/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/scroll/ |
ScrollbarThemeNonMacCommon.cpp | 117 const int yPos = rect.y() + (rect.height() * percent); 120 FloatRect tickRect(rect.x(), yPos, rect.width(), 3); 124 FloatRect tickStroke(rect.x(), yPos + 1, rect.width(), 1);
ScrollbarThemeMacCommon.mm | 126 const int yPos = rect.y() + (rect.height() * percent); 129 FloatRect tickRect(rect.x(), yPos, rect.width(), 2);
/external/skia/gm/ |
pathopsinverse.cpp | 64 int yPos = 0; 78 canvas->translate(0, SkIntToScalar(yPos)); 90 canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(xPos), SkIntToScalar(yPos)); 97 yPos += 150;
optimizations.cpp | 338 int xPos = 0, yPos = 0; 349 canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(xPos), SkIntToScalar(yPos)); 369 canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(xPos), SkIntToScalar(yPos)); 377 yPos += post->height();
/external/chromium_org/chrome/test/android/javatests/src/org/chromium/chrome/test/util/ |
TranslateUtil.java | 53 float yPos = text.getHeight() / (float) 2; 55 TestTouchUtils.singleClickView(test.getInstrumentation(), text, (int) xPos, (int) yPos);
/packages/apps/Gallery/src/com/android/camera/ |
GridViewSpecial.java | 68 Bitmap b, int xPos, int yPos, int w, int h); 70 int xPos, int yPos, int w, int h); 673 int yPos = mSpec.mCellSpacing + startRow * mBlockHeight; 678 mDrawAdapter.drawDecoration(canvas, image, xPos, yPos, 685 yPos += mBlockHeight; 910 final int yPos = currentBlock * height; 911 if (yPos >= scrollPos + thisHeight) { 917 blk.doDraw(canvas, 0, yPos); 919 drawEmptyBlock(canvas, 0, yPos, currentBlock); 933 private void drawEmptyBlock(Canvas canvas, int xPos, int yPos, int row) [all...] |
ImageGallery.java | 782 Bitmap b, int xPos, int yPos, int w, int h) { 800 mDstRect.set(xPos, yPos, xPos + w, yPos + h); 804 mDstRect.set(xPos, yPos, xPos + w, yPos + h); 815 int top = (w - height) / 2 + yPos; 837 canvas.drawRect(xPos, yPos, xPos + w, yPos + h, paint); 842 int top = (h - height) / 2 + yPos; 854 int xPos, int yPos, int w, int h) [all...] |
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/tools/jme3tools/optimize/ |
TextureAtlas.java | 285 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < height; yPos++) { 287 int i = ((xPos + x) + (yPos + y) * atlasWidth) * 4; 289 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 4; 295 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 3; 301 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 3; 307 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 4; 313 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 1; 319 int j = (xPos + yPos * width) * 2 [all...] |
/frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/wm/ |
DimLayer.java | 168 final float xPos, yPos; 173 yPos = mBounds.right; 183 yPos = -1 * dh / 6; 188 mDimSurface.setPosition(xPos, yPos);
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/rendering/ |
RenderFrameSet.cpp | 136 LayoutUnit yPos = 0; 143 paintColumnBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + xPos, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, borderThickness, height()))); 150 yPos += m_rows.m_sizes[r]; 152 paintRowBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, width(), borderThickness))); 153 yPos += borderThickness; 507 int yPos = 0; 513 child->setLocation(IntPoint(xPos, yPos)); 530 yPos += height + borderThickness;
RenderDeprecatedFlexibleBox.cpp | 345 LayoutUnit yPos = borderTop() + paddingTop(); 365 setHeight(yPos); 405 setHeight(max(yPos + maxAscent + maxDescent, height())); 408 setHeight(max(height(), yPos + child->height() + child->marginHeight())); 430 if (childLayer->staticBlockPosition() != yPos) { 431 childLayer->setStaticBlockPosition(yPos); 462 LayoutUnit childY = yPos; 634 LayoutUnit yPos = borderTop() + paddingTop(); 725 yPos = height(); 743 remainingSpace = borderTop() + paddingTop() + contentHeight() - yPos; [all...] |
RenderBlockFlow.h | 216 LayoutUnit getClearDelta(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit yPos); 371 LayoutUnit clearFloatsIfNeeded(RenderBox* child, MarginInfo&, LayoutUnit oldTopPosMargin, LayoutUnit oldTopNegMargin, LayoutUnit yPos); 377 LayoutUnit applyBeforeBreak(RenderBox* child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset); // If the child has a before break, then return a new yPos that shifts to the top of the next page/column.
/external/chromium_org/v8/test/mjsunit/regress/ |
regress-201590.js | 45 var yPos = ((yOffset) * gdpRatio) + this.ORIGIN.y * this.scale + 51 y: Math.floor(yPos)
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/draw9patch/ui/ |
StretchesViewer.java | 242 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yLen; yPos++) { 244 Projection p = mProjection[yPos][xPos];
ImageViewer.java | 649 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yLen; yPos++) { 651 Chunk c = mChunks[yPos][xPos]; 683 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yLen; yPos++) { 685 Chunk c = mBadChunks[yPos][xPos];
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/draw9patch/graphics/ |
NinePatchedImage.java | 668 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yLen; yPos++) { 670 Chunk c = chunks[yPos][xPos]; 761 for (int yPos = 0; yPos < lenY; yPos++) { 765 Chunk chunk = mPatchChunks[yPos][xPos]; 769 yPos, xPos, chunk.toString())); 773 projections[yPos][xPos] = p [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/src/ports/ |
SkHarfBuzzFont.cpp | 83 hb_uint32 index, HB_Fixed* xPos, HB_Fixed* yPos, 104 *yPos = SkScalarToHarfbuzzFixed(pt.fY);
/external/skia/src/ports/ |
SkHarfBuzzFont.cpp | 83 hb_uint32 index, HB_Fixed* xPos, HB_Fixed* yPos, 104 *yPos = SkScalarToHarfbuzzFixed(pt.fY);
/packages/inputmethods/PinyinIME/src/com/android/inputmethod/pinyin/ |
CandidateView.java | 501 int yPos = (getMeasuredHeight() - 533 mCandRects.elementAt(i).set(xPos - 1, yPos + mFmiCandidates.top, 534 xPos + itemTotalWidth + 1, yPos + mFmiCandidates.bottom); 539 / 2, yPos, mFootnotePaint); 553 canvas.drawText(cand, xPos + centerOffset, yPos,
/packages/wallpapers/NoiseField/src/com/android/noisefield/ |
NoiseFieldRS.java | 147 float yPos = Float.parseFloat(values[1]); 151 mVertexColors.set_position(i, new Float3(xPos, yPos, 0.0f), false);
/packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/src/com/android/phasebeam/ |
PhaseBeamRS.java | 162 float yPos = new Float(values[1]); 166 mVertexColors.set_position(i, new Float3(xPos, yPos, 0.0f), false);
/external/chromium/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/hello-php/ |
popuplib.js | 110 var yPos = parentPos[1] + 112 return [xPos, yPos];
/external/chromium_org/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/hello-php/ |
popuplib.js | 110 var yPos = parentPos[1] + 112 return [xPos, yPos];
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/svg/ |
SVGParserUtilities.cpp | 280 float yPos = 0.0f; 281 if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, yPos, false)) 292 pointsList.append(FloatPoint(xPos, yPos));
/packages/wallpapers/Basic/src/com/android/wallpaper/grass/ |
GrassRS.java | 235 blades.yPos = mHeight;