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      1 /********************************************************************
      2  * COPYRIGHT:
      3  * Copyright (c) 1997-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  ********************************************************************
      6  *
      7  * File MSGFMT.CPP
      8  *
      9  * Modification History:
     10  *
     11  *   Date        Name        Description
     12  *   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
     13  *   03/20/97    helena      Finished first cut of implementation.
     14  *   04/10/97    aliu        Made to work on AIX.  Added stoi to replace wtoi.
     15  *   06/11/97    helena      Fixed addPattern to take the pattern correctly.
     16  *   06/17/97    helena      Fixed the getPattern to return the correct pattern.
     17  *   07/09/97    helena      Made ParsePosition into a class.
     18  *   02/22/99    stephen     Removed character literals for EBCDIC safety
     19  *   11/01/09    kirtig      Added SelectFormat
     20  ********************************************************************/
     22 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     26 #include "unicode/msgfmt.h"
     27 #include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
     28 #include "unicode/datefmt.h"
     29 #include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
     30 #include "unicode/choicfmt.h"
     31 #include "unicode/plurfmt.h"
     32 #include "unicode/selfmt.h"
     33 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     34 #include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
     35 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     36 #include "unicode/umsg.h"
     37 #include "unicode/rbnf.h"
     38 #include "cmemory.h"
     39 #include "msgfmt_impl.h"
     40 #include "util.h"
     41 #include "uassert.h"
     42 #include "ustrfmt.h"
     43 #include "uvector.h"
     45 // *****************************************************************************
     46 // class MessageFormat
     47 // *****************************************************************************
     49 #define COMMA             ((UChar)0x002C)
     50 #define SINGLE_QUOTE      ((UChar)0x0027)
     51 #define LEFT_CURLY_BRACE  ((UChar)0x007B)
     52 #define RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE ((UChar)0x007D)
     54 //---------------------------------------
     55 // static data
     57 static const UChar ID_EMPTY[]     = {
     58     0 /* empty string, used for default so that null can mark end of list */
     59 };
     61 static const UChar ID_NUMBER[]    = {
     62     0x6E, 0x75, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0  /* "number" */
     63 };
     64 static const UChar ID_DATE[]      = {
     65     0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0              /* "date" */
     66 };
     67 static const UChar ID_TIME[]      = {
     68     0x74, 0x69, 0x6D, 0x65, 0              /* "time" */
     69 };
     70 static const UChar ID_CHOICE[]    = {
     71     0x63, 0x68, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0  /* "choice" */
     72 };
     73 static const UChar ID_SPELLOUT[]  = {
     74     0x73, 0x70, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x74, 0 /* "spellout" */
     75 };
     76 static const UChar ID_ORDINAL[]   = {
     77     0x6f, 0x72, 0x64, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x6c, 0 /* "ordinal" */
     78 };
     79 static const UChar ID_DURATION[]  = {
     80     0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0 /* "duration" */
     81 };
     82 static const UChar ID_PLURAL[]  = {
     83     0x70, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6c, 0  /* "plural" */
     84 };
     85 static const UChar ID_SELECT[]  = {
     86     0x73, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0  /* "select" */
     87 };
     89 // MessageFormat Type List  Number, Date, Time or Choice
     90 static const UChar * const TYPE_IDS[] = {
     91     ID_EMPTY,
     92     ID_NUMBER,
     93     ID_DATE,
     94     ID_TIME,
     95     ID_CHOICE,
     96     ID_SPELLOUT,
     97     ID_ORDINAL,
     98     ID_DURATION,
     99     ID_PLURAL,
    100     ID_SELECT,
    101     NULL,
    102 };
    104 static const UChar ID_CURRENCY[]  = {
    105     0x63, 0x75, 0x72, 0x72, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x79, 0  /* "currency" */
    106 };
    107 static const UChar ID_PERCENT[]   = {
    108     0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x74, 0        /* "percent" */
    109 };
    110 static const UChar ID_INTEGER[]   = {
    111     0x69, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x65, 0x67, 0x65, 0x72, 0        /* "integer" */
    112 };
    114 // NumberFormat modifier list, default, currency, percent or integer
    115 static const UChar * const NUMBER_STYLE_IDS[] = {
    116     ID_EMPTY,
    117     ID_CURRENCY,
    118     ID_PERCENT,
    119     ID_INTEGER,
    120     NULL,
    121 };
    123 static const UChar ID_SHORT[]     = {
    124     0x73, 0x68, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x74, 0        /* "short" */
    125 };
    126 static const UChar ID_MEDIUM[]    = {
    127     0x6D, 0x65, 0x64, 0x69, 0x75, 0x6D, 0  /* "medium" */
    128 };
    129 static const UChar ID_LONG[]      = {
    130     0x6C, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x67, 0              /* "long" */
    131 };
    132 static const UChar ID_FULL[]      = {
    133     0x66, 0x75, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0              /* "full" */
    134 };
    136 // DateFormat modifier list, default, short, medium, long or full
    137 static const UChar * const DATE_STYLE_IDS[] = {
    138     ID_EMPTY,
    139     ID_SHORT,
    140     ID_MEDIUM,
    141     ID_LONG,
    142     ID_FULL,
    143     NULL,
    144 };
    146 static const U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::EStyle DATE_STYLES[] = {
    147     U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::kDefault,
    148     U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::kShort,
    149     U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::kMedium,
    150     U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::kLong,
    151     U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DateFormat::kFull,
    152 };
    154 static const int32_t DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 10;
    158 // -------------------------------------
    162 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
    164 /**
    165  * Convert a string to an unsigned decimal, ignoring rule whitespace.
    166  * @return a non-negative number if successful, or a negative number
    167  *         upon failure.
    168  */
    169 static int32_t stou(const UnicodeString& string) {
    170     int32_t n = 0;
    171     int32_t count = 0;
    172     UChar32 c;
    173     for (int32_t i=0; i<string.length(); i+=U16_LENGTH(c)) {
    174         c = string.char32At(i);
    175         if (uprv_isRuleWhiteSpace(c)) {
    176             continue;
    177         }
    178         int32_t d = u_digit(c, 10);
    179         if (d < 0 || ++count > 10) {
    180             return -1;
    181         }
    182         n = 10*n + d;
    183     }
    184     return n;
    185 }
    187 /**
    188  * Convert an integer value to a string and append the result to
    189  * the given UnicodeString.
    190  */
    191 static UnicodeString& itos(int32_t i, UnicodeString& appendTo) {
    192     UChar temp[16];
    193     uprv_itou(temp,16,i,10,0); // 10 == radix
    194     appendTo.append(temp);
    195     return appendTo;
    196 }
    198 /*
    199  * A structure representing one subformat of this MessageFormat.
    200  * Each subformat has a Format object, an offset into the plain
    201  * pattern text fPattern, and an argument number.  The argument
    202  * number corresponds to the array of arguments to be formatted.
