("sizeof(char);");
   3471   verifyFormat("alignof(char);", getGoogleStyle());
   3473   verifyFormat("return -1;");
   3474   verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
   3475                "case -1:\n"
   3476                "  break;\n"
   3477                "}");
   3478   verifyFormat("#define X -1");
   3479   verifyFormat("#define X -kConstant");
   3481   verifyFormat("const NSPoint kBrowserFrameViewPatternOffset = { -5, +3 };");
   3482   verifyFormat("const NSPoint kBrowserFrameViewPatternOffset = { +5, -3 };");
   3484   verifyFormat("int a = /* confusing comment */ -1;");
   3485   // FIXME: The space after 'i' is wrong, but hopefully, this is a rare case.
   3486   verifyFormat("int a = i /* confusing comment */++;");
   3487 }
   3489 TEST_F(FormatTest, UndestandsOverloadedOperators) {
   3490   verifyFormat("bool operator<();");
   3491   verifyFormat("bool operator>();");
   3492   verifyFormat("bool operator=();");
   3493   verifyFormat("bool operator==();");
   3494   verifyFormat("bool operator!=();");
   3495   verifyFormat("int operator+();");
   3496   verifyFormat("int operator++();");
   3497   verifyFormat("bool operator();");
   3498   verifyFormat("bool operator()();");
   3499   verifyFormat("bool operator[]();");
   3500   verifyFormat("operator bool();");
   3501   verifyFormat("operator int();");
   3502   verifyFormat("operator void *();");
   3503   verifyFormat("operator SomeType<int>();");
   3504   verifyFormat("operator SomeType<int, int>();");
   3505   verifyFormat("operator SomeType<SomeType<int> >();");
   3506   verifyFormat("void *operator new(std::size_t size);");
   3507   verifyFormat("void *operator new[](std::size_t size);");
   3508   verifyFormat("void operator delete(void *ptr);");
   3509   verifyFormat("void operator delete[](void *ptr);");
   3510   verifyFormat("template <typename AAAAAAA, typename BBBBBBB>\n"
   3511                "AAAAAAA operator/(const AAAAAAA &a, BBBBBBB &b);");
   3513   verifyFormat(
   3514       "ostream &operator<<(ostream &OutputStream,\n"
   3515       "                    SomeReallyLongType WithSomeReallyLongValue);");
   3516   verifyFormat("bool operator<(const aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &left,\n"
   3517                "               const aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &right) {\n"
   3518                "  return left.group < right.group;\n"
   3519                "}");
   3520   verifyFormat("SomeType &operator=(const SomeType &S);");
   3522   verifyGoogleFormat("operator void*();");
   3523   verifyGoogleFormat("operator SomeType<SomeType<int>>();");
   3524 }
   3526 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsNewAndDelete) {
   3527   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3528                "  A *a = new A;\n"
   3529                "  A *a = new (placement) A;\n"
   3530                "  delete a;\n"
   3531                "  delete (A *)a;\n"
   3532                "}");
   3533 }
   3535 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUsesOfStarAndAmp) {
   3536   verifyFormat("int *f(int *a) {}");
   3537   verifyFormat("int main(int argc, char **argv) {}");
   3538   verifyFormat("Test::Test(int b) : a(b * b) {}");
   3539   verifyIndependentOfContext("f(a, *a);");
   3540   verifyFormat("void g() { f(*a); }");
   3541   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = b * 10;");
   3542   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = 10 * b;");
   3543   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = b * c;");
   3544   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a += b * c;");
   3545   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a -= b * c;");
   3546   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a *= b * c;");
   3547   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a /= b * c;");
   3548   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = *b;");
   3549   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = *b * c;");
   3550   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = b * *c;");
   3551   verifyIndependentOfContext("return 10 * b;");
   3552   verifyIndependentOfContext("return *b * *c;");
   3553   verifyIndependentOfContext("return a & ~b;");
   3554   verifyIndependentOfContext("f(b ? *c : *d);");
   3555   verifyIndependentOfContext("int a = b ? *c : *d;");
   3556   verifyIndependentOfContext("*b = a;");
   3557   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * ~b;");
   3558   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * !b;");
   3559   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * +b;");
   3560   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * -b;");
   3561   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * ++b;");
   3562   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * --b;");
   3563   verifyIndependentOfContext("a[4] * b;");
   3564   verifyIndependentOfContext("a[a * a] = 1;");
   3565   verifyIndependentOfContext("f() * b;");
   3566   verifyIndependentOfContext("a * [self dostuff];");
   3567   verifyIndependentOfContext("int x = a * (a + b);");
   3568   verifyIndependentOfContext("(a *)(a + b);");
   3569   verifyIndependentOfContext("int *pa = (int *)&a;");
   3570   verifyIndependentOfContext("return sizeof(int **);");
   3571   verifyIndependentOfContext("return sizeof(int ******);");
   3572   verifyIndependentOfContext("return (int **&)a;");
   3573   verifyIndependentOfContext("f((*PointerToArray)[10]);");
   3574   verifyFormat("void f(Type (*parameter)[10]) {}");
   3575   verifyGoogleFormat("return sizeof(int**);");
   3576   verifyIndependentOfContext("Type **A = static_cast<Type **>(P);");
   3577   verifyGoogleFormat("Type** A = static_cast<Type**>(P);");
   3578   verifyFormat("auto a = [](int **&, int ***) {};");
   3580   verifyIndependentOfContext("InvalidRegions[*R] = 0;");
   3582   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int *> a;");
   3583   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int **> a;");
   3584   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int *, int *> a;");
   3585   verifyIndependentOfContext(
   3586       "const char *const p = reinterpret_cast<const char *const>(q);");
   3587   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int **, int **> a;");
   3588   verifyIndependentOfContext("void f(int *a = d * e, int *b = c * d);");
   3589   verifyFormat("for (char **a = b; *a; ++a) {\n}");
   3590   verifyFormat("for (; a && b;) {\n}");
   3592   verifyFormat(
   3593       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   3594       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3596   verifyGoogleFormat("int main(int argc, char** argv) {}");
   3597   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int*> a;");
   3598   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int**> a;");
   3599   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int*, int*> a;");
   3600   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int**, int**> a;");
   3601   verifyGoogleFormat("f(b ? *c : *d);");
   3602   verifyGoogleFormat("int a = b ? *c : *d;");
   3603   verifyGoogleFormat("Type* t = **x;");
   3604   verifyGoogleFormat("Type* t = *++*x;");
   3605   verifyGoogleFormat("*++*x;");
   3606   verifyGoogleFormat("Type* t = const_cast<T*>(&*x);");
   3607   verifyGoogleFormat("Type* t = x++ * y;");
   3608   verifyGoogleFormat(
   3609       "const char* const p = reinterpret_cast<const char* const>(q);");
   3611   verifyIndependentOfContext("a = *(x + y);");
   3612   verifyIndependentOfContext("a = &(x + y);");
   3613   verifyIndependentOfContext("*(x + y).call();");
   3614   verifyIndependentOfContext("&(x + y)->call();");
   3615   verifyFormat("void f() { &(*I).first; }");
   3617   verifyIndependentOfContext("f(b * /* confusing comment */ ++c);");
   3618   verifyFormat(
   3619       "int *MyValues = {\n"
   3620       "  *A, // Operator detection might be confused by the '{'\n"
   3621       "  *BB // Operator detection might be confused by previous comment\n"
   3622       "};");
   3624   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (int *a = &b)");
   3625   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (int &a = *b)");
   3626   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (a & b[i])");
   3627   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (a::b::c::d & b[i])");
   3628   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (*b[i])");
   3629   verifyIndependentOfContext("if (int *a = (&b))");
   3630   verifyIndependentOfContext("while (int *a = &b)");
   3631   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3632                "  for (const int &v : Values) {\n"
   3633                "  }\n"
   3634                "}");
   3635   verifyFormat("for (int i = a * a; i < 10; ++i) {\n}");
   3636   verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; i < a * a; ++i) {\n}");
   3638   verifyFormat("#define MACRO     \\\n"
   3639                "  int *i = a * b; \\\n"
   3640                "  void f(a *b);",
   3641                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(19));
   3643   verifyIndependentOfContext("A = new SomeType *[Length];");
   3644   verifyIndependentOfContext("A = new SomeType *[Length]();");
   3645   verifyIndependentOfContext("T **t = new T *;");
   3646   verifyIndependentOfContext("T **t = new T *();");
   3647   verifyGoogleFormat("A = new SomeType* [Length]();");
   3648   verifyGoogleFormat("A = new SomeType* [Length];");
   3649   verifyGoogleFormat("T** t = new T*;");
   3650   verifyGoogleFormat("T** t = new T*();");
   3652   FormatStyle PointerLeft = getLLVMStyle();
   3653   PointerLeft.PointerBindsToType = true;
   3654   verifyFormat("delete *x;", PointerLeft);
   3655 }
   3657 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsAttributes) {
   3658   verifyFormat("SomeType s __attribute__((unused)) (InitValue);");
   3659 }
   3661 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsEllipsis) {
   3662   verifyFormat("int printf(const char *fmt, ...);");
   3663   verifyFormat("template <class... Ts> void Foo(Ts... ts) { Foo(ts...); }");
   3664   verifyFormat("template <class... Ts> void Foo(Ts *... ts) {}");
   3666   FormatStyle PointersLeft = getLLVMStyle();
   3667   PointersLeft.PointerBindsToType = true;
   3668   verifyFormat("template <class... Ts> void Foo(Ts*... ts) {}", PointersLeft);
   3669 }
   3671 TEST_F(FormatTest, AdaptivelyFormatsPointersAndReferences) {
   3672   EXPECT_EQ("int *a;\n"
   3673             "int *a;\n"
   3674             "int *a;",
   3675             format("int *a;\n"
   3676                    "int* a;\n"
   3677                    "int *a;",
   3678                    getGoogleStyle()));
   3679   EXPECT_EQ("int* a;\n"
   3680             "int* a;\n"
   3681             "int* a;",
   3682             format("int* a;\n"
   3683                    "int* a;\n"
   3684                    "int *a;",
   3685                    getGoogleStyle()));
   3686   EXPECT_EQ("int *a;\n"
   3687             "int *a;\n"
   3688             "int *a;",
   3689             format("int *a;\n"
   3690                    "int * a;\n"
   3691                    "int *  a;",
   3692                    getGoogleStyle()));
   3693 }
   3695 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsRvalueReferences) {
   3696   verifyFormat("int f(int &&a) {}");
   3697   verifyFormat("int f(int a, char &&b) {}");
   3698   verifyFormat("void f() { int &&a = b; }");
   3699   verifyGoogleFormat("int f(int a, char&& b) {}");
   3700   verifyGoogleFormat("void f() { int&& a = b; }");
   3702   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int &&> a;");
   3703   verifyIndependentOfContext("A<int &&, int &&> a;");
   3704   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int&&> a;");
   3705   verifyGoogleFormat("A<int&&, int&&> a;");
   3707   // Not rvalue references:
   3708   verifyFormat("template <bool B, bool C> class A {\n"
   3709                "  static_assert(B && C, \"Something is wrong\");\n"
   3710                "};");
   3711 }
   3713 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBinaryOperatorsPrecedingEquals) {
   3714   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3715                "  x[aaaaaaaaa -\n"
   3716                "    b] = 23;\n"
   3717                "}",
   3718                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15));
   3719 }
   3721 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCasts) {
   3722   verifyFormat("Type *A = static_cast<Type *>(P);");
   3723   verifyFormat("Type *A = (Type *)P;");
   3724   verifyFormat("Type *A = (vector<Type *, int *>)P;");
   3725   verifyFormat("int a = (int)(2.0f);");
   3726   verifyFormat("int a = (int)2.0f;");
   3727   verifyFormat("x[(int32)y];");
   3728   verifyFormat("x = (int32)y;");
   3729   verifyFormat("#define AA(X) sizeof(((X *)NULL)->a)");
   3730   verifyFormat("int a = (int)*b;");
   3731   verifyFormat("int a = (int)2.0f;");
   3732   verifyFormat("int a = (int)~0;");
   3733   verifyFormat("int a = (int)++a;");
   3734   verifyFormat("int a = (int)sizeof(int);");
   3735   verifyFormat("int a = (int)+2;");
   3736   verifyFormat("my_int a = (my_int)2.0f;");
   3737   verifyFormat("my_int a = (my_int)sizeof(int);");
   3738   verifyFormat("return (my_int)aaa;");
   3739   verifyFormat("#define x ((int)-1)");
   3740   verifyFormat("#define p(q) ((int *)&q)");
   3742   // FIXME: Without type knowledge, this can still fall apart miserably.
