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      1 /*
      2  * libjingle
      3  * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      6  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
      7  *
      8  *  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      9  *     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     10  *  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
     11  *     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
     12  *     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
     13  *  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
     14  *     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
     15  *
     26  */
     31 #include <list>
     32 #include <map>
     33 #include <vector>
     36 #include "talk/base/basictypes.h"
     37 #include "talk/base/gunit.h"
     38 #include "talk/base/stringutils.h"
     39 #include "talk/media/base/codec.h"
     40 #include "talk/media/base/voiceprocessor.h"
     41 #include "talk/media/webrtc/fakewebrtccommon.h"
     42 #include "talk/media/webrtc/webrtcvoe.h"
     43 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h"
     44 #include "webrtc/common.h"
     46 namespace cricket {
     48 // Function returning stats will return these values
     49 // for all values based on type.
     50 const int kIntStatValue = 123;
     51 const float kFractionLostStatValue = 0.5;
     53 static const char kFakeDefaultDeviceName[] = "Fake Default";
     54 static const int kFakeDefaultDeviceId = -1;
     55 static const char kFakeDeviceName[] = "Fake Device";
     56 #ifdef WIN32
     57 static const int kFakeDeviceId = 0;
     58 #else
     59 static const int kFakeDeviceId = 1;
     60 #endif
     63 class FakeWebRtcVoiceEngine
     64     : public webrtc::VoEAudioProcessing,
     65       public webrtc::VoEBase, public webrtc::VoECodec, public webrtc::VoEDtmf,
     66       public webrtc::VoEFile, public webrtc::VoEHardware,
     67       public webrtc::VoEExternalMedia, public webrtc::VoENetEqStats,
     68       public webrtc::VoENetwork, public webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP,
     69       public webrtc::VoEVideoSync, public webrtc::VoEVolumeControl {
     70  public:
     71   struct DtmfInfo {
     72     DtmfInfo()
     73       : dtmf_event_code(-1),
     74         dtmf_out_of_band(false),
     75         dtmf_length_ms(-1) {}
     76     int dtmf_event_code;
     77     bool dtmf_out_of_band;
     78     int dtmf_length_ms;
     79   };
     80   struct Channel {
     81     explicit Channel(bool use_experimental_acm)
     82         : external_transport(false),
     83           send(false),
     84           playout(false),
     85           volume_scale(1.0),
     86           volume_pan_left(1.0),
     87           volume_pan_right(1.0),
     88           file(false),
     89           vad(false),
     90           fec(false),
     91           nack(false),
     92           media_processor_registered(false),
     93           rx_agc_enabled(false),
     94           rx_agc_mode(webrtc::kAgcDefault),
     95           cn8_type(13),
     96           cn16_type(105),
     97           dtmf_type(106),
     98           fec_type(117),
     99           nack_max_packets(0),
    100           send_ssrc(0),
    101           level_header_ext_(-1),
    102           using_experimental_acm(use_experimental_acm) {
    103       memset(&send_codec, 0, sizeof(send_codec));
    104       memset(&rx_agc_config, 0, sizeof(rx_agc_config));
    105     }
    106     bool external_transport;
    107     bool send;
    108     bool playout;
    109     float volume_scale;
    110     float volume_pan_left;
    111     float volume_pan_right;
    112     bool file;
    113     bool vad;
    114     bool fec;
    115     bool nack;
    116     bool media_processor_registered;
    117     bool rx_agc_enabled;
    118     webrtc::AgcModes rx_agc_mode;
    119     webrtc::AgcConfig rx_agc_config;
    120     int cn8_type;
    121     int cn16_type;
    122     int dtmf_type;
    123     int fec_type;
    124     int nack_max_packets;
    125     uint32 send_ssrc;
    126     int level_header_ext_;
    127     DtmfInfo dtmf_info;
    128     std::vector<webrtc::CodecInst> recv_codecs;
    129     webrtc::CodecInst send_codec;
    130     std::list<std::string> packets;
    131     bool using_experimental_acm;
    132   };
    134   FakeWebRtcVoiceEngine(const cricket::AudioCodec* const* codecs,
    135                         int num_codecs)
    136       : inited_(false),
    137         last_channel_(-1),
    138         fail_create_channel_(false),
    139         codecs_(codecs),
    140         num_codecs_(num_codecs),
    141         ec_enabled_(false),
    142         ec_metrics_enabled_(false),
    143         cng_enabled_(false),
    144         ns_enabled_(false),
    145         agc_enabled_(false),
    146         highpass_filter_enabled_(false),
    147         stereo_swapping_enabled_(false),
    148         typing_detection_enabled_(false),
    149         ec_mode_(webrtc::kEcDefault),
    150         aecm_mode_(webrtc::kAecmSpeakerphone),
    151         ns_mode_(webrtc::kNsDefault),
    152         agc_mode_(webrtc::kAgcDefault),
    153         observer_(NULL),
    154         playout_fail_channel_(-1),
    155         send_fail_channel_(-1),
    156         fail_start_recording_microphone_(false),
    157         recording_microphone_(false),
    158         recording_sample_rate_(-1),
    159         playout_sample_rate_(-1),
    160         media_processor_(NULL) {
    161     memset(&agc_config_, 0, sizeof(agc_config_));
    162   }
    163   ~FakeWebRtcVoiceEngine() {
    164     // Ought to have all been deleted by the WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel
    165     // destructors, but just in case ...