    203  * @internal
    204  */
    205 class MessageFormat::Subformat : public UMemory {
    206 public:
    207     /**
    208      * @internal
    209      */
    210     Format* format; // formatter
    211     /**
    212      * @internal
    213      */
    214     int32_t offset; // offset into fPattern
    215     /**
    216      * @internal
    217      */
    218     // TODO (claireho) or save the number to argName and use itos to convert to number.=> we need this number
    219     int32_t argNum;    // 0-based argument number
    220     /**
    221      * @internal
    222      */
    223     UnicodeString* argName; // argument name or number
    225     /**
    226      * Clone that.format and assign it to this.format
    227      * Do NOT delete this.format
    228      * @internal
    229      */
    230     Subformat& operator=(const Subformat& that) {
    231         if (this != &that) {
    232             format = that.format ? that.format->clone() : NULL;
    233             offset = that.offset;
    234             argNum = that.argNum;
    235             argName = (that.argNum==-1) ? new UnicodeString(*that.argName): NULL;
    236         }
    237         return *this;
    238     }
    240     /**
    241      * @internal
    242      */
    243     UBool operator==(const Subformat& that) const {
    244         // Do cheap comparisons first
    245         return offset == that.offset &&
    246                argNum == that.argNum &&
    247                ((argName == that.argName) ||
    248                 (*argName == *that.argName)) &&
    249                ((format == that.format) || // handles NULL
    250                 (*format == *that.format));
    251     }
    253     /**
    254      * @internal
    255      */
    256     UBool operator!=(const Subformat& that) const {
    257         return !operator==(that);
    258     }
    259 };
    261 // -------------------------------------
    262 // Creates a MessageFormat instance based on the pattern.
    264 MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
    265                              UErrorCode& success)
    266 : fLocale(Locale::getDefault()),  // Uses the default locale
    267   formatAliases(NULL),
    268   formatAliasesCapacity(0),
    269   idStart(UCHAR_ID_START),
    270   idContinue(UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE),
    271   subformats(NULL),
    272   subformatCount(0),
    273   subformatCapacity(0),
    274   argTypes(NULL),
    275   argTypeCount(0),
    276   argTypeCapacity(0),
    277   isArgNumeric(TRUE),
    278   defaultNumberFormat(NULL),
    279   defaultDateFormat(NULL)
    280 {
    281     if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
    282         !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
    283         success = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    284         return;
    285     }
    286     applyPattern(pattern, success);
    287     setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
    288 }
    290 MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
    291                              const Locale& newLocale,
    292                              UErrorCode& success)
    293 : fLocale(newLocale),
    294   formatAliases(NULL),
    295   formatAliasesCapacity(0),
    296   idStart(UCHAR_ID_START),
    297   idContinue(UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE),
    298   subformats(NULL),
    299   subformatCount(0),
    300   subformatCapacity(0),
    301   argTypes(NULL),
    302   argTypeCount(0),
    303   argTypeCapacity(0),
    304   isArgNumeric(TRUE),
    305   defaultNumberFormat(NULL),
    306   defaultDateFormat(NULL)
    307 {
    308     if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
    309         !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
    310         success = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    311         return;
    312     }
    313     applyPattern(pattern, success);
    314     setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
    315 }
    317 MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
    318                              const Locale& newLocale,
    319                              UParseError& parseError,
    320                              UErrorCode& success)
    321 : fLocale(newLocale),
    322   formatAliases(NULL),
    323   formatAliasesCapacity(0),
    324   idStart(UCHAR_ID_START),
    325   idContinue(UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE),
    326   subformats(NULL),
    327   subformatCount(0),
    328   subformatCapacity(0),
    329   argTypes(NULL),
    330   argTypeCount(0),
    331   argTypeCapacity(0),
    332   isArgNumeric(TRUE),
    333   defaultNumberFormat(NULL),
    334   defaultDateFormat(NULL)
    335 {
    336     if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
    337         !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
    338         success = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    339         return;
    340     }
    341     applyPattern(pattern, parseError, success);
    342     setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
    343 }
    345 MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const MessageFormat& that)
    346 : Format(that),
    347   formatAliases(NULL),
    348   formatAliasesCapacity(0),
    349   idStart(UCHAR_ID_START),
    350   idContinue(UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE),
    351   subformats(NULL),
    352   subformatCount(0),
    353   subformatCapacity(0),
    354   argTypes(NULL),
    355   argTypeCount(0),
    356   argTypeCapacity(0),
    357   isArgNumeric(TRUE),
    358   defaultNumberFormat(NULL),
    359   defaultDateFormat(NULL)
    360 {
    361     *this = that;
    362 }
    364 MessageFormat::~MessageFormat()
    365 {
    366     int32_t idx;
    367     for (idx = 0; idx < subformatCount; idx++) {
    368         delete subformats[idx].format;
    369         delete subformats[idx].argName;
    370     }
    371     uprv_free(subformats);
    372     subformats = NULL;
    373     subformatCount = subformatCapacity = 0;
    375     uprv_free(argTypes);
    376     argTypes = NULL;
    377     argTypeCount = argTypeCapacity = 0;
    379     uprv_free(formatAliases);
    381     delete defaultNumberFormat;
    382     delete defaultDateFormat;
    383 }
    385 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
    386 // Variable-size array management
    388 /**
    389  * Allocate subformats[] to at least the given capacity and return
    390  * TRUE if successful.  If not, leave subformats[] unchanged.
    391  *
    392  * If subformats is NULL, allocate it.  If it is not NULL, enlarge it
    393  * if necessary to be at least as large as specified.
    394  */
    395 UBool MessageFormat::allocateSubformats(int32_t capacity) {
    396     if (subformats == NULL) {
    397         subformats = (Subformat*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(*subformats) * capacity);
    398         subformatCapacity = capacity;
    399         subformatCount = 0;
    400         if (subformats == NULL) {
    401             subformatCapacity = 0;
    402             return FALSE;
    403         }
    404     } else if (subformatCapacity < capacity) {
    405         if (capacity < 2*subformatCapacity) {
    406             capacity = 2*subformatCapacity;
    407         }
    408         Subformat* a = (Subformat*)
    409             uprv_realloc(subformats, sizeof(*subformats) * capacity);
    410         if (a == NULL) {
    411             return FALSE; // request failed
    412         }
    413         subformats = a;
    414         subformatCapacity = capacity;
    415     }
    416     return TRUE;
    417 }
    419 /**
    420  * Allocate argTypes[] to at least the given capacity and return
    421  * TRUE if successful.  If not, leave argTypes[] unchanged.
    422  *
    423  * If argTypes is NULL, allocate it.  If it is not NULL, enlarge it
    424  * if necessary to be at least as large as specified.
    425  */
    426 UBool MessageFormat::allocateArgTypes(int32_t capacity) {
    427     if (argTypes == NULL) {
    428         argTypes = (Formattable::Type*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(*argTypes) * capacity);
    429         argTypeCount = 0;
    430         argTypeCapacity = capacity;
    431         if (argTypes == NULL) {
    432             argTypeCapacity = 0;
    433             return FALSE;
    434         }
    435         for (int32_t i=0; i<capacity; ++i) {
    436             argTypes[i] = Formattable::kString;
    437         }
    438     } else if (argTypeCapacity < capacity) {
    439         if (capacity < 2*argTypeCapacity) {
    440             capacity = 2*argTypeCapacity;
    441         }
    442         Formattable::Type* a = (Formattable::Type*)
    443             uprv_realloc(argTypes, sizeof(*argTypes) * capacity);
    444         if (a == NULL) {
    445             return FALSE; // request failed
    446         }
    447         for (int32_t i=argTypeCapacity; i<capacity; ++i) {
    448             a[i] = Formattable::kString;
    449         }
    450         argTypes = a;
    451         argTypeCapacity = capacity;
    452     }
    453     return TRUE;
    454 }
    456 // -------------------------------------
    457 // assignment operator
    459 const MessageFormat&
    460 MessageFormat::operator=(const MessageFormat& that)
    461 {
    462     // Reallocate the arrays BEFORE changing this object
    463     if (this != &that &&
    464         allocateSubformats(that.subformatCount) &&
    465         allocateArgTypes(that.argTypeCount)) {
    467         // Calls the super class for assignment first.
