/bionic/libc/kernel/common/media/ |
tegra_camera.h | 31 uint id; member in struct:tegra_camera_clk_info
/bionic/libm/upstream-freebsd/lib/msun/src/ |
s_atan.c | 77 int32_t ix,hx,id; local 93 id = -1; 98 id = 0; x = (2.0*x-one)/(2.0+x); 100 id = 1; x = (x-one)/(x+one); 104 id = 2; x = (x-1.5)/(one+1.5*x); 106 id = 3; x = -1.0/x; 115 if (id<0) return x - x*(s1+s2); 117 z = atanhi[id] - ((x*(s1+s2) - atanlo[id]) - x);
s_atanf.c | 52 int32_t ix,hx,id; local 65 id = -1; 70 id = 0; x = ((float)2.0*x-one)/((float)2.0+x); 72 id = 1; x = (x-one)/(x+one); 76 id = 2; x = (x-(float)1.5)/(one+(float)1.5*x); 78 id = 3; x = -(float)1.0/x; 87 if (id<0) return x - x*(s1+s2); 89 z = atanhi[id] - ((x*(s1+s2) - atanlo[id]) - x);
s_atanl.c | 37 int id; local 58 id = -1; 63 id = 0; x = (2.0*x-one)/(2.0+x); 65 id = 1; x = (x-one)/(x+one); 69 id = 2; x = (x-1.5)/(one+1.5*x); 71 id = 3; x = -1.0/x; 80 if (id<0) return x - x*(s1+s2); 82 z = atanhi[id] - ((x*(s1+s2) - atanlo[id]) - x);
/cts/suite/audio_quality/lib/src/task/ |
TaskOutput.cpp | 69 int id = getTestCase()->getRemoteAudio()->getDataId(mId); local 70 if (id < 0) { 74 if (!remote->startPlaybackForRemoteData(id, buffer->isStereo())) {
TaskSound.cpp | 25 static const android::String8 STR_ID("id"); 54 android::String8 id; local 55 if (!findStringAttribute(STR_ID, id)) { 103 if (!getTestCase()->registerBuffer(id, buffer)) { 104 LOGE("TaskSound::run registering buffer %s failed", id.string()); 109 if (!getTestCase()->getRemoteAudio()->downloadData(id, buffer, downloadId)) { 112 LOGI("Downloaded buffer %s to DUT with id %d", id.string(), downloadId);
/cts/suite/audio_quality/test/ |
ClientInterfaceTest.cpp | 69 int id; local 71 ASSERT_TRUE(audio->downloadData(name, buffer, id)); 73 AudioHardware::EModeVoice, 100, id, 1)); 75 ASSERT_TRUE(id == audio->getDataId(name));
/development/samples/Support13Demos/src/com/example/android/supportv13/app/ |
FragmentTabsFragment.java | 34 mTabHost.setup(getActivity(), getChildFragmentManager(), R.id.pager);
/development/samples/Support4Demos/src/com/example/android/supportv4/app/ |
FragmentTabsFragmentSupport.java | 35 mTabHost.setup(getActivity(), getChildFragmentManager(), R.id.fragment1);
/development/samples/devbytes/animation/SlidingFragments/src/com/example/android/slidingfragments/ |
TextFragment.java | 47 int id = enter ? R.animator.slide_fragment_in : R.animator.slide_fragment_out; local 48 final Animator anim = AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(getActivity(), id);
/external/apache-harmony/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/beancontext/mock/ |
MockPropertyChangeListenerS.java | 33 public String id; field in class:MockPropertyChangeListenerS 35 public MockPropertyChangeListenerS(String id) { 36 this.id = id;
/external/bison/src/ |
InadequacyList.h | 29 * A unique ID assigned to every \c InadequacyList node. 77 InadequacyListNodeCount id; member in struct:InadequacyList 110 * such that <tt>n != result</tt>, then <tt>n->id < result->id</tt>.
