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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      5 //
      6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     10 /*
     12 NOTE: the _symbolic, and _numeric functions has been adapted from
     13       the LDL library:
     15 LDL Copyright (c) 2005 by Timothy A. Davis.  All Rights Reserved.
     17 LDL License:
     19     Your use or distribution of LDL or any modified version of
     20     LDL implies that you agree to this License.
     22     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     23     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     24     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     25     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     27     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     28     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     30     Lesser General Public License for more details.
     32     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     33     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     34     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
     35     USA
     37     Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program under the
     38     terms of the GNU LGPL, provided that the Copyright, this License,
     39     and the Availability of the original version is retained on all copies.
     40     User documentation of any code that uses this code or any modified
     41     version of this code must cite the Copyright, this License, the
     42     Availability note, and "Used by permission." Permission to modify
     43     the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the
     44     Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are retained,
     45     and a notice that the code was modified is included.
     46  */
     48 #include "../Core/util/NonMPL2.h"
     53 namespace Eigen {
     55 enum SimplicialCholeskyMode {
     56   SimplicialCholeskyLLT,
     57   SimplicialCholeskyLDLT
     58 };
     60 /** \ingroup SparseCholesky_Module
     61   * \brief A direct sparse Cholesky factorizations
     62   *
     63   * These classes provide LL^T and LDL^T Cholesky factorizations of sparse matrices that are
     64   * selfadjoint and positive definite. The factorization allows for solving A.X = B where
     65   * X and B can be either dense or sparse.
     66   *
     67   * In order to reduce the fill-in, a symmetric permutation P is applied prior to the factorization
     68   * such that the factorized matrix is P A P^-1.
     69   *
     70   * \tparam _MatrixType the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
     71   * \tparam _UpLo the triangular part that will be used for the computations. It can be Lower
     72   *               or Upper. Default is Lower.
     73   *
     74   */
     75 template<typename Derived>
     76 class SimplicialCholeskyBase : internal::noncopyable
     77 {
     78   public:
     79     typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::MatrixType MatrixType;
     80     enum { UpLo = internal::traits<Derived>::UpLo };
     81     typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
     82     typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
     83     typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
     84     typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor,Index> CholMatrixType;
     85     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;
     87   public:
     89     /** Default constructor */
     90     SimplicialCholeskyBase()
     91       : m_info(Success), m_isInitialized(false), m_shiftOffset(0), m_shiftScale(1)
     92     {}
     94     SimplicialCholeskyBase(const MatrixType& matrix)
     95       : m_info(Success), m_isInitialized(false), m_shiftOffset(0), m_shiftScale(1)
     96     {
     97       derived().compute(matrix);
     98     }
    100     ~SimplicialCholeskyBase()
    101     {
    102     }
    104     Derived& derived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
    105     const Derived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
    107     inline Index cols() const { return m_matrix.cols(); }
    108     inline Index rows() const { return m_matrix.rows(); }
    110     /** \brief Reports whether previous computation was successful.
    111       *
    112       * \returns \c Success if computation was succesful,
    113       *          \c NumericalIssue if the matrix.appears to be negative.
    114       */
    115     ComputationInfo info() const
    116     {
    117       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Decomposition is not initialized.");
    118       return m_info;
    119     }
    121     /** \returns the solution x of \f$ A x = b \f$ using the current decomposition of A.
    122       *
    123       * \sa compute()
    124       */
    125     template<typename Rhs>
    126     inline const internal::solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase, Rhs>
    127     solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const
    128     {
    129       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Simplicial LLT or LDLT is not initialized.");
    130       eigen_assert(rows()==b.rows()
    131                 && "SimplicialCholeskyBase::solve(): invalid number of rows of the right hand side matrix b");
    132       return internal::solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase, Rhs>(*this, b.derived());
    133     }
    135     /** \returns the solution x of \f$ A x = b \f$ using the current decomposition of A.
