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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "components/autofill/content/renderer/password_autofill_agent.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
      9 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     10 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     11 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     12 #include "components/autofill/content/common/autofill_messages.h"
     13 #include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h"
     14 #include "components/autofill/content/renderer/password_form_conversion_utils.h"
     15 #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
     16 #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_autofill_util.h"
     17 #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
     18 #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form_fill_data.h"
     19 #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h"
     20 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebVector.h"
     21 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAutofillClient.h"
     22 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
     23 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElement.h"
     24 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormElement.h"
     25 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
     26 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
     27 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNode.h"
     28 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNodeList.h"
     29 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSecurityOrigin.h"
     30 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebUserGestureIndicator.h"
     31 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h"
     32 #include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
     34 namespace autofill {
     35 namespace {
     37 // The size above which we stop triggering autocomplete.
     38 static const size_t kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete = 1000;
     40 // Maps element names to the actual elements to simplify form filling.
     41 typedef std::map<base::string16, blink::WebInputElement>
     42     FormInputElementMap;
     44 // Utility struct for form lookup and autofill. When we parse the DOM to look up
     45 // a form, in addition to action and origin URL's we have to compare all
     46 // necessary form elements. To avoid having to look these up again when we want
     47 // to fill the form, the FindFormElements function stores the pointers
     48 // in a FormElements* result, referenced to ensure they are safe to use.
     49 struct FormElements {
     50   blink::WebFormElement form_element;
     51   FormInputElementMap input_elements;
     52 };
     54 typedef std::vector<FormElements*> FormElementsList;
     56 // Helper to search the given form element for the specified input elements
     57 // in |data|, and add results to |result|.
     58 static bool FindFormInputElements(blink::WebFormElement* fe,
     59                                   const FormData& data,
     60                                   FormElements* result) {
     61   // Loop through the list of elements we need to find on the form in order to
     62   // autofill it. If we don't find any one of them, abort processing this
     63   // form; it can't be the right one.
     64   for (size_t j = 0; j < data.fields.size(); j++) {
     65     blink::WebVector<blink::WebNode> temp_elements;
     66     fe->getNamedElements(data.fields[j].name, temp_elements);
     68     // Match the first input element, if any.
     69     // |getNamedElements| may return non-input elements where the names match,
     70     // so the results are filtered for input elements.
     71     // If more than one match is made, then we have ambiguity (due to misuse
     72     // of "name" attribute) so is it considered not found.
     73     bool found_input = false;
     74     for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_elements.size(); ++i) {
     75       if (temp_elements[i].to<blink::WebElement>().hasTagName("input")) {
     76         // Check for a non-unique match.
     77         if (found_input) {
     78           found_input = false;
     79           break;
     80         }
     82         // Only fill saved passwords into password fields and usernames into
     83         // text fields.
     84         blink::WebInputElement input_element =
     85             temp_elements[i].to<blink::WebInputElement>();
     86         if (input_element.isPasswordField() !=
     87             (data.fields[j].form_control_type == "password"))
     88           continue;
     90         // This element matched, add it to our temporary result. It's possible
     91         // there are multiple matches, but for purposes of identifying the form
     92         // one suffices and if some function needs to deal with multiple
     93         // matching elements it can get at them through the FormElement*.
     94         // Note: This assignment adds a reference to the InputElement.
     95         result->input_elements[data.fields[j].name] = input_element;
     96         found_input = true;
     97       }
     98     }
    100     // A required element was not found. This is not the right form.
    101     // Make sure no input elements from a partially matched form in this
    102     // iteration remain in the result set.
    103     // Note: clear will remove a reference from each InputElement.
    104     if (!found_input) {
    105       result->input_elements.clear();
    106       return false;
    107     }
    108   }
    109   return true;
    110 }
    112 // Helper to locate form elements identified by |data|.
    113 void FindFormElements(blink::WebView* view,
    114                       const FormData& data,
    115                       FormElementsList* results) {
    116   DCHECK(view);
    117   DCHECK(results);
    118   blink::WebFrame* main_frame = view->mainFrame();
    119   if (!main_frame)
    120     return;
    122   GURL::Replacements rep;
    123   rep.ClearQuery();
    124   rep.ClearRef();
    126   // Loop through each frame.