   3743   verifyFormat("void f() { my_int a = (my_int) * b; }");
   3744   verifyFormat("void f() { return P ? (my_int) * P : (my_int)0; }");
   3745   verifyFormat("my_int a = (my_int) ~0;");
   3746   verifyFormat("my_int a = (my_int)++ a;");
   3747   verifyFormat("my_int a = (my_int) + 2;");
   3749   // Don't break after a cast's
   3750   verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   3751                "    (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *)(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
   3752                "                                   bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);");
   3754   // These are not casts.
   3755   verifyFormat("void f(int *) {}");
   3756   verifyFormat("f(foo)->b;");
   3757   verifyFormat("f(foo).b;");
   3758   verifyFormat("f(foo)(b);");
   3759   verifyFormat("f(foo)[b];");
   3760   verifyFormat("[](foo) { return 4; }(bar)];");
   3761   verifyFormat("(*funptr)(foo)[4];");
   3762   verifyFormat("funptrs[4](foo)[4];");
   3763   verifyFormat("void f(int *);");
   3764   verifyFormat("void f(int *) = 0;");
   3765   verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>) {}");
   3766   verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>);");
   3767   verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>) = 0;");
   3768   verifyFormat("void f(int i = (kValue) * kMask) {}");
   3769   verifyFormat("void f(int i = (kA * kB) & kMask) {}");
   3770   verifyFormat("int a = sizeof(int) * b;");
   3771   verifyFormat("int a = alignof(int) * b;", getGoogleStyle());
   3772   verifyFormat("template <> void f<int>(int i) SOME_ANNOTATION;");
   3773   verifyFormat("f(\"%\" SOME_MACRO(ll) \"d\");");
   3774   verifyFormat("aaaaa &operator=(const aaaaa &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;");
   3776   // These are not casts, but at some point were confused with casts.
   3777   verifyFormat("virtual void foo(int *) override;");
   3778   verifyFormat("virtual void foo(char &) const;");
   3779   verifyFormat("virtual void foo(int *a, char *) const;");
   3780   verifyFormat("int a = sizeof(int *) + b;");
   3781   verifyFormat("int a = alignof(int *) + b;", getGoogleStyle());
   3783   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *foo = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *)\n"
   3784                "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;");
   3785   // FIXME: The indentation here is not ideal.
   3786   verifyFormat(
   3787       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3788       "    [bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] = (*cccccccccccccccc)\n"
   3789       "        [dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd];");
   3790 }
   3792 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsFunctionTypes) {
   3793   verifyFormat("A<bool()> a;");
   3794   verifyFormat("A<SomeType()> a;");
   3795   verifyFormat("A<void (*)(int, std::string)> a;");
   3796   verifyFormat("A<void *(int)>;");
   3797   verifyFormat("void *(*a)(int *, SomeType *);");
   3798   verifyFormat("int (*func)(void *);");
   3799   verifyFormat("void f() { int (*func)(void *); }");
   3801   verifyGoogleFormat("A<void*(int*, SomeType*)>;");
   3802   verifyGoogleFormat("void* (*a)(int);");
   3804   // Other constructs can look somewhat like function types:
   3805   verifyFormat("A<sizeof(*x)> a;");
   3806   verifyFormat("#define DEREF_AND_CALL_F(x) f(*x)");
   3807   verifyFormat("some_var = function(*some_pointer_var)[0];");
   3808   verifyFormat("void f() { function(*some_pointer_var)[0] = 10; }");
   3809 }
   3811 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksLongDeclarations) {
   3812   verifyFormat("typedef LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongType\n"
   3813                "    AnotherNameForTheLongType;",
   3814                getGoogleStyle());
   3815   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongType\n"
   3816                "    LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongVariable;",
   3817                getGoogleStyle());
   3818   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongType const\n"
   3819                "    LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongVariable;",
   3820                getGoogleStyle());
   3821   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongReturnType\n"
   3822                "    LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionDeclaration();",
   3823                getGoogleStyle());
   3824   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongReturnType\n"
   3825                "LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionDefinition() {}");
   3826   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongReturnType const\n"
   3827                "LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionDefinition() {}");
   3829   // FIXME: Without the comment, this breaks after "(".
   3830   verifyFormat("LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongType  // break\n"
   3831                "    (*LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionTypeVarialbe)();",
   3832                getGoogleStyle());
   3834   verifyFormat("int *someFunction(int LoooooooooooooooooooongParam1,\n"
   3835                "                  int LoooooooooooooooooooongParam2) {}");
   3836   verifyFormat(
   3837       "TypeSpecDecl *TypeSpecDecl::Create(ASTContext &C, DeclContext *DC,\n"
   3838       "                                   SourceLocation L, IdentifierIn *II,\n"
   3839       "                                   Type *T) {}");
   3840   verifyFormat("ReallyLongReturnType<TemplateParam1, TemplateParam2>\n"
   3841                "ReallyReallyLongFunctionName(\n"
   3842                "    const std::string &SomeParameter,\n"
   3843                "    const SomeType<string, SomeOtherTemplateParameter> &\n"
   3844                "        ReallyReallyLongParameterName,\n"
   3845                "    const SomeType<string, SomeOtherTemplateParameter> &\n"
   3846                "        AnotherLongParameterName) {}");
   3847   verifyFormat("template <typename A>\n"
   3848                "SomeLoooooooooooooooooooooongType<\n"
   3849                "    typename some_namespace::SomeOtherType<A>::Type>\n"
   3850                "Function() {}");
   3851   verifyFormat(
   3852       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaa>\n"
   3853       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
   3854       getGoogleStyle());
   3856   verifyGoogleFormat(
   3857       "TypeSpecDecl* TypeSpecDecl::Create(ASTContext& C, DeclContext* DC,\n"
   3858       "                                   SourceLocation L) {}");
   3859   verifyGoogleFormat(
   3860       "some_namespace::LongReturnType\n"
   3861       "long_namespace::SomeVeryLongClass::SomeVeryLongFunction(\n"
   3862       "    int first_long_parameter, int second_parameter) {}");
   3864   verifyGoogleFormat("template <typename T>\n"
   3865                      "aaaaaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaaa<T, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>\n"
   3866                      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<T>::aaaaaaa() {}");
   3867   verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A>> aaaaaaaaaa(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   3868                      "                   int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
   3869 }
   3871 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsArrays) {
   3872   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]\n"
   3873                "                         [bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] = c;");
   3874   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3875                "    [bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] = ccccccccccc;");
   3876   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3877                "    [a][bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] = cccccccc;");
   3878   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   3879                "    [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]\n"
   3880                "    [bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] = ccccccccccc;");
   3881   verifyFormat(
   3882       "llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaa: \"\n"
   3883       "             << (*aaaaaaaiaaaaaaa)[aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]\n"
   3884       "                                  [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
   3885 }
   3887 TEST_F(FormatTest, LineStartsWithSpecialCharacter) {
   3888   verifyFormat("(a)->b();");
   3889   verifyFormat("--a;");
   3890 }
   3892 TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlesIncludeDirectives) {
   3893   verifyFormat("#include <string>\n"
   3894                "#include <a/b/c.h>\n"
   3895                "#include \"a/b/string\"\n"
   3896                "#include \"string.h\"\n"
   3897                "#include \"string.h\"\n"
   3898                "#include <a-a>\n"
   3899                "#include < path with space >\n"
   3900                "#include \"abc.h\" // this is included for ABC\n"
   3901                "#include \"some long include\" // with a comment\n"
   3902                "#include \"some very long include paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath\"",
   3903                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(35));
   3905   verifyFormat("#import <string>");
   3906   verifyFormat("#import <a/b/c.h>");
   3907   verifyFormat("#import \"a/b/string\"");
   3908   verifyFormat("#import \"string.h\"");
   3909   verifyFormat("#import \"string.h\"");
   3910 }
   3912 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   3913 // Error recovery tests.
