/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/importer/ |
import_progress_dialog_cocoa.h | 49 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* explanatoryText; 50 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* favoritesStatusText; 51 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* searchStatusText; 52 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* savedPasswordStatusText; 53 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* historyStatusText; 55 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSColor* favoritesImportEnabled; 56 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSColor* searchImportEnabled; 57 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSColor* passwordImportEnabled; 58 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSColor* historyImportEnabled;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/ |
ANTLRTreeIterator.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 52 @property(retain) id<ANTLRTreeAdaptor> adaptor; 53 @property(retain) id<ANTLRBaseTree> root; 54 @property(retain) id<ANTLRBaseTree> tree; 55 @property(retain) ANTLRFastQueue *nodes; 56 @property(retain, readwrite) id<ANTLRBaseTree> up; 57 @property(retain, readwrite) id<ANTLRBaseTree> down; 58 @property(retain, readwrite) id<ANTLRBaseTree> eof;
ANTLRStreamEnumerator.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 46 @property (retain) id eof; 47 @property (retain) AMutableArray *nodes;
ANTLRTreePatternParser.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 59 @property (retain) ANTLRTreePatternLexer *tokenizer; 61 @property (retain) ANTLRTreeWizard *wizard; 62 @property (retain) id<ANTLRTreeAdaptor> adaptor;
ANTLRFailedPredicateException.h | 8 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 37 @property (retain) NSString *predicate; 38 @property (retain) NSString *ruleName;
ANTLRParserRuleReturnScope.h | 8 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 35 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) id<ANTLRToken> start; 36 @property (retain, getter=getStop, setter=setStop:) id<ANTLRToken> stopToken;
ANTLRCommonErrorNode.h | 12 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 63 @property (retain) id<ANTLRIntStream> input; 64 @property (retain) id<ANTLRToken> startToken; 65 @property (retain) id<ANTLRToken> stopToken; 66 @property (retain) ANTLRRecognitionException *trappedException;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/ |
background_tile_view.h | 20 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSImage* tileImage;
hyperlink_button_cell.h | 21 @property(nonatomic, retain) NSColor* textColor;
/external/clang/test/Modules/Inputs/ |
category_left_sub.h | 7 @property (retain) id p3_prop;
category_right_sub.h | 13 @property (retain) id p4_prop;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/treerewrite/output1/ |
TreeRewriteParser.m | 21 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 81 return [[[TreeRewriteParser_rule_return alloc] init] retain]; 94 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 114 return [[[TreeRewriteParser_subrule_return alloc] init] retain]; 127 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 149 FOLLOW_INT_in_rule26 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_INT_in_rule26_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 150 FOLLOW_subrule_in_rule28 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_subrule_in_rule28_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 151 FOLLOW_INT_in_subrule53 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_INT_in_subrule53_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 154 @"INT", @"WS", nil] retain]]; 165 if ((self = [super initWithTokenStream:aStream State:[[ANTLRRecognizerSharedState newANTLRRecognizerSharedStateWithRuleLen:2+1] retain]]) != nil) [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Headers/ |
ANTLRParserRuleReturnScope.h | 8 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 35 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) id<ANTLRToken> startToken; 36 @property (retain, getter=getStop, setter=setStop:) id<ANTLRToken> stopToken;
ANTLRTreeRuleReturnScope.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 40 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) ANTLRCommonTree *startNode;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ |
ANTLRParserRuleReturnScope.h | 8 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 35 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) id<ANTLRToken> startToken; 36 @property (retain, getter=getStop, setter=setStop:) id<ANTLRToken> stopToken;
ANTLRTreeRuleReturnScope.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 40 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) ANTLRCommonTree *startNode;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/ANTLR.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/ |
ANTLRParserRuleReturnScope.h | 8 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 35 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) id<ANTLRToken> startToken; 36 @property (retain, getter=getStop, setter=setStop:) id<ANTLRToken> stopToken;
ANTLRTreeRuleReturnScope.h | 13 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 40 @property (retain, getter=getStart, setter=setStart:) ANTLRCommonTree *startNode;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/treeparser/ |
