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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_storage_context.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/location.h"
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     10 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
     11 #include "url/gurl.h"
     12 #include "webkit/browser/blob/blob_data_handle.h"
     13 #include "webkit/common/blob/blob_data.h"
     15 namespace webkit_blob {
     17 namespace {
     19 // We can't use GURL directly for these hash fragment manipulations
     20 // since it doesn't have specific knowlege of the BlobURL format. GURL
     21 // treats BlobURLs as if they were PathURLs which don't support hash
     22 // fragments.
     24 bool BlobUrlHasRef(const GURL& url) {
     25   return url.spec().find('#') != std::string::npos;
     26 }
     28 GURL ClearBlobUrlRef(const GURL& url) {
     29   size_t hash_pos = url.spec().find('#');
     30   if (hash_pos == std::string::npos)
     31     return url;
     32   return GURL(url.spec().substr(0, hash_pos));
     33 }
     35 // TODO(michaeln): use base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB() in some
     36 // way to come up with a better limit.
     37 static const int64 kMaxMemoryUsage = 500 * 1024 * 1024;  // Half a gig.
     39 }  // namespace
     41 BlobStorageContext::BlobMapEntry::BlobMapEntry()
     42     : refcount(0), flags(0) {
     43 }
     45 BlobStorageContext::BlobMapEntry::BlobMapEntry(
     46     int refcount, int flags, BlobData* data)
     47     : refcount(refcount), flags(flags), data(data) {
     48 }
     50 BlobStorageContext::BlobMapEntry::~BlobMapEntry() {
     51 }
     53 BlobStorageContext::BlobStorageContext()
     54     : memory_usage_(0) {
     55 }
     57 BlobStorageContext::~BlobStorageContext() {
     58 }
     60 scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> BlobStorageContext::GetBlobDataFromUUID(
     61     const std::string& uuid) {
     62   scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> result;
     63   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
     64   if (found == blob_map_.end())
     65     return result.Pass();
     66   if (found->second.flags & EXCEEDED_MEMORY)
     67     return result.Pass();
     68   DCHECK(!(found->second.flags & BEING_BUILT));
     69   result.reset(new BlobDataHandle(
     70       found->second.data.get(), this, base::MessageLoopProxy::current().get()));
     71   return result.Pass();
     72 }
     74 scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> BlobStorageContext::GetBlobDataFromPublicURL(
     75     const GURL& url) {
     76   BlobURLMap::iterator found = public_blob_urls_.find(
     77       BlobUrlHasRef(url) ? ClearBlobUrlRef(url) : url);
     78   if (found == public_blob_urls_.end())
     79     return scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle>();
     80   return GetBlobDataFromUUID(found->second);
     81 }
     83 scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> BlobStorageContext::AddFinishedBlob(
     84     const BlobData* data) {
     85   StartBuildingBlob(data->uuid());
     86   for (std::vector<BlobData::Item>::const_iterator iter =
     87            data->items().begin();
     88        iter != data->items().end(); ++iter) {
     89     AppendBlobDataItem(data->uuid(), *iter);
     90   }
     91   FinishBuildingBlob(data->uuid(), data->content_type());
     92   scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> handle = GetBlobDataFromUUID(data->uuid());
     93   DecrementBlobRefCount(data->uuid());
     94   return handle.Pass();
     95 }
     97 bool BlobStorageContext::RegisterPublicBlobURL(
     98     const GURL& blob_url, const std::string& uuid) {
     99   DCHECK(!BlobUrlHasRef(blob_url));
    100   DCHECK(IsInUse(uuid));
    101   DCHECK(!IsUrlRegistered(blob_url));
    102   if (!IsInUse(uuid) || IsUrlRegistered(blob_url))
    103     return false;
    104   IncrementBlobRefCount(uuid);
    105   public_blob_urls_[blob_url] = uuid;
    106   return true;
    107 }
    109 void BlobStorageContext::RevokePublicBlobURL(const GURL& blob_url) {
    110   DCHECK(!BlobUrlHasRef(blob_url));
    111   if (!IsUrlRegistered(blob_url))
    112     return;
    113   DecrementBlobRefCount(public_blob_urls_[blob_url]);
    114   public_blob_urls_.erase(blob_url);
    115 }
    117 void BlobStorageContext::StartBuildingBlob(const std::string& uuid) {
    118   DCHECK(!IsInUse(uuid) && !uuid.empty());
    119   blob_map_[uuid] = BlobMapEntry(1, BEING_BUILT, new BlobData(uuid));
    120 }
    122 void BlobStorageContext::AppendBlobDataItem(
    123     const std::string& uuid, const BlobData::Item& item) {
    124   DCHECK(IsBeingBuilt(uuid));
    125   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
    126   if (found == blob_map_.end())
    127     return;
    128   if (found->second.flags & EXCEEDED_MEMORY)
    129     return;
    130   BlobData* target_blob_data = found->second.data.get();
    131   DCHECK(target_blob_data);
    133   bool exceeded_memory = false;
    135   // The blob data is stored in the canonical way which only contains a
    136   // list of Data, File, and FileSystem items. Aggregated TYPE_BLOB items
    137   // are expanded into the primitive constituent types.