    468         Format::operator=(that);
    470         fPattern = that.fPattern;
    471         setLocale(that.fLocale);
    472         isArgNumeric = that.isArgNumeric;
    473         int32_t j;
    474         for (j=0; j<subformatCount; ++j) {
    475             delete subformats[j].format;
    476         }
    477         subformatCount = 0;
    479         for (j=0; j<that.subformatCount; ++j) {
    480             // Subformat::operator= does NOT delete this.format
    481             subformats[j] = that.subformats[j];
    482         }
    483         subformatCount = that.subformatCount;
    485         for (j=0; j<that.argTypeCount; ++j) {
    486             argTypes[j] = that.argTypes[j];
    487         }
    488         argTypeCount = that.argTypeCount;
    489     }
    490     return *this;
    491 }
    493 UBool
    494 MessageFormat::operator==(const Format& rhs) const
    495 {
    496     if (this == &rhs) return TRUE;
    498     MessageFormat& that = (MessageFormat&)rhs;
    500     // Check class ID before checking MessageFormat members
    501     if (!Format::operator==(rhs) ||
    502         fPattern != that.fPattern ||
    503         fLocale != that.fLocale ||
    504         isArgNumeric != that.isArgNumeric) {
    505         return FALSE;
    506     }
    508     int32_t j;
    509     for (j=0; j<subformatCount; ++j) {
    510         if (subformats[j] != that.subformats[j]) {
    511             return FALSE;
    512         }
    513     }
    515     return TRUE;
    516 }
    518 // -------------------------------------
    519 // Creates a copy of this MessageFormat, the caller owns the copy.
    521 Format*
    522 MessageFormat::clone() const
    523 {
    524     return new MessageFormat(*this);
    525 }
    527 // -------------------------------------
    528 // Sets the locale of this MessageFormat object to theLocale.
    530 void
    531 MessageFormat::setLocale(const Locale& theLocale)
    532 {
    533     if (fLocale != theLocale) {
    534         delete defaultNumberFormat;
    535         defaultNumberFormat = NULL;
    536         delete defaultDateFormat;
    537         defaultDateFormat = NULL;
    538     }
    539     fLocale = theLocale;
    540     setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
    541 }
    543 // -------------------------------------
    544 // Gets the locale of this MessageFormat object.
    546 const Locale&
    547 MessageFormat::getLocale() const
    548 {
    549     return fLocale;
    550 }
    555 void
    556 MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& newPattern,
    557                             UErrorCode& status)
    558 {
    559     UParseError parseError;
    560     applyPattern(newPattern,parseError,status);
    561 }
    564 // -------------------------------------
    565 // Applies the new pattern and returns an error if the pattern
    566 // is not correct.
    567 void
    568 MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
    569                             UParseError& parseError,
    570                             UErrorCode& ec)
    571 {
    572     if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    573         return;
    574     }
    575     // The pattern is broken up into segments.  Each time a subformat
    576     // is encountered, 4 segments are recorded.  For example, consider
    577     // the pattern:
    578     //  "There {0,choice,0.0#are no files|1.0#is one file|1.0<are {0, number} files} on disk {1}."
    579     // The first set of segments is:
    580     //  segments[0] = "There "
    581     //  segments[1] = "0"
    582     //  segments[2] = "choice"
    583     //  segments[3] = "0.0#are no files|1.0#is one file|1.0<are {0, number} files"
    585     // During parsing, the plain text is accumulated into segments[0].
    586     // Segments 1..3 are used to parse each subpattern.  Each time a
    587     // subpattern is parsed, it creates a format object that is stored
    588     // in the subformats array, together with an offset and argument
    589     // number.  The offset into the plain text stored in
    590     // segments[0].
    592     // Quotes in segment 0 are handled normally.  They are removed.
    593     // Quotes may not occur in segments 1 or 2.
    594     // Quotes in segment 3 are parsed and _copied_.  This makes
    595     //  subformat patterns work, e.g., {1,number,'#'.##} passes
    596     //  the pattern "'#'.##" to DecimalFormat.
    598     UnicodeString segments[4];
    599     int32_t part = 0; // segment we are in, 0..3
    600     // Record the highest argument number in the pattern.  (In the
    601     // subpattern {3,number} the argument number is 3.)
    602     int32_t formatNumber = 0;
    603     UBool inQuote = FALSE;
    604     int32_t braceStack = 0;
    605     // Clear error struct
    606     parseError.offset = -1;
    607     parseError.preContext[0] = parseError.postContext[0] = (UChar)0;
    608     int32_t patLen = pattern.length();
    609     int32_t i;
    611     for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    612         delete subformats[i].format;
    613     }
    614     subformatCount = 0;
    615     argTypeCount = 0;
    617     for (i=0; i<patLen; ++i) {
    618         UChar ch = pattern[i];
    619         if (part == 0) {
    620             // In segment 0, recognize and remove quotes
    621             if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
    622                 if (i+1 < patLen && pattern[i+1] == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
    623                     segments[0] += ch;
    624                     ++i;
    625                 } else {
    626                     inQuote = !inQuote;
    627                 }
    628             } else if (ch == LEFT_CURLY_BRACE && !inQuote) {
    629                 // The only way we get from segment 0 to 1 is via an
    630                 // unquoted '{'.
    631                 part = 1;
    632             } else {
    633                 segments[0] += ch;
    634             }
    635         } else if (inQuote) {
    636             // In segments 1..3, recognize quoted matter, and copy it
    637             // into the segment, together with the quotes.  This takes
    638             // care of '' as well.
    639             segments[part] += ch;
    640             if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
    641                 inQuote = FALSE;
    642             }
    643         } else {
    644             // We have an unquoted character in segment 1..3
    645             switch (ch) {
    646             case COMMA:
    647                 // Commas bump us to the next segment, except for segment 3,
    648                 // which can contain commas.  See example above.
    649                 if (part < 3)
    650                     part += 1;
    651                 else
    652                     segments[3] += ch;
    653                 break;
    654             case LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:
    655                 // Handle '{' within segment 3.  The initial '{'
    656                 // before segment 1 is handled above.
    657                 if (part != 3) {
    658                     ec = U_PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR;
    659                     goto SYNTAX_ERROR;
    660                 }
    661                 ++braceStack;
    662                 segments[part] += ch;
    663                 break;
    664             case RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:
    665                 if (braceStack == 0) {
    666                     makeFormat(formatNumber, segments, parseError,ec);
    667                     if (U_FAILURE(ec)){
    668                         goto SYNTAX_ERROR;
    669                     }
    670                     formatNumber++;
    672                     segments[1].remove();
    673                     segments[2].remove();
    674                     segments[3].remove();
    675                     part = 0;
    676                 } else {
    677                     --braceStack;
    678                     segments[part] += ch;
    679                 }
    680                 break;
    681             case SINGLE_QUOTE:
    682                 inQuote = TRUE;
    683                 // fall through (copy quote chars in segments 1..3)
    684             default:
    685                 segments[part] += ch;
    686                 break;
    687             }
    688         }
    689     }
    690     if (braceStack != 0 || part != 0) {
    691         // Unmatched braces in the pattern
    692         ec = U_UNMATCHED_BRACES;
    693         goto SYNTAX_ERROR;
    694     }
    695     fPattern = segments[0];
    696     return;
    698  SYNTAX_ERROR:
    699     syntaxError(pattern, i, parseError);
    700     for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    701         delete subformats[i].format;
    702     }
    703     argTypeCount = subformatCount = 0;
    704 }
    705 // -------------------------------------
    706 // Converts this MessageFormat instance to a pattern.