    127   for (blink::WebFrame* f = main_frame; f; f = f->traverseNext(false)) {
    128     blink::WebDocument doc = f->document();
    129     if (!doc.isHTMLDocument())
    130       continue;
    132     GURL full_origin(doc.url());
    133     if (data.origin != full_origin.ReplaceComponents(rep))
    134       continue;
    136     blink::WebVector<blink::WebFormElement> forms;
    137     doc.forms(forms);
    139     for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) {
    140       blink::WebFormElement fe = forms[i];
    142       GURL full_action(f->document().completeURL(fe.action()));
    143       if (full_action.is_empty()) {
    144         // The default action URL is the form's origin.
    145         full_action = full_origin;
    146       }
    148       // Action URL must match.
    149       if (data.action != full_action.ReplaceComponents(rep))
    150         continue;
    152       scoped_ptr<FormElements> curr_elements(new FormElements);
    153       if (!FindFormInputElements(&fe, data, curr_elements.get()))
    154         continue;
    156       // We found the right element.
    157       // Note: this assignment adds a reference to |fe|.
    158       curr_elements->form_element = fe;
    159       results->push_back(curr_elements.release());
    160     }
    161   }
    162 }
    164 bool IsElementEditable(const blink::WebInputElement& element) {
    165   return element.isEnabled() && !element.isReadOnly();
    166 }
    168 void SetElementAutofilled(blink::WebInputElement* element, bool autofilled) {
    169   if (element->isAutofilled() == autofilled)
    170     return;
    171   element->setAutofilled(autofilled);
    172   // Notify any changeEvent listeners.
    173   element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent();
    174 }
    176 bool DoUsernamesMatch(const base::string16& username1,
    177                       const base::string16& username2,
    178                       bool exact_match) {
    179   if (exact_match)
    180     return username1 == username2;
    181   return StartsWith(username1, username2, true);
    182 }
    184 }  // namespace
    186 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    187 // PasswordAutofillAgent, public:
    189 PasswordAutofillAgent::PasswordAutofillAgent(content::RenderView* render_view)
    190     : content::RenderViewObserver(render_view),
    191       usernames_usage_(NOTHING_TO_AUTOFILL),
    192       web_view_(render_view->GetWebView()),
    193       weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
    194 }
    196 PasswordAutofillAgent::~PasswordAutofillAgent() {
    197 }
    199 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::TextFieldDidEndEditing(
    200     const blink::WebInputElement& element) {
    201   LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter =
    202       login_to_password_info_.find(element);
    203   if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
    204     return false;
    206   const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data =
    207       iter->second.fill_data;
    209   // If wait_for_username is false, we should have filled when the text changed.
    210   if (!fill_data.wait_for_username)
    211     return false;
    213   blink::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field;
    214   if (!IsElementEditable(password))
    215     return false;
    217   blink::WebInputElement username = element;  // We need a non-const.
    219   // Do not set selection when ending an editing session, otherwise it can
    220   // mess with focus.
    221   FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data,
    222                           true /* exact_username_match */,
    223                           false /* set_selection */);
    224   return true;
    225 }
    227 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::TextDidChangeInTextField(
    228     const blink::WebInputElement& element) {
    229   LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter =
    230       login_to_password_info_.find(element);
    231   if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
    232     return false;
    234   // The input text is being changed, so any autofilled password is now
    235   // outdated.
    236   blink::WebInputElement username = element;  // We need a non-const.
    237   blink::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field;
    238   SetElementAutofilled(&username, false);
    239   if (password.isAutofilled()) {
    240     password.setValue(base::string16());
    241     SetElementAutofilled(&password, false);
    242   }
    244   // If wait_for_username is true we will fill when the username loses focus.
    245   if (iter->second.fill_data.wait_for_username)
    246     return false;
    248   if (!IsElementEditable(element) || !element.isText() ||
    249       (!ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() &&
    250        !element.autoComplete())) {
    251     return false;
    252   }
    254   // Don't inline autocomplete if the user is deleting, that would be confusing.
