1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 // 5 // The |FeedbackSender| object stores the user feedback to spellcheck 6 // suggestions in a |Feedback| object. 7 // 8 // When spelling service returns spellcheck results, these results first arrive 9 // in |FeedbackSender| to assign hash identifiers for each 10 // misspelling-suggestion pair. If the spelling service identifies the same 11 // misspelling as already displayed to the user, then |FeedbackSender| reuses 12 // the same hash identifiers to avoid duplication. It detects the duplicates by 13 // comparing misspelling offsets in text. Spelling service can return duplicates 14 // because we request spellcheck for whole paragraphs, as context around a 15 // misspelled word is important to the spellcheck algorithm. 16 // 17 // All feedback is initially pending. When a user acts upon a misspelling such 18 // that the misspelling is no longer displayed (red squiggly line goes away), 19 // then the feedback for this misspelling is finalized. All finalized feedback 20 // is erased after being sent to the spelling service. Pending feedback is kept 21 // around for |kSessionHours| hours and then finalized even if user did not act 22 // on the misspellings. 23 // 24 // |FeedbackSender| periodically requests a list of hashes of all remaining 25 // misspellings in renderers. When a renderer responds with a list of hashes, 26 // |FeedbackSender| uses the list to determine which misspellings are no longer 27 // displayed to the user and sends the current state of user feedback to the 28 // spelling service. 29 30 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/feedback_sender.h" 31 32 #include <algorithm> 33 #include <iterator> 34 35 #include "base/command_line.h" 36 #include "base/hash.h" 37 #include "base/json/json_writer.h" 38 #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" 39 #include "base/stl_util.h" 40 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" 41 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" 42 #include "base/values.h" 43 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/word_trimmer.h" 44 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" 45 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_common.h" 46 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_marker.h" 47 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_messages.h" 48 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" 49 #include "google_apis/google_api_keys.h" 50 #include "net/base/load_flags.h" 51 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h" 52 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" 53 54 namespace spellcheck { 55 56 namespace { 57 58 // The default URL where feedback data is sent. 59 const char kFeedbackServiceURL[] = "https://www.googleapis.com/rpc"; 60 61 // The minimum number of seconds between sending batches of feedback. 62 const int kMinIntervalSeconds = 5; 63 64 // Returns a hash of |session_start|, the current timestamp, and 65 // |suggestion_index|. 66 uint32 BuildHash(const base::Time& session_start, size_t suggestion_index) { 67 return base::Hash( 68 base::StringPrintf("%" PRId64 "%" PRId64 "%" PRIuS, 69 session_start.ToInternalValue(), 70 base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue(), 71 suggestion_index)); 72 } 73 74 // Returns a pending feedback data structure for the spellcheck |result| and 75 // |text|. 76 Misspelling BuildFeedback(const SpellCheckResult& result, 77 const base::string16& text) { 78 size_t start = result.location; 79 base::string16 context = TrimWords(&start, 80 result.length, 81 text, 82 chrome::spellcheck_common::kContextWordCount); 83 return Misspelling(context, 84 start, 85 result.length, 86 std::vector<base::string16>(1, result.replacement), 87 result.hash); 88 } 89 90 // Builds suggestion info from |suggestions|. The caller owns the result. 91 base::ListValue* BuildSuggestionInfo( 92 const std::vector<Misspelling>& suggestions, 93 bool is_first_feedback_batch) { 94 base::ListValue* list = new base::ListValue; 95 for (std::vector<Misspelling>::const_iterator suggestion_it = 96 suggestions.begin(); 97 suggestion_it != suggestions.end(); 98 ++suggestion_it) { 99 base::DictionaryValue* suggestion = suggestion_it->Serialize(); 100 suggestion->SetBoolean("isFirstInSession", is_first_feedback_batch); 101 suggestion->SetBoolean("isAutoCorrection", false); 102 list->Append(suggestion); 103 } 104 return list; 105 } 106 107 // Builds feedback parameters from |suggestion_info|, |language|, and |country|. 