   3914 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   3916 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncompleteParameterLists) {
   3917   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
   3918   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
   3919   verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(int level,\n"
   3920                "                        double *min_x,\n"
   3921                "                        double *max_x,\n"
   3922                "                        double *min_y,\n"
   3923                "                        double *max_y,\n"
   3924                "                        double *min_z,\n"
   3925                "                        double *max_z, ) {}",
   3926                NoBinPacking);
   3927 }
   3929 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeTrailingStuff) {
   3930   verifyFormat("void f() { return; }\n42");
   3931   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3932                "  if (0)\n"
   3933                "    return;\n"
   3934                "}\n"
   3935                "42");
   3936   verifyFormat("void f() { return }\n42");
   3937   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   3938                "  if (0)\n"
   3939                "    return\n"
   3940                "}\n"
   3941                "42");
   3942 }
   3944 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeMissingSemicolon) {
   3945   EXPECT_EQ("void f() { return }", format("void  f ( )  {  return  }"));
   3946   EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
   3947             "  if (a)\n"
   3948             "    return\n"
   3949             "}",
   3950             format("void  f  (  )  {  if  ( a )  return  }"));
   3951   EXPECT_EQ("namespace N {\n"
   3952             "void f()\n"
   3953             "}",
   3954             format("namespace  N  {  void f()  }"));
   3955   EXPECT_EQ("namespace N {\n"
   3956             "void f() {}\n"
   3957             "void g()\n"
   3958             "}",
   3959             format("namespace N  { void f( ) { } void g( ) }"));
   3960 }
   3962 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentationWithinColumnLimitNotPossible) {
   3963   verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaa =\n"
   3964                "    // Overlylongcomment\n"
   3965                "    b;",
   3966                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   3967   verifyFormat("function(\n"
   3968                "    ShortArgument,\n"
   3969                "    LoooooooooooongArgument);\n",
   3970                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   3971 }
   3973 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectAccessSpecifier) {
   3974   verifyFormat("public:");
   3975   verifyFormat("class A {\n"
   3976                "public\n"
   3977                "  void f() {}\n"
   3978                "};");
   3979   verifyFormat("public\n"
   3980                "int qwerty;");
   3981   verifyFormat("public\n"
   3982                "B {}");
   3983   verifyFormat("public\n"
   3984                "{}");
   3985   verifyFormat("public\n"
   3986                "B { int x; }");
   3987 }
   3989 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeUnbalancedBraces) {
   3990   verifyFormat("{");
   3991   verifyFormat("#})");
   3992 }
   3994 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeDoNoWhile) {
   3995   verifyFormat("do {\n}");
   3996   verifyFormat("do {\n}\n"
   3997                "f();");
   3998   verifyFormat("do {\n}\n"
   3999                "wheeee(fun);");
   4000   verifyFormat("do {\n"
   4001                "  f();\n"
   4002                "}");
   4003 }
   4005 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeMissingParens) {
   4006   verifyFormat("if {\n  foo;\n  foo();\n}");
   4007   verifyFormat("switch {\n  foo;\n  foo();\n}");
   4008   verifyFormat("for {\n  foo;\n  foo();\n}");
   4009   verifyFormat("while {\n  foo;\n  foo();\n}");
   4010   verifyFormat("do {\n  foo;\n  foo();\n} while;");
   4011 }
   4013 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotTouchUnwrappedLinesWithErrors) {
   4014   verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
   4015                "class Foo {  Foo  (\n"
   4016                "};\n"
   4017                "} // comment");
   4018 }
   4020 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeErrorDetection) {
   4021   EXPECT_EQ("{\n{}\n", format("{\n{\n}\n"));
   4022   EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}\n", format("{\n  {\n}\n"));
   4023   EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}\n", format("{\n  {\n  }\n"));
   4024   EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}\n  }\n}\n", format("{\n  {\n    }\n  }\n}\n"));
   4026   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   4027             "    {\n"
   4028             " breakme(\n"
   4029             "     qwe);\n"
   4030             "}\n",
   4031             format("{\n"
   4032                    "    {\n"
   4033                    " breakme(qwe);\n"
   4034                    "}\n",
   4035                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   4036 }
   4038 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCallsInsideBraceInitializers) {
   4039   verifyFormat("int x = {\n"
   4040                "  avariable,\n"
   4041                "  b(alongervariable)\n"
   4042                "};",
   4043                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
   4044 }
   4046 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBraceInitializersInReturnStatement) {
   4047   verifyFormat("return (a)(b) { 1, 2, 3 };");
   4048 }
   4050 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCxx11ConstructorBraceInitializers) {
   4051     verifyFormat("vector<int> x{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };");
   4052     verifyFormat("vector<T> x{ {}, {}, {}, {} };");
   4053     verifyFormat("f({ 1, 2 });");
   4054     verifyFormat("auto v = Foo{ 1 };");
   4055     verifyFormat("f({ 1, 2 }, { { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } }, c, { d });");
   4056     verifyFormat("Class::Class : member{ 1, 2, 3 } {}");
   4057     verifyFormat("new vector<int>{ 1, 2, 3 };");
   4058     verifyFormat("new int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 };");
   4059     verifyFormat("return { arg1, arg2 };");
   4060     verifyFormat("return { arg1, SomeType{ parameter } };");
   4061     verifyFormat("new T{ arg1, arg2 };");
   4062     verifyFormat("class Class {\n"
   4063                  "  T member = { arg1, arg2 };\n"
   4064                  "};");
   4065     verifyFormat(
   4066         "foo = aaaaaaaaaaa ? vector<int>{ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   4067         "                                 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaa }\n"
   4068         "                  : vector<int>{ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
   4069         "                                 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, bbbbb };");
   4070     verifyFormat("DoSomethingWithVector({} /* No data */);");
   4071     verifyFormat("DoSomethingWithVector({ {} /* No data */ }, { { 1, 2 } });");
   4072     verifyFormat(
   4073         "someFunction(OtherParam, BracedList{\n"
   4074         "                           // comment 1 (Forcing interesting break)\n"
   4075         "                           param1, param2,\n"
   4076         "                           // comment 2\n"
   4077         "                           param3, param4\n"
   4078         "                         });");
   4080     FormatStyle NoSpaces = getLLVMStyle();
   4081     NoSpaces.Cpp11BracedListStyle = true;
   4082     verifyFormat("vector<int> x{1, 2, 3, 4};", NoSpaces);
   4083     verifyFormat("vector<T> x{{}, {}, {}, {}};", NoSpaces);
   4084     verifyFormat("f({1, 2});", NoSpaces);
   4085     verifyFormat("auto v = Foo{-1};", NoSpaces);
   4086     verifyFormat("f({1, 2}, {{2, 3}, {4, 5}}, c, {d});", NoSpaces);
   4087     verifyFormat("Class::Class : member{1, 2, 3} {}", NoSpaces);
   4088     verifyFormat("new vector<int>{1, 2, 3};", NoSpaces);
   4089     verifyFormat("new int[3]{1, 2, 3};", NoSpaces);
   4090     verifyFormat("return {arg1, arg2};", NoSpaces);
   4091     verifyFormat("return {arg1, SomeType{parameter}};", NoSpaces);
   4092     verifyFormat("new T{arg1, arg2};", NoSpaces);
   4093     verifyFormat("class Class {\n"
   4094                  "  T member = {arg1, arg2};\n"
   4095                  "};",
   4096                  NoSpaces);
   4097 }
   4099 TEST_F(FormatTest, PullTrivialFunctionDefinitionsIntoSingleLine) {
   4100   verifyFormat("void f() { return 42; }");
   4101   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   4102                "  // Comment\n"
   4103                "}");
   4104   verifyFormat("{\n"
   4105                "#error {\n"
   4106                "  int a;\n"
   4107                "}");
   4108   verifyFormat("{\n"
   4109                "  int a;\n"
   4110                "#error {\n"
   4111                "}");
   4112   verifyFormat("void f() {} // comment");
   4113   verifyFormat("void f() { int a; } // comment");
   4114   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   4115                "} // comment",
   4116                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15));
   4118   verifyFormat("void f() { return 42; }", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(23));
   4119   verifyFormat("void f() {\n  return 42;\n}", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   4121   verifyFormat("void f() {}", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
   4122   verifyFormat("void f() {\n}", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
   4123 }
   4125 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandContextOfRecordTypeKeywords) {
   4126   // Elaborate type variable declarations.
   4127   verifyFormat("struct foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
   4128   verifyFormat("class foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
   4129   verifyFormat("union foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
   4131   // Elaborate types inside function definitions.
   4132   verifyFormat("struct foo f() {}\nint n;");
   4133   verifyFormat("class foo f() {}\nint n;");
   4134   verifyFormat("union foo f() {}\nint n;");
   4136   // Templates.
   4137   verifyFormat("template <class X> void f() {}\nint n;");
   4138   verifyFormat("template <struct X> void f() {}\nint n;");
   4139   verifyFormat("template <union X> void f() {}\nint n;");
   4141   // Actual definitions...
   4142   verifyFormat("struct {\n} n;");
   4143   verifyFormat(
   4144       "template <template <class T, class Y>, class Z> class X {\n} n;");
   4145   verifyFormat("union Z {\n  int n;\n} x;");
   4146   verifyFormat("class MACRO Z {\n} n;");
   4147   verifyFormat("class MACRO(X) Z {\n} n;");
   4148   verifyFormat("class __attribute__(X) Z {\n} n;");
   4149   verifyFormat("class __declspec(X) Z {\n} n;");
   4150   verifyFormat("class A##B##C {\n} n;");
   4152   // Redefinition from nested context:
   4153   verifyFormat("class A::B::C {\n} n;");
   4155   // Template definitions.
   4156   verifyFormat(
   4157       "template <typename F>\n"
   4158       "Matcher(const Matcher<F> &Other,\n"
   4159       "        typename enable_if_c<is_base_of<F, T>::value &&\n"
   4160       "                             !is_same<F, T>::value>::type * = 0)\n"
   4161       "    : Implementation(new ImplicitCastMatcher<F>(Other)) {}");
   4163   // FIXME: This is still incorrectly handled at the formatter side.
   4164   verifyFormat("template <> struct X < 15, i<3 && 42 < 50 && 33 < 28> {};");
   4166   // FIXME:
   4167   // This now gets parsed incorrectly as class definition.
   4168   // verifyFormat("class A<int> f() {\n}\nint n;");
   4170   // Elaborate types where incorrectly parsing the structural element would
   4171   // break the indent.
   4172   verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
   4173                "  class X x;\n"
   4174                "else\n"
   4175                "  f();\n");
   4177   // This is simply incomplete. Formatting is not important, but must not crash.
   4178   verifyFormat("class A:");
   4179 }
   4181 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotInterfereWithErrorAndWarning) {
   4182   verifyFormat("#error Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!\n");
   4183   verifyFormat("#warning Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!\n");
   4184   EXPECT_EQ("#error 1", format("  #  error   1"));
   4185   EXPECT_EQ("#warning 1", format("  #  warning 1"));
   4186 }
   4188 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatHashIfExpressions) {
   4189   // FIXME: Come up with a better indentation for #elif.