    166     for (std::map<int, Channel*>::const_iterator i = channels_.begin();
    167          i != channels_.end(); ++i) {
    168       delete i->second;
    169     }
    170   }
    172   bool IsExternalMediaProcessorRegistered() const {
    173     return media_processor_ != NULL;
    174   }
    175   bool IsInited() const { return inited_; }
    176   int GetLastChannel() const { return last_channel_; }
    177   int GetChannelFromLocalSsrc(uint32 local_ssrc) const {
    178     for (std::map<int, Channel*>::const_iterator iter = channels_.begin();
    179          iter != channels_.end(); ++iter) {
    180       if (local_ssrc == iter->second->send_ssrc)
    181         return iter->first;
    182     }
    183     return -1;
    184   }
    185   int GetNumChannels() const { return static_cast<int>(channels_.size()); }
    186   bool GetPlayout(int channel) {
    187     return channels_[channel]->playout;
    188   }
    189   bool GetSend(int channel) {
    190     return channels_[channel]->send;
    191   }
    192   bool GetRecordingMicrophone() {
    193     return recording_microphone_;
    194   }
    195   bool GetVAD(int channel) {
    196     return channels_[channel]->vad;
    197   }
    198   bool GetFEC(int channel) {
    199     return channels_[channel]->fec;
    200   }
    201   bool GetNACK(int channel) {
    202     return channels_[channel]->nack;
    203   }
    204   int GetNACKMaxPackets(int channel) {
    205     return channels_[channel]->nack_max_packets;
    206   }
    207   bool IsUsingExperimentalAcm(int channel) {
    208     WEBRTC_ASSERT_CHANNEL(channel);
    209     return channels_[channel]->using_experimental_acm;
    210   }
    211   int GetSendCNPayloadType(int channel, bool wideband) {
    212     return (wideband) ?
    213         channels_[channel]->cn16_type :
    214         channels_[channel]->cn8_type;
    215   }
    216   int GetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType(int channel) {
    217     return channels_[channel]->dtmf_type;
    218   }
    219   int GetSendFECPayloadType(int channel) {
    220     return channels_[channel]->fec_type;
    221   }
    222   bool CheckPacket(int channel, const void* data, size_t len) {
    223     bool result = !CheckNoPacket(channel);
    224     if (result) {
    225       std::string packet = channels_[channel]->packets.front();
    226       result = (packet == std::string(static_cast<const char*>(data), len));
    227       channels_[channel]->packets.pop_front();
    228     }
    229     return result;
    230   }
    231   bool CheckNoPacket(int channel) {
    232     return channels_[channel]->packets.empty();
    233   }
    234   void TriggerCallbackOnError(int channel_num, int err_code) {
    235     ASSERT(observer_ != NULL);
    236     observer_->CallbackOnError(channel_num, err_code);
    237   }
    238   void set_playout_fail_channel(int channel) {
    239     playout_fail_channel_ = channel;
    240   }
    241   void set_send_fail_channel(int channel) {
    242     send_fail_channel_ = channel;
    243   }
    244   void set_fail_start_recording_microphone(
    245       bool fail_start_recording_microphone) {
    246     fail_start_recording_microphone_ = fail_start_recording_microphone;
    247   }
    248   void set_fail_create_channel(bool fail_create_channel) {
    249     fail_create_channel_ = fail_create_channel;
    250   }
    251   void TriggerProcessPacket(MediaProcessorDirection direction) {
    252     webrtc::ProcessingTypes pt =
    253         (direction == cricket::MPD_TX) ?
    254             webrtc::kRecordingPerChannel : webrtc::kPlaybackAllChannelsMixed;
    255     if (media_processor_ != NULL) {
    256       media_processor_->Process(0,
    257                                 pt,
    258                                 NULL,
    259                                 0,
    260                                 0,
    261                                 true);
    262     }
    263   }
    264   int AddChannel(bool use_experimental_acm) {
    265     if (fail_create_channel_) {
    266       return -1;
    267     }
    268     Channel* ch = new Channel(use_experimental_acm);
    269     for (int i = 0; i < NumOfCodecs(); ++i) {
    270       webrtc::CodecInst codec;
    271       GetCodec(i, codec);
    272       ch->recv_codecs.push_back(codec);
    273     }
    274     channels_[++last_channel_] = ch;
    275     return last_channel_;
    276   }
    278   WEBRTC_STUB(Release, ());
    280   // webrtc::VoEBase
    281   WEBRTC_FUNC(RegisterVoiceEngineObserver, (
    282       webrtc::VoiceEngineObserver& observer)) {
    283     observer_ = &observer;
    284     return 0;
    285   }
    286   WEBRTC_STUB(DeRegisterVoiceEngineObserver, ());
    287   WEBRTC_FUNC(Init, (webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm,
    288                      webrtc::AudioProcessing* audioproc)) {
    289     inited_ = true;
    290     return 0;
    291   }
    292   WEBRTC_FUNC(Terminate, ()) {
    293     inited_ = false;
    294     return 0;
    295   }
    296   virtual webrtc::AudioProcessing* audio_processing() OVERRIDE {
    297     return NULL;
    298   }
    299   WEBRTC_FUNC(CreateChannel, ()) {
    300     return AddChannel(false);
    301   }
    302   WEBRTC_FUNC(CreateChannel, (const webrtc::Config& config)) {
    303     talk_base::scoped_ptr<webrtc::AudioCodingModule> acm(
    304         config.Get<webrtc::AudioCodingModuleFactory>().Create(0));
    305     return AddChannel(strcmp(acm->Version(), webrtc::kExperimentalAcmVersion)
    306                       == 0);
    307   }
    308   WEBRTC_FUNC(DeleteChannel, (int channel)) {
    309     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    310     delete channels_[channel];
    311     channels_.erase(channel);
    312     return 0;
    313   }
    314   WEBRTC_STUB(StartReceive, (int channel));
    315   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartPlayout, (int channel)) {
    316     if (playout_fail_channel_ != channel) {
    317       WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    318       channels_[channel]->playout = true;
    319       return 0;
    320     } else {
    321       // When playout_fail_channel_ == channel, fail the StartPlayout on this
    322       // channel.
