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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/callback.h"
      9 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     10 #include "base/time/time.h"
     11 #include "base/values.h"
     12 #include "cc/base/swap_promise_monitor.h"
     13 #include "cc/debug/rendering_stats.h"
     14 #include "cc/input/top_controls_state.h"
     15 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_client.h"
     16 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_single_thread_client.h"
     17 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_settings.h"
     18 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebLayerTreeView.h"
     19 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
     20 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
     22 namespace ui {
     23 struct LatencyInfo;
     24 }
     26 namespace cc {
     27 class InputHandler;
     28 class Layer;
     29 class LayerTreeHost;
     30 }
     32 namespace content {
     33 class RenderWidget;
     35 class RenderWidgetCompositor : public blink::WebLayerTreeView,
     36                                public cc::LayerTreeHostClient,
     37                                public cc::LayerTreeHostSingleThreadClient {
     38  public:
     39   // Attempt to construct and initialize a compositor instance for the widget
     40   // with the given settings. Returns NULL if initialization fails.
     41   static scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetCompositor> Create(RenderWidget* widget,
     42                                                    bool threaded);
     44   virtual ~RenderWidgetCompositor();
     46   const base::WeakPtr<cc::InputHandler>& GetInputHandler();
     47   void SetSuppressScheduleComposite(bool suppress);
     48   bool BeginMainFrameRequested() const;
     49   void Animate(base::TimeTicks time);
     50   void Composite(base::TimeTicks frame_begin_time);
     51   void SetNeedsDisplayOnAllLayers();
     52   void SetRasterizeOnlyVisibleContent();
     53   void GetRenderingStats(cc::RenderingStats* stats);
     54   void UpdateTopControlsState(cc::TopControlsState constraints,
     55                               cc::TopControlsState current,
     56                               bool animate);
     57   void SetOverdrawBottomHeight(float overdraw_bottom_height);
     58   void SetNeedsRedrawRect(gfx::Rect damage_rect);
     59   // Like setNeedsRedraw but forces the frame to be drawn, without early-outs.
     60   // Redraw will be forced after the next commit
     61   void SetNeedsForcedRedraw();
     62   // Calling CreateLatencyInfoSwapPromiseMonitor() to get a scoped
     63   // LatencyInfoSwapPromiseMonitor. During the life time of the
     64   // LatencyInfoSwapPromiseMonitor, if SetNeedsCommit() or SetNeedsUpdateLayer()
     65   // is called on LayerTreeHost, the original latency info will be turned
     66   // into a LatencyInfoSwapPromise.
     67   scoped_ptr<cc::SwapPromiseMonitor> CreateLatencyInfoSwapPromiseMonitor(
     68       ui::LatencyInfo* latency);
     69   int GetLayerTreeId() const;
     70   void NotifyInputThrottledUntilCommit();
     71   const cc::Layer* GetRootLayer() const;
     72   bool ScheduleMicroBenchmark(
     73       const std::string& name,
     74       scoped_ptr<base::Value> value,
     75       const base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<base::Value>)>& callback);
     77   // WebLayerTreeView implementation.
     78   virtual void setSurfaceReady();
     79   virtual void setRootLayer(const blink::WebLayer& layer);
     80   virtual void clearRootLayer();
     81   virtual void setViewportSize(
     82       const blink::WebSize& unused_deprecated,
     83       const blink::WebSize& device_viewport_size);
     84   virtual blink::WebSize layoutViewportSize() const;
     85   virtual blink::WebSize deviceViewportSize() const;
     86   virtual blink::WebFloatPoint adjustEventPointForPinchZoom(
     87       const blink::WebFloatPoint& point) const;
     88   virtual void setDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale);
     89   virtual float deviceScaleFactor() const;
     90   virtual void setBackgroundColor(blink::WebColor color);
     91   virtual void setHasTransparentBackground(bool transparent);
     92   virtual void setOverhangBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap);
     93   virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
     94   virtual void setPageScaleFactorAndLimits(float page_scale_factor,
     95                                            float minimum,
     96                                            float maximum);
     97   virtual void startPageScaleAnimation(const blink::WebPoint& destination,
     98                                        bool use_anchor,
     99                                        float new_page_scale,
    100                                        double duration_sec);
    101   virtual void setNeedsAnimate();
    102   virtual bool commitRequested() const;
    103   virtual void didStopFlinging();
    104   virtual bool compositeAndReadback(void *pixels, const blink::WebRect& rect);
    105   virtual void finishAllRendering();
    106   virtual void setDeferCommits(bool defer_commits);
    107   virtual void registerForAnimations(blink::WebLayer* layer);
    108   virtual void registerViewportLayers(
    109       const blink::WebLayer* pageScaleLayer,
    110       const blink::WebLayer* innerViewportScrollLayer,
    111       const blink::WebLayer* outerViewportScrollLayer) OVERRIDE;
    112   virtual void clearViewportLayers() OVERRIDE;
    113   virtual void renderingStats(blink::WebRenderingStats& stats) const {}
    114   virtual void setShowFPSCounter(bool show);
    115   virtual void setShowPaintRects(bool show);
    116   virtual void setShowDebugBorders(bool show);
    117   virtual void setContinuousPaintingEnabled(bool enabled);
    118   virtual void setShowScrollBottleneckRects(bool show);
    120   // cc::LayerTreeHostClient implementation.
    121   virtual void WillBeginMainFrame(int frame_id) OVERRIDE;
    122   virtual void DidBeginMainFrame() OVERRIDE;
    123   virtual void Animate(double frame_begin_time) OVERRIDE;
    124   virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
    125   virtual void ApplyScrollAndScale(gfx::Vector2d scroll_delta,
    126                                    float page_scale) OVERRIDE;
    127   virtual scoped_ptr<cc::OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
    128       OVERRIDE;
    129   virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool success) OVERRIDE;
    130   virtual void WillCommit() OVERRIDE;
    131   virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE;
    132   virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE;
    133   virtual void DidCompleteSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
    134   virtual scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider>
    135       OffscreenContextProvider() OVERRIDE;
    136   virtual void RateLimitSharedMainThreadContext() OVERRIDE;
    138   // cc::LayerTreeHostSingleThreadClient implementation.
    139   virtual void ScheduleComposite() OVERRIDE;
    140   virtual void ScheduleAnimation() OVERRIDE;
    141   virtual void DidPostSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
    142   virtual void DidAbortSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
    144  private:
    145   RenderWidgetCompositor(RenderWidget* widget, bool threaded);
    147   bool Initialize(cc::LayerTreeSettings settings);
    149   bool threaded_;
    150   bool suppress_schedule_composite_;
    151   RenderWidget* widget_;
    152   scoped_ptr<cc::LayerTreeHost> layer_tree_host_;
    153 };
    155 }  // namespace content