LangParser.m | 50 return [[[LangParser_start_return alloc] init] retain]; 69 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 90 return [[[LangParser_decl_return alloc] init] retain]; 109 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 130 return [[[LangParser_type_return alloc] init] retain]; 149 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 189 FOLLOW_decl_in_start41 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_decl_in_start41_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 190 FOLLOW_type_in_decl50 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_type_in_decl50_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 191 FOLLOW_ID_in_decl52 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_ID_in_decl52_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 192 FOLLOW_10_in_decl54 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_10_in_decl54_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/simplecTreeParser/output1/ |
SimpleCParser.m | 21 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 85 return [[[DFA2 alloc] initWithRecognizer:aRecognizer] retain]; 261 return [[[SimpleCParser_program_return alloc] init] retain]; 274 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 293 return [[[SimpleCParser_declaration_return alloc] init] retain]; 306 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 325 return [[[SimpleCParser_variable_return alloc] init] retain]; 338 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 357 return [[[SimpleCParser_declarator_return alloc] init] retain]; 370 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/simplecTreeParser/ |
SimpleCParser.m | 60 return [[[DFA2 alloc] initWithRecognizer:aRecognizer] retain]; 237 return [[[SimpleCParser_program_return alloc] init] retain]; 256 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 277 return [[[SimpleCParser_declaration_return alloc] init] retain]; 296 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 317 return [[[SimpleCParser_variable_return alloc] init] retain]; 336 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 357 return [[[SimpleCParser_declarator_return alloc] init] retain]; 376 if (aTree != nil) [aTree retain]; 397 return [[[SimpleCParser_functionHeader_return alloc] init] retain]; [all...] |
SimpleCParser.h | 72 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 91 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 110 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 129 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 148 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 167 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 186 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 205 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 224 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree; 243 @property (retain, getter=getTree, setter=setTree:) ANTLRCommonTree *tree [all...] |
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/LL-star/ |
SimpleCParser.m | 60 return [[[DFA2 alloc] initWithRecognizer:aRecognizer] retain]; 251 FOLLOW_declaration_in_program28 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_declaration_in_program28_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 252 FOLLOW_variable_in_declaration50 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_variable_in_declaration50_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 253 FOLLOW_functionHeader_in_declaration60 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_functionHeader_in_declaration60_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 254 FOLLOW_11_in_declaration62 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_11_in_declaration62_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 255 FOLLOW_functionHeader_in_declaration75 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_functionHeader_in_declaration75_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 256 FOLLOW_block_in_declaration77 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_block_in_declaration77_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 257 FOLLOW_type_in_variable99 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_type_in_variable99_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 258 FOLLOW_declarator_in_variable101 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_declarator_in_variable101_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; 259 FOLLOW_11_in_variable103 = [[ANTLRBitSet newANTLRBitSetWithBits:(const unsigned long long *)FOLLOW_11_in_variable103_data Count:(NSUInteger)1] retain]; [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/remoting/host/mac/ |
me2me_preference_pane_disable.h | 15 @property (retain) id delegate;
/external/iproute2/tc/ |
m_pedit.h | 50 extern int parse_cmd(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, __u32 len, int type,__u32 retain,struct tc_pedit_sel *sel,struct tc_pedit_key *tkey); 52 extern int pack_key32(__u32 retain,struct tc_pedit_sel *sel,struct tc_pedit_key *tkey); 53 extern int pack_key16(__u32 retain,struct tc_pedit_sel *sel,struct tc_pedit_key *tkey); 54 extern int pack_key8(__u32 retain,struct tc_pedit_sel *sel,struct tc_pedit_key *tkey); 56 extern int parse_cmd(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, __u32 len, int type,__u32 retain,struct tc_pedit_sel *sel,struct tc_pedit_key *tkey);