/art/runtime/ |
offsets.cc | 23 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Offset& offs) { 24 return os << offs.Int32Value();
offsets.h | 38 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Offset& offs);
/external/svox/pico_resources/tools/LingwareBuilding/PicoLingware_tools_windows/tools/ |
genlingware.pl | 273 $offs = 0; 284 $offs += print_offs(@svoxheader); 286 print "offset after svoxheader: $offs\n"; 299 #fill should make the whole header 4-byte aligned, i.e. the current offs 301 $fill = ($offs + 2 + $len) % 4; 308 $offs += &print_uint16($len); #write little-endian 16-bit cardinal 309 print "offset after length of header: $offs\n"; 312 $offs += &print_uint8(@fields+0); 313 print "offset after number of fields: $offs\n"; 316 $offs += print_offs($fieldheader) [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/native_client_sdk/src/libraries/nacl_io/ |
fifo_char.cc | 65 size_t offs = tail_; local 67 size_t read_len = std::min(len, size_ - offs); 68 memcpy(ptr, &buffer_[offs], read_len); 71 offs += read_len; 73 if (offs == size_) 74 offs = 0; 98 size_t offs = (tail_ + avail_) % size_; local 100 size_t write_len = std::min(len, size_ - offs); 101 memcpy(&buffer_[offs], ptr, write_len); 104 offs += write_len [all...] |
mount_node_mem.cc | 45 if (attr.offs + count > size) { 46 count = size - attr.offs; 49 memcpy(buf, &data_[attr.offs], count); 64 if (count + attr.offs > static_cast<size_t>(stat_.st_size)) { 65 Resize(count + attr.offs); 66 count = stat_.st_size - attr.offs; 69 memcpy(&data_[attr.offs], buf, count);
getdents_helper.cc | 59 Error GetDentsHelper::GetDents(size_t offs, 77 if (offs >= max) { 82 if (offs + size >= max) 83 size = max - offs; 85 memcpy(pdir, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(dirents_.data()) + offs, size);
getdents_helper.h | 23 Error GetDents(size_t offs, dirent* pdir, size_t size, int* out_bytes) const;
mount_node_http.cc | 157 Error MountNodeHttp::GetDents(size_t offs, 400 if (attr.offs + count > size) 401 count = size - attr.offs; 406 memcpy(buf, &cached_data_.data()[attr.offs], count); 424 attr.offs, 425 attr.offs + count - 1); 455 if (attr.offs >= content_length) 459 if (attr.offs + count > content_length) { 460 count = content_length - attr.offs; 469 if (read_start > attr.offs || read_start > read_end) [all...] |
kernel_handle.cc | 47 Error error = node_->GetSize(&handle_attr_.offs); 71 base = handle_attr_.offs; 93 *out_offset = handle_attr_.offs = new_offset; 103 handle_attr_.offs += *cnt; 113 handle_attr_.offs += *cnt; 119 Error error = node_->GetDents(handle_attr_.offs, pdir, nbytes, cnt); 121 handle_attr_.offs += *cnt;
mount_node_html5fs.h | 21 virtual Error GetDents(size_t offs,
/external/svox/pico/lib/ |
picokfst.c | 148 picoos_int32 offs; local 169 BytesToNum(kfst->fstStream,& curpos,& offs); 170 kfst->alphaHashTabPos = kfst->hdrLen + offs; 172 BytesToNum(kfst->fstStream,& curpos,& offs); 173 kfst->transTabPos = kfst->hdrLen + offs; 174 BytesToNum(kfst->fstStream,& curpos,& offs); 175 kfst->inEpsStateTabPos = kfst->hdrLen + offs; 176 BytesToNum(kfst->fstStream,& curpos,& offs); 177 kfst->accStateTabPos = kfst->hdrLen + offs; 276 picoos_int32 offs; local 367 picoos_int32 offs; local [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/opus/src/celt/ |
entcode.h | 70 opus_uint32 offs; member in struct:ec_ctx 87 return _this->offs;
entenc.c | 61 if(_this->offs+_this->end_offs>=_this->storage)return -1; 62 _this->buf[_this->offs++]=(unsigned char)_value; 67 if(_this->offs+_this->end_offs>=_this->storage)return -1; 119 _this->offs=0; 220 if(_this->offs>0){ 238 celt_assert(_this->offs+_this->end_offs<=_size); 277 OPUS_CLEAR(_this->buf+_this->offs, 278 _this->storage-_this->offs-_this->end_offs); 286 if(_this->offs+_this->end_offs>=_this->storage&&l<used){
/external/lzma/Asm/x86/ |
AesOpt.asm | 63 LOAD_OP macro op:req, offs:req
64 op xmm0, [r1 + r3 offs]
67 LOAD_OP_W macro op:req, offs:req
68 movdqa xmm7, [r1 + r3 offs]
75 CBC_DEC_UPDATE macro reg, offs