    136       *
    137       * \sa compute()
    138       */
    139     template<typename Rhs>
    140     inline const internal::sparse_solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase, Rhs>
    141     solve(const SparseMatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const
    142     {
    143       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Simplicial LLT or LDLT is not initialized.");
    144       eigen_assert(rows()==b.rows()
    145                 && "SimplicialCholesky::solve(): invalid number of rows of the right hand side matrix b");
    146       return internal::sparse_solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase, Rhs>(*this, b.derived());
    147     }
    149     /** \returns the permutation P
    150       * \sa permutationPinv() */
    151     const PermutationMatrix<Dynamic,Dynamic,Index>& permutationP() const
    152     { return m_P; }
    154     /** \returns the inverse P^-1 of the permutation P
    155       * \sa permutationP() */
    156     const PermutationMatrix<Dynamic,Dynamic,Index>& permutationPinv() const
    157     { return m_Pinv; }
    159     /** Sets the shift parameters that will be used to adjust the diagonal coefficients during the numerical factorization.
    160       *
    161       * During the numerical factorization, the diagonal coefficients are transformed by the following linear model:\n
    162       * \c d_ii = \a offset + \a scale * \c d_ii
    163       *
    164       * The default is the identity transformation with \a offset=0, and \a scale=1.
    165       *
    166       * \returns a reference to \c *this.
    167       */
    168     Derived& setShift(const RealScalar& offset, const RealScalar& scale = 1)
    169     {
    170       m_shiftOffset = offset;
    171       m_shiftScale = scale;
    172       return derived();
    173     }
    176     /** \internal */
    177     template<typename Stream>
    178     void dumpMemory(Stream& s)
    179     {
    180       int total = 0;
    181       s << "  L:        " << ((total+=(m_matrix.cols()+1) * sizeof(int) + m_matrix.nonZeros()*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(Scalar))) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    182       s << "  diag:     " << ((total+=m_diag.size() * sizeof(Scalar)) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    183       s << "  tree:     " << ((total+=m_parent.size() * sizeof(int)) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    184       s << "  nonzeros: " << ((total+=m_nonZerosPerCol.size() * sizeof(int)) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    185       s << "  perm:     " << ((total+=m_P.size() * sizeof(int)) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    186       s << "  perm^-1:  " << ((total+=m_Pinv.size() * sizeof(int)) >> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    187       s << "  TOTAL:    " << (total>> 20) << "Mb" << "\n";
    188     }
    190     /** \internal */
    191     template<typename Rhs,typename Dest>
    192     void _solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs> &b, MatrixBase<Dest> &dest) const
    193     {
    194       eigen_assert(m_factorizationIsOk && "The decomposition is not in a valid state for solving, you must first call either compute() or symbolic()/numeric()");
    195       eigen_assert(m_matrix.rows()==b.rows());
    197       if(m_info!=Success)
    198         return;
    200       if(m_P.size()>0)
    201         dest = m_P * b;
    202       else
    203         dest = b;
    205       if(m_matrix.nonZeros()>0) // otherwise L==I
    206         derived().matrixL().solveInPlace(dest);
    208       if(m_diag.size()>0)
    209         dest = m_diag.asDiagonal().inverse() * dest;
    211       if (m_matrix.nonZeros()>0) // otherwise U==I
    212         derived().matrixU().solveInPlace(dest);
    214       if(m_P.size()>0)
    215         dest = m_Pinv * dest;
    216     }
    218     /** \internal */
    219     template<typename Rhs, typename DestScalar, int DestOptions, typename DestIndex>
    220     void _solve_sparse(const Rhs& b, SparseMatrix<DestScalar,DestOptions,DestIndex> &dest) const
    221     {
    222       eigen_assert(m_factorizationIsOk && "The decomposition is not in a valid state for solving, you must first call either compute() or symbolic()/numeric()");
    223       eigen_assert(m_matrix.rows()==b.rows());
    225       // we process the sparse rhs per block of NbColsAtOnce columns temporarily stored into a dense matrix.
