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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <string>
     10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     11 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     12 #include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"
     13 #include "sandbox/win/src/security_level.h"
     15 namespace sandbox {
     17 class TargetPolicy {
     18  public:
     19   // Windows subsystems that can have specific rules.
     20   // Note: The process subsystem(SUBSY_PROCESS) does not evaluate the request
     21   // exactly like the CreateProcess API does. See the comment at the top of
     22   // process_thread_dispatcher.cc for more details.
     23   enum SubSystem {
     24     SUBSYS_FILES,             // Creation and opening of files and pipes.
     25     SUBSYS_NAMED_PIPES,       // Creation of named pipes.
     26     SUBSYS_PROCESS,           // Creation of child processes.
     27     SUBSYS_REGISTRY,          // Creation and opening of registry keys.
     28     SUBSYS_SYNC,              // Creation of named sync objects.
     29     SUBSYS_HANDLES            // Duplication of handles to other processes.
     30   };
     32   // Allowable semantics when a rule is matched.
     33   enum Semantics {
     34     FILES_ALLOW_ANY,       // Allows open or create for any kind of access that
     35                            // the file system supports.
     36     FILES_ALLOW_READONLY,  // Allows open or create with read access only.
     37     FILES_ALLOW_QUERY,     // Allows access to query the attributes of a file.
     38     FILES_ALLOW_DIR_ANY,   // Allows open or create with directory semantics
     39                            // only.
     40     HANDLES_DUP_ANY,       // Allows duplicating handles opened with any
     41                            // access permissions.
     42     HANDLES_DUP_BROKER,    // Allows duplicating handles to the broker process.
     43     NAMEDPIPES_ALLOW_ANY,  // Allows creation of a named pipe.
     44     PROCESS_MIN_EXEC,      // Allows to create a process with minimal rights
     45                            // over the resulting process and thread handles.
     46                            // No other parameters besides the command line are
     47                            // passed to the child process.
     48     PROCESS_ALL_EXEC,      // Allows the creation of a process and return fill
     49                            // access on the returned handles.
     50                            // This flag can be used only when the main token of
     51                            // the sandboxed application is at least INTERACTIVE.
     52     EVENTS_ALLOW_ANY,      // Allows the creation of an event with full access.
     53     EVENTS_ALLOW_READONLY, // Allows opening an even with synchronize access.
     54     REG_ALLOW_READONLY,    // Allows readonly access to a registry key.
     55     REG_ALLOW_ANY          // Allows read and write access to a registry key.
     56   };
     58   // Increments the reference count of this object. The reference count must
     59   // be incremented if this interface is given to another component.
     60   virtual void AddRef() = 0;
     62   // Decrements the reference count of this object. When the reference count
     63   // is zero the object is automatically destroyed.
     64   // Indicates that the caller is done with this interface. After calling
     65   // release no other method should be called.
     66   virtual void Release() = 0;
     68   // Sets the security level for the target process' two tokens.
     69   // This setting is permanent and cannot be changed once the target process is
     70   // spawned.
     71   // initial: the security level for the initial token. This is the token that
     72   //   is used by the process from the creation of the process until the moment
     73   //   the process calls TargetServices::LowerToken() or the process calls
     74   //   win32's ReverToSelf(). Once this happens the initial token is no longer
     75   //   available and the lockdown token is in effect. Using an initial token is
     76   //   not compatible with AppContainer, see SetAppContainer.
     77   // lockdown: the security level for the token that comes into force after the
     78   //   process calls TargetServices::LowerToken() or the process calls
     79   //   ReverToSelf(). See the explanation of each level in the TokenLevel
     80   //   definition.
     81   // Return value: SBOX_ALL_OK if the setting succeeds and false otherwise.
     82   //   Returns false if the lockdown value is more permissive than the initial
     83   //   value.
     84   //
     85   // Important: most of the sandbox-provided security relies on this single
     86   // setting. The caller should strive to set the lockdown level as restricted
     87   // as possible.
     88   virtual ResultCode SetTokenLevel(TokenLevel initial, TokenLevel lockdown) = 0;
     90   // Sets the security level of the Job Object to which the target process will
     91   // belong. This setting is permanent and cannot be changed once the target
     92   // process is spawned. The job controls the global security settings which
     93   // can not be specified in the token security profile.
     94   // job_level: the security level for the job. See the explanation of each
     95   //   level in the JobLevel definition.
     96   // ui_exceptions: specify what specific rights that are disabled in the
     97   //   chosen job_level that need to be granted. Use this parameter to avoid
     98   //   selecting the next permissive job level unless you need all the rights
     99   //   that are granted in such level.
    100   //   The exceptions can be specified as a combination of the following
    101   //   constants:
    102   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES : grant access to all user-mode handles. These
    103   //   include windows, icons, menus and various GDI objects. In addition the
    104   //   target process can set hooks, and broadcast messages to other processes
    105   //   that belong to the same desktop.
    106   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_READCLIPBOARD : grant read-only access to the clipboard.
    107   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_WRITECLIPBOARD : grant write access to the clipboard.
    108   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_SYSTEMPARAMETERS : allow changes to the system-wide
    109   //   parameters as defined by the Win32 call SystemParametersInfo().
    110   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DISPLAYSETTINGS : allow programmatic changes to the
    111   //  display settings.
    112   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_GLOBALATOMS : allow access to the global atoms table.
    113   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DESKTOP : allow the creation of new desktops.
    114   // JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_EXITWINDOWS : allow the call to ExitWindows().
    115   //
    116   // Return value: SBOX_ALL_OK if the setting succeeds and false otherwise.