    708 UnicodeString&
    709 MessageFormat::toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo) const {
    710     // later, make this more extensible
    711     int32_t lastOffset = 0;
    712     int32_t i;
    713     for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    714         copyAndFixQuotes(fPattern, lastOffset, subformats[i].offset, appendTo);
    715         lastOffset = subformats[i].offset;
    716         appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
    717         if (isArgNumeric) {
    718             itos(subformats[i].argNum, appendTo);
    719         }
    720         else {
    721             appendTo += *subformats[i].argName;
    722         }
    723         Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
    724         DecimalFormat* decfmt;
    725         SimpleDateFormat* sdtfmt;
    726         ChoiceFormat* chcfmt;
    727         PluralFormat* plfmt;
    728         SelectFormat* selfmt;
    729         if (fmt == NULL) {
    730             // do nothing, string format
    731         }
    732         else if ((decfmt = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat*>(fmt)) != NULL) {
    733             UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    734             NumberFormat& formatAlias = *decfmt;
    735             NumberFormat *defaultTemplate = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
    736             NumberFormat *currencyTemplate = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(fLocale, ec);
    737             NumberFormat *percentTemplate = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(fLocale, ec);
    738             NumberFormat *integerTemplate = createIntegerFormat(fLocale, ec);
    740             appendTo += COMMA;
    741             appendTo += ID_NUMBER;
    742             if (formatAlias != *defaultTemplate) {
    743                 appendTo += COMMA;
    744                 if (formatAlias == *currencyTemplate) {
    745                     appendTo += ID_CURRENCY;
    746                 }
    747                 else if (formatAlias == *percentTemplate) {
    748                     appendTo += ID_PERCENT;
    749                 }
    750                 else if (formatAlias == *integerTemplate) {
    751                     appendTo += ID_INTEGER;
    752                 }
    753                 else {
    754                     UnicodeString buffer;
    755                     appendTo += decfmt->toPattern(buffer);
    756                 }
    757             }
    759             delete defaultTemplate;
    760             delete currencyTemplate;
    761             delete percentTemplate;
    762             delete integerTemplate;
    763         }
    764         else if ((sdtfmt = dynamic_cast<SimpleDateFormat*>(fmt)) != NULL) {
    765             DateFormat& formatAlias = *sdtfmt;
    766             DateFormat *defaultDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, fLocale);
    767             DateFormat *shortDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kShort, fLocale);
    768             DateFormat *longDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kLong, fLocale);
    769             DateFormat *fullDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, fLocale);
    770             DateFormat *defaultTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, fLocale);
    771             DateFormat *shortTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kShort, fLocale);
    772             DateFormat *longTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kLong, fLocale);
    773             DateFormat *fullTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kFull, fLocale);
    776             appendTo += COMMA;
    777             if (formatAlias == *defaultDateTemplate) {
    778                 // default is medium. no need to handle medium separately.
    779                 appendTo += ID_DATE;
    780             }
    781             else if (formatAlias == *shortDateTemplate) {
    782                 appendTo += ID_DATE;
    783                 appendTo += COMMA;
    784                 appendTo += ID_SHORT;
    785             }
    786             else if (formatAlias == *longDateTemplate) {
    787                 appendTo += ID_DATE;
    788                 appendTo += COMMA;
    789                 appendTo += ID_LONG;
    790             }
    791             else if (formatAlias == *fullDateTemplate) {
    792                 appendTo += ID_DATE;
    793                 appendTo += COMMA;
    794                 appendTo += ID_FULL;
    795             }
    796             else if (formatAlias == *defaultTimeTemplate) {
    797                 // default is medium. no need to handle medium separately.
    798                 appendTo += ID_TIME;
    799             }
    800             else if (formatAlias == *shortTimeTemplate) {
    801                 appendTo += ID_TIME;
    802                 appendTo += COMMA;
    803                 appendTo += ID_SHORT;
    804             }
    805             else if (formatAlias == *longTimeTemplate) {
    806                 appendTo += ID_TIME;
    807                 appendTo += COMMA;
    808                 appendTo += ID_LONG;
    809             }
    810             else if (formatAlias == *fullTimeTemplate) {
    811                 appendTo += ID_TIME;
    812                 appendTo += COMMA;
    813                 appendTo += ID_FULL;
    814             }
    815             else {
    816                 UnicodeString buffer;
    817                 appendTo += ID_DATE;
    818                 appendTo += COMMA;
    819                 appendTo += sdtfmt->toPattern(buffer);
    820             }
    822             delete defaultDateTemplate;
    823             delete shortDateTemplate;
    824             delete longDateTemplate;
    825             delete fullDateTemplate;
    826             delete defaultTimeTemplate;
    827             delete shortTimeTemplate;
    828             delete longTimeTemplate;
    829             delete fullTimeTemplate;
    830             // {sfb} there should be a more efficient way to do this!
    831         }
    832         else if ((chcfmt = dynamic_cast<ChoiceFormat*>(fmt)) != NULL) {
    833             UnicodeString buffer;
    834             appendTo += COMMA;
    835             appendTo += ID_CHOICE;
    836             appendTo += COMMA;
    837             appendTo += ((ChoiceFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(buffer);
    838         }
    839         else if ((plfmt = dynamic_cast<PluralFormat*>(fmt)) != NULL) {
    840             UnicodeString buffer;
    841             appendTo += plfmt->toPattern(buffer);
    842         }
    843         else if ((selfmt = dynamic_cast<SelectFormat*>(fmt)) != NULL) {
    844             UnicodeString buffer;
    845             appendTo += ((SelectFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(buffer);
    846         }
    847         else {
    848             //appendTo += ", unknown";
    849         }
    850         appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
    851     }
    852     copyAndFixQuotes(fPattern, lastOffset, fPattern.length(), appendTo);
    853     return appendTo;
    854 }
    856 // -------------------------------------
    857 // Adopts the new formats array and updates the array count.
    858 // This MessageFormat instance owns the new formats.
    860 void
    861 MessageFormat::adoptFormats(Format** newFormats,
    862                             int32_t count) {
    863     if (newFormats == NULL || count < 0) {
    864         return;
    865     }
    867     int32_t i;
    868     if (allocateSubformats(count)) {
    869         for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    870             delete subformats[i].format;
    871         }
    872         for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
    873             subformats[i].format = newFormats[i];
    874         }
    875         subformatCount = count;
    876     } else {
    877         // An adopt method must always take ownership.  Delete
    878         // the incoming format objects and return unchanged.
    879         for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
    880             delete newFormats[i];
    881         }
    882     }
    884     // TODO: What about the .offset and .argNum fields?
    885 }
    887 // -------------------------------------
    888 // Sets the new formats array and updates the array count.
    889 // This MessageFormat instance maks a copy of the new formats.
    891 void
    892 MessageFormat::setFormats(const Format** newFormats,
    893                           int32_t count) {
    894     if (newFormats == NULL || count < 0) {
    895         return;
    896     }
    898     if (allocateSubformats(count)) {
    899         int32_t i;
    900         for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    901             delete subformats[i].format;
    902         }
    903         subformatCount = 0;
    905         for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
    906             subformats[i].format = newFormats[i] ? newFormats[i]->clone() : NULL;
    907         }
    908         subformatCount = count;
    909     }
    911     // TODO: What about the .offset and .arg fields?
    912 }
    914 // -------------------------------------
    915 // Adopt a single format by format number.
    916 // Do nothing if the format number is not less than the array count.
    918 void
    919 MessageFormat::adoptFormat(int32_t n, Format *newFormat) {
    920     if (n < 0 || n >= subformatCount) {
    921         delete newFormat;
    922     } else {
    923         delete subformats[n].format;
    924         subformats[n].format = newFormat;
    925     }
    926 }
    928 // -------------------------------------
    929 // Adopt a single format by format name.
    930 // Do nothing if there is no match of formatName.
