Lines Matching defs:debug
208 #define debug(x) printf("%s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, x);
213 #define debug(x)
812 debug("NumberFormat::!=");
819 debug("Pos Prefix !=");
826 debug("Pos Suffix !=");
833 debug("Neg Prefix ");
835 debug("NULL(");
837 debug(")");
841 debug(" != ");
843 debug("NULL(");
845 debug(")");
855 debug("Neg Suffix ");
857 debug("NULL(");
859 debug(")");
863 debug(" != ");
865 debug("NULL(");
867 debug(")");
877 debug("Rounding Increment !=");
897 debug("Use Exp !=");
902 debug("Exp Digits !=");
906 debug("Symbols !=");
908 // TODO Add debug stuff for significant digits here
910 debug("fUseSignificantDigits !=");
914 debug("fMinSignificantDigits !=");
918 debug("fMaxSignificantDigits !=");
923 debug("fCurrencySignCount !=");
926 debug("fCurrencyPluralInfo == ");
928 debug("fCurrencyPluralInfo == NULL");
933 debug("fCurrencyPluralInfo !=");
937 debug("fCurrencyPluralInfo one NULL, the other not");
940 debug("fCurrencyPluralInfo == ");
1036 debug("No Parse fastpath: fParseAllInput==UNUM_NO");
1040 debug("No Parse fastpath: fFormatWidth");
1042 debug("No Parse fastpath: positive prefix");
1044 debug("No Parse fastpath: positive suffix");
1047 debug("No Parse fastpath: negative prefix that isn't '-'");
1049 debug("No Parse fastpath: negative suffix");
1052 debug("parse fastpath: YES");
1056 debug("No format fastpath: fGroupingSize!=0 and grouping is used");
1061 debug("No format fastpath: fGroupingSize2!=0");
1063 debug("No format fastpath: fUseExponentialNotation");
1065 debug("No format fastpath: fFormatWidth!=0");
1067 debug("No format fastpath: fMinSignificantDigits!=1");
1069 debug("No format fastpath: fMultiplier!=NULL");
1071 debug("No format fastpath: fScale!=0");
1073 debug("No format fastpath: 0x0030 != getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kZeroDigitSymbol).char32At(0)");
1075 debug("No format fastpath: fDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown");
1077 debug("No format fastpath: fMinFractionDigits>0");
1079 debug("No format fastpath: fCurrencySignCount > fgCurrencySignCountZero");
1081 debug("No format fastpath: fRoundingIncrement!=0");
1084 debug("format:kFastpathYES!");
2012 debug("!subparse(...) - rewind");
2323 debug("SKIP_OPT");
2660 debug("strictFail!");
2672 debug("none of text rec");
2706 debug("neither or both");
4619 debug("Unexpected '0'")
4642 debug("Grouping separator after decimal")
4653 debug("Multiple decimal separators")
4667 debug("Multiple exponential symbols")
4674 debug("Grouping separator in exponential pattern")
4703 debug("Malformed exponential pattern")
4777 debug("Unexpected separator")
4790 debug("Too many percent characters")
4804 debug("Too many perMill characters")
4817 debug("Multiple pad specifiers")
4907 debug("Syntax error")
4925 debug("Illegal pad position")