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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.incallui;
     19 import android.content.Context;
     20 import android.database.Cursor;
     21 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
     22 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
     23 import android.location.Country;
     24 import android.location.CountryDetector;
     25 import android.net.Uri;
     26 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
     27 import android.provider.ContactsContract.Data;
     28 import android.provider.ContactsContract.PhoneLookup;
     29 import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts;
     30 import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
     31 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
     32 import android.text.TextUtils;
     34 import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.geocoding.PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder;
     35 import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.NumberParseException;
     36 import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil;
     37 import com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.Phonenumber.PhoneNumber;
     39 import java.util.Locale;
     42 /**
     43  * Looks up caller information for the given phone number.
     44  *
     45  * {@hide}
     46  */
     47 public class CallerInfo {
     48     private static final String TAG = "CallerInfo";
     50     /**
     51      * Please note that, any one of these member variables can be null,
     52      * and any accesses to them should be prepared to handle such a case.
     53      *
     54      * Also, it is implied that phoneNumber is more often populated than
     55      * name is, (think of calls being dialed/received using numbers where
     56      * names are not known to the device), so phoneNumber should serve as
     57      * a dependable fallback when name is unavailable.
     58      *
     59      * One other detail here is that this CallerInfo object reflects
     60      * information found on a connection, it is an OUTPUT that serves
     61      * mainly to display information to the user.  In no way is this object
     62      * used as input to make a connection, so we can choose to display
     63      * whatever human-readable text makes sense to the user for a
     64      * connection.  This is especially relevant for the phone number field,
     65      * since it is the one field that is most likely exposed to the user.
     66      *
     67      * As an example:
     68      *   1. User dials "911"
     69      *   2. Device recognizes that this is an emergency number
     70      *   3. We use the "Emergency Number" string instead of "911" in the
     71      *     phoneNumber field.
     72      *
     73      * What we're really doing here is treating phoneNumber as an essential
     74      * field here, NOT name.  We're NOT always guaranteed to have a name
     75      * for a connection, but the number should be displayable.
     76      */
     77     public String name;
     78     public String phoneNumber;
     79     public String normalizedNumber;
     80     public String forwardingNumber;
     81     public String geoDescription;
     83     public String cnapName;
     84     public int numberPresentation;
     85     public int namePresentation;
     86     public boolean contactExists;
     88     public String phoneLabel;
     89     /* Split up the phoneLabel into number type and label name */
     90     public int    numberType;
     91     public String numberLabel;
     93     public int photoResource;
     94     public long person_id;
     95     public boolean needUpdate;
     96     public Uri contactRefUri;
     98     // fields to hold individual contact preference data,
     99     // including the send to voicemail flag and the ringtone
    100     // uri reference.
    101     public Uri contactRingtoneUri;
    102     public boolean shouldSendToVoicemail;
    104     /**
    105      * Drawable representing the caller image.  This is essentially
    106      * a cache for the image data tied into the connection /
    107      * callerinfo object.
    108      *
    109      * This might be a high resolution picture which is more suitable
    110      * for full-screen image view than for smaller icons used in some
    111      * kinds of notifications.
    112      *
    113      * The {@link #isCachedPhotoCurrent} flag indicates if the image
    114      * data needs to be reloaded.
    115      */
    116     public Drawable cachedPhoto;
    117     /**
    118      * Bitmap representing the caller image which has possibly lower
    119      * resolution than {@link #cachedPhoto} and thus more suitable for
    120      * icons (like notification icons).
    121      *
    122      * In usual cases this is just down-scaled image of {@link #cachedPhoto}.
    123      * If the down-scaling fails, this will just become null.
    124      *
    125      * The {@link #isCachedPhotoCurrent} flag indicates if the image
    126      * data needs to be reloaded.
    127      */
    128     public Bitmap cachedPhotoIcon;
    129     /**
    130      * Boolean which indicates if {@link #cachedPhoto} and
    131      * {@link #cachedPhotoIcon} is fresh enough. If it is false,
    132      * those images aren't pointing to valid objects.