    323       return -1;
    324     }
    325   }
    326   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartSend, (int channel)) {
    327     if (send_fail_channel_ != channel) {
    328       WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    329       channels_[channel]->send = true;
    330       return 0;
    331     } else {
    332       // When send_fail_channel_ == channel, fail the StartSend on this
    333       // channel.
    334       return -1;
    335     }
    336   }
    337   WEBRTC_STUB(StopReceive, (int channel));
    338   WEBRTC_FUNC(StopPlayout, (int channel)) {
    339     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    340     channels_[channel]->playout = false;
    341     return 0;
    342   }
    343   WEBRTC_FUNC(StopSend, (int channel)) {
    344     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    345     channels_[channel]->send = false;
    346     return 0;
    347   }
    348   WEBRTC_STUB(GetVersion, (char version[1024]));
    349   WEBRTC_STUB(LastError, ());
    350   WEBRTC_STUB(SetOnHoldStatus, (int, bool, webrtc::OnHoldModes));
    351   WEBRTC_STUB(GetOnHoldStatus, (int, bool&, webrtc::OnHoldModes&));
    352   WEBRTC_STUB(SetNetEQPlayoutMode, (int, webrtc::NetEqModes));
    353   WEBRTC_STUB(GetNetEQPlayoutMode, (int, webrtc::NetEqModes&));
    355   // webrtc::VoECodec
    356   WEBRTC_FUNC(NumOfCodecs, ()) {
    357     return num_codecs_;
    358   }
    359   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetCodec, (int index, webrtc::CodecInst& codec)) {
    360     if (index < 0 || index >= NumOfCodecs()) {
    361       return -1;
    362     }
    363     const cricket::AudioCodec& c(*codecs_[index]);
    364     codec.pltype = c.id;
    365     talk_base::strcpyn(codec.plname, sizeof(codec.plname), c.name.c_str());
    366     codec.plfreq = c.clockrate;
    367     codec.pacsize = 0;
    368     codec.channels = c.channels;
    369     codec.rate = c.bitrate;
    370     return 0;
    371   }
    372   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetSendCodec, (int channel, const webrtc::CodecInst& codec)) {
    373     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    374     channels_[channel]->send_codec = codec;
    375     return 0;
    376   }
    377   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetSendCodec, (int channel, webrtc::CodecInst& codec)) {
    378     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    379     codec = channels_[channel]->send_codec;
    380     return 0;
    381   }
    382   WEBRTC_STUB(SetSecondarySendCodec, (int channel,
    383                                       const webrtc::CodecInst& codec,
    384                                       int red_payload_type));
    385   WEBRTC_STUB(RemoveSecondarySendCodec, (int channel));
    386   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSecondarySendCodec, (int channel,
    387                                       webrtc::CodecInst& codec));
    388   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRecCodec, (int channel, webrtc::CodecInst& codec));
    389   WEBRTC_STUB(SetAMREncFormat, (int channel, webrtc::AmrMode mode));
    390   WEBRTC_STUB(SetAMRDecFormat, (int channel, webrtc::AmrMode mode));
    391   WEBRTC_STUB(SetAMRWbEncFormat, (int channel, webrtc::AmrMode mode));
    392   WEBRTC_STUB(SetAMRWbDecFormat, (int channel, webrtc::AmrMode mode));
    393   WEBRTC_STUB(SetISACInitTargetRate, (int channel, int rateBps,
    394                                       bool useFixedFrameSize));
    395   WEBRTC_STUB(SetISACMaxRate, (int channel, int rateBps));
    396   WEBRTC_STUB(SetISACMaxPayloadSize, (int channel, int sizeBytes));
    397   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetRecPayloadType, (int channel,
    398                                   const webrtc::CodecInst& codec)) {
    399     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    400     Channel* ch = channels_[channel];
    401     if (ch->playout)
    402       return -1;  // Channel is in use.
    403     // Check if something else already has this slot.
    404     if (codec.pltype != -1) {
    405       for (std::vector<webrtc::CodecInst>::iterator it =
    406           ch->recv_codecs.begin(); it != ch->recv_codecs.end(); ++it) {
    407         if (it->pltype == codec.pltype &&
    408             _stricmp(it->plname, codec.plname) != 0) {
    409           return -1;
    410         }
    411       }
    412     }
    413     // Otherwise try to find this codec and update its payload type.
    414     for (std::vector<webrtc::CodecInst>::iterator it = ch->recv_codecs.begin();
    415          it != ch->recv_codecs.end(); ++it) {
    416       if (strcmp(it->plname, codec.plname) == 0 &&
    417           it->plfreq == codec.plfreq) {
    418         it->pltype = codec.pltype;
    419         it->channels = codec.channels;
    420         return 0;
    421       }
    422     }
    423     return -1;  // not found
    424   }
    425   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetSendCNPayloadType, (int channel, int type,
    426                                      webrtc::PayloadFrequencies frequency)) {
    427     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    428     if (frequency == webrtc::kFreq8000Hz) {
    429       channels_[channel]->cn8_type = type;
    430     } else if (frequency == webrtc::kFreq16000Hz) {
    431       channels_[channel]->cn16_type = type;
    432     }
    433     return 0;
    434   }
    435   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRecPayloadType, (int channel, webrtc::CodecInst& codec)) {
    436     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    437     Channel* ch = channels_[channel];
    438     for (std::vector<webrtc::CodecInst>::iterator it = ch->recv_codecs.begin();
    439          it != ch->recv_codecs.end(); ++it) {
    440       if (strcmp(it->plname, codec.plname) == 0 &&
    441           it->plfreq == codec.plfreq &&
    442           it->channels == codec.channels &&
    443           it->pltype != -1) {
    444         codec.pltype = it->pltype;
    445         return 0;
    446       }
    447     }
    448     return -1;  // not found
    449   }
    450   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetVADStatus, (int channel, bool enable, webrtc::VadModes mode,
    451                              bool disableDTX)) {
    452     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    453     if (channels_[channel]->send_codec.channels == 2) {
    454       // Replicating VoE behavior; VAD cannot be enabled for stereo.