108 // Takes ownership of |suggestion_list|. The caller owns the result. 109 base::DictionaryValue* BuildParams(base::ListValue* suggestion_info, 110 const std::string& language, 111 const std::string& country) { 112 base::DictionaryValue* params = new base::DictionaryValue; 113 params->Set("suggestionInfo", suggestion_info); 114 params->SetString("key", google_apis::GetAPIKey()); 115 params->SetString("language", language); 116 params->SetString("originCountry", country); 117 params->SetString("clientName", "Chrome"); 118 return params; 119 } 120 121 // Builds feedback data from |params|. Takes ownership of |params|. The caller 122 // owns the result. 123 base::Value* BuildFeedbackValue(base::DictionaryValue* params, 124 const std::string& api_version) { 125 base::DictionaryValue* result = new base::DictionaryValue; 126 result->Set("params", params); 127 result->SetString("method", "spelling.feedback"); 128 result->SetString("apiVersion", api_version); 129 return result; 130 } 131 132 // Returns true if the misspelling location is within text bounds. 133 bool IsInBounds(int misspelling_location, 134 int misspelling_length, 135 size_t text_length) { 136 return misspelling_location >= 0 && misspelling_length > 0 && 137 static_cast<size_t>(misspelling_location) < text_length && 138 static_cast<size_t>(misspelling_location + misspelling_length) <= 139 text_length; 140 } 141 142 // Returns the feedback API version. 143 std::string GetApiVersion() { 144 // This guard is temporary. 145 // TODO(rouslan): Remove the guard. http://crbug.com/247726 146 if (base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(kFeedbackFieldTrialName) == 147 kFeedbackFieldTrialEnabledGroupName && 148 CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( 149 switches::kEnableSpellingFeedbackFieldTrial)) { 150 return "v2-internal"; 151 } 152 return "v2"; 153 } 154 155 } // namespace 156 157 FeedbackSender::FeedbackSender(net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context, 158 const std::string& language, 159 const std::string& country) 160 : request_context_(request_context), 161 api_version_(GetApiVersion()), 162 language_(language), 163 country_(country), 164 misspelling_counter_(0), 165 session_start_(base::Time::Now()), 166 feedback_service_url_(kFeedbackServiceURL) { 167 // The command-line switch is for testing and temporary. 168 // TODO(rouslan): Remove the command-line switch when testing is complete. 169 // http://crbug.com/247726 170 if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( 171 switches::kSpellingServiceFeedbackUrl)) { 172 feedback_service_url_ = 173 GURL(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII( 174 switches::kSpellingServiceFeedbackUrl)); 175 } 176 } 177 178 FeedbackSender::~FeedbackSender() { 179 } 180 181 void FeedbackSender::SelectedSuggestion(uint32 hash, int suggestion_index) { 182 Misspelling* misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(hash); 183 // GetMisspelling() returns null for flushed feedback. Feedback is flushed 184 // when the session expires every |kSessionHours| hours. 185 if (!misspelling) 186 return; 187 misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_SELECT; 188 misspelling->action.index = suggestion_index; 189 misspelling->timestamp = base::Time::Now(); 190 } 191 192 void FeedbackSender::AddedToDictionary(uint32 hash) { 193 Misspelling* misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(hash); 194 // GetMisspelling() returns null for flushed feedback. Feedback is flushed 195 // when the session expires every |kSessionHours| hours. 