    255   // But refresh the popup.  Note, since this is ours, return true to signal
    256   // no further processing is required.
    257   if (iter->second.backspace_pressed_last) {
    258     ShowSuggestionPopup(iter->second.fill_data, username);
    259     return true;
    260   }
    262   blink::WebString name = element.nameForAutofill();
    263   if (name.isEmpty())
    264     return false;  // If the field has no name, then we won't have values.
    266   // Don't attempt to autofill with values that are too large.
    267   if (element.value().length() > kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete)
    268     return false;
    270   // The caret position should have already been updated.
    271   PerformInlineAutocomplete(element, password, iter->second.fill_data);
    272   return true;
    273 }
    275 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::TextFieldHandlingKeyDown(
    276     const blink::WebInputElement& element,
    277     const blink::WebKeyboardEvent& event) {
    278   // If using the new Autofill UI that lives in the browser, it will handle
    279   // keypresses before this function. This is not currently an issue but if
    280   // the keys handled there or here change, this issue may appear.
    282   LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(element);
    283   if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
    284     return false;
    286   int win_key_code = event.windowsKeyCode;
    287   iter->second.backspace_pressed_last =
    288       (win_key_code == ui::VKEY_BACK || win_key_code == ui::VKEY_DELETE);
    289   return true;
    290 }
    292 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::DidAcceptAutofillSuggestion(
    293     const blink::WebNode& node,
    294     const blink::WebString& username) {
    295   blink::WebInputElement input;
    296   PasswordInfo password;
    297   if (!FindLoginInfo(node, &input, &password))
    298     return false;
    300   // Set the incoming |username| in the text field and |FillUserNameAndPassword|
    301   // will do the rest.
    302   input.setValue(username, true);
    303   return FillUserNameAndPassword(&input, &password.password_field,
    304                                  password.fill_data,
    305                                  true /* exact_username_match */,
    306                                  true /* set_selection */);
    307 }
    309 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::DidClearAutofillSelection(
    310     const blink::WebNode& node) {
    311   blink::WebInputElement input;
    312   PasswordInfo password;
    313   return FindLoginInfo(node, &input, &password);
    314 }
    316 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::ShowSuggestions(
    317     const blink::WebInputElement& element) {
    318   LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter =
    319       login_to_password_info_.find(element);
    320   if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
    321     return false;
    323   return ShowSuggestionPopup(iter->second.fill_data, element);
    324 }
    326 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::OriginCanAccessPasswordManager(
    327     const blink::WebSecurityOrigin& origin) {
    328   return origin.canAccessPasswordManager();
    329 }
    331 void PasswordAutofillAgent::OnDynamicFormsSeen(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    332   SendPasswordForms(frame, false /* only_visible */);
    333 }
    335 void PasswordAutofillAgent::SendPasswordForms(blink::WebFrame* frame,
    336                                               bool only_visible) {
    337   // Make sure that this security origin is allowed to use password manager.
    338   blink::WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->document().securityOrigin();
    339   if (!OriginCanAccessPasswordManager(origin))
    340     return;
    342   // Checks whether the webpage is a redirect page or an empty page.
    343   if (IsWebpageEmpty(frame))
    344     return;
    346   blink::WebVector<blink::WebFormElement> forms;
    347   frame->document().forms(forms);
    349   std::vector<PasswordForm> password_forms;
    350   for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) {
    351     const blink::WebFormElement& form = forms[i];
    353     // If requested, ignore non-rendered forms, e.g. those styled with
    354     // display:none.
    355     if (only_visible && !IsWebNodeVisible(form))
    356       continue;
    358     scoped_ptr<PasswordForm> password_form(CreatePasswordForm(form));
    359     if (password_form.get())
    360       password_forms.push_back(*password_form);
    361   }
    363   if (password_forms.empty() && !only_visible) {
    364     // We need to send the PasswordFormsRendered message regardless of whether
    365     // there are any forms visible, as this is also the code path that triggers
    366     // showing the infobar.
