/external/chromium_org/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/ |
webgl_conformance_expectations.py | 22 def SetExpectations(self): 24 # self.Fail('gl-enable-vertex-attrib.html', 28 self.Skip('conformance/glsl/misc/large-loop-compile.html', 30 self.Skip('conformance/textures/texture-size-limit.html', 34 self.Fail('conformance/ogles/GL/atan/atan_001_to_008.html', 36 self.Fail('conformance/ogles/GL/atan/atan_009_to_012.html', 38 self.Skip('conformance/ogles/GL/control_flow/control_flow_001_to_008.html', 42 self.Fail('conformance/textures/texture-size.html', 44 self.Fail('conformance/rendering/gl-scissor-test.html', 48 self.Fail('conformance/rendering/more-than-65536-indices.html' [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/test/functional/chromoting/ |
me2me_connect.py | 15 def setUp(self): 18 if self.IsWinVista() or self.IsWinXP(): 21 pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) 23 self.InstallHostDaemon() 24 webapp = self.InstallExtension(self.GetWebappPath()) 25 self.host.LaunchApp(webapp) 26 self.host.Authenticate() 27 self.host.StartMe2Me( [all...] |
auth.py | 15 def setUp(self): 17 pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) 19 webapp = self.InstallExtension(self.GetWebappPath()) 20 self.host.LaunchApp(webapp) 21 self.account = self.GetPrivateInfo()['test_chromoting_account'] 23 def testDenyAllowAccess(self): 25 self.host.ContinueAuth() 26 self.host.SignIn(self.account['username'], self.account['password'] [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/test/functional/ispy/common/ |
ispy_utils_unittest.py | 18 def setUp(self): 20 self.bucket = mock_cloud_bucket.MockCloudBucket() 21 self.ispy_utils = ispy_utils.ISpyUtils(self.bucket) 22 self.white = Image.new('RGBA', (25, 25), (255, 255, 255, 255)) 23 self.red = Image.new('RGBA', (25, 25), (255, 0, 0, 255)) 24 self.black = Image.new('RGBA', (25, 25), (0, 0, 0, 255)) 25 self.masked = Image.new('RGBA', (25, 25), (210, 0, 0, 255)) 27 def testUploadImage(self): 28 self.bucket.Reset( [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/pylib/gyp/ |
input_test.py | 15 def setUp(self): 16 self.nodes = {} 18 self.nodes[x] = gyp.input.DependencyGraphNode(x) 20 def _create_dependency(self, dependent, dependency): 24 def test_no_cycle_empty_graph(self): 25 for label, node in self.nodes.iteritems(): 26 self.assertEquals([], node.FindCycles()) 28 def test_no_cycle_line(self): 29 self._create_dependency(self.nodes['a'], self.nodes['b'] [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/bindings/scripts/ |
idl_parser.pm | 131 my $self = { 139 return bless $self, $class; 144 my $self = shift; 148 my $msg = "Next token should be " . $value . ", but " . $token->value() . " at " . $self->{Line}; 157 my $self = shift; 160 die "Next token's type should be " . $type . ", but " . $token->type() . " at " . $self->{Line} unless $token->type() eq $type; 165 my $self = shift; 168 my $msg = "Unexpected token " . $token . " at " . $self->{Line}; 177 my $self = shift; 185 $self->{Line} = $lines[0] [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/common/extensions/docs/server2/ |
cache_chain_object_store_test.py | 11 def setUp(self): 12 self._first = TestObjectStore('first', init={ 15 self._second = TestObjectStore('second', init={ 19 self._third = TestObjectStore('third', init={ 24 self._store = CacheChainObjectStore( 25 (self._first, self._second, self._third)) 27 def testGetFromFirstLayer(self): 28 self.assertEqual('storage', self._store.Get('storage.html').Get() [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/tlslite/tlslite/integration/ |
AsyncStateMachine.py | 21 def __init__(self): 22 self._clear() 24 def _clear(self): 28 self.handshaker = None 29 self.closer = None 30 self.reader = None 31 self.writer = None 38 self.result = None 40 def _checkAssert(self, maxActive=1): 42 #active, and that self.result is set appropriately [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/tools/telemetry/telemetry/core/timeline/ |
event.py | 15 def __init__(self, category, name, start, duration, thread_start=None, 17 self.category = category 18 self.name = name 19 self.start = start 20 self.duration = duration 21 self.thread_start = thread_start 22 self.thread_duration = thread_duration 23 self.args = args 26 def end(self): 27 return self.start + self.duratio [all...] |
/external/srec/shared/src/ |
HashMap.c | 25 ESR_ReturnCode HashMapPut(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, void* value) 27 if (self == NULL) 29 return self->put(self, key, value); 32 ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemove(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key) 34 if (self == NULL) 36 return self->remove(self, key); 39 ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemoveAndFree(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key) 41 if (self == NULL [all...] |
IntArrayList.c | 24 ESR_ReturnCode IntArrayListAdd(IntArrayList* self, int element) 26 if (self == NULL) 28 return self->add(self, element); 31 ESR_ReturnCode IntArrayListRemove(IntArrayList* self, int element) 33 if (self == NULL) 35 return self->remove(self, element); 38 ESR_ReturnCode IntArrayListRemoveAll(IntArrayList* self) 40 if (self == NULL [all...] |
