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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package signature.comparator;
     19 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
     20 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
     21 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
     22 import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
     24 import org.junit.Test;
     26 import signature.comparator.util.AbstractComparatorTest;
     27 import signature.compare.model.IAnnotationDelta;
     28 import signature.compare.model.IApiDelta;
     29 import signature.compare.model.IClassDefinitionDelta;
     30 import signature.compare.model.DeltaType;
     31 import signature.compare.model.ITypeReferenceDelta;
     32 import signature.converter.util.CompilationUnit;
     33 import signature.model.IApi;
     35 import java.io.IOException;
     36 import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
     37 import java.lang.reflect.Type;
     38 import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
     39 import java.util.Set;
     41 public abstract class ClassCompareTest extends AbstractComparatorTest {
     43     @Test
     44     public void compareEqualClasses() throws IOException{
     45          CompilationUnit A = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
     46                     "package a; " +
     47                     "public class A {}");
     48          CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
     49                     "package a; " +
     50                     "public class B {}");
     51           IApi fromApi = convert(A, B);
     52           IApi toApi = convert(A, B);
     53           assertNull(compare(fromApi, toApi));
     54     }
     56     @Test
     57     public void compareMissingClass() throws IOException{
     58          CompilationUnit A = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
     59                     "package a; " +
     60                     "public class A {}");
     61          CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
     62                     "package a; " +
     63                     "public class B {}");
     64           IApi fromApi = convert(A, B);
     65           IApi toApi = convert(A);
     67           IApiDelta delta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
     68           IClassDefinitionDelta classDelta = getSingleClassDelta(delta);
     69           assertSame(DeltaType.REMOVED, classDelta.getType());
     70     }
     72     @Test
     73     public void compareAddedClass() throws IOException{
     74          CompilationUnit A = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
     75                     "package a; " +
     76                     "public class A {}");
     77          CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
     78                     "package a; " +
     79                     "public class B {}");
     80           IApi fromApi = convert(A);
     81           IApi toApi = convert(A, B);
     83           IApiDelta delta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
     84           IClassDefinitionDelta classDelta = getSingleClassDelta(delta);
     85           assertSame(DeltaType.ADDED, classDelta.getType());
     86     }
     88     @Test
     89     public void compareAnnotationsOnClass() throws IOException{
     90          CompilationUnit A = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
     91                     "package a; " +
     92                     "public class A {}");
     93          CompilationUnit AnnotA = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
     94                     "package a; " +
     95                     "@Deprecated " +
     96                     "public class A {}");
     97           IApi fromApi = convert(A);
     98           IApi toApi = convert(AnnotA);
    100           IApiDelta delta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    101           IClassDefinitionDelta classDelta = getSingleClassDelta(delta);
    103           System.out.println(classDelta);
    105           Set<IAnnotationDelta> annotationDeltas = classDelta.getAnnotationDeltas();
    106           assertEquals(1, annotationDeltas.size());
    108           IAnnotationDelta annotationDelta = annotationDeltas.iterator().next();
    109           assertSame(DeltaType.ADDED, annotationDelta.getType());
    110     }
    112     @Test
    113     public void compareDefaultedAnnotationElementOnClass() throws IOException{
    114         CompilationUnit annot = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    115                 "package a; " +
    116                 "public @interface A {" +
    117                 "  String name() default \"NAME\" ;" +
    118                 "}");
    119          CompilationUnit AnnotBDefault = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
    120                     "package a; " +
    121                     "@A " +
    122                     "public class B {}");
    123          CompilationUnit AnnotB = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
    124                     "package a; " +
    125                     "@A(name=\"NAME\") " +
    126                     "public class B {}");
    127           IApi fromApi = convert(annot, AnnotBDefault);
    128           IApi toApi = convert(annot, AnnotB);
    129           assertNull(compare(fromApi, toApi));
    130     }
    132     @Test
    133     public void compareSameInterfaces() throws IOException{
    134          CompilationUnit A = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    135                     "package a; " +
    136                     "public class A implements Comparable<String>{ " +
    137                     "  public int compareTo(String another){return 0;}" +
    138                     "}");
    139           IApi fromApi = convert(A);
    140           IApi toApi = convert(A);
    141           assertNull(compare(fromApi, toApi));
    142     }
    144     @Test
    145     public void compareMissingInterface() throws IOException{