   4190   verifyFormat(
   4191       "#if !defined(AAAAAAA) && (defined CCCCCC || defined DDDDDD) &&  \\\n"
   4192       "    defined(BBBBBBBB)\n"
   4193       "#elif !defined(AAAAAA) && (defined CCCCC || defined DDDDDD) &&  \\\n"
   4194       "    defined(BBBBBBBB)\n"
   4195       "#endif",
   4196       getLLVMStyleWithColumns(65));
   4197 }
   4199 TEST_F(FormatTest, MergeHandlingInTheFaceOfPreprocessorDirectives) {
   4200   FormatStyle AllowsMergedIf = getGoogleStyle();
   4201   AllowsMergedIf.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = true;
   4202   verifyFormat("void f() { f(); }\n#error E", AllowsMergedIf);
   4203   verifyFormat("if (true) return 42;\n#error E", AllowsMergedIf);
   4204   verifyFormat("if (true)\n#error E\n  return 42;", AllowsMergedIf);
   4205   EXPECT_EQ("if (true) return 42;",
   4206             format("if (true)\nreturn 42;", AllowsMergedIf));
   4207   FormatStyle ShortMergedIf = AllowsMergedIf;
   4208   ShortMergedIf.ColumnLimit = 25;
   4209   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   4210                "  if (true) return 42;",
   4211                ShortMergedIf);
   4212   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   4213                "  f();    \\\n"
   4214                "  if (true)\n"
   4215                "#define B",
   4216                ShortMergedIf);
   4217   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
   4218                "  f();    \\\n"
   4219                "  if (true)\n"
   4220                "g();",
   4221                ShortMergedIf);
   4222   verifyFormat("{\n"
   4223                "#ifdef A\n"
   4224                "  // Comment\n"
   4225                "  if (true) continue;\n"
   4226                "#endif\n"
   4227                "  // Comment\n"
   4228                "  if (true) continue;",
   4229                ShortMergedIf);
   4230 }
   4232 TEST_F(FormatTest, BlockCommentsInControlLoops) {
   4233   verifyFormat("if (0) /* a comment in a strange place */ {\n"
   4234                "  f();\n"
   4235                "}");
   4236   verifyFormat("if (0) /* a comment in a strange place */ {\n"
   4237                "  f();\n"
   4238                "} /* another comment */ else /* comment #3 */ {\n"
   4239                "  g();\n"
   4240                "}");
   4241   verifyFormat("while (0) /* a comment in a strange place */ {\n"
   4242                "  f();\n"
   4243                "}");
   4244   verifyFormat("for (;;) /* a comment in a strange place */ {\n"
   4245                "  f();\n"
   4246                "}");
   4247   verifyFormat("do /* a comment in a strange place */ {\n"
   4248                "  f();\n"
   4249                "} /* another comment */ while (0);");
   4250 }
   4252 TEST_F(FormatTest, BlockComments) {
   4253   EXPECT_EQ("/* */ /* */ /* */\n/* */ /* */ /* */",
   4254             format("/* *//* */  /* */\n/* *//* */  /* */"));
   4255   EXPECT_EQ("/* */ a /* */ b;", format("  /* */  a/* */  b;"));
   4256   EXPECT_EQ("#define A /*123*/\\\n"
   4257             "  b\n"
   4258             "/* */\n"
   4259             "someCall(\n"
   4260             "    parameter);",
   4261             format("#define A /*123*/ b\n"
   4262                    "/* */\n"
   4263                    "someCall(parameter);",
   4264                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   4266   EXPECT_EQ("#define A\n"
   4267             "/* */ someCall(\n"
   4268             "    parameter);",
   4269             format("#define A\n"
   4270                    "/* */someCall(parameter);",
   4271                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   4272   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n**\n*/", format("/*\n**\n*/"));
   4273   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4274             "*\n"
   4275             " * aaaaaa\n"
   4276             "*aaaaaa\n"
   4277             "*/",
   4278             format("/*\n"
   4279                    "*\n"
   4280                    " * aaaaaa aaaaaa\n"
   4281                    "*/",
   4282                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   4283   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4284             "**\n"
   4285             "* aaaaaa\n"
   4286             "*aaaaaa\n"
   4287             "*/",
   4288             format("/*\n"
   4289                    "**\n"
   4290                    "* aaaaaa aaaaaa\n"
   4291                    "*/",
   4292                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   4294   FormatStyle NoBinPacking = getLLVMStyle();
   4295   NoBinPacking.BinPackParameters = false;
   4296   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(1, /* comment 1 */\n"
   4297             "             2, /* comment 2 */\n"
   4298             "             3, /* comment 3 */\n"
   4299             "             aaaa,\n"
   4300             "             bbbb);",
   4301             format("someFunction (1,   /* comment 1 */\n"
   4302                    "                2, /* comment 2 */  \n"
   4303                    "               3,   /* comment 3 */\n"
   4304                    "aaaa, bbbb );",
   4305                    NoBinPacking));
   4306   verifyFormat(
   4307       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaa = /* comment: */ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   4308       "                     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
   4309   EXPECT_EQ(
   4310       "bool aaaaaaaaaaaaa = /* trailing comment */\n"
   4311       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
   4312       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
   4313       format(
   4314           "bool       aaaaaaaaaaaaa =       /* trailing comment */\n"
   4315           "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa||aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    ||\n"
   4316           "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;"));
   4317   EXPECT_EQ(
   4318       "int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; /* comment */\n"
   4319       "int bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;   /* comment */\n"
   4320       "int cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;       /* comment */\n",
   4321       format("int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; /* comment */\n"
   4322              "int      bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb; /* comment */\n"
   4323              "int    cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;  /* comment */\n"));
   4325   verifyFormat("void f(int * /* unused */) {}");
   4327   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4328             " **\n"
   4329             " */",
   4330             format("/*\n"
   4331                    " **\n"
   4332                    " */"));
   4333   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4334             " *q\n"
   4335             " */",
   4336             format("/*\n"
   4337                    " *q\n"
   4338                    " */"));
   4339   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4340             " * q\n"
   4341             " */",
   4342             format("/*\n"
   4343                    " * q\n"
   4344                    " */"));
   4345   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4346             " **/",
   4347             format("/*\n"
   4348                    " **/"));
   4349   EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   4350             " ***/",
   4351             format("/*\n"
   4352                    " ***/"));
   4353 }
   4355 TEST_F(FormatTest, BlockCommentsInMacros) {
   4356   EXPECT_EQ("#define A          \\\n"
   4357             "  {                \\\n"
   4358             "    /* one line */ \\\n"
   4359             "    someCall();",
   4360             format("#define A {        \\\n"
   4361                    "  /* one line */   \\\n"
   4362                    "  someCall();",
   4363                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   4364   EXPECT_EQ("#define A          \\\n"
   4365             "  {                \\\n"
   4366             "    /* previous */ \\\n"
   4367             "    /* one line */ \\\n"
   4368             "    someCall();",
   4369             format("#define A {        \\\n"
   4370                    "  /* previous */   \\\n"
   4371                    "  /* one line */   \\\n"
   4372                    "  someCall();",
   4373                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   4374 }
   4376 TEST_F(FormatTest, BlockCommentsAtEndOfLine) {
   4377   EXPECT_EQ("a = {\n"
   4378             "  1111 /*    */\n"
   4379             "};",
   4380             format("a = {1111 /*    */\n"
   4381                    "};",
   4382                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   4383   EXPECT_EQ("a = {\n"
   4384             "  1111 /*      */\n"
   4385             "};",
   4386             format("a = {1111 /*      */\n"
   4387                    "};",
   4388                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   4390   // FIXME: The formatting is still wrong here.
   4391   EXPECT_EQ("a = {\n"
   4392             "  1111 /*      a\n"
   4393             "          */\n"
   4394             "};",
   4395             format("a = {1111 /*      a */\n"
   4396                    "};",
   4397                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   4398 }
   4400 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentLineCommentsInStartOfBlockAtEndOfFile) {
   4401   // FIXME: This is not what we want...
   4402   verifyFormat("{\n"
   4403                "// a"
   4404                "// b");
   4405 }
   4407 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatStarDependingOnContext) {
   4408   verifyFormat("void f(int *a);");
   4409   verifyFormat("void f() { f(fint * b); }");
   4410   verifyFormat("class A {\n  void f(int *a);\n};");
   4411   verifyFormat("class A {\n  int *a;\n};");
   4412   verifyFormat("namespace a {\n"
   4413                "namespace b {\n"
   4414                "class A {\n"
   4415                "  void f() {}\n"
   4416                "  int *a;\n"
   4417                "};\n"
   4418                "}\n"
   4419                "}");
   4420 }
   4422 TEST_F(FormatTest, SpecialTokensAtEndOfLine) {
   4423   verifyFormat("while");
   4424   verifyFormat("operator");
   4425 }
   4427 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   4428 // Objective-C tests.
   4429 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
   4431 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatForObjectiveCMethodDecls) {
   4432   verifyFormat("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(BOOL)anObject;");
   4433   EXPECT_EQ("- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;",
   4434             format("-(NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;"));
   4435   EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Mthod1;", format("-(NSInteger)Mthod1;"));
   4436   EXPECT_EQ("+ (id)Mthod2;", format("+(id)Mthod2;"));
   4437   EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;",
   4438             format("-(NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;"));
   4439   EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;",
   4440             format("-(NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;"));
   4441   EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;",
   4442             format("-(NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;"));
   4443   EXPECT_EQ("- (id)Method6:(id)A:(id)B:(id)C:(id)D;",
   4444             format("- (id)Method6:(id)A:(id)B:(id)C:(id)D;"));
   4445   EXPECT_EQ(
   4446       "- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;",
   4447       format(
   4448           "- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;"));
   4450   // Very long objectiveC method declaration.
   4451   verifyFormat("- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject\n"
   4452                "                    inRange:(NSRange)range\n"
   4453                "                   outRange:(NSRange)out_range\n"
   4454                "                  outRange1:(NSRange)out_range1\n"
   4455                "                  outRange2:(NSRange)out_range2\n"
   4456                "                  outRange3:(NSRange)out_range3\n"
   4457                "                  outRange4:(NSRange)out_range4\n"
   4458                "                  outRange5:(NSRange)out_range5\n"
   4459                "                  outRange6:(NSRange)out_range6\n"
   4460                "                  outRange7:(NSRange)out_range7\n"
   4461                "                  outRange8:(NSRange)out_range8\n"
   4462                "                  outRange9:(NSRange)out_range9;");
   4464   verifyFormat("- (int)sum:(vector<int>)numbers;");
   4465   verifyGoogleFormat("- (void)setDelegate:(id<Protocol>)delegate;");
   4466   // FIXME: In LLVM style, there should be a space in front of a '<' for ObjC
   4467   // protocol lists (but not for template classes):
   4468   //verifyFormat("- (void)setDelegate:(id <Protocol>)delegate;");
   4470   verifyFormat("- (int (*)())foo:(int (*)())f;");
   4471   verifyGoogleFormat("- (int (*)())foo:(int (*)())foo;");
   4473   // If there's no return type (very rare in practice!), LLVM and Google style
   4474   // agree.
