1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 cr.define('options', function() { 6 /** @const */ var ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel; 7 /** @const */ var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage; 8 /** @const */ var SettingsDialog = options.SettingsDialog; 9 10 /** 11 * StartupOverlay class 12 * Encapsulated handling of the 'Set Startup pages' overlay page. 13 * @constructor 14 * @class 15 */ 16 function StartupOverlay() { 17 SettingsDialog.call(this, 'startup', 18 loadTimeData.getString('startupPagesOverlayTabTitle'), 19 'startup-overlay', 20 $('startup-overlay-confirm'), 21 $('startup-overlay-cancel')); 22 }; 23 24 cr.addSingletonGetter(StartupOverlay); 25 26 StartupOverlay.prototype = { 27 __proto__: SettingsDialog.prototype, 28 29 /** 30 * An autocomplete list that can be attached to a text field during editing. 31 * @type {HTMLElement} 32 * @private 33 */ 34 autocompleteList_: null, 35 36 startup_pages_pref_: { 37 'name': 'session.urls_to_restore_on_startup', 38 'disabled': false 39 }, 40 41 /** 42 * Initialize the page. 43 */ 44 initializePage: function() { 45 SettingsDialog.prototype.initializePage.call(this); 46 47 var self = this; 48 49 var startupPagesList = $('startupPagesList'); 50 options.browser_options.StartupPageList.decorate(startupPagesList); 51 startupPagesList.autoExpands = true; 52 53 $('startupUseCurrentButton').onclick = function(event) { 54 chrome.send('setStartupPagesToCurrentPages'); 55 }; 56 57 Preferences.getInstance().addEventListener( 58 this.startup_pages_pref_.name, 59 this.handleStartupPageListChange_.bind(this)); 60 61 var suggestionList = new cr.ui.AutocompleteList(); 62 suggestionList.autoExpands = true; 63 suggestionList.requestSuggestions = 64 this.requestAutocompleteSuggestions_.bind(this); 65 $('startup-overlay').appendChild(suggestionList); 66 this.autocompleteList_ = suggestionList; 67 startupPagesList.autocompleteList = suggestionList; 68 }, 69 70 /** @override */ 71 handleConfirm: function() { 72 SettingsDialog.prototype.handleConfirm.call(this); 73 chrome.send('commitStartupPrefChanges'); 74 // Set the startup behavior to "open specific set of pages" so that the 75 // pages the user selected actually get opened on startup. 76 Preferences.setIntegerPref('session.restore_on_startup', 4, true); 77 }, 78 79 /** @override */ 80 handleCancel: function() { 81 SettingsDialog.prototype.handleCancel.call(this); 82 chrome.send('cancelStartupPrefChanges'); 83 }, 84 85 /** 86 * Sets the enabled state of the custom startup page list 87 * @param {boolean} disable True to disable, false to enable 88 */ 89 setControlsDisabled: function(disable) { 90 var startupPagesList = $('startupPagesList'); 91 startupPagesList.disabled = disable; 92 startupPagesList.setAttribute('tabindex', disable ? -1 : 0); 93 // Explicitly set disabled state for input text elements. 94 var inputs = startupPagesList.querySelectorAll("input[type='text']"); 95 for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) 96 inputs[i].disabled = disable; 97 $('startupUseCurrentButton').disabled = disable; 98 }, 99 100 /** 101 * Enables or disables the the custom startup page list controls 102 * based on the whether the 'pages to restore on startup' pref is enabled. 103 */ 104 updateControlStates: function() { 105 this.setControlsDisabled( 106 this.startup_pages_pref_.disabled); 107 }, 108 109 /** 110 * Handles change events of the preference 111 * 'session.urls_to_restore_on_startup'. 112 * @param {event} preference changed event. 113 * @private 114 */ 115 handleStartupPageListChange_: function(event) { 116 this.startup_pages_pref_.disabled = event.value.disabled; 117 this.updateControlStates(); 118 }, 119 120 /** 121 * Updates the startup pages list with the given entries. 122 * @param {Array} pages List of startup pages. 123 * @private 124 */ 125 updateStartupPages_: function(pages) { 126 var model = new ArrayDataModel(pages); 127 // Add a "new page" row. 128 model.push({modelIndex: -1}); 129 $('startupPagesList').dataModel = model; 130 }, 131 132 /** 133 * Sends an asynchronous request for new autocompletion suggestions for the 134 * the given query. When new suggestions are available, the C++ handler will 135 * call updateAutocompleteSuggestions_. 136 * @param {string} query List of autocomplete suggestions. 137 * @private 138 */ 139 requestAutocompleteSuggestions_: function(query) { 140 chrome.send('requestAutocompleteSuggestionsForStartupPages', [query]); 141 }, 142 143 /** 144 * Updates the autocomplete suggestion list with the given entries. 145 * @param {Array} pages List of autocomplete suggestions. 146 * @private 147 */ 148 updateAutocompleteSuggestions_: function(suggestions) { 149 var list = this.autocompleteList_; 150 // If the trigger for this update was a value being selected from the 151 // current list, do nothing. 152 if (list.targetInput && list.selectedItem && 153 list.selectedItem.url == list.targetInput.value) { 154 return; 155 } 156 list.suggestions = suggestions; 157 }, 158 }; 159 160 // Forward public APIs to private implementations. 161 [ 162 'updateStartupPages', 163 'updateAutocompleteSuggestions', 164 ].forEach(function(name) { 165 StartupOverlay[name] = function() { 166 var instance = StartupOverlay.getInstance(); 167 return instance[name + '_'].apply(instance, arguments); 168 }; 169 }); 170 171 // Export 172 return { 173 StartupOverlay: StartupOverlay 174 }; 175 }); 176