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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/quic/crypto/strike_register.h"
      7 #include "base/logging.h"
      9 using std::pair;
     10 using std::set;
     11 using std::vector;
     13 namespace net {
     15 // static
     16 const uint32 StrikeRegister::kExternalNodeSize = 24;
     17 // static
     18 const uint32 StrikeRegister::kNil = (1 << 31) | 1;
     19 // static
     20 const uint32 StrikeRegister::kExternalFlag = 1 << 23;
     22 // InternalNode represents a non-leaf node in the critbit tree. See the comment
     23 // in the .h file for details.
     24 class StrikeRegister::InternalNode {
     25  public:
     26   void SetChild(unsigned direction, uint32 child) {
     27     data_[direction] = (data_[direction] & 0xff) | (child << 8);
     28   }
     30   void SetCritByte(uint8 critbyte) {
     31     data_[0] &= 0xffffff00;
     32     data_[0] |= critbyte;
     33   }
     35   void SetOtherBits(uint8 otherbits) {
     36     data_[1] &= 0xffffff00;
     37     data_[1] |= otherbits;
     38   }
     40   void SetNextPtr(uint32 next) { data_[0] = next; }
     42   uint32 next() const { return data_[0]; }
     44   uint32 child(unsigned n) const { return data_[n] >> 8; }
     46   uint8 critbyte() const { return data_[0]; }
     48   uint8 otherbits() const { return data_[1]; }
     50   // These bytes are organised thus:
     51   //   <24 bits> left child
     52   //   <8 bits> crit-byte
     53   //   <24 bits> right child
     54   //   <8 bits> other-bits
     55   uint32 data_[2];
     56 };
     58 // kCreationTimeFromInternalEpoch contains the number of seconds between the
     59 // start of the internal epoch and the creation time. This allows us
     60 // to consider times that are before the creation time.
     61 static const uint32 kCreationTimeFromInternalEpoch = 63115200.0;  // 2 years.
     63 StrikeRegister::StrikeRegister(unsigned max_entries,
     64                                uint32 current_time,
     65                                uint32 window_secs,
     66                                const uint8 orbit[8],
     67                                StartupType startup)
     68     : max_entries_(max_entries),
     69       window_secs_(window_secs),
     70       internal_epoch_(current_time > kCreationTimeFromInternalEpoch
     71                           ? current_time - kCreationTimeFromInternalEpoch
     72                           : 0),
     73       // The horizon is initially set |window_secs| into the future because, if
     74       // we just crashed, then we may have accepted nonces in the span
     75       // [current_time...current_time+window_secs) and so we conservatively
     76       // reject the whole timespan unless |startup| tells us otherwise.
     77       horizon_(ExternalTimeToInternal(current_time) + window_secs),
     78       horizon_valid_(startup == DENY_REQUESTS_AT_STARTUP) {
     79   memcpy(orbit_, orbit, sizeof(orbit_));
     81   // We only have 23 bits of index available.
     82   CHECK_LT(max_entries, 1u << 23);
     83   CHECK_GT(max_entries, 1u);           // There must be at least two entries.
     84   CHECK_EQ(sizeof(InternalNode), 8u);  // in case of compiler changes.
     85   internal_nodes_ = new InternalNode[max_entries];
     86   external_nodes_.reset(new uint8[kExternalNodeSize * max_entries]);
     88   Reset();
     89 }
     91 StrikeRegister::~StrikeRegister() { delete[] internal_nodes_; }
     93 void StrikeRegister::Reset() {
     94   // Thread a free list through all of the internal nodes.
     95   internal_node_free_head_ = 0;
     96   for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_entries_ - 1; i++)
     97     internal_nodes_[i].SetNextPtr(i + 1);
     98   internal_nodes_[max_entries_ - 1].SetNextPtr(kNil);
    100   // Also thread a free list through the external nodes.
    101   external_node_free_head_ = 0;
    102   for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_entries_ - 1; i++)
    103     external_node_next_ptr(i) = i + 1;
    104   external_node_next_ptr(max_entries_ - 1) = kNil;
    106   // This is the root of the tree.
    107   internal_node_head_ = kNil;
    108 }
    110 bool StrikeRegister::Insert(const uint8 nonce[32],
    111                             const uint32 current_time_external) {
    112   const uint32 current_time = ExternalTimeToInternal(current_time_external);
    114   // Check to see if the orbit is correct.
    115   if (memcmp(nonce + sizeof(current_time), orbit_, sizeof(orbit_))) {
    116     return false;
    117   }
    118   const uint32 nonce_time = ExternalTimeToInternal(TimeFromBytes(nonce));
    119   // We have dropped one or more nonces with a time value of |horizon_|, so
    120   // we have to reject anything with a timestamp less than or equal to that.
