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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <list>
      9 #include <map>
     10 #include <set>
     11 #include <string>
     12 #include <vector>
     14 #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
     15 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     16 #include "base/time/time.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative/rules_registry_service.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_webrequest/request_stage.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/profile_keyed_api_factory.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/web_request/web_request_api_helpers.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/web_request/web_request_permissions.h"
     22 #include "extensions/browser/event_router.h"
     23 #include "extensions/browser/extension_function.h"
     24 #include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
     25 #include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
     26 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
     27 #include "net/base/network_delegate.h"
     28 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
     29 #include "webkit/common/resource_type.h"
     31 class ExtensionWebRequestTimeTracker;
     32 class GURL;
     34 namespace base {
     35 class DictionaryValue;
     36 class ListValue;
     37 class StringValue;
     38 }
     40 namespace content {
     41 class BrowserContext;
     42 class RenderProcessHost;
     43 }
     45 namespace net {
     46 class AuthCredentials;
     47 class AuthChallengeInfo;
     48 class HttpRequestHeaders;
     49 class HttpResponseHeaders;
     50 class URLRequest;
     51 }
     53 namespace extensions {
     55 class InfoMap;
     56 class WebRequestRulesRegistry;
     58 // Support class for the WebRequest API. Lives on the UI thread. Most of the
     59 // work is done by ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter below. This class observes
     60 // extension::EventRouter to deal with event listeners. There is one instance
     61 // per BrowserContext which is shared with incognito.
     62 class WebRequestAPI : public ProfileKeyedAPI,
     63                       public EventRouter::Observer {
     64  public:
     65   explicit WebRequestAPI(content::BrowserContext* context);
     66   virtual ~WebRequestAPI();
     68   // ProfileKeyedAPI support:
     69   static ProfileKeyedAPIFactory<WebRequestAPI>* GetFactoryInstance();
     71   // EventRouter::Observer overrides:
     72   virtual void OnListenerRemoved(const EventListenerInfo& details) OVERRIDE;
     74  private:
     75   friend class ProfileKeyedAPIFactory<WebRequestAPI>;
     77   // ProfileKeyedAPI support:
     78   static const char* service_name() { return "WebRequestAPI"; }
     79   static const bool kServiceRedirectedInIncognito = true;
     80   static const bool kServiceIsNULLWhileTesting = true;
     82   content::BrowserContext* browser_context_;
     85 };
     87 }  // namespace extensions
     89 // This class observes network events and routes them to the appropriate
     90 // extensions listening to those events. All methods must be called on the IO
     91 // thread unless otherwise specified.
     92 class ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter
     93     : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter> {
     94  public:
     95   struct BlockedRequest;
     97   enum EventTypes {
     98     kInvalidEvent = 0,
     99     kOnBeforeRequest = 1 << 0,
    100     kOnBeforeSendHeaders = 1 << 1,
    101     kOnSendHeaders = 1 << 2,
    102     kOnHeadersReceived = 1 << 3,
    103     kOnBeforeRedirect = 1 << 4,
    104     kOnAuthRequired = 1 << 5,
    105     kOnResponseStarted = 1 << 6,
    106     kOnErrorOccurred = 1 << 7,
    107     kOnCompleted = 1 << 8,
    108   };
    110   // Internal representation of the webRequest.RequestFilter type, used to
    111   // filter what network events an extension cares about.
    112   struct RequestFilter {
    113     RequestFilter();
    114     ~RequestFilter();
    116     // Returns false if there was an error initializing. If it is a user error,
    117     // an error message is provided, otherwise the error is internal (and
    118     // unexpected).
    119     bool InitFromValue(const base::DictionaryValue& value, std::string* error);
    121     extensions::URLPatternSet urls;
    122     std::vector<ResourceType::Type> types;
    123     int tab_id;
    124     int window_id;
    125   };
    127   // Internal representation of the extraInfoSpec parameter on webRequest
    128   // events, used to specify extra information to be included with network
    129   // events.
    130   struct ExtraInfoSpec {
    131     enum Flags {
    132       REQUEST_HEADERS = 1<<0,
    133       RESPONSE_HEADERS = 1<<1,
    134       BLOCKING = 1<<2,
    135       ASYNC_BLOCKING = 1<<3,
    136       REQUEST_BODY = 1<<4,
    137     };
    139     static bool InitFromValue(const base::ListValue& value,
    140                               int* extra_info_spec);
    141   };
    143   // Contains an extension's response to a blocking event.
    144   struct EventResponse {
    145     EventResponse(const std::string& extension_id,
    146                   const base::Time& extension_install_time);
    147     ~EventResponse();
    149     // ID of the extension that sent this response.
    150     std::string extension_id;
    152     // The time that the extension was installed. Used for deciding order of
    153     // precedence in case multiple extensions respond with conflicting
    154     // decisions.