    931 void
    932 MessageFormat::adoptFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName,
    933                            Format* formatToAdopt,
    934                            UErrorCode& status) {
    935     if (isArgNumeric ) {
    936         int32_t argumentNumber = stou(formatName);
    937         if (argumentNumber<0) {
    938             status = U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    939             return;
    940         }
    941         adoptFormat(argumentNumber, formatToAdopt);
    942         return;
    943     }
    944     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    945         if (formatName==*subformats[i].argName) {
    946             delete subformats[i].format;
    947             if ( formatToAdopt== NULL) {
    948                 // This should never happen -- but we'll be nice if it does
    949                 subformats[i].format = NULL;
    950             } else {
    951                 subformats[i].format = formatToAdopt;
    952             }
    953         }
    954     }
    955 }
    957 // -------------------------------------
    958 // Set a single format.
    959 // Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
    961 void
    962 MessageFormat::setFormat(int32_t n, const Format& newFormat) {
    963     if (n >= 0 && n < subformatCount) {
    964         delete subformats[n].format;
    965         if (&newFormat == NULL) {
    966             // This should never happen -- but we'll be nice if it does
    967             subformats[n].format = NULL;
    968         } else {
    969             subformats[n].format = newFormat.clone();
    970         }
    971     }
    972 }
    974 // -------------------------------------
    975 // Get a single format by format name.
    976 // Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
    977 Format *
    978 MessageFormat::getFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, UErrorCode& status) {
    980     if (U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL;
    982     if (isArgNumeric ) {
    983         int32_t argumentNumber = stou(formatName);
    984         if (argumentNumber<0) {
    985             status = U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    986             return NULL;
    987         }
    988         if (argumentNumber < 0 || argumentNumber >= subformatCount) {
    989             return subformats[argumentNumber].format;
    990         }
    991         else {
    992             return NULL;
    993         }
    994     }
    996     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
    997         if (formatName==*subformats[i].argName)
    998         {
    999             return subformats[i].format;
   1000         }
   1001     }
   1002     return NULL;
   1003 }
   1005 // -------------------------------------
   1006 // Set a single format by format name
   1007 // Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
   1008 void
   1009 MessageFormat::setFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName,
   1010                          const Format& newFormat,
   1011                          UErrorCode& status) {
   1012     if (isArgNumeric) {
   1013         status = U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
   1014         return;
   1015     }
   1016     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
   1017         if (formatName==*subformats[i].argName)
   1018         {
   1019             delete subformats[i].format;
   1020             if (&newFormat == NULL) {
   1021                 // This should never happen -- but we'll be nice if it does
   1022                 subformats[i].format = NULL;
   1023             } else {
   1024                 subformats[i].format = newFormat.clone();
   1025             }
   1026             break;
   1027         }
   1028     }
   1029 }
   1031 // -------------------------------------
   1032 // Gets the format array.
   1034 const Format**
   1035 MessageFormat::getFormats(int32_t& cnt) const
   1036 {
   1037     // This old API returns an array (which we hold) of Format*
   1038     // pointers.  The array is valid up to the next call to any
   1039     // method on this object.  We construct and resize an array
   1040     // on demand that contains aliases to the subformats[i].format
   1041     // pointers.
   1042     MessageFormat* t = (MessageFormat*) this;
   1043     cnt = 0;
   1044     if (formatAliases == NULL) {
   1045         t->formatAliasesCapacity = (subformatCount<10) ? 10 : subformatCount;
   1046         Format** a = (Format**)
   1047             uprv_malloc(sizeof(Format*) * formatAliasesCapacity);
   1048         if (a == NULL) {
   1049             return NULL;
   1050         }
   1051         t->formatAliases = a;
   1052     } else if (subformatCount > formatAliasesCapacity) {
   1053         Format** a = (Format**)
   1054             uprv_realloc(formatAliases, sizeof(Format*) * subformatCount);
   1055         if (a == NULL) {
   1056             return NULL;
   1057         }
   1058         t->formatAliases = a;
   1059         t->formatAliasesCapacity = subformatCount;
   1060     }
   1061     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
   1062         t->formatAliases[i] = subformats[i].format;
   1063     }
   1064     cnt = subformatCount;
   1065     return (const Format**)formatAliases;
   1066 }
   1069 StringEnumeration*
   1070 MessageFormat::getFormatNames(UErrorCode& status) {
   1071     if (U_FAILURE(status))  return NULL;
   1073     if (isArgNumeric) {
   1074         status = U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
   1075         return NULL;
   1076     }
   1077     UVector *fFormatNames = new UVector(status);
   1078     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1079         status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1080         return NULL;
   1081     }
   1082     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
   1083         fFormatNames->addElement(new UnicodeString(*subformats[i].argName), status);
   1084     }
   1086     StringEnumeration* nameEnumerator = new FormatNameEnumeration(fFormatNames, status);
   1087     return nameEnumerator;
   1088 }
   1090 // -------------------------------------
   1091 // Formats the source Formattable array and copy into the result buffer.
   1092 // Ignore the FieldPosition result for error checking.
   1094 UnicodeString&
   1095 MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* source,
   1096                       int32_t cnt,
   1097                       UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1098                       FieldPosition& ignore,
   1099                       UErrorCode& success) const
   1100 {
   1101     if (U_FAILURE(success))
   1102         return appendTo;
   1104     return format(source, cnt, appendTo, ignore, 0, success);
   1105 }
   1107 // -------------------------------------
   1108 // Internally creates a MessageFormat instance based on the
   1109 // pattern and formats the arguments Formattable array and
   1110 // copy into the appendTo buffer.
   1112 UnicodeString&
   1113 MessageFormat::format(  const UnicodeString& pattern,
   1114                         const Formattable* arguments,
   1115                         int32_t cnt,
   1116                         UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1117                         UErrorCode& success)
   1118 {
   1119     MessageFormat temp(pattern, success);
   1120     FieldPosition ignore(0);
   1121     temp.format(arguments, cnt, appendTo, ignore, success);
   1122     return appendTo;
   1123 }
   1125 // -------------------------------------
   1126 // Formats the source Formattable object and copy into the
   1127 // appendTo buffer.  The Formattable object must be an array
   1128 // of Formattable instances, returns error otherwise.
   1130 UnicodeString&
   1131 MessageFormat::format(const Formattable& source,
   1132                       UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1133                       FieldPosition& ignore,
   1134                       UErrorCode& success) const
   1135 {
   1136     int32_t cnt;
   1138     if (U_FAILURE(success))
   1139         return appendTo;
   1140     if (source.getType() != Formattable::kArray) {
   1141         success = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1142         return appendTo;
   1143     }
   1144     const Formattable* tmpPtr = source.getArray(cnt);
   1146     return format(tmpPtr, cnt, appendTo, ignore, 0, success);
   1147 }
   1150 UnicodeString&
   1151 MessageFormat::format(const UnicodeString* argumentNames,
   1152                       const Formattable* arguments,
   1153                       int32_t count,
   1154                       UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1155                       UErrorCode& success) const {
   1156     FieldPosition ignore(0);
   1157     return format(arguments, argumentNames, count, appendTo, ignore, 0, success);
   1158 }
   1160 UnicodeString&
   1161 MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* arguments,
   1162                       int32_t cnt,
   1163                       UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1164                       FieldPosition& status,
   1165                       int32_t recursionProtection,
   1166                       UErrorCode& success) const
   1167 {
   1168     return format(arguments, NULL, cnt, appendTo, status, recursionProtection, success);
   1169 }
   1171 // -------------------------------------
   1172 // Formats the arguments Formattable array and copy into the appendTo buffer.
   1173 // Ignore the FieldPosition result for error checking.