    455       return -1;
    456     }
    457     channels_[channel]->vad = enable;
    458     return 0;
    459   }
    460   WEBRTC_STUB(GetVADStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled,
    461                              webrtc::VadModes& mode, bool& disabledDTX));
    463   // webrtc::VoEDtmf
    464   WEBRTC_FUNC(SendTelephoneEvent, (int channel, int event_code,
    465       bool out_of_band = true, int length_ms = 160, int attenuation_db = 10)) {
    466     channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_event_code = event_code;
    467     channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_out_of_band = out_of_band;
    468     channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_length_ms = length_ms;
    469     return 0;
    470   }
    472   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType,
    473       (int channel, unsigned char type)) {
    474     channels_[channel]->dtmf_type = type;
    475     return 0;
    476   };
    477   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSendTelephoneEventPayloadType,
    478       (int channel, unsigned char& type));
    480   WEBRTC_STUB(SetDtmfFeedbackStatus, (bool enable, bool directFeedback));
    481   WEBRTC_STUB(GetDtmfFeedbackStatus, (bool& enabled, bool& directFeedback));
    482   WEBRTC_STUB(SetDtmfPlayoutStatus, (int channel, bool enable));
    483   WEBRTC_STUB(GetDtmfPlayoutStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled));
    486   WEBRTC_FUNC(PlayDtmfTone,
    487       (int event_code, int length_ms = 200, int attenuation_db = 10)) {
    488     dtmf_info_.dtmf_event_code = event_code;
    489     dtmf_info_.dtmf_length_ms = length_ms;
    490     return 0;
    491   }
    492   WEBRTC_STUB(StartPlayingDtmfTone,
    493       (int eventCode, int attenuationDb = 10));
    494   WEBRTC_STUB(StopPlayingDtmfTone, ());
    496   // webrtc::VoEFile
    497   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartPlayingFileLocally, (int channel, const char* fileNameUTF8,
    498                                         bool loop, webrtc::FileFormats format,
    499                                         float volumeScaling, int startPointMs,
    500                                         int stopPointMs)) {
    501     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    502     channels_[channel]->file = true;
    503     return 0;
    504   }
    505   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartPlayingFileLocally, (int channel, webrtc::InStream* stream,
    506                                         webrtc::FileFormats format,
    507                                         float volumeScaling, int startPointMs,
    508                                         int stopPointMs)) {
    509     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    510     channels_[channel]->file = true;
    511     return 0;
    512   }
    513   WEBRTC_FUNC(StopPlayingFileLocally, (int channel)) {
    514     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    515     channels_[channel]->file = false;
    516     return 0;
    517   }
    518   WEBRTC_FUNC(IsPlayingFileLocally, (int channel)) {
    519     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    520     return (channels_[channel]->file) ? 1 : 0;
    521   }
    522   WEBRTC_STUB(ScaleLocalFilePlayout, (int channel, float scale));
    523   WEBRTC_STUB(StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone, (int channel,
    524                                              const char* fileNameUTF8,
    525                                              bool loop,
    526                                              bool mixWithMicrophone,
    527                                              webrtc::FileFormats format,
    528                                              float volumeScaling));
    529   WEBRTC_STUB(StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone, (int channel,
    530                                              webrtc::InStream* stream,
    531                                              bool mixWithMicrophone,
    532                                              webrtc::FileFormats format,
    533                                              float volumeScaling));
    534   WEBRTC_STUB(StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone, (int channel));
    535   WEBRTC_STUB(IsPlayingFileAsMicrophone, (int channel));
    536   WEBRTC_STUB(ScaleFileAsMicrophonePlayout, (int channel, float scale));
    537   WEBRTC_STUB(StartRecordingPlayout, (int channel, const char* fileNameUTF8,
    538                                       webrtc::CodecInst* compression,
    539                                       int maxSizeBytes));
    540   WEBRTC_STUB(StartRecordingPlayout, (int channel, webrtc::OutStream* stream,
    541                                       webrtc::CodecInst* compression));
    542   WEBRTC_STUB(StopRecordingPlayout, (int channel));
    543   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartRecordingMicrophone, (const char* fileNameUTF8,
    544                                          webrtc::CodecInst* compression,
    545                                          int maxSizeBytes)) {
    546     if (fail_start_recording_microphone_) {
    547       return -1;
    548     }
    549     recording_microphone_ = true;
    550     return 0;
    551   }
    552   WEBRTC_FUNC(StartRecordingMicrophone, (webrtc::OutStream* stream,
    553                                          webrtc::CodecInst* compression)) {
    554     if (fail_start_recording_microphone_) {
    555       return -1;
    556     }
    557     recording_microphone_ = true;
    558     return 0;
    559   }
    560   WEBRTC_FUNC(StopRecordingMicrophone, ()) {
    561     if (!recording_microphone_) {
    562       return -1;
    563     }
    564     recording_microphone_ = false;
    565     return 0;
    566   }
    567   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertPCMToWAV, (const char* fileNameInUTF8,
    568                                 const char* fileNameOutUTF8));
    569   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertPCMToWAV, (webrtc::InStream* streamIn,
    570                                 webrtc::OutStream* streamOut));
    571   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertWAVToPCM, (const char* fileNameInUTF8,
    572                                 const char* fileNameOutUTF8));
    573   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertWAVToPCM, (webrtc::InStream* streamIn,