    133      */
    134     public boolean isCachedPhotoCurrent;
    136     private boolean mIsEmergency;
    137     private boolean mIsVoiceMail;
    139     public CallerInfo() {
    140         // TODO: Move all the basic initialization here?
    141         mIsEmergency = false;
    142         mIsVoiceMail = false;
    143     }
    145     /**
    146      * getCallerInfo given a Cursor.
    147      * @param context the context used to retrieve string constants
    148      * @param contactRef the URI to attach to this CallerInfo object
    149      * @param cursor the first object in the cursor is used to build the CallerInfo object.
    150      * @return the CallerInfo which contains the caller id for the given
    151      * number. The returned CallerInfo is null if no number is supplied.
    152      */
    153     public static CallerInfo getCallerInfo(Context context, Uri contactRef, Cursor cursor) {
    154         CallerInfo info = new CallerInfo();
    155         info.photoResource = 0;
    156         info.phoneLabel = null;
    157         info.numberType = 0;
    158         info.numberLabel = null;
    159         info.cachedPhoto = null;
    160         info.isCachedPhotoCurrent = false;
    161         info.contactExists = false;
    163         Log.v(TAG, "getCallerInfo() based on cursor...");
    165         if (cursor != null) {
    166             if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
    167                 // TODO: photo_id is always available but not taken
    168                 // care of here. Maybe we should store it in the
    169                 // CallerInfo object as well.
    171                 int columnIndex;
    173                 // Look for the name
    174                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME);
    175                 if (columnIndex != -1) {
    176                     info.name = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
    177                 }
    179                 // Look for the number
    180                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.NUMBER);
    181                 if (columnIndex != -1) {
    182                     info.phoneNumber = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
    183                 }
    185                 // Look for the normalized number
    186                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.NORMALIZED_NUMBER);
    187                 if (columnIndex != -1) {
    188                     info.normalizedNumber = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
    189                 }
    191                 // Look for the label/type combo
    192                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.LABEL);
    193                 if (columnIndex != -1) {
    194                     int typeColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.TYPE);
    195                     if (typeColumnIndex != -1) {
    196                         info.numberType = cursor.getInt(typeColumnIndex);
    197                         info.numberLabel = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
    198                         info.phoneLabel = Phone.getDisplayLabel(context,
    199                                 info.numberType, info.numberLabel)
    200                                 .toString();
    201                     }
    202                 }
    204                 // Look for the person_id.
    205                 columnIndex = getColumnIndexForPersonId(contactRef, cursor);
    206                 if (columnIndex != -1) {
    207                     info.person_id = cursor.getLong(columnIndex);
    208                     Log.v(TAG, "==> got info.person_id: " + info.person_id);
    209                 } else {
    210                     // No valid columnIndex, so we can't look up person_id.
    211                     Log.v(TAG, "Couldn't find person_id column for " + contactRef);
    212                     // Watch out: this means that anything that depends on
    213                     // person_id will be broken (like contact photo lookups in
    214                     // the in-call UI, for example.)
    215                 }
    217                 // look for the custom ringtone, create from the string stored
    218                 // in the database.
    219                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.CUSTOM_RINGTONE);
    220                 if ((columnIndex != -1) && (cursor.getString(columnIndex) != null)) {
    221                     info.contactRingtoneUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(columnIndex));
    222                 } else {
    223                     info.contactRingtoneUri = null;
    224                 }
    226                 // look for the send to voicemail flag, set it to true only
    227                 // under certain circumstances.
    228                 columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneLookup.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL);
    229                 info.shouldSendToVoicemail = (columnIndex != -1) &&
    230                         ((cursor.getInt(columnIndex)) == 1);
    231                 info.contactExists = true;
    232             }
    233             cursor.close();
    234         }
    236         info.needUpdate = false;
    237         info.name = normalize(info.name);
    238         info.contactRefUri = contactRef;
    240         return info;
    241     }
    243     /**
    244      * getCallerInfo given a URI, look up in the call-log database
    245      * for the uri unique key.