    117   //
    118   // Note: JOB_OBJECT_XXXX constants are defined in winnt.h and documented at
    119   // length in:
    120   //   http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684152.aspx
    121   //
    122   // Note: the recommended level is JOB_RESTRICTED or JOB_LOCKDOWN.
    123   virtual ResultCode SetJobLevel(JobLevel job_level, uint32 ui_exceptions) = 0;
    125   // Specifies the desktop on which the application is going to run. If the
    126   // desktop does not exist, it will be created. If alternate_winstation is
    127   // set to true, the desktop will be created on an alternate window station.
    128   virtual ResultCode SetAlternateDesktop(bool alternate_winstation) = 0;
    130   // Returns the name of the alternate desktop used. If an alternate window
    131   // station is specified, the name is prepended by the window station name,
    132   // followed by a backslash.
    133   virtual base::string16 GetAlternateDesktop() const = 0;
    135   // Precreates the desktop and window station, if any.
    136   virtual ResultCode CreateAlternateDesktop(bool alternate_winstation) = 0;
    138   // Destroys the desktop and windows station.
    139   virtual void DestroyAlternateDesktop() = 0;
    141   // Sets the integrity level of the process in the sandbox. Both the initial
    142   // token and the main token will be affected by this. If the integrity level
    143   // is set to a level higher than the current level, the sandbox will fail
    144   // to start.
    145   virtual ResultCode SetIntegrityLevel(IntegrityLevel level) = 0;
    147   // Sets the integrity level of the process in the sandbox. The integrity level
    148   // will not take effect before you call LowerToken. User Interface Privilege
    149   // Isolation is not affected by this setting and will remain off for the
    150   // process in the sandbox. If the integrity level is set to a level higher
    151   // than the current level, the sandbox will fail to start.
    152   virtual ResultCode SetDelayedIntegrityLevel(IntegrityLevel level) = 0;
    154   // Sets the AppContainer to be used for the sandboxed process. Any capability
    155   // to be enabled for the process should be added before this method is invoked
    156   // (by calling SetCapability() as many times as needed).
    157   // The desired AppContainer must be already installed on the system, otherwise
    158   // launching the sandboxed process will fail. See BrokerServices for details
    159   // about installing an AppContainer.
    160   // Note that currently Windows restricts the use of impersonation within
    161   // AppContainers, so this function is incompatible with the use of an initial
    162   // token.
    163   virtual ResultCode SetAppContainer(const wchar_t* sid) = 0;
    165   // Sets a capability to be enabled for the sandboxed process' AppContainer.
    166   virtual ResultCode SetCapability(const wchar_t* sid) = 0;
    168   // Sets the mitigations enabled when the process is created. Most of these
    169   // are implemented as attributes passed via STARTUPINFOEX. So they take
    170   // effect before any thread in the target executes. The declaration of
    171   // MitigationFlags is followed by a detailed description of each flag.
    172   virtual ResultCode SetProcessMitigations(MitigationFlags flags) = 0;
    174   // Returns the currently set mitigation flags.
    175   virtual MitigationFlags GetProcessMitigations() = 0;
    177   // Sets process mitigation flags that don't take effect before the call to
    178   // LowerToken().
    179   virtual ResultCode SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MitigationFlags flags) = 0;
    181   // Returns the currently set delayed mitigation flags.
    182   virtual MitigationFlags GetDelayedProcessMitigations() = 0;
    184   // Sets the interceptions to operate in strict mode. By default, interceptions
    185   // are performed in "relaxed" mode, where if something inside NTDLL.DLL is
    186   // already patched we attempt to intercept it anyway. Setting interceptions
    187   // to strict mode means that when we detect that the function is patched we'll
    188   // refuse to perform the interception.
    189   virtual void SetStrictInterceptions() = 0;
    191   // Set the handles the target process should inherit for stdout and
    192   // stderr.  The handles the caller passes must remain valid for the
    193   // lifetime of the policy object.  This only has an effect on
    194   // Windows Vista and later versions.  These methods accept pipe and
    195   // file handles, but not console handles.
    196   virtual ResultCode SetStdoutHandle(HANDLE handle) = 0;
    197   virtual ResultCode SetStderrHandle(HANDLE handle) = 0;
    199   // Adds a policy rule effective for processes spawned using this policy.
    200   // subsystem: One of the above enumerated windows subsystems.
    201   // semantics: One of the above enumerated FileSemantics.
    202   // pattern: A specific full path or a full path with wildcard patterns.
    203   //   The valid wildcards are:
    204   //   '*' : Matches zero or more character. Only one in series allowed.
    205   //   '?' : Matches a single character. One or more in series are allowed.
    206   // Examples:
    207   //   "c:\\documents and settings\\vince\\*.dmp"
    208   //   "c:\\documents and settings\\*\\crashdumps\\*.dmp"
    209   //   "c:\\temp\\app_log_?????_chrome.txt"
    210   virtual ResultCode AddRule(SubSystem subsystem, Semantics semantics,
    211                              const wchar_t* pattern) = 0;
    213   // Adds a dll that will be unloaded in the target process before it gets
    214   // a chance to initialize itself. Typically, dlls that cause the target
    215   // to crash go here.
    216   virtual ResultCode AddDllToUnload(const wchar_t* dll_name) = 0;
    218   // Adds a handle that will be closed in the target process after lockdown.
    219   // A NULL value for handle_name indicates all handles of the specified type.
    220   // An empty string for handle_name indicates the handle is unnamed.
    221   virtual ResultCode AddKernelObjectToClose(const wchar_t* handle_type,
    222                                             const wchar_t* handle_name) = 0;
    223 };
    225 }  // namespace sandbox