/external/srec/portable/include/ |
PANSIFileImpl.h | 52 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PANSIFileCreateImpl(const LCHAR* filename, ESR_BOOL isLittleEndian, PFile** self); 62 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PANSIFileOpenImpl(PFile* self, const LCHAR* mode); 117 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PANSIFileVfprintfImpl(PFile* self, int* result, const LCHAR* format, va_list args); 127 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PANSIFileFgetsImpl(PFile* self, LCHAR* string, int n, LCHAR** result);
plog.h | 74 const LCHAR *format, ...); 209 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PLogMessage(const LCHAR* msg, ...); 220 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PLogError(const LCHAR* msg, ...); 246 PORTABLE_API ESR_ReturnCode PLogCreateCircularFileLogger(const LCHAR* filename, 295 LCHAR text[P_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME]; \ 310 LCHAR text[P_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME]; \
phashtable.h | 85 typedef int (*PHashCompFunction)(const LCHAR *key1, const LCHAR *key2); 141 const LCHAR *memTag,
pmemory.h | 176 PORTABLE_API void *pmalloc(size_t nbBytes, const LCHAR* tag, const LCHAR* file, int line); 198 PORTABLE_API void *pcalloc(size_t nbItems, size_t itemSize, const LCHAR* tag, const LCHAR* file, int line); 218 PORTABLE_API void *prealloc(void* ptr, size_t newSize, const LCHAR* file, int line); 236 PORTABLE_API void pfree(void* ptr, const LCHAR* file, int line);
/external/srec/srec/Nametag/src/ |
Nametags.c | 23 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsLoad(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* filename) 33 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsSave(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* filename) 53 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsRemove(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* id) 73 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsGet(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* id, SR_Nametag** nametag) 93 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsContains(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* id, ESR_BOOL* result)
NametagImpl.c | 31 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagCreate(const SR_RecognizerResult* result, const LCHAR* id, SR_Nametag** self) 36 LCHAR transcription[MAX_STRING_LEN]; 75 LCHAR short_pron[MAX_STRING_LEN], *short_pron_ptr; 76 LCHAR* long_pron = transcription; 77 LCHAR* multichar; 78 LCHAR* p; 79 LCHAR singlechar[2]; 130 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagCreateFromValue(const LCHAR* id, const char* value, size_t len, SR_Nametag** self) 150 impl->value = (LCHAR*) MALLOC(sizeof(LCHAR) * (len), MTAG) [all...] |
Nametag.c | 26 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagGetID(const SR_Nametag* self, LCHAR** id) 46 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagSetID(SR_Nametag* self, const LCHAR* id)
NametagsImpl.c | 22 #include "LCHAR.h" 72 ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagsLoadImpl(SR_Nametags* self, const LCHAR* filename) 77 LCHAR line[256]; 78 LCHAR* result = NULL; 79 LCHAR* id; 80 LCHAR* value; 85 LCHAR devicePath[P_PATH_MAX]; 86 LCHAR number[MAX_UINT_DIGITS+1]; 90 LCHAR tokenName[TOKEN_LENGTH]; 161 len = (LSTRLEN(value)+1) * sizeof(LCHAR) ; [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/Semproc/src/ |
SymbolTable.c | 79 ESR_ReturnCode ST_putKeyValue(SymbolTable* self, const LCHAR* key, const LCHAR* value) 82 LCHAR* buf; 123 static const LCHAR* _MTAG = L("semproc.st.copy"); 125 LCHAR *pkey; 126 LCHAR *pvalue; 127 LCHAR *copyValue; 137 copyValue = (LCHAR*) CALLOC(LSTRLEN(pvalue) + 1, sizeof(LCHAR), _MTAG); 149 ESR_ReturnCode ST_getKeyValue(SymbolTable* self, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR** value [all...] |