    146          CompilationUnit A0 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    147                  "package a; " +
    148                  "public class A implements Cloneable{}");
    149          CompilationUnit A1 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    150                  "package a; " +
    151                  "public class A {}");
    152           IApi fromApi = convert(A0);
    153           IApi toApi = convert(A1);
    154           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    155           IClassDefinitionDelta classDelta =  getSingleClassDelta(apiDelta);
    156           assertEquals(1, classDelta.getInterfaceDeltas().size());
    157           ITypeReferenceDelta<?> interfaceDelta = classDelta.getInterfaceDeltas().iterator().next();
    158           assertNotNull(interfaceDelta);
    159     }
    161     @Test
    162     public void compareMissingGenericInterface0() throws IOException{
    163         CompilationUnit I = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    164                 "package a; " +
    165                 "public interface I<T>{}");
    166         CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
    167                 "package a; " +
    168                 "public class B implements I<String>{}");
    169          CompilationUnit A0 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    170                 "package a; " +
    171                 "public class A extends B implements I<String>{}");
    172          CompilationUnit A1 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    173                  "package a; " +
    174                  "public class A extends B {}");
    175           IApi fromApi = convert(I, B, A0);
    176           IApi toApi = convert(I, B, A1);
    177           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    178           assertNull(apiDelta);
    179     }
    181     @Test
    182     public void compareMissingGenericInterface1() throws IOException{
    183         CompilationUnit I = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    184                 "package a; " +
    185                 "public interface I<T>{}");
    186         CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
    187                 "package a; " +
    188                 "public class B<T> implements I<T>{}");
    189          CompilationUnit A0 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    190                 "package a; " +
    191                 "public class A<T> extends B<T> implements I<T>{}");
    192                  //generic declaration of 'T' in I<T> is A<T>
    193          CompilationUnit A1 = new CompilationUnit("a.A",
    194                  "package a; " +
    195                  "public class A<T> extends B<T> {}");
    196                  //generic declaration of 'T' in I<T> is B<T>
    197           IApi fromApi = convert(I, B, A0);
    198           IApi toApi = convert(I, B, A1);
    199           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    200           assertNull(apiDelta);
    201     }
    203     static interface I<T>{}
    204     static class B<T> implements I<T>{}
    205     static class A0<E extends Number> extends B<E> implements I<E>{}
    206     static class A1<S extends Number> extends B<S>{}
    208     @Test
    209     public void compareMissingGenericInterfaceReflection() {
    210         ParameterizedType sC = (ParameterizedType)A0.class.getGenericSuperclass();
    211         Type[] bounds = ((TypeVariable<?>)sC.getActualTypeArguments()[0]).getBounds();
    212         Type[] a1Int = A1.class.getGenericInterfaces();
    213         assertEquals(0,a1Int.length);
    214     }
    216     @Test
    217     public void compareInterfaceClosure() throws IOException{
    218          CompilationUnit I0 = new CompilationUnit("a.I0",
    219                  "package a; " +
    220                  "public interface I0{}");
    221          CompilationUnit I1 = new CompilationUnit("a.I1",
    222                  "package a; " +
    223                  "public interface I1 extends I0{}");
    224          CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C0",
    225                  "package a; " +
    226                  "public class C0 implements I1{}");
    227          CompilationUnit C0_I1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C0",
    228                  "package a; " +
    229                  "public class C0 implements I1, I0{}");
    230           IApi fromApi = convert(I0, I1, C0);
    231           IApi toApi = convert(I0, I1, C0_I1);
    232           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    233           assertNull(apiDelta);
    234     }
    236     @Test
    237     public void compareUpperBounds0() throws IOException{
    238         CompilationUnit Number = new CompilationUnit("a.Number",
    239                     "package a; " +
    240                     "public class Number implements java.io.Serializable{}");
    241          CompilationUnit I0 = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    242                     "package a; " +
    243                     "public interface I<T extends Number & java.io.Serializable>{}");
    244          CompilationUnit I1 = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    245                      "package a; " +
    246                      "public interface I<T extends Number>{}");
    247           IApi fromApi = convert(I0,Number);
    248           IApi toApi = convert(I1,Number);
    249           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    250           assertNull(apiDelta);
    251     }
    253     @Test
    254     public void compareUpperBounds1() throws IOException{
    255         CompilationUnit Number = new CompilationUnit("a.Number",
    256                     "package a; " +
    257                     "public class Number {}");
    258          CompilationUnit I0 = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    259                     "package a; " +