    155     base::Time extension_install_time;
    157     // Response values. These are mutually exclusive.
    158     bool cancel;
    159     GURL new_url;
    160     scoped_ptr<net::HttpRequestHeaders> request_headers;
    161     scoped_ptr<extension_web_request_api_helpers::ResponseHeaders>
    162         response_headers;
    164     scoped_ptr<net::AuthCredentials> auth_credentials;
    166     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EventResponse);
    167   };
    169   static ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter* GetInstance();
    171   // Registers a rule registry. Pass null for |rules_registry| to unregister
    172   // the rule registry for |profile|.
    173   void RegisterRulesRegistry(
    174       void* profile,
    175       const extensions::RulesRegistryService::WebViewKey& webview_key,
    176       scoped_refptr<extensions::WebRequestRulesRegistry> rules_registry);
    178   // Dispatches the OnBeforeRequest event to any extensions whose filters match
    179   // the given request. Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is
    180   // intercepting the request, OK otherwise.
    181   int OnBeforeRequest(void* profile,
    182                       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    183                       net::URLRequest* request,
    184                       const net::CompletionCallback& callback,
    185                       GURL* new_url);
    187   // Dispatches the onBeforeSendHeaders event. This is fired for HTTP(s)
    188   // requests only, and allows modification of the outgoing request headers.
    189   // Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is intercepting the request, OK
    190   // otherwise.
    191   int OnBeforeSendHeaders(void* profile,
    192                           extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    193                           net::URLRequest* request,
    194                           const net::CompletionCallback& callback,
    195                           net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers);
    197   // Dispatches the onSendHeaders event. This is fired for HTTP(s) requests
    198   // only.
    199   void OnSendHeaders(void* profile,
    200                      extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    201                      net::URLRequest* request,
    202                      const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers);
    204   // Dispatches the onHeadersReceived event. This is fired for HTTP(s)
    205   // requests only, and allows modification of incoming response headers.
    206   // Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is intercepting the request,
    207   // OK otherwise. |original_response_headers| is reference counted. |callback|
    208   // and |override_response_headers| are owned by a URLRequestJob. They are
    209   // guaranteed to be valid until |callback| is called or OnURLRequestDestroyed
    210   // is called (whatever comes first).
    211   // Do not modify |original_response_headers| directly but write new ones
    212   // into |override_response_headers|.
    213   int OnHeadersReceived(
    214       void* profile,
    215       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    216       net::URLRequest* request,
    217       const net::CompletionCallback& callback,
    218       const net::HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers,
    219       scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders>* override_response_headers);
    221   // Dispatches the OnAuthRequired event to any extensions whose filters match
    222   // the given request. If the listener is not registered as "blocking", then
    223   // AUTH_REQUIRED_RESPONSE_OK is returned. Otherwise,
    224   // AUTH_REQUIRED_RESPONSE_IO_PENDING is returned and |callback| will be
    225   // invoked later.
    226   net::NetworkDelegate::AuthRequiredResponse OnAuthRequired(
    227       void* profile,
    228       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    229       net::URLRequest* request,
    230       const net::AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info,
    231       const net::NetworkDelegate::AuthCallback& callback,
    232       net::AuthCredentials* credentials);
    234   // Dispatches the onBeforeRedirect event. This is fired for HTTP(s) requests
    235   // only.
    236   void OnBeforeRedirect(void* profile,
    237                         extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    238                         net::URLRequest* request,
    239                         const GURL& new_location);
    241   // Dispatches the onResponseStarted event indicating that the first bytes of
    242   // the response have arrived.
    243   void OnResponseStarted(void* profile,
    244                          extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    245                          net::URLRequest* request);
    247   // Dispatches the onComplete event.
    248   void OnCompleted(void* profile,
    249                    extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    250                    net::URLRequest* request);
    252   // Dispatches an onErrorOccurred event.
    253   void OnErrorOccurred(void* profile,
    254                        extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    255                        net::URLRequest* request,
    256                        bool started);
    258   // Notifications when objects are going away.
    259   void OnURLRequestDestroyed(void* profile, net::URLRequest* request);
    261   // Called when an event listener handles a blocking event and responds.
    262   void OnEventHandled(
    263       void* profile,
    264       const std::string& extension_id,
    265       const std::string& event_name,
    266       const std::string& sub_event_name,
    267       uint64 request_id,
    268       EventResponse* response);
    270   // Adds a listener to the given event. |event_name| specifies the event being
    271   // listened to. |sub_event_name| is an internal event uniquely generated in
    272   // the extension process to correspond to the given filter and
    273   // extra_info_spec. It returns true on success, false on failure.
