Lines Matching refs:Then
136 /// argument. So if you're nested 5 levels of Mark(), and then Release(2)
282 /// want to continue lexing then you do not want to continue parsing. Just
285 /// lexing then you should not throw an exception to the parser--it has already
335 /// If you don't want to buffer up tokens, then this method makes no
343 /// If the stream does not buffer all the tokens then it can just
564 /// If >0 then it's the level of backtracking.
594 /// emissions, then set this to the last token to be matched or
716 /// plain Mismatch(), which does not recover. Then any error
769 /// difficult because you would have to subclassing exception, but then somehow get
858 /// start index before, then return where the rule stopped parsing.
875 /// this rule and successfully parsed before, then seek ahead to
995 /// generated with if-then-else structures in a SpecialStateTransition()
1089 /// <para>If you are building trees, then you should also override
1221 /// current index. If so, the operation is done and then normal String
1246 /// Then in the rules, you can execute
1354 /// but rather the information necessary to generate an error. Then
1376 /// Better to just say the recognizer had a problem and then let the parser
1843 /// this is non-null, then getText should return this. Note that
2033 /// however, then assume LA(1) is some extra spurious token. Delete it
2040 /// ttype then it is ok to "insert" the missing token, else throw
2139 /// the viable next token set, then you know there is most likely
2774 /// Then we can deal with inserts:
2786 /// add tokens in front of a method body '{' and then delete the method
2851 if Supports(AInput, ITokenStream, TokenStream) then
2858 if Supports(AInput, ITreeNodeStream) then
2862 if Supports(AInput, ICharStream, CharStream) then
2890 if Assigned(Payload) then
2893 if (Payload.Line <= 0) then
2901 if Assigned(PriorPayload) and (PriorPayload.Line > 0) then
2920 if Supports(FNode, ITree, Tree) then
2924 if Supports(FNode, ICommonTree, CommonTree) then
2940 if Supports(FInput, ITokenStream) then
2943 if Supports(FInput, ITreeNodeStream, Nodes) then
2978 if (Expecting = TToken.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE) then
2982 if (Token = nil) then
3004 if Assigned(FInserted) and Assigned(FToken) then
3008 if Assigned(FToken) then
3043 if Supports(Input, ICharStream) then
3154 if (FN > 0) then
3163 if (FP < FN) then
3166 if (FData[FP] = #10) then
3193 if (FOwnsData) then
3220 if (I = 0) then
3223 if (I < 0) then
3225 Inc(I); // e.g., translate LA(-1) to use offset i=0; then data[p+0-1]
3226 if ((FP + I - 1) < 0) then
3233 if ((FP + I - 1) >= FN) then
3254 if (FMarkers = nil) then
3261 if (FMarkDepth >= FMarkers.Count) then
3311 if (Index <= FP) then
3366 if (FFileName <> '') then
3368 if (Encoding = nil) then
3374 if (FOwnsData) then
3383 if (FN > 0) then
3431 if (N >= Length(FBits)) then
3457 if (Length(FBits) > 0) then
3470 if (Length(ABits) > 0) then
3495 if (Obj = nil) or (not (Obj is TBitSet)) then
3503 if (FBits[I] <> OtherSet.FBits[I]) then
3508 if (Length(FBits) > N) then
3512 if (FBits[I] <> 0) then
3517 if (Length(OtherSet.FBits) > N) then
3521 if (OtherSet.FBits[I] <> 0) then
3534 if (FBits[I] <> 0) then
3559 if (El < 0) then
3564 if (N >= Length(FBits)) then
3586 if Assigned(A) then
3589 if (A.LengthInLongWords > Length(FBits)) then
3603 if (N < Length(FBits)) then
3616 if (W <> 0) then
3620 if ((W and (UInt64(1) shl Bit)) <> 0) then
3635 if Member(I) then
3665 if Member(I) then
3667 if (I > 0) and HavePrintedAnElement then
3669 if Assigned(TokenNames) then
3926 if (FText <> '') then
3929 if (FInput = nil) then
4000 if (FChannel > 0) then
4006 if (Txt <> '') then