77 movdqa xmm6, [rD + offs]
78 movdqa [rD + offs], reg
170 XOR_UPD_1 macro reg, offs
171 pxor reg, [rD + offs]
174 XOR_UPD_2 macro reg, offs
[all...] |
/external/chromium_org/native_client_sdk/src/examples/tutorial/debugging/ |
example.js | 25 if (addr < map[0].offs) { 30 if (addr < map[i].offs) { 31 var offs = addr - map[i - 1].offs; 45 return filename + ' ' + map[i - 1].name + ' + 0x' + offs.toString(16); 50 return filename + ' ' + map[last].name + ' + 0x' + offs.toString(16); 81 offs: parseInt(vals[0], 16), 98 orderedMap.sort(function(a, b) { return a.offs - b.offs; });
/external/chromium_org/native_client_sdk/src/examples/api/websocket/ |
websocket.cc | 49 uint32_t offs = 0; local 52 for (offs = 0; offs < array.ByteLength() && offs < MAX_TO_CONVERT; offs++) 53 sprintf(&tmp[offs * BYTES_PER_CHAR], "%02Xh ", data[offs]); 55 sprintf(&tmp[offs * BYTES_PER_CHAR], "...");
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/ |
addressmap_unittest.cc | 103 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 104 CHECK(!map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 108 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 129 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 130 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 141 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 142 CHECK(!map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 146 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p));
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/ |
addressmap_unittest.cc | 103 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 104 CHECK(!map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 108 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 129 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 130 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 141 int offs = rnd.Uniform(ptrs_and_sizes[i].size); local 142 CHECK(!map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxSize, p + offs, &res_p)); 146 CHECK(result = map.FindInside(&SizeFunc, kMaxRealSize, p + offs, &res_p));
/external/clang/include/clang/Edit/ |
FileOffset.h | 21 unsigned Offs; 23 FileOffset() : Offs(0) { } 24 FileOffset(FileID fid, unsigned offs) : FID(fid), Offs(offs) { } 29 unsigned getOffset() const { return Offs; } 33 NewOffs.Offs += offset; 38 return LHS.FID == RHS.FID && LHS.Offs == RHS.Offs; 46 return LHS.Offs < RHS.Offs [all...] |
/external/qemu/distrib/zlib-1.2.3/ |
inftrees.c | 59 unsigned short offs[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */ local 141 offs[1] = 0; 143 offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len]; 147 if (lens[sym] != 0) work[offs[lens[sym]]++] = (unsigned short)sym;
/external/zlib/src/contrib/infback9/ |
inftree9.c | 59 unsigned short offs[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */ local 135 offs[1] = 0; 137 offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len]; 141 if (lens[sym] != 0) work[offs[lens[sym]]++] = (unsigned short)sym;
/external/zlib/src/ |
inftrees.c | 59 unsigned short offs[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */ local 141 offs[1] = 0; 143 offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len]; 147 if (lens[sym] != 0) work[offs[lens[sym]]++] = (unsigned short)sym;
/external/clang/lib/Edit/ |
EditedSource.cpp | 31 bool EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs) { 32 FileEditsTy::iterator FA = getActionForOffset(Offs); 34 if (FA->first != Offs) 54 FileOffset Offs, StringRef text, 56 if (!canInsertInOffset(OrigLoc, Offs)) 69 FileEdit &FA = FileEdits[Offs]; 86 FileOffset Offs, 140 return commitInsert(OrigLoc, Offs, StrVec.str(), beforePreviousInsertions); 270 SourceLocation Loc, FileOffset offs, 278 StringRef buffer = SM.getBufferData(offs.getFID(), &Invalid) 348 FileOffset offs = I->first; local [all...] |
/bionic/libc/kernel/common/linux/mtd/ |
bbm.h | 26 int offs; member in struct:nand_bbt_descr
/development/ndk/platforms/android-3/include/linux/mtd/ |
bbm.h | 20 int offs; member in struct:nand_bbt_descr