SemanticResultImpl.c | 73 ESR_ReturnCode SR_SemanticResult_GetKeyList(SR_SemanticResult* self, LCHAR** list, size_t* count) 76 LCHAR* theKey; 104 ESR_ReturnCode SR_SemanticResult_GetValue(SR_SemanticResult* self, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR* value, size_t* len) 107 LCHAR* theValue;
/external/srec/srec/test/SRecTest/src/ |
SRecTest.c | 34 #include "LCHAR.h" 120 LCHAR grammar_path [P_PATH_MAX]; /* File path of the grammar. */ 121 LCHAR grammarID [P_PATH_MAX]; /* ID of the grammar. */ 122 LCHAR ruleName [P_PATH_MAX]; /* rule name of the grammar. */ 132 LCHAR **argv; /* The command-line argument values. */ 147 LCHAR raw_waveform_filename [P_PATH_MAX]; /* Name of file of saved waveform data. */ 149 LCHAR transcription [MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; 156 static int srec_test_init_application_data ( ApplicationData *applicationData, int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [] ); 157 static int srec_test_init_file_system ( int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [] ); 158 static int srec_test_init_logging_system ( int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [], PLogger *logger ) [all...] |
/external/srec/tools/parseStringTest/ |
parseStringTest.c | 32 #include "LCHAR.h" 51 ESR_ReturnCode process_multi_key_line(SR_Grammar* grammar, const LCHAR* rootrule, PFile* fin, PFile* fout); 61 int usage(LCHAR* exename) 67 void lstr_strip_multiple_spaces(LCHAR* trans) 82 LCHAR* keys[MAX_KEYS]; /* array of pointers to strings */ 83 LCHAR value[MAX_STR_LENGTH]; 87 rc = result->getKeyList(result, (LCHAR**) & keys, &size); /* get the key list */ 104 ESR_ReturnCode Parse(SR_Grammar* grammar, LCHAR* trans, PFile* fout, Opts* opts) 211 ESR_ReturnCode ParseTestSet(SR_Grammar* grammar, LCHAR* trans, LCHAR* key, LCHAR* ref, LCHAR* result, PFile* fout [all...] |
/external/srec/portable/src/ |
pLastError.c | 23 void printGetLastErrorInternal(const LCHAR* text, char* file, int line) 26 LCHAR* msg;
PFileWrap.c | 22 #include "LCHAR.h" 209 ESR_ReturnCode PFileVfprintf ( PFile *self, int *result, const LCHAR *format, va_list args ) 247 ESR_ReturnCode PFileFgets ( PFile *self, LCHAR *string, int n, LCHAR **result ) 251 LCHAR *temp; 281 PFile *pfopen ( const LCHAR *filename, const LCHAR *mode ) 408 LCHAR* pfgets ( LCHAR *string, int n, PFile *self ) 410 LCHAR *result [all...] |
PFile.c | 20 #include "LCHAR.h" 38 ESR_ReturnCode PFileOpen(PFile* self, const LCHAR* mode) 129 ESR_ReturnCode PFileGetFilename(PFile* self, LCHAR* filename, size_t* len) 162 ESR_ReturnCode PFileVfprintf(PFile* self, int* result, const LCHAR* format, va_list args) 185 ESR_ReturnCode PFileFgets(PFile* self, LCHAR* string, int n, LCHAR** result) 197 LCHAR number[MAX_INT_DIGITS+1]; 204 count = pfread(number, sizeof(LCHAR), MAX_INT_DIGITS, self); 230 count = pfread(number + bufferSize, sizeof(LCHAR), MAX_INT_DIGITS - bufferSize, self); 270 ESR_ReturnCode PFileReadLCHAR(PFile* self, LCHAR* value, size_t len [all...] |
PFileImpl.c | 35 ESR_ReturnCode PFileCreateImpl(PFile* self, const LCHAR* filename, ESR_BOOL isLittleEndian) 51 impl->filename = MALLOC(sizeof(LCHAR) * (LSTRLEN(filename) + 1), MTAG); 141 ESR_ReturnCode PFileGetFilenameImpl(PFile* self, LCHAR* filename, size_t* len) 162 ESR_ReturnCode PFileVfprintfImpl(PFile* self, int* result, const LCHAR* format, va_list args) 167 static LCHAR buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; 195 CHKLOG(rc, self->write(self, buffer, sizeof(LCHAR), &len));
/external/srec/srec/AcousticState/src/ |
AcousticStateImpl.c | 56 ESR_ReturnCode SR_AcousticStateGetImpl(SR_Recognizer* self, LCHAR *param_string, size_t* len ) 64 ESR_ReturnCode SR_AcousticStateSetImpl(SR_Recognizer* self, const LCHAR *param_string ) 88 ESR_ReturnCode SR_AcousticStateLoadImpl(SR_Recognizer* self, const LCHAR* filename) 96 ESR_ReturnCode SR_AcousticStateSaveImpl(SR_Recognizer* recognizer, const LCHAR* filename)
/external/srec/portable/src/UNIX/ |