    367     return;
    368   }
    370   if (only_visible) {
    371     Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormsRendered(routing_id(),
    372                                                    password_forms));
    373   } else {
    374     Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormsParsed(routing_id(), password_forms));
    375   }
    376 }
    378 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) {
    379   bool handled = true;
    380   IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(PasswordAutofillAgent, message)
    381     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillMsg_FillPasswordForm, OnFillPasswordForm)
    382     IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
    384   return handled;
    385 }
    387 void PasswordAutofillAgent::DidStartLoading() {
    388   if (usernames_usage_ != NOTHING_TO_AUTOFILL) {
    389     UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("PasswordManager.OtherPossibleUsernamesUsage",
    390                               usernames_usage_, OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAMES_MAX);
    391     usernames_usage_ = NOTHING_TO_AUTOFILL;
    392   }
    393 }
    395 void PasswordAutofillAgent::DidFinishDocumentLoad(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    396   // The |frame| contents have been parsed, but not yet rendered.  Let the
    397   // PasswordManager know that forms are loaded, even though we can't yet tell
    398   // whether they're visible.
    399   SendPasswordForms(frame, false);
    400 }
    402 void PasswordAutofillAgent::DidFinishLoad(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    403   // The |frame| contents have been rendered.  Let the PasswordManager know
    404   // which of the loaded frames are actually visible to the user.  This also
    405   // triggers the "Save password?" infobar if the user just submitted a password
    406   // form.
    407   SendPasswordForms(frame, true);
    408 }
    410 void PasswordAutofillAgent::FrameDetached(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    411   FrameClosing(frame);
    412 }
    414 void PasswordAutofillAgent::FrameWillClose(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    415   FrameClosing(frame);
    416 }
    418 void PasswordAutofillAgent::WillSendSubmitEvent(
    419     blink::WebFrame* frame,
    420     const blink::WebFormElement& form) {
    421   // Some login forms have onSubmit handlers that put a hash of the password
    422   // into a hidden field and then clear the password (http://crbug.com/28910).
    423   // This method gets called before any of those handlers run, so save away
    424   // a copy of the password in case it gets lost.
    425   scoped_ptr<PasswordForm> password_form(CreatePasswordForm(form));
    426   if (password_form)
    427     provisionally_saved_forms_[frame].reset(password_form.release());
    428 }
    430 void PasswordAutofillAgent::WillSubmitForm(blink::WebFrame* frame,
    431                                            const blink::WebFormElement& form) {
    432   scoped_ptr<PasswordForm> submitted_form = CreatePasswordForm(form);
    434   // If there is a provisionally saved password, copy over the previous
    435   // password value so we get the user's typed password, not the value that
    436   // may have been transformed for submit.
    437   // TODO(gcasto): Do we need to have this action equality check? Is it trying
    438   // to prevent accidentally copying over passwords from a different form?
    439   if (submitted_form) {
    440     if (provisionally_saved_forms_[frame].get() &&
    441         submitted_form->action == provisionally_saved_forms_[frame]->action) {
    442       submitted_form->password_value =
    443           provisionally_saved_forms_[frame]->password_value;
    444     }
    446     // Some observers depend on sending this information now instead of when
    447     // the frame starts loading. If there are redirects that cause a new
    448     // RenderView to be instantiated (such as redirects to the WebStore)
    449     // we will never get to finish the load.
    450     Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormSubmitted(routing_id(),
    451                                                    *submitted_form));
    452     // Remove reference since we have already submitted this form.
    453     provisionally_saved_forms_.erase(frame);
    454   }
    455 }
    457 blink::WebFrame* PasswordAutofillAgent::CurrentOrChildFrameWithSavedForms(
    458     const blink::WebFrame* current_frame) {
    459   for (FrameToPasswordFormMap::const_iterator it =
    460            provisionally_saved_forms_.begin();
    461        it != provisionally_saved_forms_.end();
    462        ++it) {
    463     blink::WebFrame* form_frame = it->first;
    464     // The check that the returned frame is related to |current_frame| is mainly
    465     // for double-checking. There should not be any unrelated frames in
    466     // |provisionally_saved_forms_|, because the map is cleared after
    467     // navigation. If there are reasons to remove this check in the future and
    468     // keep just the first frame found, it might be a good idea to add a UMA
    469     // statistic or a similar check on how many frames are here to choose from.