    226       static const int NbColsAtOnce = 4;
    227       int rhsCols = b.cols();
    228       int size = b.rows();
    229       Eigen::Matrix<DestScalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> tmp(size,rhsCols);
    230       for(int k=0; k<rhsCols; k+=NbColsAtOnce)
    231       {
    232         int actualCols = std::min<int>(rhsCols-k, NbColsAtOnce);
    233         tmp.leftCols(actualCols) = b.middleCols(k,actualCols);
    234         tmp.leftCols(actualCols) = derived().solve(tmp.leftCols(actualCols));
    235         dest.middleCols(k,actualCols) = tmp.leftCols(actualCols).sparseView();
    236       }
    237     }
    239 #endif // EIGEN_PARSED_BY_DOXYGEN
    241   protected:
    243     /** Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of \a matrix */
    244     template<bool DoLDLT>
    245     void compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
    246     {
    247       eigen_assert(matrix.rows()==matrix.cols());
    248       Index size = matrix.cols();
    249       CholMatrixType ap(size,size);
    250       ordering(matrix, ap);
    251       analyzePattern_preordered(ap, DoLDLT);
    252       factorize_preordered<DoLDLT>(ap);
    253     }
    255     template<bool DoLDLT>
    256     void factorize(const MatrixType& a)
    257     {
    258       eigen_assert(a.rows()==a.cols());
    259       int size = a.cols();
    260       CholMatrixType ap(size,size);
    261       ap.template selfadjointView<Upper>() = a.template selfadjointView<UpLo>().twistedBy(m_P);
    262       factorize_preordered<DoLDLT>(ap);
    263     }
    265     template<bool DoLDLT>
    266     void factorize_preordered(const CholMatrixType& a);
    268     void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& a, bool doLDLT)
    269     {
    270       eigen_assert(a.rows()==a.cols());
    271       int size = a.cols();
    272       CholMatrixType ap(size,size);
    273       ordering(a, ap);
    274       analyzePattern_preordered(ap,doLDLT);
    275     }
    276     void analyzePattern_preordered(const CholMatrixType& a, bool doLDLT);
    278     void ordering(const MatrixType& a, CholMatrixType& ap);
    280     /** keeps off-diagonal entries; drops diagonal entries */
    281     struct keep_diag {
    282       inline bool operator() (const Index& row, const Index& col, const Scalar&) const
    283       {
    284         return row!=col;
    285       }
    286     };
    288     mutable ComputationInfo m_info;
    289     bool m_isInitialized;
    290     bool m_factorizationIsOk;
    291     bool m_analysisIsOk;
    293     CholMatrixType m_matrix;
    294     VectorType m_diag;                                // the diagonal coefficients (LDLT mode)
    295     VectorXi m_parent;                                // elimination tree
    296     VectorXi m_nonZerosPerCol;
    297     PermutationMatrix<Dynamic,Dynamic,Index> m_P;     // the permutation
    298     PermutationMatrix<Dynamic,Dynamic,Index> m_Pinv;  // the inverse permutation
    300     RealScalar m_shiftOffset;
    301     RealScalar m_shiftScale;
    302 };
    304 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo = Lower> class SimplicialLLT;
    305 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo = Lower> class SimplicialLDLT;
    306 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo = Lower> class SimplicialCholesky;
    308 namespace internal {
    310 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo> struct traits<SimplicialLLT<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    311 {
    312   typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    313   enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    314   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar                         Scalar;
    315   typedef typename MatrixType::Index                          Index;
    316   typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, ColMajor, Index>               CholMatrixType;
    317   typedef SparseTriangularView<CholMatrixType, Eigen::Lower>  MatrixL;
    318   typedef SparseTriangularView<typename CholMatrixType::AdjointReturnType, Eigen::Upper>   MatrixU;
    319   static inline MatrixL getL(const MatrixType& m) { return m; }
    320   static inline MatrixU getU(const MatrixType& m) { return m.adjoint(); }
    321 };
    323 template<typename _MatrixType,int _UpLo> struct traits<SimplicialLDLT<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    324 {
    325   typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    326   enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    327   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar                             Scalar;
    328   typedef typename MatrixType::Index                              Index;
    329   typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, ColMajor, Index>                   CholMatrixType;