196 if (!misspelling) 197 return; 198 misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_ADD_TO_DICT; 199 misspelling->timestamp = base::Time::Now(); 200 const std::set<uint32>& hashes = 201 feedback_.FindMisspellings(misspelling->GetMisspelledString()); 202 for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator hash_it = hashes.begin(); 203 hash_it != hashes.end(); 204 ++hash_it) { 205 Misspelling* duplicate_misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(*hash_it); 206 if (!duplicate_misspelling || duplicate_misspelling->action.IsFinal()) 207 continue; 208 duplicate_misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_ADD_TO_DICT; 209 duplicate_misspelling->timestamp = misspelling->timestamp; 210 } 211 } 212 213 void FeedbackSender::RecordInDictionary(uint32 hash) { 214 Misspelling* misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(hash); 215 // GetMisspelling() returns null for flushed feedback. Feedback is flushed 216 // when the session expires every |kSessionHours| hours. 217 if (!misspelling) 218 return; 219 misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_IN_DICTIONARY; 220 } 221 222 void FeedbackSender::IgnoredSuggestions(uint32 hash) { 223 Misspelling* misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(hash); 224 // GetMisspelling() returns null for flushed feedback. Feedback is flushed 225 // when the session expires every |kSessionHours| hours. 226 if (!misspelling) 227 return; 228 misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_PENDING_IGNORE; 229 misspelling->timestamp = base::Time::Now(); 230 } 231 232 void FeedbackSender::ManuallyCorrected(uint32 hash, 233 const base::string16& correction) { 234 Misspelling* misspelling = feedback_.GetMisspelling(hash); 235 // GetMisspelling() returns null for flushed feedback. Feedback is flushed 236 // when the session expires every |kSessionHours| hours. 237 if (!misspelling) 238 return; 239 misspelling->action.type = SpellcheckAction::TYPE_MANUALLY_CORRECTED; 240 misspelling->action.value = correction; 241 misspelling->timestamp = base::Time::Now(); 242 } 243 244 void FeedbackSender::OnReceiveDocumentMarkers( 245 int renderer_process_id, 246 const std::vector<uint32>& markers) { 247 if ((base::Time::Now() - session_start_).InHours() >= 248 chrome::spellcheck_common::kSessionHours) { 249 FlushFeedback(); 250 return; 251 } 252 253 if (!feedback_.RendererHasMisspellings(renderer_process_id)) 254 return; 255 256 feedback_.FinalizeRemovedMisspellings(renderer_process_id, markers); 257 SendFeedback(feedback_.GetMisspellingsInRenderer(renderer_process_id), 258 !renderers_sent_feedback_.count(renderer_process_id)); 259 renderers_sent_feedback_.insert(renderer_process_id); 260 feedback_.EraseFinalizedMisspellings(renderer_process_id); 261 } 262 263 void FeedbackSender::OnSpellcheckResults( 264 int renderer_process_id, 265 const base::string16& text, 266 const std::vector<SpellCheckMarker>& markers, 267 std::vector<SpellCheckResult>* results) { 268 // Don't collect feedback if not going to send it. 269 if (!timer_.IsRunning()) 270 return; 271 272 // Generate a map of marker offsets to marker hashes. This map helps to 273 // efficiently lookup feedback data based on the position of the misspelling 274 // in text. 275 typedef std::map<size_t, uint32> MarkerMap; 276 MarkerMap marker_map; 277 for (size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) 278 marker_map[markers[i].offset] = markers[i].hash; 279 280 for (std::vector<SpellCheckResult>::iterator result_it = results->begin(); 281 result_it != results->end(); 282 ++result_it) { 283 if (!IsInBounds(result_it->location, result_it->length, text.length())) 284 continue; 285 MarkerMap::const_iterator marker_it = marker_map.find(result_it->location); 286 if (marker_it != marker_map.end() && 287 feedback_.HasMisspelling(marker_it->second)) { 288 // If the renderer already has a marker for this spellcheck result, then 289 // set the hash of the spellcheck result to be the same as the marker. 290 result_it->hash = marker_it->second; 291 } else { 292 // If the renderer does not yet have a marker for this spellcheck result, 293 // then generate a new hash for the spellcheck result. 294 result_it->hash = BuildHash(session_start_, ++misspelling_counter_); 295 } 296 // Save the feedback data for the spellcheck result. 