4029 if Supports(AOldToken, ICommonToken, OldCommonToken) then
4146 if (FChannel > 0) then
4151 if (Txt <> '') then
4187 if Result then
4189 if (StopIndex = MEMO_RULE_FAILED) then
4230 if (Exact) then
4233 if LocalFollowSet.Member(TToken.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE) then
4237 if (I > 0) then
4272 if (AState = nil) then
4339 if (E is EUnwantedTokenException) then
4341 if (UTE.Expecting = TToken.EOF) then
4349 if (E is EMissingTokenException) then
4351 if (MTE.Expecting = TToken.EOF) then
4358 if (E is EMismatchedTokenException) then
4360 if (MMTE.Expecting = TToken.EOF) then
4368 if (E is EMismatchedTreeNodeException) then
4370 if (MTNE.Expecting = TToken.EOF) then
4376 if (MTNE.Node <> nil) and (MTNE.Node.ToString <> '') then
4381 if (E is ENoViableAltException) then
4389 if (E is EEarlyExitException) then
4395 if (E is EMismatchedSetException) then
4401 if (E is EMismatchedNotSetException) then
4407 if (E is EFailedPredicateException) then
4439 if (Dict = nil) then
4444 if (not Dict.TryGetValue(RuleStartIndex, Result)) then
4453 if Assigned(FState.RuleMemo) then
4456 if Assigned(RuleMap) then
4469 if (Result = '') then
4471 if (T.TokenType = TToken.EOF) then
4492 if (Input.LA(1) = TokenType) then
4499 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
4523 if Assigned(Dict) then
4525 if FState.Failed then
4536 if MismatchIsUnwantedToken(Input, TokenType) then
4539 if MismatchIsMissingToken(Input, Follow) then
4550 if (Follow = nil) then
4558 if (Follow.Member(TToken.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)) then
4562 if (FState.FollowingStackPointer >= 0) then
4568 // then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
4574 if (Follow2.Member(Input.LA(1)) or Follow2.Member(TToken.EOR_TOKEN_TYPE)) then
4592 if ((FState.FollowingStackPointer + 1) >= Length(FState.Following)) then
4609 if (FState.LastErrorIndex = Input.Index) then
4625 if MismatchIsMissingToken(Input, Follow) then
4644 // if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
4645 if MismatchIsUnwantedToken(Input, TokenType) then
4659 if MismatchIsMissingToken(Input, Follow) then
4678 if (not FState.ErrorRecovery) then
4691 if (FState = nil) then
4702 if Assigned(FState.RuleMemo) then
4714 if (Tokens = nil) then
4728 if (FState.Failed) then
4730 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
4739 if (FState.Failed) then
4741 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
4750 if (FP < FTokens.Count) then
4779 if (FDiscardSet = nil) then
4796 if Assigned(FChannelOverrideMap) then
4797 if FChannelOverrideMap.ContainsKey(T.TokenType) then
4800 if Assigned(FDiscardSet) and FDiscardSet.ContainsKey(T.TokenType) then
4803 if FDiscardOffChannelTokens and (T.Channel <> FChannel) then
4806 if (not Discard) then
4848 if (FP = -1) then
4852 if (StartIndex > StopIndex) then
4860 if (Types = nil) or Types.Member(T.TokenType) then
4863 if (Result.Count = 0) then
4870 if (FP = -1) then
4905 if (FP = -1) then
4907 if (K = 0) then
4910 if ((FP - K) < 0) then
4923 if (I < 0) then
4934 if (FP = -1) then
4936 if (K = 0) then
4939 if (K < 0) then
4942 if ((FP + K - 1) >= FTokens.Count) then
4955 if (I >= FTokens.Count) then
4964 if (FP = -1) then
5006 if (FChannelOverrideMap = nil) then
5036 if (FP = -1) then
5047 if (Start < 0) or (Stop < 0) then
5051 if (FP = -1) then
5053 if (Stop >= FTokens.Count) then
5073 if Assigned(Start) and Assigned(Stop) then
5123 if (Recognizer.State.Backtracking > 0) then
5145 if (SpecialState >= 0) then
5148 if (S = -1) then
5157 if (FAccept[S] >= 1) then
5165 if (C >= FMin[S]) and (C <= FMax[S]) then
5168 if (SNext < 0) then
5174 if (FEOT[S] >= 0) then // EOT Transition to accept state?