    330   typedef SparseTriangularView<CholMatrixType, Eigen::UnitLower>  MatrixL;
    331   typedef SparseTriangularView<typename CholMatrixType::AdjointReturnType, Eigen::UnitUpper> MatrixU;
    332   static inline MatrixL getL(const MatrixType& m) { return m; }
    333   static inline MatrixU getU(const MatrixType& m) { return m.adjoint(); }
    334 };
    336 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo> struct traits<SimplicialCholesky<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    337 {
    338   typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    339   enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    340 };
    342 }
    344 /** \ingroup SparseCholesky_Module
    345   * \class SimplicialLLT
    346   * \brief A direct sparse LLT Cholesky factorizations
    347   *
    348   * This class provides a LL^T Cholesky factorizations of sparse matrices that are
    349   * selfadjoint and positive definite. The factorization allows for solving A.X = B where
    350   * X and B can be either dense or sparse.
    351   *
    352   * In order to reduce the fill-in, a symmetric permutation P is applied prior to the factorization
    353   * such that the factorized matrix is P A P^-1.
    354   *
    355   * \tparam _MatrixType the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
    356   * \tparam _UpLo the triangular part that will be used for the computations. It can be Lower
    357   *               or Upper. Default is Lower.
    358   *
    359   * \sa class SimplicialLDLT
    360   */
    361 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo>
    362     class SimplicialLLT : public SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialLLT<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    363 {
    364 public:
    365     typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    366     enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    367     typedef SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialLLT> Base;
    368     typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
    369     typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
    370     typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
    371     typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor,Index> CholMatrixType;
    372     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;
    373     typedef internal::traits<SimplicialLLT> Traits;
    374     typedef typename Traits::MatrixL  MatrixL;
    375     typedef typename Traits::MatrixU  MatrixU;
    376 public:
    377     /** Default constructor */
    378     SimplicialLLT() : Base() {}
    379     /** Constructs and performs the LLT factorization of \a matrix */
    380     SimplicialLLT(const MatrixType& matrix)
    381         : Base(matrix) {}
    383     /** \returns an expression of the factor L */
    384     inline const MatrixL matrixL() const {
    385         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial LLT not factorized");
    386         return Traits::getL(Base::m_matrix);
    387     }
    389     /** \returns an expression of the factor U (= L^*) */
    390     inline const MatrixU matrixU() const {
    391         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial LLT not factorized");
    392         return Traits::getU(Base::m_matrix);
    393     }
    395     /** Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of \a matrix */
    396     SimplicialLLT& compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
    397     {
    398       Base::template compute<false>(matrix);
    399       return *this;
    400     }
    402     /** Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparcity of \a matrix.
    403       *
    404       * This function is particularly useful when solving for several problems having the same structure.
    405       *
    406       * \sa factorize()
    407       */
    408     void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& a)
    409     {
    410       Base::analyzePattern(a, false);
    411     }
    413     /** Performs a numeric decomposition of \a matrix
    414       *
    415       * The given matrix must has the same sparcity than the matrix on which the symbolic decomposition has been performed.
    416       *
    417       * \sa analyzePattern()
    418       */
    419     void factorize(const MatrixType& a)
    420     {
    421       Base::template factorize<false>(a);
    422     }
    424     /** \returns the determinant of the underlying matrix from the current factorization */
    425     Scalar determinant() const
    426     {
    427       Scalar detL = Base::m_matrix.diagonal().prod();
    428       return internal::abs2(detL);
    429     }
    430 };
    432 /** \ingroup SparseCholesky_Module
    433   * \class SimplicialLDLT
    434   * \brief A direct sparse LDLT Cholesky factorizations without square root.
