/external/chromium-trace/trace-viewer/third_party/closure_linter/closure_linter/common/ |
htmlutil.py | 65 # properly align a </script> tag, strip the whitespace. 137 # parsing error, don't strip text before parse error position, and continue 143 strip = _HtmlStripper() 144 strip.feed(str) 145 strip.close() 146 str = strip.get_output() 157 """Simple class to strip tags from HTML.
/external/chromium_org/components/breakpad/tools/ |
dmp2minidump.py | 25 boundary = dump.readline().strip()[2:]
/external/chromium_org/third_party/closure_linter/closure_linter/common/ |
htmlutil.py | 65 # properly align a </script> tag, strip the whitespace. 137 # parsing error, don't strip text before parse error position, and continue 143 strip = _HtmlStripper() 144 strip.feed(str) 145 strip.close() 146 str = strip.get_output() 157 """Simple class to strip tags from HTML.
/external/chromium_org/tools/cr/cr/base/ |
android.py | 89 key = key.strip() 91 env_setup[key] = env_setup.ParseValue(value.strip()) 93 self._env_paths = value.strip().split(os.path.pathsep) 98 context[key] = value.strip() + ' ' + before.get(key, '')
/external/chromium_org/tools/grit/grit/format/ |
chrome_messages_json_unittest.py | 72 self.assertEqual(test.strip(), output.strip()) 96 self.assertEqual(test.strip(), output.strip())
/external/clang/ |
clang-host-build.mk | 35 $(if $(strip $(CLANG_ROOT_PATH)),-I $(CLANG_ROOT_PATH)/include,) \ 36 -gen-$(strip $(1)) \
/external/compiler-rt/ |
Makefile | 134 $(call Set,Tmp.SHARED_LIBRARY,$(strip \ 136 $(call Set,Tmp.SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX,$(strip \ 148 $(strip \ 175 $(call Set,Tmp.Functions,$(strip \ 178 $(call Set,Tmp.Optimized,$(strip \ 180 $(call Set,Tmp.AR,$(strip \ 182 $(call Set,Tmp.ARFLAGS,$(strip \ 184 $(call Set,Tmp.CC,$(strip \ 186 $(call Set,Tmp.LDFLAGS,$(strip \ 188 $(call Set,Tmp.RANLIB,$(strip \ [all...] |
/external/e2fsprogs/lib/ |
Makefile.darwin-lib | 40 install-strip: install 42 install-shlibs-strip: install-shlibs
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/tools/jme3tools/converters/model/strip/ |
FaceInfo.java | 33 package jme3tools.converters.model.strip;
39 int m_stripId; // real strip Id
40 int m_testStripId; // strip Id in an experiment
/external/llvm/ |
llvm-host-build.mk | 59 $(if $(strip $(CLANG_ROOT_PATH)),-I $(CLANG_ROOT_PATH)/include,) \ 60 -gen-$(strip $(1)) \
/external/v8/ |
Android.mk | 21 ifneq ($(strip $(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_ARMV7A)),true)
/hardware/broadcom/wlan/bcmdhd/firmware/bcm4329/ |
device-bcm.mk | 20 ifeq ($(strip $(WIFI_BAND)),802_11_ABG)
/hardware/broadcom/wlan/bcmdhd/firmware/bcm4330/ |
device-bcm.mk | 20 ifeq ($(strip $(WIFI_BAND)),802_11_BG)
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/tools/dicttool/ |
NativeLib.mk | 23 ifneq ($(strip $(HOST_JDK_IS_64BIT_VERSION)),)
/external/chromium_org/tools/valgrind/ |
drmemory_analyze.py | 79 while len(self.line_.strip()) > 0: 94 m = re.search("# Suppression for Error #([0-9]+)", line.strip()) 102 if supp_line.startswith("#") or supp_line.strip() == "": 105 generated_suppressions[error_id] = cur_supp.strip() 116 self.line_ = match.groups()[1].strip() + "\n" 117 report = "".join(self.ReadSection()).strip() 123 while self.line_.strip() != "": 124 line = self.line_.strip() 132 ret.append(self.line_.strip())
/build/core/ |