    138   // 1) The Data item is denoted by the raw data and length.
    139   // 2) The File item is denoted by the file path, the range and the expected
    140   //    modification time.
    141   // 3) The FileSystem File item is denoted by the FileSystem URL, the range
    142   //    and the expected modification time.
    143   // 4) The Blob items are expanded.
    144   // TODO(michaeln): Would be nice to avoid copying Data items when expanding.
    146   DCHECK(item.length() > 0);
    147   switch (item.type()) {
    148     case BlobData::Item::TYPE_BYTES:
    149       DCHECK(!item.offset());
    150       exceeded_memory = !AppendBytesItem(target_blob_data,
    151                                          item.bytes(),
    152                                          static_cast<int64>(item.length()));
    153       break;
    154     case BlobData::Item::TYPE_FILE:
    155       AppendFileItem(target_blob_data,
    156                      item.path(),
    157                      item.offset(),
    158                      item.length(),
    159                      item.expected_modification_time());
    160       break;
    161     case BlobData::Item::TYPE_FILE_FILESYSTEM:
    162       AppendFileSystemFileItem(target_blob_data,
    163                                item.filesystem_url(),
    164                                item.offset(),
    165                                item.length(),
    166                                item.expected_modification_time());
    167       break;
    168     case BlobData::Item::TYPE_BLOB: {
    169       scoped_ptr<BlobDataHandle> src = GetBlobDataFromUUID(item.blob_uuid());
    170       if (src)
    171         exceeded_memory = !ExpandStorageItems(target_blob_data,
    172                                               src->data(),
    173                                               item.offset(),
    174                                               item.length());
    175       break;
    176     }
    177     default:
    178       NOTREACHED();
    179       break;
    180   }
    182   // If we're using too much memory, drop this blob's data.
    183   // TODO(michaeln): Blob memory storage does not yet spill over to disk,
    184   // as a stop gap, we'll prevent memory usage over a max amount.
    185   if (exceeded_memory) {
    186     memory_usage_ -= target_blob_data->GetMemoryUsage();
    187     found->second.flags |= EXCEEDED_MEMORY;
    188     found->second.data = new BlobData(uuid);
    189     return;
    190   }
    191 }
    193 void BlobStorageContext::FinishBuildingBlob(
    194     const std::string& uuid, const std::string& content_type) {
    195   DCHECK(IsBeingBuilt(uuid));
    196   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
    197   if (found == blob_map_.end())
    198     return;
    199   found->second.data->set_content_type(content_type);
    200   found->second.flags &= ~BEING_BUILT;
    201 }
    203 void BlobStorageContext::CancelBuildingBlob(const std::string& uuid) {
    204   DCHECK(IsBeingBuilt(uuid));
    205   DecrementBlobRefCount(uuid);
    206 }
    208 void BlobStorageContext::IncrementBlobRefCount(const std::string& uuid) {
    209   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
    210   if (found == blob_map_.end()) {
    211     DCHECK(false);
    212     return;
    213   }
    214   ++(found->second.refcount);
    215 }
    217 void BlobStorageContext::DecrementBlobRefCount(const std::string& uuid) {
    218   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
    219   if (found == blob_map_.end())
    220     return;
    221   DCHECK_EQ(found->second.data->uuid(), uuid);
    222   if (--(found->second.refcount) == 0) {
    223     memory_usage_ -= found->second.data->GetMemoryUsage();
    224     blob_map_.erase(found);
    225   }
    226 }
    228 bool BlobStorageContext::ExpandStorageItems(
    229     BlobData* target_blob_data, BlobData* src_blob_data,
    230     uint64 offset, uint64 length) {