lstring.c | 25 ESR_ReturnCode LStringAppend(LString* self, const LCHAR* value) 27 if (self == NULL) 32 return self->append(self, value); 35 ESR_ReturnCode LStringToLCHAR(LString* self, LCHAR** result) 37 if (self == NULL) 42 return self->toLCHAR(self, result); 45 ESR_ReturnCode LStringReset(LString* self) 47 if (self == NULL [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/test/functional/ |
fullscreen_mouselock.py | 24 def setUp(self): 25 pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) 26 self._driver = self.NewWebDriver() 28 self._hostname_pattern = ( 29 re.sub('/files/$', '', self.GetHttpURLForDataPath(''))) 31 def Debug(self): 36 page = settings.ContentSettingsPage.FromNavigation(self._driver) 40 def ExtraChromeFlags(self): 48 self).ExtraChromeFlags() + ['--enable-pointer-lock' [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/ |
test_util.py | 25 def assertStr(self, node, string): 28 self.assertEqual(str(node), string) 32 def is_tuple(self, string): 35 def test_valid(self): 36 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, b)")) 37 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, (b, c))")) 38 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("((a, (b, c)),)") [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/ |
test_util.py | 25 def assertStr(self, node, string): 28 self.assertEqual(str(node), string) 32 def is_tuple(self, string): 35 def test_valid(self): 36 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, b)")) 37 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("(a, (b, c))")) 38 self.assertTrue(self.is_tuple("((a, (b, c)),)") [all...] |
/frameworks/base/tools/orientationplot/ |
orientationplot.py | 40 def __init__(self, stream): 42 self.stream = stream 43 self.buffer = '' 44 self.pos = 0 46 def readline(self): 48 index = self.buffer.find('\n', self.pos) 50 result = self.buffer[self.pos:index] 51 self.pos = index + [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/build/android/pylib/utils/ |
watchdog_timer.py | 16 def __init__(self, timeout): 22 self._start_time = time.time() 23 self._timeout = timeout 25 def Reset(self): 27 self._start_time = time.time() 29 def IsTimedOut(self): 35 if self._timeout is None: 37 return time.time() - self._start_time > self._timeout
/external/chromium_org/tools/telemetry/telemetry/core/heap/ |
retaining_edge.py | 22 def __init__(self, from_object_id, to_object_id, type_string, name_string): 36 self.from_object_id = from_object_id 37 self.to_object_id = to_object_id 38 self.from_object = {} 39 self.to_object = {} 40 self.type_string = type_string 41 self.name_string = name_string 43 def SetFromObject(self, obj): 44 self.from_object = obj 45 return self [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_sets.py | 15 def test_repr(self): 16 if self.repr is not None: 17 self.assertEqual(repr(self.set), self.repr) 19 def test_length(self): 20 self.assertEqual(len(self.set), self.length) 22 def test_self_equality(self) [all...] |
test_symtable.py | 56 def test_type(self): 57 self.assertEqual(self.top.get_type(), "module") 58 self.assertEqual(self.Mine.get_type(), "class") 59 self.assertEqual(self.a_method.get_type(), "function") 60 self.assertEqual(self.spam.get_type(), "function") 61 self.assertEqual(self.internal.get_type(), "function" [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/ |
test_sets.py | 15 def test_repr(self): 16 if self.repr is not None: 17 self.assertEqual(repr(self.set), self.repr) 19 def test_length(self): 20 self.assertEqual(len(self.set), self.length) 22 def test_self_equality(self) [all...] |
test_symtable.py | 56 def test_type(self): 57 self.assertEqual(self.top.get_type(), "module") 58 self.assertEqual(self.Mine.get_type(), "class") 59 self.assertEqual(self.a_method.get_type(), "function") 60 self.assertEqual(self.spam.get_type(), "function") 61 self.assertEqual(self.internal.get_type(), "function" [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/ |
cpp_unittest.py | 55 def __init__(self, assert_fn, filter=None, lines_to_check=None): 58 self._assert_fn = assert_fn 59 self._errors = [] 60 self._lines_to_check = lines_to_check 63 self._filter = filter 65 def __call__(self, line_number, category, confidence, message): 66 self._assert_fn(category in self._all_style_categories, 70 if self._lines_to_check and not line_number in self._lines_to_check [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/ |
wave.py | 125 def initfp(self, file): 126 self._convert = None 127 self._soundpos = 0 128 self._file = Chunk(file, bigendian = 0) 129 if self._file.getname() != 'RIFF': 131 if self._file.read(4) != 'WAVE': 133 self._fmt_chunk_read = 0 134 self._data_chunk = None 136 self._data_seek_needed = 1 138 chunk = Chunk(self._file, bigendian = 0 [all...] |
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/ |
wave.py | 125 def initfp(self, file): 126 self._convert = None 127 self._soundpos = 0 128 self._file = Chunk(file, bigendian = 0) 129 if self._file.getname() != 'RIFF': 131 if self._file.read(4) != 'WAVE': 133 self._fmt_chunk_read = 0 134 self._data_chunk = None 136 self._data_seek_needed = 1 138 chunk = Chunk(self._file, bigendian = 0 [all...] |