    574                                 webrtc::OutStream* streamOut));
    575   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertPCMToCompressed, (const char* fileNameInUTF8,
    576                                        const char* fileNameOutUTF8,
    577                                        webrtc::CodecInst* compression));
    578   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertPCMToCompressed, (webrtc::InStream* streamIn,
    579                                        webrtc::OutStream* streamOut,
    580                                        webrtc::CodecInst* compression));
    581   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertCompressedToPCM, (const char* fileNameInUTF8,
    582                                      const char* fileNameOutUTF8));
    583   WEBRTC_STUB(ConvertCompressedToPCM, (webrtc::InStream* streamIn,
    584                                        webrtc::OutStream* streamOut));
    585   WEBRTC_STUB(GetFileDuration, (const char* fileNameUTF8, int& durationMs,
    586                                 webrtc::FileFormats format));
    587   WEBRTC_STUB(GetPlaybackPosition, (int channel, int& positionMs));
    589   // webrtc::VoEHardware
    590   WEBRTC_STUB(GetCPULoad, (int&));
    591   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetNumOfRecordingDevices, (int& num)) {
    592     return GetNumDevices(num);
    593   }
    594   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetNumOfPlayoutDevices, (int& num)) {
    595     return GetNumDevices(num);
    596   }
    597   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRecordingDeviceName, (int i, char* name, char* guid)) {
    598     return GetDeviceName(i, name, guid);
    599   }
    600   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetPlayoutDeviceName, (int i, char* name, char* guid)) {
    601     return GetDeviceName(i, name, guid);
    602   }
    603   WEBRTC_STUB(SetRecordingDevice, (int, webrtc::StereoChannel));
    604   WEBRTC_STUB(SetPlayoutDevice, (int));
    605   WEBRTC_STUB(SetAudioDeviceLayer, (webrtc::AudioLayers));
    606   WEBRTC_STUB(GetAudioDeviceLayer, (webrtc::AudioLayers&));
    607   WEBRTC_STUB(GetPlayoutDeviceStatus, (bool&));
    608   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRecordingDeviceStatus, (bool&));
    609   WEBRTC_STUB(ResetAudioDevice, ());
    610   WEBRTC_STUB(AudioDeviceControl, (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int));
    611   WEBRTC_STUB(SetLoudspeakerStatus, (bool enable));
    612   WEBRTC_STUB(GetLoudspeakerStatus, (bool& enabled));
    613   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetRecordingSampleRate, (unsigned int samples_per_sec)) {
    614     recording_sample_rate_ = samples_per_sec;
    615     return 0;
    616   }
    617   WEBRTC_FUNC_CONST(RecordingSampleRate, (unsigned int* samples_per_sec)) {
    618     *samples_per_sec = recording_sample_rate_;
    619     return 0;
    620   }
    621   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetPlayoutSampleRate, (unsigned int samples_per_sec)) {
    622     playout_sample_rate_ = samples_per_sec;
    623     return 0;
    624   }
    625   WEBRTC_FUNC_CONST(PlayoutSampleRate, (unsigned int* samples_per_sec)) {
    626     *samples_per_sec = playout_sample_rate_;
    627     return 0;
    628   }
    629   WEBRTC_STUB(EnableBuiltInAEC, (bool enable));
    630   virtual bool BuiltInAECIsEnabled() const { return true; }
    632   // webrtc::VoENetEqStats
    633   WEBRTC_STUB(GetNetworkStatistics, (int, webrtc::NetworkStatistics&));
    634 #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH
    635   WEBRTC_FUNC_CONST(GetDecodingCallStatistics, (int channel,
    636       webrtc::AudioDecodingCallStats*)) {
    637     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    638     return 0;
    639   }
    640 #endif
    642   // webrtc::VoENetwork
    643   WEBRTC_FUNC(RegisterExternalTransport, (int channel,
    644                                           webrtc::Transport& transport)) {
    645     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    646     channels_[channel]->external_transport = true;
    647     return 0;
    648   }
    649   WEBRTC_FUNC(DeRegisterExternalTransport, (int channel)) {
    650     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    651     channels_[channel]->external_transport = false;
    652     return 0;
    653   }
    654   WEBRTC_FUNC(ReceivedRTPPacket, (int channel, const void* data,
    655                                   unsigned int length)) {
    656     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    657     if (!channels_[channel]->external_transport) return -1;
    658     channels_[channel]->packets.push_back(
    659         std::string(static_cast<const char*>(data), length));
    660     return 0;
    661   }
    662   WEBRTC_STUB(ReceivedRTCPPacket, (int channel, const void* data,
    663                                    unsigned int length));
    665   // webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP
    666   WEBRTC_STUB(RegisterRTPObserver, (int channel,
    667                                     webrtc::VoERTPObserver& observer));
    668   WEBRTC_STUB(DeRegisterRTPObserver, (int channel));
    669   WEBRTC_STUB(RegisterRTCPObserver, (int channel,
    670                                      webrtc::VoERTCPObserver& observer));
    671   WEBRTC_STUB(DeRegisterRTCPObserver, (int channel));
    672   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetLocalSSRC, (int channel, unsigned int ssrc)) {
    673     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    674     channels_[channel]->send_ssrc = ssrc;
    675     return 0;
    676   }
    677   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetLocalSSRC, (int channel, unsigned int& ssrc)) {
    678     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    679     ssrc = channels_[channel]->send_ssrc;
    680     return 0;
    681   }
    682   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRemoteSSRC, (int channel, unsigned int& ssrc));
    683   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetRTPAudioLevelIndicationStatus, (int channel, bool enable,
    684       unsigned char id)) {
    685     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    686     if (enable && (id < 1 || id > 14)) {
    687       // [RFC5285] The 4-bit ID is the local identifier of this element in
    688       // the range 1-14 inclusive.