   4475   verifyFormat("- foo;");
   4476   verifyFormat("- foo:(int)f;");
   4477   verifyGoogleFormat("- foo:(int)foo;");
   4478 }
   4480 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCBlocks) {
   4481   verifyFormat("int (^Block)(int, int);");
   4482   verifyFormat("int (^Block1)(int, int) = ^(int i, int j)");
   4483 }
   4485 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCInterface) {
   4486   verifyFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject <NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
   4487                "@public\n"
   4488                "  int field1;\n"
   4489                "@protected\n"
   4490                "  int field2;\n"
   4491                "@private\n"
   4492                "  int field3;\n"
   4493                "@package\n"
   4494                "  int field4;\n"
   4495                "}\n"
   4496                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4497                "@end");
   4499   verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject<NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
   4500                      " @public\n"
   4501                      "  int field1;\n"
   4502                      " @protected\n"
   4503                      "  int field2;\n"
   4504                      " @private\n"
   4505                      "  int field3;\n"
   4506                      " @package\n"
   4507                      "  int field4;\n"
   4508                      "}\n"
   4509                      "+ (id)init;\n"
   4510                      "@end");
   4512   verifyFormat("@interface /* wait for it */ Foo\n"
   4513                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4514                "// Look, a comment!\n"
   4515                "- (int)answerWith:(int)i;\n"
   4516                "@end");
   4518   verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
   4519                "@end\n"
   4520                "@interface Bar\n"
   4521                "@end");
   4523   verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar\n"
   4524                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4525                "@end");
   4527   verifyFormat("@interface Foo : /**/ Bar /**/ <Baz, /**/ Quux>\n"
   4528                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4529                "@end");
   4531   verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo : Bar<Baz, Quux>\n"
   4532                      "+ (id)init;\n"
   4533                      "@end");
   4535   verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff)\n"
   4536                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4537                "@end");
   4539   verifyFormat("@interface Foo ()\n"
   4540                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4541                "@end");
   4543   verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol>\n"
   4544                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4545                "@end");
   4547   verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff)<MyProtocol>\n"
   4548                      "+ (id)init;\n"
   4549                      "@end");
   4551   verifyFormat("@interface Foo {\n"
   4552                "  int _i;\n"
   4553                "}\n"
   4554                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4555                "@end");
   4557   verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar {\n"
   4558                "  int _i;\n"
   4559                "}\n"
   4560                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4561                "@end");
   4563   verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz, Quux> {\n"
   4564                "  int _i;\n"
   4565                "}\n"
   4566                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4567                "@end");
   4569   verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) {\n"
   4570                "  int _i;\n"
   4571                "}\n"
   4572                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4573                "@end");
   4575   verifyFormat("@interface Foo () {\n"
   4576                "  int _i;\n"
   4577                "}\n"
   4578                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4579                "@end");
   4581   verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol> {\n"
   4582                "  int _i;\n"
   4583                "}\n"
   4584                "+ (id)init;\n"
   4585                "@end");
   4586 }
   4588 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCImplementation) {
   4589   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
   4590                "@public\n"
   4591                "  int field1;\n"
   4592                "@protected\n"
   4593                "  int field2;\n"
   4594                "@private\n"
   4595                "  int field3;\n"
   4596                "@package\n"
   4597                "  int field4;\n"
   4598                "}\n"
   4599                "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4600                "@end");
   4602   verifyGoogleFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
   4603                      " @public\n"
   4604                      "  int field1;\n"
   4605                      " @protected\n"
   4606                      "  int field2;\n"
   4607                      " @private\n"
   4608                      "  int field3;\n"
   4609                      " @package\n"
   4610                      "  int field4;\n"
   4611                      "}\n"
   4612                      "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4613                      "@end");
   4615   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
   4616                "+ (id)init {\n"
   4617                "  if (true)\n"
   4618                "    return nil;\n"
   4619                "}\n"
   4620                "// Look, a comment!\n"
   4621                "- (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
   4622                "  return i;\n"
   4623                "}\n"
   4624                "+ (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
   4625                "  return i;\n"
   4626                "}\n"
   4627                "@end");
   4629   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
   4630                "@end\n"
   4631                "@implementation Bar\n"
   4632                "@end");
   4634   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : Bar\n"
   4635                "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4636                "- (void)foo {\n}\n"
   4637                "@end");
   4639   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo {\n"
   4640                "  int _i;\n"
   4641                "}\n"
   4642                "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4643                "@end");
   4645   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : Bar {\n"
   4646                "  int _i;\n"
   4647                "}\n"
   4648                "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4649                "@end");
   4651   verifyFormat("@implementation Foo (HackStuff)\n"
   4652                "+ (id)init {\n}\n"
   4653                "@end");
   4654 }
   4656 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCProtocol) {
   4657   verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
   4658                "@property(weak) id delegate;\n"
   4659                "- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
   4660                "@end");
   4662   verifyFormat("@protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>\n"
   4663                "- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
   4664                "@end");
   4666   verifyGoogleFormat("@protocol MyProtocol<NSObject>\n"
   4667                      "- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
   4668                      "@end");
   4670   verifyFormat("@protocol Foo;\n"
   4671                "@protocol Bar;\n");
   4673   verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
   4674                "@end\n"
   4675                "@protocol Bar\n"
   4676                "@end");
   4678   verifyFormat("@protocol myProtocol\n"
   4679                "- (void)mandatoryWithInt:(int)i;\n"
   4680                "@optional\n"
   4681                "- (void)optional;\n"
   4682                "@required\n"
   4683                "- (void)required;\n"
   4684                "@optional\n"
   4685                "@property(assign) int madProp;\n"
   4686                "@end\n");
   4688   verifyFormat("@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly)\n"
   4689                "    int *looooooooooooooooooooooooooooongNumber;\n"
   4690                "@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly)\n"
   4691                "    NSString *looooooooooooooooooooooooooooongName;");
   4692 }
   4694 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCMethodDeclarations) {
   4695   verifyFormat("- (void)doSomethingWith:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
   4696                "                   rect:(NSRect)theRect\n"
   4697                "               interval:(float)theInterval {\n"
   4698                "}");
   4699   verifyFormat("- (void)shortf:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
   4700                "          longKeyword:(NSRect)theRect\n"
   4701                "    evenLongerKeyword:(float)theInterval\n"
   4702                "                error:(NSError **)theError {\n"
   4703                "}");
   4704 }
   4706 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCMethodExpr) {
   4707   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz];");
   4708   verifyFormat("return [foo bar:baz];");
   4709   verifyFormat("f([foo bar:baz]);");
   4710   verifyFormat("f(2, [foo bar:baz]);");
   4711   verifyFormat("f(2, a ? b : c);");
   4712   verifyFormat("[[self initWithInt:4] bar:[baz quux:arrrr]];");
   4714   // Unary operators.
   4715   verifyFormat("int a = +[foo bar:baz];");
   4716   verifyFormat("int a = -[foo bar:baz];");
   4717   verifyFormat("int a = ![foo bar:baz];");
   4718   verifyFormat("int a = ~[foo bar:baz];");
   4719   verifyFormat("int a = ++[foo bar:baz];");
   4720   verifyFormat("int a = --[foo bar:baz];");
   4721   verifyFormat("int a = sizeof [foo bar:baz];");
   4722   verifyFormat("int a = alignof [foo bar:baz];", getGoogleStyle());
   4723   verifyFormat("int a = &[foo bar:baz];");
   4724   verifyFormat("int a = *[foo bar:baz];");
   4725   // FIXME: Make casts work, without breaking f()[4].
   4726   //verifyFormat("int a = (int)[foo bar:baz];");
   4727   //verifyFormat("return (int)[foo bar:baz];");
   4728   //verifyFormat("(void)[foo bar:baz];");
   4729   verifyFormat("return (MyType *)[self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:cell];");
   4731   // Binary operators.
   4732   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz], [foo bar:baz];");
   4733   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] = [foo bar:baz];");
   4734   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] *= [foo bar:baz];");
   4735   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] /= [foo bar:baz];");
   4736   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] %= [foo bar:baz];");
   4737   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] += [foo bar:baz];");
   4738   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] -= [foo bar:baz];");
   4739   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <<= [foo bar:baz];");
   4740   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >>= [foo bar:baz];");
   4741   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] &= [foo bar:baz];");
   4742   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^= [foo bar:baz];");
   4743   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] |= [foo bar:baz];");
   4744   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ? [foo bar:baz] : [foo bar:baz];");
   4745   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] || [foo bar:baz];");
   4746   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] && [foo bar:baz];");
   4747   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] | [foo bar:baz];");
   4748   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^ [foo bar:baz];");
   4749   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] & [foo bar:baz];");
   4750   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] == [foo bar:baz];");
   4751   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] != [foo bar:baz];");
   4752   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >= [foo bar:baz];");
   4753   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <= [foo bar:baz];");
   4754   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] > [foo bar:baz];");
   4755   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] < [foo bar:baz];");
   4756   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >> [foo bar:baz];");
   4757   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] << [foo bar:baz];");
   4758   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] - [foo bar:baz];");
   4759   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] + [foo bar:baz];");
   4760   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] * [foo bar:baz];");
   4761   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] / [foo bar:baz];");
   4762   verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] % [foo bar:baz];");
   4763   // Whew!
   4765   verifyFormat("return in[42];");
   4766   verifyFormat("for (id foo in [self getStuffFor:bla]) {\n"
   4767                "}");
   4769   verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:(4 + 2) float:4.5];");
   4770   verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? b : c float:4.5];");
   4771   verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? [self foo:bar] : c];");
   4772   verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? (e ? f : g) : c];");
   4773   verifyFormat("[cond ? obj1 : obj2 methodWithParam:param]");
   4774   verifyFormat("[button setAction:@selector(zoomOut:)];");
   4775   verifyFormat("[color getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a];");
   4777   verifyFormat("arr[[self indexForFoo:a]];");
   4778   verifyFormat("throw [self errorFor:a];");
   4779   verifyFormat("@throw [self errorFor:a];");
   4781   verifyFormat("[(id)foo bar:(id)baz quux:(id)snorf];");
   4782   verifyFormat("[(id)foo bar:(id) ? baz : quux];");
   4783   verifyFormat("4 > 4 ? (id)a : (id)baz;");
   4785   // This tests that the formatter doesn't break after "backing" but before ":",
   4786   // which would be at 80 columns.
   4787   verifyFormat(
   4788       "void f() {\n"
   4789       "  if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect\n"
   4790       "                               styleMask:styleMask ?: otherMask\n"
   4791       "                                 backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
   4792       "                                   defer:YES]))");
   4794   verifyFormat(
   4795       "[foo checkThatBreakingAfterColonWorksOk:\n"
   4796       "         [bar ifItDoes:reduceOverallLineLengthLikeInThisCase]];");
   4798   verifyFormat("[myObj short:arg1 // Force line break\n"
   4799                "          longKeyword:arg2 != nil ? arg2 : @\"longKeyword\"\n"
   4800                "    evenLongerKeyword:arg3 ?: @\"evenLongerKeyword\"\n"
   4801                "                error:arg4];");
   4802   verifyFormat(
   4803       "void f() {\n"
   4804       "  popup_window_.reset([[RenderWidgetPopupWindow alloc]\n"
   4805       "      initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(origin_global.x, origin_global.y,\n"
   4806       "                                     pos.width(), pos.height())\n"
   4807       "                styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask\n"
   4808       "                  backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
   4809       "                    defer:NO]);\n"
   4810       "}");
   4811   verifyFormat("[contentsContainer replaceSubview:[subviews objectAtIndex:0]\n"
   4812                "                             with:contentsNativeView];");
   4814   verifyFormat(
   4815       "[pboard addTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:kBookmarkButtonDragType]\n"
   4816       "           owner:nillllll];");
   4818   verifyFormat(
   4819       "[pboard setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:&button length:sizeof(button)]\n"
   4820       "        forType:kBookmarkButtonDragType];");
   4822   verifyFormat("[defaultCenter addObserver:self\n"
   4823                "                  selector:@selector(willEnterFullscreen)\n"
   4824                "                      name:kWillEnterFullscreenNotification\n"
   4825                "                    object:nil];");
   4826   verifyFormat("[image_rep drawInRect:drawRect\n"
   4827                "             fromRect:NSZeroRect\n"
   4828                "            operation:NSCompositeCopy\n"
   4829                "             fraction:1.0\n"
   4830                "       respectFlipped:NO\n"
   4831                "                hints:nil];");
   4833   verifyFormat(
   4834       "scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> message(\n"
   4835       "    // The frame will be fixed up when |-setMessageText:| is called.\n"
   4836       "    [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0)]);");
   4837   verifyFormat("[self aaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   4838                "    aaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   4839                "         aaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbb + bbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   4840                "          aaaa:bbb];");
   4841 }
   4843 TEST_F(FormatTest, ObjCAt) {
   4844   verifyFormat("@autoreleasepool");
   4845   verifyFormat("@catch");
   4846   verifyFormat("@class");
   4847   verifyFormat("@compatibility_alias");
   4848   verifyFormat("@defs");
   4849   verifyFormat("@dynamic");
   4850   verifyFormat("@encode");
   4851   verifyFormat("@end");
   4852   verifyFormat("@finally");
   4853   verifyFormat("@implementation");
   4854   verifyFormat("@import");
   4855   verifyFormat("@interface");
   4856   verifyFormat("@optional");
   4857   verifyFormat("@package");
   4858   verifyFormat("@private");
   4859   verifyFormat("@property");
   4860   verifyFormat("@protected");
   4861   verifyFormat("@protocol");
   4862   verifyFormat("@public");
   4863   verifyFormat("@required");
   4864   verifyFormat("@selector");
   4865   verifyFormat("@synchronized");
   4866   verifyFormat("@synthesize");
   4867   verifyFormat("@throw");
   4868   verifyFormat("@try");
   4870   EXPECT_EQ("@interface", format("@ interface"));
   4872   // The precise formatting of this doesn't matter, nobody writes code like
   4873   // this.