   1175 UnicodeString&
   1176 MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* arguments,
   1177                       const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
   1178                       int32_t cnt,
   1179                       UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1180                       FieldPosition& status,
   1181                       int32_t recursionProtection,
   1182                       UErrorCode& success) const
   1183 {
   1184     int32_t lastOffset = 0;
   1185     int32_t argumentNumber=0;
   1186     if (cnt < 0 || (cnt && arguments == NULL)) {
   1187         success = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1188         return appendTo;
   1189     }
   1191     if ( !isArgNumeric && argumentNames== NULL ) {
   1192         success = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1193         return appendTo;
   1194     }
   1196     const Formattable *obj=NULL;
   1197     for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
   1198         // Append the prefix of current format element.
   1199         appendTo.append(fPattern, lastOffset, subformats[i].offset - lastOffset);
   1200         lastOffset = subformats[i].offset;
   1201         obj = NULL;
   1202         if (isArgNumeric) {
   1203             argumentNumber = subformats[i].argNum;
   1205             // Checks the scope of the argument number.
   1206             if (argumentNumber >= cnt) {
   1207                 appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1208                 itos(argumentNumber, appendTo);
   1209                 appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1210                 continue;
   1211             }
   1212             obj = arguments+argumentNumber;
   1213         }
   1214         else {
   1215             for (int32_t j=0; j<cnt; ++j) {
   1216                 if (argumentNames[j]== *subformats[i].argName ) {
   1217                     obj = arguments+j;
   1218                     break;
   1219                 }
   1220             }
   1221             if (obj == NULL ) {
   1222                 appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1223                 appendTo += *subformats[i].argName;
   1224                 appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1225                 continue;
   1227             }
   1228         }
   1229         Formattable::Type type = obj->getType();
   1231         // Recursively calling the format process only if the current
   1232         // format argument refers to either of the following:
   1233         // a ChoiceFormat object, a PluralFormat object, a SelectFormat object.
   1234         Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
   1235         if (fmt != NULL) {
   1236             UnicodeString argNum;
   1237             fmt->format(*obj, argNum, success);
   1239             // Needs to reprocess the ChoiceFormat and PluralFormat and SelectFormat option by using the
   1240             // MessageFormat pattern application.
   1241             if ((dynamic_cast<ChoiceFormat*>(fmt) != NULL ||
   1242                  dynamic_cast<PluralFormat*>(fmt) != NULL ||
   1243                  dynamic_cast<SelectFormat*>(fmt) != NULL) &&
   1244                 argNum.indexOf(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) >= 0
   1245             ) {
   1246                 MessageFormat temp(argNum, fLocale, success);
   1247                 // TODO: Implement recursion protection
   1248                 if ( isArgNumeric ) {
   1249                     temp.format(arguments, NULL, cnt, appendTo, status, recursionProtection, success);
   1250                 }
   1251                 else {
   1252                     temp.format(arguments, argumentNames, cnt, appendTo, status, recursionProtection, success);
   1253                 }
   1254                 if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
   1255                     return appendTo;
   1256                 }
   1257             }
   1258             else {
   1259                 appendTo += argNum;
   1260             }
   1261         }
   1262         // If the obj data type is a number, use a NumberFormat instance.
   1263         else if ((type == Formattable::kDouble) ||
   1264                  (type == Formattable::kLong) ||
   1265                  (type == Formattable::kInt64)) {
   1267             const NumberFormat* nf = getDefaultNumberFormat(success);
   1268             if (nf == NULL) {
   1269                 return appendTo;
   1270             }
   1271             if (type == Formattable::kDouble) {
   1272                 nf->format(obj->getDouble(), appendTo);
   1273             } else if (type == Formattable::kLong) {
   1274                 nf->format(obj->getLong(), appendTo);
   1275             } else {
   1276                 nf->format(obj->getInt64(), appendTo);
   1277             }
   1278         }
   1279         // If the obj data type is a Date instance, use a DateFormat instance.
   1280         else if (type == Formattable::kDate) {
   1281             const DateFormat* df = getDefaultDateFormat(success);
   1282             if (df == NULL) {
   1283                 return appendTo;
   1284             }
   1285             df->format(obj->getDate(), appendTo);
   1286         }
   1287         else if (type == Formattable::kString) {
   1288             appendTo += obj->getString();
   1289         }
   1290         else {
   1291             success = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1292             return appendTo;
   1293         }
   1294     }
   1295     // Appends the rest of the pattern characters after the real last offset.
   1296     appendTo.append(fPattern, lastOffset, 0x7fffffff);
   1297     return appendTo;
   1298 }
   1301 // -------------------------------------
   1302 // Parses the source pattern and returns the Formattable objects array,
   1303 // the array count and the ending parse position.  The caller of this method
   1304 // owns the array.
   1306 Formattable*
   1307 MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
   1308                      ParsePosition& pos,
   1309                      int32_t& count) const
   1310 {
   1311     // Allocate at least one element.  Allocating an array of length
   1312     // zero causes problems on some platforms (e.g. Win32).
   1313     Formattable *resultArray = new Formattable[argTypeCount ? argTypeCount : 1];
   1314     int32_t patternOffset = 0;
   1315     int32_t sourceOffset = pos.getIndex();
   1316     ParsePosition tempPos(0);
   1317     count = 0; // {sfb} reset to zero
   1318     int32_t len;
   1319     // If resultArray could not be created, exit out.
   1320     // Avoid crossing initialization of variables above.
   1321     if (resultArray == NULL) {
   1322         goto PARSE_ERROR;
   1323     }
   1324     for (int32_t i = 0; i < subformatCount; ++i) {
   1325         // match up to format
   1326         len = subformats[i].offset - patternOffset;
   1327         if (len == 0 ||
   1328             fPattern.compare(patternOffset, len, source, sourceOffset, len) == 0) {
   1329             sourceOffset += len;
   1330             patternOffset += len;
   1331         }
   1332         else {
   1333             goto PARSE_ERROR;
   1334         }
   1336         // now use format
   1337         Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
   1338         int32_t argNum = subformats[i].argNum;
   1339         if (fmt == NULL) {   // string format
   1340             // if at end, use longest possible match
   1341             // otherwise uses first match to intervening string
   1342             // does NOT recursively try all possibilities
   1343             int32_t tempLength = (i+1<subformatCount) ?
   1344                 subformats[i+1].offset : fPattern.length();
   1346             int32_t next;
   1347             if (patternOffset >= tempLength) {
   1348                 next = source.length();
   1349             }
   1350             else {
   1351                 UnicodeString buffer;
   1352                 fPattern.extract(patternOffset,tempLength - patternOffset, buffer);
   1353                 next = source.indexOf(buffer, sourceOffset);
   1354             }
   1356             if (next < 0) {
   1357                 goto PARSE_ERROR;
   1358             }
   1359             else {
   1360                 UnicodeString buffer;
   1361                 source.extract(sourceOffset,next - sourceOffset, buffer);
   1362                 UnicodeString strValue = buffer;
   1363                 UnicodeString temp(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE);
   1364                 // {sfb} check this later
   1365                 if (isArgNumeric) {
   1366                     itos(argNum, temp);
   1367                 }
   1368                 else {
   1369                     temp+=(*subformats[i].argName);
   1370                 }
   1371                 temp += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1372                 if (strValue != temp) {
   1373                     source.extract(sourceOffset,next - sourceOffset, buffer);
   1374                     resultArray[argNum].setString(buffer);
   1375                     // {sfb} not sure about this
   1376                     if ((argNum + 1) > count) {
   1377                         count = argNum + 1;
   1378                     }
   1379                 }
   1380                 sourceOffset = next;
   1381             }
   1382         }
   1383         else {
   1384             tempPos.setIndex(sourceOffset);
   1385             fmt->parseObject(source, resultArray[argNum], tempPos);
   1386             if (tempPos.getIndex() == sourceOffset) {
   1387                 goto PARSE_ERROR;
   1388             }
   1390             if ((argNum + 1) > count) {
   1391                 count = argNum + 1;
   1392             }
   1393             sourceOffset = tempPos.getIndex(); // update
   1394         }
   1395     }
   1396     len = fPattern.length() - patternOffset;
   1397     if (len == 0 ||
   1398         fPattern.compare(patternOffset, len, source, sourceOffset, len) == 0) {
   1399         pos.setIndex(sourceOffset + len);
   1400         return resultArray;
   1401     }
   1402     // else fall through...
