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3586 Converts to a string according to format_spec.O:__format____format__ requires str or unicodecan't convert complex to floatcan't convert complex to longcan't convert complex to int(dd)__complex__|OO:complexcomplex() can't take second arg if first is a stringcomplex() arg is not a stringcomplex() arg is a malformed stringcomplex() second arg can't be a stringcomplex() argument must be a string or a numberfloat(r) didn't return a floatno ordering relation is defined for complex numbers)(%s%s%sj%sabsolute value too largecomplex division by zerocomplex modulo0.0 to a negative or complex powercomplex exponentiationcomplex divmod(), // and % are deprecatedcomplex divmod()complex remainderclassic complex division__complex__ should return a complex objectcomplexrealimagconjugate__getnewargs____format__the real part of a complex numberthe imaginary part of a complex number???????????????????????????????GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zRx?
0%,D?B?F?L ?D0? DABtBU?BT?AT?(??B?D?A ??AD(??A?A?E ?
5718 frexp() result out of rangefloat too large to pack with f formatfloat too large to pack with d formatcan't unpack IEEE 754 special value on non-IEEE platformxsys.float_infoconjugateReturns self, the complex conjugate of any float.__trunc__Returns the Integral closest to x between 0 and x.as_integer_ratiofromhexhexis_integerReturns True if the float is an integer.__getnewargs____getformat____setformat____format__realthe real part of a complex numberimagthe imaginary part of a complex numbermaxDBL_MAX -- maximum representable finite floatmax_expDBL_MAX_EXP -- maximum int e such that radix**(e-1) is representablemax_10_expDBL_MAX_10_EXP -- maximum int e such that 10**e is representableminDBL_MIN -- Minimum positive normalizer floatmin_expDBL_MIN_EXP -- minimum int e such that radix**(e-1) is a normalized floatmin_10_expDBL_MIN_10_EXP -- minimum int e such that 10**e is a normalizeddigDBL_DIG -- digitsmant_digDBL_MANT_DIG -- mantissa digitsepsilonDBL_EPSILON -- Difference between 1 and the next representable floatradixFLT_RADIX -- radix of exponentroundsFLT_ROUNDS -- addition rounds ???????
6557 intxbaseconjugateReturns self, the complex conjugate of any int.bit_length__trunc__Truncating an Integral returns itself.__getnewargs____format__realthe real part of a complex numberimagthe imaginary part of a complex numbernumeratorthe numerator of a rational number in lowest termsdenominatorthe denominator of a rational number in lowest terms??@@GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zRx ?(0DXl ,??B?F?L ?D0? DAB???? ?YD0T(4B?A?D ?gAD0[BQ
7457 6O:__format____format__ requires str or unicodetoo many digits in integer(N)division by zerointermediate overflow during divisioninteger division result too large for a floatlong division or modulo by zeroclassic long divisionpow() 2nd argument cannot be negative when 3rd argument specifiedpow() 3rd argument cannot be 0cannot convert float infinity to integercannot convert float NaN to integer/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/longobject.can integer is requirednb_int should return int objectPython int too large to convert to C longPython int too large to convert to C intlong int too large to convert to intnegative shift countcan't convert negative value to unsigned longlong int too large to convertlong has too many bits to express in a platform size_tbyte array too long to convert to intcan't convert negative long to unsignedlong too big to convertinteger conversion failedlong is too large to formatlong() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36long string too large to convertinvalid literal for long() with base %d: %s|Oi:longlong() missing string argumentlong() can't convert non-string with explicit basehuge integer: number of bits overflows a Py_ssize_tlong int too large to convert to floatlongxbasesys.long_infoconjugateReturns self, the complex conjugate of any long.bit_length__trunc__Truncating an Integral returns itself.__getnewargs____format____sizeof__Returns size in memory, in bytesrealthe real part of a complex numberimagthe imaginary part of a complex numbernumeratorthe numerator of a rational number in lowest termsdenominatorthe denominator of a rational number in lowest termsbits_per_digitsize of a digit in bitssizeof_digitsize in bytes of the C type used to represent a digit??????????????A??P?