   4874   verifyFormat("@ /*foo*/ interface");
   4875 }
   4877 TEST_F(FormatTest, ObjCSnippets) {
   4878   verifyFormat("@autoreleasepool {\n"
   4879                "  foo();\n"
   4880                "}");
   4881   verifyFormat("@class Foo, Bar;");
   4882   verifyFormat("@compatibility_alias AliasName ExistingClass;");
   4883   verifyFormat("@dynamic textColor;");
   4884   verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(int *);");
   4885   verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(typeof(4 * 5));");
   4886   verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(int **);");
   4887   verifyFormat("Protocol *proto = @protocol(p1);");
   4888   verifyFormat("SEL s = @selector(foo:);");
   4889   verifyFormat("@synchronized(self) {\n"
   4890                "  f();\n"
   4891                "}");
   4893   verifyFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
   4894   verifyGoogleFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
   4896   verifyFormat("@property(assign, nonatomic) CGFloat hoverAlpha;");
   4897   verifyFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
   4898   verifyGoogleFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
   4900   verifyFormat("@import foo.bar;\n"
   4901                "@import baz;");
   4902 }
   4904 TEST_F(FormatTest, ObjCLiterals) {
   4905   verifyFormat("@\"String\"");
   4906   verifyFormat("@1");
   4907   verifyFormat("@+4.8");
   4908   verifyFormat("@-4");
   4909   verifyFormat("@1LL");
   4910   verifyFormat("@.5");
   4911   verifyFormat("@'c'");
   4912   verifyFormat("@true");
   4914   verifyFormat("NSNumber *smallestInt = @(-INT_MAX - 1);");
   4915   verifyFormat("NSNumber *piOverTwo = @(M_PI / 2);");
   4916   verifyFormat("NSNumber *favoriteColor = @(Green);");
   4917   verifyFormat("NSString *path = @(getenv(\"PATH\"));");
   4919   verifyFormat("@[");
   4920   verifyFormat("@[]");
   4921   verifyFormat(
   4922       "NSArray *array = @[ @\" Hey \", NSApp, [NSNumber numberWithInt:42] ];");
   4923   verifyFormat("return @[ @3, @[], @[ @4, @5 ] ];");
   4925   verifyFormat("@{");
   4926   verifyFormat("@{}");
   4927   verifyFormat("@{ @\"one\" : @1 }");
   4928   verifyFormat("return @{ @\"one\" : @1 };");
   4929   verifyFormat("@{ @\"one\" : @1, }");
   4931   verifyFormat("@{ @\"one\" : @{ @2 : @1 } }");
   4932   verifyFormat("@{ @\"one\" : @{ @2 : @1 }, }");
   4934   verifyFormat("@{ 1 > 2 ? @\"one\" : @\"two\" : 1 > 2 ? @1 : @2 }");
   4935   verifyFormat("[self setDict:@{}");
   4936   verifyFormat("[self setDict:@{ @1 : @2 }");
   4937   verifyFormat("NSLog(@\"%@\", @{ @1 : @2, @2 : @3 }[@1]);");
   4938   verifyFormat(
   4939       "NSDictionary *masses = @{ @\"H\" : @1.0078, @\"He\" : @4.0026 };");
   4940   verifyFormat(
   4941       "NSDictionary *settings = @{ AVEncoderKey : @(AVAudioQualityMax) };");
   4943   // FIXME: Nested and multi-line array and dictionary literals need more work.
   4944   verifyFormat(
   4945       "NSDictionary *d = @{ @\"nam\" : NSUserNam(), @\"dte\" : [NSDate date],\n"
   4946       "                     @\"processInfo\" : [NSProcessInfo processInfo] };");
   4947   verifyFormat(
   4948       "@{ NSFontAttributeNameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :\n"
   4949       "   regularFont, };");
   4951 }
   4953 TEST_F(FormatTest, ReformatRegionAdjustsIndent) {
   4954   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   4955             "{\n"
   4956             "a;\n"
   4957             "b;\n"
   4958             "}\n"
   4959             "}",
   4960             format("{\n"
   4961                    "{\n"
   4962                    "a;\n"
   4963                    "     b;\n"
   4964                    "}\n"
   4965                    "}",
   4966                    13, 2, getLLVMStyle()));
   4967   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   4968             "{\n"
   4969             "  a;\n"
   4970             "b;\n"
   4971             "}\n"
   4972             "}",
   4973             format("{\n"
   4974                    "{\n"
   4975                    "     a;\n"
   4976                    "b;\n"
   4977                    "}\n"
   4978                    "}",
   4979                    9, 2, getLLVMStyle()));
   4980   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   4981             "{\n"
   4982             "public:\n"
   4983             "  b;\n"
   4984             "}\n"
   4985             "}",
   4986             format("{\n"
   4987                    "{\n"
   4988                    "public:\n"
   4989                    "     b;\n"
   4990                    "}\n"
   4991                    "}",
   4992                    17, 2, getLLVMStyle()));
   4993   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   4994             "{\n"
   4995             "a;\n"
   4996             "}\n"
   4997             "{\n"
   4998             "  b; //\n"
   4999             "}\n"
   5000             "}",
   5001             format("{\n"
   5002                    "{\n"
   5003                    "a;\n"
   5004                    "}\n"
   5005                    "{\n"
   5006                    "           b; //\n"
   5007                    "}\n"
   5008                    "}",
   5009                    22, 2, getLLVMStyle()));
   5010   EXPECT_EQ("  {\n"
   5011             "    a; //\n"
   5012             "  }",
   5013             format("  {\n"
   5014                    "a; //\n"
   5015                    "  }",
   5016                    4, 2, getLLVMStyle()));
   5017   EXPECT_EQ("void f() {}\n"
   5018             "void g() {}",
   5019             format("void f() {}\n"
   5020                    "void g() {}",
   5021                    13, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
   5022   EXPECT_EQ("int a; // comment\n"
   5023             "       // line 2\n"
   5024             "int b;",
   5025             format("int a; // comment\n"
   5026                    "       // line 2\n"
   5027                    "  int b;",
   5028                    35, 0, getLLVMStyle()));
   5029   EXPECT_EQ("  int a;\n"
   5030             "  void\n"
   5031             "  ffffff() {\n"
   5032             "  }",
   5033             format("  int a;\n"
   5034                    "void ffffff() {}",
   5035                    11, 0, getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   5036 }
   5038 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakStringLiterals) {
   5039   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text \"\n"
   5040             "\"other\";",
   5041             format("\"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5042   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text \"\n"
   5043             "\"other\";",
   5044             format("\\\n\"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5045   EXPECT_EQ(
   5046       "#define A  \\\n"
   5047       "  \"some \"  \\\n"
   5048       "  \"text \"  \\\n"
   5049       "  \"other\";",
   5050       format("#define A \"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5051   EXPECT_EQ(
   5052       "#define A  \\\n"
   5053       "  \"so \"    \\\n"
   5054       "  \"text \"  \\\n"
   5055       "  \"other\";",
   5056       format("#define A \"so text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5058   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text\"",
   5059             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(1)));
   5060   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text\"",
   5061             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   5062   EXPECT_EQ("\"some \"\n"
   5063             "\"text\"",
   5064             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5065   EXPECT_EQ("\"some \"\n"
   5066             "\"text\"",
   5067             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5068   EXPECT_EQ("\"some\"\n"
   5069             "\" tex\"\n"
   5070             "\"t\"",
   5071             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
   5072   EXPECT_EQ("\"some\"\n"
   5073             "\" tex\"\n"
   5074             "\" and\"",
   5075             format("\"some tex and\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
   5076   EXPECT_EQ("\"some\"\n"
   5077             "\"/tex\"\n"
   5078             "\"/and\"",
   5079             format("\"some/tex/and\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
   5081   EXPECT_EQ("variable =\n"
   5082             "    \"long string \"\n"
   5083             "    \"literal\";",
   5084             format("variable = \"long string literal\";",
   5085                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5087   EXPECT_EQ("variable = f(\n"
   5088             "    \"long string \"\n"
   5089             "    \"literal\",\n"
   5090             "    short,\n"
   5091             "    loooooooooooooooooooong);",
   5092             format("variable = f(\"long string literal\", short, "
   5093                    "loooooooooooooooooooong);",
   5094                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5096   EXPECT_EQ("f(g(\"long string \"\n"
   5097             "    \"literal\"),\n"
   5098             "  b);",
   5099             format("f(g(\"long string literal\"), b);",
   5100                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5101   EXPECT_EQ("f(g(\"long string \"\n"
   5102             "    \"literal\",\n"
   5103             "    a),\n"
   5104             "  b);",
   5105             format("f(g(\"long string literal\", a), b);",
   5106                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5107   EXPECT_EQ(
   5108       "f(\"one two\".split(\n"
   5109       "    variable));",
   5110       format("f(\"one two\".split(variable));", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5111   EXPECT_EQ("f(\"one two three four five six \"\n"
   5112             "  \"seven\".split(\n"
   5113             "      really_looooong_variable));",
   5114             format("f(\"one two three four five six seven\"."
   5115                    "split(really_looooong_variable));",
   5116                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(33)));
   5118   EXPECT_EQ("f(\"some \"\n"
   5119             "  \"text\",\n"
   5120             "  other);",
   5121             format("f(\"some text\", other);", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5123   // Only break as a last resort.
   5124   verifyFormat(
   5125       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
   5126       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   5127       "    aaaaaa(\"aaa aaaaa aaa aaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaa aaa aaaaaa\"));");
   5129   EXPECT_EQ(
   5130       "\"splitmea\"\n"
   5131       "\"trandomp\"\n"
   5132       "\"oint\"",
   5133       format("\"splitmeatrandompoint\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5135   EXPECT_EQ(
   5136       "\"split/\"\n"
   5137       "\"pathat/\"\n"
   5138       "\"slashes\"",
   5139       format("\"split/pathat/slashes\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5141   EXPECT_EQ(
   5142       "\"split/\"\n"
   5143       "\"pathat/\"\n"
   5144       "\"slashes\"",
   5145       format("\"split/pathat/slashes\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5146   EXPECT_EQ("\"split at \"\n"
   5147             "\"spaces/at/\"\n"
   5148             "\"slashes.at.any$\"\n"
   5149             "\"non-alphanumeric%\"\n"
   5150             "\"1111111111characte\"\n"
   5151             "\"rs\"",
   5152             format("\"split at "
   5153                    "spaces/at/"
   5154                    "slashes.at."
   5155                    "any$non-"
   5156                    "alphanumeric%"
   5157                    "1111111111characte"
   5158                    "rs\"",
   5159                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5161   // Verify that splitting the strings understands
   5162   // Style::AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings.