297 feedback_.AddMisspelling(renderer_process_id, 298 BuildFeedback(*result_it, text)); 299 } 300 } 301 302 void FeedbackSender::OnLanguageCountryChange(const std::string& language, 303 const std::string& country) { 304 FlushFeedback(); 305 language_ = language; 306 country_ = country; 307 } 308 309 void FeedbackSender::StartFeedbackCollection() { 310 if (timer_.IsRunning()) 311 return; 312 313 int interval_seconds = chrome::spellcheck_common::kFeedbackIntervalSeconds; 314 // This command-line switch is for testing and temporary. 315 // TODO(rouslan): Remove the command-line switch when testing is complete. 316 // http://crbug.com/247726 317 if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( 318 switches::kSpellingServiceFeedbackIntervalSeconds)) { 319 base::StringToInt(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII( 320 switches::kSpellingServiceFeedbackIntervalSeconds), 321 &interval_seconds); 322 if (interval_seconds < kMinIntervalSeconds) 323 interval_seconds = kMinIntervalSeconds; 324 static const int kSessionSeconds = 325 chrome::spellcheck_common::kSessionHours * 60 * 60; 326 if (interval_seconds > kSessionSeconds) 327 interval_seconds = kSessionSeconds; 328 } 329 timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, 330 base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(interval_seconds), 331 this, 332 &FeedbackSender::RequestDocumentMarkers); 333 } 334 335 void FeedbackSender::StopFeedbackCollection() { 336 if (!timer_.IsRunning()) 337 return; 338 339 FlushFeedback(); 340 timer_.Stop(); 341 } 342 343 void FeedbackSender::OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) { 344 for (ScopedVector<net::URLFetcher>::iterator sender_it = senders_.begin(); 345 sender_it != senders_.end(); 346 ++sender_it) { 347 if (*sender_it == source) { 348 senders_.erase(sender_it); 349 return; 350 } 351 } 352 delete source; 353 } 354 355 void FeedbackSender::RequestDocumentMarkers() { 356 // Request document markers from all the renderers that are still alive. 357 std::set<int> alive_renderers; 358 for (content::RenderProcessHost::iterator it( 359 content::RenderProcessHost::AllHostsIterator()); 360 !it.IsAtEnd(); 361 it.Advance()) { 362 alive_renderers.insert(it.GetCurrentValue()->GetID()); 363 it.GetCurrentValue()->Send(new SpellCheckMsg_RequestDocumentMarkers()); 364 } 365 366 // Asynchronously send out the feedback for all the renderers that are no 367 // longer alive. 368 std::vector<int> known_renderers = feedback_.GetRendersWithMisspellings(); 369 std::sort(known_renderers.begin(), known_renderers.end()); 370 std::vector<int> dead_renderers = 371 base::STLSetDifference<std::vector<int> >(known_renderers, 372 alive_renderers); 373 for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = dead_renderers.begin(); 374 it != dead_renderers.end(); 375 ++it) { 376 base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( 377 FROM_HERE, 378 base::Bind(&FeedbackSender::OnReceiveDocumentMarkers, 379 AsWeakPtr(), 380 *it, 381 std::vector<uint32>())); 382 } 383 } 384 385 void FeedbackSender::FlushFeedback() { 386 if (feedback_.Empty()) 387 return; 388 feedback_.FinalizeAllMisspellings(); 389 SendFeedback(feedback_.GetAllMisspellings(), 390 renderers_sent_feedback_.empty()); 391 feedback_.Clear(); 392 renderers_sent_feedback_.clear(); 393 session_start_ = base::Time::Now(); 394 timer_.Reset(); 395 } 396 397 void FeedbackSender::SendFeedback(const std::vector<Misspelling>& feedback_data, 398 bool is_first_feedback_batch) { 399 scoped_ptr<base::Value> feedback_value(BuildFeedbackValue( 400 BuildParams(BuildSuggestionInfo(feedback_data, is_first_feedback_batch), 401 language_, 402 country_), 403 api_version_)); 404 std::string feedback; 405 base::JSONWriter::Write(feedback_value.get(), &feedback); 406 407 // The tests use this identifier to mock the URL fetcher. 408 static const int kUrlFetcherId = 0; 409 net::URLFetcher* sender = net::URLFetcher::Create( 410 kUrlFetcherId, feedback_service_url_, net::URLFetcher::POST, this); 411 sender->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES | 412 net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES); 413 sender->SetUploadData("application/json", feedback); 414 senders_.push_back(sender); 415 416 // Request context is NULL in testing. 417 if (request_context_.get()) { 418 sender->SetRequestContext(request_context_.get()); 419 sender->Start(); 420 } 421 } 422 423 } // namespace spellcheck 424