    435   *
    436   * This class provides a LDL^T Cholesky factorizations without square root of sparse matrices that are
    437   * selfadjoint and positive definite. The factorization allows for solving A.X = B where
    438   * X and B can be either dense or sparse.
    439   *
    440   * In order to reduce the fill-in, a symmetric permutation P is applied prior to the factorization
    441   * such that the factorized matrix is P A P^-1.
    442   *
    443   * \tparam _MatrixType the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
    444   * \tparam _UpLo the triangular part that will be used for the computations. It can be Lower
    445   *               or Upper. Default is Lower.
    446   *
    447   * \sa class SimplicialLLT
    448   */
    449 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo>
    450     class SimplicialLDLT : public SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialLDLT<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    451 {
    452 public:
    453     typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    454     enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    455     typedef SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialLDLT> Base;
    456     typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
    457     typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
    458     typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
    459     typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor,Index> CholMatrixType;
    460     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;
    461     typedef internal::traits<SimplicialLDLT> Traits;
    462     typedef typename Traits::MatrixL  MatrixL;
    463     typedef typename Traits::MatrixU  MatrixU;
    464 public:
    465     /** Default constructor */
    466     SimplicialLDLT() : Base() {}
    468     /** Constructs and performs the LLT factorization of \a matrix */
    469     SimplicialLDLT(const MatrixType& matrix)
    470         : Base(matrix) {}
    472     /** \returns a vector expression of the diagonal D */
    473     inline const VectorType vectorD() const {
    474         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial LDLT not factorized");
    475         return Base::m_diag;
    476     }
    477     /** \returns an expression of the factor L */
    478     inline const MatrixL matrixL() const {
    479         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial LDLT not factorized");
    480         return Traits::getL(Base::m_matrix);
    481     }
    483     /** \returns an expression of the factor U (= L^*) */
    484     inline const MatrixU matrixU() const {
    485         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial LDLT not factorized");
    486         return Traits::getU(Base::m_matrix);
    487     }
    489     /** Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of \a matrix */
    490     SimplicialLDLT& compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
    491     {
    492       Base::template compute<true>(matrix);
    493       return *this;
    494     }
    496     /** Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparcity of \a matrix.
    497       *
    498       * This function is particularly useful when solving for several problems having the same structure.
    499       *
    500       * \sa factorize()
    501       */
    502     void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& a)
    503     {
    504       Base::analyzePattern(a, true);
    505     }
    507     /** Performs a numeric decomposition of \a matrix
    508       *
    509       * The given matrix must has the same sparcity than the matrix on which the symbolic decomposition has been performed.