    274   bool AddEventListener(
    275       void* profile,
    276       const std::string& extension_id,
    277       const std::string& extension_name,
    278       const std::string& event_name,
    279       const std::string& sub_event_name,
    280       const RequestFilter& filter,
    281       int extra_info_spec,
    282       int embedder_process_id,
    283       int web_view_instance_id,
    284       base::WeakPtr<IPC::Sender> ipc_sender);
    286   // Removes the listener for the given sub-event.
    287   void RemoveEventListener(
    288       void* profile,
    289       const std::string& extension_id,
    290       const std::string& sub_event_name);
    292   // Removes the listeners for a given <webview>.
    293   void RemoveWebViewEventListeners(
    294       void* profile,
    295       const std::string& extension_id,
    296       int embedder_process_id,
    297       int web_view_instance_id);
    299   // Called when an incognito profile is created or destroyed.
    300   void OnOTRProfileCreated(void* original_profile,
    301                            void* otr_profile);
    302   void OnOTRProfileDestroyed(void* original_profile,
    303                              void* otr_profile);
    305   // Registers a |callback| that is executed when the next page load happens.
    306   // The callback is then deleted.
    307   void AddCallbackForPageLoad(const base::Closure& callback);
    309  private:
    310   friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter>;
    312   struct EventListener;
    313   typedef std::map<std::string, std::set<EventListener> > ListenerMapForProfile;
    314   typedef std::map<void*, ListenerMapForProfile> ListenerMap;
    315   typedef std::map<uint64, BlockedRequest> BlockedRequestMap;
    316   // Map of request_id -> bit vector of EventTypes already signaled
    317   typedef std::map<uint64, int> SignaledRequestMap;
    318   // For each profile: a bool indicating whether it is an incognito profile,
    319   // and a pointer to the corresponding (non-)incognito profile.
    320   typedef std::map<void*, std::pair<bool, void*> > CrossProfileMap;
    321   typedef std::list<base::Closure> CallbacksForPageLoad;
    323   ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter();
    324   ~ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter();
    326   // Ensures that future callbacks for |request| are ignored so that it can be
    327   // destroyed safely.
    328   void ClearPendingCallbacks(net::URLRequest* request);
    330   bool DispatchEvent(
    331       void* profile,
    332       net::URLRequest* request,
    333       const std::vector<const EventListener*>& listeners,
    334       const base::ListValue& args);
    336   // Returns a list of event listeners that care about the given event, based
    337   // on their filter parameters. |extra_info_spec| will contain the combined
    338   // set of extra_info_spec flags that every matching listener asked for.
    339   std::vector<const EventListener*> GetMatchingListeners(
    340       void* profile,
    341       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    342       const std::string& event_name,
    343       net::URLRequest* request,
    344       int* extra_info_spec);
    346   // Helper for the above functions. This is called twice: once for the profile
    347   // of the event, the next time for the "cross" profile (i.e. the incognito
    348   // profile if the event is originally for the normal profile, or vice versa).
    349   void GetMatchingListenersImpl(
    350       void* profile,
    351       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    352       bool crosses_incognito,
    353       const std::string& event_name,
    354       const GURL& url,
    355       int tab_id,
    356       int window_id,
    357       int render_process_host_id,
    358       int routing_id,
    359       ResourceType::Type resource_type,
    360       bool is_async_request,
    361       bool is_request_from_extension,
    362       int* extra_info_spec,
    363       std::vector<const ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter::EventListener*>*
    364           matching_listeners);
    366   // Decrements the count of event handlers blocking the given request. When the
    367   // count reaches 0, we stop blocking the request and proceed it using the
    368   // method requested by the extension with the highest precedence. Precedence
    369   // is decided by extension install time. If |response| is non-NULL, this
    370   // method assumes ownership.
    371   void DecrementBlockCount(
    372       void* profile,
    373       const std::string& extension_id,
    374       const std::string& event_name,
    375       uint64 request_id,
    376       EventResponse* response);
    378   // Processes the generated deltas from blocked_requests_ on the specified
    379   // request. If |call_back| is true, the callback registered in
    380   // |blocked_requests_| is called.
    381   // The function returns the error code for the network request. This is
    382   // mostly relevant in case the caller passes |call_callback| = false
    383   // and wants to return the correct network error code himself.
    384   int ExecuteDeltas(void* profile, uint64 request_id, bool call_callback);
    386   // Evaluates the rules of the declarative webrequest API and stores
    387   // modifications to the request that result from WebRequestActions as
    388   // deltas in |blocked_requests_|. |original_response_headers| should only be
    389   // set for the OnHeadersReceived stage and NULL otherwise. Returns whether any
    390   // deltas were generated.