/external/bluetooth/bluedroid/stack/avrc/ |
avrc_pars_ct.c | 119 UINT16 id; local 130 status = avrc_pars_pass_thru(&p_msg->pass, &id); 133 p_result->pdu = (UINT8)id;
avrc_pars_tg.c | 285 UINT16 id; local 296 status = avrc_pars_pass_thru(&p_msg->pass, &id); 299 p_result->pdu = (UINT8)id;
avrc_utils.c | 168 UINT16 id; local 177 BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (id, p_data); 178 if (AVRC_IS_VALID_GROUP(id)) 180 *p_vendor_unique_id = id;
/external/bouncycastle/bcpkix/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/cms/ |
SignerId.java | 23 * Construct a signer ID with the value of a public key's subjectKeyId. 33 * Construct a signer ID based on the issuer and serial number of the signer's associated 45 * Construct a signer ID based on the issuer and serial number of the signer's associated 85 SignerId id = (SignerId)o; local 87 return this.baseSelector.equals(id.baseSelector);
/external/chromium/base/ |
linked_list_unittest.cc | 14 explicit Node(int id) : id_(id) {} 16 int id() const { return id_; } function in class:base::__anon1388::Node 45 EXPECT_EQ(node_ids[index_of_id], node->value()->id());
/external/chromium/base/memory/ |
scoped_nsobject.h | 101 // Specialization to make scoped_nsobject<id> work. 103 class scoped_nsobject<id> { 105 typedef id element_type; 107 explicit scoped_nsobject(id object = nil) 115 void reset(id object = nil) { 125 bool operator==(id that) const { return object_ == that; } 126 bool operator!=(id that) const { return object_ != that; } 128 operator id() const { 132 id get() const { 137 id temp = that.object_ [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/ |
power_menu_button_browsertest.cc | 142 size_t id = 0; local 147 ASSERT_LT(id, arraysize(kChargingImages)); 148 EXPECT_EQ(kChargingImages[id], CallPowerChangedAndGetIconId()); 149 id++; 200 size_t id = 0; local 205 ASSERT_LT(id, arraysize(kDischargingImages)); 206 EXPECT_EQ(kDischargingImages[id], CallPowerChangedAndGetIconId()); 207 id++;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/extensions/ |
external_policy_extension_loader.cc | 20 // Check an extension ID and an URL to be syntactically correct. 21 bool CheckExtension(const std::string& id, const std::string& update_url) { 28 if (!Extension::IdIsValid(id)) { 29 LOG(WARNING) << "Policy specifies invalid ID for external " 30 << "extension: " << id; 63 std::string id = extension_desc.substr(0, pos); local 65 if (CheckExtension(id, update_url)) { 66 result->SetString(id + ".external_update_url", update_url);
external_registry_extension_loader_win.cc | 67 std::string id = WideToASCII(iterator.Name()); local 68 StringToLowerASCII(&id); 70 if (!Extension::IdIsValid(id)) { 71 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid id value " << id 88 id + "." + ExternalExtensionProviderImpl::kExternalVersion, 91 id + "." + ExternalExtensionProviderImpl::kExternalCrx,
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/notifications/ |
notification_test_util.h | 19 explicit MockNotificationDelegate(const std::string& id); 27 virtual std::string id() const; 44 explicit LoggingNotificationDelegate(std::string id) 45 : notification_id_(id) { 64 virtual std::string id() const { function in class:LoggingNotificationDelegate
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/gtk/ |
view_id_util.cc | 20 ViewID id; // Input: the ID we are searching for. member in struct:__anon2371::ViewIDSearchStruct 24 // Recursively search for the given view ID among the children of |widget|. 33 // Check if the widget defines its own ID function. 37 search_struct->widget = delegate->GetWidgetForViewID(search_struct->id); 47 if (search_struct->id == widget_id) { 60 const char* GetNameFromID(ViewID id) { 61 switch (id) { 111 // set its ID. 123 void ViewIDUtil::SetID(GtkWidget* widget, ViewID id) { [all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/ |
options_ui.h | 57 // The .grd ID for the resource (IDS_*). 58 int id; member in struct:OptionsPageUIHandler::OptionsStringResource
/external/chromium/chrome/common/extensions/ |
extension_messages.h | 29 // Unique request id to match requests and responses. 41 // The extension API request id, for responding. 44 // The ID of the requesting extension. To know which isolated world to 106 // to generate the extension ID for extensions that are loaded unpacked. 110 std::string id; member in struct:ExtensionMsg_Loaded_Params 238 // the given ID. This always returns a valid port ID which can be used for 270 std::string /* extension id */, 275 int /* request id */,