/external/llvm/test/MC/ELF/ |
comdat-reloc.s | 7 call world 10 .section .text.world,"axG",@progbits,world,comdat 11 .type world,@function 12 world: label 22 // CHECK-NEXT: Name: .text.world 27 // CHECK-NEXT: Name: .rela.text.world
/cts/tests/tests/util/src/android/util/cts/ |
TimeUtilsTest.java | 85 String[] world = new String[] { local 90 for (int i = 0; i < world.length; i += 2) { 91 String country = world[i]; 92 String name = world[i + 1];
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/bindings/v8/ |
V8WindowShell.h | 81 DOMWrapperWorld* world() { return m_world.get(); } function in class:WebCore::V8WindowShell
V8Initializer.cpp | 125 DOMWrapperWorld* world = DOMWrapperWorld::current(); local 127 if (world && frame && frame->script().existingWindowShell(world))
DOMWrapperWorld.cpp | 78 if (DOMWrapperWorld* world = isolatedWorld(context)) 79 return world; 93 DEFINE_STATIC_REF(DOMWrapperWorld, world, (adoptRef(new DOMWrapperWorld(MainWorldId - 1, DOMWrapperWorld::mainWorldExtensionGroup - 1)))); 94 return world; 152 RefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> world = result.iterator->value; local 153 if (world) { 154 ASSERT(world->worldId() == worldId); 155 ASSERT(world->extensionGroup() == extensionGroup); 156 return world.release(); 159 world = adoptRef(new DOMWrapperWorld(worldId, extensionGroup)) [all...] |
ScriptController.cpp | 226 V8WindowShell* ScriptController::existingWindowShell(DOMWrapperWorld* world) 228 ASSERT(world); 230 if (world->isMainWorld()) 234 if (world == existingWindowShellWorkaroundWorld()) 237 IsolatedWorldMap::iterator iter = m_isolatedWorlds.find(world->worldId()); 243 V8WindowShell* ScriptController::windowShell(DOMWrapperWorld* world) 245 ASSERT(world); 248 if (world->isMainWorld()) 251 IsolatedWorldMap::iterator iter = m_isolatedWorlds.find(world->worldId()); 255 OwnPtr<V8WindowShell> isolatedWorldShell = V8WindowShell::create(m_frame, world, m_isolate) 674 RefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> world = DOMWrapperWorld::ensureIsolatedWorld(worldID, extensionGroup); local [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/events/ |
ErrorEvent.h | 56 static PassRefPtr<ErrorEvent> create(const String& message, const String& fileName, unsigned lineNumber, unsigned columnNumber, PassRefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> world) 58 return adoptRef(new ErrorEvent(message, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber, world)); 64 static PassRefPtr<ErrorEvent> createSanitizedError(PassRefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> world) 66 return adoptRef(new ErrorEvent("Script error.", String(), 0, 0, world)); 81 PassRefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> world() const { return m_world; } function in class:WebCore::ErrorEvent
EventListener.h | 46 virtual DOMWrapperWorld* world() const { return 0; } function in class:WebCore::EventListener
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/util/ |
TimeUtilsTest.java | 87 String[] world = new String[] { local 386 for (int i = 0; i < world.length; i += 2) { 387 String country = world[i]; 388 String name = world[i + 1]; 405 String[] world = new String[] { local 410 for (int i = 0; i < world.length; i += 2) { 411 String country = world[i]; 412 String name = world[i + 1];
/external/chromium_org/mojo/system/ |
remote_message_pipe_posix_unittest.cc | 170 const char world[] = "world!!!1!!!1!"; local 223 world, sizeof(world), 236 EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(world), static_cast<size_t>(buffer_size)); 237 EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(buffer, world)); 261 const char world[] = "world!!!1!!!1!"; local 339 world, sizeof(world), [all...] |
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/bullet-native/ |