    246      * @param context the context used to get the ContentResolver
    247      * @param contactRef the URI used to lookup caller id
    248      * @return the CallerInfo which contains the caller id for the given
    249      * number. The returned CallerInfo is null if no number is supplied.
    250      */
    251     public static CallerInfo getCallerInfo(Context context, Uri contactRef) {
    253         return getCallerInfo(context, contactRef,
    254                 context.getContentResolver().query(contactRef, null, null, null, null));
    255     }
    257     /**
    258      * getCallerInfo given a phone number, look up in the call-log database
    259      * for the matching caller id info.
    260      * @param context the context used to get the ContentResolver
    261      * @param number the phone number used to lookup caller id
    262      * @return the CallerInfo which contains the caller id for the given
    263      * number. The returned CallerInfo is null if no number is supplied. If
    264      * a matching number is not found, then a generic caller info is returned,
    265      * with all relevant fields empty or null.
    266      */
    267     public static CallerInfo getCallerInfo(Context context, String number) {
    268         Log.v(TAG, "getCallerInfo() based on number...");
    270         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(number)) {
    271             return null;
    272         }
    274         // Change the callerInfo number ONLY if it is an emergency number
    275         // or if it is the voicemail number.  If it is either, take a
    276         // shortcut and skip the query.
    277         if (PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(number, context)) {
    278             return new CallerInfo().markAsEmergency(context);
    279         } else if (PhoneNumberUtils.isVoiceMailNumber(number)) {
    280             return new CallerInfo().markAsVoiceMail();
    281         }
    283         Uri contactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(number));
    285         CallerInfo info = getCallerInfo(context, contactUri);
    286         info = doSecondaryLookupIfNecessary(context, number, info);
    288         // if no query results were returned with a viable number,
    289         // fill in the original number value we used to query with.
    290         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.phoneNumber)) {
    291             info.phoneNumber = number;
    292         }
    294         return info;
    295     }
    297     /**
    298      * Performs another lookup if previous lookup fails and it's a SIP call
    299      * and the peer's username is all numeric. Look up the username as it
    300      * could be a PSTN number in the contact database.
    301      *
    302      * @param context the query context
    303      * @param number the original phone number, could be a SIP URI
    304      * @param previousResult the result of previous lookup
    305      * @return previousResult if it's not the case
    306      */
    307     static CallerInfo doSecondaryLookupIfNecessary(Context context,
    308             String number, CallerInfo previousResult) {
    309         if (!previousResult.contactExists
    310                 && PhoneNumberUtils.isUriNumber(number)) {
    311             String username = PhoneNumberUtils.getUsernameFromUriNumber(number);
    312             if (PhoneNumberUtils.isGlobalPhoneNumber(username)) {
    313                 previousResult = getCallerInfo(context,
    314                         Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI,
    315                                 Uri.encode(username)));
    316             }
    317         }
    318         return previousResult;
    319     }
    321     /**
    322      * getCallerId: a convenience method to get the caller id for a given
    323      * number.
    324      *
    325      * @param context the context used to get the ContentResolver.
    326      * @param number a phone number.
    327      * @return if the number belongs to a contact, the contact's name is
    328      * returned; otherwise, the number itself is returned.
    329      *
    330      * TODO NOTE: This MAY need to refer to the Asynchronous Query API
    331      * [startQuery()], instead of getCallerInfo, but since it looks like
    332      * it is only being used by the provider calls in the messaging app:
    333      *   1. android.provider.Telephony.Mms.getDisplayAddress()
    334      *   2. android.provider.Telephony.Sms.getDisplayAddress()
    335      * We may not need to make the change.
    336      */
    337     public static String getCallerId(Context context, String number) {
    338         CallerInfo info = getCallerInfo(context, number);
    339         String callerID = null;
    341         if (info != null) {
    342             String name = info.name;
    344             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
    345                 callerID = name;
    346             } else {
    347                 callerID = number;
    348             }
    349         }
    351         return callerID;
    352     }
    354     // Accessors
    356     /**
    357      * @return true if the caller info is an emergency number.