    231   DCHECK(target_blob_data && src_blob_data &&
    232          length != static_cast<uint64>(-1));
    234   std::vector<BlobData::Item>::const_iterator iter =
    235       src_blob_data->items().begin();
    236   if (offset) {
    237     for (; iter != src_blob_data->items().end(); ++iter) {
    238       if (offset >= iter->length())
    239         offset -= iter->length();
    240       else
    241         break;
    242     }
    243   }
    245   for (; iter != src_blob_data->items().end() && length > 0; ++iter) {
    246     uint64 current_length = iter->length() - offset;
    247     uint64 new_length = current_length > length ? length : current_length;
    248     if (iter->type() == BlobData::Item::TYPE_BYTES) {
    249       if (!AppendBytesItem(
    250               target_blob_data,
    251               iter->bytes() + static_cast<size_t>(iter->offset() + offset),
    252               static_cast<int64>(new_length))) {
    253         return false;  // exceeded memory
    254       }
    255     } else if (iter->type() == BlobData::Item::TYPE_FILE) {
    256       AppendFileItem(target_blob_data,
    257                      iter->path(),
    258                      iter->offset() + offset,
    259                      new_length,
    260                      iter->expected_modification_time());
    261     } else {
    262       DCHECK(iter->type() == BlobData::Item::TYPE_FILE_FILESYSTEM);
    263       AppendFileSystemFileItem(target_blob_data,
    264                                iter->filesystem_url(),
    265                                iter->offset() + offset,
    266                                new_length,
    267                                iter->expected_modification_time());
    268     }
    269     length -= new_length;
    270     offset = 0;
    271   }
    272   return true;
    273 }
    275 bool BlobStorageContext::AppendBytesItem(
    276     BlobData* target_blob_data, const char* bytes, int64 length) {
    277   if (length < 0) {
    278     DCHECK(false);
    279     return false;
    280   }
    281   if (memory_usage_ + length > kMaxMemoryUsage)
    282     return false;
    283   target_blob_data->AppendData(bytes, static_cast<size_t>(length));
    284   memory_usage_ += length;
    285   return true;
    286 }
    288 void BlobStorageContext::AppendFileItem(
    289     BlobData* target_blob_data,
    290     const base::FilePath& file_path, uint64 offset, uint64 length,
    291     const base::Time& expected_modification_time) {
    292   target_blob_data->AppendFile(file_path, offset, length,
    293                                expected_modification_time);
    295   // It may be a temporary file that should be deleted when no longer needed.
    296   scoped_refptr<ShareableFileReference> shareable_file =
    297       ShareableFileReference::Get(file_path);
    298   if (shareable_file.get())
    299     target_blob_data->AttachShareableFileReference(shareable_file.get());
    300 }
    302 void BlobStorageContext::AppendFileSystemFileItem(
    303     BlobData* target_blob_data,
    304     const GURL& filesystem_url, uint64 offset, uint64 length,
    305     const base::Time& expected_modification_time) {
    306   target_blob_data->AppendFileSystemFile(filesystem_url, offset, length,
    307                                          expected_modification_time);
    308 }
    310 bool BlobStorageContext::IsInUse(const std::string& uuid) {
    311   return blob_map_.find(uuid) != blob_map_.end();
    312 }
    314 bool BlobStorageContext::IsBeingBuilt(const std::string& uuid) {
    315   BlobMap::iterator found = blob_map_.find(uuid);
    316   if (found == blob_map_.end())
    317     return false;
    318   return found->second.flags & BEING_BUILT;
    319 }
    321 bool BlobStorageContext::IsUrlRegistered(const GURL& blob_url) {
    322   return public_blob_urls_.find(blob_url) != public_blob_urls_.end();
    323 }
    325 }  // namespace webkit_blob