5194 if (FEOT[S] >= 0) then
5202 if (C = Char(TToken.EOF)) and (FEOF[S] >= 0) then
5401 if (E is EMismatchedTokenException) then
5405 if (E is ENoViableAltException) then
5411 if (E is EEarlyExitException) then
5416 if (E is EMismatchedNotSetException) then
5420 if (E is EMismatchedSetException) then
5424 if (E is EMismatchedRangeException) then
5449 if (FState.Text <> '') then
5462 if (FInput.LA(1) <> Integer(S[I])) then
5464 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
5482 if (FInput.LA(1) <> C) then
5484 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
5506 if (FInput.LA(1) < A) or (FInput.LA(1) > B) then
5508 if (FState.Backtracking > 0) then
5531 if (FInput.LA(1) = Integer(cscEOF)) then
5539 if (FState.Token = nil) then
5542 if (FState.Token = TToken.SKIP_TOKEN) then
5575 if Assigned(FInput) then
5577 if (FState = nil) then
5657 if (ExpectedTokenType = TToken.EOF) then
5663 if (Current.TokenType = TToken.EOF) then
5684 if Assigned(FInput) then
5803 if Assigned(A) then
5808 if Assigned(B) then
5880 if Assigned(Op) and (Op.QueryInterface(Kind, Obj) = 0) then
5889 if (not FLastRewriteTokenIndexes.TryGetValue(ProgramName, Result)) then
5899 if (InstructionStream = nil) then
5993 if (Start > Stop) or (Start < 0) or (Stop < 0) or (Stop >= GetTokens.Count) then
6018 if (Op = nil) then
6020 if (not Supports(Op, IReplaceOp, ROp)) then
6028 if (IOp.Index >= ROp.Index) and (IOp.Index <= ROp.LastIndex) then
6040 if (PrevROp.Index >= ROp.Index) and (PrevROp.LastIndex <= ROp.LastIndex) then
6049 if (not Disjoint) and (not Same) then
6059 if (Op = nil) then
6061 if (not Supports(Op, IInsertBeforeOp, IOp)) then
6069 if (PrevIOp.Index = IOp.Index) then
6085 if (IOp.Index = ROp.Index) then
6091 if (IOp.Index >= ROp.Index) and (IOp.Index <= ROp.LastIndex) then
6100 if (Op = nil) then
6102 if (Result.ContainsKey(Op.Index)) then
6137 if Assigned(InstructionStream) then
6160 if (Start >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX) then
6181 if (Start >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX) then
6218 if (Rewrites = nil) or (Rewrites.Count = 0) then
6234 if (not IndexToOp.TryGetValue(I, Op)) then
6238 if (Op = nil) then
6251 if (StopIndex = Tokens.Count - 1) then
6257 if (Pair.Value.Index >= Tokens.Count - 1) then
6461 if (DollarIndex >= 0) then
6471 if (Left.GetIndex < Right.GetIndex) then
6474 if (Left.GetIndex > Right.GetIndex) then
6502 if (Text <> nil) then
6538 if Assigned(X) then
6542 if (EmptyToken = nil) then
6550 if Assigned(X) then
6554 if (EmptyRuleReturnScope = nil) then