    121   if (horizon_valid_ && nonce_time <= horizon_) {
    122     return false;
    123   }
    125   // Check that the timestamp is in the current window.
    126   if ((current_time > window_secs_ &&
    127        nonce_time < (current_time - window_secs_)) ||
    128       nonce_time > (current_time + window_secs_)) {
    129     return false;
    130   }
    132   // We strip the orbit out of the nonce.
    133   uint8 value[24];
    134   memcpy(value, &nonce_time, sizeof(nonce_time));
    135   memcpy(value + sizeof(nonce_time),
    136          nonce + sizeof(nonce_time) + sizeof(orbit_),
    137          sizeof(value) - sizeof(nonce_time));
    139   // Find the best match to |value| in the crit-bit tree. The best match is
    140   // simply the value which /could/ match |value|, if any does, so we still
    141   // need a memcmp to check.
    142   uint32 best_match_index = BestMatch(value);
    143   if (best_match_index == kNil) {
    144     // Empty tree. Just insert the new value at the root.
    145     uint32 index = GetFreeExternalNode();
    146     memcpy(external_node(index), value, sizeof(value));
    147     internal_node_head_ = (index | kExternalFlag) << 8;
    148     return true;
    149   }
    151   const uint8* best_match = external_node(best_match_index);
    152   if (memcmp(best_match, value, sizeof(value)) == 0) {
    153     // We found the value in the tree.
    154     return false;
    155   }
    157   // We are going to insert a new entry into the tree, so get the nodes now.
    158   uint32 internal_node_index = GetFreeInternalNode();
    159   uint32 external_node_index = GetFreeExternalNode();
    161   // If we just evicted the best match, then we have to try and match again.
    162   // We know that we didn't just empty the tree because we require that
    163   // max_entries_ >= 2. Also, we know that it doesn't match because, if it
    164   // did, it would have been returned previously.
    165   if (external_node_index == best_match_index) {
    166     best_match_index = BestMatch(value);
    167     best_match = external_node(best_match_index);
    168   }
    170   // Now we need to find the first bit where we differ from |best_match|.
    171   unsigned differing_byte;
    172   uint8 new_other_bits;
    173   for (differing_byte = 0; differing_byte < sizeof(value); differing_byte++) {
    174     new_other_bits = value[differing_byte] ^ best_match[differing_byte];
    175     if (new_other_bits) {
    176       break;
    177     }
    178   }
    180   // Once we have the XOR the of first differing byte in new_other_bits we need
    181   // to find the most significant differing bit. We could do this with a simple
    182   // for loop, testing bits 7..0. Instead we fold the bits so that we end up
    183   // with a byte where all the bits below the most significant one, are set.
    184   new_other_bits |= new_other_bits >> 1;
    185   new_other_bits |= new_other_bits >> 2;
    186   new_other_bits |= new_other_bits >> 4;
    187   // Now this bit trick results in all the bits set, except the original
    188   // most-significant one.
    189   new_other_bits = (new_other_bits & ~(new_other_bits >> 1)) ^ 255;
    191   // Consider the effect of ORing against |new_other_bits|. If |value| did not
    192   // have the critical bit set, the result is the same as |new_other_bits|. If
    193   // it did, the result is all ones.
    195   unsigned newdirection;
    196   if ((new_other_bits | value[differing_byte]) == 0xff) {
    197     newdirection = 1;
    198   } else {
    199     newdirection = 0;
    200   }
    202   memcpy(external_node(external_node_index), value, sizeof(value));
    203   InternalNode* inode = &internal_nodes_[internal_node_index];
    205   inode->SetChild(newdirection, external_node_index | kExternalFlag);
    206   inode->SetCritByte(differing_byte);
    207   inode->SetOtherBits(new_other_bits);
    209   // |where_index| is a pointer to the uint32 which needs to be updated in
    210   // order to insert the new internal node into the tree. The internal nodes
    211   // store the child indexes in the top 24-bits of a 32-bit word and, to keep
    212   // the code simple, we define that |internal_node_head_| is organised the
    213   // same way.