    510       *
    511       * \sa analyzePattern()
    512       */
    513     void factorize(const MatrixType& a)
    514     {
    515       Base::template factorize<true>(a);
    516     }
    518     /** \returns the determinant of the underlying matrix from the current factorization */
    519     Scalar determinant() const
    520     {
    521       return Base::m_diag.prod();
    522     }
    523 };
    525 /** \deprecated use SimplicialLDLT or class SimplicialLLT
    526   * \ingroup SparseCholesky_Module
    527   * \class SimplicialCholesky
    528   *
    529   * \sa class SimplicialLDLT, class SimplicialLLT
    530   */
    531 template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo>
    532     class SimplicialCholesky : public SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialCholesky<_MatrixType,_UpLo> >
    533 {
    534 public:
    535     typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
    536     enum { UpLo = _UpLo };
    537     typedef SimplicialCholeskyBase<SimplicialCholesky> Base;
    538     typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
    539     typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
    540     typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
    541     typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor,Index> CholMatrixType;
    542     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;
    543     typedef internal::traits<SimplicialCholesky> Traits;
    544     typedef internal::traits<SimplicialLDLT<MatrixType,UpLo> > LDLTTraits;
    545     typedef internal::traits<SimplicialLLT<MatrixType,UpLo>  > LLTTraits;
    546   public:
    547     SimplicialCholesky() : Base(), m_LDLT(true) {}
    549     SimplicialCholesky(const MatrixType& matrix)
    550       : Base(), m_LDLT(true)
    551     {
    552       compute(matrix);
    553     }
    555     SimplicialCholesky& setMode(SimplicialCholeskyMode mode)
    556     {
    557       switch(mode)
    558       {
    559       case SimplicialCholeskyLLT:
    560         m_LDLT = false;
    561         break;
    562       case SimplicialCholeskyLDLT:
    563         m_LDLT = true;
    564         break;
    565       default:
    566         break;
    567       }
    569       return *this;
    570     }
    572     inline const VectorType vectorD() const {
    573         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial Cholesky not factorized");
    574         return Base::m_diag;
    575     }
    576     inline const CholMatrixType rawMatrix() const {
    577         eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "Simplicial Cholesky not factorized");
    578         return Base::m_matrix;
    579     }
    581     /** Computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition of \a matrix */
    582     SimplicialCholesky& compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
    583     {
    584       if(m_LDLT)
    585         Base::template compute<true>(matrix);
    586       else
    587         Base::template compute<false>(matrix);
    588       return *this;
    589     }
    591     /** Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparcity of \a matrix.
    592       *
    593       * This function is particularly useful when solving for several problems having the same structure.
    594       *
    595       * \sa factorize()
    596       */
    597     void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& a)
    598     {
    599       Base::analyzePattern(a, m_LDLT);
    600     }
    602     /** Performs a numeric decomposition of \a matrix
    603       *
    604       * The given matrix must has the same sparcity than the matrix on which the symbolic decomposition has been performed.
    605       *
    606       * \sa analyzePattern()
    607       */
    608     void factorize(const MatrixType& a)
    609     {
    610       if(m_LDLT)
    611         Base::template factorize<true>(a);
    612       else
    613         Base::template factorize<false>(a);
    614     }
    616     /** \internal */
    617     template<typename Rhs,typename Dest>
    618     void _solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs> &b, MatrixBase<Dest> &dest) const
    619     {
    620       eigen_assert(Base::m_factorizationIsOk && "The decomposition is not in a valid state for solving, you must first call either compute() or symbolic()/numeric()");
    621       eigen_assert(Base::m_matrix.rows()==b.rows());
    623       if(Base::m_info!=Success)
