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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ppapi/proxy/host_dispatcher.h"
      7 #include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
      8 #include "base/logging.h"
      9 #include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_proxy_private.h"
     10 #include "ppapi/c/ppb_var.h"
     11 #include "ppapi/proxy/host_var_serialization_rules.h"
     12 #include "ppapi/proxy/interface_list.h"
     13 #include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages.h"
     14 #include "ppapi/proxy/resource_creation_proxy.h"
     15 #include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_globals.h"
     17 namespace ppapi {
     18 namespace proxy {
     20 namespace {
     22 typedef std::map<PP_Instance, HostDispatcher*> InstanceToDispatcherMap;
     23 InstanceToDispatcherMap* g_instance_to_dispatcher = NULL;
     25 typedef std::map<PP_Module, HostDispatcher*> ModuleToDispatcherMap;
     26 ModuleToDispatcherMap* g_module_to_dispatcher = NULL;
     28 PP_Bool ReserveInstanceID(PP_Module module, PP_Instance instance) {
     29   // Default to returning true (usable) failure. Otherwise, if there's some
     30   // kind of communication error or the plugin just crashed, we'll get into an
     31   // infinite loop generating new instnace IDs since we think they're all in
     32   // use.
     33   ModuleToDispatcherMap::const_iterator found =
     34       g_module_to_dispatcher->find(module);
     35   if (found == g_module_to_dispatcher->end()) {
     36     NOTREACHED();
     37     return PP_TRUE;
     38   }
     40   bool usable = true;
     41   if (!found->second->Send(new PpapiMsg_ReserveInstanceId(instance, &usable)))
     42     return PP_TRUE;
     43   return PP_FromBool(usable);
     44 }
     46 // Saves the state of the given bool and puts it back when it goes out of
     47 // scope.
     48 class BoolRestorer {
     49  public:
     50   BoolRestorer(bool* var) : var_(var), old_value_(*var) {
     51   }
     52   ~BoolRestorer() {
     53     *var_ = old_value_;
     54   }
     55  private:
     56   bool* var_;
     57   bool old_value_;
     58 };
     60 }  // namespace
     62 HostDispatcher::HostDispatcher(PP_Module module,
     63                                PP_GetInterface_Func local_get_interface,
     64                                SyncMessageStatusReceiver* sync_status,
     65                                const PpapiPermissions& permissions)
     66     : Dispatcher(local_get_interface, permissions),
     67       sync_status_(sync_status),
     68       pp_module_(module),
     69       ppb_proxy_(NULL),
     70       allow_plugin_reentrancy_(false) {
     71   if (!g_module_to_dispatcher)
     72     g_module_to_dispatcher = new ModuleToDispatcherMap;
     73   (*g_module_to_dispatcher)[pp_module_] = this;
     75   SetSerializationRules(new HostVarSerializationRules);
     77   ppb_proxy_ = reinterpret_cast<const PPB_Proxy_Private*>(
     78       local_get_interface(PPB_PROXY_PRIVATE_INTERFACE));
     79   DCHECK(ppb_proxy_) << "The proxy interface should always be supported.";
     81   ppb_proxy_->SetReserveInstanceIDCallback(pp_module_, &ReserveInstanceID);
     82 }
     84 HostDispatcher::~HostDispatcher() {
     85   g_module_to_dispatcher->erase(pp_module_);
     86 }
     88 bool HostDispatcher::InitHostWithChannel(
     89     Delegate* delegate,
     90     base::ProcessId peer_pid,
     91     const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle,
     92     bool is_client,
     93     const ppapi::Preferences& preferences) {
     94   if (!Dispatcher::InitWithChannel(delegate, peer_pid, channel_handle,
     95                                    is_client))
     96     return false;
     97   AddIOThreadMessageFilter(sync_status_.get());
     99   Send(new PpapiMsg_SetPreferences(preferences));
    100   return true;
    101 }
    103 // static
    104 HostDispatcher* HostDispatcher::GetForInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
    105   if (!g_instance_to_dispatcher)
    106     return NULL;
    107   InstanceToDispatcherMap::iterator found = g_instance_to_dispatcher->find(
    108       instance);
    109   if (found == g_instance_to_dispatcher->end())
    110     return NULL;
    111   return found->second;
    112 }
    114 // static
    115 void HostDispatcher::SetForInstance(PP_Instance instance,
    116                                     HostDispatcher* dispatcher) {
    117   if (!g_instance_to_dispatcher)
    118     g_instance_to_dispatcher = new InstanceToDispatcherMap;
    119   (*g_instance_to_dispatcher)[instance] = dispatcher;
    120 }
    122 // static
    123 void HostDispatcher::RemoveForInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
    124   if (!g_instance_to_dispatcher)
    125     return;
    126   InstanceToDispatcherMap::iterator found = g_instance_to_dispatcher->find(
    127       instance);
    128   if (found != g_instance_to_dispatcher->end())
    129     g_instance_to_dispatcher->erase(found);
    130 }
    132 bool HostDispatcher::IsPlugin() const {
    133   return false;
    134 }
    136 bool HostDispatcher::Send(IPC::Message* msg) {
    137   TRACE_EVENT2("ppapi proxy", "HostDispatcher::Send",
    138                "Class", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(msg->type()),
    139                "Line", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_LINE(msg->type()));
    141   // Normal sync messages are set to unblock, which would normally cause the
    142   // plugin to be reentered to process them. We only want to do this when we
    143   // know the plugin is in a state to accept reentrancy. Since the plugin side
    144   // never clears this flag on messages it sends, we can't get deadlock, but we
    145   // may still get reentrancy in the host as a result.