    214   DCHECK_EQ(internal_node_head_ & 0xff, 0u);
    215   uint32* where_index = &internal_node_head_;
    216   while (((*where_index >> 8) & kExternalFlag) == 0) {
    217     InternalNode* node = &internal_nodes_[*where_index >> 8];
    218     if (node->critbyte() > differing_byte) {
    219       break;
    220     }
    221     if (node->critbyte() == differing_byte &&
    222         node->otherbits() > new_other_bits) {
    223       break;
    224     }
    225     if (node->critbyte() == differing_byte &&
    226         node->otherbits() == new_other_bits) {
    227       CHECK(false);
    228     }
    230     uint8 c = value[node->critbyte()];
    231     const int direction =
    232         (1 + static_cast<unsigned>(node->otherbits() | c)) >> 8;
    233     where_index = &node->data_[direction];
    234   }
    236   inode->SetChild(newdirection ^ 1, *where_index >> 8);
    237   *where_index = (*where_index & 0xff) | (internal_node_index << 8);
    239   return true;
    240 }
    242 const uint8* StrikeRegister::orbit() const {
    243   return orbit_;
    244 }
    246 void StrikeRegister::Validate() {
    247   set<uint32> free_internal_nodes;
    248   for (uint32 i = internal_node_free_head_; i != kNil;
    249        i = internal_nodes_[i].next()) {
    250     CHECK_LT(i, max_entries_);
    251     CHECK_EQ(free_internal_nodes.count(i), 0u);
    252     free_internal_nodes.insert(i);
    253   }
    255   set<uint32> free_external_nodes;
    256   for (uint32 i = external_node_free_head_; i != kNil;
    257        i = external_node_next_ptr(i)) {
    258     CHECK_LT(i, max_entries_);
    259     CHECK_EQ(free_external_nodes.count(i), 0u);
    260     free_external_nodes.insert(i);
    261   }
    263   set<uint32> used_external_nodes;
    264   set<uint32> used_internal_nodes;
    266   if (internal_node_head_ != kNil &&
    267       ((internal_node_head_ >> 8) & kExternalFlag) == 0) {
    268     vector<pair<unsigned, bool> > bits;
    269     ValidateTree(internal_node_head_ >> 8, -1, bits, free_internal_nodes,
    270                  free_external_nodes, &used_internal_nodes,
    271                  &used_external_nodes);
    272   }
    273 }
    275 // static
    276 uint32 StrikeRegister::TimeFromBytes(const uint8 d[4]) {
    277   return static_cast<uint32>(d[0]) << 24 |
    278          static_cast<uint32>(d[1]) << 16 |
    279          static_cast<uint32>(d[2]) << 8 |
    280          static_cast<uint32>(d[3]);
    281 }
    283 uint32 StrikeRegister::ExternalTimeToInternal(uint32 external_time) {
    284   return external_time - internal_epoch_;
    285 }
    287 uint32 StrikeRegister::BestMatch(const uint8 v[24]) const {
    288   if (internal_node_head_ == kNil) {
    289     return kNil;
    290   }
    292   uint32 next = internal_node_head_ >> 8;
    293   while ((next & kExternalFlag) == 0) {
    294     InternalNode* node = &internal_nodes_[next];
    295     uint8 b = v[node->critbyte()];
    296     unsigned direction =
    297         (1 + static_cast<unsigned>(node->otherbits() | b)) >> 8;
    298     next = node->child(direction);
    299   }
    301   return next & ~kExternalFlag;
    302 }
    304 uint32& StrikeRegister::external_node_next_ptr(unsigned i) {
    305   return *reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&external_nodes_[i * kExternalNodeSize]);
    306 }
    308 uint8* StrikeRegister::external_node(unsigned i) {
    309   return &external_nodes_[i * kExternalNodeSize];
    310 }
    312 uint32 StrikeRegister::GetFreeExternalNode() {
    313   uint32 index = external_node_free_head_;
    314   if (index == kNil) {
    315     DropNode();
    316     return GetFreeExternalNode();
    317   }
    319   external_node_free_head_ = external_node_next_ptr(index);
    320   return index;
    321 }
    323 uint32 StrikeRegister::GetFreeInternalNode() {
    324   uint32 index = internal_node_free_head_;
    325   if (index == kNil) {
    326     DropNode();
    327     return GetFreeInternalNode();
    328   }
    330   internal_node_free_head_ = internal_nodes_[index].next();
    331   return index;
    332 }
    334 void StrikeRegister::DropNode() {
    335   // DropNode should never be called on an empty tree.
    336   DCHECK(internal_node_head_ != kNil);
    338   // An internal node in a crit-bit tree always has exactly two children.
    339   // This means that, if we are removing an external node (which is one of
    340   // those children), then we also need to remove an internal node. In order
    341   // to do that we keep pointers to the parent (wherep) and grandparent
    342   // (whereq) when walking down the tree.