    470     if (current_frame == form_frame ||
    471         current_frame->findChildByName(form_frame->uniqueName())) {
    472       return form_frame;
    473     }
    474   }
    475   return NULL;
    476 }
    478 void PasswordAutofillAgent::DidStartProvisionalLoad(blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    479   if (!frame->parent()) {
    480     // If the navigation is not triggered by a user gesture, e.g. by some ajax
    481     // callback, then inherit the submitted password form from the previous
    482     // state. This fixes the no password save issue for ajax login, tracked in
    483     // [http://crbug/43219]. Note that there are still some sites that this
    484     // fails for because they use some element other than a submit button to
    485     // trigger submission (which means WillSendSubmitEvent will not be called).
    486     blink::WebFrame* form_frame = CurrentOrChildFrameWithSavedForms(frame);
    487     if (!blink::WebUserGestureIndicator::isProcessingUserGesture() &&
    488         provisionally_saved_forms_[form_frame].get()) {
    489       Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormSubmitted(
    490           routing_id(),
    491           *provisionally_saved_forms_[form_frame]));
    492       provisionally_saved_forms_.erase(form_frame);
    493     }
    494     // Clear the whole map during main frame navigation.
    495     provisionally_saved_forms_.clear();
    496   }
    497 }
    499 void PasswordAutofillAgent::OnFillPasswordForm(
    500     const PasswordFormFillData& form_data) {
    501   if (usernames_usage_ == NOTHING_TO_AUTOFILL) {
    502     if (form_data.other_possible_usernames.size())
    503       usernames_usage_ = OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAMES_PRESENT;
    504     else if (usernames_usage_ == NOTHING_TO_AUTOFILL)
    505       usernames_usage_ = OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAMES_ABSENT;
    506   }
    508   FormElementsList forms;
    509   // We own the FormElements* in forms.
    510   FindFormElements(render_view()->GetWebView(), form_data.basic_data, &forms);
    511   FormElementsList::iterator iter;
    512   for (iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) {
    513     scoped_ptr<FormElements> form_elements(*iter);
    515     // Attach autocomplete listener to enable selecting alternate logins.
    516     // First, get pointers to username element.
    517     blink::WebInputElement username_element =
    518         form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[0].name];
    520     // Get pointer to password element. (We currently only support single
    521     // password forms).
    522     blink::WebInputElement password_element =
    523         form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[1].name];
    525     // If wait_for_username is true, we don't want to initially fill the form
    526     // until the user types in a valid username.
    527     if (!form_data.wait_for_username)
    528       FillFormOnPasswordRecieved(form_data, username_element, password_element);
    530     // We might have already filled this form if there are two <form> elements
    531     // with identical markup.
    532     if (login_to_password_info_.find(username_element) !=
    533         login_to_password_info_.end())
    534       continue;
    536     PasswordInfo password_info;
    537     password_info.fill_data = form_data;
    538     password_info.password_field = password_element;
    539     login_to_password_info_[username_element] = password_info;
    541     FormData form;
    542     FormFieldData field;
    543     FindFormAndFieldForInputElement(
    544         username_element, &form, &field, REQUIRE_NONE);
    545     Send(new AutofillHostMsg_AddPasswordFormMapping(
    546         routing_id(),
    547         field,
    548         form_data));
    549   }
    550 }
    552 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    553 // PasswordAutofillAgent, private:
    555 void PasswordAutofillAgent::GetSuggestions(
    556     const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data,
    557     const base::string16& input,
    558     std::vector<base::string16>* suggestions,
    559     std::vector<base::string16>* realms) {
    560   if (StartsWith(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value, input, false)) {
    561     suggestions->push_back(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value);
    562     realms->push_back(UTF8ToUTF16(fill_data.preferred_realm));
    563   }
    565   for (PasswordFormFillData::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter =
    566            fill_data.additional_logins.begin();
    567        iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) {
    568     if (StartsWith(iter->first, input, false)) {
    569       suggestions->push_back(iter->first);
    570       realms->push_back(UTF8ToUTF16(iter->second.realm));
    571     }
    572   }
    574   for (PasswordFormFillData::UsernamesCollection::const_iterator iter =
    575            fill_data.other_possible_usernames.begin();
    576        iter != fill_data.other_possible_usernames.end(); ++iter) {
    577     for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->second.size(); ++i) {