    358      */
    359     public boolean isEmergencyNumber() {
    360         return mIsEmergency;
    361     }
    363     /**
    364      * @return true if the caller info is a voicemail number.
    365      */
    366     public boolean isVoiceMailNumber() {
    367         return mIsVoiceMail;
    368     }
    370     /**
    371      * Mark this CallerInfo as an emergency call.
    372      * @param context To lookup the localized 'Emergency Number' string.
    373      * @return this instance.
    374      */
    375     // TODO: Note we're setting the phone number here (refer to
    376     // javadoc comments at the top of CallerInfo class) to a localized
    377     // string 'Emergency Number'. This is pretty bad because we are
    378     // making UI work here instead of just packaging the data. We
    379     // should set the phone number to the dialed number and name to
    380     // 'Emergency Number' and let the UI make the decision about what
    381     // should be displayed.
    382     /* package */ CallerInfo markAsEmergency(Context context) {
    383         phoneNumber = context.getString(R.string.emergency_call_dialog_number_for_display);
    384         photoResource = R.drawable.picture_emergency;
    385         mIsEmergency = true;
    386         return this;
    387     }
    390     /**
    391      * Mark this CallerInfo as a voicemail call. The voicemail label
    392      * is obtained from the telephony manager. Caller must hold the
    393      * READ_PHONE_STATE permission otherwise the phoneNumber will be
    394      * set to null.
    395      * @return this instance.
    396      */
    397     // TODO: As in the emergency number handling, we end up writing a
    398     // string in the phone number field.
    399     /* package */ CallerInfo markAsVoiceMail() {
    400         mIsVoiceMail = true;
    402         try {
    403             String voiceMailLabel = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getVoiceMailAlphaTag();
    405             phoneNumber = voiceMailLabel;
    406         } catch (SecurityException se) {
    407             // Should never happen: if this process does not have
    408             // permission to retrieve VM tag, it should not have
    409             // permission to retrieve VM number and would not call
    410             // this method.
    411             // Leave phoneNumber untouched.
    412             Log.e(TAG, "Cannot access VoiceMail.", se);
    413         }
    414         // TODO: There is no voicemail picture?
    415         // FIXME: FIND ANOTHER ICON
    416         // photoResource = android.R.drawable.badge_voicemail;
    417         return this;
    418     }
    420     private static String normalize(String s) {
    421         if (s == null || s.length() > 0) {
    422             return s;
    423         } else {
    424             return null;
    425         }
    426     }
    428     /**
    429      * Returns the column index to use to find the "person_id" field in
    430      * the specified cursor, based on the contact URI that was originally
    431      * queried.
    432      *
    433      * This is a helper function for the getCallerInfo() method that takes
    434      * a Cursor.  Looking up the person_id is nontrivial (compared to all
    435      * the other CallerInfo fields) since the column we need to use
    436      * depends on what query we originally ran.
    437      *
    438      * Watch out: be sure to not do any database access in this method, since
    439      * it's run from the UI thread (see comments below for more info.)
    440      *
    441      * @return the columnIndex to use (with cursor.getLong()) to get the
    442      * person_id, or -1 if we couldn't figure out what colum to use.
    443      *
    444      * TODO: Add a unittest for this method.  (This is a little tricky to
    445      * test, since we'll need a live contacts database to test against,
    446      * preloaded with at least some phone numbers and SIP addresses.  And
    447      * we'll probably have to hardcode the column indexes we expect, so
    448      * the test might break whenever the contacts schema changes.  But we
    449      * can at least make sure we handle all the URI patterns we claim to,
    450      * and that the mime types match what we expect...)