    344   uint32 p = internal_node_head_ >> 8, *wherep = &internal_node_head_,
    345          *whereq = NULL;
    346   while ((p & kExternalFlag) == 0) {
    347     whereq = wherep;
    348     InternalNode* inode = &internal_nodes_[p];
    349     // We always go left, towards the smallest element, exploiting the fact
    350     // that the timestamp is big-endian and at the start of the value.
    351     wherep = &inode->data_[0];
    352     p = (*wherep) >> 8;
    353   }
    355   const uint32 ext_index = p & ~kExternalFlag;
    356   const uint8* ext_node = external_node(ext_index);
    357   horizon_ = TimeFromBytes(ext_node);
    359   if (!whereq) {
    360     // We are removing the last element in a tree.
    361     internal_node_head_ = kNil;
    362     FreeExternalNode(ext_index);
    363     return;
    364   }
    366   // |wherep| points to the left child pointer in the parent so we can add
    367   // one and dereference to get the right child.
    368   const uint32 other_child = wherep[1];
    369   FreeInternalNode((*whereq) >> 8);
    370   *whereq = (*whereq & 0xff) | (other_child & 0xffffff00);
    371   FreeExternalNode(ext_index);
    372 }
    374 void StrikeRegister::FreeExternalNode(uint32 index) {
    375   external_node_next_ptr(index) = external_node_free_head_;
    376   external_node_free_head_ = index;
    377 }
    379 void StrikeRegister::FreeInternalNode(uint32 index) {
    380   internal_nodes_[index].SetNextPtr(internal_node_free_head_);
    381   internal_node_free_head_ = index;
    382 }
    384 void StrikeRegister::ValidateTree(
    385     uint32 internal_node,
    386     int last_bit,
    387     const vector<pair<unsigned, bool> >& bits,
    388     const set<uint32>& free_internal_nodes,
    389     const set<uint32>& free_external_nodes,
    390     set<uint32>* used_internal_nodes,
    391     set<uint32>* used_external_nodes) {
    392   CHECK_LT(internal_node, max_entries_);
    393   const InternalNode* i = &internal_nodes_[internal_node];
    394   unsigned bit = 0;
    395   switch (i->otherbits()) {
    396     case 0xff & ~(1 << 7):
    397       bit = 0;
    398       break;
    399     case 0xff & ~(1 << 6):
    400       bit = 1;
    401       break;
    402     case 0xff & ~(1 << 5):
    403       bit = 2;
    404       break;
    405     case 0xff & ~(1 << 4):
    406       bit = 3;
    407       break;
    408     case 0xff & ~(1 << 3):
    409       bit = 4;
    410       break;
    411     case 0xff & ~(1 << 2):
    412       bit = 5;
    413       break;
    414     case 0xff & ~(1 << 1):
    415       bit = 6;
    416       break;
    417     case 0xff & ~1:
    418       bit = 7;
    419       break;
    420     default:
    421       CHECK(false);
    422   }
    424   bit += 8 * i->critbyte();
    425   if (last_bit > -1) {
    426     CHECK_GT(bit, static_cast<unsigned>(last_bit));
    427   }
    429   CHECK_EQ(free_internal_nodes.count(internal_node), 0u);
    431   for (unsigned child = 0; child < 2; child++) {
    432     if (i->child(child) & kExternalFlag) {
    433       uint32 ext = i->child(child) & ~kExternalFlag;
    434       CHECK_EQ(free_external_nodes.count(ext), 0u);
    435       CHECK_EQ(used_external_nodes->count(ext), 0u);
    436       used_external_nodes->insert(ext);
    437       const uint8* bytes = external_node(ext);
    438       for (vector<pair<unsigned, bool> >::const_iterator i = bits.begin();
    439            i != bits.end(); i++) {
    440         unsigned byte = i->first / 8;
    441         DCHECK_LE(byte, 0xffu);
    442         unsigned bit = i->first % 8;
    443         static const uint8 kMasks[8] =
    444             {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01};
    445         CHECK_EQ((bytes[byte] & kMasks[bit]) != 0, i->second);
    446       }
    447     } else {
    448       uint32 inter = i->child(child);
    449       vector<pair<unsigned, bool> > new_bits(bits);
    450       new_bits.push_back(pair<unsigned, bool>(bit, child != 0));
    451       CHECK_EQ(free_internal_nodes.count(inter), 0u);
    452       CHECK_EQ(used_internal_nodes->count(inter), 0u);
    453       used_internal_nodes->insert(inter);
    454       ValidateTree(inter, bit, bits, free_internal_nodes, free_external_nodes,
    455                    used_internal_nodes, used_external_nodes);
    456     }
    457   }
    458 }
    460 }  // namespace net