Lines Matching refs:PICODBG_DEBUG
640 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got dtdur"));
658 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got dtlfz%d", nI+1));
677 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got dtmgc%d", nI+1));
687 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got pdfdur"));
696 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got pdflfz"));
705 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("got tabphones"));
797 PICODBG_DEBUG(("picotok_newPamUnit -- set this->step to pam_step"));
2342 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step -- doing state %i",pam->procState));
2358 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step(PICOPAM_COLLECT) -- Errors on item buffer input, status: %d",sResult));
2363 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step -- got item, status: %d",sResult));
2373 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step -- item is not valid, type: %d",pam->inBuf[pam->inWritePos]));
2437 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step (PICOPAM_SCHEDULE) -- unexpected item is sent to next PU !!"));
2471 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step (PICOPAM_FORWARD) -- wrong return from BackwardStep: %d -- Buffered sentence will be discarded",sResult));
2530 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step (PICOPAM_FORWARD_FORCE_TERM) -- wrong return from BackwardStep: %d -- Buffered sentence will be discarded",sResult));
2542 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step (PICOPAM_FORWARD_FORCE_TERM) -- Forced a TERM but processing do not appear to end -- Buffered sentence will be discarded",sResult));
2611 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step(PICOPAM_PROCESS) --- NULL return from pamPhoneProcess"));
2618 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step(PICOPAM_PROCESS) --- NULL return from pamPopItem"));
2627 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step(PICOPAM_PROCESS) --- Error on writing item to output buffer"));
2682 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step(PICOPAM_IMMEDIATE) --- wrong return from picodata_copy_item:%d",sResult));
2694 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step -- put item, status: %d",sResult));
2743 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step ** feeding, overflow, PICODATA_PU_OUT_FULL"));
2749 PICODBG_DEBUG(("pam_step ** feeding problem, discarding item"));
2928 PICODBG_DEBUG(("Map pam_map_phrase_type : unexpected iteminfo1"));
2942 PICODBG_DEBUG(("Map pam_map_phrase_type : unexpected iteminfo2"));
2945 }PICODBG_DEBUG(("Map pam_map_phrase_type : unexpected iteminfo2"));