    624         return;
    626       if(Base::m_P.size()>0)
    627         dest = Base::m_P * b;
    628       else
    629         dest = b;
    631       if(Base::m_matrix.nonZeros()>0) // otherwise L==I
    632       {
    633         if(m_LDLT)
    634           LDLTTraits::getL(Base::m_matrix).solveInPlace(dest);
    635         else
    636           LLTTraits::getL(Base::m_matrix).solveInPlace(dest);
    637       }
    639       if(Base::m_diag.size()>0)
    640         dest = Base::m_diag.asDiagonal().inverse() * dest;
    642       if (Base::m_matrix.nonZeros()>0) // otherwise I==I
    643       {
    644         if(m_LDLT)
    645           LDLTTraits::getU(Base::m_matrix).solveInPlace(dest);
    646         else
    647           LLTTraits::getU(Base::m_matrix).solveInPlace(dest);
    648       }
    650       if(Base::m_P.size()>0)
    651         dest = Base::m_Pinv * dest;
    652     }
    654     Scalar determinant() const
    655     {
    656       if(m_LDLT)
    657       {
    658         return Base::m_diag.prod();
    659       }
    660       else
    661       {
    662         Scalar detL = Diagonal<const CholMatrixType>(Base::m_matrix).prod();
    663         return internal::abs2(detL);
    664       }
    665     }
    667   protected:
    668     bool m_LDLT;
    669 };
    671 template<typename Derived>
    672 void SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>::ordering(const MatrixType& a, CholMatrixType& ap)
    673 {
    674   eigen_assert(a.rows()==a.cols());
    675   const Index size = a.rows();
    676   // TODO allows to configure the permutation
    677   // Note that amd compute the inverse permutation
    678   {
    679     CholMatrixType C;
    680     C = a.template selfadjointView<UpLo>();
    681     // remove diagonal entries:
    682     // seems not to be needed
    683     // C.prune(keep_diag());
    684     internal::minimum_degree_ordering(C, m_Pinv);
    685   }
    687   if(m_Pinv.size()>0)
    688     m_P = m_Pinv.inverse();
    689   else
    690     m_P.resize(0);
    692   ap.resize(size,size);
    693   ap.template selfadjointView<Upper>() = a.template selfadjointView<UpLo>().twistedBy(m_P);
    694 }
    696 template<typename Derived>
    697 void SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>::analyzePattern_preordered(const CholMatrixType& ap, bool doLDLT)
    698 {
    699   const Index size = ap.rows();
    700   m_matrix.resize(size, size);
    701   m_parent.resize(size);
    702   m_nonZerosPerCol.resize(size);
    704   ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Index, tags, size, 0);
    706   for(Index k = 0; k < size; ++k)
    707   {
    708     /* L(k,:) pattern: all nodes reachable in etree from nz in A(0:k-1,k) */
    709     m_parent[k] = -1;             /* parent of k is not yet known */
    710     tags[k] = k;                  /* mark node k as visited */
    711     m_nonZerosPerCol[k] = 0;      /* count of nonzeros in column k of L */
    712     for(typename CholMatrixType::InnerIterator it(ap,k); it; ++it)
    713     {
    714       Index i = it.index();
    715       if(i < k)
    716       {
    717         /* follow path from i to root of etree, stop at flagged node */
    718         for(; tags[i] != k; i = m_parent[i])
    719         {
    720           /* find parent of i if not yet determined */
    721           if (m_parent[i] == -1)
    722             m_parent[i] = k;
    723           m_nonZerosPerCol[i]++;        /* L (k,i) is nonzero */
    724           tags[i] = k;                  /* mark i as visited */
    725         }
    726       }
    727     }
    728   }
    730   /* construct Lp index array from m_nonZerosPerCol column counts */
    731   Index* Lp = m_matrix.outerIndexPtr();
    732   Lp[0] = 0;
    733   for(Index k = 0; k < size; ++k)
    734     Lp[k+1] = Lp[k] + m_nonZerosPerCol[k] + (doLDLT ? 0 : 1);
    736   m_matrix.resizeNonZeros(Lp[size]);
    738   m_isInitialized     = true;
    739   m_info              = Success;
    740   m_analysisIsOk      = true;
    741   m_factorizationIsOk = false;
    742 }
    745 template<typename Derived>
    746 template<bool DoLDLT>
    747 void SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>::factorize_preordered(const CholMatrixType& ap)
    748 {
    749   eigen_assert(m_analysisIsOk && "You must first call analyzePattern()");
    750   eigen_assert(ap.rows()==ap.cols());
    751   const Index size = ap.rows();
    752   eigen_assert(m_parent.size()==size);