    578       if (StartsWith(iter->second[i], input, false)) {
    579         usernames_usage_ = OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAME_SHOWN;
    580         suggestions->push_back(iter->second[i]);
    581         realms->push_back(UTF8ToUTF16(iter->first.realm));
    582       }
    583     }
    584   }
    585 }
    587 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::ShowSuggestionPopup(
    588     const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data,
    589     const blink::WebInputElement& user_input) {
    590   blink::WebFrame* frame = user_input.document().frame();
    591   if (!frame)
    592     return false;
    594   blink::WebView* webview = frame->view();
    595   if (!webview)
    596     return false;
    598   std::vector<base::string16> suggestions;
    599   std::vector<base::string16> realms;
    600   GetSuggestions(fill_data, user_input.value(), &suggestions, &realms);
    601   DCHECK_EQ(suggestions.size(), realms.size());
    603   FormData form;
    604   FormFieldData field;
    605   FindFormAndFieldForInputElement(
    606       user_input, &form, &field, REQUIRE_NONE);
    608   blink::WebInputElement selected_element = user_input;
    609   gfx::Rect bounding_box(selected_element.boundsInViewportSpace());
    611   float scale = web_view_->pageScaleFactor();
    612   gfx::RectF bounding_box_scaled(bounding_box.x() * scale,
    613                                  bounding_box.y() * scale,
    614                                  bounding_box.width() * scale,
    615                                  bounding_box.height() * scale);
    616   Send(new AutofillHostMsg_ShowPasswordSuggestions(routing_id(),
    617                                                    field,
    618                                                    bounding_box_scaled,
    619                                                    suggestions,
    620                                                    realms));
    621   return !suggestions.empty();
    622 }
    624 void PasswordAutofillAgent::FillFormOnPasswordRecieved(
    625     const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data,
    626     blink::WebInputElement username_element,
    627     blink::WebInputElement password_element) {
    628   // Do not fill if the password field is in an iframe.
    629   DCHECK(password_element.document().frame());
    630   if (password_element.document().frame()->parent())
    631     return;
    633   if (!ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() &&
    634       !username_element.form().autoComplete())
    635     return;
    637   // If we can't modify the password, don't try to set the username
    638   if (!IsElementEditable(password_element) ||
    639       (!ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() &&
    640        !password_element.autoComplete()))
    641     return;
    643   // Try to set the username to the preferred name, but only if the field
    644   // can be set and isn't prefilled.
    645   if (IsElementEditable(username_element) &&
    646       (ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() ||
    647        username_element.autoComplete()) &&
    648       username_element.value().isEmpty()) {
    649     // TODO(tkent): Check maxlength and pattern.
    650     username_element.setValue(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value);
    651   }
    653   // Fill if we have an exact match for the username. Note that this sets
    654   // username to autofilled.
    655   FillUserNameAndPassword(&username_element, &password_element, fill_data,
    656                           true /* exact_username_match */,
    657                           false /* set_selection */);
    658 }
    660 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::FillUserNameAndPassword(
    661     blink::WebInputElement* username_element,
    662     blink::WebInputElement* password_element,
    663     const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data,
    664     bool exact_username_match,
    665     bool set_selection) {
    666   base::string16 current_username = username_element->value();
    667   // username and password will contain the match found if any.
    668   base::string16 username;
    669   base::string16 password;
    671   // Look for any suitable matches to current field text.
    672   if (DoUsernamesMatch(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value, current_username,
    673                        exact_username_match)) {
    674     username = fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value;
    675     password = fill_data.basic_data.fields[1].value;
    676   } else {
    677     // Scan additional logins for a match.
    678     PasswordFormFillData::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter;
    679     for (iter = fill_data.additional_logins.begin();
    680          iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) {
    681       if (DoUsernamesMatch(iter->first, current_username,
    682                            exact_username_match)) {
    683         username = iter->first;
    684         password = iter->second.password;
    685         break;
    686       }
    687     }
    689     // Check possible usernames.