    260                     "public interface I<T extends Number & java.io.Serializable>{}");
    261          CompilationUnit I1 = new CompilationUnit("a.I",
    262                      "package a; " +
    263                      "public interface I<T extends Number>{}");
    264           IApi fromApi = convert(I0,Number);
    265           IApi toApi = convert(I1,Number);
    266           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    267           assertNotNull(apiDelta);
    268     }
    270     @Test
    271     public void compareTypeVariables0() throws IOException{
    272         CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    273                     "package a; " +
    274                     "public class C<T,S> {}");
    275         CompilationUnit C1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    276                     "package a; " +
    277                     "public class C<S,T> {}");
    278           IApi fromApi = convert(C0);
    279           IApi toApi = convert(C1);
    280           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    281           assertNull(apiDelta);
    282     }
    284     @Test
    285     public void compareTypeVariables1() throws IOException{
    286         CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    287                     "package a; " +
    288                     "public class C<T,S> {}");
    289         CompilationUnit C1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    290                     "package a; " +
    291                     "public class C<T,S,R> {}");
    292           IApi fromApi = convert(C0);
    293           IApi toApi = convert(C1);
    294           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    295           assertNotNull(apiDelta);
    296     }
    298     @Test
    299     public void compareTypeVariables2() throws IOException{
    300         CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    301                     "package a; " +
    302                     "public class C<T,S> {" +
    303                     "  public void m(T t, S s){} " +
    304                     "}");
    305         CompilationUnit C1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    306                     "package a; " +
    307                     "public class C<S,T> {" +
    308                     "  public void m(S s, T t){} " +
    309                     "}");
    310           IApi fromApi = convert(C0);
    311           IApi toApi = convert(C1);
    312           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    313           assertNull(apiDelta);
    314     }
    316     @Test
    317     public void compareTypeVariables3() throws IOException{
    318         CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    319                     "package a; " +
    320                     "public class C<T,S> {" +
    321                     "  public void m(T t, S s){} " +
    322                     "}");
    323         CompilationUnit C1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    324                     "package a; " +
    325                     "public class C<S,T> {" +
    326                     "  public void m(T t, S s){} " +
    327                     "}");
    328           IApi fromApi = convert(C0);
    329           IApi toApi = convert(C1);
    330           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    331           assertNotNull(apiDelta);
    332     }
    334     @Test
    335     public void compareTypeVariables4() throws IOException{
    336         CompilationUnit C0 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    337                     "package a; " +
    338                     "public class C<T> {" +
    339                     "  public class I{" +
    340                     "    public void m(T t){}" +
    341                     "  } " +
    342                     "}");
    343         CompilationUnit C1 = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    344                     "package a; " +
    345                     "public class C {" +
    346                     "  public class I<T>{" +
    347                     "    public void m(T t){}" +
    348                     "  } " +
    349                     "}");
    350           IApi fromApi = convert(C0);
    351           IApi toApi = convert(C1);
    352           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    353           assertNotNull(apiDelta);
    354     }
    356     @Test
    357     public void interfaceClosureTest() throws IOException{
    358         CompilationUnit B = new CompilationUnit("a.B",
    359                     "package a; " +
    360                     "public class  B<S> {}");
    361         CompilationUnit C = new CompilationUnit("a.C",
    362                 "package a; " +
    363                 "public class C<R> extends B<R>  {}");
    364         CompilationUnit E = new CompilationUnit("a.E",
    365                 "package a; " +
    366                 "public class E<Q> extends C<Q> {}");
    367         CompilationUnit F = new CompilationUnit("a.F",
    368                 "package a; " +
    369                 "public class F<P> extends E<P> {}");
    370         CompilationUnit G = new CompilationUnit("a.G",
    371                 "package a; " +
    372                 "public class G<O> extends F<O> {}");
    373         CompilationUnit H = new CompilationUnit("a.H",
    374                 "package a; " +
    375                 "public class H<R> extends G<R> {}");
    376 //        IApi fromApi = convert(B,C, E, F);
    377 //        IApi toApi = convert(B,C,E, F);
    378           IApi fromApi = convert(B,C, E,F, G, H);
    379           IApi toApi = convert(B,C,E,F, G, H);
    382           long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    383           IApiDelta apiDelta = compare(fromApi, toApi);
    384           System.out.println("compare took :" + (System.currentTimeMillis() -start) + "ms");
    385           assertNull(apiDelta);
    386     }
    388 }