Lines Matching full:stored
48 delivered right away unless the <code>delay_while_idle</code> flag is set to true. Otherwise, it will be stored in the GCM servers until the device is awake. And that's where the <code>collapse_key</code> flag plays a role: if there is already a message with the same collapse key (and registration ID) stored and waiting for delivery, the old message will be discarded and the new message will take its place (that is, the old message will be collapsed by the new one). However, if the collapse key is not set, both the new and old messages are stored for future delivery.</p>
50 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> There is a limit on how many messages can be stored without collapsing. That limit is currently 100. If the limit is reached, all stored messages are discarded. Then when the device is back online, it receives a special message indicating that the limit was reached. The application can then handle the situation properly, typically by requesting a full sync.</p>
52 <p>If the device is not connected to GCM, the message will be stored until a connection is established (again respecting the collapse key rules). When a connection is established, GCM will deliver all pending messages to the device, regardless of the <code>delay_while_idle</code> flag. If the device never gets connected again (for instance, if it was factory reset), the message will eventually time out and be discarded from GCM storage. The default timeout is 4 weeks, unless the <code>time_to_live</code> flag is set.</p>
84 <p>When an application is updated, it should invalidate its existing registration ID, as it is not guaranteed to work with the new version. Because there is no lifecycle method called when the application is updated, the best way to achieve this validation is by storing the current application version when a registration ID is stored. Then when the application is started, compare the stored value with the current application version. If they do not match, invalidate the stored data and start the registration process again.</p>
90 <p>If later on you try to send a message using a different registration ID, GCM will process the request as usual, but it will include the canonical registration ID in the <code>registration_id</code> field of the response. Make sure to replace the registration ID stored in your server with this canonical ID, as eventually the ID you're using will stop working.</p>
124 <p> The back-off time is stored in a shared preference. This ensures that it is persistent across multiple activity launches. The name of the intent does not matter, as long as the same intent is used in the following steps.</p></li>
196 <li>By default, it is stored by GCM for 4 weeks.</li>
242 <p>Another advantage of specifying the expiration date for a message is that GCM will never throttle messages with a <code>time_to_live</code> value of 0 seconds. In other words, GCM will guarantee best effort for messages that must be delivered "now or never." Keep in mind that a <code>time_to_live</code> value of 0 means messages that can't be delivered immediately will be discarded. However, because such messages are never stored, this provides the best latency for sending notifications.</p>