    689       return -1;
    690     }
    691     channels_[channel]->level_header_ext_ = (enable) ? id : -1;
    692     return 0;
    693   }
    694   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRTPAudioLevelIndicationStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled,
    695       unsigned char& id)) {
    696     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    697     enabled = (channels_[channel]->level_header_ext_ != -1);
    698     id = channels_[channel]->level_header_ext_;
    699     return 0;
    700   }
    701   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRemoteCSRCs, (int channel, unsigned int arrCSRC[15]));
    702   WEBRTC_STUB(SetRTCPStatus, (int channel, bool enable));
    703   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRTCPStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled));
    704   WEBRTC_STUB(SetRTCP_CNAME, (int channel, const char cname[256]));
    705   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRTCP_CNAME, (int channel, char cname[256]));
    706   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRemoteRTCP_CNAME, (int channel, char* cname));
    707   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRemoteRTCPData, (int channel, unsigned int& NTPHigh,
    708                                   unsigned int& NTPLow,
    709                                   unsigned int& timestamp,
    710                                   unsigned int& playoutTimestamp,
    711                                   unsigned int* jitter,
    712                                   unsigned short* fractionLost));
    713   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRemoteRTCPSenderInfo, (int channel,
    714                                         webrtc::SenderInfo* sender_info));
    715   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRemoteRTCPReportBlocks,
    716               (int channel, std::vector<webrtc::ReportBlock>* receive_blocks)) {
    717     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    718     webrtc::ReportBlock block;
    719     block.source_SSRC = channels_[channel]->send_ssrc;
    720     webrtc::CodecInst send_codec = channels_[channel]->send_codec;
    721     if (send_codec.pltype >= 0) {
    722       block.fraction_lost = (unsigned char)(kFractionLostStatValue * 256);
    723       if (send_codec.plfreq / 1000 > 0) {
    724         block.interarrival_jitter = kIntStatValue * (send_codec.plfreq / 1000);
    725       }
    726       block.cumulative_num_packets_lost = kIntStatValue;
    727       block.extended_highest_sequence_number = kIntStatValue;
    728       receive_blocks->push_back(block);
    729     }
    730     return 0;
    731   }
    732   WEBRTC_STUB(SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket, (int channel,
    733                                                  unsigned char subType,
    734                                                  unsigned int name,
    735                                                  const char* data,
    736                                                  unsigned short dataLength));
    737   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRTPStatistics, (int channel, unsigned int& averageJitterMs,
    738                                  unsigned int& maxJitterMs,
    739                                  unsigned int& discardedPackets));
    740   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRTCPStatistics, (int channel, webrtc::CallStatistics& stats)) {
    741     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    742     stats.fractionLost = static_cast<int16>(kIntStatValue);
    743     stats.cumulativeLost = kIntStatValue;
    744     stats.extendedMax = kIntStatValue;
    745     stats.jitterSamples = kIntStatValue;
    746     stats.rttMs = kIntStatValue;
    747     stats.bytesSent = kIntStatValue;
    748     stats.packetsSent = kIntStatValue;
    749     stats.bytesReceived = kIntStatValue;
    750     stats.packetsReceived = kIntStatValue;
    751     return 0;
    752   }
    753   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetFECStatus, (int channel, bool enable, int redPayloadtype)) {
    754     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    755     channels_[channel]->fec = enable;
    756     channels_[channel]->fec_type = redPayloadtype;
    757     return 0;
    758   }
    759   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetFECStatus, (int channel, bool& enable, int& redPayloadtype)) {
    760     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    761     enable = channels_[channel]->fec;
    762     redPayloadtype = channels_[channel]->fec_type;
    763     return 0;
    764   }
    765   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetNACKStatus, (int channel, bool enable, int maxNoPackets)) {
    766     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    767     channels_[channel]->nack = enable;
    768     channels_[channel]->nack_max_packets = maxNoPackets;
    769     return 0;
    770   }
    771   WEBRTC_STUB(StartRTPDump, (int channel, const char* fileNameUTF8,
    772                              webrtc::RTPDirections direction));
    773   WEBRTC_STUB(StopRTPDump, (int channel, webrtc::RTPDirections direction));
    774   WEBRTC_STUB(RTPDumpIsActive, (int channel, webrtc::RTPDirections direction));
    775   WEBRTC_STUB(InsertExtraRTPPacket, (int channel, unsigned char payloadType,
    776                                      bool markerBit, const char* payloadData,
    777                                      unsigned short payloadSize));
    778   WEBRTC_STUB(GetLastRemoteTimeStamp, (int channel,
    779                                        uint32_t* lastRemoteTimeStamp));
    781   // webrtc::VoEVideoSync
    782   WEBRTC_STUB(GetPlayoutBufferSize, (int& bufferMs));
    783   WEBRTC_STUB(GetPlayoutTimestamp, (int channel, unsigned int& timestamp));
    784   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRtpRtcp, (int, webrtc::RtpRtcp**, webrtc::RtpReceiver**));
    785   WEBRTC_STUB(SetInitTimestamp, (int channel, unsigned int timestamp));
    786   WEBRTC_STUB(SetInitSequenceNumber, (int channel, short sequenceNumber));
    787   WEBRTC_STUB(SetMinimumPlayoutDelay, (int channel, int delayMs));
