/frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/tests/ |
Android.mk | 30 # Build the manual test programs.
/system/extras/tests/sdcard/ |
Android.mk | 15 # Build control file for Bionic's test programs 16 # define the BIONIC_TESTS environment variable to build the test programs
/frameworks/native/libs/input/tests/ |
Android.mk | 32 # Build the manual test programs.
/frameworks/native/libs/ui/tests/ |
Android.mk | 32 # Build the manual test programs.
/frameworks/wilhelm/tests/ |
Android.mk | 38 # Build the manual test programs.
/frameworks/wilhelm/tests/automated/ |
Android.mk | 38 # Build the manual test programs.
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Ruby/lib/antlr3/streams/ |
rewrite.rb | 39 TokenRewriteStream is a specialized form of CommonTokenStream that provides simple stream editing functionality. By creating <i>rewrite programs</i>, new text output can be created based upon the tokens in the stream. The basic token stream itself is preserved, and text output is rendered on demand using the #to_s method. 362 attr_reader :programs 367 @programs = Hash.new do |programs, name| 369 programs[ name ] = RewriteProgram.new( self, name ) 370 else programs[ name.to_s ] 378 program = @programs[ program_name ] 387 return @programs[ name ] 391 @programs.delete( name ) 401 @programs[ 'default' ].insert_before( *args [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/JavaScript/src/org/antlr/runtime/ |
TokenRewriteStream.js | 11 * machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :) 57 * I'm calling these things "programs." 60 this.programs = null; 141 this.programs = {}; 142 this.programs[trs.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME] = []; 161 var is = this.programs[programName]; 163 programs[programName] = is.slice(trs.MIN_TOKEN_INDEX, this.instructionIndex); 345 var is = this.programs[name]; 354 this.programs[name] = is; 389 var rewrites = this.programs[programName] [all...] |
/external/sonivox/arm-fm-22k/lib_src/ |
eas_fmsndlib.c | 1611 const S_PROGRAM programs[] = variable [all...] |
/frameworks/base/services/input/tests/ |
Android.mk | 47 # Build the manual test programs.
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ActionScript/project/src/org/antlr/runtime/ |
TokenRewriteStream.as | 42 * machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :) 88 * I'm calling these things "programs." 91 protected var programs:Object = new Object(); 98 programs[DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME] = new Array(); 106 var isn:Array = programs[programName] as Array; 108 programs[programName] = isn.slice(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX,instructionIndex); 188 var isn:Array = programs[name] as Array; 197 programs[name] = isn; 222 var rewrites:Array = programs[programName] as Array;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/CSharp2/Sources/Antlr3.Runtime/Antlr.Runtime/ |
TokenRewriteStream.cs | 52 * machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :) 178 * I'm calling these things "programs." 182 protected IDictionary<string, IList<RewriteOperation>> programs = null; field in class:Antlr.Runtime.TokenRewriteStream 192 programs = new Dictionary<string, IList<RewriteOperation>>(); 193 programs[DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME] = new List<RewriteOperation>(PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE); 219 if (programs.TryGetValue(programName, out @is) && @is != null) { 224 programs[programName] = sublist; 350 if (!programs.TryGetValue(name, out @is) || @is == null) { 358 programs[name] = @is; 392 if (!programs.TryGetValue(programName, out rewrites) [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/CSharp3/Sources/Antlr3.Runtime/ |
TokenRewriteStream.cs | 55 * machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :) 200 * I'm calling these things "programs." 204 protected IDictionary<string, IList<RewriteOperation>> programs = null; field in class:Antlr.Runtime.TokenRewriteStream 216 programs = new Dictionary<string, IList<RewriteOperation>>(); 217 programs[DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME] = new List<RewriteOperation>( PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE ); 247 if ( programs.TryGetValue( programName, out @is ) && @is != null ) 253 programs[programName] = sublist; 404 if ( !programs.TryGetValue( name, out @is ) || @is == null ) 414 programs[name] = @is; 455 if ( !programs.TryGetValue( programName, out rewrites ) [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Java/src/main/java/org/antlr/runtime/ |
TokenRewriteStream.java | 42 * machine instruction streams (programs) operating on a single input tape. :) 159 * I'm calling these things "programs." 162 protected Map programs = null; field in class:TokenRewriteStream 172 programs = new HashMap(); 173 programs.put(DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME, new ArrayList(PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE)); 196 List is = (List)programs.get(programName); 198 programs.put(programName, is.subList(MIN_TOKEN_INDEX,instructionIndex)); 321 List is = (List)programs.get(name); 330 programs.put(name, is); 362 List rewrites = (List)programs.get(programName) [all...] |
/external/libexif/ |
libexif.spec | 17 utilities and programs with GUIs.
/system/extras/tests/bionic/libstdc++/ |
Android.mk | 15 # Build control file for Bionic's test programs 16 # define the BIONIC_TESTS environment variable to build the test programs
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/docs/OLD/ |
MESA_program_debug.spec | 36 vertex and fragment programs. 85 programs I don't see another way to do it. 245 vertex and/or fragment programs defined by those extensions may 313 vertex programs.
MESA_trace.spec | 36 linked for standalone test programs. The set of calls and the
/external/mesa3d/docs/OLD/ |
MESA_program_debug.spec | 36 vertex and fragment programs. 85 programs I don't see another way to do it. 245 vertex and/or fragment programs defined by those extensions may 313 vertex programs.
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Headers/ |
ANTLRTokenRewriteStream.h | 105 * I'm calling these things "programs." 108 ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable 114 @property (retain, getter=getPrograms, setter=setPrograms:) ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ |
ANTLRTokenRewriteStream.h | 105 * I'm calling these things "programs." 108 ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable 114 @property (retain, getter=getPrograms, setter=setPrograms:) ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/ |
ANTLRTokenRewriteStream.h | 105 * I'm calling these things "programs." 108 ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable 114 @property (retain, getter=getPrograms, setter=setPrograms:) ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/ |
ANTLRTokenRewriteStream.h | 105 * I'm calling these things "programs." 108 ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable 114 @property (retain, getter=getPrograms, setter=setPrograms:) ANTLRHashMap *programs; variable
/external/chromium_org/third_party/re2/doc/ |
mksyntaxgo | 26 parse trees into programs. Most clients of regular expressions will use the
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/packages/rpm/ |
rpm.spec | 21 performance of C++ programs. This includes an optimized thread-caching