    146   if (!allow_plugin_reentrancy_)
    147     msg->set_unblock(false);
    149   if (msg->is_sync()) {
    150     // Don't allow sending sync messages during module shutdown. Seee the "else"
    151     // block below for why.
    152     CHECK(!PP_ToBool(ppb_proxy()->IsInModuleDestructor(pp_module())));
    154     // Prevent the dispatcher from going away during sync calls. Scenarios
    155     // where this could happen include a Send for a sync message which while
    156     // waiting for the reply, dispatches an incoming ExecuteScript call which
    157     // destroys the plugin module and in turn the dispatcher.
    158     ScopedModuleReference scoped_ref(this);
    160     sync_status_->BeginBlockOnSyncMessage();
    161     bool result = Dispatcher::Send(msg);
    162     sync_status_->EndBlockOnSyncMessage();
    164     return result;
    165   } else {
    166     // We don't want to have a scoped ref for async message cases since since
    167     // async messages are sent during module desruction. In this case, the
    168     // module will have a 0 refcount and addrefing and releasing it will
    169     // reenter the destructor and it will crash.
    170     return Dispatcher::Send(msg);
    171   }
    172 }
    174 bool HostDispatcher::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) {
    175   // Prevent the dispatcher from going away during a message handler. This must
    176   // be at the outermost scope so it's released last.
    177   ScopedModuleReference death_grip(this);
    179   TRACE_EVENT2("ppapi proxy", "HostDispatcher::OnMessageReceived",
    180                "Class", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(msg.type()),
    181                "Line", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_LINE(msg.type()));
    183   // We only want to allow reentrancy when the most recent message from the
    184   // plugin was a scripting message. We save the old state of the flag on the
    185   // stack in case we're (we are the host) being reentered ourselves. The flag
    186   // is set to false here for all messages, and then the scripting API will
    187   // explicitly set it to true during processing of those messages that can be
    188   // reentered.
    189   BoolRestorer restorer(&allow_plugin_reentrancy_);
    190   allow_plugin_reentrancy_ = false;
    192   for (size_t i = 0; i < filters_.size(); i++) {
    193     if (filters_[i]->OnMessageReceived(msg))
    194       return true;
    195   }
    197   bool handled = true;
    198   IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(HostDispatcher, msg)
    199     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PpapiHostMsg_LogWithSource, OnHostMsgLogWithSource)
    200     IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
    203   if (handled)
    204     return true;
    205   return Dispatcher::OnMessageReceived(msg);
    207   // Note: |this| may be deleted once the death_grip goes out of scope!
    208 }
    210 void HostDispatcher::OnChannelError() {
    211   Dispatcher::OnChannelError();  // Stop using the channel.
    213   // Tell the host about the crash so it can clean up and display notification.
    214   ppb_proxy_->PluginCrashed(pp_module());
    215 }
    217 const void* HostDispatcher::GetProxiedInterface(const std::string& iface_name) {
    218   const void* proxied_interface =
    219       InterfaceList::GetInstance()->GetInterfaceForPPP(iface_name);
    220   if (!proxied_interface)
    221     return NULL;  // Don't have a proxy for this interface, don't query further.
    223   PluginSupportedMap::iterator iter(plugin_supported_.find(iface_name));
    224   if (iter == plugin_supported_.end()) {
    225     // Need to query. Cache the result so we only do this once.
    226     bool supported = false;
    228     bool previous_reentrancy_value = allow_plugin_reentrancy_;
    229     allow_plugin_reentrancy_ = true;
    230     Send(new PpapiMsg_SupportsInterface(iface_name, &supported));
    231     allow_plugin_reentrancy_ = previous_reentrancy_value;
    233     std::pair<PluginSupportedMap::iterator, bool> iter_success_pair;
    234     iter_success_pair = plugin_supported_.insert(
    235         PluginSupportedMap::value_type(iface_name, supported));
    236     iter = iter_success_pair.first;
    237   }
    238   if (iter->second)
    239     return proxied_interface;
    240   return NULL;
    241 }
    243 void HostDispatcher::OnInvalidMessageReceived() {
    244   // TODO(brettw) bug 95345 kill the plugin when an invalid message is
    245   // received.
    246 }
    248 void HostDispatcher::OnHostMsgLogWithSource(PP_Instance instance,
    249                                             int int_log_level,
    250                                             const std::string& source,
    251                                             const std::string& value) {
    252   PP_LogLevel level = static_cast<PP_LogLevel>(int_log_level);
    253   if (instance) {
    254     PpapiGlobals::Get()->LogWithSource(instance, level, source, value);
    255   } else {
    256     PpapiGlobals::Get()->BroadcastLogWithSource(pp_module_, level,
    257                                                 source, value);
    258   }
    259 }
    261 // ScopedModuleReference -------------------------------------------------------
    263 ScopedModuleReference::ScopedModuleReference(Dispatcher* dispatcher)
    264     : dispatcher_(NULL) {
    265   if (!dispatcher->IsPlugin()) {
    266     dispatcher_ = static_cast<HostDispatcher*>(dispatcher);
    267     dispatcher_->ppb_proxy()->AddRefModule(dispatcher_->pp_module());
    268   }
    269 }
    271 ScopedModuleReference::~ScopedModuleReference() {
    272   if (dispatcher_)
    273     dispatcher_->ppb_proxy()->ReleaseModule(dispatcher_->pp_module());
    274 }
    276 }  // namespace proxy
    277 }  // namespace ppapi