    788   WEBRTC_STUB(SetInitialPlayoutDelay, (int channel, int delay_ms));
    789   WEBRTC_STUB(GetDelayEstimate, (int channel, int* jitter_buffer_delay_ms,
    790                                  int* playout_buffer_delay_ms));
    791   WEBRTC_STUB_CONST(GetLeastRequiredDelayMs, (int channel));
    793   // webrtc::VoEVolumeControl
    794   WEBRTC_STUB(SetSpeakerVolume, (unsigned int));
    795   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSpeakerVolume, (unsigned int&));
    796   WEBRTC_STUB(SetSystemOutputMute, (bool));
    797   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSystemOutputMute, (bool&));
    798   WEBRTC_STUB(SetMicVolume, (unsigned int));
    799   WEBRTC_STUB(GetMicVolume, (unsigned int&));
    800   WEBRTC_STUB(SetInputMute, (int, bool));
    801   WEBRTC_STUB(GetInputMute, (int, bool&));
    802   WEBRTC_STUB(SetSystemInputMute, (bool));
    803   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSystemInputMute, (bool&));
    804   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSpeechInputLevel, (unsigned int&));
    805   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSpeechOutputLevel, (int, unsigned int&));
    806   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSpeechInputLevelFullRange, (unsigned int&));
    807   WEBRTC_STUB(GetSpeechOutputLevelFullRange, (int, unsigned int&));
    808   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetChannelOutputVolumeScaling, (int channel, float scale)) {
    809     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    810     channels_[channel]->volume_scale= scale;
    811     return 0;
    812   }
    813   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetChannelOutputVolumeScaling, (int channel, float& scale)) {
    814     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    815     scale = channels_[channel]->volume_scale;
    816     return 0;
    817   }
    818   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetOutputVolumePan, (int channel, float left, float right)) {
    819     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    820     channels_[channel]->volume_pan_left = left;
    821     channels_[channel]->volume_pan_right = right;
    822     return 0;
    823   }
    824   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetOutputVolumePan, (int channel, float& left, float& right)) {
    825     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    826     left = channels_[channel]->volume_pan_left;
    827     right = channels_[channel]->volume_pan_right;
    828     return 0;
    829   }
    831   // webrtc::VoEAudioProcessing
    832   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetNsStatus, (bool enable, webrtc::NsModes mode)) {
    833     ns_enabled_ = enable;
    834     ns_mode_ = mode;
    835     return 0;
    836   }
    837   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetNsStatus, (bool& enabled, webrtc::NsModes& mode)) {
    838     enabled = ns_enabled_;
    839     mode = ns_mode_;
    840     return 0;
    841   }
    843   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetAgcStatus, (bool enable, webrtc::AgcModes mode)) {
    844     agc_enabled_ = enable;
    845     agc_mode_ = mode;
    846     return 0;
    847   }
    848   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetAgcStatus, (bool& enabled, webrtc::AgcModes& mode)) {
    849     enabled = agc_enabled_;
    850     mode = agc_mode_;
    851     return 0;
    852   }
    854   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetAgcConfig, (webrtc::AgcConfig config)) {
    855     agc_config_ = config;
    856     return 0;
    857   }
    858   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetAgcConfig, (webrtc::AgcConfig& config)) {
    859     config = agc_config_;
    860     return 0;
    861   }
    862   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetEcStatus, (bool enable, webrtc::EcModes mode)) {
    863     ec_enabled_ = enable;
    864     ec_mode_ = mode;
    865     return 0;
    866   }
    867   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetEcStatus, (bool& enabled, webrtc::EcModes& mode)) {
    868     enabled = ec_enabled_;
    869     mode = ec_mode_;
    870     return 0;
    871   }
    872   WEBRTC_STUB(EnableDriftCompensation, (bool enable))
    873   WEBRTC_BOOL_STUB(DriftCompensationEnabled, ())
    874   WEBRTC_VOID_STUB(SetDelayOffsetMs, (int offset))
    875   WEBRTC_STUB(DelayOffsetMs, ());
    876   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetAecmMode, (webrtc::AecmModes mode, bool enableCNG)) {
    877     aecm_mode_ = mode;
    878     cng_enabled_ = enableCNG;
    879     return 0;
    880   }
    881   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetAecmMode, (webrtc::AecmModes& mode, bool& enabledCNG)) {
    882     mode = aecm_mode_;
    883     enabledCNG = cng_enabled_;
    884     return 0;
    885   }
    886   WEBRTC_STUB(SetRxNsStatus, (int channel, bool enable, webrtc::NsModes mode));
    887   WEBRTC_STUB(GetRxNsStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled,
    888                               webrtc::NsModes& mode));
    889   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetRxAgcStatus, (int channel, bool enable,
    890                                webrtc::AgcModes mode)) {
    891     channels_[channel]->rx_agc_enabled = enable;
    892     channels_[channel]->rx_agc_mode = mode;
    893     return 0;
    894   }
    895   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRxAgcStatus, (int channel, bool& enabled,
    896                                webrtc::AgcModes& mode)) {
    897     enabled = channels_[channel]->rx_agc_enabled;
    898     mode = channels_[channel]->rx_agc_mode;
    899     return 0;
    900   }
    902   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetRxAgcConfig, (int channel, webrtc::AgcConfig config)) {
    903     channels_[channel]->rx_agc_config = config;
    904     return 0;
    905   }
    906   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetRxAgcConfig, (int channel, webrtc::AgcConfig& config)) {
    907     config = channels_[channel]->rx_agc_config;
    908     return 0;
    909   }
    911   WEBRTC_STUB(RegisterRxVadObserver, (int, webrtc::VoERxVadCallback&));
    912   WEBRTC_STUB(DeRegisterRxVadObserver, (int channel));