    451      */
    452     private static int getColumnIndexForPersonId(Uri contactRef, Cursor cursor) {
    453         // TODO: This is pretty ugly now, see bug 2269240 for
    454         // more details. The column to use depends upon the type of URL:
    455         // - content://com.android.contacts/data/phones ==> use the "contact_id" column
    456         // - content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup ==> use the "_ID" column
    457         // - content://com.android.contacts/data ==> use the "contact_id" column
    458         // If it's none of the above, we leave columnIndex=-1 which means
    459         // that the person_id field will be left unset.
    460         //
    461         // The logic here *used* to be based on the mime type of contactRef
    462         // (for example Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE would tell us to use the
    463         // RawContacts.CONTACT_ID column).  But looking up the mime type requires
    464         // a call to context.getContentResolver().getType(contactRef), which
    465         // isn't safe to do from the UI thread since it can cause an ANR if
    466         // the contacts provider is slow or blocked (like during a sync.)
    467         //
    468         // So instead, figure out the column to use for person_id by just
    469         // looking at the URI itself.
    471         Log.v(TAG, "- getColumnIndexForPersonId: contactRef URI = '"
    472                 + contactRef + "'...");
    473         // Warning: Do not enable the following logging (due to ANR risk.)
    474         // if (VDBG) Rlog.v(TAG, "- MIME type: "
    475         //                 + context.getContentResolver().getType(contactRef));
    477         String url = contactRef.toString();
    478         String columnName = null;
    479         if (url.startsWith("content://com.android.contacts/data/phones")) {
    480             // Direct lookup in the Phone table.
    481             // MIME type: Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE (= "vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2")
    482             Log.v(TAG, "'data/phones' URI; using RawContacts.CONTACT_ID");
    483             columnName = RawContacts.CONTACT_ID;
    484         } else if (url.startsWith("content://com.android.contacts/data")) {
    485             // Direct lookup in the Data table.
    486             // MIME type: Data.CONTENT_TYPE (= "vnd.android.cursor.dir/data")
    487             Log.v(TAG, "'data' URI; using Data.CONTACT_ID");
    488             // (Note Data.CONTACT_ID and RawContacts.CONTACT_ID are equivalent.)
    489             columnName = Data.CONTACT_ID;
    490         } else if (url.startsWith("content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup")) {
    491             // Lookup in the PhoneLookup table, which provides "fuzzy matching"
    492             // for phone numbers.
    493             // MIME type: PhoneLookup.CONTENT_TYPE (= "vnd.android.cursor.dir/phone_lookup")
    494             Log.v(TAG, "'phone_lookup' URI; using PhoneLookup._ID");
    495             columnName = PhoneLookup._ID;
    496         } else {
    497             Log.v(TAG, "Unexpected prefix for contactRef '" + url + "'");
    498         }
    499         int columnIndex = (columnName != null) ? cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName) : -1;
    500         Log.v(TAG, "==> Using column '" + columnName
    501                 + "' (columnIndex = " + columnIndex + ") for person_id lookup...");
    502         return columnIndex;
    503     }
    505     /**
    506      * Updates this CallerInfo's geoDescription field, based on the raw
    507      * phone number in the phoneNumber field.
    508      *
    509      * (Note that the various getCallerInfo() methods do *not* set the
    510      * geoDescription automatically; you need to call this method
    511      * explicitly to get it.)
    512      *
    513      * @param context the context used to look up the current locale / country
    514      * @param fallbackNumber if this CallerInfo's phoneNumber field is empty,
    515      *        this specifies a fallback number to use instead.
    516      */
    517     public void updateGeoDescription(Context context, String fallbackNumber) {
    518         String number = TextUtils.isEmpty(phoneNumber) ? fallbackNumber : phoneNumber;
    519         geoDescription = getGeoDescription(context, number);
    520     }
    522     /**
    523      * @return a geographical description string for the specified number.
