Lines Matching refs:dispatch
196 5. If the required entry is found, we dispatch a remember command to insert the current inode (remember that
202 6. We then dispatch a followinode command to reach the inode pointed by the required entry. This command will
205 7. We check the inode's type to see if it is a directory. If it is, we dispatch a dir command to "enter the directory",
210 typically the case.), we note the path it is pointing at, the saved inode is recalled, we dispatch dir to
264 dispatch ("remember internal_variable"); /* Move the inode into the objects memory */
266 dispatch ("followinode"); /* Go to the inode pointed by this directory entry */
281 dispatch ("recall internal_variable"); /* Return to the original inode */
282 dispatch ("dir"); /* and to the directory */
285 dispatch (temp); /* (which can call ourself or the general cd) */
292 dispatch ("dir"); /* Yes - Pass to the pointed directory */
296 dispatch (temp);
365 dispatch ("show");
406 sprintf (buffer,"setoffset %ld",inode_offset);dispatch (buffer); /* Move to it */
407 sprintf (buffer,"settype ext2_inode");dispatch (buffer); /* and set the type to an inode */
420 dispatch ("settype ext2_inode");
495 sprintf (buffer,"entry %ld",file_info.dir_entry_num+offset);dispatch (buffer);
512 sprintf (buffer,"entry %ld",file_info.dir_entry_num-offset);dispatch (buffer);