    913   WEBRTC_STUB(VoiceActivityIndicator, (int channel));
    914   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetEcMetricsStatus, (bool enable)) {
    915     ec_metrics_enabled_ = enable;
    916     return 0;
    917   }
    918   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetEcMetricsStatus, (bool& enabled)) {
    919     enabled = ec_metrics_enabled_;
    920     return 0;
    921   }
    922   WEBRTC_STUB(GetEchoMetrics, (int& ERL, int& ERLE, int& RERL, int& A_NLP));
    923   WEBRTC_STUB(GetEcDelayMetrics, (int& delay_median, int& delay_std));
    925   WEBRTC_STUB(StartDebugRecording, (const char* fileNameUTF8));
    926 #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH
    927   WEBRTC_STUB(StartDebugRecording, (FILE* handle));
    928 #endif
    929   WEBRTC_STUB(StopDebugRecording, ());
    931   WEBRTC_FUNC(SetTypingDetectionStatus, (bool enable)) {
    932     typing_detection_enabled_ = enable;
    933     return 0;
    934   }
    935   WEBRTC_FUNC(GetTypingDetectionStatus, (bool& enabled)) {
    936     enabled = typing_detection_enabled_;
    937     return 0;
    938   }
    940   WEBRTC_STUB(TimeSinceLastTyping, (int& seconds));
    941   WEBRTC_STUB(SetTypingDetectionParameters, (int timeWindow,
    942                                              int costPerTyping,
    943                                              int reportingThreshold,
    944                                              int penaltyDecay,
    945                                              int typeEventDelay));
    946   int EnableHighPassFilter(bool enable) {
    947     highpass_filter_enabled_ = enable;
    948     return 0;
    949   }
    950   bool IsHighPassFilterEnabled() {
    951     return highpass_filter_enabled_;
    952   }
    953   bool IsStereoChannelSwappingEnabled() {
    954     return stereo_swapping_enabled_;
    955   }
    956   void EnableStereoChannelSwapping(bool enable) {
    957     stereo_swapping_enabled_ = enable;
    958   }
    959   bool WasSendTelephoneEventCalled(int channel, int event_code, int length_ms) {
    960     return (channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_event_code == event_code &&
    961             channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_out_of_band == true &&
    962             channels_[channel]->dtmf_info.dtmf_length_ms == length_ms);
    963   }
    964   bool WasPlayDtmfToneCalled(int event_code, int length_ms) {
    965     return (dtmf_info_.dtmf_event_code == event_code &&
    966             dtmf_info_.dtmf_length_ms == length_ms);
    967   }
    968   // webrtc::VoEExternalMedia
    969   WEBRTC_FUNC(RegisterExternalMediaProcessing,
    970               (int channel, webrtc::ProcessingTypes type,
    971                webrtc::VoEMediaProcess& processObject)) {
    972     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    973     if (channels_[channel]->media_processor_registered) {
    974       return -1;
    975     }
    976     channels_[channel]->media_processor_registered = true;
    977     media_processor_ = &processObject;
    978     return 0;
    979   }
    980   WEBRTC_FUNC(DeRegisterExternalMediaProcessing,
    981               (int channel, webrtc::ProcessingTypes type)) {
    982     WEBRTC_CHECK_CHANNEL(channel);
    983     if (!channels_[channel]->media_processor_registered) {
    984       return -1;
    985     }
    986     channels_[channel]->media_processor_registered = false;
    987     media_processor_ = NULL;
    988     return 0;
    989   }
    990   WEBRTC_STUB(SetExternalRecordingStatus, (bool enable));
    991   WEBRTC_STUB(SetExternalPlayoutStatus, (bool enable));
    992   WEBRTC_STUB(ExternalRecordingInsertData,
    993               (const int16_t speechData10ms[], int lengthSamples,
    994                int samplingFreqHz, int current_delay_ms));
    995   WEBRTC_STUB(ExternalPlayoutGetData,
    996               (int16_t speechData10ms[], int samplingFreqHz,
    997                int current_delay_ms, int& lengthSamples));
    998   WEBRTC_STUB(GetAudioFrame, (int channel, int desired_sample_rate_hz,
    999                               webrtc::AudioFrame* frame));
   1000   WEBRTC_STUB(SetExternalMixing, (int channel, bool enable));
   1002  private:
   1003   int GetNumDevices(int& num) {
   1004 #ifdef WIN32
   1005     num = 1;
   1006 #else
   1007     // On non-Windows platforms VE adds a special entry for the default device,
   1008     // so if there is one physical device then there are two entries in the
   1009     // list.
   1010     num = 2;
   1011 #endif
   1012     return 0;
   1013   }
   1015   int GetDeviceName(int i, char* name, char* guid) {
   1016     const char *s;
   1017 #ifdef WIN32
   1018     if (0 == i) {
   1019       s = kFakeDeviceName;
   1020     } else {
   1021       return -1;
   1022     }
   1023 #else
   1024     // See comment above.
   1025     if (0 == i) {
   1026       s = kFakeDefaultDeviceName;
   1027     } else if (1 == i) {
   1028       s = kFakeDeviceName;
   1029     } else {
   1030       return -1;
   1031     }
   1032 #endif
   1033     strcpy(name, s);
   1034     guid[0] = '\0';
   1035     return 0;
   1036   }
   1038   bool inited_;
   1039   int last_channel_;
   1040   std::map<int, Channel*> channels_;
   1041   bool fail_create_channel_;
   1042   const cricket::AudioCodec* const* codecs_;
   1043   int num_codecs_;
   1044   bool ec_enabled_;
   1045   bool ec_metrics_enabled_;
   1046   bool cng_enabled_;
   1047   bool ns_enabled_;
   1048   bool agc_enabled_;
   1049   bool highpass_filter_enabled_;
   1050   bool stereo_swapping_enabled_;
   1051   bool typing_detection_enabled_;
   1052   webrtc::EcModes ec_mode_;
   1053   webrtc::AecmModes aecm_mode_;
   1054   webrtc::NsModes ns_mode_;
   1055   webrtc::AgcModes agc_mode_;
   1056   webrtc::AgcConfig agc_config_;
   1057   webrtc::VoiceEngineObserver* observer_;
   1058   int playout_fail_channel_;
   1059   int send_fail_channel_;
   1060   bool fail_start_recording_microphone_;
   1061   bool recording_microphone_;
   1062   int recording_sample_rate_;
   1063   int playout_sample_rate_;
   1064   DtmfInfo dtmf_info_;
   1065   webrtc::VoEMediaProcess* media_processor_;
   1066 };
   1068 }  // namespace cricket