PFileWrapUNIX_OS_Specific.c | 28 #include "LCHAR.h" 31 ESR_ReturnCode pf_make_dir ( const LCHAR* path ) 64 ESR_ReturnCode pf_get_cwd ( LCHAR* path, size_t *len ) 104 ESR_ReturnCode pf_change_dir ( const LCHAR* path )
/external/srec/srec/Recognizer/include/ |
SR_RecognizerResultImpl.h | 100 LCHAR** list, 107 const LCHAR* key, 108 LCHAR* value,
/external/srec/srec/Recognizer/src/ |
RecognizerResult.c | 56 ESR_ReturnCode SR_RecognizerResultGetKeyList(const SR_RecognizerResult* self, const size_t nbest, LCHAR** list, size_t* size) 66 ESR_ReturnCode SR_RecognizerResultGetValue(const SR_RecognizerResult* self, const size_t nbest, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR* value, size_t* len)
/external/srec/srec/test/SRecTestAudio/src/ |
SRecTestAudio.c | 31 #include "LCHAR.h" 119 LCHAR grammar_path [P_PATH_MAX]; /* File path of the grammar. */ 120 LCHAR grammarID [P_PATH_MAX]; /* ID of the grammar. */ 121 LCHAR ruleName [P_PATH_MAX]; /* rule name of the grammar. */ 130 LCHAR **argv; /* The command-line argument values. */ 146 LCHAR raw_waveform_filename [P_PATH_MAX]; /* Name of file of saved waveform data. */ 148 LCHAR transcription [MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; 155 static int srec_test_init_application_data ( ApplicationData *applicationData, int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [] ); 156 static int srec_test_init_file_system ( int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [] ); 157 static int srec_test_init_logging_system ( int arg_count, LCHAR *arg_vals [], PLogger *logger ) [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/Vocabulary/src/ |
VocabularyImpl.c | 35 static PINLINE LCHAR* get_first_word(LCHAR* curr, LCHAR* end); 36 static PINLINE LCHAR* get_next_word(LCHAR* curr, LCHAR* end); 37 static ESR_ReturnCode run_ttt(const LCHAR *input_sentence, LCHAR *output_sentence, int *text_length); 40 #define LSTRDUP(src) LSTRCPY(CALLOC(LSTRLEN(src)+1, sizeof(LCHAR), "srec.Vocabulary.LSTRDUP"), (src)) 54 LCHAR szG2PDataFile[P_PATH_MAX] [all...] |
Vocabulary.c | 52 ESR_ReturnCode SR_VocabularyLoad(const LCHAR* filename, SR_Vocabulary** self) 65 ESR_ReturnCode SR_VocabularySave(SR_Vocabulary* self, const LCHAR* filename) 95 ESR_ReturnCode SR_VocabularyGetPronunciation(SR_Vocabulary* self, const LCHAR* word, LCHAR* phoneme, size_t* len) 111 static ESR_ReturnCode getTable(ESR_Locale locale, const LCHAR* m[]) 211 ESR_ReturnCode SR_Vocabulary_etiinf_conv_multichar(ESR_Locale locale, const LCHAR* single, LCHAR* multi, size_t max_len) 213 const LCHAR* m[CH_MAX]; 226 ESR_ReturnCode SR_Vocabulary_etiinf_conv_from_multichar(ESR_Locale locale, const LCHAR* multi, LCHAR* single [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/EventLog/src/ |
EventLogImpl.c | 28 #include "LCHAR.h" 98 ESR_ReturnCode propertyChanged(ESR_SessionTypeListener* self, const LCHAR* name, const void* oldValue, const void* newValue, VariableTypes variableType, void* data) 104 LCHAR lValue[10]; 125 CHKLOG(rc, SR_EventLogToken(eventLog, name, (LCHAR*) newValue)); 158 LCHAR* dataCaptureDir; 160 LCHAR timeStr[TIMESTAMP_LENGTH]; 311 static int quote_delimiter(LCHAR *record, size_t len) 313 LCHAR qrecord[TOK_BUFLEN * 2]; 314 LCHAR *s, *d; 335 ESR_ReturnCode SR_EventLog_Token(SR_EventLog* self, const LCHAR* token, const LCHAR *value [all...] |
/external/srec/shared/src/ |
HashMapImpl.c | 79 ESR_ReturnCode HashMap_Put(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, void* value) 90 LCHAR *clone = (LCHAR *) MALLOC(sizeof(LCHAR) * (LSTRLEN(key) + 1), MTAG); 109 static ESR_ReturnCode HashMap_Remove_Internal(HashMapImpl* impl, const LCHAR* key, ESR_BOOL freeValue) 113 LCHAR *clonedKey = NULL; 129 ESR_ReturnCode HashMap_Remove(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key) 134 ESR_ReturnCode HashMap_RemoveAndFree(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key) 145 LCHAR *key = NULL; 177 ESR_ReturnCode HashMap_ContainsKey(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, ESR_BOOL* exists [all...] |