    524      * @see com.android.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder
    525      */
    526     private static String getGeoDescription(Context context, String number) {
    527         Log.v(TAG, "getGeoDescription('" + number + "')...");
    529         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(number)) {
    530             return null;
    531         }
    533         PhoneNumberUtil util = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
    534         PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder geocoder = PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder.getInstance();
    536         Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
    537         String countryIso = getCurrentCountryIso(context, locale);
    538         PhoneNumber pn = null;
    539         try {
    540             Log.v(TAG, "parsing '" + number
    541                     + "' for countryIso '" + countryIso + "'...");
    542             pn = util.parse(number, countryIso);
    543             Log.v(TAG, "- parsed number: " + pn);
    544         } catch (NumberParseException e) {
    545             Log.v(TAG, "getGeoDescription: NumberParseException for incoming number '" +
    546                     number + "'");
    547         }
    549         if (pn != null) {
    550             String description = geocoder.getDescriptionForNumber(pn, locale);
    551             Log.v(TAG, "- got description: '" + description + "'");
    552             return description;
    553         } else {
    554             return null;
    555         }
    556     }
    558     /**
    559      * @return The ISO 3166-1 two letters country code of the country the user
    560      *         is in.
    561      */
    562     private static String getCurrentCountryIso(Context context, Locale locale) {
    563         String countryIso = null;
    564         CountryDetector detector = (CountryDetector) context.getSystemService(
    565                 Context.COUNTRY_DETECTOR);
    566         if (detector != null) {
    567             Country country = detector.detectCountry();
    568             if (country != null) {
    569                 countryIso = country.getCountryIso();
    570             } else {
    571                 Log.e(TAG, "CountryDetector.detectCountry() returned null.");
    572             }
    573         }
    574         if (countryIso == null) {
    575             countryIso = locale.getCountry();
    576             Log.w(TAG, "No CountryDetector; falling back to countryIso based on locale: "
    577                     + countryIso);
    578         }
    579         return countryIso;
    580     }
    582     protected static String getCurrentCountryIso(Context context) {
    583         return getCurrentCountryIso(context, Locale.getDefault());
    584     }
    586     /**
    587      * @return a string debug representation of this instance.
    588      */
    589     @Override
    590     public String toString() {
    591         // Warning: never check in this file with VERBOSE_DEBUG = true
    592         // because that will result in PII in the system log.
    593         final boolean VERBOSE_DEBUG = false;
    595         if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
    596             return new StringBuilder(384)
    597                     .append(super.toString() + " { ")
    598                     .append("\nname: " + name)
    599                     .append("\nphoneNumber: " + phoneNumber)
    600                     .append("\nnormalizedNumber: " + normalizedNumber)
    601                     .append("\forwardingNumber: " + forwardingNumber)
    602                     .append("\ngeoDescription: " + geoDescription)
    603                     .append("\ncnapName: " + cnapName)
    604                     .append("\nnumberPresentation: " + numberPresentation)
    605                     .append("\nnamePresentation: " + namePresentation)
    606                     .append("\ncontactExists: " + contactExists)
    607                     .append("\nphoneLabel: " + phoneLabel)
    608                     .append("\nnumberType: " + numberType)
    609                     .append("\nnumberLabel: " + numberLabel)
    610                     .append("\nphotoResource: " + photoResource)
    611                     .append("\nperson_id: " + person_id)
    612                     .append("\nneedUpdate: " + needUpdate)
    613                     .append("\ncontactRefUri: " + contactRefUri)
    614                     .append("\ncontactRingtoneUri: " + contactRefUri)
    615                     .append("\nshouldSendToVoicemail: " + shouldSendToVoicemail)
    616                     .append("\ncachedPhoto: " + cachedPhoto)
    617                     .append("\nisCachedPhotoCurrent: " + isCachedPhotoCurrent)
    618                     .append("\nemergency: " + mIsEmergency)
    619                     .append("\nvoicemail " + mIsVoiceMail)
    620                     .append(" }")
    621                     .toString();
    622         } else {
    623             return new StringBuilder(128)
    624                     .append(super.toString() + " { ")
    625                     .append("name " + ((name == null) ? "null" : "non-null"))
    626                     .append(", phoneNumber " + ((phoneNumber == null) ? "null" : "non-null"))
    627                     .append(" }")
    628                     .toString();
    629         }
    630     }
    631 }