    391   bool ProcessDeclarativeRules(
    392       void* profile,
    393       extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
    394       const std::string& event_name,
    395       net::URLRequest* request,
    396       extensions::RequestStage request_stage,
    397       const net::HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers);
    399   // If the BlockedRequest contains messages_to_extension entries in the event
    400   // deltas, we send them to subscribers of
    401   // chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onMessage.
    402   void SendMessages(void* profile, const BlockedRequest& blocked_request);
    404   // Called when the RulesRegistry is ready to unblock a request that was
    405   // waiting for said event.
    406   void OnRulesRegistryReady(
    407       void* profile,
    408       const std::string& event_name,
    409       uint64 request_id,
    410       extensions::RequestStage request_stage);
    412   // Sets the flag that |event_type| has been signaled for |request_id|.
    413   // Returns the value of the flag before setting it.
    414   bool GetAndSetSignaled(uint64 request_id, EventTypes event_type);
    416   // Clears the flag that |event_type| has been signaled for |request_id|.
    417   void ClearSignaled(uint64 request_id, EventTypes event_type);
    419   // Returns whether |request| represents a top level window navigation.
    420   bool IsPageLoad(net::URLRequest* request) const;
    422   // Called on a page load to process all registered callbacks.
    423   void NotifyPageLoad();
    425   // Returns the matching cross profile (the regular profile if |profile| is
    426   // OTR and vice versa).
    427   void* GetCrossProfile(void* profile) const;
    429   // Determines whether the specified profile is an incognito profile (based on
    430   // the contents of the cross-profile table and without dereferencing the
    431   // profile pointer).
    432   bool IsIncognitoProfile(void* profile) const;
    434   // Returns true if |request| was already signaled to some event handlers.
    435   bool WasSignaled(const net::URLRequest& request) const;
    437   // A map for each profile that maps an event name to a set of extensions that
    438   // are listening to that event.
    439   ListenerMap listeners_;
    441   // A map of network requests that are waiting for at least one event handler
    442   // to respond.
    443   BlockedRequestMap blocked_requests_;
    445   // A map of request ids to a bitvector indicating which events have been
    446   // signaled and should not be sent again.
    447   SignaledRequestMap signaled_requests_;
    449   // A map of original profile -> corresponding incognito profile (and vice
    450   // versa).
    451   CrossProfileMap cross_profile_map_;
    453   // Keeps track of time spent waiting on extensions using the blocking
    454   // webRequest API.
    455   scoped_ptr<ExtensionWebRequestTimeTracker> request_time_tracker_;
    457   CallbacksForPageLoad callbacks_for_page_load_;
    459   typedef std::pair<void*, extensions::RulesRegistryService::WebViewKey>
    460       RulesRegistryKey;
    461   // Maps each profile (and OTRProfile) and a webview key to its respective
    462   // rules registry.
    463   std::map<RulesRegistryKey,
    464       scoped_refptr<extensions::WebRequestRulesRegistry> > rules_registries_;
    466   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter);
    467 };
    469 class WebRequestAddEventListener : public SyncIOThreadExtensionFunction {
    470  public:
    471   DECLARE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION("webRequestInternal.addEventListener",
    472                              WEBREQUESTINTERNAL_ADDEVENTLISTENER)
    474  protected:
    475   virtual ~WebRequestAddEventListener() {}
    477   // ExtensionFunction:
    478   virtual bool RunImpl() OVERRIDE;
    479 };
    481 class WebRequestEventHandled : public SyncIOThreadExtensionFunction {
    482  public:
    483   DECLARE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION("webRequestInternal.eventHandled",
    484                              WEBREQUESTINTERNAL_EVENTHANDLED)
    486  protected:
    487   virtual ~WebRequestEventHandled() {}
    489   // ExtensionFunction:
    490   virtual bool RunImpl() OVERRIDE;
    491 };
    493 class WebRequestHandlerBehaviorChangedFunction
    494     : public SyncIOThreadExtensionFunction {
    495  public:
    496   DECLARE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION("webRequest.handlerBehaviorChanged",
    497                              WEBREQUEST_HANDLERBEHAVIORCHANGED)
    499  protected:
    500   virtual ~WebRequestHandlerBehaviorChangedFunction() {}
    502   // ExtensionFunction:
    503   virtual void GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
    504       extensions::QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const OVERRIDE;
    505   // Handle quota exceeded gracefully: Only warn the user but still execute the
    506   // function.
    507   virtual void OnQuotaExceeded(const std::string& error) OVERRIDE;
    508   virtual bool RunImpl() OVERRIDE;
    509 };
    511 // Send updates to |host| with information about what webRequest-related
    512 // extensions are installed.
    513 // TODO(mpcomplete): remove. http://crbug.com/100411
    514 void SendExtensionWebRequestStatusToHost(content::RenderProcessHost* host);