    753   eigen_assert(m_nonZerosPerCol.size()==size);
    755   const Index* Lp = m_matrix.outerIndexPtr();
    756   Index* Li = m_matrix.innerIndexPtr();
    757   Scalar* Lx = m_matrix.valuePtr();
    759   ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, y, size, 0);
    760   ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Index,  pattern, size, 0);
    761   ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Index,  tags, size, 0);
    763   bool ok = true;
    764   m_diag.resize(DoLDLT ? size : 0);
    766   for(Index k = 0; k < size; ++k)
    767   {
    768     // compute nonzero pattern of kth row of L, in topological order
    769     y[k] = 0.0;                     // Y(0:k) is now all zero
    770     Index top = size;               // stack for pattern is empty
    771     tags[k] = k;                    // mark node k as visited
    772     m_nonZerosPerCol[k] = 0;        // count of nonzeros in column k of L
    773     for(typename MatrixType::InnerIterator it(ap,k); it; ++it)
    774     {
    775       Index i = it.index();
    776       if(i <= k)
    777       {
    778         y[i] += internal::conj(it.value());            /* scatter A(i,k) into Y (sum duplicates) */
    779         Index len;
    780         for(len = 0; tags[i] != k; i = m_parent[i])
    781         {
    782           pattern[len++] = i;     /* L(k,i) is nonzero */
    783           tags[i] = k;            /* mark i as visited */
    784         }
    785         while(len > 0)
    786           pattern[--top] = pattern[--len];
    787       }
    788     }
    790     /* compute numerical values kth row of L (a sparse triangular solve) */
    792     RealScalar d = internal::real(y[k]) * m_shiftScale + m_shiftOffset;    // get D(k,k), apply the shift function, and clear Y(k)
    793     y[k] = 0.0;
    794     for(; top < size; ++top)
    795     {
    796       Index i = pattern[top];       /* pattern[top:n-1] is pattern of L(:,k) */
    797       Scalar yi = y[i];             /* get and clear Y(i) */
    798       y[i] = 0.0;
    800       /* the nonzero entry L(k,i) */
    801       Scalar l_ki;
    802       if(DoLDLT)
    803         l_ki = yi / m_diag[i];
    804       else
    805         yi = l_ki = yi / Lx[Lp[i]];
    807       Index p2 = Lp[i] + m_nonZerosPerCol[i];
    808       Index p;
    809       for(p = Lp[i] + (DoLDLT ? 0 : 1); p < p2; ++p)
    810         y[Li[p]] -= internal::conj(Lx[p]) * yi;
    811       d -= internal::real(l_ki * internal::conj(yi));
    812       Li[p] = k;                          /* store L(k,i) in column form of L */
    813       Lx[p] = l_ki;
    814       ++m_nonZerosPerCol[i];              /* increment count of nonzeros in col i */
    815     }
    816     if(DoLDLT)
    817     {
    818       m_diag[k] = d;
    819       if(d == RealScalar(0))
    820       {
    821         ok = false;                         /* failure, D(k,k) is zero */
    822         break;
    823       }
    824     }
    825     else
    826     {
    827       Index p = Lp[k] + m_nonZerosPerCol[k]++;
    828       Li[p] = k ;                /* store L(k,k) = sqrt (d) in column k */
    829       if(d <= RealScalar(0)) {
    830         ok = false;              /* failure, matrix is not positive definite */
    831         break;
    832       }
    833       Lx[p] = internal::sqrt(d) ;
    834     }
    835   }
    837   m_info = ok ? Success : NumericalIssue;
    838   m_factorizationIsOk = true;
    839 }
    841 namespace internal {
    843 template<typename Derived, typename Rhs>
    844 struct solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>, Rhs>
    845   : solve_retval_base<SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>, Rhs>
    846 {
    847   typedef SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived> Dec;
    850   template<typename Dest> void evalTo(Dest& dst) const
    851   {
    852     dec().derived()._solve(rhs(),dst);
    853   }
    854 };
    856 template<typename Derived, typename Rhs>
    857 struct sparse_solve_retval<SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>, Rhs>
    858   : sparse_solve_retval_base<SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived>, Rhs>
    859 {
    860   typedef SimplicialCholeskyBase<Derived> Dec;
    863   template<typename Dest> void evalTo(Dest& dst) const
    864   {
    865     dec().derived()._solve_sparse(rhs(),dst);
    866   }
    867 };
    869 } // end namespace internal
    871 } // end namespace Eigen