   1404  PARSE_ERROR:
   1405     pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
   1406     delete [] resultArray;
   1407     count = 0;
   1408     return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
   1409 }
   1411 // -------------------------------------
   1412 // Parses the source string and returns the array of
   1413 // Formattable objects and the array count.  The caller
   1414 // owns the returned array.
   1416 Formattable*
   1417 MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
   1418                      int32_t& cnt,
   1419                      UErrorCode& success) const
   1420 {
   1421     if (!isArgNumeric ) {
   1422         success = U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
   1423         return NULL;
   1424     }
   1425     ParsePosition status(0);
   1426     // Calls the actual implementation method and starts
   1427     // from zero offset of the source text.
   1428     Formattable* result = parse(source, status, cnt);
   1429     if (status.getIndex() == 0) {
   1430         success = U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR;
   1431         delete[] result;
   1432         return NULL;
   1433     }
   1434     return result;
   1435 }
   1437 // -------------------------------------
   1438 // Parses the source text and copy into the result buffer.
   1440 void
   1441 MessageFormat::parseObject( const UnicodeString& source,
   1442                             Formattable& result,
   1443                             ParsePosition& status) const
   1444 {
   1445     int32_t cnt = 0;
   1446     Formattable* tmpResult = parse(source, status, cnt);
   1447     if (tmpResult != NULL)
   1448         result.adoptArray(tmpResult, cnt);
   1449 }
   1451 UnicodeString
   1452 MessageFormat::autoQuoteApostrophe(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status) {
   1453   UnicodeString result;
   1454   if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
   1455     int32_t plen = pattern.length();
   1456     const UChar* pat = pattern.getBuffer();
   1457     int32_t blen = plen * 2 + 1; // space for null termination, convenience
   1458     UChar* buf = result.getBuffer(blen);
   1459     if (buf == NULL) {
   1460       status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1461     } else {
   1462       int32_t len = umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe(pat, plen, buf, blen, &status);
   1463       result.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(status) ? len : 0);
   1464     }
   1465   }
   1466   if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1467     result.setToBogus();
   1468   }
   1469   return result;
   1470 }
   1472 // -------------------------------------
   1474 static Format* makeRBNF(URBNFRuleSetTag tag, const Locale& locale, const UnicodeString& defaultRuleSet, UErrorCode& ec) {
   1475     RuleBasedNumberFormat* fmt = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(tag, locale, ec);
   1476     if (fmt == NULL) {
   1477         ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1478     } else if (U_SUCCESS(ec) && defaultRuleSet.length() > 0) {
   1479         UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; // ignore unrecognized default rule set
   1480         fmt->setDefaultRuleSet(defaultRuleSet, localStatus);
   1481     }
   1482     return fmt;
   1483 }
   1485 /**
   1486  * Reads the segments[] array (see applyPattern()) and parses the
   1487  * segments[1..3] into a Format* object.  Stores the format object in
   1488  * the subformats[] array.  Updates the argTypes[] array type
   1489  * information for the corresponding argument.
   1490  *
   1491  * @param formatNumber index into subformats[] for this format
   1492  * @param segments array of strings with the parsed pattern segments
   1493  * @param parseError parse error data (output param)
   1494  * @param ec error code
   1495  */
   1496 void
   1497 MessageFormat::makeFormat(int32_t formatNumber,
   1498                           UnicodeString* segments,
   1499                           UParseError& parseError,
   1500                           UErrorCode& ec) {
   1501     if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
   1502         return;
   1503     }
   1505     // Parse the argument number
   1506     int32_t argumentNumber = stou(segments[1]); // always unlocalized!
   1507     UnicodeString argumentName;
   1508     if (argumentNumber < 0) {
   1509         if ( (isArgNumeric==TRUE) && (formatNumber !=0) ) {
   1510             ec = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
   1511             return;
   1512         }
   1513         isArgNumeric = FALSE;
   1514         argumentNumber=formatNumber;
   1515     }
   1516     if (!isArgNumeric) {
   1517         if ( !isLegalArgName(segments[1]) ) {
   1518             ec = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
   1519             return;
   1520         }
   1521         argumentName = segments[1];
   1522     }
   1524     // Parse the format, recording the argument type and creating a
   1525     // new Format object (except for string arguments).
   1526     Formattable::Type argType;
   1527     Format *fmt = NULL;
   1528     int32_t typeID, styleID;
   1529     DateFormat::EStyle style;
   1530     UnicodeString unquotedPattern, quotedPattern;
   1531     UBool inQuote = FALSE;
   1533     switch (typeID = findKeyword(segments[2], TYPE_IDS)) {
   1535     case 0: // string
   1536         argType = Formattable::kString;
   1537         break;
   1539     case 1: // number
   1540         argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1542         switch (findKeyword(segments[3], NUMBER_STYLE_IDS)) {
   1543         case 0: // default
   1544             fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
   1545             break;
   1546         case 1: // currency
   1547             fmt = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(fLocale, ec);
   1548             break;
   1549         case 2: // percent
   1550             fmt = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(fLocale, ec);
   1551             break;
   1552         case 3: // integer
   1553             argType = Formattable::kLong;
   1554             fmt = createIntegerFormat(fLocale, ec);
   1555             break;
   1556         default: // pattern
   1557             fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
   1558             if (fmt) {
   1559                 DecimalFormat* decfmt = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat*>(fmt);
   1560                 if (decfmt != NULL) {
   1561                     decfmt->applyPattern(segments[3],parseError,ec);
   1562                 }
   1563             }
   1564             break;
   1565         }
   1566         break;
   1568     case 2: // date
   1569     case 3: // time
   1570         argType = Formattable::kDate;
   1571         styleID = findKeyword(segments[3], DATE_STYLE_IDS);
   1572         style = (styleID >= 0) ? DATE_STYLES[styleID] : DateFormat::kDefault;
   1574         if (typeID == 2) {
   1575             fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(style, fLocale);
   1576         } else {
   1577             fmt = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(style, fLocale);
   1578         }
   1580         if (styleID < 0 && fmt != NULL) {
   1581             SimpleDateFormat* sdtfmt = dynamic_cast<SimpleDateFormat*>(fmt);
   1582             if (sdtfmt != NULL) {
   1583                 sdtfmt->applyPattern(segments[3]);
   1584             }
   1585         }
   1586         break;
   1588     case 4: // choice
   1589         argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1591         fmt = new ChoiceFormat(segments[3], parseError, ec);
   1592         break;
   1594     case 5: // spellout
   1595         argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1596         fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_SPELLOUT, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
   1597         break;
   1598     case 6: // ordinal
   1599         argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1600         fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_ORDINAL, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
   1601         break;
   1602     case 7: // duration
   1603         argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1604         fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_DURATION, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
   1605         break;
   1606     case 8: // plural
   1607     case 9: // Select
   1608         if(typeID == 8)
   1609             argType = Formattable::kDouble;
   1610         else
   1611             argType = Formattable::kString;
   1612         quotedPattern = segments[3];
   1613         for (int32_t i = 0; i < quotedPattern.length(); ++i) {
   1614             UChar ch = quotedPattern.charAt(i);
   1615             if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
   1616                 if (i+1 < quotedPattern.length() && quotedPattern.charAt(i+1)==SINGLE_QUOTE) {
   1617                     unquotedPattern+=ch;
   1618                     ++i;
   1619                 }
   1620                 else {
   1621                     inQuote = !inQuote;
   1622                 }
   1623             }
   1624             else {
   1625                 unquotedPattern += ch;
   1626             }
   1627         }
   1628         if(typeID == 8)
   1629             fmt = new PluralFormat(fLocale, unquotedPattern, ec);
   1630         else
   1631             fmt = new SelectFormat(unquotedPattern, ec);
   1632         break;
   1633     default:
   1634         argType = Formattable::kString;
   1635         ec = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1636         break;
   1637     }
   1639     if (fmt==NULL && argType!=Formattable::kString && U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
   1640         ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1641     }
   1643     if (!allocateSubformats(formatNumber+1) ||
   1644         !allocateArgTypes(argumentNumber+1)) {
   1645         ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1646     }
   1648     if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
   1649         delete fmt;
   1650         return;
   1651     }
   1653     // Parse succeeded; record results in our arrays
   1654     subformats[formatNumber].format = fmt;
   1655     subformats[formatNumber].offset = segments[0].length();
   1656     if (isArgNumeric) {
   1657         subformats[formatNumber].argName = NULL;
   1658         subformats[formatNumber].argNum = argumentNumber;
   1659     }
   1660     else {
   1661         subformats[formatNumber].argName = new UnicodeString(argumentName);
   1662         subformats[formatNumber].argNum = -1;
   1663     }
   1664     subformatCount = formatNumber+1;
   1666     // Careful here: argumentNumber may in general arrive out of
   1667     // sequence, e.g., "There was {2} on {0,date} (see {1,number})."