   5163   EXPECT_EQ("aaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
   5164             "             \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
   5165             "             \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
   5166             format("aaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa, \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
   5167                    "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
   5168                    "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
   5169                    getGoogleStyle()));
   5170   EXPECT_EQ("llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
   5171             "                \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
   5172             format("llvm::outs() << "
   5173                    "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
   5174                    "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
   5176   FormatStyle AlignLeft = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12);
   5177   AlignLeft.AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft = true;
   5178   EXPECT_EQ(
   5179       "#define A \\\n"
   5180       "  \"some \" \\\n"
   5181       "  \"text \" \\\n"
   5182       "  \"other\";",
   5183       format("#define A \"some text other\";", AlignLeft));
   5184 }
   5186 TEST_F(FormatTest, DontSplitStringLiteralsWithEscapedNewlines) {
   5187   EXPECT_EQ("aaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
   5188             "    \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
   5189             "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
   5190             "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
   5191             format("aaaaaaaaaaa = \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
   5192                    "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
   5193                    "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
   5194 }
   5196 TEST_F(FormatTest, SkipsUnknownStringLiterals) {
   5197   EXPECT_EQ(
   5198       "u8\"unsupported literal\";",
   5199       format("u8\"unsupported literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5200   EXPECT_EQ("u\"unsupported literal\";",
   5201             format("u\"unsupported literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5202   EXPECT_EQ("U\"unsupported literal\";",
   5203             format("U\"unsupported literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5204   EXPECT_EQ("L\"unsupported literal\";",
   5205             format("L\"unsupported literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5206   EXPECT_EQ("R\"x(raw literal)x\";",
   5207             format("R\"x(raw literal)x\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5208   verifyFormat("string a = \"unterminated;");
   5209   EXPECT_EQ("function(\"unterminated,\n"
   5210             "         OtherParameter);",
   5211             format("function(  \"unterminated,\n"
   5212                    "    OtherParameter);"));
   5213 }
   5215 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotTryToParseUDLiteralsInPreCpp11Code) {
   5216   EXPECT_EQ("#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\" _a);",
   5217             format("#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\"_a);", getLLVMStyle()));
   5218 }
   5220 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakStringLiteralsBeforeUnbreakableTokenSequence) {
   5221   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\"aaabbbcccd\"\n"
   5222             "             \"ddeeefff\");",
   5223             format("someFunction(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
   5224                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   5225   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
   5226             "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
   5227             format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
   5228                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26)));
   5229   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
   5230             "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
   5231             "    \"f\");",
   5232             format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
   5233                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   5234   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
   5235             "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
   5236             "    \"f\");",
   5237             format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
   5238                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
   5239   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\n"
   5240             "    \"aaabbbcc \"\n"
   5241             "    \"dddeeefff\");",
   5242             format("someFunction(\"aaabbbcc dddeeefff\");",
   5243                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   5244   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\"aaabbbccc \"\n"
   5245             "             \"ddeeefff\");",
   5246             format("someFunction(\"aaabbbccc ddeeefff\");",
   5247                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   5248   EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
   5249             "    \"aaabb \"\n"
   5250             "    \"cccdddeeefff\");",
   5251             format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabb cccdddeeefff\");",
   5252                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
   5253   EXPECT_EQ("#define A          \\\n"
   5254             "  string s =       \\\n"
   5255             "      \"123456789\"  \\\n"
   5256             "      \"0\";         \\\n"
   5257             "  int i;",
   5258             format("#define A string s = \"1234567890\"; int i;",
   5259                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   5260 }
   5262 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotBreakStringLiteralsInEscapeSequence) {
   5263   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\a\"",
   5264             format("\"\\a\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(3)));
   5265   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\\"",
   5266             format("\"\\\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(2)));
   5267   EXPECT_EQ("\"test\"\n"
   5268             "\"\\n\"",
   5269             format("\"test\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5270   EXPECT_EQ("\"tes\\\\\"\n"
   5271             "\"n\"",
   5272             format("\"tes\\\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5273   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\\\\\\\\"\n"
   5274             "\"\\n\"",
   5275             format("\"\\\\\\\\\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5276   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\uff01\"",
   5277             format("\"\\uff01\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5278   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\uff01\"\n"
   5279             "\"test\"",
   5280             format("\"\\uff01test\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(8)));
   5281   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\Uff01ff02\"",
   5282             format("\"\\Uff01ff02\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
   5283   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\x000000000001\"\n"
   5284             "\"next\"",
   5285             format("\"\\x000000000001next\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(16)));
   5286   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\x000000000001next\"",
   5287             format("\"\\x000000000001next\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15)));
   5288   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\x000000000001\"",
   5289             format("\"\\x000000000001\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5290   EXPECT_EQ("\"test\"\n"
   5291             "\"\\000000\"\n"
   5292             "\"000001\"",
   5293             format("\"test\\000000000001\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9)));
   5294   EXPECT_EQ("\"test\\000\"\n"
   5295             "\"00000000\"\n"
   5296             "\"1\"",
   5297             format("\"test\\000000000001\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5298   EXPECT_EQ("R\"(\\x\\x00)\"\n",
   5299             format("R\"(\\x\\x00)\"\n", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(7)));
   5300 }
   5302 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotCreateUnreasonableUnwrappedLines) {
   5303   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   5304                "  return g() {}\n"
   5305                "  void h() {}");
   5306   verifyFormat("if (foo)\n"
   5307                "  return { forgot_closing_brace();\n"
   5308                "test();");
   5309   verifyFormat("int a[] = { void forgot_closing_brace() { f();\n"
   5310                "g();\n"
   5311                "}");
   5312 }
   5314 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsClosingBracesInEmptyNestedBlocks) {
   5315   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
   5316                "  void f() {\n"
   5317                "  }\n"
   5318                "};",
   5319                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
   5320 }
   5322 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableIndentWidth) {
   5323   FormatStyle EightIndent = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(18);
   5324   EightIndent.IndentWidth = 8;
   5325   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
   5326                "        someFunction();\n"
   5327                "        if (true) {\n"
   5328                "                f();\n"
   5329                "        }\n"
   5330                "}",
   5331                EightIndent);
   5332   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
   5333                "        void f() {\n"
   5334                "        }\n"
   5335                "};",
   5336                EightIndent);
   5337   verifyFormat("int x[] = {\n"
   5338                "        call(),\n"
   5339                "        call(),\n"
   5340                "};",
   5341                EightIndent);
   5342 }
   5344 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableFunctionDeclarationIndentAfterType) {
   5345   verifyFormat("void\n"
   5346                "f();",
   5347                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(8));
   5348 }
   5350 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   5351   FormatStyle Tab = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(42);
   5352   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
   5353   Tab.UseTab = true;
   5354   Tab.AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft = true;
   5355   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
   5356                "\tvoid f() {\n"
   5357                "\t\tsomeFunction(parameter1,\n"
   5358                "\t\t\t     parameter2);\n"
   5359                "\t}\n"
   5360                "};",
   5361                Tab);
   5362   verifyFormat("#define A                        \\\n"
   5363                "\tvoid f() {               \\\n"
   5364                "\t\tsomeFunction(    \\\n"
   5365                "\t\t    parameter1,  \\\n"
   5366                "\t\t    parameter2); \\\n"
   5367                "\t}",
   5368                Tab);
   5371   // FIXME: To correctly count mixed whitespace we need to
   5372   // also correctly count mixed whitespace in front of the comment.
   5373   //
   5374   // EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   5375   //           "\t      a\t\tcomment\n"
   5376   //           "\t      in multiple lines\n"
   5377   //           "       */",
   5378   //           format("   /*\t \t \n"
   5379   //                  " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
   5380   //                  " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
   5381   //                  " \t  */",
   5382   //                  Tab));
   5383   // Tab.UseTab = false;
   5384   // EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
   5385   //           "              a\t\tcomment\n"
   5386   //           "              in multiple lines\n"
   5387   //           "       */",
   5388   //           format("   /*\t \t \n"
   5389   //                  " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
   5390   //                  " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
   5391   //                  " \t  */",
   5392   //                  Tab));
   5393   // EXPECT_EQ("/* some\n"
   5394   //           "   comment */",
   5395   //          format(" \t \t /* some\n"
   5396   //                 " \t \t    comment */",
   5397   //                 Tab));
   5399   EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
   5400             "  /*\n"
   5401             "   * Comment\n"
   5402             "   */\n"
   5403             "  int i;\n"
   5404             "}",
   5405             format("{\n"
   5406                    "\t/*\n"
   5407                    "\t * Comment\n"
   5408                    "\t */\n"
   5409                    "\t int i;\n"
   5410                    "}"));
   5411 }
   5413 TEST_F(FormatTest, LinuxBraceBreaking) {
   5414   FormatStyle BreakBeforeBrace = getLLVMStyle();
   5415   BreakBeforeBrace.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Linux;
   5416   verifyFormat("namespace a\n"
   5417                "{\n"
   5418                "class A\n"
   5419                "{\n"
   5420                "  void f()\n"
   5421                "  {\n"
   5422                "    if (true) {\n"
   5423                "      a();\n"
   5424                "      b();\n"
   5425                "    }\n"
   5426                "  }\n"
   5427                "  void g()\n"
   5428                "  {\n"
   5429                "    return;\n"
   5430                "  }\n"
   5431                "}\n"
   5432                "}",
   5433                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5434 }
   5436 TEST_F(FormatTest, StroustrupBraceBreaking) {
   5437   FormatStyle BreakBeforeBrace = getLLVMStyle();
   5438   BreakBeforeBrace.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Stroustrup;
   5439   verifyFormat("namespace a {\n"
   5440                "class A {\n"
   5441                "  void f()\n"
   5442                "  {\n"
   5443                "    if (true) {\n"
   5444                "      a();\n"
   5445                "      b();\n"
   5446                "    }\n"
   5447                "  }\n"
   5448                "  void g()\n"
   5449                "  {\n"
   5450                "    return;\n"
   5451                "  }\n"
   5452                "}\n"
   5453                "}",
   5454                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5455 }
   5457 TEST_F(FormatTest, AllmanBraceBreaking) {
   5458   FormatStyle BreakBeforeBrace = getLLVMStyle();
   5459   BreakBeforeBrace.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Allman;
   5460   verifyFormat("namespace a\n"
   5461                "{\n"
   5462                "class A\n"
   5463                "{\n"
   5464                "  void f()\n"
   5465                "  {\n"
   5466                "    if (true)\n"
   5467                "    {\n"
   5468                "      a();\n"
   5469                "      b();\n"
   5470                "    }\n"
   5471                "  }\n"
   5472                "  void g()\n"
   5473                "  {\n"
   5474                "    return;\n"
   5475                "  }\n"
   5476                "}\n"
   5477                "}",
   5478                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5480   verifyFormat("void f()\n"
   5481                "{\n"
   5482                "  if (true)\n"
   5483                "  {\n"
   5484                "    a();\n"
   5485                "  }\n"
   5486                "  else if (false)\n"
   5487                "  {\n"
   5488                "    b();\n"
   5489                "  }\n"
