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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 cr.define('options', function() {
      6   /** @const */ var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage;
      8   /**
      9    * A dialog that will pop up when the user attempts to set the value of the
     10    * Boolean |pref| to |true|, asking for confirmation. If the user clicks OK,
     11    * the new value is committed to Chrome. If the user clicks Cancel or leaves
     12    * the settings page, the new value is discarded.
     13    * @constructor
     14    * @param {string} name See OptionsPage constructor.
     15    * @param {string} title See OptionsPage constructor.
     16    * @param {string} pageDivName See OptionsPage constructor.
     17    * @param {HTMLInputElement} okButton The confirmation button element.
     18    * @param {HTMLInputElement} cancelButton The cancellation button element.
     19    * @param {string} pref The pref that requires confirmation.
     20    * @param {string} metric User metrics identifier.
     21    * @param {string} confirmed_pref A pref used to remember whether the user has
     22    *     confirmed the dialog before. This ensures that the user is presented
     23    *     with the dialog only once. If left |undefined| or |null|, the dialog
     24    *     will pop up every time the user attempts to set |pref| to |true|.
     25    * @extends {OptionsPage}
     26    */
     27   function ConfirmDialog(name, title, pageDivName, okButton, cancelButton, pref,
     28                          metric, confirmed_pref) {
     29     OptionsPage.call(this, name, title, pageDivName);
     30     this.okButton = okButton;
     31     this.cancelButton = cancelButton;
     32     this.pref = pref;
     33     this.metric = metric;
     34     this.confirmed_pref = confirmed_pref;
     35     this.confirmed_ = false;
     36   }
     38   ConfirmDialog.prototype = {
     39     // Set up the prototype chain
     40     __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype,
     42     /**
     43      * Handle changes to |pref|. Only uncommitted changes are relevant as these
     44      * originate from user and need to be explicitly committed to take effect.
     45      * Pop up the dialog or commit the change, depending on whether confirmation
     46      * is needed.
     47      * @param {Event} event Change event.
     48      * @private
     49      */
     50     onPrefChanged_: function(event) {
     51       if (!event.value.uncommitted)
     52         return;
     54       if (event.value.value && !this.confirmed_)
     55         OptionsPage.showPageByName(this.name, false);
     56       else
     57         Preferences.getInstance().commitPref(this.pref, this.metric);
     58     },
     60     /**
     61      * Handle changes to |confirmed_pref| by caching them.
     62      * @param {Event} event Change event.
     63      * @private
     64      */
     65     onConfirmedChanged_: function(event) {
     66       this.confirmed_ = event.value.value;
     67     },
     69     /** @override */
     70     initializePage: function() {
     71       this.okButton.onclick = this.handleConfirm.bind(this);
     72       this.cancelButton.onclick = this.handleCancel.bind(this);
     73       Preferences.getInstance().addEventListener(
     74           this.pref, this.onPrefChanged_.bind(this));
     75       if (this.confirmed_pref) {
     76         Preferences.getInstance().addEventListener(
     77             this.confirmed_pref, this.onConfirmedChanged_.bind(this));
     78       }
     79     },
     81     /**
     82      * Handle the confirm button by committing the |pref| change. If
     83      * |confirmed_pref| has been specified, also remember that the dialog has
     84      * been confirmed to avoid bringing it up in the future.
     85      */
     86     handleConfirm: function() {
     87       OptionsPage.closeOverlay();
     89       Preferences.getInstance().commitPref(this.pref, this.metric);
     90       if (this.confirmed_pref)
     91         Preferences.setBooleanPref(this.confirmed_pref, true, true);
     92     },
     94     /**
     95      * Handle the cancel button by rolling back the |pref| change without it
     96      * ever taking effect.
     97      */
     98     handleCancel: function() {
     99       OptionsPage.closeOverlay();
    101       Preferences.getInstance().rollbackPref(this.pref);
    102     },
    104     /**
    105      * When a user navigates away from a confirm dialog, treat as a cancel.
    106      * @protected
    107      * @override
    108      */
    109     willHidePage: function() {
    110       if (this.visible)
    111         Preferences.getInstance().rollbackPref(this.pref);
    112     },
    113   };
    115   return {
    116     ConfirmDialog: ConfirmDialog
    117   };
    118 });