base_rules.mk | 27 LOCAL_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE)) 32 LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE)) 53 #$(shell echo $(lastword $(filter-out config/% out/%,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))),$(LOCAL_MODULE),$(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(sort $(LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS))) >> tag-list.csv) 55 LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE := $(strip $(LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE)) 95 LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)) 101 LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH)) 120 ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH)),) 126 ifneq ($(strip $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE)),) 158 OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH := $(strip $(OVERRIDE_BUILT_MODULE_PATH)) 184 ifneq ($(strip $(aidl_sources)), [all...] |
/build/core/combo/ |
TARGET_linux-arm.mk | 33 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)),) 37 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_GCC_VERSION_EXP)),) 44 ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(TARGET_ARCH_SPECIFIC_MAKEFILE))),) 51 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX)),) 61 TARGET_STRIP := $(TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX)strip$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) 63 TARGET_STRIP_COMMAND = $(TARGET_STRIP) --strip-all $< -o $@ 65 TARGET_STRIP_COMMAND = $(TARGET_STRIP) --strip-all $< -o $@ && \ 174 ifneq ($(strip $(BUILD_FDO_INSTRUMENT)),) 182 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_FDO_PROFILE_PATH)),) 185 ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(TARGET_FDO_PROFILE_PATH))), [all...] |
TARGET_linux-mips.mk | 33 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)),) 37 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_GCC_VERSION_EXP)),) 44 ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(TARGET_ARCH_SPECIFIC_MAKEFILE))),) 51 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX)),) 61 TARGET_STRIP := $(TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX)strip$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) 63 TARGET_STRIP_COMMAND = $(TARGET_STRIP) --strip-all $< -o $@ 65 TARGET_STRIP_COMMAND = $(TARGET_STRIP) --strip-all $< -o $@ && \ 165 ifneq ($(strip $(BUILD_FDO_INSTRUMENT)),) 173 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_FDO_PROFILE_PATH)),) 176 ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(TARGET_FDO_PROFILE_PATH))), [all...] |
/ndk/build/core/ |
add-application.mk | 36 APP_DEBUG := $(strip $(NDK_DEBUG)) 55 # strip the 'lib' prefix in front of APP_MODULES modules 56 APP_MODULES := $(call strip-lib-prefix,$(APP_MODULES)) 58 APP_PROJECT_PATH := $(strip $(APP_PROJECT_PATH)) 67 APP_PLATFORM := $(strip $(APP_PLATFORM)) 69 _local_props := $(strip $(wildcard $(APP_PROJECT_PATH)/project.properties)) 72 _local_props := $(strip $(wildcard $(APP_PROJECT_PATH)/default.properties)) 75 APP_PLATFORM := $(strip $(shell $(HOST_AWK) -f $(BUILD_AWK)/extract-platform.awk $(call host-path,$(_local_props)))) 89 APP_PLATFORM_LEVEL := $(strip $(subst android-,,$(APP_PLATFORM))) 109 APP_PIE := $(strip $(APP_PIE) [all...] |
/build/core/tasks/ |
ide.mk | 18 $(strip $(filter $(1)-%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) 22 $(strip $(subst -,$(space),$(patsubst $(1)-%,%,$(2))))
/device/asus/flo/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-jpeg-interface/ |
Android.mk | 15 ifeq ($(strip $(TARGET_USES_ION)),true)
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/token-rewrite/ |
via-parser.rb | 74 expected_output = <<-END.fixed_indent( 0 ).strip! 96 tokens.render.strip.should == expected_output
/external/chromium_org/build/linux/ |
pkg-config-wrapper | 53 # To support this correctly, it's necessary to extract the prefix to strip from 57 echo "$result"| $rewrite --sysroot "$root" --strip-prefix "$prefix"
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/build/scripts/ |
make_names.py | 65 namespace = self.in_file.parameters['namespace'].strip('"') 66 export = self.in_file.parameters['export'].strip('"')
/external/chromium_org/third_party/sqlite/src/ |
publish_osx.sh | 31 strip $NAME