/frameworks/compile/mclinker/tools/mcld/include/alone/Support/ |
Log.h | 15 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) \
/dalvik/vm/alloc/TEST/HeapBitmapTest/include/ |
Dalvik.h | 12 #define ALOGE(...) printf("E/" __VA_ARGS__)
/device/asus/flo/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-interface/inc/ |
mm_camera_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 48 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 56 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 60 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 66 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/device/asus/flo/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-test/inc/ |
mm_qcamera_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 48 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 56 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 60 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 65 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 66 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/device/asus/flo/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-jpeg-interface/inc/ |
mm_jpeg_dbg.h | 42 #define ALOGE CDBG 53 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 57 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 62 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 63 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/frameworks/rs/ |
rsUtils.h | 25 #define ALOGE(...)
rsCppUtils.h | 48 #define ALOGE(...) \ 193 #define rsAssert(v) do {if(!(v)) ALOGE("rsAssert failed: %s, in %s at %i", #v, __FILE__, __LINE__);} while (0)
/hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-interface/inc/ |
mm_camera_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 48 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 56 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 60 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 66 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-test/inc/ |
mm_qcamera_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 48 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 56 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 60 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 65 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 66 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-jpeg-interface/inc/ |
mm_jpeg_dbg.h | 42 #define ALOGE CDBG 53 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 57 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 63 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/development/ndk/sources/android/libportable/common/include/ |
log_portable.h | 88 ALOGE("%s: PERROR('%s'): errno:%d:'%s'", __func__, str, *REAL(__errno)(), strerror(errno)); \ 99 # define ALOGE(a,...)
/device/lge/mako/camera/QCamera/stack/mm-camera-interface/inc/ |
mm_camera_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 55 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 59 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 64 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 65 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/device/lge/mako/camera/QCamera/stack/mm-jpeg-interface/inc/ |
mm_jpeg_dbg.h | 44 #define ALOGE CDBG 55 #define CDBG(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 59 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 64 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 65 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/device/lge/mako/camera/mm-camera-interface/ |
mm_camera_dbg.h | 59 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 64 #define CDBG_HIGH(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args) 65 #define CDBG_ERROR(fmt, args...) ALOGE(fmt, ##args)
/libnativehelper/ |
ALog-priv.h | 62 #ifndef ALOGE 63 #define ALOGE(...) ((void)ALOG(LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__))
/system/core/libcutils/ |
loghack.h | 34 #define ALOGE(...) ALOG("E", __VA_ARGS__) 35 #define LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL(...) do { ALOGE(__VA_ARGS__); exit(1); } while (0)
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-legacy/DivxDrmDecrypt/src/ |
DivXDrmDecrypt.cpp | 38 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 55 ALOGE("Failed to open DIVX_DRM_SHIM_LIB \n"); 78 ALOGE(" dlsym for DrmDecrypt factory function failed \n"); 94 ALOGE(" failed to instantiate DrmDecoder \n");
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-v4l2/DivxDrmDecrypt/src/ |
DivXDrmDecrypt.cpp | 38 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 56 ALOGE("Failed to open DIVX_DRM_SHIM_LIB \n"); 81 ALOGE(" dlsym for DrmDecrypt factory function failed \n"); 100 ALOGE(" failed to instantiate DrmDecoder \n");
/packages/apps/Gallery2/jni/ |
jni_egl_fence.cpp | 24 #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,"egl_fence",__VA_ARGS__) 75 ALOGE("EGL FENCE: error waiting for fence: %#x", eglGetError());
/development/ndk/platforms/android-18/samples/gles3jni/jni/ |
gles3jni.h | 32 #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-legacy/vidc/vdec/inc/ |
ts_parser.h | 45 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 79 ALOGE("Error handler called for TS Parser");
/hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/inc/ |
ts_parser.h | 45 #define ALOGE(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args) 79 ALOGE("Error handler called for TS Parser");
/cts/tests/tests/mediastress/jni/ |
native-media-jni.cpp | 30 #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 64 ALOGE("assertion failure at file %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ 105 ALOGE("Error filling cache, exiting\n"); 228 ALOGE("Unexpected domain %u\n", domain); 233 ALOGE("Unexpected stream event ID %u\n", eventId);
/cts/tests/tests/nativeopengl/standalone/jni/tests/ |
EGLCleanup_test.cpp | 33 #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 303 ALOGE("Unknown test type %d", mTestType);
/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/ti-utils/uim_rfkill/ |
uim.h | 55 #define ALOGE printf 58 #define UIM_ERR(fmt, arg...) ALOGE("uim:"fmt"\n" , ##arg) 60 #define UIM_START_FUNC() ALOGE("uim: Inside %s\n", __FUNCTION__) 61 #define UIM_DBG(fmt, arg...) ALOGE("uim:"fmt"\n" , ## arg) 64 #define UIM_START_FUNC() ALOGE("uim: Inside %s\n", __FUNCTION__) 65 #define UIM_DBG(fmt, arg...) ALOGE("uim:"fmt"\n" , ## arg) 66 #define UIM_VER(fmt, arg...) ALOGE("uim:"fmt"\n" , ## arg)