   1668     argTypes[argumentNumber] = argType;
   1669     if (argumentNumber+1 > argTypeCount) {
   1670         argTypeCount = argumentNumber+1;
   1671     }
   1672 }
   1674 // -------------------------------------
   1675 // Finds the string, s, in the string array, list.
   1676 int32_t MessageFormat::findKeyword(const UnicodeString& s,
   1677                                    const UChar * const *list)
   1678 {
   1679     if (s.length() == 0)
   1680         return 0; // default
   1682     UnicodeString buffer = s;
   1683     // Trims the space characters and turns all characters
   1684     // in s to lower case.
   1685     buffer.trim().toLower("");
   1686     for (int32_t i = 0; list[i]; ++i) {
   1687         if (!buffer.compare(list[i], u_strlen(list[i]))) {
   1688             return i;
   1689         }
   1690     }
   1691     return -1;
   1692 }
   1694 // -------------------------------------
   1695 // Checks the range of the source text to quote the special
   1696 // characters, { and ' and copy to target buffer.
   1698 void
   1699 MessageFormat::copyAndFixQuotes(const UnicodeString& source,
   1700                                 int32_t start,
   1701                                 int32_t end,
   1702                                 UnicodeString& appendTo)
   1703 {
   1704     UBool gotLB = FALSE;
   1706     for (int32_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
   1707         UChar ch = source[i];
   1708         if (ch == LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) {
   1709             appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1710             appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1711             appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1712             gotLB = TRUE;
   1713         }
   1714         else if (ch == RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) {
   1715             if(gotLB) {
   1716                 appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1717                 gotLB = FALSE;
   1718             }
   1719             else {
   1720                 // orig code.
   1721                 appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1722                 appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
   1723                 appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1724             }
   1725         }
   1726         else if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
   1727             appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1728             appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
   1729         }
   1730         else {
   1731             appendTo += ch;
   1732         }
   1733     }
   1734 }
   1736 /**
   1737  * Convenience method that ought to be in NumberFormat
   1738  */
   1739 NumberFormat*
   1740 MessageFormat::createIntegerFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const {
   1741     NumberFormat *temp = NumberFormat::createInstance(locale, status);
   1742     DecimalFormat *temp2;
   1743     if (temp != NULL && (temp2 = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat*>(temp)) != NULL) {
   1744         temp2->setMaximumFractionDigits(0);
   1745         temp2->setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(FALSE);
   1746         temp2->setParseIntegerOnly(TRUE);
   1747     }
   1749     return temp;
   1750 }
   1752 /**
   1753  * Return the default number format.  Used to format a numeric
   1754  * argument when subformats[i].format is NULL.  Returns NULL
   1755  * on failure.
   1756  *
   1757  * Semantically const but may modify *this.
   1758  */
   1759 const NumberFormat* MessageFormat::getDefaultNumberFormat(UErrorCode& ec) const {
   1760     if (defaultNumberFormat == NULL) {
   1761         MessageFormat* t = (MessageFormat*) this;
   1762         t->defaultNumberFormat = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
   1763         if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
   1764             delete t->defaultNumberFormat;
   1765             t->defaultNumberFormat = NULL;
   1766         } else if (t->defaultNumberFormat == NULL) {
   1767             ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1768         }
   1769     }
   1770     return defaultNumberFormat;
   1771 }
   1773 /**
   1774  * Return the default date format.  Used to format a date
   1775  * argument when subformats[i].format is NULL.  Returns NULL
   1776  * on failure.
   1777  *
   1778  * Semantically const but may modify *this.
   1779  */
   1780 const DateFormat* MessageFormat::getDefaultDateFormat(UErrorCode& ec) const {
   1781     if (defaultDateFormat == NULL) {
   1782         MessageFormat* t = (MessageFormat*) this;
   1783         t->defaultDateFormat = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::kShort, DateFormat::kShort, fLocale);
   1784         if (t->defaultDateFormat == NULL) {
   1785             ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1786         }
   1787     }
   1788     return defaultDateFormat;
   1789 }
   1791 UBool
   1792 MessageFormat::usesNamedArguments() const {
   1793     return !isArgNumeric;
   1794 }
   1796 UBool
   1797 MessageFormat::isLegalArgName(const UnicodeString& argName) const {
   1798     if(!u_hasBinaryProperty(argName.charAt(0), idStart)) {
   1799         return FALSE;
   1800     }
   1801     for (int32_t i=1; i<argName.length(); ++i) {
   1802         if(!u_hasBinaryProperty(argName.charAt(i), idContinue)) {
   1803             return FALSE;
   1804         }
   1805     }
   1806     return TRUE;
   1807 }
   1809 int32_t
   1810 MessageFormat::getArgTypeCount() const {
   1811         return argTypeCount;
   1812 }
   1814 FormatNameEnumeration::FormatNameEnumeration(UVector *fNameList, UErrorCode& /*status*/) {
   1815     pos=0;
   1816     fFormatNames = fNameList;
   1817 }
   1819 const UnicodeString*
   1820 FormatNameEnumeration::snext(UErrorCode& status) {
   1821     if (U_SUCCESS(status) && pos < fFormatNames->size()) {
   1822         return (const UnicodeString*)fFormatNames->elementAt(pos++);
   1823     }
   1824     return NULL;
   1825 }
   1827 void
   1828 FormatNameEnumeration::reset(UErrorCode& /*status*/) {
   1829     pos=0;
   1830 }
   1832 int32_t
   1833 FormatNameEnumeration::count(UErrorCode& /*status*/) const {
   1834        return (fFormatNames==NULL) ? 0 : fFormatNames->size();
   1835 }
   1837 FormatNameEnumeration::~FormatNameEnumeration() {
   1838     UnicodeString *s;
   1839     for (int32_t i=0; i<fFormatNames->size(); ++i) {
   1840         if ((s=(UnicodeString *)fFormatNames->elementAt(i))!=NULL) {
   1841             delete s;
   1842         }
   1843     }
   1844     delete fFormatNames;
   1845 }
   1848 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
   1850 //eof