10169 strbasestringencodingerrorsformatteriteratorfieldnameiterator|O:lstrip|O:rstrip|O:stripobjectjoinsplitrsplitlowerupperislowerisupperisspaceisdigitistitleisalphaisalnumcapitalizepartitionfindindexlstriprfindrindexrstriprpartitionstripswapcasetitleljustrjustcenterzfillformat__format___formatter_field_name_split_formatter_parserencodedecodeexpandtabssplitlines__sizeof____getnewargs__?GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zRx ?@qB?K?B ?B(?A0?A8?Q0A(B BBE`t?/A?i?/A?i???AVAT1A?o,4?B?N?C ?D0~ DABdRD?M(?aB?A?A ?UAB(?cB?A?A ?WAB4??B?B?A ?A(?E0|(A ABB(cB?A?A ?WAB(<cB?A?A ?WAB(h|B?A?A ?pAB(?|B?A?A ?pAB@?B?U?J ?D(?I0?N??0C(A BBB,B?A?G ?G@? CAB,4B?S?A ?F@? DAB,dB?S?A ?F@? DAB(?%B?D?A ?AB(?_A?S?FP?DA?4B?K?A ?f
11114 Raises ValueError if the value is not present.T.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of valueO|O&O&:indextuple.index(x): x not in tupletuple index out of range/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/tupleobject.cGC object already tracked, tuple indices must be integers, not %.200s(N)can only concatenate tuple (not "%.200s") to tuple|O:tuple,))()(...) while getting the repr of a tuple(tuple assignment index out of rangetupleiteratortuplesequence__length_hint____getnewargs____sizeof__indexcountGCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zRx ?408B?E?A ?D(?D0a(A ABBh|KA?I?VA?P??H?VB?E?D ?C(?D0l
11578 nntype inequality comparisons not supported in 3.xO:__format__argument to __format__ must be unicode or strobject.__format__ with a non-empty format string is deprecatedcopy_reg__class____getnewargs____getnewargs__ should return a tuple, not '%.200s'__getstate____dict____slotnames__O_slotnamescopy_reg._slotnames didn't return a list or None(NO)iteritems__newobj____name__?Cannot create a consistent method resolution
14149 (u#)cannot use unicode as modifiable bufferO:__format____format__ arg must be str or unicode, not %scan't resize shared unicode objectscharacter mapping must be in range(256)character mapping must return integer, None or strcharacter mapping must be in range(0x%lx)character mapping must return integer, None or unicodez%d.%dO!n;encoding error handler must return (unicode, int) tupleposition %zd from error handler out of boundslatin-1ordinal not in range(256)asciiordinal not in range(128)strictreplaceignorexmlcharrefreplace&#%d;Single '}' encountered in format stringSingle '{' encountered in format stringend of format while looking for conversion specifierexpected ':' after format specifierunmatched '{' in formataccessing non-existent unicode segmentToo many decimal digits in format stringcannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numberingcannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specificationOnly '.' or '[' may follow ']' in format field specifierEmpty attribute in format stringMissing ']' in format stringpadded string is too longn|O&:rjustn|O&:ljustn|O&:center|i:expandtabsnew string is too longrepeated string is too long/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/unicodeobject.cO!n;decoding error handler must return (unicode, int) tuple0123456789abcdefMax string recursion exceededUnknown conversion specifier %cUnknown conversion specifier \x%xn:zfillempty separatorreplace string is too longstring index out of rangestring indices must be integersunichr() arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)|ss:decodedecoder did not return a string/unicode object (type=%.400s)|ss:encodeencoder did not return a string/unicode object (type=%.400s)partial character in shift sequencenon-zero padding bits in shift sequenceunexpected special characterutf7unterminated shift sequenceABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/unexpected end of datainvalid start byteinternal errorinvalid continuation byteutf8%pNegative size passed to PyUnicode_FromStringAndSizeinput too longtruncated datacodepoint not in range(0x110000)utf32illegal UTF-16 surrogateillegal encodingutf16truncated \xXX escapetruncated \uXXXX escapetruncated \UXXXXXXXX escapeillegal Unicode charactermalformed \N character escape\ at end of stringunknown Unicode character nameunicodedata.ucnhash_CAPIunicodeescape\N escapes not supported (can't load unicodedata module)truncated \uXXXXrawunicodeescape\Uxxxxxxxx out of rangetruncated inputunicode_internalutf-8decoder did not return an unicode object (type=%.400s)decoding Unicode is not supporteddecoding bytearray is not supportedcoercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, %.80s found|Oss:unicodeendswithendswith first arg must be str, unicode, or tuple, not %sstartswithstartswith first arg must be str, unicode, or tuple, not %sThe fill character cannot be converted to UnicodeThe fill character must be exactly one character longrindexsubstring not foundrfindindexfindcountOO|n:replaceencoder did not return a string object (type=%.400s)character maps to <undefined>charmapcharacter mapping must be in range(0x110000)O!n;translating error handler must return (unicode, int) tupledecimalinvalid decimal Unicode stringsequence item %zd: expected string or Unicode, %.80s foundjoin() result is too long for a Python string|i:splitlinesUnicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequalUnicode unequal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal%s arg must be None, unicode or str|On:split|On:rsplit-#format requires a mappingincomplete format keynot enough arguments for format string* wants intwidth too bigprec too bigincomplete format%s argument has non-string str()formatted integer is too long (precision too large?)%s0%c%%.%dl%c%s%%%s.%dl%c%%%c format: a number is required, not %.200s%c arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)%c requires int or charunsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %zdnot all arguments converted during string formattingCan't initialize 'unicode'Can't initialize field name iterator typeCan't initialize formatter iter typeunicodestringencodingerrorsformatteriteratorfieldnameiterator|O:lstrip|O:rstrip|O:stripEncodingMapencodesplitrsplitjoincapitalizetitlecenterexpandtabspartitionljustlowerlstripdecoderjustrstriprpartitionsplitlinesstripswapcasetranslateupperislowerisupperistitleisspaceisdecimalisdigitisnumericisalphaisalnumzfillformat__format___formatter_field_name_split_formatter_parser__sizeof____getnewargs__sizeReturn the size (in bytes) of this object?GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zRx ?b@0hB?K?B ?B(?A0?A8?H0A(B BBEtgD?b????/A?i?/A?i,@?A?L pA`AW,x?B?N?C ?D0~ DAB(??B?A?D ??AB$??A?A?A ?AA$??A?D?A sAA8$?B?B?B ?A(?A0??(A BBB4`?B?B?A ?A(?A0u(A ABB4??B?B?A ?A(?A0p(A ABB@?B?M?O ?D(?N0?D??0C(A BBB(;B?D?A ?mAE(@RB?A?C ?FCB(l;B?D?A ?mAE(?dB?D?A ?VAE4??B?B?A ?A(?B0?(A ABD?(?B?G?A ??AB4<B?I?D ?A(?E0?(A ABE4t?B?B?E ?C(?F@?(A ABB(??B?M?D ?sABH?fB?E?E ?E(?A0?A8?Jp;8D0A(B BBB$$.A?G Z