   5490                "  else\n"
   5491                "  {\n"
   5492                "    c();\n"
   5493                "  }\n"
   5494                "}\n",
   5495                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5497   verifyFormat("void f()\n"
   5498                "{\n"
   5499                "  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n"
   5500                "  {\n"
   5501                "    a();\n"
   5502                "  }\n"
   5503                "  while (false)\n"
   5504                "  {\n"
   5505                "    b();\n"
   5506                "  }\n"
   5507                "  do\n"
   5508                "  {\n"
   5509                "    c();\n"
   5510                "  } while (false)\n"
   5511                "}\n",
   5512                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5514   verifyFormat("void f(int a)\n"
   5515                "{\n"
   5516                "  switch (a)\n"
   5517                "  {\n"
   5518                "  case 0:\n"
   5519                "    break;\n"
   5520                "  case 1:\n"
   5521                "  {\n"
   5522                "    break;\n"
   5523                "  }\n"
   5524                "  case 2:\n"
   5525                "  {\n"
   5526                "  }\n"
   5527                "  break;\n"
   5528                "  default:\n"
   5529                "    break;\n"
   5530                "  }\n"
   5531                "}\n",
   5532                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5534   verifyFormat("enum X\n"
   5535                "{\n"
   5536                "  Y = 0,\n"
   5537                "}\n",
   5538                BreakBeforeBrace);
   5540   FormatStyle BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs = BreakBeforeBrace;
   5541   BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = true;
   5542   BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = true;
   5543   verifyFormat("void f(bool b)\n"
   5544                "{\n"
   5545                "  if (b)\n"
   5546                "  {\n"
   5547                "    return;\n"
   5548                "  }\n"
   5549                "}\n",
   5550                BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs);
   5551   verifyFormat("void f(bool b)\n"
   5552                "{\n"
   5553                "  if (b) return;\n"
   5554                "}\n",
   5555                BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs);
   5556   verifyFormat("void f(bool b)\n"
   5557                "{\n"
   5558                "  while (b)\n"
   5559                "  {\n"
   5560                "    return;\n"
   5561                "  }\n"
   5562                "}\n",
   5563                BreakBeforeBraceShortIfs);
   5564 }
   5566 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsPragmas) {
   5567   verifyFormat("#pragma omp reduction(| : var)");
   5568   verifyFormat("#pragma omp reduction(+ : var)");
   5569 }
   5571 bool allStylesEqual(ArrayRef<FormatStyle> Styles) {
   5572   for (size_t i = 1; i < Styles.size(); ++i)
   5573     if (!(Styles[0] == Styles[i]))
   5574       return false;
   5575   return true;
   5576 }
   5578 TEST_F(FormatTest, GetsPredefinedStyleByName) {
   5579   FormatStyle Styles[3];
   5581   Styles[0] = getLLVMStyle();
   5582   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("LLVM", &Styles[1]));
   5583   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("lLvM", &Styles[2]));
   5584   EXPECT_TRUE(allStylesEqual(Styles));
   5586   Styles[0] = getGoogleStyle();
   5587   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("Google", &Styles[1]));
   5588   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("gOOgle", &Styles[2]));
   5589   EXPECT_TRUE(allStylesEqual(Styles));
   5591   Styles[0] = getChromiumStyle();
   5592   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("Chromium", &Styles[1]));
   5593   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("cHRoMiUM", &Styles[2]));
   5594   EXPECT_TRUE(allStylesEqual(Styles));
   5596   Styles[0] = getMozillaStyle();
   5597   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("Mozilla", &Styles[1]));
   5598   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("moZILla", &Styles[2]));
   5599   EXPECT_TRUE(allStylesEqual(Styles));
   5601   Styles[0] = getWebKitStyle();
   5602   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("WebKit", &Styles[1]));
   5603   EXPECT_TRUE(getPredefinedStyle("wEbKit", &Styles[2]));
   5604   EXPECT_TRUE(allStylesEqual(Styles));
   5606   EXPECT_FALSE(getPredefinedStyle("qwerty", &Styles[0]));
   5607 }
   5609 TEST_F(FormatTest, ParsesConfiguration) {
   5610   FormatStyle Style = {};
   5611 #define CHECK_PARSE(TEXT, FIELD, VALUE)                                        \
   5612   EXPECT_NE(VALUE, Style.FIELD);                                               \
   5613   EXPECT_EQ(0, parseConfiguration(TEXT, &Style).value());                      \
   5614   EXPECT_EQ(VALUE, Style.FIELD)
   5616 #define CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(FIELD)                                                \
   5617   Style.FIELD = false;                                                         \
   5618   EXPECT_EQ(0, parseConfiguration(#FIELD ": true", &Style).value());           \
   5619   EXPECT_TRUE(Style.FIELD);                                                    \
   5620   EXPECT_EQ(0, parseConfiguration(#FIELD ": false", &Style).value());          \
   5621   EXPECT_FALSE(Style.FIELD);
   5623   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft);
   5624   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AlignTrailingComments);
   5625   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine);
   5626   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine);
   5627   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine);
   5628   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations);
   5629   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(BinPackParameters);
   5630   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(BreakBeforeBinaryOperators);
   5631   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma);
   5632   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine);
   5633   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(DerivePointerBinding);
   5634   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(IndentCaseLabels);
   5635   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList);
   5636   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(PointerBindsToType);
   5637   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(Cpp11BracedListStyle);
   5638   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(UseTab);
   5639   CHECK_PARSE_BOOL(IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType);
   5641   CHECK_PARSE("AccessModifierOffset: -1234", AccessModifierOffset, -1234);
   5642   CHECK_PARSE("ColumnLimit: 1234", ColumnLimit, 1234u);
   5643   CHECK_PARSE("MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1234", MaxEmptyLinesToKeep, 1234u);
   5644   CHECK_PARSE("PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1234", PenaltyExcessCharacter, 1234u);
   5645   CHECK_PARSE("PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 1234",
   5646               PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine, 1234u);
   5647   CHECK_PARSE("SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1234",
   5648               SpacesBeforeTrailingComments, 1234u);
   5649   CHECK_PARSE("IndentWidth: 32", IndentWidth, 32u);
   5651   Style.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Auto;
   5652   CHECK_PARSE("Standard: C++03", Standard, FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03);
   5653   CHECK_PARSE("Standard: C++11", Standard, FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11);
   5654   CHECK_PARSE("Standard: Auto", Standard, FormatStyle::LS_Auto);
   5656   Style.ColumnLimit = 123;
   5657   FormatStyle BaseStyle = getLLVMStyle();
   5658   CHECK_PARSE("BasedOnStyle: LLVM", ColumnLimit, BaseStyle.ColumnLimit);
   5659   CHECK_PARSE("BasedOnStyle: LLVM\nColumnLimit: 1234", ColumnLimit, 1234u);
   5661   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Stroustrup;
   5662   CHECK_PARSE("BreakBeforeBraces: Attach", BreakBeforeBraces,
   5663               FormatStyle::BS_Attach);
   5664   CHECK_PARSE("BreakBeforeBraces: Linux", BreakBeforeBraces,
   5665               FormatStyle::BS_Linux);
   5666   CHECK_PARSE("BreakBeforeBraces: Stroustrup", BreakBeforeBraces,
   5667               FormatStyle::BS_Stroustrup);
   5669   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All;
   5670   CHECK_PARSE("NamespaceIndentation: None", NamespaceIndentation,
   5671               FormatStyle::NI_None);
   5672   CHECK_PARSE("NamespaceIndentation: Inner", NamespaceIndentation,
   5673               FormatStyle::NI_Inner);
   5674   CHECK_PARSE("NamespaceIndentation: All", NamespaceIndentation,
   5675               FormatStyle::NI_All);
   5677 #undef CHECK_PARSE
   5678 #undef CHECK_PARSE_BOOL
   5679 }
   5681 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurationRoundTripTest) {
   5682   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   5683   std::string YAML = configurationAsText(Style);
   5684   FormatStyle ParsedStyle = {};
   5685   EXPECT_EQ(0, parseConfiguration(YAML, &ParsedStyle).value());
   5686   EXPECT_EQ(Style, ParsedStyle);
   5687 }
   5689 TEST_F(FormatTest, WorksFor8bitEncodings) {
   5690   EXPECT_EQ("\"\xce\xe4\xed\xe0\xe6\xe4\xfb \xe2 \"\n"
   5691             "\"\xf1\xf2\xf3\xe4\xb8\xed\xf3\xfe \"\n"
   5692             "\"\xe7\xe8\xec\xed\xfe\xfe \"\n"
   5693             "\"\xef\xee\xf0\xf3...\"",
   5694             format("\"\xce\xe4\xed\xe0\xe6\xe4\xfb \xe2 "
   5695                    "\xf1\xf2\xf3\xe4\xb8\xed\xf3\xfe \xe7\xe8\xec\xed\xfe\xfe "
   5696                    "\xef\xee\xf0\xf3...\"",
   5697                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5698 }
   5700 // FIXME: Encode Cyrillic and CJK characters below to appease MS compilers.
   5701 #if !defined(_MSC_VER)
   5703 TEST_F(FormatTest, CountsUTF8CharactersProperly) {
   5704   verifyFormat("\"    ...\"",
   5705                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(35));
   5706   verifyFormat("\"         \"",
   5707                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(21));
   5708   verifyFormat("//     ...",
   5709                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(36));
   5710   verifyFormat("//          ",
   5711                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
   5712   verifyFormat("/*     ... */",
   5713                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(39));
   5714   verifyFormat("/*           */",
   5715                getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
   5716 }
   5718 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8Strings) {
   5719   EXPECT_EQ(
   5720       "\",  \"\n"
   5721       "\" \"\n"
   5722       "\" \"\n"
   5723       "\",\"",
   5724       format("\",    ,\"",
   5725              getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
   5726   EXPECT_EQ("\"    \"\n"
   5727             "\"    \"\n"
   5728             "\" \"",
   5729             format("\"         \"",
   5730                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
   5731 }
   5733 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8LineComments) {
   5734   EXPECT_EQ("//   \n"
   5735             "// ; \n"
   5736             "// \n"
   5737             "// .",
   5738             format("//    ;   .",
   5739                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
   5740   EXPECT_EQ("// \n"
   5741             "// \n"
   5742             "// \n"
   5743             "//  ",
   5744             format("//      ", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
   5745 }
   5747 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8BlockComments) {
   5748   EXPECT_EQ("/* ,\n"
   5749             " * \n"
   5750             " *  \n"
   5751             " * \n"
   5752             " * ,\n"
   5753             " * \n"
   5754             " * \n"
   5755             " * . */",
   5756             format("/* ,    \n"
   5757                    " * ,   . */",
   5758                    getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
   5759   EXPECT_EQ("/* \n"
   5760             " * \n"
   5761             " * \n"
   5762             " *  \n"
   5763             " */",
   5764             format("/*       */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
   5765   EXPECT_EQ("/*  \n"
   5766             " * \n"
   5767             " * - */",
   5768             format("/*    - */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
   5769 }
   5771 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWithWebKitStyle) {
   5772   FormatStyle Style = getWebKitStyle();
   5774   // Don't indent in outer namespaces.
   5775   verifyFormat("namespace outer {\n"
   5776                "int i;\n"
   5777                "namespace inner {\n"
   5778                "    int i;\n"
   5779                "} // namespace inner\n"
   5780                "} // namespace outer\n"
   5781                "namespace other_outer {\n"
   5782                "int i;\n"
   5783                "}",
   5784                Style);
   5786   // Don't indent case labels.
   5787   verifyFormat("switch (variable) {\n"
   5788                "case 1:\n"
   5789                "case 2:\n"
   5790                "    doSomething();\n"
   5791                "    break;\n"
   5792                "default:\n"
   5793                "    ++variable;\n"
   5794                "}",
   5795                Style);
   5797   // Wrap before binary operators.
   5798   EXPECT_EQ(
   5799       "void f()\n"
   5800       "{\n"
   5801       "    if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   5802       "        && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   5803       "        && (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
   5804       "        return;\n"
   5805       "}",
   5806       format(
   5807           "void f() {\n"
   5808           "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   5809           "&& bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
   5810           "&& (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
   5811           "return;\n"
   5812           "}",
   5813           Style));
   5815   // Constructor initializers are formatted one per line with the "," on the
   5816   // new line.
   5817   verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
   5818                "    : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   5819                "    , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, // break\n"
   5820                "                               aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
   5821                "    , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()\n{\n}",
   5822                Style);
   5824   // Access specifiers should be aligned left.
   5825   verifyFormat("class C {\n"
   5826                "public:\n"
   5827                "    int i;\n"
   5828                "};",
   5829                Style);
   5831   // Do not align comments.
   5832   verifyFormat("int a; // Do not\n"
   5833                "double b; // align comments.",
   5834                Style);
   5836   // Accept input's line breaks.
   5837   EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   5838             "    || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
   5839             "    i++;\n"
   5840             "}",
   5841             format("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
   5842                    "|| bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }",
   5843                    Style));
   5844   EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
   5845             "    i++;\n"
   5846             "}",
   5847             format("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }", Style));
   5848 }
   5850 #endif
   5852 } // end namespace tooling
   5853 } // end namespace clang