    690     if (username.empty() && password.empty()) {
    691       for (PasswordFormFillData::UsernamesCollection::const_iterator iter =
    692                fill_data.other_possible_usernames.begin();
    693            iter != fill_data.other_possible_usernames.end(); ++iter) {
    694         for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->second.size(); ++i) {
    695           if (DoUsernamesMatch(iter->second[i], current_username,
    696                                exact_username_match)) {
    697             usernames_usage_ = OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAME_SELECTED;
    698             username = iter->second[i];
    699             password = iter->first.password;
    700             break;
    701           }
    702         }
    703         if (!username.empty() && !password.empty())
    704           break;
    705       }
    706     }
    707   }
    708   if (password.empty())
    709     return false;  // No match was found.
    711   // TODO(tkent): Check maxlength and pattern for both username and password
    712   // fields.
    714   // Don't fill username if password can't be set.
    715   if (!IsElementEditable(*password_element) ||
    716       (!ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() &&
    717        !password_element->autoComplete())) {
    718     return false;
    719   }
    721   // Input matches the username, fill in required values.
    722   if (IsElementEditable(*username_element) &&
    723       (ShouldIgnoreAutocompleteOffForPasswordFields() ||
    724        username_element->autoComplete())) {
    725     username_element->setValue(username);
    726     SetElementAutofilled(username_element, true);
    728     if (set_selection) {
    729       username_element->setSelectionRange(current_username.length(),
    730                                           username.length());
    731     }
    732   } else if (current_username != username) {
    733     // If the username can't be filled and it doesn't match a saved password
    734     // as is, don't autofill a password.
    735     return false;
    736   }
    738   password_element->setValue(password);
    739   SetElementAutofilled(password_element, true);
    740   return true;
    741 }
    743 void PasswordAutofillAgent::PerformInlineAutocomplete(
    744     const blink::WebInputElement& username_input,
    745     const blink::WebInputElement& password_input,
    746     const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data) {
    747   DCHECK(!fill_data.wait_for_username);
    749   // We need non-const versions of the username and password inputs.
    750   blink::WebInputElement username = username_input;
    751   blink::WebInputElement password = password_input;
    753   // Don't inline autocomplete if the caret is not at the end.
    754   // TODO(jcivelli): is there a better way to test the caret location?
    755   if (username.selectionStart() != username.selectionEnd() ||
    756       username.selectionEnd() != static_cast<int>(username.value().length())) {
    757     return;
    758   }
    760   // Show the popup with the list of available usernames.
    761   ShowSuggestionPopup(fill_data, username);
    764 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
    765   // Fill the user and password field with the most relevant match. Android
    766   // only fills in the fields after the user clicks on the suggestion popup.
    767   FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data,
    768                           false /* exact_username_match */,
    769                           true /* set_selection */);
    770 #endif
    771 }
    773 void PasswordAutofillAgent::FrameClosing(const blink::WebFrame* frame) {
    774   for (LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.begin();
    775        iter != login_to_password_info_.end();) {
    776     if (iter->first.document().frame() == frame)
    777       login_to_password_info_.erase(iter++);
    778     else
    779       ++iter;
    780   }
    781   for (FrameToPasswordFormMap::iterator iter =
    782            provisionally_saved_forms_.begin();
    783        iter != provisionally_saved_forms_.end();) {
    784     if (iter->first == frame)
    785       provisionally_saved_forms_.erase(iter++);
    786     else
    787       ++iter;
    788   }
    789 }
    791 bool PasswordAutofillAgent::FindLoginInfo(const blink::WebNode& node,
    792                                           blink::WebInputElement* found_input,
    793                                           PasswordInfo* found_password) {
    794   if (!node.isElementNode())
    795     return false;
    797   blink::WebElement element = node.toConst<blink::WebElement>();
    798   if (!element.hasTagName("input"))
    799     return false;
    801   blink::WebInputElement input = element.to<blink::WebInputElement>();
    802   LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(input);
    803   if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
    804     return false;
    806   *found_input = input;
    807   *found_password = iter->second;
    808   return true;
    809 }
    811 }  // namespace autofill