jmePhysicsSpace.cpp | 159 //create dynamics world 160 btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, broadphase, solver, collisionConfiguration); local 161 dynamicsWorld = world; 166 world->getSimulationIslandManager()->setSplitIslands(false); 167 world->getSolverInfo().m_numIterations = 4; 168 world->getSolverInfo().m_solverMode = SOLVER_SIMD + SOLVER_USE_WARMSTARTING; //+SOLVER_RANDMIZE_ORDER; 169 world->getDispatchInfo().m_enableSPU = true; 209 void jmePhysicsSpace::preTickCallback(btDynamicsWorld *world, btScalar timeStep) { 210 jmePhysicsSpace* dynamicsWorld = (jmePhysicsSpace*) world->getWorldUserInfo(); 223 void jmePhysicsSpace::postTickCallback(btDynamicsWorld *world, btScalar timeStep) [all...] |
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/graphics/kube/ |
Kube.java | 31 GLWorld world = new GLWorld(); local 52 mCubes[0] = new Cube(world, c0, c4, c0, c1, c5, c1); 53 mCubes[1] = new Cube(world, c2, c4, c0, c3, c5, c1); 54 mCubes[2] = new Cube(world, c4, c4, c0, c5, c5, c1); 56 mCubes[3] = new Cube(world, c0, c4, c2, c1, c5, c3); 57 mCubes[4] = new Cube(world, c2, c4, c2, c3, c5, c3); 58 mCubes[5] = new Cube(world, c4, c4, c2, c5, c5, c3); 60 mCubes[6] = new Cube(world, c0, c4, c4, c1, c5, c5); 61 mCubes[7] = new Cube(world, c2, c4, c4, c3, c5, c5); 62 mCubes[8] = new Cube(world, c4, c4, c4, c5, c5, c5) [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/tools/deep_memory_profiler/lib/ |
sorter.py | 39 in dmprof. (For example, the "vm" world and the "malloc" world.) 143 def __init__(self, world): 145 self._world = world 329 self._world = dct['world'] 336 if dct['world'] == 'vm': 338 elif dct['world'] == 'malloc': 341 LOGGER.error('Unknown sorter world type') 346 print >> result, 'world=%s' % self._world 358 if sorter_dict['world'] == 'vm' 367 def world(self): member in class:AbstractSorter [all...] |
/external/icu4c/test/intltest/ |
regiontst.cpp | 655 // Test to make sure that the set of territories contained in World and the set of all available 659 const Region *world = Region::getInstance("001",status); local 664 StringEnumeration *containedInWorld = world->getContainedRegions(URGN_TERRITORY); 688 errln("Available territories and all territories contained in world should be the same set.\nAvailable = %s\nContained in World = %s",
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/maccommon/ |
SDL_macevents.c | 462 int world = SDLK_WORLD_0; local 617 MAC_keymap[i] = world++;
/external/replicaisland/src/com/replica/replicaisland/ |
LevelSystem.java | 123 TiledWorld world = new TiledWorld(byteStream); local 148 mTileWidth, mTileHeight, world, tileIndex); 155 // Collision always defines the world boundaries. 156 mWidthInTiles = world.getWidth(); 157 mHeightInTiles = world.getHeight(); 162 collision.initialize(world, mTileWidth, mTileHeight); 165 mSpawnLocations = world; 170 hotSpots.setWorld(world);
TiledVertexGrid.java | 54 public void setWorld(TiledWorld world) { 55 mWorld = world; 131 TiledWorld world = mWorld; local 133 if (!mGenerated && world != null && gl != null && mTexture != null) {
/external/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/ |
p5.cpp | 34 extern const char world[6]; 35 const char world[6] = "world"; member in namespace:pointer_to_object_parameters 38 (void)A<world>().get();
/external/chromium/testing/gmock/test/ |
gmock-actions_test.cc | 491 Action<std::string()> a2 = Return("world"); 492 EXPECT_EQ("world", a2.Perform(make_tuple())); 729 a = SetArgPointee<1>("world"); 733 EXPECT_STREQ("world", ptr); 738 Action<MyFunction> a = SetArgPointee<0>(L"world"); 741 EXPECT_STREQ(L"world", ptr); 746 Action<MyStringFunction> a2 = SetArgPointee<0>(L"world"); 749 EXPECT_EQ(L"world", str); 766 char world_array[] = "world"; 767 char* const world = world_array local 787 wchar_t* const world = world_array; local [all...] |